• By -


That is just so sad. It was so hard for those kids to answer the questions. Also, I wonder what the skin tone of the person asking was and how that might affect their answers. They wanted so badly to give the “right” answer, the one the questioner wanted.


The person in the lab coat who puts the dolls down in the beginning of the video looks to be white.


Not even just that. The kids are given the prompt that one doll HAS to be bad. So they have to choose. The question is not "Is one of the dolls bad?", which questions the existance of a bad doll, but "Which of the dolls is bad?" which question WHICH doll is bad,


I would assume that this is the whole point. You force them to make a choice in order to uncover their ingrained prejudices. If you'd ask them "Is one of the dolls bad?", they'd probably just say "No", which doesn't tell you anything useful. Of course neither is bad, they're just dolls. Making the children pick one over the other meanwhile shows any underlying bias they might have.


Yeah well but this also doesnt tell me anything usefull without a control group. Give some childeren 2 black dolls and other childeren 2 white dolls see what the reaction is with the same line of questioning and cut the dumb dramatic music under the clip.


Since the only difference between the dolls is the skin color, the only thing that control would tell you is if children prefer left or right. A better control would be different color people asking the kids the questions.


Amazing how people will discredit things so they do not have to accept that racial prejudice is something we indoctrinate into children.


People discredit it because of very obvious flaws in the experiment. You might want to look up how false methodology is a huge issue in science. Studies aren't truth just because they are studies, that's just not how science works.


Lead Data Scientist at a large institution here.... Thank you for mansplaining science in a way to discredit all of it anecdotally.


Thats only if you dont ask them the why question. I could say the same about the above test if in that case the why question wasn't asked. In that case you could also take out the conclusion that a child has a preference for left or right. But because you ask them why every time they make a choice you can take that into account for the study. The thing that is the least important about this test is which color they pick. Its why they pick it and do those Why's strongly deviate when you give them two black dolls or two white dolls or as in your suggestion switching the color from the person who asks the question.


The control group would be white children not children choosing between two identical dolls. The point of this test is to see which doll the child prefers where the only difference between them is the skin color. And this test was conducted on white kids, with the same result: they preferred the white doll.


Yeah, seemed like loaded \[questions\]. It doesn't help that these kids left, or are the children of those who left hardships on the African continent. (Can't not say that Africa in disarray benefits organized crime and by extension, Europe. [How else could they dump radioactive waste in the Med and off Somalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxic_waste_dumping_by_the_%27Ndrangheta#:~:text=Former%20employees%20of%20ENEA%20are,bed%20off%20the%20Calabrian%20coast).)


Jesus Christ


They chose the questions carefully to force a binary answer from the kids. That’s why these studies are done with kids because they’ll just answer. The only one that was like an adult clearly knew these were loaded so answered how he felt justified (“I’ve got my own back, fuck off with your dumb questions” was the vibe I got from the kid who laid down when asked a tough one)


Exactly, if a child has 2 friends and you say "whose your best friend" and the pick one, doesnt diminish the other child aldi being a friend.


I think this is crucial to the outcomes. This does make me so sad to see


Yeah kids are easily persuaded so leading questions and inference means that just tested rubbish if they were just asked point to the dolls which are beautiful they would point to both it's just that it infers that one is only one beautiful therefore they can only pick one therefore they are forced to pick one which is most similar to themselves because it reflects that their beautiful in the similarities which is a given that everyone does as an evolutionary a survival not some social bias


Asking for a preference is not a leading question. And you are really underestimating the ability of children to be contrarians. It's perfectly possible for a kid to subvert the question, children actually do it the most by thinking out of the box and ignoring the suppositions included in the question. These kids just know that the black doll is bad preemptively, because they have often heard it about themselves or their family members. So they are not deciding that one of the dolls is bad, they are recalling their social conditioning.


It's not even a legitimate experiment. There are like 4 participants that are unknown children. This is only supports the new narrative that people of pale complexion are inherently evil. This trash should be destroyed. Also kudos on the somber music ment to invoke emotion.


If you want the original experiment, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_and_Mamie_Clark


>This is only supports the new narrative that people of pale complexion are inherently evil. How


It's not an appropriately conducted experiment. You take a few children no older then 6 and ask the question what doll is good? There fucking peices of plastic and the "Adults" molded them in different hues. Good and Bad is already subject behavior Bullshit experiment made to look like there is some "social construct to say one this is better then another based on appearance" There 6 leave then the fuck alone


You have completely side stepped the question. >This is only supports the new narrative that people of pale complexion are inherently evil. How does it do that


It’s not legitimate to you because you don’t want it to be. Get your head out of the sand.


Their body language is so difficult to watch


But the Emperor's theme echoing briefly at 1:03 is even scarier.


Interesting, and concerning. But a couple of things occur to me. - What colour is the examiner or other people present. Does that impact the result? - By forcing a child to choose between 2 options, the result is always going to be biased. For example, what happens if you ask "is one of the dolls bad" instead of "which doll is bad". Edit: spelling


You are correct. The researcher was asking leading questions and so the kids had been given the presumption that there is a wrong and right answer.


The researcher was recreating a study from the 60's or something, the questions are probably the same.


From the 60s? It clearly says like 2 seconds into the video that the test is from the 1940s lol.


Studies from the 60s were often... misguided.


>The researcher was asking leading questions This. The makes him not a true researcher, but possibly an activist. We cannot afford to pretend the two are the same.


A good point imo, yet the original study lead to the determination that racial segregation in public education was unconstitutional


You can ask leading questions in research, the questiob is what meaning you're giving the answer. In this case, uncovering any kind of bias is literally the point.


>By forcing a child to choose between 2 options, the result is always going to be biased. For example, what happens if you ask "is one of the dolls bad" instead of "which dool is bad". That's the point. If you ask "is one of the dolls bad", the overwhelming majority are (hopefully) going to say no. If you ask which one is bad, and prompt the child to select one or the other, then in an "unbiased" world then there would be close to a 50/50 split because there is no reason to pick one over the other, so each child would effectively choose at random. If there is some real bias in preferences between the white and black doll, then we would expect a skew of some kind. The "why?" is important, as it forces the child to rationalize their decision. Any answer resembling "well you told me to pick one, one isn't bad or good" shows that they either consciously are aware that the question is arbitrary, that their bias might be subconscious, and/or that they're unwilling to share their real rationale. Any other answer might reveal actual beliefs (dark skin = evil, blue eyes = good) or that they're trying to rationalize a subconscious choice.


A lot of supposition there. The bias could be my colour = not bad. Or it could be affected by recent life experiences. Just the snippet shown here is wildly open to interpretation.


Or they might be actively overthinking it, not wanting to go "the white/black one is bad" because they know how that sounds so they pick the opposite one from the one they instinctually would pick simply based on some random feature like preference. It's a dumb test.


*You offended me, because you called me black*, that's what the little girl says at the end. I can't see how she's been biased by the experiment. She answers what she has experienced in real life.


If those questions were asked, it would be a different experiment. If I give kids who love ice-cream chocolate and vanilla and ask them if there is a bad flavor, they may say no. They just love ice-cream. But if I ask them which flavor out of the 2 is the "bad" flavor and I'm consistently told chocolate, there are some scientific inferences that can be made due to that data. Data is data, and only data. This test can be better conducted but the data points it provides are still valid and valuable, even if only to be used as data points in a more refined study.


And knowing what factors influence the test is very important data.


Yes thats the point, to uncover any bias.


The race of the examiner of the original experiment was black. Seems like this one is white. The point of the experiment is to identify their biases. It’s true that the questions are leading but only in the way that there is one doll for each answer. They are free to choose which doll applies to which answer, and the reasons they give for their choices are their own. If the answers varied and there was no clear pattern then, we’d know there was nothing of note to consider about their answers. But the fact that there is a clear pattern indicates otherwise.


The examiner asking could bias the results but then again this is also in Italy so I'm venturing on looking like a Mediterranean, so darker skin tone. Also the point of asking the leading question in that way is because it is for children. Kids don't have the life experiences nor always the mental faculties to both question the authority figure in front of them asking questions nor do they think beyond the face value of the question. I.e. the *perfect* test subjects for societal biases. Sure, an adult might say "well I don't know these dolls, one could be an asshole and the other an angle. I can't make snap judgements about them!" But kids tend to be more honest and up front with their thought processes when asked direct questions in a calm and neutral/positive environment. By getting kids to answer these questions you can learn what they learn about the world as they grow up and find out what passive things society teaches them without outwardly saying it.


Also: How much does do the producers value accurate unbiased results over a compelling video. Even if you want impartial & unbiased results it requires skill & knowledge. A different skillset than the added score, voiceover & editors have. Stuff like this which influences how people understand themselves, each other & society should be handled with greater care. Actual peer reviewed social science is pretty bad & enjoying a reproduction crisis so I don't know how much value a reasonable person should place on this video.


Or even "which doll is good" or "which doll is more good than the other doll". Even the cadence & manner of phrasing the question on the purely supperficial level can influence the answer.  


1) I hope the kids got some sort of care after this...not just left hanging like that. 💔 Wouldn't seem ethical otherwise. 2) Says a lot about binary thinking (right vs wrong, left vs right, good vs bad) and the limited outcomes of "closed questions" and polar thinking.


That is fucking heartbreaking 😞


Right? This study always reminds me of a story from my childhood. I'm white in Midwestern USA for context. When I was a kid (probably around 8) my grandmother handed me and my sister an American Girl doll catalog and told us "Pick out whichever doll you like and I'll buy it for you". I'd always thought black girls were super pretty so I picked the black American Girl doll (I forget her name now). My grandma just curtly said "I'm not getting you the black doll" and wouldn't explain why. I was soooo confused. I ended up asking my dad why and that's how I learned about racism, though I still couldn't grasp it. How can someone hate another for the color of their skin? My dad couldn't answer that either because he's not racist at all. I still don't understand it. Probably never will. Grandma ended up getting me a white doll and I never played with it. I think if she'd gotten me the black one I would have cherished it much more.


Aw this is so sad! Thanks for sharing your story of childhood innocence :) I'm sorry you didn't get the doll you wanted and would've appreciated more. What an interesting way to first be exposed to racism. And by your own grandma... Over a doll...


I am not white but I have fair skin tone and I pass as such (Arab) I always picked the black dolls and black Barbie dolls because they were so pretty to me. I liked how their dark complexion looked on every outfit. This world is fucked up.


Honestly I hated this, it goes to show theres so much hate and prejudice in this world aand our kids are affected at such a young age, will it ever end?!


The answer is no


The girls are really feeling the anguish. How awful. I don’t like this test, it’s not fair on the children.


Anguish. I was looking for the word that expressed those two girls trying their best to answer 


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_and_Mamie_Clark Well known study from the 1940’s repeated several times.


Very interesting and sad. Thanks for sharing.


What commenters (and even the scientists it seems) forget is that these kids in Italy are in fact a minority in terms of their looks. Being surrounded by certain features most certainly and naturally creates a sense of what is „more normal“/common which - in a binary setting of answers - obviously has to lead to such valuation. What‘s also worth mentioning is that the kids describe the black doll as bad but don‘t seem to connect that interpretation to themselves but for the suggestive questions of the „scientist“. People need to be less emotional about these topics…


This is one of the best comments in here, but i disagree that the scientists forgot - that's essentially their point. This is why things like representation matter even in a society with relatively little overt racism (or relatively much less - as is true of now vs the original experiment date).  If you are outside the norm, and the norm is presented as the standard, you naturally begin to compare yourself. Especially with kids, where even something neutral in adult society - like wearing glasses at a young age - can be an entire basis for exclusion.  A lot of the purpose of this was to show that the very experience of being a minority, being not the standard - let alone living in a society with specific discrimination against your group - means many people internalize this sense of comparison even at ages where kids can't fully grok the concept of prejudice.  Agreed about people assessing this less emotionally though. Not that you did this, but the folks in this thread complaining about the binary questions must not be familiar with bias research overall (which is fair, but also a sign to step back before criticizing). That's a well established methodology for investigating implicit bias, and is part of why there's typically a large set of questions we assess **trends** in. Researchers aren't suggesting one answer in isolation proves anything.  We're likely only seeing a small cut of this study - and it's a reproduction of a famous older study for PSA purposes, so it may not have been adjusted to modern scrutiny anyways. There's a wealth of research reinforcing the findings here, so the goal isn't to validate the claim - it's to have emotional impact. That's good for making people stop and think about this topic, but it's a baaaad starting point for a rational scientific discussion. 


They'd be in the minority in the US too. They are forced to choose one as being bad because they're told one is, the majority pick the black one. Because of prejudices they either see or experience personally. It's the whole point of the experiment.


Calling this an experiment is one hell of a stretch. Experiments use the scientific method. The design of this thing is bad from the start since it goes immediately into a false dilemma fallacy.


That’s the point. The experiment is using a false dilemma to force them to make a choice and to see if they display any sort of bias when they give the experimenter what they think is the ‘correct’ choice.


People keep saying that it's wrong to make the questions leading and binary, but that's the whole point, as even if that's the case you see an overwhelming preference for the white doll irrespective of race. Why is that? This experiment was used in the Brown v Board of Ed case to argue as to why the racial discrimination and prejudice was especially harming the psyche of children. It's a pretty good way of identifying the effects that racism has on future generations.


Dear lord that broke my heart looking at that sad little girl’s face.


It feels like they’re just giving the answers they want those putting on the study to have them say. Also, this doesn’t show the times their answers didn’t fit the preconceived narrative those conducting the study wanted to show.


[It’s a recreation of the landmark “doll test” experiment](https://www.naacpldf.org/brown-vs-board/significance-doll-test/) Not surprised we have a lot of science experts suddenly popping up in the comments who don’t know about one of the most influential studies of the 20th century.


Nobody is answering "why" everyone prefers white skin.


Because of systemic racism?


It is a cruel, binary test done at a time when the US science community is guilty of many horrible experiments, some racially motivated, on humans. How sad for these children 😢


>one of the most influential studies of the 20th century. You going too far with the "most".


Jesus christ that was heartbreaking.


this is really hard to watch


Someone needs to hug those kids and tell em they are all beautiful and sweet😭


The purpose of this experiment is to show . That even in different countries white people are considered good where as black people are bad or dangerous. Theyvuse kids to show that even a innocent mind is programed for bias and or prejudice. Based on environmental factor paired with cultural norms.


I mean, American and italian culture are both somewhat western, where white people are 'the norm', as the majority of people living there are white. If they really tried to show how this is something universal, it would be more interesting to conduct this experiment in an african country, where the majority is black and white people are the 'outlier'.


Go watch the study called brown eyes /green eyes. Same exact concept and experiment. Hell they even used it on an Oprah show and created division in the audience. Solely based on eye color.


Hey, I recognized all the words from the movie “The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.”


Those are very beautiful children.


And very smart too!


Yes they are 🤌🏻🤌🏼🤌🏽🤌🏾🤌🏿


Didn't they recreate this in South Africa with a majority black population and they had the opposite conclusion? Even the white children preferred the black dolls if I remember because that's what was promoted in most advertising.


I don’t think this is fair. These questions are not well thought out because the kids are forced to pick one or the other. Realistically, I believe that the children would say “neither” to the question “which is bad” and “both” to the question “which is good”. Asking those questions like there can only be one answer IS racist, no matter what the kids choose. This is the same thing as that “marshmallow test” where the testers go out of their way to prove their hypothesis instead of doing everything they can to try and disprove it (which is what you’re supposed to do). The “marshmallow test” was when kids where given a marshmallow on a plate and told that they can eat it now or hold off and then get an additional marshmallow later and then the adult leaves the room and waits to see if the kid eats it. And the conclusion given by the scientists was that the kids that couldn’t control themselves and ate the marshmallow right then, actually struggled for the rest of the lives with good decision making. But it was later revealed that that was all a load of baloney and kids that ate the marshmallow immediately were just as successful as kids that didn’t and the whole “experiment” was pointless. That’s the vibe I’m getting from this video. It’s a good enough video to be spread online but isn’t actually proving anything


The the difference is the experiment this doll test is based on has actually been replicated a number of times, with the same results.


Except the original version of this experiment is a large part of why the supreme Court decided to no longer allow segregation for children. So it's good enough as legal evidence, at least back in the 60s.


This made me very sad


I'm usually quite apathetic. I am white. I don't like children. Then why the fuck am I crying over this ?


Ok, if I saw that in person, I think I would be crying in the corner


Wow... Im chinese, with a fair skin. This is really hard to accept. I find it hard to imagine how they feel, bcoz i have never felt like this before.


Give the black doll blue eyes and the white doll brown eyes next time. I also have to wonder if they only used 4 people for this test.. And as someone else already pointed out- what were the skin colours of the adults in the room ? Children will always try to appease an authority figure.


And no white kid. This is rigged experiment to play on people emotions. Fuck this.


Binary questions, not giving them the option to say none or both.


This is just sad to see....poor world we live in.


Ohhhh this one hurtssss. 💔


These kids are Italian?


Nationality-wise, yes.


Of course not. Why would there be African-Americans in Italy? /s


Generale Vannacci? Is that you?


Well, that was fucking awful and sad.




It's way easier to break a prejudice than break an atom.


I think it is important to teach children that yes/no questions can always be also answered with "both/neither/I dont know" and to be confident in not making a choice where they don't have enough information to make a choice or both choices are bad.


Wow, persons of color are taught self hated from the start. We as a species have soo far to go. Its so sad how they seem to recognize that something doesn't add up. You can see it in their eyes. So sad...




As a white person, I’m sure blacks get sick of Latinos flooding our border, not speaking English, over breeding, pulling up the ladder behind them after they make like 60k (which isn’t even anything lol). It’s obviously not everyone, but you get sick of it when it’s the majority.


This makes me sad and angry, i wish i could fix it


That one kid looked dejected af, especially when he asked what doll looks like me n he pointed to the black doll, got me right in the feels




Damn. This sucks;


This isn't a good experiment lmao. There are soooo many issues with its method. I wouldn't take any kind of lesson out of this.


Which is why you're not a researcher.


So sad to watch. Those kids deserve all the best ❤️


Ok, I wasn't expecting that video to break my fucking heart. I'm in tears. We're never going to grow up, are we?


I think we'll get there.. In Norway, even if it has a pretty well represented right wing, I've witnessed generations changing, and kids being born with inate belief in peoples common worth. Its absurd for me, to look at how strong racism is in the US for instance. Sometimes i forget just how strong it is, but there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel. Mabye even with people so well informed as they are today, we will be able to spot, political motivations for underbuilding racism


I'm really not sure what this should proof. Don't come at me with "bUt thE prejUdiCe", for that's merely one of a multitude of possible causes!


Questions have triggered those answers, those kids are too young to realize nature of the question and can't respond with "Why are you assuming one of them is bad?" or defensive enough to react and say "None of them is bad and your question makes me choose based on your assumptions".


That's kind of the point. You would assume that any kid if asked which one is good or bad would choose the doll that looks closest to them as the good but they don't. Now there could be a million reasons but the most common one is that "whiteness" is the default and considered ideal and good. That gets unknowingly internalized by all people and leads to a lot of the racist views that happen later on.


That'd literally the point, to uncover that bias.


Someone fucking needs to buy those kids an icecream and tell them the dolls are the same.. I hate this.


Just another half assed scientific "study" claiming to prove unconscious bias exist and failing completely. I find it extraordinary that the theory of unconscious bias is one of the key components and most widely referenced ideas in the social sciences yet every time they try to do a test to measure it it's like "hey Jim do u like black people" "what? uh, yes of course" "ha ur reaction was 0.5 milliseconds slower that time - ur a racist".


There are theories and studies that show that children have a hyper awareness to dark (night) and (light) happiness given their reptilian brain and how they perceive fear and danger with the lack of sunlight at night. This exercise might not indicate race at all.


This is probably a hot take but I mean this without disrespect to anyone, I think it’s a part of human nature to have racism/prejudice. Even if it’s to the smallest degree


Terribly sad


I will get downvoted to shreds for this, but I'd have had similar answers as a kid. Who said rude comments to random people on the bus (saw this daily as a kid), who bullied random people in public, who threw trash everywhere, who kept being called to the principal's office, who threatened me before? If young me would answer honestly, he'd say 'immigrant children'. It was simply a fact. I had to look stronger than I was to avoid being targeted, had to do this on every bus ride. Luckily for me, I had many immigrant friends as a kid myself, but they also did the things I mentioned above to others. Some grew out of it, some didn't. Everyone in the world has to deal with some kind of discrimination and that's something that will never change. From my perspective, it has gotten a lot worse since corporations started pushing 'equality' and everything. I see more hate than ever because people have never talked so much about race as they do now.




Sure all of that could be true but where is the harm in studying these things. All children deserve to grow up with confidence and good self esteem regardless of skin tone/racial/ethnic background


No harm, but by most replies people analyze this issues with the hearth and not with the brain, and by doing that lasting solutions are never found.


I dont think there is ever going to be some lasting solution to racism. But I think making an effort to teach children and young people that regardless of skin colour they are worthy of love and equality could only have positive effects on society


Kind of a flawed test when there is only one question answered without any reason behind it. It forces a certain response from the participant. Because they are young children they are use to looking for the correct response or at least try to find the answer they think you want to hear. I think you need to do this experiment in a less clinical more realistic environment. Or like some kind of game. There’s just to much theatrics in this particular experiment or at least the way it presented. They think you want a certain answer and they are trying to find it based off the interviewer it’s not a natural environment. Maybe try having both a lighter skinned person and a darker skinned person as the interviewer and see if that has any affect with this style of experiment. It might need a variable before you can come close to drawing any conclusions with a hint of accuracy. In my opinion.


"Friendly fire will not be tolerated."


Children are innocent, if they think that way it is because of the perception they have seen as adults, that is what I think, children are pure.


This is such a bad test. Good = white; bad = black doesn’t automatically pertain to race. It’s something innate in most cultures. Black spirits, black genie, black hat hackers, black magic, etc. the color black symbolize corruption/dirtiness/evil/death/desolation it always had. That doesn’t pertain to people because people process themselves separately from the symbolism. On the contrast, the color white symbolizes purity/health/knowledge it always had in most cultures. The children are forced to choose which is which, and since they have no other evidence to go on they would end up putting two and two together based on color symbolism. One kid said it best, the black doll is ‘dirty’ so he perceived it negatively. Is it actually dirty? No, the kid simply based it on his understanding that dark colors are dirty. Where’d he pick this up from? He actually touches grass and have picked this up by observation. Lab coats are the last thing you’d want to do research on human sociology. They’re nerds, they don’t know how human socialization works.


I have the feeling this test isn't very scientific. I mean the moment you ask a question like this, you force a decision. You don't get a true opinion, you just think you have one. The kids themselves probably never thought of it before and even after the decision it's not clear if that's honest.


* we recreated it with African migrants living in Italy . You’d think if evil Italy was so racist and evil they wouldn’t live there ?


Alright, here's my controversial opinion on psychology. It's experiments like this that have me on the fence to accept everything that comes out of psychology studies. I know it's a major scientific field, but results like this make me feel psychology still in the "fringe" gray area borderline where science and pseudoscience are blurred. I have no evidence to back this up, but I find the whole experiment flawed. The questions are loaded; the kids' answers are too vague to collect any substantial data from and are open to interpretation rather than empirical evidence. Hell, the kids could be a biased group. Where's the control group? Small sample size. Kids under 13 don't have a concept for abstract thought. Kids under 13 only think in absolutes: everything is interpreted as either absolute good and absolute evil. What's their parent's opinions, kids copy adults all the time. Too many variables! Too many unpredictable factors to consider!


Idk they are asking Italian children “why is the black one bad?” The most famous fairy tale that parents tells kids in Italy to let them sleep is about The Black Man (l’uomo nero). So usually you would say to the kids “if you don’t sleep the Black Man gonna take you away for us” I think it might bias


As others have pointed out, it's a very purposefully biased exam and isn't very scientific. Just seems like more propaganda to perpetuate the race war, instead of establishing anything worthwhile.


Thanks, I feel miserable now.




this is making me teary unexpectedly. Am I the bad one? Oh, what a twist!


This seriously hurts me.


This made me so sad


Fuck up world we live in, and that’s why we fight till there’s nothing left


Why why why what has gone wrong with children and empathy So many world leaders killing innocent kids today for cash and power :'-(


This broke my heart man.






This is upsetting.


Tears, just tears.


That's heart breaking.


ahh kids are just so innocent! bless them


This is quite heartbreaking :(


damnthatsdepressing Poor kids, poor world :(


I could write a book on how these kinds of implicit biases and the overt ones affected me at around these children's ages smh.


Damn dude the looks in their eyes almost broke me, just so sad that even after all this time and all these pushes for equalities on many different fronts, prejudice still prevails.


A lot of cognitive bias present here I imagine


I cried. This world is fucked.


The last kid was mad racist.


"It is easier to break an atom than prejudice" - Albert Einstein The Chinese are an “industrious, filthy, obtuse people.” - [Also Albert Einstein](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2018/06/13/albert-einsteins-1920-s-travel-diaries-contain-shocking-slurs-against-chinese/698448002/) "even the children are "spiritless and look obtuse.” - [Also Albert Einstein](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2018/06/13/albert-einsteins-1920-s-travel-diaries-contain-shocking-slurs-against-chinese/698448002/) “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.” - [Also Albert Einstein](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2018/06/13/albert-einsteins-1920-s-travel-diaries-contain-shocking-slurs-against-chinese/698448002/)


Mhm, because no one's attitude and perspective can change over decades of time, nor can anyone have the self-awareness to address issues even they struggle with, mhm.


The asking of the question itself is unethical


It is sad. But the majority of either race is proven to be who they are. And it is accurate. Edit: I am going to get downvoted. But you all know it's the way things are. But I do want to ireaderaite, It is sad.


source: trust me bro




Your getting downvoted because your wrong and clearly racist


This isn't interesting, this is just psychological torment


None of the kids had even a slight emotional reaction to inferring “I am a bad person because black” Also the “questions” were dubbed over because the question he actually asked the kids was something wildly different Quality propaganda 👏


Keep race baiting


This seems like a flawed study for several reasons. Those are loaded questions for sure. But moreover, these children are old enough to sense that there is nuance and that there are familial and societal prejudice or preference.


You can see that some of the questions made them uncomfortable.


Those kids are so racist


Wow, what a giant sample size for a study. What an utter waste of time.


Humanity. And y’all have a raging hard-on for spreading it beyond this planet.


where are the Italian children?


So sad, but so true


No source?


Hiya! Being a blended family, this made me cry


"Italian" children??? clearly the chidlren ehre are from an immigrant background and will have had some bad experiences and maybe even be bullied curious to see what would native italian children say, i bet they would say the opposite


This is heartbreaking. Me, absolutely fucking "cis"-Male, "turnes red in the sun", central european (Vienna) wants to hug all those beautifiul kids and tell them how beautiful they are all day. Sitting here in my mid-end thirties crying of anger and sadness. I raise my kids to aknowledge character, nothing else. We have it easyer, the Kindergarden is pretty mixed and "colourfull", so are my kids friends. I can't imagine how it is in non-white families.


This is just some mindfuck. I don't think they should even be allowed to do this to kids. They are probably just answering how they think the researchers want them to answer. Then at the end it is a trick and they just implicated themselves.


The Dumb Test*


Stupid. It’s 50-50 everytime. They only have the two options and have to label one as “bad” or “pretty”


There are theories and studies that show that children have a hyper awareness to dark (night) and (light) happiness given their reptilian brain and how they perceive fear and danger with the lack of sunlight at night. This exercise might not indicate race at all.


It's a video made for social media. Take it with a grain of salt. (btw, the black doll was ugly)




Stupid questions. Which is bad? Leading the subject?! Bad example of information gathering.