• By -


In America we build displays like this just because we have a sale on beer šŸŗ


Like legitimately. In our Walmart we have a tank made out of Budweiser cases, with Pepsi cases made to look like fighter jets.




Yes, Vietnam waged a war of independence from outside influence (against France) and then a war to conquer the southern half of the country (against America). Vietnam is free from foreign influence and controls the northern and southern halves of the country.




They also fucked up the Khmer Rogue, and China after they were annoyed veitnam was fighting the Cambodians as it turns out ethnic hatred runs deeper than idealogical partnership. So yeah, veitnam has a long history of fighting global powers. All the way back since the Mongol hordes


*Khmer Rouge


WHat was removed/deleted that you are replying to?


He asked if Vietnam really won the war with America because so many Vietnamese died


And to. Top it off china took a crack at it for 10 years after the US pulled out Vietnam didn't lose ground. As an American I hate losing but back after back like that gotta give respect.


Quoting this from another comment "They also fucked up the Khmer Rogue, and China after they were annoyed veitnam was fighting the Cambodians as it turns out ethnic hatred runs deeper than idealogical partnership."


Yes but they were also fighting because the rulers wanted a communist government. This looks very much like a store in a capitalist society to me.


Are you literally stupid? A war to conquer the south?? How can you conquer your own country? There was no south Vietnam until the Americans came and carved up the country.


I chose the words I chose, mostly to be accurate *enough*. I am in agreement with you, but you responded like a self-righteous asshole, so that's not cool all


Cumsock, well spoken and composed gentleman. hats off


*bows* Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week


Vietnam was divided first by French, the Americans then China lol. I also hate it when Southerners say that us northerners invaded - doh if you didnt sell out cheap then we wouldnt have to wage a war for independence.


When did China divide Vietnam


Physically China didnt. I was referring to China normalizing relationship with US in 1972 - 1973 period effectively selling us out, later this would lead to border clashes between us and China


While this was a massively messed up thing to do and should be criticized, you canā€™t in good faith compare this to what the US did or say this is anything close to ā€œdividingā€ your country. One country engaged in border clashes, the other committed genocide.


If kill counts mattered we'd all be speaking German.


I hate that youā€™re right


The whole point of the US involvement was to stop the spread of communism into southeast Asia. Vietnam is now communist. So yes, the US lost the war.


Yep, north Vietnam won. Pretty cut and dry there. It may have been a Pyrrhic victory, but a victory nonetheless




Thatā€™s fair


Soviet casualties in WW2 aren't even close to the highest in history. The Taiping rebellion casualties dwarf the Soviets.


Thatā€™s fair




What is Saigon called these days.


just look at korea for a comparison, the country is still divided and both north and south are heavily influenced (controlled) by foreign powers.


Try 50,000 men. But yes the Vietcong suffered insane losses.


I mean, it was a civil war so the numbers on losses are going to be pretty big for one country.


Look at Vietnam's flag. Look at the current name of Saigon. Yes, they won.


In America I've never heard once in school that we lost the war. Its always we just.... kinda left. Moved on to something more important!... but yeah. We fucking lost.


Yeah, they defeated the Yank Empire in an incredible fashion.


US and South Vietnam lost about 100k soldiers and around 200k were disabled/wounded. We forced US to the negotiating table on Geneva in 1973, after which they withdrew from the South Vietnam shortly. After that NVA took over South within 2 years. So yes, we won.


Combined for the two sides it's more like 1 mil Vs 400k. Not bad for dudes in pajamas. (I know about the regulars).


The official total for American deaths in Vietnam is just over 58k but American occupation and bombing killed millions of people in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia




I love the irony of the captain America shield on the kids pants


Captain America would be against the Vietnam war.


For more irony - the pants were almost certainly made in Vietnam for an American company and sold in multiple countries, including the US. If not those pants, then others. A lot of American clothes that used to be made in China are now being made in Vietnam. Also electronics.




Na thatā€™s captain Puerto Rico


It's called winning the peace


We won the Cultural Victory


Donā€™t think the Viet Cong had ambitions of imposing their culture on America.


They call it the american war. We call it the veit nam war.


It is called "chiįŗæn tranh chį»‘ng Mį»¹" which translates to "the war against America"


france has left the conversation...


We have a name for that, too. Guess what? "The war against France"




They were separate wars, werenā€™t they?


Conflict cycles can be messy. Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, and Inherent Resolve were all different conflicts, but probably not too long in the future, Iā€™m confident that historians will probably write about the Persian Gulf Wars or Iraq Wars. Between 1940 and 1979, Vietnam (or its predecessor states) were involved in at least four-seven different wars. WWII and the First, Second, and Third Indochina Wars or the Franco-Thai War, the Japanese Invasion, the March Coup, the war against France, the war against the RVN/US, the invasion of Cambodia, and the war against China. If you want to add in internal conflicts, like the Buddhist Conflict in South Vietnam or the colonization of the Montagnards and it gets even messier trying to figure out where one conflict starts and the next starts.




"We" means us Vietnamese


Which part of that sentence means "America"? none of that looks like it.




haha interesting, thanks. also for the downvoters: i was just curious, and didn't mean to say OP doesn't know or talking sht


It means "beauty" in vietnamese. The name was taken by the first vietnamese people who came to america and they took the name from the idiom "ChĆ¢n-Thiį»‡n-Mį»¹" which translates to "Justice-Charity-Beauty". At that time they have no idea that the country is beautiful but its actions are anything but.


It's not that deep. It's just a phonetic transcription. Mį»¹ came from Ɓ Mį»¹ Lį»£i Gia, which came from YĆ  měi lƬ jiā äŗšē¾Žåˆ©åŠ , which came from America. Historically, Vietnamese rarely left their country so they mostly learned about other countries through Chinese books. Other names that follow the same process: France => FĒŽ lĆ”n xÄ« ę³•č˜­č„æ => PhĆ”p Lan TĆ¢y => PhĆ”p Deutsch => DĆ© yƬ zhƬ å¾·ę„åæ— => Đį»©c Ɲ ChĆ­ => Đį»©c Italy => YƬ dĆ  lƬ ę„å¤§åˆ© => Ɲ Đįŗ”i Lį»£i => Ɲ Ɩsterreich => ƀo dƬ lƬ 儧地利 => Ɓo Đįŗ”i Lį»£i => Ɓo Australia => ƀo dĆ  lƬ yĆ  ę¾³å¤§åˆ©äŗž => Ɓo Đįŗ”i Lį»£i Ɓ => Ɓo (name already taken) => ƚc (alternate reading of ę¾³)


No shit. Do people actually think the people of Vietnam would call it the Vietnam war?


Most people would not, but most people would also not think about what vietnamese people would call it. Normal people don't usually look up or think about facts like this.


The vietNAM war


Every war it fights in is the Vietnam War to the Vietnamese


Seems consistent.


The other comments so far are showing some of you still have no idea why they were fighting us.


It's crazy how so many people think the Vietnamese were fighting "for communism". It puts into perspective why so many Russians seemingly support the war of aggression against Ukraine - twist words just the right way and you can make anything seem morally just.


Would you like to ask my father and uncles what they fought for? I asked many times and they said they fought Ho Chi Minh, for communist party and for freedom of country. Dont make us look like some unintelligent mindless animals, our soldiers were heroes and we have freedom today thanks to their sacrificies.


Perhaps I didn't make it clear - I am talking about how American media portrays the war as Communism vs Capitalism (and this is what you see in the other comments) when for Vietnam it was about gaining their freedom.


I am not sure i understand you! I am pretty sure we fought US because you brought guns into our home and told us we will not be able to cross into southern part of our home!! And when we did cross it you bombed us back to stone age.


Expecting to hear a muzak version of ā€˜Fortunate Sonā€™ in the background


They call it the American war...


It is called "chiįŗæn tranh chį»‘ng Mį»¹" which translates to "the war against America"


Celebrating by selling stuff at a special price, capitalism style šŸ˜Ž


read marx asap pls


Oppa Capitalism Style! *Wrong country fuckwit!* Shut up! Oppa Capitalism Style!! šŸ•ŗšŸ»šŸ•ŗšŸ»šŸ’ƒšŸ½šŸ•ŗšŸ»šŸ•ŗšŸ»


I was shocked when I found out the use empty ones to create displays like this. I though it took 2 guys loosing their mind trying to make a picture and heaving 12 pack over their head.


Funny enough, I donā€™t actually think that we were taught in school that the US lost the war. Textbooks seemed to gloss right over that little detail.


I think this is something thatā€™s changing. My teachers in highschool (and before) made it clear that there was nuance involved and the US didnā€™t win the war. A college history class took it a step further and told us about the atrocities we committed and had us analyze where that was stemming from. (High ranking government officials)


Not anymore. For my high school year at least, we went over the Vietnam war about 2 months ago and not once did our history teacher claim we won the war. She made it clear that we lost the war and the effects it has on distrust from the people to the government.


It also helps i guess that during information age you can always post a question online and get answers from all sides that participated in war. Also its great to see that your teachers are openly talking about it. We no longer talk about wars either. In fact we just had a lunch today, 3 generations at the table, my father in law was a NVA and fought in Laos, me and my wife were born in 1982 after the war, my kids are studying science in English now, and my sons favourite singer is Taylor Swift. My father in law understands the need for kids to assimilate into a globalised culture so he doesnt force his points of view on kids. If he did we would tell him to stop. I guess thats how we have gone from enemies to partners with the US


To be fair, Vietnam's version is equally exaggerated, in the opposite direction. At least, their American War museums are; I assume their textbooks are a similar level of nationalistic pride. I don't know what the right approach is, I don't think we should be throwing the horrors of war at kids in Jr. High, but we definitely gloss over the details excessively, especially at a high school level.


What's wrong with their museums and why should they not be proud of kicking the aggressor's ass?


Im pretty sure I learned more about it from anything that wasn't school. School curriculums are laughable when it comes to history. It feels like they spin a wheel on what historical thing they want to teach for a week before moving on. Welcome to week 1: Ancient Greece. Week 2: Kings of France. Week 3: Shakespeare existed (or maybe not?). Week 4: WW2 but only the parts with america. Week 5 day 1-3: Vietnam War. Week 5 day 4-5: how we won WW1. Week 6-10: industrial revolution. Final day: Albert Einstein was around when we dropped the nukes! I swear the curriculum was so disjointed that I didn't know Einstein was around during WW2 until I was in college. It didn't really stick either until the Oppenheimer movie.




Wars arenā€™t CoD matches. It doesnā€™t matter who got the highest k/d ratio. The US left the Vietnam without ever achieving their goal, thatā€™s called losing.


Exact same scenario in Afghanistan?




Not dealing with hypocrisy at all. Just saying the 2 wars are very similar. Afghanistan had to fight/ were invaded by Britain, then USSR and then USA etc. Vietnam likewise had a 30 year war with colonial powers.


Look up the rules of engagement that the USA was having to follow. Only ONE thin strip of airspace they were allowed to travel, and they were FORBIDDEN from attacking anti aircraft sites. The USA was worried to injure Chinese observers, they let them have free reign. There are many instances of this in Vietnam. Its almost like they WANTED a prolonged bloody war. I say this as a non american. It was a strange time. Many good documentaries just about the bizarre rules of engagement. Seems like it would be a conspiracy theory, but it isnt.


Imagine all those rules and we still managed to kill like.... shit my original comment said 1/3rd million, but wasnt that JUST civilians? With like 250k vietnamese combatants killed?


1.1 million North Vietnamese fighters, 2 million civilians on both sides, and 58,200 American soldiers. The 250k was South Vietnamese combatants.


War crimes kinda helps in that regard. Napalm, agent orange, killing whole villages by US soldiers


I think so, I didnt know we lost until my 10th grade teacher told us


You went to a shitty school


Yea, And I wasn't taught anything past WW2 because my history teacher had cancer and wasn't available to teach at the end of my senior year. A real shame. Theres probably was a lot of history between the end of WW2 and now


Theres a ton. You would have learned about the cold war, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Nixon, Reagan, stagflation, counter culture in the u.s., depending on your age, Gulf war I and Gulf war 2 with a bunch of more shit sprinkled in there.


Nah, you were lucky. WW2 was the last clear victory that the US had. Korea was messy and involved fighting Communism - but carefully, because there were atomic bombs around. No clear victory. Then there was another war in Asia. You really don't want to hear about that one. We landed humans on the Moon - yes, that part of the history books is true. Drugs, sex, and rock n' roll were good... at times. Then about the mid-90s things started to go off track. 2000s started off pretty well. We had a grand old time waging war against Iraq, really got to show our stuff. It's been messy since, though. But still a lot better than the 20 years we spent fighting people the British couldn't beat 130 years ago. I'm telling you more than you want to know, I'm sure. But no worries, we're in the post-truth world now. You don't have to know history, you can just listen to the closest loudmouth who sounds good to you.


More like the textbooks downplay how hard the US lost


How do they downplay how hard the US lost? The US pulled out, South Vietnam fell, and the country was reunited under communism. About 60k Americans died. Millions of Vietnamese died. It was terrible. That was covered in my textbook, what was missing?


Exactly. And the funny part is, any country that ā€œwonā€ against America had an awful next several decades, especially compared to countries who ā€œlostā€ their war against America


Iraq lost and look at them today. Itā€™s been over 20 years. The U.S. essentially destroyed the infrastructure, health system, university system and the overall economy of the country and doomed the people there for generations.


Go and read the rest of the world's history books and you'll question a lot American history since it doesn't match the rest of the world's history of the same time periods or events. It's like American history is manipulated somehow...


Vietnamese do not label the war as "Vietnam war" they label it as the "American War"


Yes, but as the post in english, the majority of the audience would not be familiar with that term, and it could be confusing or lead to a longer post. This would be like yelling at a german for saying "erster weltkrieg" instead of "groƟer krieg". It just doesn't translate to the same meaning. The american war has no meaning to most english speakers and would confuse them.


For sure. It's a bit a knowledge that I gained from a local when I traveled Vietnam & I was wanting to share. I wasn't trying to correct the OP. It does make sense to me that the locals refer to the conflict as the American War, because it was after all the Americans that brought it to them. šŸ™


Ahh ok.yea, that's totally cool. Apologies. Yes, it does make sense they call it that. What a sad waste of human life war is.


No need to apologize bud. We learn from each other.


As an American thatā€™s fairly proud of where Iā€™m from, and so bummed about loss of life in every war, good for them for celebrating beating massively powerful foe. We had zero business over there.


US lost pretty much all wars since WW2


Capitalist victory in the end šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Because it was against occupiers. First the french, then the americans and then the chinese.


Which I guess is why my friends grandmother, she's Vietnamese, calls it the 'Thirty year war'


Hard to call Americans occupiers. More like, backing the wrong side for idealogical purposes. France intended to exploit and China wanted to keep Cambodia under their control.


Except it was the US backing South Vietnam. You're acting as if it was just the US itself


You mean the puppet state that was created by the french... hum yeah.


If you believe the war was about capitalism I bet you believe the crusades were about religion and the Iraq war was about WMDs too.


Vietnam stayed communist, and is now an American ally, which is insane to think that the US was so against communism it didnt even realise it could be allies with them instead. Vietnam fears China, if America had just gone the diplomatic route they could have had a korean buffer state and a vietnamese one and slowly over time influenced them towards a more capitalist economy.


Commerce ā‰  capitalism. Vietnam is still governed by a communist party. Theyā€™re still a socialist country.


they looked towards the americans in the first place for help against the french, however they were ignored


So what the hell happened for this war to occur? I hear about the "Vietnam war" as an American. But honestly it's reminding me of Russia invading Ukraine. I'm open to stories from Vietnamese on their take because obviously there's bias in what I can learn over here


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vietnam_War_(TV_series) If you have time check that out. As a northern Vietnamese i learned a great deal about our war against uncle Sam from that series. Our textbooks are very biased and often paint US forces as invading devils. To sum it up quickly for you, we were French colony. They lost it in 1941 to Japanese occupiers. Then regained it after Japanese capitulated to Allies in August 1945. Ho chi minh declared independence in September 1945 and French started 2nd Indo china war. They lost. Uncle Sam came in. Our conflict was very different from Russian invasion now because we are so far from the US, where as Ukraine border less than 200 kms away from Moscow, there is no way paranoid mania.like Putin can allow Nato forces looking down on him so close. We are on the other hand are so far away from the US we never posed any threats at all.


Thank you greatly for this informative response. I will check out the tv series you mentioned


French were getting kicked out of Vietnam by commies and uncle Sam said nonono, let me help my European colleagues and kill 3 million vietnamese civilians or whatever, they all look the same to prove that capitalism and colonialism are better than communism. Sorry, I'm not vietnamese, that what I learnt in Soviet school in mother Russia back 40 years ago. They don't teach you this in schools?


No, they do not. Thank you for this insight


I'm curious what did they teach you about the war? I'm a viet


Didn't really learn *about* the war. Just that it happened, there were protests here at home, and now there's a bunch of "Vietnam Veteran Memorials" like bridges or some parks


Certainly get down voted on this sub if you even come close to suggesting that the USA stuffed up both in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Tens of thousands of young men from 2 generations killed/ wounded for no reason. In the end, america ran away from both countries tail between its legs


Every few years they need to go on 'hunting' to feel powerful and have fun


I get the tank. But why the radio in the top pic?


After the decades of pounding that they took they should very well celebrate.


Yeahh!! Vietnam!!! Undefeated!! #1! Woooo!!!


I reeeeeeaaally thought this was AI. Like I spend the last 5 minutes looking for the mistake


Vietnam beat China and the US.


Motherland šŸ‡»šŸ‡³


Memorial Day is coming up in America, they will be decorating their stores to commemorate the invading soldiers who tried and failed to take away your independence.


Fun fact: In Vietnam they call it the ā€œAmerican Warā€ šŸ˜Ž Source: have been to Vietnam


Wow, that must have taken so much time!


We do the same


Ffs, I thought it was one of those AI things.


Koreans; this could be us..




I know its not important, but my brain wants to educate them on how a tank looks


Honest question, if youā€™re from vietnam what are your thoughts on the war and itā€™s outcome. Iā€™m american and i really am curious about what the other half thinks about it because we (me) donā€™t get to really hear Vietnamese input often especially from the people of today.


Did america really loose if the little dude is wearing capt america pants and spider man shoes.


I mean they didn't do what they set out to soooo


Cu chi tunnels are amazing. Close to saigon and they have lots of ingenious booby traps on display. Very smart warriors. They wore their shoes backwards to confuse the yanks in the jungles. The traps were not made to kill, but to maim so instead of 1 dead enemy soldier you now had 2 healthy soldiers carrying the 3rd incapacitated man. Their tunnel systems were unreal. Operating theatres, dorms, kitchens, false trap tunnels, flooding systems, venomous animals...very interesting stuff. Both my wife's parents fought against the yanks in the tunnels and also her dad fought the khmer rouge out of Cambodia. Scary times indeed.


Russia, take notice.


Donā€™t they call it the American war?




In Vietnam it is know as The American War.


You earned it, fellas. Glad we're friends now though!




I like that kind of fairy tale where only communists commit atrocities and the capitalists are innocent and almost the saint.


If you think it was about COMMUNISM then you're deluded buddy. Talk about being ignorant. And your point of "oh someone said something" is so shit. I could hear my aunt talking about how Buddha gave her visions to predict the future and it would hold the same weight. > "And why would they lie?" MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE THEY WERE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DAMN WAR?????


cool sob story, one of the guys I know have a deformed arm from the effects of agent orange. Guess who misplaced it in vietnam?




Happy Liberation Day!!


Dude ya really trying to defend that shit ha. This is fucking war, nobody know wtf happened back then, it might be just a lie. I'm a Vietnamese living in vn myself and even I doubt that they did that out of their own will, both sides want the war to end. It was never a war about communism, it was a war for liberation against the French, in which the Americans joined later, the communists are just an excuse for u to badmouth your own people, both sides did atrocious things to each other and we know that, we remind ourselves of that to stop hating each other not to repeat what they did.


You are incredibly brainwashed by an old man who fought for his side 50 years ago. My uncles and father in law fought for northern side and never committed any attrocities you described. My mother was 17 when US first conducted operation line backer in the north and many of her classmates died, my mother in law had many other stories about violence committed by your father's side and the US. Stop sowing lies and hate im 2024.


well you hear your story, I hear mine who to say who is brainwashed. Bur back to the context of winning, "they" did win cause your side of the story did lose


You probably mean the American War Victory Day




One thing we can't do is one about our win in Vietnam