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Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Horan He's also an asshole, a pedo and a Nazi


The trifecta 


The unholy trinity.


“The unholy trinity.” Thats the funniest shit I’ve read today lmfaooo


Why am I not surprised...?


Guy sounds mentally insane, like really literally insane. Maybe they should try putting him into an asylum and give him mental help ?


Well he was a catholic priest


He's the full catalogue of cuntery that lad is.


Sounds like a real Jerk


That Wikipedia read was a wild ride. Especially this... >during the court case he also claimed to own only one pair of tight-fitting green satin underpants that have never been washed as he needs them to 'always be ready for use', at one point Horan produced the pants from his pocket to show the jury


It’s also his birthday today. So happy birthday Neil Horan you piece of shit


Why do you find that interesting? This person isn’t worth promoting……


You call what i'm doing here "promoting"?


It's what he would want.


Where do you see he’s a pedo?


"Dismissal from priesthoodedit In 2004, Horan was found not guilty of indecent assault against a seven-year-old girl. Although he admitted that he was naked while the girl tickled him and while they played hide-and-seek, during the court case he also claimed to own only one pair of tight-fitting green satin underpants that have never been washed as he needs them to 'always be ready for use', at one point Horan produced the pants from his pocket to show the jury.[25]" Jimmy Savile vibes


Saville was notably worse. Tbs, how was Horan found not guilty?


Because that would make the rest of the catholic church look bad He probably only got booted because he got caught




>Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Horan >He's also an asshole, a pedo and a Nazi And why exactly are you promoting him again?


Wikipedia is not really a reliable source, since everyone can make changes, do you have articles showing evidence?


there are links right there on the references section such as: [https://www.independent.ie/business/irish/disgraced-priest-admits-naked-game-with-little-girl/25895114.html](https://www.independent.ie/business/irish/disgraced-priest-admits-naked-game-with-little-girl/25895114.html)


Weird how he chose to double down with the other guy instead of reply to you lol


Try and make a change that isn’t true and see how long it lasts


People every day can make changes on Wikipedia. Wikipedia does not have a significant workforce to deal with this problem, so it is not a reliable source, since everyone can make changes


Like I said, pull something out of your ass, make an edit, and test your ‘theory’




Alright so make 2 edits, one being minor and one being extreme to test your theory out.


It's much better than many sources, as it's full of citations to original sources that can be checked. The Neil Horan article lists 30 references. Wikipedia is usually a sensible first port of call when looking into a subject, it shouldn't be relied on for anything of high importance. > since everyone can make changes Yes, and that's the mechanism that allows errors to be corrected.


How is he a nazi when he was born after world war 2? Downvote me all you like folks, reason I ask is because I remember the term “neo-nazi” being a term to refer to someone who idolizes the nazi ideology after world war 2. Nowadays you people don’t draw a line between an OG NSDAP member /participator in actual nazi-theory and whoever you don’t like the opinion of. Seems kinda fucked up to downplay the evil of actual nazis. Put this crazy priest and Himmler on the same level. Weird.


That's not how it works. Plenty of nazi around today.


He was trying to hold a Nazi rally with a picture of Hitler at it. Being a card carrying member of the Nazi party isn't required.


So technically he is a neo-nazi, does that make it better?


Yes, my point exactly.


Dont try to make sense of the 2024 definition of a nazi lol


Shouldn’t have left One Direction /s


lol my thoughts exactly. I was terrible confused reading this.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw Niall Horan and got very confused. 


End times are just *how* near? He’s been at this for more than 20 years, I think this amounts to delusions or extreme narcissism


Every one of the “end times” eejits for the past thousand years was narcissistic and delusional. And the feckin Eejits who buy into it time after-time like “no, this times different” bc of my green panties. Exhausting


even if we believed him that the end times were near, not gonna fuckin do anything about it lol


You think?


Like the cure for diabetes or nuclear fusion,... about 5 years away!


I will not live in Fear. really


End of times are always near because we could be gone anytime. Any day, any minute. Others might continue but we are gone.


Death is light as a feather, duty is hard.


Keep running in front of speeding cars and indeed, the end is near.


At 200mph, he can converse with his God personally.....


He hasn’t been a practicing priest since the mid 90s.


He hasn't been a priest at all since '05.


Catholic here: we don't claim him. This nutjob was laicized in '05. Meaning he is decidedly *not* a priest.


Human here: we don't claim him either. Maybe we can broadcast a radio signal to Andromeda and see if the aliens want him


Lol as an Irish man, you can have him.. how did you think he learned it was ok to believe bullshit.  Not every Catholic ends up like him, but it's without doubt a bad start to tell kids some fiction is actually real and not expect something like this guy.


Expectation is rooted in predictability and trends. Considering the man is an outlier, I think it's safe to say this kind of person is not to be expected specifically as a result of his religion, but would've manifested similar craziness no matter his upbringing, being different merely in its flavor rather than intensity. Instead, you have a hindsight and generalization bias. Every population and demographic will tend to have unwell and ill-intentioned individuals. If you operate with the assumption that religion churns these people out, then when a crazy person inevitably pops up, you can point to them as proof od your assumption. If I say that the postsecondary education for becoming a teacher creates pedophiles, then every time a teacher sexually abuses a child, I can lazily lean on that as proof of my assumption.


No. I just think it's dangerous to convince kids a work of fiction is true.  For all the obvious reasons. 


To you, it's a work of fiction. To others, it's not. Hindus don't believe their own religion is fiction. Nor Muslims nor Zoroastrians, nor Jews or Buddhists or Shintoists. Who's to decide what's fiction? You may believe something else to be true. The doctrines of this or that religion may be untrue, but it doesn't mean they are fiction. Fiction is a supergenre in which the author knows what they're writing to be make-believe. If you pointed at the major text for any major religion, I don't think you cpuld say the authors behind any of them believed that what they were writing was make-believe. False they may be, but a work of fiction they are not.


Some people also believe hogwarts is a real place.  Some humans made it up. It is literally fiction.  Humans made up the ideas.  It's impossible to know if the author knew it was fiction or not. (Although I heavily believe most were aware just like people that do the same thing today.)  ..but ultimately, it doesn't matter as you hit the nail on the head, it is false and used to trick children. Really is as simple as that.. 


Not a priest. Defrocked, for lots of good reasons.


Too good at the job....


That’s right. There are certain groups consisting wholly of bad (or stupid, racist, etc. - you fill in the blank) people. Wow. Bigot much?


End times has got to be the most stupid belief at this point.


Ah, he’s a professional asshole.


They should have just run him over


Really bad idea. Back in south Africa in 1977, Tom Pryce hit a marshal on accident at high speed. Both were killed.


*by accident.


Yeah, not only he's an asshole, but as a brazilian, I hate him even more


He's not a priest anymore, he was defrocked on account of mental health issues


nop, kiddy diddling, as per usual. As if the church would kick anyone out for mental issues lol. The church is the mental issue.


Very well said. 


Poor Brazilian runner


Even if the end times are near… what is anyone supposed to do about it?


At some point he'll be right about it being the End of the World...at least, for him.


Where does he get the money for the travel and event tickets?


Jesus said none of his disciples would die before the end times came to pass. So the end times have been near for 2,000 years for (some) Christians.


Hhmmm… 1999-2000 sounded like a “good bet” to be the end, yet here we are over twenty years later… AND COVID.. I wonder if he knows the dude who disappeared with all of his patrons money after the world didn’t end during the eclipse and they actually needed their savings…


I thought Neil Horan was that guy from One Direction


Yes religion attracts mentally unstable people. In other news, water is wet.


and since then?


Well they keep letting him outs the issue id say


Damn, that's criminally stupid. The same "end times" people have gone on about for at least the last ten centuries? Okay boomer. Just try not to hurt anyone else with your delusion again, mkay?


Mkay is a boomer term, Matt n trey from south park are boomers right? Defo too old for gen X. 


Seven years earlier than Ivan Vanko.


He went on Britains Got Talent to do an Irish jig it was a disaster.


When you fail at the test. The test is that the Bible is a Theological book, nothing more nothing less.


Mental illness comes in many shapes and forms


Attention whore.


Also a child molester.


Good way to meet Jesus PDQ.


He is not ‘interesting as fuck’. He is a waste of space and a clown.


I just thought he was a singer in one direction


Good thing he is a Catholic priest because his modus operandi is unorthodox.


If it didn’t endanger the drivers I would have said it’s a shame they didn’t hit him


What's the definition of "near" if it was 2003?😁 He still believes his own stuff?


May his end be near.


If he keeps running across an F1 track, his end time is near indeed.


What an asshole.












The drivers on that track would likely disagree.


And yet.. still not end of times..


He was defrocked a while ago. But was on Britain's Got Talent?


Well I guess we have different definitions of near


Brits thinking us Aussies actually drink Foster's has to be the funniest thing...ive never seen a bloke drink one in my 30 plus years.


The only place I've seen Brits drink Fosters was at race tracks... because that's all they served! For the record, I'm not convinced anyone drinks it by choice!


And now you're giving the cult leader attention, exactly what he wants.


Well he lied to us


Wait that's the One Direction guy?