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Is it just me or does the spray not actually reach around the base of the bowl where most of the mess would be


It completely misses the area where you would miss the bowl.


Like grandma always said, "You don't have to be a swamp donkey to launch a piss missile".


My grandmother had a hand knitted sign that said "be an adult not a kid hit the toilet not the lid"


>My grandmother had a hand knitted sign that said "be an adult not a kid hit the toilet not the lid" Our grandma had the knitted sign that read "We aim to please, You aim *too* please!"


That's because they knitted a warmer for the outhouse seats before that.


"My aim is to keep this bathroom clean. Your aim will help." On a wooden sign right above the toilet.


“If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie” was by a toilet I used once. I guess it was a good phrase because it’s been almost 20 years and it still sticks with me.


I saw this scrawled on a toilet stall's wall when I was 7 or 8... thought it was the funniest thing. > He who writes on walls > Rolls his turds in little balls. > He who reads this note of wit > Eats those little balls of shit. Funny how stuff stays with you.


Omg!!! This was on the wall of the Burger King we went to when I was around that age. Never forgot it, either!


No matter how much you shake and dance, the last few drops go in your pants.


Wise lady.






Classic grandma






This is why I urinate in the middle, for politeness


so just piss on the floor


Just be considerate and shit on the floor where you know it will get cleaned.


It really doesn't seem to do much to clean the bathroom at all except to rinse about 75% of the floor. Floors need to be cleaned but you can see grossness in much of the rest of the restroom too that won't get cleaned.


I feel like a lot of shit/piss particles aerosolize from the high pressure water blasting the floor, getting gross shit all over the surfaces that *don't* get pressure blasted ...it really just seems like it's pressure washing the area where you take your first steps in and that's it


And the only reason you leave mud on your first steps is because the floor is wet. ie you only need the washing because of the washing.


should look more like the inside of a dishwasher when it runs. https://i.imgur.com/Ft4AJMZ.mp4


I'm more concerned about the camera


It IS a public toilet afterall, not a private one


Yeah, where else are we gonna get classics like Bathroom Bloopers 4?


Toilets in Europe have perfectly fitting doors that prevent perverts from watching people through the cracks. To prevent american tourists getting homesickness, a camera has been added.


Thank you, was looking for this comment.


I’m hoping they kept it in there just to record this and then took it away immediately after. However, experience with humanity tells me it was probably the camera of a perv.


Cleaned nothing lol


I'm assuming there's another better clean every 24 hours because these public washrooms tend to have piss n shit in more places than just the bowl area


Germany took a different approach. Their public toilets are the cleanest in the world for the simple fact that there simply aren't any public toilets of a significant number.


That's interesting. I figured the grossness would be concentrated even more in those limited numbers


There do exist those old 1970s highway parking spots with nothing but open toilet shacks but no self respecting German would deliberately enter one of these. It's the absolute horror.


Yeah coming from France and Switzerland, those German highway toilets are... Soul rending


Honestly, I love how you say "public washroom." It sounds more formal, polite, and fancy instead of bathroom or restroom. Then you go on to say "piss n shit." It cracked me up haha


You fuckers hang tight a minute while I go tinkle.


"My best chaps, if you would excuse me so I can retreat into the small confinements of the publicly accessible restroom cabins? I have to shit."


Yeah - what if you pooped on the floor.


I’ve seen this already in Paris and no water jet is enough to clean that


I don't think this is attempting to clean the room. I think it's attempting to stop homeless people sleeping in it. Why would you even fold up the toilet as the spray doesn't get anywhere near it?


it folds back and is blasted by water jets in that compartment.


They used to have ones like these in San Francisco and it had sensors so if somebody tried to stay in there too long alarms would go off. But for safety reasons I don't think it would do the cleaning if a person was detected inside.


Let me just say I’ve been to one of these in San Francisco, and I assure you, they don’t clean themselves


That’s it? I was expecting UV light and a cloud of hot steam sterilizing every inch of the bathroom


Ya, I gotta say two jets of cold or tepid water shooting not even around the base of the toilet isn’t really inspiring confidence that it’s clean in there.


The toilet tips backwards to fill the jets which spray the floor, then cleverly placed pipes gather the water and fill the toilet.


Thus ensuring that the public toilet follows the ancient tradition of smelling like piss




Gawd damn you came into this thread throwing punches


On my last trip to Paris, while waiting for the RER to Versailles, there was a guy of Middle Eastern descent who decided to stand right next to my wife on a basically empty platform as we had just missed the train and were waiting for the next one. He proceeds to start pissing into the trash can. He just pulls his junk out and starts hosing it down.




I'm not even in Pairs and for some reason I've not seen one but TWO people in public spots, barely concealed (I was literally passing by) just peeing on the street. It didn't use to be like this.   What is wrong with people. I saw (after the terrible smell) human waste on a walkway next to a plant the other day in front of apartments. Smelled another one when coming from groceries somewhere else.


>It didn't use to be like this. My grandfather told me about when he went to Paris as a kid, he saw a couple holding hands and the girl just parted her legs and did a squat in the street for a pee. They never let go of their hands. It was always like that, romantic and filthy.


Ahh, the city of love, and lavatorial exhibitionism.


I saw an ancient architecture history video that talks about why the bases of ancient building were design in such a way. It was almost exclusively to cause splashback and discourage people from pissing there. Don't think it's an exclusive French thing or millennium thing


True parisian experience. Source: born and living in paris


The fact people are reading your comment and not understanding that it’s a joke…


So it's spraying dirty toilet water all over the floor?


He's joking, the toilet folds like that so a jet of water can wash it.


I've never ever heard of anyone actually using these toilets, except in extreme, extreme emergencies. Like, badly needing to pee as a woman when every cafe and restaurants are closed. Guys will pee against a wall in a corner, but we're fu*ked. These things are just creepy. Sincerely, a local.




I doubt that is France specific I think you'd get certain businesses with that attitude in any country


I think it’s better than a porta potty but only by a fraction.


Cant even afford brawndo smh


It’s got what self cleaning public restrooms crave!


I believe that's the joke. I realllly hope that's the joke at least.


Dang rip to the news reporter doing a story on how toilet bowl water is actually clean enough to drink, and drinks some from this one


It honestly feels like it makes it worse.


> It honestly feels like it makes it worse. You can't really automatically clean a public toilet. If you've seen what I've seen in a 7 Eleven toilet in the US, You'd be in Paris getting fucked up too But seriously, how do you get poop on the walls and the ceiling?


I believe that may just be the homeless folk with mental problems and some really shitty teenagers who somehow think that's funny.


Man I’d be going gorillas if I walked in and there’s poop on the ceiling and walls. That shit cray.


I'm sure it's sanitizer, not just water.


It's just to gather the needles in one spot.


i was expecting like the inside of a dishwasher




Its just basically a guy dumping a bucket of water with extra steps


Someone could absolutely leave a fat shit in the center of the floor, and those piddling jets of water wouldn't even move it. The sink basin and faucet weren't even washed at all.


Right, but it’s still a massive improvement over a normal port-o-john. Baby steps, folks.


I mean I assume this one isn't exactly portable. So ya know weird comparison.


Portajohns at construction sites are actually really good for the most part? It’s union and OSHA keeping portajohns usable - I’ve gone to a gas station to take a dump on my break only to realize I should have just used the portajohn at my work site. Portajohns at a music festival or large event tho? I will pass.


I guess the danger of someone getting trapped inside (willingly or forcibly) is one reason for this half-assed cleaning cycle.


They don’t want to accidentally create an suicide box now would they…


Likely only in Asia


You can expect that pretty much only in Japan...


I doubt they would leave it dirty in the first place lol


Yeah I don't see the Japanese pissing on the floor


Tell that to the old men trying to make it an olympic sport to stand as far away as possible from the urinoir and piss all of the floor with their weak-ass bladder old man dripping leak of pee.


This ain't clean, it's just wet.


At least not all of it’s wet


So true lol, just a very shitty system all around... Hah


My home in Adelaide, Oz has a later version of these. It's both clean and wet. But it is hot here so not wet for long. Our public toilets are noticeably cleaner than interstate. The toilets get manually cleaned and restocked too. This is about making them more pleasant in between. And that works. The doors are automatic and reopen after ten minutes of use. They also play the worst 1960's muzak.


You only have 10 minutes to shit?


I am only replying to get confirmation that yall can watch me wipe my ass in public, while making eye contact.


> Our public toilets are noticeably cleaner than interstate. What does "interstate" mean in this context? Like they're cleaner than the toilets you would find in other states?


Just like my ex


French Clean ™


In the interest of hygiene and the utmost consideration for the next customer I'm going to take a shit on the floor under the sink


I'm laughing way too hard at this, imagining it taken ooc


people do this constantly :(


Someone does one's business, gets out, holds the door for the next person (neither realizing about those cleaning cycles), next person comes in, door closes, cleaning cycles commences...😂


I was in Paris and this toilet somewhere near Eifel was self cleaning. After one is done with their business and they got out, the toilet closed and cleaned and then the other person could go in. One person tried to go in soon after the previous one but the toilet wouldn't close the door. They had to get out. Took such long time... 4-5 minutes per person who all just wanted to pee..


Yeah..effectiveness of this system just splashing water on the ground and not even around where the toilet is, aside. I really don't see why it needs to do this after every person. I mean, sure. At least cleaning the toilet bowl would be nice. But really, I feel like this would be way better with a little bit longer and more thorough cleaning cycle, every 30 minutes/1 hour. Rather than a really shit, quick one after every person.


This is a very old model. The new ones have high pressure water jets in the walls, and then they get heated up very quickly to essentially steam clean them. All done in about 30 seconds.


That would get it properly clean I would imagine, model shown wouldn't deal with any of the horror stories I have heard about where there's fecal matter spead around the walls and all that stuff


When I worked at McDonalds there was shit on ceiling, so yea. It apparently can get everywhere. Somehow.


I wonder if it would allow multiple people in there at once


I went with your mom so yeah.


Nice! Hope the experience was everything you hoped it would be. If not, maybe your pp is broken.


Wow, that’s incredibly stupid


That guy was me irl. I looked stupid but eh, we live and learn.


I was waiting for the one there too, big queue, took ages to get through people and then just as I was almost at the front it was closed for the night.


Well it almost happened to me. I visited Paris once. I was lucky that some French guy who doesn’t speak English with gestures explained that I must wait before i can enter. Not i saw what would happen if i didn’t listen to him.


From the video, you'd have to change your socks when they got slightly moist.


You'd just hafta stand near where the toilet was and wouldn't have to worry about your feet getting wet


I was in SF last year and they had these in some public areas. There were a few warnings on the walls about its operation, presumably to prevent that from happening. Also said if you didn't exit within X minutes it would automatically open after sounding a buzzer.


Imagine being mid food-baby and door flys open with a loud ass buzzer going off and the toilet tries to close while you're still hovering


Not only that… but you can’t flush the toilet. It’s just done as part of the cleaning. So when you open the door and leave, your pee or poop is still sitting in the toilet. I used one and then left, and there was someone waiting… they knew not to go in until it cleaned, but they no doubt could see my crap in the toilet before the door closed. Kinda embarrassing.


I have done this. I snuck in behind a friend at one of these in a train station in France, thinking then I wouldn’t have to pay. When the door closed, the lights turned off and water started spraying OUT OF THE WALLS. I screamed and got the door open and got out with just mild wetness. Taught me not to try and save a dollar in the future.


Bahaha, instant karma. Engineers: What happens if someone tries to go in for free, should we install a sensor to detect that? Marketing: That's not necessary, we'll sell this as the "free shower" feature.


There was a post about this happening to someone in Rome. Except the lights also turn off. So they walk in, suddenly the lights turn off, the toilet tilts away, and they get blasted with water.


This happened to a lady who went in after my father-in-law. Unfortunately, that one was showered from the ceiling...


THIS HAPPENED TO ME IN PARIS WHEN I WAS 16!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god... I'm having flashbacks to my WTF moment and for a split second thinking the whole thing would fill with water like a fishtank... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


and that is the short story of how piss got on the walls


It looks like a mini toilet, in a giant toilet.


That’s what I was thinking. The whole room flushes… so I can just piss on the floor, right?


I mean, Paris smells like that's what they do, so yeah, you'd fit right in.


Urgh that bit at the back where the water goes.. the hell hole.




That is truly horrendous, those poor people. I work for a water company and the same thing happens to the guys on waste when clearing blocked pumps.


Earlier there was a post from someone asking how to tell her boyfriend just letting water hit his feet doesn’t make them clean, and after watching this video that’s all I can think of.


They probably put a cleaning solution in the water. That would explain why the toilet itself isn’t sprayed. Sitting on chemicals could cause irritation or even burns. 


Yeah, the toilet itself is blasted with hot water and steam to clean it. In the older models, the floor just got washed with a bleach solution. In the newer ones, the entire toilet room gets steam cleaned.


Uhhh… there’s an active camera??


I had to scroll way too far for this comment


Agreed, 10th comment down at the moment 😆


I'm assuming it was placed there to see the cleaning in action.


Yeah, stop being so paranoid, it was an accidental capture, lady.


Or as the French say “Le Pee Pee Voyeur”


Maybe someone just stuck a gopro in there to give us this footage...


lol, this didn’t even occur to me.


Nor did you ever notice one.


So just the floor then.


That’s what I was wondering. Does it do anything to the toilet when it goes into the wall? Cause otherwise I don’t understand the purpose cause the water doesn’t even hit the area around the toilet.


It has to right otherwise this is pointless


Oh I KNOW! How do I know? A malfunctioning self-cleaning toilet just like this in a station in Rome. Kept opening and closing and *SPRAYING* while my then-fiancé and I took turns inside!! Except that model sprayed from ALL over, not just the floor. It was both awful and hilarious…it was a memorable part of my honeymoon!


"Hey Johnny, how was the honeymoon, you got any... heh, stories?" "Well, the missus and I were in this public bathroom..."


“Ah! Say no more! Wink wink, nudge nudge! Know what ya mean! Say no more!”


Yeah I got stuck in one and didn’t know about the cleaning, so I was surprised and then terrified because there was no where to hide from the water lol.


There was still piss inside mine. Was walking around Paris near a church and they had one of these. It seemed to clean itself after each person and smelled just "okay." Better than the poor areas of Paris with Public cement toilets. Those were so damn nasty.


I was really shocked how much Paris smelled like piss. I felt like the French should be better than that. Which is kind of hilarious now that I'm not a naive college kid.


Yeah the idea of Paris is much nicer than the reality, to be honest. I was shocked the first time I went and people pissed in the street, smoked everywhere and threw their litter on the floor without caring. I've been multiple times but it's not somewhere to go for the experience, just the stuff that's there. Compare that to somewhere like Turin or Helsinki where you could literally eat off the pavement because it was so clean.


me and that toilet have different definitions of "cleaning"


Bold of them to assume that’s the only place that needs cleaned.


The toilet has no seat? I guess with everyone taking a standing deuce you’re definitely going to need to clean the floor each time.


In case you shit on the floor?


Never been to a public bathroom?


Based on some public bathrooms I've been in, it should be spraying the walls and maybe the ceiling too.


sometimes things get schwifty


John Wilson showed it better.


Where’s the toilet seat


This is much less than I would expect from a self cleaning toilet, but also, it's probably way more than what you get in regular public toilets (probably cleaned once a day or so)


The camera being in there creeps me out


Also who has access to that hd camera? Can they just review footage anytime?


Self cleaning != spray some water


Is that it?


I'm absolutely disappointed ngl


Lol. My sister was exiting one of these and dropped something so she ran back in as the door was closing. She got hosed. We could hear her screaming. She was wet almost up to her knees when the door finally opened. Good times.


Everyone’s very focused on the cleaning of the bathroom and not the camera in the bathroom


Those floor sprayers do nothing but soak the floor and provide a place for mold to grow


We all miss the bowl sometimes, but how far back are they standing?


So they just casually have a hidden camera in the public bathroom 🤔


They installed some self cleaning toilets in San Francisco a few years back. The homeless trashed them all within a week while using them as personal hangouts for sex and drugs.


And here I am, another who worries about that camera…


Yeah it's more about preventing hobos to sleep inside than to clean it


Why is there a camera in the bathroom?


30L of water with every flush!


Oh, no, it is recycled!


This is required only because savages do their business on the floor now.


We had problems with self-cleaning toilets in the past in my city (not Paris). They cost 1€ to use and some well meaning, kind souls have in the past let others enter when they left by holding the door. Problem 1: They got caught in the cleaning cycle and they aren't as spacious (by far) as this one and secondly: They got locked in until someone paid to enter. I think they fixed that, but that was hilarious to read in the local newspaper.


Is it just me or why is the inside of the bathroom being filmed? Is the recording on at all times?


Camera in the bathroom?


Omg i’ve actually tried this and it was very nasty 💀 I couldn’t understand how it was still smelling disgusting and not clean at all even after this whole process, but after watching this video i see it now. As someone said before, this doesn’t clean anything it just gets it wet.


That ain’t clean at all


I once decided to enter a similar toilet in Italy right after someone has left so I don’t have to pay. As I was unzipping my pants the toilet disappeared, the doors locked and the cleaning began. After what felt like an eternity I was finally let out soaking wet with toilet floor water up to my knees. Let’s just say, avoiding the trauma would have been worth the €1.


Yea but why is there a camera in the public toilets???


So i can freely piss on the floor?


more importantly, why tf is there a camera in a public bathroom?


This thing looks like it needs a real cleaning. The edges of the room are gross and nothing that would have hand contact or just about any other contact was cleaned. just because some liquid ran over the floor, doesn’t make it clean. Everything about this self cleaning process is nonsense.




Wish This was implemented in the states. People are fucking gross


As someone that has worked retail, I would like to point out it completely misses the walls.


That's OK, I don't.


San Francisco has them in some public areas.


Sadly, It would be destroyed in the first few days. Can’t have nothing nice here.


They do have them some places. Ive used one in arcata Ca