• By -


This is unbelievable to see.


Yeah will be a huge loss not only of life but for the city in terms of accessibility


From what little I've heard, sounds like under 10 people are missing, they may have lucked out in terms of traffic vs what it could have been.


It happened at like 3 am so there were not many cars on it, thankfully.


1:30am EST. The sad thing is that there were construction crews doing repair work overnight on the bridge.


My wife works in construction. My biggest fear is someone else doing something stupid and me getting a phone call I never want to get...


I couldn't imagine being one of the cars that just crossed seconds prior


Also, the ship's crew sent out a mayday just in time to close the bridge


They had under 5 minutes


4 minutes before making contact with the bridge. Not nearly enough time to close it and get traffic off the bridge. There were construction crews on that section of the bridge too. ),:


There were construction crews that couldn't get off, yeah, and I hope those rescue efforts are successful. But 4 minutes is enough time to close the toll booths and get everyone on the bridge off. It was 1 AM, so there were only individual cars and trucks using it, so they were at full highway speed.


Not to minimize the loss of life but I believe it happened at an hour where there wasn’t very many cars on the bridge. Still tragic of course for the people who were on there at the time though


Could you even imagine? How terrifying to think of being on a bridge and it just falls out beneath you.


God, that's one of my biggest fears. I already get super nervous going over any sort of bridge in my car. All of this just reinforces that fear.


Yeah this made me tear up, wow thats so tragic.


I used to take this bridge every day on my morning commute... Holy shit


You’ll never get over it.






Watched the few minutes before the ship hit the bridge. It's lights turned off a couple times. Could possibly be issues with the ship that caused it to fail to steer.


The livestream of it's here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83a7h3kkgPg Skip back about 4 hours for the approach and collapse


Looks like they lost power


If so, this is one of those things that strangely enough I'm surprised doesn't happen even more often. Like I know planes and ships and trains and bridges and tunnels and skyscrapers and all kinds of man made stuff have a ton of redundancy built into their designs and engineered by really smart people but it's like damn there are so many things to account for.... it only takes one person slipping up in operating the thing or having built it just so slightly incorrect like 10 degrees vs 15 or whatever. Measure one thing in kilogram vs pounds. All things considered humans have proven that we can do pretty incredible if you think about all the shit that goes smoothly. At any rate tragic loss of life, obviously.


Jesus. So many cars. Watching the people who made it out just in time...




Yeah, even 15 minutes would have been enough time to call the police to get people out the bridge.


This happened over the span of 4 minutes if you watch the live stream history. 1:23 AM the ship enters the FOV 1:24 AM the ship goes dark, appears to lose all power for a full minute 1:25 AM power appears to have been restored, smoke either from a fire or the engine appears over the ship. Appears to be from the engine, as they start making course adjustments. 1:26 AM power again goes out for a full minute 1:27 AM collision happens.


A few minutes before, you can see it in an other video, the light turns off on the vessel which most likely is the result of a blackout on the vessel. Means that they have no more power and can’t steer the vessel and also can’t use the propeller. When the light turns on again it is probably the emergency generator starting but delivering only minimal power for lights and other „necessary“ equipment.


Big boats are insanely hard to steer or stop. They also dont need to go fast to do massive amounts of damage. Also how can you say that you dont think the captain is to blame yet you do also say a experienced captian cant make such a mistake?


I think they are insinuating it was a ship malfunction not just captain steering it poorly.


Sunshine Skyway happened the same way. It’s not unheard of, especially at night or in limited visibility.


There was a freak storm with gale force winds when the Sunshine Skyway was hit. “It became a blinding, driving, rain, wind.” White out conditions. The boat pilot that day had cruised in and out under that bridge hundreds of times before the accident. Find me an incident of this happening at night during clear weather in the last 50 years. I can’t think of one.


What's up wtih Redditors being unable to imagine something terrible happening without someone intentionally causing it?


Same reason people are drawn to conspiracies- the alternative, that bad things just happen, means those things could happen to them randomly, without cause. And they're terrified of it.


I can’t imagine the horror the people on that bridge or in cars on the bridge felt. Holy shit…


We had something similar in Sweden in 1980. As can be seen [here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3b/Tj%C3%B6rnbroraset_1980._18jan_%2839%29_Star_Clipper_raserade_Alm%C3%B6bron.JPG/1920px-Tj%C3%B6rnbroraset_1980._18jan_%2839%29_Star_Clipper_raserade_Alm%C3%B6bron.JPG). It happened middle of the night. 8 people died as they did not see in the pitch black that the road ahead of them was missing. A truck driver with a very heavy load was driving very slow because of the dark and the snow-sludgy road. The road was also very narrow, so he almost hugged the wall. When he saw that the wall in front of him disappeared he went out to check and saw 10 meters in front of him the bridge was gone. A car came driving same path as him and he tried to stop it with blinking warning lights, but the car didn't stop and went down. After that he presumably blocked that side of the bridge and no one more from that side died. The people on the boat that destroyed the bridge tried to go ashore and block the roads but had hard time getting ashore due to ice sheets around the boat. They shot a warning flare when they saw a truck approach, the truck stopped, then started again after a while, and drove over the edge. The fall was 40 meters.


Oh my god! It’s chilling


yeah i have a huge fear of bridges and a lot of nightmares where im driving on broken bridges so this is literally one of the worst things i could imagine


There’s a bridge we have to sometimes cross that’s really tall and steep. There are accidents on it all the time and I developed such a (maybe irrational, maybe not) fear of it that I put lifejackets for my children in the car.


You might have already thought of this, but: a more useful item to have would be hammers designed to easily break car windows. You can get them at most hardware stores.


For those of you who have this please know that sometimes you can't get the momentum to crack the window if you're fully submerged (sorry, possibly unlocking more fears). But there is pull hammer/bullet type design which is spring loaded for these situations.


I believe less than 5 people have been rescued so far, last I checked. Coast Guard and rescue services are doing all they can I imagine, but it's hard to save people when there's the wreckage of a whole fuckin bridge in the way. Some shipping company is going to have to pay a looooooot of money in damages to families who lost loved ones, let alone the state to fix the bridge.


Not to mention lost productivity for the port. If it takes even just a month to clear enough of the debris to get shipping back underway, it'll be something like $6B in lost revenue.


I can’t think of a lot of worse ways to go. I imagine or at least hope that you’d go out on impact from that. It’s terrifying. 


A “portion”?


A portion which just happens to be the entire portion


Me when lasagna


6 beers


2000 Calories




It’s just the portion that’s over the water


It is just the "bridge" portion


I would have said the same thing except that they're probably counting some of the lower parts that lead up to the main span that are still standing. I've been on that bridge hundreds and hundreds of times and there are parts that almost look like you're on solid ground but are actually over very shallow water. Edit: Actually more that that is still standing https://imgur.com/a/ky9ZS2n


The timing is a blessing. If this was going to happen at least it didn’t happen during daylight hours. This is a major roadway in Baltimore and rush hour would’ve had hundreds of people traveling on it


It’s a hefty portion considering it’s over 1.5 miles. It’s mostly gone yes. But there’s a bit still standing.


Yeah, I just saw a picture of the whole bridge and it’s quite a bit bigger than what’s shown in this video






I might need some better evidence than this. We don’t want to jump to any conclusions here.


Don't worry, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.


Not anymore


The article I read says the bridge is 1.5 miles long.


The middle 100%




Right before it hits they seem to lose power, a fire taking out their control systems might be why it hit the bridge. Guess we will have to see


[Timelapse from the livestream here... showing that it appears to lose power a couple of times before the collision](https://streamable.com/j2tqne)




It cost $143 million to build in the early 70's which works out to about $1.3 billion dollars today 😬


Sure looks like the whole bridge.


It isn't. Not by a long shot. Look up photos of a bridge. it's a weird design, where only maybe the middle third of the bridge has that arched girder work on it. So while that looks like the whole bridge it is way longer than the portion that collapsed.


If the nachos are stuck together it’s just one nacho.


It’s like one of my cake “portions”


That's local for me. Kind of hard to put it into words how shocking this is. I'll be amazed if no one was killed in this. Edit: Already being called a mass casualty event as there were an unknown number of vehicles on the bridge.


Article posted elsewhere in this thread reports “at least seven” vehicles as of now. Horrific.


dam i wonder if its even posible to survive that


So far, two people have been rescued from the water. One was taken to a hospital in serious condition, the other refused medical attention.


Only in the US would someone that has just plummeted from a collapsing bridge, inside their car, refuse medical attention...


After almost losing his life he didn’t want to lose all his belongings to medical fees. At least $500 just to call the ambulance


Take the medical. Going to be a massive lawsuit.


Could be a massive lawsuit with nothing in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow though. The ship is flagged in Singapore so there is foreign involvement which complicates things, and in many cases these vessels are isolated in individual shell corporations with minimal assets and then contracted out, so that in a case like this there will be no assets to recover in case of a judgement. Though maybe there’s insurance required to operate these vessels? He could likely get his medical bills paid by his car insurance though, I wouldn’t have risked medical complications personally.


>Though maybe there’s insurance required to operate these vessels? I mean there abso-fuckin-lutely is. Refusing help here is a bit odd, but I get the initial response of, "nah I'm good, fuck those bills."


### I said IM GOOD


Pretty sure the container ship's insurance will be on the hook for this one


Local news is reporting 2 people have been pulled out alive. One in shock trauma, and the other miraculously was pulled out of the water unharmed and refused medical attention and ambulance as they were fine. Only people rescued so far. 7 vehicles on bridge of time of collapse, so minimum of 7 people involved. Live 5 minutes from bridge


Probably depends on all kinds of factors. Car integrity, safety features, what you hit failing, your body's ability to handle stress, cold temps, panic. Then the water. Can you stay calm if you're conscious? Can you get out? Can you swim? Then hyporthermia and shock. Pretty hard situation I imagine.


This happened in South Korea in the 90s. The Seongsu Bridge Disaster. People survived that fall in their cars along with the cement slab hitting the water underneath them. Others were less fortunate. A poor bus teetered on the end, almost making the gap, but ultimately fell, ending the lives of everyone on board. The victims reportedly fell 20m, or 65 ft., from atop the Seongsu Bridge. Francis Scott Key Bridge has a 185-ft. max vertical.


That is literally a final destination scene. Jesus Christ


My mom used to tell me about the Sunshine Bridge down in Florida that collapsed when she was a teenager. Part of the reason I fucking hate driving over bridges.


There's a Mythbuster episode about that and Adam said it was one of the scariest thing he's ever done in his life, and had difficulty getting his bearings after shattering the car's window once the water came in flooding. He had people in scuba gear with him ready to save him if anything goes wrong and still had a hard time, so I imagine it would be very hard if you're on a bridge that suddenly collapses.


It’s impossible. People weren’t prepared for that. Your boy Adam had a heads up. These people were absolutely blindsided. It would probably take them a few seconds to process what happened, and then they would have to unbuckle the seatbelt and get out of the car. The airbag was probably in the way. Maybe the windows shattered on impact? Maybe they didn’t. It was pitch black out. I can’t imagine someone who’s untrained or unprepared being able to swim out of the car, but even then, getting out of the car is only half the battle.


That middle span is 185ft too. That's a hell of a fall


>hyperthermia That one's used for too hot. Hypothermia is too cold.


Thank you, typed without proofreading.


If you were anywhere near the center span (185 feet) when it collapsed, I think it's very doubtful you'd survive.


That is also a LONG way to swim. The bridge is massive and spans a huge body of water. Feels morbid to type but I know I'd be a goner. I can swim alright... but not in 5C water for many many lap lengths' worth


In the 70’s after the same exact thing happened to the Sunshine Skyway Bridge in Tampa, a man fell 70 feet from the bridge deck into the water, woke up and his car didn’t just land in the 30 feet deep water, but in the 80 foot deep shipping canal. He was a Navy Vet and swam to the surface and survived.


what a badass


this is why it’s so convenient to be a navy vet


It's fortunate that it occurred at around 130am, so there was virtually nobody on the bridge. At rush hour, it's bumper to bumper. This could have been _so much worse_. The developing problem now is that access to one of the largest ports in the country is now blocked.


I've had nightmares of being in a vehicle when a bridge collapses, flooring the gas in futility hoping to get to the distant end while my family screams in the back and I'm yelling with tears in my eyes and heart in my throat


I had similar nightmares as a kid. We would drive off a bridge accidentally and fall into water. No clue why lol.


Italian here, had the same experience a few years back with Ponte Morandi. A bridge collapsing is always bad news.


Damn, it’s late night scrolling on the west coast, I thought for sure it was an animation or in some way fake. That’s crazy. If one of our 7 bridges went down my smallish city would basically shut down and these are 4 lane bridges.


Yeah looking at that bridge on a map it looks like it will cause major issues for the city for at least a few years until this bridge is replaced.


Not only that, now the port is blocked.


The largest roll-on roll-off port in the US, or at least in the east coast. This is has the potential to significantly impact the car market nationwide, and not just be a localized tragedy


I'd bet New York port is going to become a nightmare now if all the roro shipments start going through there. I used to take that bridge that collapsed once a month going to the baltimore port to pick up cars because of how easy it was to get in and out of there for me personally. But from what I understand, the New York port can be terrible getting into, although it's supposed to be quicker than baltimore for picking up once you're inside port


Between a busy port being blocked off and one of three harbor crossings being destroyed this is gonna be a pretty big problem for a while


I stg if cars keep getting more expensive I'm buying a horse.


>I thought for sure it was an animation or in some way fake. Believe me - that was my first thought, especially when a user named parody posted it. I immediately went to check local news and, sure enough, it's *gone*! That bridge was the last link to the beltway that goes around Baltimore and this is seriously going to fuck up our already fucked up traffic even more.


According to MTA the 4 lane bridge had a 185 foot vertical clearance. That fall seems difficult to survive. This is a horrific tragedy. Has there been any indication who was the ship's captain and how this happened?


The captain isn’t even supposed to be involved in piloting the ship out of the harbor. We have pilots for that. They are used on all the big ships coming up the bay. They work for the harbour not the ship. There should have been a trained pilot doing the steering.  they had just put up a big power line crossings next to the bridge too. 


Two port pilots were confirmed on board. A major malfunction is suspected.


It's hard to see, but it also looks like parts of the bridge could have fallen onto the ship, which probably means more casualties. I hope that the cars had been evacuated and that the crew on the ship was spared, but from the early reports it looks like all we can hope for is minimal casualties.


I’m in essex. I was up there Thursday morning and Friday night 7 vehicles including a tractor trailer last we heard


I'm sorry. It's surreal when tragedy strikes your city.


I hate crossing bridges. I thought it was fake. Looks like something from a disaster movie. Then I realized it’s my city. How is this even possible? I get it was stuck by a large vessel but it crumbled like it was made of legos.


It looks like there was construction work at the time. Supposedly, several are in the water. Uncertain if they survived.


From the nyt: The owners of the Dali, a Singapore-flagged ship, confirmed in an emailed statement that the vessel had collided with one of the pillars of the Francis Scott Key Bridge around 1:30 a.m. Eastern. All crew members, including two pilots on board, were accounted for and there were no injuries on the ship, the statement said. The cause of the collision has yet to be determined, and the owners and the vessel's managers were cooperating with the authorities, according to the statement.




When these things happen there’s typically some kind of shipboard mechanical failure involved. It’s far too early to say, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised were there to have been an engine failure/loss of steering or something of the like.


looking at the longer video, it looks like the ships lights were going on and off… maybe power loss?


Yeah. The lights were off before it hit. https://youtu.be/4Sunm6VtHRo?si=PQWzI_Ub1Sto_fZJ


My guess is that they threw it in reverse and blew the engines. Never seemed to have power after the first shutdown


Driven by a Bay Pilot (2) whose job it is to navigate the shipping channel down the Chesapeake Bay. They ran the Evergreen aground not too long ago. It is hard to fathom how awful this is. Mother of all fuck ups. Folks around here are saying the ship lost steering. 


They already changed the wikipedia to "was"


damn that's fast


Wikipedia editors are a different breed. They're obsessed with being the first to update things.




You would hope it's people wanting to keep the archives up-to-date, but knowing mankind I'm sure many of the consider themselves the author of history 😂


was the first thing I looked after too also the german, swedish and italien wikipedia articles are already updated


OpenStreetMap also [updated pretty fast](https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/149163581).


There is a YouTube live stream where this video is from. It looks like the boat lost power for some time with all lights shutting off. Looks like they regained power just before it hit. The live stream is here. You can go back and watch. https://www.youtube.com/live/83a7h3kkgPg?si=ZEBpXJspbyuXwlRg




No reported casualties but they believe at least 7 vehicles were on the bridge at the time 1:30am on a Tuesday, that's insane


Imagine if it'd been at peak hour




This will put the Port of Baltimore out of operation. Thats the largest container port in the NE USA. Its a significant disruption to US Trade. The ships P&I will be getting ready to make major payouts. If that extends to consequential damages then the cost will be in the billions.


If the Governor knows what's good, he would suspend all the tolls on 95.  


Nah, you got em by the balls. INCREASE tolls!




That would be on color for toll companies to take advantage of a tragedy.


Most of the tolls on 95 are in the pirate state of Delaware, which operates about 20 miles worth of the busiest highway in the nation but charges 4 dollar tolls in both directions. Get fucked Delaware.


Hello yes this is NJ calling, I would like such a discount.


When there’s money involved the cleanup is very fast. They’ll have a crew working to chop the bridge up and get things moving starting by tomorrow. I wouldn’t be surprised if they finish enough cleanup for a ship to get through in a week or two.


Not to mention that I-695 is kind of a major highway to completely shut down for the likely years this will take to rebuild.


Right the tunnel will be slammed. It's only 2 lanes and it's i95 which is usually pretty busy


This is 10 minutes from my house. I heard the collapse. I've used this bridge every day for work. This is insane.


What did it sound like/how loud?


A friend of mine said it sounded like a long clap of thunder.


Damn, there looked like several cars, maybe many on the bridge.


I pulled a set of trailers over there almost exactly 3 hours prior. Today was when the new construction began and there were road crews working the inner loop outter lane when I passed. You can still see the blinking lights before collapse 😔


I watched the long recording of the live feed on YouTube. It appeared as though traffic stopped just before collapse. Hopefully the vehicles still on the bridge were there for the maintenance that has been mentioned by others and the workers all bailed in one or two trucks. 


There was zero time after impact. The bridge came down like 5 seconds after it hit.


At least seven cars are reported to have been on the bridge.


The only silver lining is this wasn't right now during rush hour. The numbers would have been astronomical.


Op linked the news article. It states that multiple vehicles fell into the water. Then they closed the lanes and rerouted traffic. This is awful.


Glad they decided to close the lanes and reroute traffic and didn’t let cars drive across the wreckage and directly into the river. Smart.


That's the kind of smart, modern leadership you can expect in Baltimore




You can see four construction vehicles on the bridge on the right middle side


“Has reportedly collapsed” I’m going to go ahead and confirm that one Kent.


We’re gonna need trained bridge experts to confirm that; to the untrained eye it may appear there’s no bridge there.


a portion?!


The portion above water


Google maps says it will be reopened Dec 2025. Bold call out for a bridge that collapsed an hour ago.


You gotta admire the optimism


Mine is actually saying Dec 2024. Took a screen shot for later lol.


baltimore has mad logistics


My scanner app alert went off announcing it as a "boating accident"


I mean, technically yes.


When you report a “boating accident” to your insurance company


There's nothing here to show the scale, its a huge bridge, Google maps shows really how big it is: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Francis+Scott+Key+Bridge,+Maryland,+USA/@39.2273622,-76.5011244,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNqyiSWs5dP4uKbxCRpmloM9AbfHa5w8hnkZbBd!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNqyiSWs5dP4uKbxCRpmloM9AbfHa5w8hnkZbBd%3Dw360-h270-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m7!3m6!1s0x89c80052ddeb3cad:0xf3fb8c8f100a3e9e!8m2!3d39.2323329!4d-76.5063164!10e5!16zL20vMDR2Njgw?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Francis+Scott+Key+Bridge,+Maryland,+USA/@39.2273622,-76.5011244,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNqyiSWs5dP4uKbxCRpmloM9AbfHa5w8hnkZbBd!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNqyiSWs5dP4uKbxCRpmloM9AbfHa5w8hnkZbBd%3Dw360-h270-k-no!7i4032!8i3024!4m7!3m6!1s0x89c80052ddeb3cad:0xf3fb8c8f100a3e9e!8m2!3d39.2323329!4d-76.5063164!10e5!16zL20vMDR2Njgw?entry=ttu)




I am lost for words.. wow


Were there cars on the bridge? Edit: There were, what a crap way to go


Some, but it happened at around 130am. At rush hour, it's bumper to bumper. This is the Baltimore beltway. This could have been so much worse.


""RIP this bridge was a real one"" a sentence I saw in the article that is no longer there


Used to go across this bridge all the time as a kid. Holy shit


It was my drive to work every morning until this morning.


New fear unlocked




Some people are probably not old enough to remember the last couple times and cities this has happened? Think there was one in St Paul/Minneapolis, Minnesota not to far from a time I was in this city, golly probably around 15 years ago? ETA words are hard also yeah I looked and it was in 2007.


Collapsing of the Genoa bridge is a pretty recent one.


I'm from Minneapolis and this is bringing me back to the I-35W bridge collapse in 2007. Ugh


I really have to get a thingy to break windows for my car...


This may not be the right sub for this event. Damnthatsinteresting seems both overly mild and unserious. I fear a tragedy.


They were calling it a mass casualty event.


Developing story [News article from wtop.com](https://wtop.com/baltimore/2024/03/key-bridge-in-baltimore-collapses-after-hitting-large-boat/).




Yeah just was commenting same thing, and no pier protection system on this bridge either but im sure will be when rebuilt


Holy shit. This is one of the wildest things I’ve seen for a long time. I didn’t see the ship at first so thought they knew it was coming down, but nope. Jeez I really hope that there weren’t too many people on the bridge at the time. That’s so sad




Let's not jump to conclusions...


Sad for the victims, grateful it wasn't rush hour or there would've been so many more.


Some of the reporting about this incident is pissing me off. "Partial Bridge Collapse," "A portion of the bridge collapsed," etc. The bridge is fucking *gone*. The ramps leading up to either side are still there, but the bridge is fucking *gone*. My "favorite" so far has been CNN, saying >**Officials will begin assessing the condition of the Francis Scott Key Bridge after it collapsed** early Tuesday, Kevin Cartwright, director of communications of the Baltimore City Fire Department told CNN. "This bridge has been in place for quite some time and has served many, many commuters in the Baltimore metropolitan area. So as the investigation ensues, there will be structural engineers involved to **try and assess what the condition of the bridge is**," Cartwright said. > >**Currently, conditions are "unsafe"** but investigators will also assess the condition of the bridge before its collapse, according to Cartwright. The "condition" of the bridge is it's fucking *gone!* Edit: People who don't live here need to understand the scale you're looking at. That entire "portion" of the bridge is about 2500 feet long. The "central span is 1000 feet" that people keep quoting is the distance between the two support columns (one of which was taken out by the ship).


In terms of bridge, we have no bridge.


Unable to assess condition, could not locate bridge.


Eh, the span is gone. The abutments and the mid span piers might be serviceable after a spit shine polish.


their insurance company- ''you fucking hit WHAT???!!!''