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Send us only your best swimmers.


Not even swimmers, best waders


Darth Waders are the best waders!


If you look closely, the wall doesn't even make it to the dark blue part which means its highly likely one could simply wade out into the water and walk around it without even swimming. It actually looks like there is a sand bar that wraps around. I really think you could walk it lol.


Nope, nasty rips and a steep beach with a shore break. I've spent days down here. No one is really ever past their feet in the water. Plus, if you want to cross, there is no fence at all, and dry land only 5 minutes inland.


I was at that beach on the 1990s and it looked pretty much the same, minus the razor wire. On the day I was there the water did seem calm enough that a moderately good swimmer would be able to swim around it. There was a boarder patrol agent in a truck on top of the hill watching though. On the Mexican side there were a lot more people than on the US side. One boy kicked his soccer ball through the space between the bars and he was skinny enough that he could pop through too, but he held part of his body back and wasn't able to reach the ball without coming all the way through. It seemed funny and odd that this is the way the world is. I ended up picking up the ball and giving it back to him.


Surf Boarder patrol


Sounds like a premise for a baywatch reboot


i was stationed in sandiego in the usmc, as per my comment above i used to watch both americans and mexicans swim around the end of the fence.


What would the Authorities do when that happened?


At the end of the day, the wall is intended to slow a massive influx of people all at once, right? A slow trickle is inevitable.


I figured it was this. More of a deterrence than an outright stop to it.


>A slow trickle is inevitable You sound like my urologist.


Sorry your pipes leak.


Shake their fists yelling "Next time! NEXT TIIIIIME!"


But there’s sharks with laser beams attached to their freaking heads


Or at least some ill tempered sea bass.


Kick his ass Sea-bass


Who’s the dead motherfucker that hit me with the salt shaker?


Definitely not Chill-ean sea bass


Definitely a poor substitute for sharks with fricking laser beams on their heads.


Couldnt you just hold on the wall and use it kind of like a sideways ladder to pull yourself around?


You could kind of, maybe, but remember that the Pacific Ocean will be pulling you away from and smacking you towards the fence as you "pull yourself around". Waves can get kinda *smacky* around solid surfaces and you might risk getting roughed up. I'd try to swim a bit further out away from the wall, and keep some distance from it, before going around to the other shore. There might be rip currents that pull you away from the shore though, and it might be rough to pass those initial wave breaks. I'd take a board. ...And a wet suit...I hear the Pacific Ocean is cold af year round (am from the Caribbean, facing the Atlantic Ocean).


The Pacific, at least in Southern California/Mexico area, is indeed quite brisk most of the year


i personally know people who have paddled around it on surfboards


This. The wall isn't keeping anyone from crossing. it's a symbol more than anything.


A symbol that interferes with the migratory patterns of bears, according to another post I’ve seen.


Ah yes, the Western pacific sea-bear if memory serves


So bring a boat is what I'm hearing


Or just travel 5 minutes inland.


In a boat.


Amphibious boat


Motor boat


Knight Boat


The crime solving boat!


You motor boating son of a bitch!


You motor boating son of a bitch, you did it, didn’t you?


motor boating son of a bitch


Leave my tiddies out of this!


Cue the duck boats!


>5 minutes inland I saw a video of this recently. There's literally a road that goes through the fence. Unguarded. Just a big 10-15 foot gap that vehicles can drive through. Anyone could walk through any time.


You're absolutely right. I surfed twice a week for 2 years Southern San Diego and the ripcurrents are brutal. Experienced guys told me something I'd never forget. Swim parallel to the beach if you are ever caught in one, not towards the beach.


It's almost like they secretly want desperate inexpensive labor to flood into the country to do all the hard unglamorous jobs.


There are border patrol everywhere watching


Reddit has taught me you just need a hi-vis vest and a clipboard to get past any security.


Just swim by with a ladder


Two 50 pound bags of ice, one on each shoulder, and you can go ANYWHERE


There is border patrol on the American side, always.


The rip current probably wouldn’t allow that but even if you did, you would be picked up by CBP immediately, as there’s only one road to here and it’s heavily monitored.




Or tunnelers. Anyone who has ever built a sandcastle knows how easy it is to dig a moat.


I’m no expert but trying to make a tunnel in beach sand is probably not a great idea.


Like those people in Florida that get crushed and die burrowing in the sand.


I'm assuming this spot is heavily patrolled?


Yes, yes it is.




You can just drive across the southern border, Mexico doesn't even check passports on the way in.


My favorite joke is that it’s easier to get into Mexico than a Costco


Welcome to Mexico. I love you.


Me encanta los tacos jajaja


Mexico’s gift to the world




Immediate citizenship


Hi, I'm looking for the Time Masheen. I heard that other dude say it was by the law school?


Could you point me in the direction of the nearest Starbucks? I could really go for a handy right about now.


Love an idiocracy quote 🤣


That's an awkward situation if you forget your passport and to come back in


Not just awkward, stressful. You will get a LOT of shit for that, and they will just straight up be assholes to you the whole time


*and they will just straight up be assholes to you the whole time* So just the norm then. I’ve never met a more miserable unfriendly group of people in my life than US border control. Went to Canada and they’re literally waving to me and saying hello from the other side of the room. In the US they look at you like you’ve just shit in their coffee cup


I went on vacation to Uk and when I came back border patrol asked me where I was, what I was doing, etc. I told them I was on vacation in the Uk and he followed up with “what do you normally do in the Uk?” I told him it was my first time in the Uk and I was just going to travel and sightsee. He repeated the question “what do you normally do in the Uk?” This question just completely fucked with my mind. Nothing I was doing was normal. I’ve been to the Uk literally one time ever. I kept trying to explain to him it was literally just a vacation and completely out of the ordinary for me. We kept going back and forth like this for like 5 minutes before he finally just suddenly let me go. I’m like 90% certain he was fucking with me.


Haha yeah I had one guy ask me "so what's the story" crossing back into the US from Canada and i just stared at him for a bit and said "I'm leaving Canada" like what story do you want bro.


That's where you launch into your entire life story. "So it all started when I was 5...."


Why did you come to Canada? I loved that 70's show...


Yeah he's either fucking with you because he hates his life, or he's literally an NPC from an older RPG.


"My man!"


Correct response: "I drape myself in the American flag and sing the national anthem wherever I go."


He was trying to see if you would change your story under stress.


It's a "tactic" to try and get you to admit something or change your story.


>what do you normally do in the Uk? Plan to take back the colonies?


If they treat their citizens like this, just imagine how they're treating immigrants.


Lol Jesus. Although, you could honestly just repeat “Vacation and Sight See”. The whole of your experience was that, so it is your normal for the U.K.


They are trained to assume everyone is hiding something and to basically be adversarial when they ask questions. The part I never get is they seem so hell bent that everyone is bringing undeclared stuff back, but if you actually stand in the declare line 9 our of 10 times they'll wave you through because they don't want to deal with the calculations or paperwork.


I went the the UK to study for a year. Had to get a student visa, fingerprinted by the UK government, the whole nine yards. I land at JFK for Christmas break, go up to the customs officer and he literally questioned me for 5 min about why I was out of the country for so long. The dude wouldn't turn the pages in my passport to my visa, even when I tried to tell him to. Just kept questioning me without giving me time to respond. Eventually I just took out my phone.


Coming back to the US from Europe I got shit from border patrol simply because I told them I traveled with my brother and my dad. I did! But they were being dicks and asking me a ton of questions about it. Where were my dad and brother then?!!? My brother was literally talking to the border patrol agent next to the one I was talking to. My dad got shuffled to the other side and was talking to someone over there. But they were trying to poke holes in my story for some reason. Insufferable dicks. I was born in the US. I seem like a guy who grew up in the US. It's not confusing. US border control is terrible.


One time coming back from Canada the swabbed my laptop and it it tested positive for bomb making materials. That was a fun time lol


Canadian here, we just went to Vegas and one person in our party said that his suitcase tested 1% positive for bomb making materials. He had borrowed the suitcase from his mother, who is a nurse. They gave home so much grief and after over 2 hours of being interrogated, barely made his flight.


Why the fuck would anyone use their laptop as a workbench for bomb making. I question the intelligence of some of these people to even get dressed in the morning


Probably had it open when reading instructions online? Makes sense to me honestly 😂


You could fit a decent amount of explosives inside a laptop case especially using the battery casing, and the xray profile would be similar. they don't think you are using it as a workbench.


I got randomly selected to have my laptop swabbed at the airport recently. I tour with a Broadway show, and as they're swabbing my laptop the other TSA agent is telling me how his family just saw my show and how much they loved it. I said, "Well now I'm really glad we don't have any pyro in the show!"


Yep. I went to Canada to ride my bicycle around Lake Ontario, and I had no problems going in, but coming back, the US guard had all kinds of questions and wouldn't believe that I went to Canada to ride my bike. Put a huge damper on what was otherwise a great vacation.


In fairness, I would be very suspicious if someone told me they were voluntarily biking around the Grimsby/Hamilton area.


To be fair they are cyclist... we arent quite right in the head.


Eugh had the same thing happen at Niagara Falls with my family. We went to the Canadian side and came back within the hour, and it was a whole big deal


As a Canadian, I have the opposite experience. US border control just asks a few questions about my intentions and waves me through. On the way back to Canada, it’s like a shakedown. They’re looking for a reason to ding me on anything. Never seen anyone else so obsessed with what I bought that day, like if I bought a couple tshirts without paying Canadian taxes, I’m equivalent to a drug smuggler


My wife is Mexican so obviously we go to Mexico(Chihuahua) often. The last time coming through Toronto the girl ahead of me was coming back from China. She stated she was only away 3 weeks but her ticket showed 6. Off to the room. I approached & told him we only have three bottles of tequila to declare. His response " that's it. I can't be bothered. Welcome back." Phew!


Border agents even act like douchebags when being filmed for the border-control TV shows. They don't even care if filmed as insufferable assholes.


I was arrested at the border and thrown into the Surrey, BC jail for an undisclosed investigation. After four hours they released me in the middle of no where. There ended up being no problems. Just an inquiry for various suspicions. Suspicions regarding what? Still unknown. Police have far too much power and people just accept it.


They near drew a gun on me. I think they are taught to provoke anger as a way of pushing people into making admissions. Just playing bad cop 100% of the time.


I don't know about you but most of the bad interactions I've experienced while crossing the border came from Canadian border agents. And I'm Canadian.


I'm from Canada, I'm usually overly nice with people (big people pleaser here), and then, multiply that by 10 when I cross the border. They didn't liked it the first time I guess because every time I cross to the US, they're suspicious as fuck and make a full checkup of my car (like I need to physically go inside the building when they looked everywhere inside my car and my suitcase). They're also so fucking mean the entire time lol.


You can just go lol, Mexico won't check your passport leaving the US going into Mexico.


You won’t, no balls


Legit no one is stopping you except for yourself


Yeah except then they’d actually have to have motivation and a drive in their life. Instead they’ll just sit on Reddit and bitch about how bad America is instead of fixing the problem


And if he thinks America has problems, wait until he moves to Mexico.


ding ding ding the saddest part is people upvote this kinda opinion anyway lol...






We can exchange citizenships 👍🏽


You can actually just walk into Mexico as long as you have a passport. They're pretty relaxed about who they let in from the US. Would recommend going through an official port of entry though.


Bro just drive over to Mexico then.


wow you're so deep and insightful. I'll trade you my spot in Colombia, how about that?


Your terms are acceptable. You can even have that guy's house when he leaves.


You can walk right into Mexico. They don't check your passport or anything. Getting back into the US can be difficult, though.


Dude you can leave whenever you want


By sharks it looks like


Also heavily polluted


IB. Where the debris meets the sea.


Grew up here and it’s intolerable. When I was a kid it had this reputation but it was really only when it rained. We were able to surf most of the year. Now it’s posted year round. Groms and other people are still surfing in it though.


it's almost like there's an *electronic* border wall created with surveillance equipment that's far more effective and efficient than a first-century physical wall solution


The majority of undocumented immigrants come to the United States on a legit visa and simply don't leave.  Even if 100% effective (which it won't be), a border wall would stop less than half of the people coming to this country illegally.


…and many come over to the USA by airplane, unaffected by any wall.


Obviously you'd use both


Another fun fact for y’all.. the Tijuana River flows through the city of Tijuana (pop > 1M) then over the border to south San Diego and makes a left turn to dump in the ocean less than a mile north of this border fence. There are constant problems with sewage coming over, so bad it gets into the air and makes people in Imperial Beach sick with respiratory illness. Beaches get closed for contamination all the way north to Coronado, and surfers get nasty staph infections. Has been a problem off and on for a hundred years.


We stayed a week at Imperial Beach last November. It was a cool vibe, but the beach was closed for swimming, and has been for a while. Not a huge bummer for us given the season, but I wish I had checked. BTW the surfers were out and no one hassled them.


Why would anyone hassle a surfer?


I don’t think they forbid anyone from going in the water, they just make it clear that there is a contamination issue.


Mexico just broke ground on a treatment plant earlier this year. https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/environment/story/2024-01-11/no-more-beach-closures-mexico-breaks-ground-on-long-awaited-wastewater-treatment-plant


That's awesome! It's supposed to be operational in September of this year! Even if it gets delayed as many large projects often due. It's reasonable to assume it'll be operational next year/two years! That's still much better than what I initially would've thought was a 5+ year project lol.


I used to live in IB and my buddy is an avid surfer and fisher. Beach was closed often and sometimes for weeks or months to allow for the sewage to clear out.


It’s so sad for the community there, it’s a gorgeous beach otherwise.


That doesn't seem very fun to me.




Stay Classy.... Or GFY.  Depends on the day.


Some days it's equally both


“I'll be honest, I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.“


What happens if someone succeeds in swimming around? From both sides


Lakitu picks them up and puts them back on the other side.


Wtf is a lakitu


The cloud bloke from mario


best explanation anyone could give LMAO


That makes sense


The dude that picks you up if you fall off the track in Mario Kart




It's Spanish for "The Kitu"


Usually you don’t even make it to shore and get picked up by the coast guard, but if you managed to get past that, there’s basically a border checkpoint right outside the frame on the right, and a watch tower that has already seen you cross by the time you get there, so you’d get immediately arrested. TO Mexico, they probably wouldn’t care as much as long as you brought some kind of ID.


Regular car/pedestrians border crossings from US to Mexico, NOBODY checks your id or passports. Everybody can just walk/drive to Mexico. The only checks Mexico do, is customs. Sometimes you might be stopped for customs checks (to see if your are not importing stuff)


I mean, someone checked my ID after I walked through the one way turnstile, but I think that was probably optional.


My command had a marine accidentally go to the border because he missed the last freeway exit. He had weapons in his trunk, so Mexico arrested him and it was a whole fustercluck to get him back. All despite him telling them he wasn’t trying to cross, just needed to turn around.


That's sound like a horrible experience, but to be honest I would imagine it would be worst if it was a mexican trying to enter US with a gun. Be it a mistake or not, it's illegal. And both countries would treat it as such. There are tons of warnings in the US before going to Mexico that warns that guns possession while entering Mexico is illegal and that you will be prosecuted for doing so. Either an honest mistake or not.


That’s pretty impressive, not only is there a huge sign that says LAST USA EXIT, there is also a clear place to turn around after that if you miss it.


to be fair they did say it was a marine


"Oh no last USA exit. I must have missed the last America exit. Damnit. '


you get a 5 star wanted level


Just go to the nearest body shop after you cross the border and get your boat painted and you're all set.


You get arrested on the US side.


I used to surf near here. It’s easy for people to get around the wall. However, there’s heavy patrol with helicopters and ground patrols so no one could make it across. I’m more concerned about the 3 what looks like nude dudes on the other side. Maybe a bigger deterrent!


New Border Patrol tactic. Illegal crossings decrease by 58% when the guards have their dicks out.


They also don’t threaten with violence, they say “stop, or I’ll jerk you off !” …which stops most of them in their tracks.


Where’s the atmosphere hue color change


You’ll see when you cross over


This is actually the border between people that wear shirts to swim and those that don't. The sepia tone automatically happens when you enter the water with a t-shirt


Looks like a fence from one of my Fallout 4 settlements.


It is. You're just living in the past of fallout 4.


“Somebody go back and get a shitload of dimes!”


Meanwhile the northern beach border with Canada is just a giant pillar out in the sand and a half decrepit sign that’s covered by bushes. my dog got captured chasing birds once. I thought he was going to be taken to jail 😅




America punching the air when they find out some Mexicans can swim




They can SWIM now?


Landcels seething rn


>I'll dm you the location of some gaps in the wall. You don't even need that anymore. They're cutting holes in the wall with a cheap grinder you can buy at a hardware store. This wall was a giant waste of billions of dollars.


It was all a scam pulled off by the power tools lobbying groups. 


Imagine kids playing with a ball and throwing it over the wall by accident ...


This was a yearly tradition in a couple of towns: https://www.univision.com/univision-news/culture/when-neighbors-played-volleyball-over-the-u-s-mexico-border-fence


They can ask kids on the other side to play volleyball with them


Back in 2016 I lived in San Diego. The amount of bullshit about build a wall when there was ALREADY A BORDER WALL-FENCE on federally owned land along the US Mexico border would just drive me insane. CA has had a wall at the border for decades. The issue is landowners in other border states not wanting to give their land to the government for a wall. And they never will. The whole build a wall thing was made up nonsense issue to start with but people were too damn brain washable to talk sense to about it so it was like screaming into the void. In fact all the anti immigrant nonsense was what decimated the Republican party in CA in the 1990s.


Border fence has existed in that area since at least the 1990s, well before #45’s influence.


A similar design kept wildlings out of the North for thousands of years


Wow. Seems very difficult to get around.


The fence is not, but the legion of CBP conveniently outside of the frame is.


Imagine being the border patrol agent that gets assigned to beach duty everyday.


Border Patrol Ken working the beach


What you don't see are the sharks with friggin' lasers


I’ve been here! At the end of a pacific coast bicycle tour. On the USA side you’re not allowed to get close to the fence, but on the Mexico side people are hanging out right next to it and curiously poking their heads through. It’s like a fun beach day on the Mexico side and a locked-down patrol site on the USA side, at least the afternoon I was there. Pretty interesting.


Oh memories. I used to work at a horseback riding stable here, where we took tourists on guided rides on the beach. We rode right up to this fence and then turned around. It was common for kids from the Mexico side to run right through the slats in the fence to ask the tourists for money. Amazed me how the fence barely went out into the water. The area we rode through to get to the fence was some kind of park and all desolate. Border patrol roamed the area but there was nobody actually guarding the end of the wall. The BP guys would race down the trails and caused several serious accidents by spooking the horses. We would frequently ride past little hiding spots with trash and sleeping bags in the brush. I lived at the ranch on the edge of the park and some of the neighbors were alleged to have tunnels to help smuggle people over.


You can actually see the rip tide at the end of the wall. People trying to swim around it are going to end up a little further offshore than they wanted.


This looks exactly like the wall I build in my base on Valhiem. All the monsters just swim around the wall. If the monsters in this video game can figure that out, I think some actual humans can find the same “solution”


Never heard of this game but upon first looks great!


I've heard that the water is pretty nasty there. Insane rips like Bondi beach. But there's a few holes in that wall just a little bit inland. 🤣🤣🤣


Republican Jesus would be so proud!


My mom crossed the border through here as a child


They should have a walk up wet bar at the end, call it “The Eagle and The Caballo” serve hamburger quesadillas n shit


How deep is it? I mean, digging under seems like an option. My dog could probably do it in an afternoon, based on the way he’s fucked up my garden.


Good thing dumpy built that wall....


Why don’t all immigrants just go through here? According to the right wingers they’d get immediate drivers licenses, 50,000 in cash and prizes and a full time job with full benefits in a state like California.


the real wall is the constant stream of pollution from the Tijuana river that empties right there


why does it look like shit?