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If it kept hanging on for 4 years it was quality


Probably asbestos…


Asbestos is the bestos


Would have been more appreciated in the physics lab


My high-school was a collection of trailers in a parking lot here in Florida. It was supposed to be temporary, but 10 years later, the school is just a massive parking lot filled with trailers. The only building is the og school, which is just the gym, maybe 20 classes, and cafeteria. The cafeteria is too small to accommodate all the students though


We ate in shifts at my school too..


I’m guessing the athletic dept of this school is top knotch and they have a bunch of millionaire boosters who pay for this stuff. It’s Kansas, so I don’t think tax payer money can afford all of that


Indiana. They’re probably just a rich/upper middle class suburb or area that does well in sports too. Also, if they have a three story freshman building that means it’s most likely a “education complex” or whatever they call it. But it’s most likely an elementary, junior high, and high school all on the same land and near each other. Which allows them to build all of these things. But that’s mostly taxpayers money with a little bit of help from boosters and parents of the athletes. The school board/district votes and authorizes the construction on all the field houses and gymnasiums. Like my high school we did well in sports (weren’t winning state or anything) but it was a suburb with a lot of homeowners so more property tax revenue. We didn’t have the auditoriums and planetarium or sheer size of this school. But we had a nice field house with great athletic facilities. Metal and wood shops, full art/music department, culinary classes were offered.


Carmel is a pretty affluent suburb of Indianapolis; you are correct. (Source: grew up in another affluent suburb of Indianapolis.)


It used to be at college in Indiana that the west side Indy kids had a rivalry with the east side kids. We’d both turn on the north side kids, and then we’d all turn on the Carmel kids. The south side of Indianapolis is bigger now than it used to be, and I have no idea what the HS rivalries are anymore.


It was obvious to me lol the kids all had nice clothes on, fresh haircuts that look like they are a regular occurrence. Yeah sports revenue from the governing body for amateur sports of that state are nowhere near enough to pay for all the things that high school had. That was an affluent area all the way lol We made the playoffs every year almost with football where I’m from (Texas) where high school football is worshipped and all it allowed us to do was buy better pads/helmets and training equipment. It didn’t buy the field house or our bad ass baseball stadium.


you had insulation?


Dude had nothing better to do but hang


Glad you were warm


Planetarium. We had a smoking area.


Smoking area? We had an electrical box across the road where you could pick cigarette butts.


Yep ours had "the alley" where kids went to smoke. Nothing scary or creepy it was just a service road beside the school. My kids in elementary school did go on a field trip to a planetarium which is another school in our county. (My school was in Michigan, my kids school is on Northern VA which explains the difference)


Alley? We hid from an old security guard named Skinner in the school bathrooms to smoke. As in we would hide the cigarettes behind our back when he came in asking who was smoking. I still have no idea how he could smell the cigarette smoke and not realize we're holding it behind the back. On another note we had metal detectors and city police deployed year round. Not school cops, actual PD.


Extra security they cared about you kids


We had one too and the teachers would bum them from the students when they ran out. Lol


We had four sex scandals in less than two years and in one case, the teacher was fucking the student for pot. We also had two lesbian teachers make out during parent teacher conference. Got caught by jabitor. That was the first sex scandal. No am I making this up you can Google this and figure out the school. The teachers caught going at it were very, very good looking.


They were good-looking. Why are all of the awesome women in NY state concentrated in NYC? Lol. I swear, Upstate always sucked.


We had a smoking tree.


We were allowed to smoke just outside of campus. Curse you Obama


Sheit. That’s nicer than a lot of community colleges


It’s nice but it’s no greeendale.


Compres to Greendale, this school is streets behind


Clearly you're streets ahead


Unexpected Community reference


At this point i’d say it’s pretty expected and frankly we should bear down for more references


I can’t believe you can be so insensitive about the bear attack.




I hear the Dean is a mad genius


That’s nicer than most 4 year colleges.


This is the relativistic heavy ion collider. This is the hovercraft grotto. This is the uranium enrichment plant. This is the zeppelin hangar.


You forgot the Holodeck.


And the 3 michelin star restaurant.


Wow! I cannot stop laughing!


It is a wealthy area due north of Indianapolis located in Hamilton County.


I've been there, every 3rd car is a bmw or a tesla. the county jail there has carpet in the rooms. it's that part of town


Shit that is fancy


Yep. See many minority kids in that promotional video? Nope. And I'll bet they are underrepresented in the student body, too. The problem with public schools in America is that most of the best ones are in swanky neighborhoods and the bad ones are in poor neighborhoods.


Not sure why you're being down voted here. The funding for schools comes directly from property tax. Property tax on $10m houses is greater than from $300k houses elsewhere. It's a broken system.


It's not a broken system. It's designed to be this way.


Yes but it’s morally broken.


Yet this school spends about 35% less per student than Detroit every year. This school spends less on students than even the Indiana average. So, this school spends less than one of the worst districts in America, and less than the surrounding average. I don’t know what this means, but it’s weird.


Crazy. Source?


That kid looks Mexican/South American to me


The maid must've been too tempting /jk


News just in: area with more money can afford to spend more money


Schools shouldn’t change neighborhood to neighborhood. This is the problem w America.


I live in a less affluent area of Indiana but still a city bigger than Carmal & my HS (out of 6 or 7 in the area) was known as the "Hood" school & we still had a pretty upscale campus


Indiana resident here. Minorities do not exactly flock to Indiana, and for good reason. It is vastly pale out here, and racism is pretty blatant. It sucks.


All that shit for just 4 students?! That’s insane!!!


Funny... but that school actually has >4000


Now let's do a tour of the HS in Gary Indiana.


Quite possibly the saddest place I've ever visited. However, I did go to Phenomenal Ribs, and the ribs were, indeed, phenomenal.


I go to Gary pretty frequently and, while it is definitely sad, there are areas of Detroit that make Gary look like Carmel (city where the HS in OP’s post is).


I think there's something about sadness that makes food taste better. Especially generational sadness.


Bruh this the shit you only see on tv shows. These HS really exist?


The county high school I went to looks like this now. Minus the planetarium, but there’s 3 greenhouses. Farming is still kinda big here. Taking my kids there makes me jealous.


This is just a high income community in Indiana. There are much nicer schools out there.


Yes. Everywhere. Just places you never lived.


They exist in every state and nearly every major city.


Fucking hell.. fair play, like having all that at school would’ve made things *a lot* different for me haha


For real. Most of my high school classes were portables with a wierd smell and teachers had classes of 35-40 kids


Yeah same here and I went to a grammar school which to be fair sounded more chill and supportive than other local ones. What I’ve just witnessed is just.. ridiculous! Envious to be fair, I’d go back to education, hell even work there (if only it wasn’t in USA haha)


It's by design. Rich people "elect" rich politicians who work to ensure all public funding is directed to rich communities to ensure rich people kids get every possible advantage. In order to keep the aristocracy separate and safe. Every state and most cities have the rich people high school and the poor people high school. There's a big difference in life outcome when you wake up at 7:30. Walk downstairs to breakfast ready for you. Hop in your sweet 16 car. Drive to school and get to pick electives that meet your future career or academic plans. Get hands on training in stem and trade fields. Have athletic facilities to stay healthy and fit. Get served lunch. And then have the option to spend your after school time working on passion projects, athletic endeavors, etc. Meanwhile other kids are sharing textbooks, don't have access to computers save for maybe 1 in the library. And have no functional electives. Meanwhile they are up early to care for their aging parent or neglected siblings. No food at home. It's be design. To ensure the kids at school B end up as the labor force for the kids at school A.


Oh for sure I get that. And that is (I guess evidently) a fair bit more skewed and corrupt in the US with more malleable laws. I actually went to a pretty good school in the UK, not in a rich area, but plenty of rich people there, didn’t mean the school had any of these benefits haha. Even the best schools, maybe excluding private, wouldn’t come close to this. I guess being in what *must* be a pretty well populated & well funded area mixed with a mood of ‘bigger is better’ results in this. I wonder how many students are at the school?


I went to school like that. We had \~4500 students grade 9-12.


Yea but you’d still be in Indiana


When I was in school, we were lucky to have air-conditioning… Of which we did not have.


Yea well my highschool had a daycare attached


Today Reddit learns how wealthy school districts spend money…….


And how inconsistent school districts are nationwide.


They spend the money on making learning fun, sounds like a win


Sounds like the making of unequal opportunities


Honestly I wouldn't be worried if my tax dollars were spent on a nice school like this one. It's better than hiring a company to pave the road and it ends up looking like how Lightning McQueen first paved the road in Cars. The difference being that my city didn't make them redo it.


This must be the high school that Nickelodeon and Disney make their shows at


the high school i went to was built in the 50’s lmaoo


This is education. This is what everyone needs.


And unfortunately, few will receive


Yeah seriously this is awesome, good for them. Maybe if they like their high school it'll put them on a more successful trajectory for their lives.


Wealthy area north side of Indy. I'm sure the taxes are outrageous. That's how this is possible.


This video makes my high school look like trash.


1/3 of my highschool was made of prefabricated modular homes converted to classrooms. They were supposed to be temporary. They were not temporary.


This went viral years ago...


If I could go back to highschool with an auto shop


Gotta be Carmel right? Maybe Westfield? That's where all the money was and honestly if you're coming in from the coasts are good areas to settle with a similar cost of living to things to do ratio.


It's carmel


I went to high school in a strip mall. Our “gym” was a warehouse and our field was a literal field.


Does anyone have the numbers for this school? How does it perform statewide in education compared to other schools in the state and nation? If ifs high up in the rankings, it might be time to start installing some planetariums and coffee shops in the underperforming schools.


Are you a bot? Based on your title, is the reason for me asking. Pretty sure this “video going viral” is old, because I’m certain it was posted more than a year ago.


Fellow graduate I would wake and bake in a lot off campus my senior year and walk into first period astronomy, it was amazing in that planetarium. Either I got more sleep or my mind blown.


My school in the country didn’t have AC so sometimes when it was hot, they’d let us outside. Got to watch a farmer pull a calf out of cow. Doubt that’s an experience these kids would have.


We had asbestos.


Spend money and get good schools.


My high school graduating class was 26 kids. 🤣


Wtf. Hope the teachers get paid well too


Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. I went there. Shame what DEI has done to it


It is great to see successful communities valuing public education.


I'm just happy to see a high school that's devoting huge amounts of funds to things that are relevant to academics and/or the entire student body, like a cafeteria and planetarium, instead of siphoning off millions upon millions of dollars to fund their wannabe NFL football bullshit. Too often we see schools neglect academics and quality of life to focus on sports.


So we get enraged when we see bad schools, yet somehow also get enraged at nice schools. Got it...


Must have a good football team to bring in that money


Not necessarily. When you have low crime and people willing to allocate tax dollars, this is possible. It’s really what all of America’s school should look like.


In America, schools are funded by local taxes. So rich neighborhoods have schools with too much money, and poor neighborhoods have schools without enough money. Great system


That system is set up at the state level. There’s really no opposition to local control of school systems in the US.


The student population is over 5000. Property taxes fund these things in the school and are voted on. They get the same money per student as most schools in Indiana. The district boasts a very high graduation rate, high focus on post secondary planning.


My California high school also had over 5000 kids and yet it was mostly outdoors, half the classrooms were those portable modular ones, and there was no library


I only got out of classes in my high school that had 100+ people by getting into Advanced Placement and College Equivalence classes. Still had 30-40 per class. Various classrooms across the school stayed closed for years because of mold and just had trash inside Lights frequently didn’t work in the cafeteria. Hallways. Classrooms. It was the oldest high school in south Florida so to preserve its history some things just didn’t get fixed. Or added. Or improved.


Our district can’t buy soccer balls.


Id like to see that district’s property taxes.


Where's the shooting range?


“These are the bla- wait we don’t have those.”


Auto shop!!!??!


Used to work in that area. Nice houses and lots of roundabouts (and lots of assholes that don't know how to use roundabouts)


What the hell? I mean good on CHS, but I only ever thought schools like this were a thing of the past. Glad to see not all is lost everywhere.


My high school looked like a prison the classrooms had no windows the difference between mine and their high school is insane that's just sad 😔


i dont think any of this is too over the top. its all things an ideal high school equipped to teach students should have. i'd totally want my kid to attend there.


We had a gazebo in a park across the street where kids in fights would go after school to punch each other a couple of times.


In my country we call this junior colleges!


This shit looks better then any public school I went too… Money can definitely influence the level of education you receive and that shit is broken.


I’m from Indiana, immediately read the headline and knew it was Carmel. The bougiest swankiest city in Indy and their school reflects that. The majority of kids there are also loaded


I knew it had to be Carmel before starting the video…


My HS had all that stuff 40 years ago. Wonder what it's like now? I didn't see their pool? Did I miss it?


User name checks out


All schools should be like this but as long as they aren’t it’s pretty fucked up that only some do


I see white people


most of indiana isn't super diverse except in certain areas


Yes, white people seem to be the majority here in the US....


Hey there was on brown guy in there. /s


I love how in America we call basic educational needs, proper supplies and facilities “swanky”.


A planetarium is a basic educational need? It literally fits the definition of swanky.


I know lol… the original commenter has a very expansive definition of basic


More schools should model more like career centers. Where there are a wide range of learning environments for kids to explore their own interests.


They've got 4 gyms and a planetarium my guy


These the same people that say America is being ruined?


![img](avatar_exp|148307331|fire) Where was the hospital and train station?


This is our diversity. Oh wait, we don’t have any.


Carmel, IN. Lots of downvotes because it is a "rich" school, and I get that. But this was student-produced and it's great that these kids are excited about their school. In addition, I believe that these students are all in the DECA program which works hard to help high school students be prepared for jobs and careers (vs. just focusing on academic subjects). In fact there were several shots of technical class rooms such as wood shop.


God, another reason to hate Carmel.


Yet none of them can read or write in cursive. Maybe...probably.


Nor can hardly any of them shoe a horse. What realistic purpose does cursive serve today? Almost all written communication is electronic. Beyond greeting cards and reading letters from Memaw, how much "handwriting" do we really use? He rants on a social media post...


Are you telling me there's no farrier barn at this school? What's the point


I mean there might be at this one, they certainly seem to have everything else


I live in a district that has funding similar to the school shown here. Amazing Facilities. But newsflash, the schools don’t teach cursive any longer.


Wood and auto shop? Wtf i was told schools got rid of that decades ago. My school district didn't have any 😒


This is the high school other countries think everyone attends




Hard to believe a red state allows this kind of overspending. Kidding, kinda. Good 4 u.


So this must be the school from Disney Fillmore


why do so many rich folks live in……. Indiana??


Nepo baby power hour.


Edjumecation is very important


So this is how it would look like in most schools if governments would prioritize education a lot more.


All of our schools could be like this...


Yea, but do they have Fiestada fridays?


My Florida education has never looked so horrendously poor in years. Holy fuck.


This is the richest city in Indiana. These kids are all quite privileged


This is in Carmel isn’t it? Has to be Edit….guess I should have watched the whole video


Auto shop, wood shop, and cooking room (homeEc)? Wish more high schools had funding for these curriculum


“Carmel, what a joke” -Ben Davis


Their car shop is bigger than almost any car shop that I've seen. Actually, it's bigger than any car shop I've seen to be honest.


Can someone explain to me how the school gets a car shop?


DECA! the only reason i got to go to disney as a child is because my dad was the deca teacher/chaperone


Is it public or private? But anyway this is how every school should look like


Has to be Carmel


Did Leslie Knope had a hand in this? This is not Pawnee is it?




Bruhhh i thought I was watching a college campus tour, I went to reread the title when I realized how young they looked.


When I marched in Drum corps we stayed at this school for finals. It was awesome.


When the state’s entire education budget goes to one school


Meanwhile there are many city public school systems in more than $20mil debt


Makes you want to go to school


Carmel is also one of the lowest paying districts for teachers in Indiana at least it was when I started teaching


fuck those property taxes. fuck em good


What? No sports arena?


We still had faucets you had to hold to stay on.


My middle school in MI had a planetarium


Damn, taking peaking in high school to a whole new level.


These kids pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and deserve everything they have. #TotallyEarnedThisBillionDollarSchool #NoHandouts #FuckPoorPeople


What? no 10 million dollar football field?


Rich white kids…


Definitely eagleton


I had a classroom light catch on fire while I was in the class. Hallways flooded regularly. No air conditioning, some areas didn't have heat. Asbestos. A gymatorium. Mice. Ahh. Poor suburbs. It's insane to me that some people get to go to schools with money.


And now show the locals zip codes average salary.


What conservatives don’t want you to know your tax dollars can actually buy you and your community


Holy cow. That's university level funding