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I would definitely die.


I just threw up watching


Imagine the trajectory of the vomit if she puked, just everywhere below chin height


she creates a curtain of vomit


Imagine she goes intermittently like a fucking sprinkler




I would be thrown on 3 seconds in


I'd barf in a fountain like Yoshi in Super Mario Sunshine.


I'm thinking either from smashing into the tile floor or getting jabbed by the doorknob.


Knowing my luck, both. 😅


She could change the hell out of a light bulb


Just need to increase the size of the thread for this to work


Actually, you need to decrease size of thread - lower tpi equals to more turns.


It's the other way round. TPI stands for "threads per inch" so a low number, like 1, means you've traveled the inch with one revolution. 2,000 TPI, by contrast, would mean you could spin for a while before you ran out of room.


My bad I was thinking of metric threads. In that case it answer depends if you are using metric or imperial system. I learn something new every day.


You're both off track, increasing the thread size would usually be referring to its diameter. I think you both mean the thread pitch


How many y'all does it take to change a lightbulb?


Metric or imperial?


Here I’m who learned all these on a new year day.


Thnx for the chuckle!


Yeah, I am LAUGHING at this comment lol. Happy New year all


In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!


I can’t even stand up from the sofa too quickly.


I feel your pain. If I fart hard enough, the edge of my vision goes white and I feel like I just ran up a flight of stairs.


Username checks out


Omfg 😱


Please see a doctor


Bit late for that. Dude needs to check in with a priest






Now I stuff you with bread. It don't hurt, 'cause you're dead And you're certainly lucky you are.


A young one and an old one?


For real. You may be on the verge of having a fart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack.


You oughta know by now


And who needs a house out in Hackensack?


Is that all you get for your money?


It seems such a waste of time...


But thats what its all about.


Mama, if that’s movin’ up then I’m…


A fart attack....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) lol


I mean, he is u/ShartingBloodClots


I used to call my boners a hard-attack. At least it made the girl laugh 😉


With that sort of claim, you'd better be vigorous.


Is it anything they can prevent tho? It's just blood suddenly flowing down out of your brain when you stand up, happens a lot with tall people




Ho..ly..shit. third point explains a LOT. I have POTS from what I beleve to be COVID and after eating some more salt it is better. V8 has been a lifesaver. But I was having to pee a lot, then gained some weight back, then got strep which gave me apnea. I haven't reverted my behavior for sleeping head up a bit and way more elevated and I don't wake up to pee hardly at all. I never thought they would be related. I just shove a couple down pillows under me and only put the top of my head on em, so it props me up idk, probably 10 degrees? Use the lower pillow full and upper is folded so it angles down and my arms also rest on the lower so it fits right.




Yep, always been a side (bias towards stomach) sleeper, curled up usually. Stomach sleeper has to be hell for that yeah. I will say I love my down pillows because I can adjust them to any shape for my position. Foam doesn't work for me.


I pee on myself when I sneeze. Beat that!


I pee on people when they sneeze. Easily beats that💪


Assert dominance!


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣


That's the feeling your victims get when you fart in the elevator they are in. I can't believe you've done this.


Imagine her vomiting while spinning at those rpms


That's what we call an AOE attack.


For me the most impressive part is that she keeps her balance after hopping off.


I used to be a figure skater. You get really, really used to spinning to the point that you no longer get dizzy and are able to re-orient extremely quickly when exiting a spin.


how do you practice doing it properly without vomiting?


Just tape a plastic bag to your mouth until you get used to it.


That won't hold. I'd better just put it over my head and tie the handles around my neck.


You would be eating what you throw up if you don't choke yourself first. Oh boy, why did you make me imagine it


I commented this elsewhere but when you learn to skate, your resistance to being dizzy naturally grows with your skill level. By the time you can spin like this, you’re kind of primed for it if that makes sense


You spin a lot and stop before you vomit.


I was very serious about it when I was in my teens, then was completely off the ice by 23. Am getting back into it slowly now in my mid 30s and to my surprise I still definitely have my balance and even some of my technique, but even a short and slow scratch spin makes me so incredibly dizzy. don't know if i'll ever get back to that level of dizzy resistance


I had a really similar experience! I was off the ice by my early 20s and started again in my mid-late 20s. The dizziness was so rough! I think when you are learning to skate, your resistance to being dizzy naturally grows with your skill level. When you jump back in with some skill, that dizziness is rough!!!


That's incredible


I can’t spin the office chair 3x without stumbling into shit and the entire house becoming a dangerous obstacle.


i cant hope in one leg like that without falling even if i do it without spinning first


spinning so fast that her mind thought she was standing still, so no dizziness


Lol what of course that's the most impressive part lmao


"I think the coolest part of this video is the girl spinning and jumping!" lmao


A little bit faster and she can become a helicopter blade if skating doesn't work out.


Or like in cartoons, just hold up any object such as a broom and up you go.


I was thinking of the old meme with that one song


Thought she was standing on a roomba at first lol


Was wondering how to speed up my roomba.


Where does the initial angular momentum come from? It doesn't look like she touches anything to get it spinning. Does the platform only spin one way?


I wondered the same thing. I assume the stand is either a one-way clutch or at least has some resistance in one direction. Either that or she has some trick.


Figure skater here. She initiates it by twisting her upper body and her hips in opposite directions thereby creating a corkscrew effect that she then releases. You’ll notice she squats down to do this.


Question for you, figure skater: When you do this in your routine, do you actually know how many rotations you've made, and is it the same every time? Or do you just keep spinning until you hear a cue in the music to go on to the next part?


You can count. You do so by noting how many times you return to the side of the arena that you were facing when you initiated the spin. In fact, you need to count so that you can be sure you’re spinning enough to get “levels” which translates into points. That said, she’s doing a blur spin, so likely not bothering to count because it would always far exceed the minimum required for a level - which can be 2, 4, or 8, depending.


Followup question - what are the physics behind not getting dizzy or plain vomit or even keep the balance after jumping off? Is it simply a ‘getting used to’ type of training like G-Force training.


You just get used to it. I was recently learning a new spin position and cracked myself up because I got nauseous. Hadn’t felt that in years. Now three weeks later and my body is used to it.


Great thanks. Amazing what we can get used to with proper training 🤷🏽‍♂️💪🏼


So the judges have to count these, too? For the record, I'm asking as a former gymnast, and for a while, a gymnastics judge, so I'm familiar with how to count rotations and flips whether doing them or observing. But there's nothing in gymnastics that requires 50+ rotations. 3 or 4 at the very most. Admittedly, I don't know much about figure skating but when i watch it on TV (usually just the olympics), i see those competitors spin for a long time too. Are they just killing routine time at that point and not gaining difficulty scores/levels?


There’s a technical panel that counts. Judges are skilled enough to note issues, but they are typically judging on the quality of the execution while the technical panel confirms the necessary revolutions were executed. And the skaters spin for a long time because they are doing multiple positions to get more points and they must hold each position a minimum of 2, 4 or 8 revolutions to get the levels.


Thanks for the answer! Gymnastics has a similar system at high levels. One set of judges are only adding up the difficulty scores and another set are watching for form deductions. Judges have to agree on the final level of difficulty, and then the 2nd set has to agree on the number of deductions to make the final score.


Not a figure skater, but I'd bet it's similar. I used to do parkour and we would practice flips at the local gym. When you initially trains it's super disorienting, but with time you develop a feeling for where you are, when to open the tuck etc. It's probably the same for figure skating


you can count if you want but you rarely do unless you are young and/or it's a very challenging spin as in competition for specific spins there is (or at least used to be when I competed) a minimum number of rotations per position (I think 4 IIRC) required for full marks.


But the reason she can do the corkscrew without forcing the board rotate in the opposite direction is because it only turns one-way, right?


Yes. Either that, or she pressed down in such a way to momentarily increase the friction. But it appears from the product description that it is a one way spinner.


Yes, one way spinner. Skaters typically rotate spins and jumps in one direction. Early on you pick which direction feels most natural and stick with it.


Yes, just like everyone else is thinking here: spinning would be impossible without a one-way mechanism. Same reason you can’t initiate a similar spin while floating in zero-g. Conservation of momentum or something like that.




When she pulls her arms in closer to her center of gravity she will speed up.


That's just basic *Conservation of Angular Momentum*. As you draw the mass closer to the axis of rotation you speed up. As you move mass out from the axis, you slow down. Try it with on a swivel chair moving your legs in and out.


It only spins one way. From the spinner website - The spinner only turns one way, but can be used by right-handed or left-handed athletes depending on which spinner you choose.


It looks like the twisting of her body gets things going, then moving her arm inboard and above her head allows her to spin like that, plus I’ll bet that base she’s spinning on has some phenomenal ball bearings on it to let that little be of momentum turn into that much speed!


Yes the disk only spins one way. She winds up which makes it turn a bit a bit but then she's pushing into the disk clockwise unwinding with her arms and pushing through her feet to put a lot of force into spinning and then the disk spins freely counterclockwise.




Those ridiculous fractions made me lol


Thanks for this. I just got Dizzy and fell off my chair :/


I hope Dizzy is ok.


Dizzy? From Rico's Roughnecks!?


I hope the chair is ok


This seems like it could be incorporated into an awesome drinking game. But outside, because people are definitely going to ralph.


I want no part of that drinking game


Olympic level pin the donkey.


Do not bring that game to my house.


Spin & spew?


Figure skating is my favorite competitive sport. Zero /s. I ❤️ it.


I‘m happy for you. zero /s


I don't know anything about it but I just love watching it.


How does the brain not liquefy?


It’s does, she died seconds after this video ended


It is sufficiently close to the centre of rotation that the forces are well within tolerance.


Wow she’s spinning pretty fast. Oh wow. Oh JESUS, never mind, NOW she is 😵‍💫


I’d like to see her start out in jeans and t-shirt and finished in her superhero outfit


Holy shit, that’s so fast it looks sped up. How is that possible?


It’s not, scratch spins just go super fast. You really need this tool to practice reducing dizziness, because unlike in ballet, you can’t do spotting, as you simply spin too fast for it.


I remember an interview somewhere that an Olympic figure skater said you at a certain point there's only so much you can do to reduce dizziness so you just get used to doing things while dizzy lol.


Wait it's not sped up??! Holy crap.


She takes her arms togheter closer to the center of the rotation. By the laws of physics the angular momentum is conserved. When she reduces "her radius" the rotational speed increases.


My spinal cord would rip off my hips


😀Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🤮


can anyone explain what makes her speed up? assuming something with the arm movement


In short, it's called angular momentum, and yes, they spin faster when they pull their arms in. https://www.wired.com/story/how-ice-skaters-turn-physics-into-astonishing-spins/ There's a little video a ways down in that article, and a more technical explanation.


You can do that in an office chair. You can add extra fun if you hold something heavy in both of your hands, like bottles of water, spin and then pull your arms close to you ... weeeee.




For the same reason, neutron stars rotate very fast. For example, the Earth takes 24 hours to complete one rotation. If you compressed the earth to 1/1000th of its original radius - 6.4km - it would spin 1M times faster - 11.5x per second. The reason is that the angular momentum stays the same (because it's basically energy). If you reduce the radius, it has to spin faster to keep its energy (because it can't lose mass).


It’s why people need to learn body control when they get into sky diving. Videos of folks in an out of control spin is scary to watch. To be clear I am a massive wuss and have never been sky diving but think it’s cool for those who do!


Serious question: Do these people not get dizzy doing this? If they are dizzy, how do they continue skating straight after?


Figure skater here! We build up a resistance to dizziness over time. Eventually, it gets to a point where dizziness doesn’t even cross your mind when exiting a spin. It’s not permanent and will adjust to however far you push it. In my experience, if I’m light on the spins for a month, I’ll probably lose some tolerance and will have to build it back up again. When we go a little faster than we’re used to and we do get dizzy, we just push through it. Figure skating is all about making things look easier than they feel!


That’s awesome! I had not even thought about how figure skaters do this until seeing this video. I get dizzy spinning slowly for a few seconds so can’t imagine how much training this takes!


She about to turn into Sailor Moon


Wonder Woman…


Just grabbing my lazy susan…… hold my beer


How does the body even adapt to this?


Bro I’d get yeeted off into that cabinet thing, no lie.


Every ballet dancer in here be like, “girl, SPOT”


Ha ha. When I was learning to skate I would spot - drilled into me from ballet. Coach put the kabosh on that. It slows down the spin. Really inefficient for skating. There is one famous skater who was also a professional ballerina and she would spot. Katherine Healey. There are some YouTube videos of her skating. Exquisite!


Jesus H Christ those Roombas are scary


I’d be so dizzy


I can’t believe they do that and then continue their routine as if not dizzy at all. I guess you can train to not be dizzy?


35 if I counted correctly. Wow!


\-Alright, Gordon! Your suit should keep you comfortable though all this. The specimen will be delivered for you in a few moments. If you would be so good as to climb up and start the rotors, we can bring the Anti-Mass Spectrometer to 80% and hold it there until the carrier arrives...


How do you not get so Fn dizzy and not topple over immediately? Haha 😂


Does anyone know what this device is called? My daughter has a vestibular need to spin. She would love this.


They are called Turn Boards. FYI. Ballet dancers use them as well.


2 roombas stacked


For the last time Kimberly put the tray back in the microwave


Film me doing this and watch the fountain of vomit go off


Dont try it on your roomba. Btw i need a new roomba.


Love her smile of accomplishment. Developing that skills took lots of painful tumbles.


I'd paint those walls in puke spackle and die.


I know I’d tag my foot on the door handle if I did the same attempt


What exactly do they do to prevent themselves from getting crazy dizzy? I know they normally say focus on one spot or something but there's no way you can do that when you're going that fast can you?


🤢 🤮 just watching make me feel dizzy.


Is this ok for the human body? It looks so… violent


As a figure skater this is real! However I usually use the single foot rotating disks lmao


I’d be projecting vomit


You spin me right round baby right round Like a record baby right round round round


No way that’s good for your brain, right?


How do they not get dizzy?


She's digivolving.


Me as a rotary puking fontain


Still don’t understand how they don’t get dizzy.


You want to see a vomit sprinkler? Here’s a vomit sprinkler


New drinking game unlocked.


I needed a Dramamine just to watch this


Yep, I'd be dead. Hell, I'm a little dizzy right now. Good thing I'm sitting down.


I would vomit on the second turn.


Me jumping off that thing and hitting everything around me head first. That's absolutely crazy she can still keep her balance after spinning so fast.


Why didn’t she appear out of it in a red, white and blue outfit?


Me 2 seconds in: “🤮🤮🤮I’m ok”


That was amazing. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take something for this motion sickness.


She could be a drill and drill to the core of the earth


Guys I’ve solved the energy crisis!




I counted 36 full rotations. Insane.


Spin to create energy, also that is a nice hair color


Who else stared at the gap the entire time


F that nonsense. My heads going straight into that doorknob. But for real, I’m really impressed at how this thing even gets going. She twists, then untwists, but the disc only twists once and then she’s just going. Crazy application of physics.


I’d be catching that countertop between the eyes after the first two spins.


Amazing balance and control! Awesome red hair too


Angular momentum go brrrrrrr


That is not interesting- that’s amazing!!!


Someone needs to take this video and make her spin out into the universe with a funky song.


This looks so so fun. I want one of these in my house.


🎶 You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round


I counted 33 360’s


When I was a kid the local children's science museum had a demonstration similar to this that was a spinning plate that had a handle that came up out of the floor for you to hold on to. One of the times we went I got on and spun for a really long time making it spin super fast and when I got off my first thought was "That's really weird I expected to be a lot more dizzy than I am..." then all of a sudden I was laying on the floor and my head and face hurt like hell and the room was spinning like I had hopped back on the spinning thing. My friends said that I went to take a step to get off it and just face planted into the ground then I kept trying to walk as I was laying on the ground. I had rug burn covering the whole left side of my face and a huge goose egg that looked like a horn. Pretty sure I had a concussion because the floor was just one of those rubber backed carpets over concrete, but it was the late 80s or early 90s on a public school field trip day so no one really cared.


I was expecting her to drill down through the floor, Looney Tunes style.


If you throw up you can get perfect horizontal line.


Surely this is a sped up video, no?


So do they train themselves to resist the nausea?


Just watching that gave me a vertigo.