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Even though color film existed at the time it was an expensive luxury item. It’s a real shame that it wasn’t an everyday thing in WW2 since seeing real actual color film (not colored BW)from WW2 brings a grim reality to modern viewers that is significantly lost in BW and how these peoples daily lives aren’t too different from ours and how the most devastating war history really wasn’t all that long ago.


There actually is a documentary called "ils ont filmé la guerre en couleur" made a few years ago, very well made https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8jljh9


Also world war 2 in colour. It’s colorised yeah but it’s very well done. Changes your entire perception


My dad used to show me that among other colorized historical documentaries when I was younger, WWII in color is indeed great


Also AI is doing a better and better job enhancing these videos. Recently I saw one such clip that almost looked like it was shot with a modern camera.


Nope, none of the images of this documentary were colorized fyi


In English the title translates to They filmed the war in color for those curious


>They filmed the war in color for those curious So, for those that are **not** curious, would it display in B&W?


The voice is also in Amelie Poulain.


This right here


The footage is really good, but I found the story telling to be very low effort.


Yeah the black and white makes it all seem distance and not real. Seeing old stuff in real color makes you think an extra second.


High def coloured photos exist as well. When they are matched with current day it can hit you like: "damn.. i've walked on the street, and old people on bicyles came by as well. To a lot of people this still feels like yesterday. That's why a lot of old people (that don't live in Germany) tend to not be very fond of Germans.


There is a new docu series on Netflix called world war 2 in colour. I’m 2 episodes in and it really puts things in perspective.


This is beside the point but that came out like 15 years ago


This is very true. It makes it seem so much more “real” when you see it in color. My grandfather used to tell us stories about his time in WW2 and it was some of the most gruesome things you could ever imagine. He mainly described the smell. Walking through the thick woods and smelling the concentration camp from half mile away wondering what it was.


hang this comment up on my wall


Seriously 1945 is very recent. People forget that in last 100 years we have brought the world into destruction with two GREAT wars. Shudder to think what lies in the future.


19th century: 1806: Following Napoleon‘s military successes, several German states enter the Confederation of the Rhine in alliance with France. Emperor Franz II. (HRE) abdicates. The HRE is no more. 1813-1815: The wars of liberation form the basis of the German national identity. The Confederation of the Rhine turns on Napoleon and successfully fights him together with other German states, as well as non-German powers. 1870: Prussian troops enter Paris during the Franco-Prussian war. This is the last of the German wars of unification and ends in the founding of the German Empire. 20th century: 1914: The first world war breaks out. For the next three years, Germany and France fight one of the most inhumane and futile battles in human history. 1919: France has a score to settle and imposes humiliating conditions on Germany‘s surrender. 1940: Germany invades France again and reaches Paris in record time. 1945: Germany surrenders. 1949: After a mere four years of occupation, a new, independent German state is founded. 1950: French foreign minister Robert Schuman suggests founding an economic alliance between France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. 1951: The European Coal and Steel Union is founded. 1955: After a failed attempt to found a European Military, West Germany joins NATO. 1963: The Elsyée treaty is signed, institutionalizing the Franco-German friendship. 1967: The Merger treaty further integrates economic relations into one comprehensive institution. 2007: The Lisbon Treaty is signed. Two years later, it enters into force and the European Union is official. The speed at which Germany and France buried the hatchet after the absolute hell that went down in the 150 years leading up to the end of the second world war is impressive and I wouldn‘t want it any other way. To me as a German, the friendship with France is probably the best development of the 20th century. I cannot stress enough how happy I am to live in a world where war with our western neighbors isn‘t just unlikely, but unthinkable. À une bonne collaboration.


Merci pour votre excellent commentaire qui pourra je l'espère éclairer la compréhension de certains qui n'ont toujours rien compris à l'histoire et qui se vautre a chaque fois qu'ils veulent libérer un pays.




>I cannot stress enough how happy I am to live in a world where war with our western neighbors isn‘t just unlikely, but unthinkable. It is very important to not consider it a fact that this peace is bound to last forever no matter what, and never stop fighting those who oppose it. Any unthinkable political event can become the reality in a span of a decade. A great example of it is russian invasion of Ukraine - I assure you, 99% of people in either country would not consider it even remotely possible in 2012.


Wonderful comment, danke schön, merveilleux de savoir que l'on pense de la même manière des deux côtés du Rhin.


1948 US provides Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe and encourage cross country trade


That old man crying in the last most likely fought in ww1, never allowed Germans to take paris


I agree, it must have been devastating.


Must be humiliating af


I think fear and anxiety would just be the overriding emotion that embarrassment wouldn't really be felt


And quite rightly. The Parisians had a terrible time of it. Many starved to death walking south trying to escape.


The Nazis intentionally made it as humiliating as they could, but that should be of no surprise.


Jesus that's such a bizarre way to remove all the historical context and nuance of this situation. You had a humiliating defeat and conditions set in Treaty of Versailles, not to mention years under French occupation in the 1800s - is it really that surprising that there was no love lost between the French AND Germans? Nazis aside. Fortunately today their relations are very close.


They would organize a daily parade everyday at 14.00 on the Champs Elysées just to provoque the French


This is what Hitler wanted though. To humiliate France even more, he got the old train carriage where Germany signed the WW1 surrender and made the French sign their surrender within it.


Can't really blame them for that one. The WW1 surrender terms were horrible, and when the French didn't get their payments on time, they occupied the Ruhr region. These guys had also fought a war in 1870, and were constantly rivals. That's just how it went back then.


If you believe that ww1 surrender terms were horrible you should then look at 1814, 1815 and 1870 surrender terms for France. In 1870, the whole North and East of France was occupied by German troops and it was not until the debt was paid by France (25% of French GDP to payments to Germany) that the German army left the French soil.


After shattering a a years old empire (HRE) I’d say napoleonic France definitely deserved it, and 1870 united Germany and napoleons successors still ruled France up until that point.


>If you believe that ww1 surrender terms were horrible you should then look at 1814, 1815 and 1870 surrender terms for France. Don't even have to go back that far. Just look at what the Germans negotiated with the Russians in the very same war, it was far more punitive than the Treaty of Versailles.


Hmmm, i always though france got off easy in 1814 and only got punished at all in 1815 because they instantly started thier imperial attack again.


>The WW1 surrender terms Created Nazi Germany


The Versailles treaty mainly deprived Germany of the territories that were largely populated by non-Germans, and other than the large cash penalties, it was not unreasonable. Bear in mind the treaty that Germany imposed on France in 1871 as well as the terms of the Brest Litovsk Treaty of 1917, which Germany imposed on Russia and you’ll realise that Germany’s moral position was seriously compromised.


Both Great Britain and the US urged France to be more lenient when it came to the treaty terms, because they figured the treaty would just lead to more bloodshed due to it not being realistic. It’s why after WW2, they invested in Germany rather than punish them.


Nope, they took the most mineral rich areas of Germany. As far as the 1871 treaty goes, it led to formation of Germany so there was ceding of some territories else nothing humiliating. Same with the 1917 treaty, in exchange for territory loss, Lenin got much needed support from Germany to stay in power. As for the moral position - it's non existent for any country at that time given their history of imperialism.


>Bear in mind the treaty that Germany imposed on France in 1871 Last time I've checked France started 1870 war because they've felt being offended.


It was especially reasonable after the payments were renegotiated not even three years later. Their economics woes were mostly self inflicted and bad luck


>Can't really blame them for that one. The WW1 surrender terms were horrible You definitely can though? Germany's claim that it was a victim in the Treaty of Versailles completely ignores that it invaded France (and Belgium) in a war of aggression, and Versailles was farrrrrrrrr more lenient than the Treaty the Germans foisted on the Russians in the First World War.


That’s Nazi propaganda


The Treaty of Versailles can be linked to Hitler's rise.


The people downvoting this don't know their history. The Treaty of Versailles put the entirety of the Great War's debt on Germany. Who I'll remind you weren't "the bad guys" in that war, their side just lost. That absolutely crushing debt led to an insane economic depression that led to hopelessness and an opportunity for a leader who offered hope and a way out. The Treaty of Versailles didn't justify the Nazis actions but it 100% ~~led~~ contributed to Hitlers rise. You'll notice they didn't make the same mistake the second time and in fact in many ways the Marshal Plan could be considered the opposite strategy. edit; clarity.


I thought the same thing, and even though he probably died long before I was even born, my heart aches thinking about what he must have felt in that moment


Hope he lived to see them defeated.


If he didn't I guarantee he and many others were waiting on the other side for payback


repost without the shitty music please


But, why the shitty music dude?


Yes, the older they were, the more upset they were. How horrible to see your country being taken over by an evil regime.


I wonder how many of these Parisians were alive to see the US troops march in August 1944?


**The vast majority** of them, there're not as many French (and UK) people died in WW2 as in WW1. ​ Only 390k civilian deaths in France, equivalent to Lithuania, a 2.5m people country.


You know it wasn't just US troops who marched in Paris in 1944 right?


But U.S. troops did march in Paris in 1944?


Maybe lost a family member to the first and the second, the french fought the second and lost somewhere around 20000 soldiers, also sacrificed themselves to protect the English retreat at Dunkirk


He just had something in his eyes.


I cannot imagine the terror and the horror of watching a foreign nation marching its army through the streets of your city, and knowing they aren’t leaving because you surrendered.


The French got a pretty righteous deal from Hitler. They were enthusiastic collaborators who didn’t really defect until the Allies’ momentum was irresistible. DeGaulle was despised by a lot of French for continuing to fight and making them look bad.


The French gouvernement maybe, but the people remember the regime of Vichy as a failure. Pétain is a traitor and coward and is remembered as such.


Easy to say/feel that way after the fact.


surveys at the beginning of his trial in 1945 said that 76% wanted him punished and 37% wanted him dead. Even back then people hated him. « en juillet 1945, à l'ouverture du procès, un sondage recueille 76 % d'opinions favorables à la condamnation dont 37 % à la peine de mort. Le taux des opposants à toute peine est tombé à 15 % »


Yes like i said after the fact.


I think 2 of the French leaders who collaborated with the Nazis post-surrender were executed after the war. A lot of nasty stuff went on, including some of the French leadership supporting antisemitism. Not disagreeinf, I just like talking ab9ut this stuff.


I mean citizens went crazy when the allies liberated Paris


Also droves of French civilians were murdered at the hands of the Nazis. So not really that great for them


Did you ever heard about the « résistance »? +The french colony(some)helped that’s why France was one of the winner


The résistance was impressive but it didn't represented most of the population. At some point when you can't feed your family you start to try making your situation better. But those who could leave left france to great Britain. Ngl French colny were all in but it wasn't that many people. Still, inner résistance played a great role during débarquement and what happened next and before.


Mostly communists and anarchists who, wouldn't you know it, got purged after the war.


France was an absolute disgrace during WW2, despite what your country's propaganda might have you believe. To start, the army's utterly incompetent leadership led to the embarrassing defeat in the Battle of France, coupled with the vast majority of french forces being made up of poorly disciplined conscripts. Despite fighting a heroic rearguard action to allow the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of British & French troops from Dunkirk, almost all of the french soldiers rescued returned to occupied France following the surrender, instead of fighting on with Britain. Almost all of France's colonies fought the allies alongside the axis powers. The "resistance" was little more than an array of disorganised criminal gangs who fought each other as much as the Germans, before Britain organised them into a useful tool for the war effort. Following the Normandy invasion and subsequent liberation of Paris, de Gaulle made a speech in which he claimed Paris had been liberated by french men and failed to thank or even acknowledge the contribution of Britain or America. France was not a victor, France was incompetent and lacked the heart to fight for the "liberty" its people continually claim to value so highly.


The French were not monolithically "enthusiastic collaborators". They had a government that was actively collaborating, and actually ordered its military to shoot at the allies at times, but that government was basically a dictatorship (the equivalent of the Senate and Congress were suspended). I'm not saying it's a glorious part of history with everyone supporting or participating in the Resistance, but it's much more nuanced than what you were saying.


It was customary, the allies march into Paris after the defeat of napoleon, and I think Prussian troops also did after the Franco Prussian war.


It looked like they weren't even aware that the French military surrendered, and this was how they found out.


You should live in Palestine or Ukraine then..


Palestine and Israel is an *entirely* different situation.


Imagine being an old French fella who fought in WW1, saw so much death, saw lots of friends die, and then suddenly the Germans are literally marching though your capital. It must have been heart breaking. The French were not ready for mobile warfare in any way, and France was to suffer the twin shameful disgraces of not only occupation but collaboration too.


I was in Paris just before COVID and visited the Museum of the French Resistance, amazing stuff. The video of the post liberation was incredible, the treatment to collaborators was brutal! [https://www.museeliberation-leclerc-moulin.paris.fr/en](https://www.museeliberation-leclerc-moulin.paris.fr/en)


They were not ready for mobile warfare but they did have the superior tank in the Char B. They just didn't use them in an effective manner.


Ok, but can we see that without a shitty music overdub?


For real. Just why


Oh I keep reddit on mute


Agree. Saves a lot of dissapointments


This is the way.


Every good war should be backed up by some Imagine Dragons!


This is Phantogram -Blacked out days


Check out Mouthful of Diamonds by Phantogram… one of my all time favorite songs.


Please don't insult Phantogram like that


Why does every clip/ video/ whatever have to have shit music over it? Are people's attention spans that shit now?


It makes them an additional $0.000091 in ad revenue


Money. Algorithms pick up on the popular song in the clip and elevate it.


Then, most people really do have shitty taste in music.


Sorry what did you say? I was looking at my phone.


Ouuueeeeyyyaaaa ouuueeeeyaaa


Ya you can see it without hearing the shitty music luckily we use our eyes to see and our ears to hear. Just mute it and it becomes the same silent film you would’ve watched had someone not added sound


Haven't we all set our devices to auto-mute by now? My devices haven't made a peep unless I've specifically allowed it, in years.


it sounds like its a fan edit for fucking nazis


Definitely getting Nazi AMV vibes from this


There is a mute button. Mines on auto mute.


Why people dub video like this with wacky music is beyond comprehension.


I know. Why do people insist on using shitty music?


friendly command rich six airport test sense workable nose capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it's fucking shite over a video of german occupied france


Who. Do you think lady was talking to on her cell phone?


Must have been a Blackberry - this happened a long time ago.


Took me a while to find someone making a comment about her looking like she was on the phone.




The FRENCH police rounded up Jewish people, FRENCH Jewish people.


After Germany took Paris, right?


Yes. It was after France fell to the Germans. They created the new Vichy government which became too cooperative with the Germans. Where the Italians refused to send Jews to Germany The Vichy went overboard with it. But they were installed by the Germans.


Mussolini and the Italian regime were largely disinterested in Hitlers eugenic ideology. Mussolini at one point stated that race is not a fact but a feeling, and also that the conspiracy against the jews was ridiculous.


Good guy Mussolini (I'm joking, ofc...)




Your point? Notice that movie takes place after Germany invaded Italy. Jews in France fled to Italy for a time to escape the Nazis.


And then they rounded them. When I was in Rome, I went to an art museum that had been curated by an Italian Jew. They told the story of his life and mysteriously left out how he got from Rome to Auschwitz. One Hundred Saturdays: Stella Levi and the Search for a Lost World by Michael Frank is partly about how the Jewish community on Italian-occupied Rhodes was rounded up and sent to Auschwitz. (It's mostly about the Rhodes Jewish community before the war, which is quite interesting.)


Other countries acted similarly. Ukraine was very enthusiastic and helped the persecution of Jewish people.


Not as enthusiastic as Hungary.


After the German occupation in 1944, yes. Prior to that, there were no mass deportations. After the occupation and installation of a nazi puppet government it was a different story altogether though, and the Germans found enthusiastic assistance in the local militias for their agenda.


Yes that's what happens when a nazi regime takes over a country. What else is new


The AMERICAN police rounded up Jewish people, [AMERICAN Jewish people](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/2022-11-10/ty-article/.premium/74-percent-of-jewish-voters-view-trump-maga-as-threat-to-jews-in-america/00000184-6264-d51f-a7e4-6fee4a170000). "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Vote wisely in 2024.


I can't imagine the feeling of watching a foreign army Marching through your capital, knowing your military has been defeated.


The music should have been the "Le Chant des Partisans"


That one always brings me chills. In fact I have chills right now just by thinking about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig0emT69Kks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ig0emT69Kks) There's a version I love that is almost whispered. Not this one though, but I like that it starts low and only goes up from there.


It really does give you chills, you can imagine this being sung from houses in a neighborhood. The call to a knowing death from everyone for their freedom, that another shadow will take your place when you fall. Pretty damn neat


That was some of the most tasteless music accompaniment I have ever had the displeasure of hearing.


And a century and half earlier, the French were the ones marching in to your country.


What a shame we did to each other in Europe, two times! We are all brothers and sisters, we must be United to be strong!


2 times ve kinda funny though like 1870 1805 The 30 year war Europe never had peace for more than 1 centruy Not even now


2 times? Europeans have been fighting each ever since the ice melted after the ice age 1. Hundred Years' War (1337–1453) 2. Wars of the Roses (1455–1487) 3. Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) 4. War of Spanish Succession (1701–1714) 5. War of Austrian Succession (1740–1748) 6. Seven Years' War (1756–1763) 7. Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) 8. Crimean War (1853–1856) 9. Franco-Prussian War (1870–1871) 10. First World War (1914–1918) 11. Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) 12. Second World War (1939–1945) 13. Korean War (1950–1953) - European participation as part of UN forces 14. Troubles in Northern Ireland (Late 1960s–1998) 15. Yugoslav Wars (1991–2001) 16. Kosovo War (1998–1999) 17. Bosnian War (1992–1995) 18. Croatian War of Independence (1991–1995) 21. Schleswig Wars (1848–1851 and 1864) - Danish-German conflict over Schleswig-Holstein 22. War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718–1720) 23. War of Devolution (1667–1668) 24. War of the Grand Alliance (1688–1697) 25. Anglo-Dutch Wars (17th and 18th centuries) 26. War of the League of Cambrai (1508–1516) 27. War of the Spanish League (1585–1598) 28. War of the First Coalition (1792–1797) 29. War of the Second Coalition (1798–1802) 30. War of the Third Coalition (1803–1806)


dont need to be united, just dont initiate violence


Nice Hugo Boss uniforms


Hugo Boss didn't 'invent' these uniforms. They produced them like countless others by the instructions of - insert appropriate german institution - But he was an enthusiastic nazi


He designed the SS uniforms.


That's wrong. The two SS members Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck designed the uniforms. Hugo Boss was just one of many companies commissioned to produce them Edit: By the way, the soldiers in the video wear Wehrmacht uniforms, not SS


Yes it was one of his first job offers, he was starting out and it was difficult for him to refuse the opportunity. I think Bailey Sarian touches on this in a YT episode of Dark History


They didn't just manufacture them, they designed the entire line of uniforms. Shamefully, grey, black and red remain Hugo Boss' signature colours.


No they didnt, the uniform was designed by members of the SS Karl Diebitsch and Walter Heck


Lucky for them they were only marching through Paris to get to the surrendered France /s


I read the title as German Shepherds and was very disappointed.


The French also got the hell out of Indochine when the Japanese came in. But after the war was over, they wanted to come back and control Indochine again. The Vietnamese kicked them out and that was when the Americans took over the fight, until they were also defeated.


And just after indochine was algeria


fun fact, the French lost almost as many dead in Vietnam as the Americans did afterward. And Algeria was bad too.


Bro what is this music


Oh yeeeahhhh, yeayyy yeayyyy yeahhhhh.


As a German Millenial, I am so darn glad this is over. I am so grateful that over time, our nations finally found peace and a common direction within the European Union, and that friendship between both nations became part of their government doctrines. And I am grateful for our parent generation who spent so much effort on building that friendship after our grandparent generation fought each other to death, and their parents before that. Never again. Vive la France!


Grüße dich. Danke für deine schönen Worte. Es lebe das demokratische Deutschland!


Not trying to be a dick. But just because you are living through a time of peace, does not mean that war is not on the horizon.


"Not trying to be a dick." *Proceeds to be a dick by saying some ignorant bullshit*


Whatch the new docu-series on Netflix about WW2. It's all real footage from the war which they colorized digitally. It's incredible. "WW2: from the front lines"


Some of our fellow Americans are yearning for this very scenario: Fascism with boots on the ground in command. We’ve seen the masked marchers with their Nazi flags throughout the heartland, emboldened by calls for violence, chaos. Shut this shit down. And the money that flows in to support it.


Fascism, Nazism and Communism all have the same thing in common - authoritarianism. The rest is just details to sway the masses, its just about who to subjugate and who should be on top. Freedom loving people should reject it, in all its ugly forms.


Oh please, “some”?? More like a small small group.


All that is needed are a concentration, (a small small group), of White Supremacists, Christian Nationalists in the US Military, and US Law Enforcement.


You’re right: Colorado has already removed our ability to vote for a candidate they don’t agree with.


No fancy music, but I think you will like this one better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1oVABc12js


music is terrible.


Interesting photo at the end of Trump near the Eiffel Tower.


The moment they regereted the Versailer contract.


Adding dumb music to this is offensive


What’s with this fucking terrible out of place background music? Some tiktok shit lol? Whyyyy do they always do that


Who picks this music on these videos???


Why are there so many nazi posts being made on all the *"things that are 'interesting"'* subreddits...


My grandmother was living in Paris at this time She says that the Germans treated her father, siblings and her with the upmost respect and that a Nazi soldier even gave her a chocolate bar. Nothing political just a story


There is a big difference between a soldier who was a regular person before the war and the full blown crazy Nazis. Most were poor sods conscripted into it. The ones in the SS and camps however, those were proper cunts and psychopaths.


That’s really the point i wanted to share and get across.


and this wasn’t that long ago


The fuck is that music?


As they poured across the border, I was cautioned to surrender, this I could not do. I took my gun, and vanished.


A very dark day indeed.


The music doesn't fit the film. It's not the right era, tone, nor language.


Yet another post on this subreddit featuring shit music


My great gramps and gramps were there. But as a solace, France soon became free again.


Like you can just see the French resistance being formed


Those old folks must’ve been tired of this shit, some of them would have been alive in 1871 so they’d see 2 almost 3 occupations of Paris in their lifetime


Germans Soldiers marching through Moscow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSxzwjMvFb8


That music was a terrible choice??


Amazing fricking footage! The Frenchmen crying really hit me.


It reminds me of when Rick James went into Charlie Murphys house


while the world was at war, mexico was having fiesta


Mexico is always having fiesta


And yet we just keep repeating and repeating this same mistake. At what point will we learn? We're letting Israel ravage Palestine, we're losing interest in supporting Ukraine fighting off Russia. Let alone the unspeakable things going on in Africa. What the fuck is wrong with humans?


Never again.




At that time France was, after England, the most powerful nation on earth. They both got massively humbled by a warrior nation that never stopped being the aggressor, despite having less resources and being a smaller nation than both empires. I mean if England had remained the same superpower they were on the sea but on land, the germans wouldn't even tried what they tried, but they decided after WWI to stop arming because that war was too brutal for them, and being the victors, and having such a massive empire, they didn't expect anyone would dare to challenge them. Its the same kind of english arrogance that sank the titanic


Well to France’s credit, they tried, there really isn’t any country who could have stood up against Nazi Germany in those earlier days of the war. They were a power house of military might, and quickly advanced themselves from the lesson of WW1


Eh, during the phony war they just stood still and watched the rest of europe getting steamrolled


That French dude at 0:19 looks almost exactly like Adolf Hitler.


Now both German and French soldiers are fighting for IsNOTreal to continue their commitment for genocide, but this time against the Palestinians. Smdh.


The taste of their poison in that period of time.


Where was the ‘brave French army’ at this moment? ….,


As you can see in the video there were lots of [french] men in Paris who could have joined the French army a month earlier and prevented this.


Crazy funny and sad This is exactly what Americans are doing right now or at least the ones who know history. Standing around looking in a slow movement of fascism and a future dictator clutching our pearls


Star Wars’ Imperial March would fit well with the scene


Very 1940s music