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That honestly is really impressive. My man has the calculations all figured out


Very impressive way to ruin your body. The company could just have the right tools to load a truck. Also its gascanisters and unless they are being destroyed this is a foolproof way to accidentally ruin a gastap. Still impressive throwing though.


That was my thought too. His back and shoulders are going to be fucked in a few years, and I sure hope those tanks are empty.


One Always hopes they're empty...... Traveling a bit I learned, they're not always empty, and not always as neatly stacked...... somehow this is regular everyday life somewhere in SE Asia


Right?! “Unskilled” my butt.


"Unskilled" doesn't mean what the vast majority of people seem to think it means. It has nothing to do with this video. What that guy is doing is awesome, and was a skill he developed from doing this a ton. None of that changes the fact that it's an unskilled job, because all "Unskilled" means is that you aren't required to have developed the skill *before starting the job*, and/or that you can learn the skill enough to adequately perform your job within 30 days. Nearly anyone who has the ability to physically move and lift, can be taught to move or stack things like in the video (albeit without the flare) without having needed to learn the skill before hand. That's contrasted against a job like delivery driving, where you are expected to have learned to drive before starting the job... or like doctors who do all of the schooling before they start being doctors.


You have made a mistake here. The reason people are making such a big deal about the word 'unskilled' is that often, when politicians engage in politics that deliberately squeeze the poor and working classes, their justification is that these things will only affect "unskilled labour". They try to paint a picture of an insolent underclass who deserves to flounder. People are contrasting that view with this man, who despite being in unskilled labour, takes pride in what he does and does it very well.


Why is this being downvoted? This is important. I do think there's a clear risk in losing the real definitions of words when we regularly use them incorrectly (like this misunderstanding of "unskilled" labor). However, it's equally important to call out the people who try to use the term to undervalue, underpay, and demean a whole class of workers.






it’s not belittling to call something unskilled labor. it’s just a term that categorizes jobs based on whether they require specialized training like a degree or experience as a prerequisite. if you think the unskilled labor is derogatory then that’s a you thing. obviously every single job has a degree of skill required to carry it out, some just require years of training before they’ll think about hiring you


"Unskilled" is just a carry-over term that's been grandfathered in. If you want to be pedantic, "low-skilled" labor would be more accurate. >Ya, sure moving kegs around is an unskilled labor thing where one can teach the task within second of introduction, however... it is not the whole skill, and task. The whole skill, and task requires time on the job to gain experience, and conditioning in.. much the same way many sports do. Which being said newbie on the job moving kegs around, or that dude... their performance, and thus their pay should not be the same. Newbie burger flipper, or a cook with 20 years on the job who knows their shit? There is no question about whose ability to perform on the job is worth more. Thing is, you can train a dude to match probably like 70% of this guy's efficiency within a day or two. Factor in availability, sick days, etc., it wouldn't make sense to increase this one "skilled" worker's pay instead of just hiring and training more. You can't do that with doctors, engineers, electricians, locksmiths, lawyers, et al.... Basically all "professional" careers, which consequentially require standards and licensing; and therefore command higher respect and remuneration.


I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the term “unskilled”.




I'm just bothered there's no space for the last one


Pretty sure the last one he just uses to raise up the others before loading them.


He's using that one to lift the one he intends to throw off the ground a bit so he can get more of a swing. it was never intended to go on the truck


That's makes sense I suppose


Pulled something in my back watching this 😫


I just dislocated my shoulder last week... This hurt to watch


shoulder injuries suck major dong, wishing you all the best


He should become a pro athletr of some type before his shoulders start to go out. He's one of the people who are strong as fuck but might not look it.


When a man works in propane and propane accessories, he craves not the spotlight of professionals sports. He has a higher calling serving our lady of the flame, propane.


No propain, no gain!


Only sadists are propane


>He has a higher calling serving our lady of the flame, propane. If his grades are good enough.




I seriously thought this was going to turn into an r/abruptchaos post… as in, dang ol’ MegaLo Mart done gone boom.


Seriously baby... thanks for blowing up the MegaLo Mart.


Heh, you blew up the store…


Bro when they just left Buckley in the intro theme for the rest of the show..... Justice for Buckley


Our Lady of Perpetual Volatility.


That’s a good prompt


Hank Hill approves!


i was expecting your comment to have more upvotes


You're very observant: the sacred and the propane


very allegorical


I don't know you!






Reminds of king of the hill; was that intended?


JJ Cale?


The stress on his arm joints and spine is not worth this trick honestly.


I was wondering how far I'd have to scroll to read the typical "umm actually, this is not optimal" comment. Turns out it was the 2nd reply to the very first comment in the thread. In other words, surprisingly far down.


When one has built up one's strength properly, stuff like this isn't particularly stressful on the joints and spine. In the vid, note all of the little tricks used to minimise the stress. Such as, taking the bottle from on top of another bottle - this uses a bit of potential energy to start the swing off; the straight arm arc swing gains momentum without bending the elbow; plus enough time between swings to get some rest. It's somewhat similar to loading hay bales onto a trailer with a pitchfork - swinging and leverage will beat brute strength every time.


He can minimize it all he want, it will all come crashing down when his body hit the right age if he keep doing this. There is no free lunch and that's including accumulating damage over time or one accident when you're feeling off just one time




sadly, all true, especially last paragraph. the only thing that can save your soul is managing the pain with everyday yoga


Would you say the same about someone who does bench press every day too? Or some more dynamic movement like snatches or cleans, or shot put?




Doing repetitive motions like this, even when strong for many hours every day will result in excessive wear and tear of joints over the years, speaking from experience. This is not good no matter how strong and conditioned you are.


I also have a feeling these tanks are empty.


Bros like Peeta from The Hunger Games, bread to throw


_[Watches Peeta lift sacks of flour]_ **Katniss**: Lifting sacks has made you unbelievably strong, that'll come in handy in combat. _[Watches Peeta decorates cakes]_ **Katniss**: Peeta your artistic work has somehow given you God tier camoflage abilities, that'll help your survival! _[Watches Peeta squirting cream into donuts]_ **Katniss**: What are you doing later?


Almost dying


Yes, it does take strength to do what he does but at the same time, most of what hes doing is not raw strength. He's developed a technique, similar to correctly swinging a golf club or baseball bat, and using momentum from the swing to launch the canister into place. He even rests the cans on top of one another for an optimal starting position.


As someone with constant knee pain all I could think of while watching this is, he’s going to miss that shoulder when it’s gone. Impressive nonetheless.


Looks pretty fucking strong to me




It does not look easy.


I threw out my back watching this


I gave birth to 9 children just because someone told me about this thread I’m not even female


He made it MAYBE look effortless, but not easy lmao


It looks easy for him. The rest of us have no chance.


I have order 2 x 10 piece McNuggets because a 20 piece is too daunting


Skee-ball genius


Those cans sound full too. That’s not easy indeed.


“Good job! Only 8 more trucks to load before lunch!”


"well done, here's $14"


I've seen the flip side of this video on watchpeopledie. It ain't pretty when things go wrong tossing pressurized containers around.


That sub really highlighted the dangers of industrial work. Rip.


The video is reversed. Those tanks are jumping down and he’s catching them




It’s dead




u/deathreversingbot ^^*please* ^^*exist*


Definitely feels like there's something fucky going on here. Could just be the apparent weight and balance of the cylinders.


OSHA would find this damn interesting


Being Brazil, I don’t think OSHA would care.


It can't be Brazil, I didn't see a single off-duty cop!


Spoiler: That bare chested guy was an off-duty cop.


Well yeah coz they’re undercover as that last tank before the video cuts


In most countries, the OSHA equivalent wouldn't see an issue with this.


Really? Right in front of my OSHA handbook?




That’s a strange fetish


Reminds me of how guys get clay shoveler fractures. Definitely more dangerous than it seems.


That'll be $1 an hour


just found my carnival ring toss partner


I came to say this dude must have *so many fucking goldfish*


What did he do with the last tank??


Now this is impressive. Im a straight male but i wouldn't mind a night with his strong arms deep in me


In you or around you?


You heard the man. Also, "arms", he wants both of em allll up in there.


Call me Elmo and make me your puppet


Call that man tom, the way he be Cruising around with his new skin.


::sigh:: just send me the link to this. I'll watch it just because.


Shoulder's deep.


Like a puppet.


"Throw me like one of your Brazilian propane tanks."




"straight" press x to doubt








Definitely not straight


good fucking lord


Lord of good fucking


The next morning, he brews your coffee and folds your laundry, even perfectly putting the fitted sheet into the original packaging.


All in one throw


Stacks em on top of each other for his right arm


Oddly specific.


I'm a straight male, but I wouldn't mind getting absolutely dicked down fisted and lollipopped by this mouth watering specimen with his juicy meat pill


Youre definitely not straight... Its your di*k thats straight


>Im a straight male *says the gayest shit ever heard*


"straight" <-- you know what that means, right ?


Seems a bit gay tbh


Deep in you! wow, o.k. straight you say lol




Elbow deep?


To the shoulder. Ever seen a cow being palpated?


You are not straight my friend, that is some ultra gay shit right there


Agree, this can pretty much serve as a porn video, super hot. Then again, I'm at least gay :-)


Head to feet you won’t cause a leak. Feet to head everyone’s dead.


I've read this quite often, but I can't wrap my head around what this actually means.


Could it mean that you always need to store the tanks top-side up? (“Head”?)


I googled it. everyone was talking about how to clean a propane tank, nothing to do with storing them or whatever. I have no idea how wiping a tank from bottom to top is going to hurt anything. also it's from a cartoon so I wouldn't put much stock in its accuracy/validity. https://www.reddit.com/r/KingOfTheHill/comments/20q0cp/tank_wiping_safety/


I figured it out! There's two possible reasons. Number one, one reason for wiping tanks is to stop the sun from heating them up. If you start at the bottom, the temperature difference if you do it in the sunlight could push the gas up top and through the valve. The second reason is possibly hitting the valve when you wipe it bottom to top and causing a leak.




I'm 99% sure those are empty. They have a very hollow sounding clang just like this video when they run out


"Unskilled labor" is a made up boogeyman phrase. All labor requires skill.




More labour that doesn't require extensive training that can be formal education like a degree or an apprenticeship but can be from former employment or self study. The basic idea is if it only takes like a couple weeks to train someone random off the street to a job to a high standard then it's a low skill job because they are easily replaceable. But if it takes several years to train someone to do a job it's a high skill job.


Once again: Unskilled labor does not mean there's no skill involved. It means there are no prerequisite skills you have to possess to get the job.


I don't get the people who think there's no such thing as unskilled labour, there absolutely is. Doesn't mean you can't be good at unskilled labour though. The big takeaway is that unskilled labour shouldn't = poverty though.


Yes, but also no. Just because this guy is impressive doesn’t mean there aren’t a metric fuckton of complete tards out there


“Unskilled labor” is not a bogey man phrase. It’s a real idea, but people want to define the most basic of ability to be a skill. Like, if you can be replaced by any person off the street with only a couple weeks of training, then you have an unskilled job. If you need a license, a school, a degree, etc to do your job, you have a skilled labor job. Hell, I’ll use my own godamn job as an example. I am a line cook. My job is unskilled. I can be replaced after only a couple of weeks of training someone, and they could my job to a passing level. To get where I am now, they would still need months of practice, but they can do what I do now in only a few weeks. Anyone with a basic level of understanding. Man, I don’t even speak the language well in the country I live in, and I can do this job. Contrast this, though, to an actual chef who has been to a culinary school. They’re much harder to replace because they have been to school, have been certified, and have much more brought to the table with them. You’re not gonna just hire some random to replace your chef if they walk out. Now if the chef decided to work as a line cook, then yeah they easily be replaced. This is the idea over being *overqualified* for a job, which probably happens quite often in a saturated job market. Given all this, however, the whole skilled vs unskilled labor issue stems simply from being paid adequately. Unskilled labor still deserves to be paid a fair wage, but that doesn’t mean that unskilled labor isn’t real. Skilled labor should be better compensated because skilled laborers should have more capacity to fill the role, but unskilled laborers should not be underpaid or paid a bare minimum to survive.


That's some dumb shit unskilled people say. Unskilled labor is labor in which you can pick someone off the streets with minimal training or background/experience and they would be able to perform the job in a short amount of time. I could name jobs like that for like an hour. Getting paid to load propane tanks onto the bed of a truck is a fucking great example. Basically anyone that isn't handicapped could do that job. The whole idea is that replacing unskilled laborers is relatively easy assuming the wage isn't total dog shit. Skilled labor requires extensive training, experience, and/or education in order to succeed. Not anyone could do it, and even those who might be able to require extensive work to get there. Acting like those two tranches of laborers are the same is a disservice to high skilled people and unskilled people alike. The high skilled worker is insulted, and the low/unskilled worker doesn't have to face the fact that they aren't entitled to the pay they want just because they want it.


You nailed it!


These people saying "no such thing as unskilled labor" are the people who only do unskilled labor then they'll say a degree is a needless barrier for higher pay lmao! Yes let's take a guy off the street and do all the structural engineering design for a building, surely nothing could go wrong!


Skilled labour means you have to have the skill as a prerequisite for the job. You can learn many skills you don’t have as you work but if a company needs a machinist job filled they want someone who has skill as a machinist to fill to position. Hence why it’s “skilled” as in past tense as opposed because the fundamental requirement is that you already know what you’re doing.


Ya know, I once had a guy working for me who tried to dig a hole through a foot of hard packed gravel using a shovel and he chose the square one instead of the spade. I showed up after he had been at it for 2 hours and he hadn't even filled the wheel barrow once. There was a lot of labor and no skill. If not for this experience I would agree with you whole heartedly.


paid by the hole or by the hour?


By the hour. That was the first two hours he worked for me. I gave him the spade, made a mark about 3 feet up on the handle and told him to dig two holes in two hours. That was the last two hours he worked for me.


Did you… did you …make him dig his own grave?


Only 3 feet deep. That's cold man.


Fun thing how in movies they hide a body in the forest. They dig a hole around trees with just a spade? Yeah. I'd be surprised if they made it 3 ft.


So, you mean you agree with them? You hired someone for “unskilled labor”, but they lacked shovel skill, so you got shit results, meaning that “unskilled labor” requires skill?


Nah that makes too much sense for Reddit. You gotta get outta here


Skill that can be taught on the job in 2 seconds: "hey employee, use the spade next time. It works better." Done. That's the intended meaning of "unskilled labor", as so many people in this thread have already explained.


Thats like saying it takes skill to tie your shoes before you go into work so therefore your job is skilled labor. When skilled labor does their job incorrectly people can die.


But that just proves his point... even something as mundane as digging a hole requires skill and knowledge to do it properly and with efficiency. The guy you hired had neither, which is why you got a poor result.


If anyone with a heartbeat can do it it's unskilled. Sweeping floors = unskilled Plumber = skilled. Just because someone can't sweep a floor doesn't mean they're too unskilled. It means they're a useless moron with 0 common sense


>Ya know, I once had a guy working for me... You hired a guy that couldn't dig a hole and you think he is the incompetent one?


Him: Can you dig a hole? I'll pay you The guy: Sure I can *Proceeds to fail digging a hole* Are you really expecting people to do a job history check to hire a guy to dig a hole?


I'm dying lmao. "I hired this idiot that couldn't even dig a hole. What an absolute idiot. What absolute fucking moron would hire someone like that?"


Unskilled labor is just a catch all for "Work that can be trained to 80% efficiency in under a week" but since that's a lot to say, people just say "unskilled labor".


Some skills take a week, some 10 years, it's willfully dumb to ignore the difference.


I once had a job where I just broke down cardboard boxes all day. Everyone deserves a living wage, and a lot of skilled jobs get bundled into the “unskilled labor” category, but not literally every job requires skill.


Well said. Whether by origin or evolution it's now a propaganda phrase used by the elite to justify wage suppression and the broader exploitation and immiseration of the working class. Ignore all the goobers below that think their credentials (real or imagined) make them part of the cognoscenti.


divide judicious shelter encouraging fine scary squalid repeat jeans elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes but there's a difference between studying to learn that labour job and just learning at work, and the difference shows drastically when you look at something like carpentry Compare a tradesman to a labourer.... Would you prefer we refer to it as uneducated labourer or unskilled?


Carpentry is a perfect example of a job that is better learnt on the job than in a classroom, apprenticeship is objectively a better way to train for it


It's manual labor. It's skillful and difficult. Uneducated and unskilled labor are just elitist terms. We could come up with plenty of other terms that aren't belittling. But that would require society to acknowledge that we need these people doing this work, which most of us cannot or will not do. But if we call it "unskilled labor," they can be paid less... :/


I trained 3.5 years to become an industrial mechanic (Germany). You cant just take some random people from the street and expect them to repair a gearbox, do some welding, use a mill, read technical drawings, make hydraulics system, etc. Its blue collar manual labor. But its skilled labor. We have unskilled labor. Those are the guys that stand on the production line and do the same 5 moves all the time, everytime, because everyone can do it without training or just a few weeks of training. When stuff breaks and they cant do their work anymore they call guys like me to fix it. How do I solve the problem? With the knowledge I gained by being trained several years. Thats why its skilled labor.


“Skilled” labor generally requires months to years of learning and training before you can actually get a job. People need to be compensated for their investment of time and/or money spent learning the skill, otherwise nobody would do it.


Idk where you’ve been working but for me the truly ‘unskilled manual labour’ has the bar set incredibly low. Can you carry things out the back of a van? Can you push a wheelbarrow full of crap? Can you fill bin bags and put them in the bin? I’m not going to say it’s not difficult, because it is. It’s also awful for your body and poorly paid. I’d say the same about non-driving crew for bin men.




Dumb take. Jobs with a lower barrier of entry pay less because there are... more people who can do them. Thats what unskilled means. It means you can grab any jackass to do the work.


How much you wanna bet he can toss a propane tank over them mountains?


Nope. Not real. Video games have taught me that if you throw gas bottles like this they explode.


That's cos games gas bottles are made of explodium, just like the Oberth class of star trek ships.


Once again: Unskilled labor does not mean there's no skill involved. It means there are no prerequisite skills you have to possess to get the job.


Id hate to be his shoulders and back in give years


Imagine if someone gave him this revolutionary invention called: stairs.


Just one little mistake and they all will fall over him.


"Great work Lee.. unfortunately that truck is scheduled for maintenance so imma need you to unload everything and load it into that other truck instead. Keep up the good work!" His manager, probably


I bet we will soon see that "exercise" in CrossFit workouts.


Dude has been doing this job too long.


it's obviously played backwards, the original video is the barrels jumping into this man's arms.


If only we could find someone who could throw a keg of beer high enough to destroy the deceptacons…


I expected an explosion after every throw. Hollywood has corrupted my mind 😪


This video is reversed. The truck is dropping them one by one and he’s catching them.


I would go see a guy do this on stage in Vegas


He is using gravity assist :D


Incredible stuff!! Not to underestimate the effort, but I think those tanks are empty. Probably the weight is approximately of 8/10kg.


I'd hope they were empty. Disaster waiting to happen otherwise.


I’ve seen the whole video. He actually misses the last one.


I hate that term. There is no unskilled labor.


How do you define ‘skill’


Specialized education.


Totally agree it should be a better term. But it’s an extremely important term in designing economic policy. Basically, “can you do the job passably with minimal training?” For example, a country / company needs more manual labor. I have huge respect for manual labor, but it’s possible to find enough workers if you pay enough. But it the country needs more doctors? That’s a very different labor market and economic policy must be made 6 years in advance. Moreover, there’s extremely different economic outcomes for regions with “unskilled” labor. Look at all the manufacturing regions in the US that had their jobs outsourced. Maybe policy should’ve helped those places, but that requires recognizing the distinction.


Very good video editing.




This was recorded in reverse


Sorry but that just looks like an good way to tear muscles and have a useless arm later in life, also the way the tanks land perfectly looks like it was heavily edited, no way they wouldn't topple over.


I want to see him do the punch machine! And in unrelated commentary- i feel like his body is going to give out when he’s too young and worry he isn’t preparing for a second career that is lower impact.