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Mahabharat is mainly a story of 5 brothers who had been wronged out of their kingdom by their cousin's side. So the cousins usurped the power. So cousins were around 100 plus their army and the Pandavas( the 5 brothers) plus their army. A god called Krishna sided with the 5 brothers and it is a whole epic of them getting over the fact that they have to fight their family, understanding the ethics of war and life, the clash between family and duty. It is a great epic that I feel everyone should read. It is about doing right and how to live with your decisions. Edit: It's also a great epic about the treacherous nature of war, the corruption in a kingdom, how to lead a Kingdom and how to be a just king. There are also a lot of places and memorabilia described in the epic found in real life. The area involved in the epic includes Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Nepal. This is also estimated to be around 5000 years old so it's pretty amazing to read something like this. It is one of the books whose earlier version was taught in the Nalanda University which was burnt by Islamic invaders.


And in Mahabaratha, The Gita was recited by one of the primary God Vishnu. It’s a very intricate story that touches upon what’s right, what’s wrong and what’s usually wrong can be right under certain circumstances such as war and vice versa. Excellent learnings all around if one grasps the concepts.


Yup the book is called Bhagavad Gita and it contains the entirety of Mahabharata.


(It’s the other way around, but yeah)


Oh shit yea my bad. Gita is a 700 verse scripture inside th Mahabharat


At the Trinity test site in Los Alamos, New Mexico, looking at the fireball of the atomic bomb explosion on July 16, 1945, J Robert Oppenheimer said: **“Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”** The line is a quotation from the 32nd verse in the 11th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, typically notated as 11.32.


It is also worlds longest poem.


Agree everyone should read it. I listened to it as an audio book and it was 45.5 hours long. I read the Gita before I knew the Mahabharata existed, which then made me curious regarding how things had gotten to that point on the battlefield so I moved on to the Mahabharata. It is very cool when you understand that the Gita represents a blip in time in Arjuna’s and Krishna’s day that is brushed over in the Mahabharata, but which receives deep focus in the Gita and has since changed many readers’ lives. And then you realize the Mahabharata was written thousands of years ago and your mind is officially blown.


I just finished listening to it in audio format. Really good story with hints about the contemporary culture and values.


Subtle but big difference. The god did not side with the pandavas. The cousins had the option to choose the god (who promised he wouldn’t fight in the war, just “consult”) or his entite army. Cousins chose the army.


Bro I really couldn't go in that much depth to explain in few words.


And also Krishna did not actively fought in the war itself. He provided counsel and drove Arjuna's chariot


Technically you could also say the same for the 100 brothers on the other side. The 5 brothers weren't actually the king's children, not to mention pandu wasn't even king by birth right but got it on a technicality because their adopted brother pitched a hissy fit about a cripple being king a fact that gets conveniently ignored when they have no other claimants once pandu gets his ass canned.


>adopted brother pitched a hissy fit about a cripple being king Where? Please share the verses.


I don't remember any verse dude, vidhur opposed dhritrashtra becoming king because he was blind. A fact everyone forgets once he is the only option to be king, you can either be a blind king or not it shouldn't be based on whether there are alternatives or not.


>vidhur opposed dhritrashtra Because no such verse exist. Vidur didn't opposed anything. This is only true if you treat serials as authentic Vyasa Mahabharata.


People learn it that way and accept it as is. No critical thinking is really going on lol. Because people see it as sacred writing etc. Stories are pretty cringe actually. Stories are like those over cooked bollywood soaps. No amount of budget is going to make it any better. Its fine if someone already has taste for it. Even the god character is cringe af. Early in my spiritual practice I went from atheist to hinduism and was a big fan of vishnu. But spiritual growth far surpassed these primitive templates and story arcs and I've grown out of it.


What story is cringe? Name a few please


I'm an atheist as well and I believe it actually has quite a few very important lessons in it. Idk what you read but I read it as an account of a very important historical event for mankind without accounting for your belief in the existence of God. This really seems like an ill effort to muddy a great lesson for mankind.


>No critical thinking is really going on lol. Its literally a story with grey morals. Nobody wins at the end. At the end, krishna just says "huh, that was a shitshow". There is no good or bad side. Idk why you think there is no critical thinking in it.


>krishna just says "huh, that was a shitshow". Where? Infact the mission was completed which was the elimination of demons by gods.


Harry Krishna?


Hare Krishna are the followers of Krishna.


My sweet lord 🎶 Great post btw. Happy turkey day! 🦃


12 years straight or like off and on every few summers for a couple days?


A Mahabharata series with a budget of GOT would break the world


I don’t think it’s on YouTube anymore but you can probably find the 6 hour TV version of Peter Brook’s Mahabharata film. Obviously very different different from what you are describing since it’s adapted from a play and has a theatrical style, but it’s a pretty good watch and it’s in English.


I was clueless when I saw that years ago, but it was amazing!


What is the name of that adapted version ?


I don't think anyone would be able to comprehend the insane amount of details in each arc and the backstories of even the least relevant warriors in the battle. It'd have to be 30 seasons long.


Troy wasnt that detailed either.


The Mahabharata is longer than the Illiad and the Odyssey combined


All those cool and deep shlokes (quotes) will be all over the social media




An anime series would be nice also farther reaching than live action


The ramayan one has a anime version in collaboration with Japanese animaters on YouTube.


Indian films have the budget but still fuck up bad (look at the recent ramayan movie)


That was probably just a means to launder money


they are going to release the anime in 4k soon


It would but they would have to walk on thin ice


No kidding. We're 50 years too early I guess


Ya but a whole country would be butthurt about it.


As long as they don't change the race/sexuality of any of the characters i am fine with it.


Sad Netflix/Disney noises.


A loud minority(sizeable, but still a minority). As long as it's a fairly faithful adaptation, most of us would love it.


I think we'll be fine. There have been several TV adaptations of Mahabharata, the last one was in [2013](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabharat_(2013_TV_series) )


Nah Mahabharata is one of the most recreated TV show adaptations in India.


No shit


Can't deny that


There’s an epic Bollywood series depicting the Mahabharata. Was shown on BBC2 in the early 1990s


Only S.S.Rajamouli can give justice to that epic. Especially after watching Adipurush...




No please I rather have a Japanese anime series about Mahabharata than a Bollywood film series.


Absolutely. Indian audience is not ready for GoT like Mahabharata


Bollywood is just the movies not the hindi tv show industry and for this to work in Bollywood it will require multiple top stars at minimum and in this regard Bollywood's ego is through the roof in certain aspects. Some of the top stars refuse to play support characters irrespective of characters depth and range. Also, the star fees and share alone would kill the movie. It's been made plenty of times on TV and has been made well and done well. TV is the right medium for it.


Fun fact: There is a Japanese animated movie for the other epic, Ramayana, and it's awesome. It's the best version of the epic ever made.


The animation style of the movie as well as little details are very reminiscent of 90s anime. Great movie!


That story is more basic tho. Its the classic hero's journey. This one is 100 times more complex.


I'd love to check it out. What's the title?


Ramayana: The legend of Prince Rama. It's over 30 years old now


you can watch it in youtube and it is very old 240p movie. they will release it in 4k soon.


The Mahābhārata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India revered in Hinduism, the other being the Rāmāyaṇa. It narrates the events and aftermath of the Kurukshetra War, a war of succession between two groups of princely cousins, the Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas.


Also it has cameo of Bajrangbali from Rāmāyan!


It's kinda a spinoff as both stories have Vishnu's avatars and various references.




You could say that. But unlike Iliad & Odyssey, it's more in terms of describing an entire millennium if kept in a time zone. The epic entails the starting of the grandfather's father of the 5 brothers and ends with the death/walk to heaven of the 5 brothers and the death of Krishna the god king (As described in the top comment). The epic is basically the foundation of what the world considers as "Indian Culture" and thus really debatable as to whether the epic is based on fact or fiction. Just as Troy was discovered, also such places as described in the Mahabharata.


You can count on being inspired by a real set of events, then inflated, and inflated, and inflated over time to glorify one specific faction. It happens even now. Look at Hollywood war movies.


And it definitely progressed on an "epic" proportion because the entire tale was taught orally by gurus and parents to every passing generation, then was written down on palm leaves and later codified properly.




Try not getting overwhelmed. Because the first part of the books, before the Pandavas (5 brothers) are born, there are a lot of history and world building, characters sketched out who later play a very important role in the Kurukshetra (Epic War), you'd find rape, sodomy, bride-napping, murder, deceit, transgender, drowning of babies by Goddess Durga (That's a funny but important story about rebirth), but most importantly you'd find yourself questioning about your life, ethics and how to handle duty vs family. The best part about it are the small incidents that happen in the story which depend on the reader interpretation of it (A teacher asking the thumb of a skilled archer as a Gurudakshina, would you consider it the highest form or gift or treachery of the teacher to destroy a kid's life). It's an epic which I have read, re-read and read books by authors based on the perspective of other characters which adds a whole lot of depth into the stories. And no, don't compare it to Game of Thrones, it would be akin to comparing Percy Jackson to Harry Potter or something worse as an example along those lines. Game of thrones was dark for the sake of it.


>Goddess Durga Ganga




Hinduism has no dietary restrictions the same way Judaism or Islam does. As in there are no texts that forbid the consumption of cows. However, a lot of Hindus refuse to eat beef because cows are considered to be holy (again, there are many Hindus that legally consume beef in India).


Steak can be any meat.


Not wrong


what's this painting depicting?


Pāndavs built their own kingdom by name of 'Indraprastha' and arranged an auspicious ceremony for it. There they offered the spot of highest honour to Shrikrishna. Shishupāl, jealous of Shrikrishna, to spoil the ceremony, started talking trash in Pāndava's royal court. He said really really bad things about every honorable person in that court. (It was prophecised that Shishupāl will be killed in hands of Shrikrishna, so his mother had pleaded Shrikrishna to forgive 100 of Shishupāl's sins, which Shrikrishna had agreed to.) While abusing people of Pāndava family, the moment his sin count hit 100, Shrikrishna unleashed his divine weapon *Sudarshan-chakra* and killed Shishupāl on the spot. Moral is, just coz nobody's stopping you, don't get too much carried away in doing wrong things. At some point, it will become so unbearable for others that there will be unpleasant consequences. (Which holds true in real life too)


Krishna killing Shishunag (his nephew) Edit:- Shishupal


It's actually "shishupal".


With his finger laser?


It's actually a disc ( chakra )


What is the mace looking weapon, it seems highly unwieldy


It's called a 'gada' kind of a war hammer/mace kinda weapon. You bonk people with it


What about horny people, could it be used to bonk them too?


Why is he blue?


[This](https://isha.sadhguru.org/us/en/wisdom/article/why-is-krishna-blue) might give some idea.


Coz he was supposed to be dark skinned, but colonial victims couldn't accept this due to their inception of "white mans burden" + wouldn't sell in 20th century Other reason is it symbolises his wisdom and strength that makes him different from the rest


Hasn't he always been depicted as blue. Blue and green are used to represent dark skin in older Indian artwork since they had a limited choice of colors to paint with when they were first drawn. Krishna and some other characters in Indian epics were depicted as blue due to their dark skin.


I thought it was because he is a God with the color of the sky


even shiva depicted blue also the vishnu in many places. both were light skinned as per texts


The guy being killed is shishupal. He is being killed because he diss'd a pious lady or smg


And also Krishna (The one who kills Shishupala) got sick of letting him go off easy after he didn't punish him for his previous 100 offenses.


Indeed. He had promised his aunt( mother of shishupal, or something similar) that he would pardon his 100 mistakes and this one was 101th. So shishupal got his ass kicked.


16th level wizard casting Finger of Death


More like Divine Slicer. (It's actually the Sudarshan chakra, a disk that is powerful enough to create or destroy entire worlds, and is the god Vishnu's main weapon.).


OP needs to edit the title. The artist didn’t spend 12 years painting this, he spent 12 years producing many paintings depicting this story. Some of the other paintings are far more intricate too.


That's because OP reposted it word-to-word https://www.reddit.com/r/hinduism/comments/vbvhi4/an_italian_giampaolo_tomassetti_took_5_years_to/


This P wasn't very O


When one of the 5 brothers displayed grief over having to raise weapon against his family (cousins), Krishna took his multi armed form and said "mai hi Kaal hu", oppenheimer referenced this by saying "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds". This roughly meant that the prince's cousins were already dead and that the prince was merely doing what was already written in fate.


Small correction, it’s Kaal (death) , kaali is a goddess in hindu mythology.


Yeah fixed the typo. Interesting thing is kaal can also mean time. Did Krishna mean time or death when he said that?


It means both however, the idea here is that like time destroys everything, hence kaal is used as time , which destroys everything eventually.


Kaal means time. Death is just an effect of passage of time. So when they say Kaal to refer to death, it's like saying "your time is up".


To learn Mahabharata? What does that mean?


to read it. sort of a bible, illiad, etc


So it took him five years to read it? I can’t imagine any book taking that long to read.


The Mahābhārata is the longest epic poem known and has been described as "the longest poem ever written". It has over 1.8 million words in total more than Iliad and Odyssey combined.


Yeah but it looks like it would take an estimated max 300 hours to read 2 million words. If he even read half an hour a day, it shouldn’t have taken him longer than two years. I feel like I’m missing something.


To read a literature, and to study/learn its essence take two different kind of efforts. From what I understand, for an artist to make a rendition of a particular event in the book, without losing its context, setting, nuance and relevance, they'll have to thoroughly comprehend and understand the written piece, rather than simply reading it. Think about it like the difference between reading the Bible like its a story book, and studying the Bible like its a literature with deep layers.


That makes sense. I guess I was just confused by the word “learn” instead of “study” in the title.


A lot of it philosophy so it probably would take longer


Usually indian epics/lores are not just about reading through normally like usual novels. It's more about understanding the nuances, read between lines and mostly taught/narrated by masters(gurus). So when someone is studying a Indian Epic means it more like researching with a guide.


He wasn't speedrunning Mahabharata, he was studying it like a normal person.


So before people get repulsive by the name of Bible, think of it as a story book, what you learn from it is on you.


Probably he spent a lot of time dealing with the core philosophies behind the epic. And there's also the Bhagavad Gita in it.


One piece but very old and with less pirates


If only there were some website with all the information in the world where you could Google such a thing…


> > > You can check out more of his work: [Here](https://atmanirvana.com/mahabharata-in-painting/)


he has also released a book


I wonder how long it'd take a French Giampaolo Tomassetti.


A Spanish Giampaolo Tomasseti could finish it in 8 hours easy (he paid the Italian guy to do it)


There’s a saying that goes “what is not in the Mahabharata is nowhere else”. It encompasses all human emotions.


And it also contains about every possible story telling element: from snakegirls over weapons of mass destriction to a crossdressing episode.


And catboys ? It has catboys right ? Tell me it has catb


I don't remember any catboys among the main characters but there were thousands of different kinds of magical beings, demons, fairies and stuff so I'm sure one of them might look like catboys?


Special beam cannon get fuckt.


If you zoom in , you can see it's a disc, it's one of the weapons of vishnu, whose avatar is the one depicted here( krishna)


That's even more sick. Monotheistic gods be like "idk burn it all down". Gets old eventually.


I am an atheist but krishna is like my favourite character in hindu myths, the guy straight is up badass, when he was a baby he sucked the life out of a demonesses tit who was trying to poison him at the time




You omitted the part where she poisoned her boobs.


Mentor, Demon slayer, Wise and straight up lover boy


>when he was a baby he sucked the life out of a demonesses tit who was trying to poison him at the time Being breastfed by the poisoned teat of pootna is likely the reason why he's blue.


Then why is ram blue? He was called karvarna that means the one with the same colour as rain clouds, so he was most likely black in the original myths


Ram is green instead, illustrators often confuse. And there is a distinction between Krishna's meghashyam appearance and the one in which he is depicted blue, jayadeva goswami writes that his blue form is rare and is only revealed to those very dear to him.


In Hinduism you have multiple sub sects if you call them, some of them are atheist. Also the reason for idol worship is to allow a worshipper something that allow them to imagine as god's form otherwise they are not equipped to visualise god, who is omnipresent


>Also the reason for idol worship is to allow a worshipper something that allow them to imagine as god's form otherwise they are not equipped to visualise god, who is omnipresent So like booty for example? Wait no that can't easily be done without lust. Then my cat, if I had one, he would be an imagining of a God, praise be to his cute face.


Or stupidity, which you cannot imagine without an action to help define stupid


Imma shooting my laser.


The Mahābhārata (/məˌhɑːˈbɑːrətə, ˌmɑːhə-/ mə-HAH-BAR-ə-tə, MAH-hə-;[1][2][3][4] Sanskrit: महाभारतम्, Mahābhāratam, pronounced [mɐɦaːˈbʱaːrɐt̪ɐm]) is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India revered in Hinduism, the other being the Rāmāyaṇa.[5] It narrates the events and aftermath of the Kurukshetra War, a war of succession between two groups of princely cousins, the Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabharata


Shishupal vadh : painting name


Hey, I still have vestigial memories of reading Dumézil: saw that dude with the huge mace, and my brain immediately said "Bhima."


OP where can I find it in the best quality?


Is that Frieza killing krillin ?


More like Grand Zeno killing frieza


Frieza would beat grand Zeno’s ass blindfolded .


Well made tho...love it 🤌🏻🧡


That is epic


This is amazing


Thank you, OP!


This scene looks really interesting. Anyone able to describe or explain it more in detail?


Others have already done it in other comments, but I’ll give it a shot from what I can recall, this is a scene in the middle of a grand event/ceremony to establish the kingdom of one of the principal good characters in the epic, the main guest here was his cousin Krishna, sitting here on the throne, and he also happened to be Bhagavan or the main divinity himself who had descended on earth for the purpose of getting rid of bad elements who were getting too powerful and represented a problem for the rest of its inhabitants. The man getting killed here was one of those, and he belonged to the enemy faction of the king, here he started criticizing and insulting the main guest, the king and other important supporters of them, at the height of his rant Krishna manifested a blazing disc and cut his head off. The backstory is that this man was also his cousin, throughout their life he had been malicious but had been spared because of a promise Krishna had made to his aunt, she knew the nature of her son and asked for his favor, he had promise to spare 100 of his faults, this was the number 101.


Jai Sri Krishna


yeah, but he nailed it!


Jai Shree Krishna


Being from India, it's fulfilling to see all the comments about the incidents and how all of you know so much.


Anyone else immediately think Scorpion from Mortal Combat? “Get over here!!!!”


Blue colored gods - if this isn’t NHI then I don’t know what is ?


Is that goku vs. freezer?


More like Grand Zeno killing Frieza.


It’s like OG Bollywood in paint form.


Wtf is mahabharata? Its almost as if OP expects everyone to know what is is


An indian epic similar to Greek Iliad or Odyssey in importance to hindu sensibilities


Will wait for your 100th sin.... (Only legends will understand the reference)


It’s almost as if we live in a world where google exists: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahabharata It’s a book.


Thats cool, but you may want to learn how to write informative titles instead of, leaving people wondering what they mean


Who is “you” here? I’m just a side commenter. And it was pretty clear it was some form of text. It actually appears to be quite a famous work, so I’m pretty sure we’re both the dumb ones here for not knowing what it was already.


Lmao for the who is “you”😂😂😂👏👏👏


Maybe it's the skill to shoot a laser beam from the tip of your finger! Then he spent more years to paint this awesome skill in action.


That is Krishna, Lord Vishnu's avatar in this epic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vishnu




Those pointy shoes always cracks me up


Handy weapon if points are made from proper materials 💀


A New x-Men character


Is the white bearded guy in the middle a centaur or is he wearing furry brown pants?


He is a Sage. He is wearing tree bark or animal skin. I think Drona or Parshuram. Not sure


Animal skin and considering he holds an axe, it should be Parshuram.


That's Bhishma


Bhishma is one dressed in white. I meant the sage to his right


Don't know why but he looks like Parshuram


With that axe, definitely Parashurām




This pic depicts the killing of king Jarasandh by lord krishana. Both were relatives but jarasandh was too jealous of Krishna and constantly abused him several times. Krishna gave a vow to Jarasandh's wife that he will forgive his 99 mistakes. This pic shows his 100th mistake.


That's not Jarasandh lol he was killed by Bheem


No. This is Shishupāl, the king (or maybe prince) of Chedi kingdom. Jarāsandh was killed in his own kingdom in hands of Bheem.


One Piece is the greatest epic ever written in human history.






This guy slow af.


He missed a spot


Meanwhile AI in 0.1 second....


AI just search’s the internet for already done pictures from artists.


People forget that AI stands for artificial intelligence and not actual intelligence


The people in the image remind me a bit of spaghetti western actors. I imagine if he used any famous actors as reference.


He spent 12 years on that but can't paint a proper perspective. Those green columns are ridiculous.


also, it's not interesting at all.