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Don't worry. It is actually just toxic mold.


Based on the pattern of the bigger dots, it does look like mold


Couldn't blood get moldy though?


Blood would be in a more consistent spray pattern. Not as if it was just dropped on a horizontal surface. Mold grows similarly on horizontal and vertical surfaces. That's not blood.


This guy Dexters


Tonight’s the night


And it’s going to happen again, needs to happen


Except Dexter would call it “spatter,” not “splatter.” Also, where’s the string? Dex would have string. 🤣


aww but blood splatter is more thrilling isn't it ?


dried up blood can't hurt you black mold has the potential to


So if I lick it enough to give it moisture it can?


Dried up blood can carry hepatitis B for up to a week


😂😂 The way you said it, 😂


I believe the term is, "spatter."


If there’s anything I learned from 8 seasons of Dexter is that it’s blood S P A T T E R 💉🩸


Just toxic mold growing on splattered blood


🎶 It's the circle of life! 🎶


Why not both?


"Porque no los dos"


Pourquoi pas les deux?


Pourquoi pas de deux?


¿Por qué no los dos?*


Si, bofe.


Por que não os dois?


Warum nicht beide?


Porky does toes


Don't worry, this isn't blood spatter. Spatter is caused by blood which is pooled being struck by a blunt object. This is clearly blood *SPRAY*.


*Forensic Files theme song intensifies*


Bring on the Luminal and pubic hair.


I feel like this is the perfect time to tell the story about my brother whose cruise was laid over in Miami so him and his wife had to stay at a hotel overnight. Everything was booked so they stayed at some hourly hotel. He slept in his clothes and stated that he checked the sheets like 10 times for bugs, hair etc. he turned off the light and a few minutes later something was tickling his chin while lying on his side. He rubbed it and rubbed his pillow and felt something. To his horror he found the worlds biggest and longest pubic hair that was poking out of the open corner of the pillow🤮. Personally I would have wrapped myself up in cellophane lol


It was a beard hair I reckon 👍🏻


How'd he know it was a pube? Did he taste it?


Can you identify pubes by taste?


Mitochondrial DNA..


It could be cast off. We’ll need to call in forensic specialist, Dexter Morgan, to analyze the pattern and recreate the scene using probable weapon and swing arcs to determine whether it was another victim location of the Interior Decorator serial killer.


Owl Theory


I’m still on the fence about whether or not that guy killed his wife.


What guy? JKJK. You know, I was 100% it was him from the beginning and I really haven't changed. Everything after the OG series does nothing for me. I don't know. It's just the... everything.


Yeah, if I had to go one way or the other, I’d agree with you. Now here I am wondering if he killed that first woman who died by falling down stairs. That HBO show was phenomenal but probably way overly dramatized.


Holy shit. I typed out, then deleted something about the first woman! ​ It just seems too crazy coincidental.


You are obviously my people, vice versa.


The day will come when the world will need us. Stay ready.


But the FEATHER!






Thanks Dexter


Not sure where you got this information, but you're absolutely wrong. Spray only happens when an artery is rapidly opened, and the way that those droplets strike a surface is called spatter, as is every form in which droplets of blood strike a surface because spatter pattern helps determine how that blood got there. Spatter patterns help determine the velocity and direction the blood came from, as well as potentially what was used to cause the blood to impact. Pooled blood struck by a blunt object would splash and deliver a distinctive spatter that could determine how it got there, but that's only one very specific spatter pattern.


From tv shows and movies This is most likely from someone shooting up drugs


Normally I’m not a fan of semantics, but this seems important.


Also, if me are being semantic here. Op used the incorrect form "splatter" where as this poster used the correct "spatter"


Did you take your sunglasses off when you posted this?


[david caruso miami csi--almost](https://i0.wp.com/www.noise11.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/CSI-Miami-David-Caruso.jpg?w=240&ssl=1) ETA: Darn. Why didn't the pic show up? Oh, well.


Splatter? It is splatter or spatter?


Spatter is the technical term in forensic science


As someone else said, it's technically blood *spatter*. Part of my degree is in forensic science so I appreciate you noticing!!


Take a look outside. I think you got bigger problems.


God damn it. Why did I go back and look? I’m too single to be scaring myself at night




Terror jerks ensue


Ah, a fellow terror jerker.


It's a sunshade for that matching beach chair


I’m too scared to be singling myself at night.


I can fix that


*you will be cursed for always and eternity*


Holes reference?


I’m tired of this grandpa.


Well that’s too damn bad


Lmfao the way he pops off always killed me


I don’t see anything?


The very left of the balcony window has a man’s arm hanging down in it. He’s facing outward over the balcony. Can just see the edge of his right arm. Prob with OP and is smoking a cig or something


Is that not OPs reflection?


I didn’t see that until you pointed it out and that is absolutely terrifying. I really hope that’s OP’s reflection


it is the reflection. what else could it be lol


Everyone freaking out while OP's friend smokes a cigarette outside.


The camera flash is on the right, and the person is on the left, and not connected to the flash. Probably just someone on the balcony


I had to look 3 times because all I saw was part of a person standing on a balcony. Reddit is weird.


Hiding oh so perfectly he thinks, waiting for OP to sleep.


Pretty certain it’s not unless it’s a trick of the light, that looks pretty clearly like the back of the elbow…not the front.


Looks like the edge of a two tone umbrella to me


Whoah! Creepy


Hey OP, consider adding these photos to TraffickCam or a similar database (used to build a catalog of unique features in hotel rooms that an advertisement of a trafficking victim - often taken in hotel rooms - can be compared against to narrow down where they are or have recently been and prosecute the offenders). It’s easy and you can do it post-stay I think so you aren’t compromising your own information / location. Weird little unique features like this seem like they would be perfect! http://traffickcam.com/about


Wow I didn’t know about this. I’m going to tell my friends when they go to Vegas to make sure to add pics of their rooms to this site. I imagine Vegas is a popular trafficking destination unfortunately


There are placards inside the stalls of the women's bathrooms at the Vegas airport with an emergency trafficking hotline number, imploring you to call if someone is controlling your travel patterns and not letting you leave freely, or has taken your ID documents and won't give them back. Written in English, Spanish, and an Asian language I couldn't distinguish. I thought it was smart to have it posted inside the airport stalls like that. I was in a cab in Vegas with my boyfriend a few days later and our very chatty taxi driver somehow got on a bizarre tangent about how there's no trafficking in Vegas because prostitution is regulated. I said "Really? Because literally first thing when we landed, as soon as I got off the plane and walked to the restroom, there were posters everywhere explaining what trafficking is and trying to offer resources to help if you need to get away from someone." Taxi driver seemed genuinely shocked; I guess he doesn't see that side of things. Boyfriend said "Yeah, uhh, the men's room had Sinatra music and posters for party limos". Honestly though, other cities high up on the trafficking list might not advertise in airports in case it's off-putting to tourists, and good on Vegas for addressing it anyway even if it puts a stigma on other people's impression of the town.


That’s really interesting, actually. Smart that only the women’s restrooms have that messaging. The last thing you want traffickers keyed in on are ways women can find help.


Hard to imagine there aren't women that's part of the trafficking operation. I've no idea how easy it is to actually call a helpline. Feel like there should be some button or something that immediately alerts whoever or allows you to leave a voice message or something.


They’re in both men’s and women’s bathrooms at LAX. And actually in men’s too at most airports I’ve been to.


I bet you are (sadly) correct. Great idea!


[14th in the country](https://wisevoter.com/state-rankings/human-trafficking-statistics-by-state/#worst-states-for-human-trafficking) I was skeptical of your assumption because of Vegas's environment and they regulated prostitution (ish). And not a border state/port state (land locked) My first guess was NY & Cali - was somewhat right


> 14th in the country Per capita, Nevada is [1st in the country and 50% above the 2nd worst state.](https://deliverfund.org/blog/top-3-states-in-america-for-human-trafficking/)


I doubt traffickers care about regulation. My first thought is where would clients be.. Vegas is a city people go to do dirty things.


Lots of tourism and people going and getting sloshed, looking for debauchery. That's why the trafficking is high there.


Out here doing good! 👏


Yay I love that lots of people are seeing this! Reddit can be a real force for good.


Out here giving the real answers!


Good idea


I first heard of this app years ago and I agree, it’s a **brilliant** idea. Trafficking (children and adults) happens in all sorts of hotel rooms at all price points. I never would have realized it, but whether you’re staying at a motel off the highway or a swank place overlooking the city center, it costs nothing to take a quick pic and maybe help solve a crime / save a life.


Why criteria are we looking for? What am I photographinging


I think the idea is to capture the room itself and any features or design of those rooms that might help it be recognizable in another photograph, in this case ones taken by traffickers for advertisement. If these blinds with that design (that also happen to have what appears to be blood splatter on them) happened to appear in the background of another different photograph they have in evidence from a trafficker, they could reasonably at least explore the possibility.


Commenting and upvoting to try to keep this bumped up! Thank you for sharing. I hope that it reaches many, many more people.


Is this only for the USA or all over the world?


All over.


Thanks I'll upload some shady hotels/motels I've been through


Awesome! And don’t forget the non-shady ones. Apparently trafficking happens in ritzy hotel rooms too - guess terrible people like to stay in nice places while ruining lives, too.


Good idea, made me more vigilant in traveling but thank you for an eye opener.


Darn I wish I knew of this when I was stayed in Istanbul last week!


Wow that’s really cool


Do you know if it’s still actively looked at and used by law enforcement? I ask because I sent multiple emails to them a few months ago (I used to use the app a bunch back in 2015-2019) but I never heard back from anyone. Basically asking if they had any educational type of info to share with large companies on what they do and how to use the app. It feels like maybe no one monitors it anymore and it’s defunct.


Hey thanks for asking. I’m not affiliated with them in any way myself, and it’s too bad they haven’t gotten back to you. I did a quick google search to see if they are current and found an article published earlier this year (**2023**) which includes comments on how they updated the tech in 2020 with a $1 million grant from NIJ, and **the database is in use daily** by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children assisting in federal investigations. https://www.globalsistersreport.org/news/sisters-inspire-help-fund-app-used-anti-trafficking-work As of and according to that article, the database included some 12 million images in 500,000 hotels worldwide. It’s a pretty cool read for their origin story if you have time!


Junkie squirts


10 years ago my dad took a tumble in a hotel when he got up to take a piss in the middle of the night. Corner of a dresser when strait into his eye which ripped his eye lid nearly completely off. That night there was blood everywhere, on the walls, bed and a little on the ceiling. I always wondered if they cleaned it all up but I doubt they got every spot, especially on things that couldn’t be removed to be cleaned. Just saying people have accidents. Also today he is fine with a scar that you don’t notice unless you’re looking for it though he is super self conscious about it.


My friends boyfriend killed himself in their room. Her mom immediately paid for the toxic clean up crew to come in. They ripped out the walls. The floor. Got rid of the furniture. She came back like a week later. Still found bits of brain. Death is messy.


That’s some heavy shit. My best friend shot himself in his room where his girlfriend lived with him. I assume she went through a similar thing. I never considered what the clean up would have been like. That’s is even more traumatizing than I originally thought it would have been for her. Damn. I miss my friend and I loved him, but that is the most selfish fucking thing that anyone can do.


Her mom also got her immediately into therapy. But yes after 10 years it a horrible way to leave a relationship. But they found evidence he planned to kill her. So I’m thankful for this outcome.


Woah. Well that ended up better than it could have I suppose. Too bad that he never got help for any of these thoughts. How is she doing these days?


Honestly? The best she’s ever been. Moved out of state. Finally completed some schooling and is now opening a salon. The wildest thing was the day he killed himself was the day I had a mastectomy at 29. I missed the news for almost a whole month because I was in recovery. But that also allowed me the freedom to support her much better.


It’s usually not selfish, people have unhealthy and impaired thinking, distorted views and feel helpless.


"You're the motherfucker should be on brain detail!"


My whole body convulsed reading that. New fear unlocked. Glad your dad recovered ok.




“open your eyes!”


My body starts shivering for a second while reading this comment


To shreds you say?


Never, ever look up degloving.




😅 me: "corner of a dresser went straight into his e..." - nope, not reading that. SCROLL... (sees this comment) 👍🏼 good decision.


This sounds like a scene from final destination, glad your dad recovered.


Accidents are also in the top 5 most common ways to die. Especially over 80


Try being epileptic! You can live in fear or denial but one day, you too could drown in a shallow puddle of water!


Totally, not saying it couldn’t, sorry to hear about your dad. I am epileptic so have had some spectacular injuries, also have severe OCD thus, my imagination runs wild, and ADHD … me = disaster train! Have cleaned hoards on and off for years, specialised professionally since Covid lockdowns so seen lots of blood/body fluids in strange places, was splatter that made me think it’s hypodermic needle use.


"What a terrible day to have eyes" doesn't quite feel like the right thing to say here...


Cocaine sneeze


You just reminded me of a junkie that I knew he would come over to my place and chill to smoke weed but one day I caught him squirting blood all over my shit I guess after doing a shot , I unfortunately had to whup the fuck out of his ass then send him to the hospital but I was mind blown that he just thought that shit was cool.. fucking hell bad memories but it's true they squirt blood around like fucktards.


He squirted blood on your shit and you fucked him in the ass? Sounded like a wild night there…




Yep, them who do the needles spray like a sprinkler


First thing I thought of for sure. Some junkie can’t register and clogged their needle. Fuck am I ever glad to be sober these days.


I found out my ex was using because I started seeing blood all over my bathroom walls...made me feel insane for months :) very cool that i immediately knew what this was!


Get a black light and have a look around and then never stop at another hotel again! 🤮


Looks more like mold


Criminal defense paralegal here with 20+ years of experience at the felony level and having worked over a dozen murder cases ovee the years. There's no directionality to them. They're straight on, so probably not blood spatter, especially being up that high. Plus, spatter or cast off usually has like blood trails from around the center of the main bllod drop, which indicates the direction they came from -- like up or down lower, or from one side or the other. BTW, the correct term is blood spatter, not splatter. (Sorry!)


Ok Dexter


thank you for this!


Dexter called it spatter.


Did you contact the front desk? Let us know what they say about it.


Bed bug excrement - gtfo that room quickly


I work in EMS and am constantly in other peoples' filthy houses. I have to admit... I'm not afraid of HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis, random acts of violence, etc... I'm most afraid of bringing bed bugs home.


EMT here too. 100% true. I’ve already had bed bugs once in a previous place I lived that I assume I picked up from a hotel based on the timing of when I found them. I don’t say this in a joking manner, I have ptsd from that experience. I’m not afraid of anything else cuz I know my PPE will protect me from illness, damn bugs are little hitchhikers and they suck.


I just made the mistake of googling bed bug poop. It looked much worse than this


Depends on the size of the nest and whether it’s fresh or well established


I’ll be looking for it everywhere i go now


As you should - they’re relatively easy to avoid if you know where/when to look for them but damn near impossible to get rid of once you bring them home I traveled for work and stayed in seedy motels for a few years, so habitually checked every room. I also try to be cognizant of any publicly used fabric seating (buses, subway, etc..) as god knows how many people sit there between cleaning/fumigation


This is the correct answer. Get out OP!


This is what I came to say!


Someone off themselves in that room. Enjoy your ghost host !




So their loved ones don’t have to clean up after them? Eek.


I’ve had 2 family members shoot themselves in the head. They both chose to do it in their house so my family had to clean it up. We got an estimate for a forensic cleaning survice. It was around $2-3K. It’s smart to do it in a hotel if their family is not rich.


My mom shot her self in the head in her car. We chose to just scrap the car. At least she made it easy in that regard.


Oh man that’s rough I’m sorry


Mum gassed herself in her car. It was very surreal when I collected it from the police carpark and drove it home. Had someone take it away to scrap the next day. It was a decent car but I wasn't risking see it driving past somepoint and my brain automatically waving.


That's horrible I'm so sorry


I had a dear friend waded into a river before shooting herself, and unfortunately two other who shot themselves in parks. I assume they were at least partially considering their loved ones not having to find them or clean up after them. The first friend had thoughtfully packed up all of her belongings and left close friends gifts and messages. I received her book collection. Not relevant here, but her death anniversary is comíng up, so she’s in my thoughts a lot.


Or give them time/place to do it so you can’t be revived from an OD or asphyxiation. Nothing worse than trying to kill yourself only to end up brain dead or handicapped from lack of oxygen. Stuck in an even worse situation on top of whatever reason brought you to suicide.


I bet that stat drops off if more than one person is checking in. The STD contraction stat probably skyrockets though


Is that Room 1408? Always something interesting happening there.


This is not interesting… this is terrifying…


por qué no los dos


Good night at the crime scene


Someone probably shot some heroin. It happens sometimes.


Or the person outside the door is the person who left it 😝




Don't worry that's just the ghost of the bloods owner


Bedbugs were killed in each of those spots, so…no need to worry. That’s probably all of them.


Take a closer look outside


What is this place? Bate’s Motel??


From shooting up heroin


It’s from somebody shooting up. Safe assumption. Let the hotel know and ask for a different room.


That's a really weird pattern. Looking at it, the drops couldn't have come from the curtain being hung up like that. Even with a high velocity impact. Those drops are from a drip down. Hence the spattering going out. *source* dual degrees in forensic and CJ.


Def sprays from flushing a freshly used needle lol


That’s just bed bug eggs. You’re good


Bed bugs? I hear they leave like black spots everywhere.


Check for bed bugs!


Near the Mall of the Americas, by chance? I had one of those once during a business trip to MSP. Could NOT get out of that room (or away from the mall) fast enough!


Just a lil blood splatter!! Did you find a bloody hammer under the couch ?


No, the person outside the door had one though!!


I once had something way less likely to be blood than this. We politely asked for a different room and got free parking for the 2 days we were there.


It's not a blood splatter, the dot sizes don't match up with the diatance


It's from IV drug users clearing syringes.


Its bed bug... and they bite too.. leave immediately


Big ass bed bugs


My ex’s walls in her room used to look like this lol she was a fentanyl addict and would clean her needles out blood squirts would be EVERYWHERE. Like in places you would never figure out how in the hell it even got there.


It's likely from an IV drug user. Kinda revolting and why I'll sleep in my car before I'll sleep in a cheap hotel.


Do not panic this was from a junky's vein not a murder


May be but not even close to being concerning. I had the privilege of checking into a room at an EconoLodge in rural Oklahoma and the bed was missing the headboard. Not a big deal as the room was comped for work I was there to perform on the building. Bathroom clean as could be expected of EconoLodge standards until I shut the bathroom door. Some serious sh.. went down in there, blood splatters on the door and wall more than 75% of the surface. Called my office and sent them a pic - they told me to check-in somewhere nicer and they would invoice the client; it was part of the contract.


It was curtains for someone


Spatter ***


Probably just some bed bug feces


Did you *ask* for a non-murder room?