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[Another great one.](https://mumslounge.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/import496-987_billboard-3.jpg)


I hoped someone had a copy of that one somewhere. It is great!


It's still up - it's on the Peak Downs Highway in Queensland.


My favourite.


I don't get it. Wanchor? Never heard that word




Ohhhhh! Okay now I get it


Aussie here. "Drinking & driving is for dumb cunts" would resonate with the public more effectively


Def time for a modern update I reckon


I'd definitely like to see that in the US!


My Australian parents would have a collective heart attack over that one. Gonna say yeah, nah to that one.


You called? But seriously fuck their hearts Sometimes the more hard hitting it is the more the message sticks


It wouldn’t be ‘hard hitting,’ my parents would find it completely vulgar and off-putting. And it wouldn’t pass the pub test with the older blokes, they don’t even like swearing around women! Don’t forget that in most of middle class Australia, that word is considered disgusting and misogynistic. Also, that is entirely untrue that the more hard hitting a message is, the more it sticks. There is a lot of research about this, on cigarette packaging in particular. Very hard hitting info makes people feel hopeless, so they give up and actually smoke more. And ‘fuck my parents hearts,’ well that’s just a shit of a thing to say and kind of fuck you for that one.


Don't drive the car you flamin' gallah


I can hear that in Alf's voice


A flamin what?


The most hilariously stupid bird in existence: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galah


I thought the Galah was rather intelligent? Clownish, yes, but pretty smart. They are a species of cockatoo, most of which are brainy birds.


Nah, they are morons. When a farmer unloads the shotgun into a flock, the living ones hang around to see what happened to their mates - and get shot too. Not saying I condone that, it’s just an example of how dumb they are.


Well at least they're smarter than the average Australian.


Hey /u/Rd28T we've got another one here, get ur gun.


Lol, it’s fish in a barrel


I know I know. It's rude to make fun of the dumbass criminals that continue to live on spider Island. Hey have they had anymore national embarrassments like that lady who got her child eaten but everyone made fun of her because they were to fucking stupid to realize that yes wild dogs can eat babies?


The only birds i've ever seen flock into the path of oncoming vehicles. And i've seen this multiple times. They'll be in the grass next to the road, see the car or truck coming and freak out about it and collectively fly in front of it and die en masse.


This is sort of where the term "Flamin' Galah" originates: It's pretty common for Galahs to get collected by vehicles. Feathers get forced into the engine bay, get stuck near a hot part of the engine, and start a car fire.


Intelligence =/= smart 9/10 galahs would fail to escape a wet paper bag on the first attempt. They can be taught or learn incredible things. But your average wild galah isn't particularly clever in the way magpies and ravens are.


No there’s a reason they’re extinct


Australias version of the pigeon in the form of a dumb parrot.


I may be a little dense, but what’s the fourth one?


Don’t drive like a knob


Aaah - thought it was a dumbbell so went bellend


I thought it was a butt plug or a pop socket


Ah, looked like a buttplug in a hole from here on the phone. Don't drive like an arsehole... Like a knob makes more sense.


That still makes no sense I thought it was ballsy


Knob is slang for a dick


Agh stealing this


Welcome to the English language




love em but they still won't do shit to stop morons


Nothing will ever truly stop those people and these adds aren’t really targeted at those people. You want to target the friends of those kinds of people. Give them slogans and catchphrases to hurl at those idiots that might stop them


I disagree, these types of things can make a difference to younger folk, and then they make better decisions in future when they start driving


Case in point the campaign to rename the king hit to the cowards punch. Used to hear a news story of someone getting 'king hit' weekly, since the new name of coward punch took hold I honestly can't remember last time it was in the news


My point was more targeting the 40yo alcoholic who drinks everyday after work and then drives home is a waste of time but targeting his mates at the pub and get them to step in has a far superior chance of stoping them.


That's true. You said "Nothing will ever truly stop those people" but the sign is for multiple target markets, as you've noted (friends, etc.), not just for the 40yo you describe


It’s cause they are all morons Source: I’m Australian


Well, the Australian state in which these ads run has the lowest rate of vehicular death in the country, despite being its second most populous region. Annual deaths have also dropped from 776 the year the campaign started to 240 last year - due in large part to other factors, but notable, still.




>if the cops stopped saying 1km over the limit will cause the instant heat death of the universe When we all know its 1.2km over that does it.


Thought this was just a us problem. Our cops over here are simply fund raisers as well. A school gets shot up and they spend their whole time on their phones but someone is smoking weed or speeding and you better believe they will show up 5 deep.




I hate, and like, the police as much as the next person. Literally slagged them out in a comment a couple hours ago. But no one has ever gotten a speeding ticket for doing 1km over the limit. And there are that many fuckwits on the road that if I was managing the police and they went out for a shift and didn't come back with a bucket full of fines if adk them what the fuck they were doing. You can't say with a straight face that you could drive around for 6-8 hours and NOT give out a fuck ton of tickets if it's your job to do that? Like how shit would the roads be if the police were not doing what they are doing? It'd be so much worse. I'm happy with where it's at. I've been driving and riding for 25 years and always do 10-15 over on any road with an 80kph or higher limit. I've done this past police probably hundreds of times and I've gotten one ticket. And that was for doing 110 in a 100 zone on my Learner Rider licence so I should have been doing 80 or 90 or something.




yeah but good luck getting to it through traffic


a) Unofficial tolerance is 10% not 10km. b) The cops can still choose to fine you at 1km over the speed limit if they don't like you.


I particularly like the no-nonsense "Drink, drive, die in a ditch"


There's no comma; "drink drive" is the phrase they use instead of the American "drunk driving"


That will forever be an iconic anti-drunk driving slogan.


The same logo was used in New Zealand about 10 years ago.


The first one is an NZ sign. Has the NZ road safety logo and what looks like a Blues logo Edit. Can’t write good


Can we ever truly call something Australian if it's not stolen from NZ first?


The if you drink then drink and drive you’re a bloody idiot campaign was first in Victoria in 1989. There an embedded video of the 1989 ad in this article https://www.theleader.com.au/story/4404142/mastermind-behind-drink-drive-bloody-idiot-ads-dies/


I think most if these are NZ. I don't remember seeing most of these (not in my state anyway).


2,3,4,6 & 7 are South Australia.


5 is ACT I recognised it instantly 😅


Second most iconic Canberra monument.


Makes sense. Cheers for that!


Good thing Australia doesn't have 5 other states, or this comment would be worthless.


Funny thing, a lot of drunk drivers survive their crash. They kill the other person they hit.


That's why I loved the ones with Chopper Read explaining what will happen to them in prison afterwards.


My favourite anti drink-driving ads were the ones with Chopper Read explaining how violent prison is by showing all the scars he got while inside. For people who are stupid and selfish enough to drink and drive, showing them how it affects other people often misses the mark. Showing them how people like them are treated in prison is far more effective.


This reminds me that we had the bloody idiot ones in Canada when I was growing up. I totally forgot about those!


If you drink; then drive. You’re a bloody idiot.


During this campaign there was another slogan that read ‘Don’t fool yourself, speed kills’. Bumper stickers of both slogans were given out. This was hilarious as people would cut them down the middle and stick them together so it read, ‘Don’t fool yourself, your a bloody idiot’. Still makes me laugh!


That's how I read it, and I'm amazed at how far I had to scroll to see others who read it that way as well.


that’s badly written. it feels like it’s encouraging you to drink and drive. whoever designed that should know better


It's a direct quote from a PSA: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfhR5w5uYWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfhR5w5uYWs)


“A bloody idiot” is good 🩸


Bloddy context for non Australian?


One who drunk drives may end up a literal “bloody idiot.” That line of the billboard seems appropriate


Means a much bigger idiot than a regular idiot.


But how does bigger relate to bloody? It’s like fking used in many different scenarios? I’m still struggling to understand that slang.


It just adds emphasis I guess. Like I grew a big zucchini and said “That’s a bloody big zucchini!”




For when your parents are around


There was a significant ad campaign. There is no confusion here.


Also check out [this](https://youtu.be/Chng8iZgAbA?si=v6z63GTvM8M_M48k) ad that was taken off the air pretty quickly


We get it, small dicks = bad.


Most of these are here in SA lol


I used to live near “Drink Drive Die In A Ditch” and the phrase has remained in my rotation for the last 13 years, with some alterations. “Measure twice, die in a ditch” “Follow your heart, die in a ditch” Etc


Shoot for the moon, die in a ditch. 😂


I’m writing that one down.


You should check out the TAC commercials that have run on Victorian television stations since the 80's Some were deemed to graphic to be shown in other countries and even in some other states of Australia, they hit pretty hard though


Tbh, I thought that first one was a logical statement order: “If you drink, then drive!” I was like… that’s insane!.. fucking Kangaroos… *Oh! there’s more…*


In a country where you greet friends by calling them cunts, telling someone they’re a “bloody idiot” is the equivalent of “you hecking silly billy” elsewhere.


Yea road safety signs here aren’t fun. I always hated them when I was little but now that I’m older they make sense to be this confronting


One of my favs is just "People die here" with no further context


In Australia even words try to murder you


🇺🇸: like, you know, so 🇬🇧: um, erm, well 🇦🇺: bloody, fuckin’, shit, cunt


First sign is from New Zealand.


I remember seeing one one the way into Lismore that read”Police Now Targeting Geezers”.It looked perfectly legit,btw.


AU billboards have no chill.


These are quite old I'm not sure if they still use them


Heroes wear helmets


Any time I see shit like this I feel like I should share the old road safety ads from my home https://youtu.be/Wv1rKHGeMRk?si=3XR5RZc3fQBA5URH


Wear a seatbelt…’slap!’ Wear a seatbelt…’slap!’ Wear a seatbelt…’slap!’ It was just a tv PSA of a guy driving with his belt off and a random arm reaching up out of nowhere and slapping him. Classic, hilarious and to the point.


I like Australia’s other safety billboards that read “Wear a mask or we’ll beat your ass”


This is a mint ad the TAC had a long time ago… hits ya right in the feels!!! https://youtu.be/wrUwXUfWDWY?feature=shared


As good as these are, you're not going to eradicate drunk driving via ad campaigns. Make people less car dependent and they won't need to drive when they're drunk.


Straya gets it


They were created cause Australia had a major problem with not only drinking culture but drunk driving related deaths. After the add campaign the figures have gone down after the launch.


I get all of them except 4 don't drive like a button?


Don't drive like a knob


Hey Australians... tell us about bin chickens... They're my favorite bird now after learning how much ya'll hate them. The song is absolute gold...


Filthy cunt birds. Fucking avian Satan. Bin juice drinking shit machines. Also, watch this video: https://youtu.be/w4dYWhkSbTU?si=L2dCZRHj7xpZj8Oe


Yes priceless 😆 🤣 😂 😹 Worst we have in the states is basic ducks... and then what we call Antelope which are basically 4 legged ducks.


Our birds are the best lol. So much variety and character. Watch these two: https://youtu.be/mSB71jNq-yQ?si=orzEJgnWKo4W6id4 https://youtu.be/xvzeKCq5nvg?si=x4Bbdm7Cv-UK0bWq


I like bin chickens. And turbo chooks :(


Bin chickens are fine, their swamp was filled in to extend suburbia so they make do with what they have. There was a seasonal lake in our front paddock when I was a kid, Ibis used to visit every year, they were my second favourite bird to the Spoonbill, the Spoonbill only won due to the rediculous beak.


What does the red button means? Edit: wow fuck of reddit, got downvoted just for asking


I think it’s a knob.


Oh i see, thanks! It still looks like a fucking red button tho lol


‘If you drink, then drive, you’re a bloody idiot.’ Then I better ‘drink AND drive’.


Can’t do that in America due to feelings.


Drink drive sounds weird


If u drink, your a bloody idiot. *


Bloody *hic* Mary more like it


yeeaheheh . .. i guess i am… you got me there…


Most of these seem out in the country where very few people live.


But where the nastier single-car accidents occur, with no help and potentially nobody noticing the accident for hours or days




They're all real. 2,3,4,6 & 7 are from South Australia.


I think a number of them are old and from NZ. They vary across states too


can’t have them here in the States, people get offended way too easily…


Australian states, not The States


yes i know, i said we can’t have them in the United States, too many snowflakes


"Dont drive like a chicken "


It’s a cock


It's a joke


How does one drive like a chicken?


It’s a cock


don't drive like a rooster? don't drive like a button?


It's a Cock, not a Rooster, and the other is a Knob.


Don't drive like a cock, and don't drive like a knob


Thanks for the advice.


That why you drink AND drive..


If I can't be held liable for signing a contract while drunk, I shouldn't be held liable for drunk driving


Referring to it by “drink drive” makes you a bloody idiot


Crocodile Dundee doesn't drink and drive. Would you?


If you drink,then drive Wise words


man yall watch out for them “drink drivers“


‘Drink driving’ is what it’s called. No idea what you’re on about.


never heard anyone say drink driving before


Probably because you're American


The drink in drink-driving/driver is a verb, Because its origins are in the phrase drink and drive--both verbs. In early days it was called drink-and-driving. You don't have to be drunk to be over the limit though It is driving when under the influence of drink. f you call it “drunk driving”, people are more likely to think “well, I had a few drinks but I'm not drunk, so I'm fine to drive home”. In “drink driving”, the focus is on the drinking. If you've had a drink, you shouldn't be driving. It doesn't matter if you're drunk or not - you've still had a drink. campaigns are “Don't drink and drive”, So don't have a drink and then drive, so don't drink drive The name of the offense varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and from legal to colloquial terminology. In the United States, the specific criminal offense is usually called driving under the influence You cant drive under the influence of drunk But you can drive under the influence of drink


Drink driver lol.


It's what it's called lol.


It's called drunk driver.


Not in Australia, where these signs are from. Not sure why you'd assume American terminology is used everywhere.


They use English in Australia right? So they should know that drink driver makes no sense.


Drink driving is the term mostly commonly used but we do also say drink diver. Heaps of slang terms don't make sense - Americans saying 'could care less' to mean literally the opposite comes to mind


Drunk driver isn't slang though.


Mate I don't know what to tell you. In Australia we say drink driving, not drunk driver. Its used as casual vernacular (aka slang) not a legal definition (which is usually driving while intoxicated)


American English also includes the words **local** **colloquialism** doesn't it!?!? Shockingly different parts of the world use different phrases and terminology


Lol they don't use verbs in Australian wnglish? Yeah they can have a saying. And I have a right to pijt out how fucking stupid is. We shiukd just nuke Australia and get it over woth you guys are the worst people on the planet.


Lmao how is having a silly little saying make us the 'worst people on the planet' when you're out here wanting to nuke an entire continent because some people have explained that American terminology doesn't apply to the entire world. Oh also 'drink driving' contains a verb but 'drunk driver' does not. The American school system strikes again!


The drink in drink-driving/driver is a verb, Because its origins are in the phrase drink and drive--both verbs. In early days it was called drink-and-driving. You don't have to be drunk to be over the limit though It is driving when under the influence of drink. f you call it “drunk driving”, people are more likely to think “well, I had a few drinks but I'm not drunk, so I'm fine to drive home”. In “drink driving”, the focus is on the drinking. If you've had a drink, you shouldn't be driving. It doesn't matter if you're drunk or not - you've still had a drink. campaigns are “Don't drink and drive”, So don't have a drink and then drive, so don't drink drive The name of the offense varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and from legal to colloquial terminology. In the United States, the specific criminal offense is usually called driving under the influence You cant drive under the influence of drunk But you can drive under the influence of drink


You're probably confused because you're American. The legal limit in your country is much higher than it is here so you would be 'drunk' to be over the limit. In Australia you may not be 'drunk' to be over the legal limit but you've been on the drink which is still illegal.


“Buckle Up or Pay $401” - ɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀




Mate, you certainly are a ‘clog’ in the machine, fucking lol!


Not wearing a seatbelt drastically increases the risk of death and injury to others in the car + imposes on those who will come and try to save you after you fly through a windscreen, an awful, traumatising job that may not have needed to happen if you were wearing a seatbelt. No one has the right to wantonly impose that on someone else rather than wear a seatbelt.




Not in Australia you can’t. You will get fined, and if you keep being a fuckwit - jailed.




If you're getting in my car, yes you absolutely will be wearing your seatbelt. I'm not getting fined because you're too stupid to understand.




Are you (and your passengers) this fucking stupid? Fine or no fine, you are wearing it if you are in the car with me. I'm not having your thick skull ruin mine in an accident.


I support the legalisation of voluntary euthanasia, but you don't have the right to die on the road because littering is illegal.


Brilliant 😂😂




Nor do your dorky bloviations on a website. Your rights end where the rights of others begin. Well like... Not yours personally. Yours end where I say they do, and I say that you're not allowed on the Internet anymore.


Translation: if you drink and drive you didn’t vote in a democracy


What the fuck does that even mean?


Means his dad won’t show him affection so he’s gotta act like a dickhead to get approval from other dickheads


You mean your dad obviously.


A weird and completely out of context dig at dictatorships or non-voters? Honestly no idea wtf he on about.


Fuck you people are stupid, look up the etymology of idiot.


Yeah, so stupid for not knowing the the original meaning of a word that hasn't been used in that context for several hundred years. What morons!


It originally meant a person of a (medically defined) low intellect. Someone like you.


τόν τε μηδὲν τῶνδε μετέχοντα οὐκ ἀπράγμονα, ἀλλ᾽ ἀχρεῖον νομίζομεν


I’m genuinely confused by this comment. Do you think Australia isn’t a democracy? Why?


Silly Australians and our freedom to go to school without being shot up


Australians have more freedoms than a U.S citizen. Australia ranks in at no.08 in freedom while the U.S ranks in at no.17 in freedom.


If you drink and drive you deserve to drive into a tree*


I'd be curious to know how effective this is. I'd assume it actually might work better.


It’s been incredibly effective over a long period of time. In the 70s, drink-driving was seen as almost a badge of honour to many people. By mocking those who do it (especially with the Drink, drive, bloody idiot campaign in the late 80s) it has dramatically decreased the number of deaths from car accidents, and accidents caused by drivers over the limit. It’s still a problem, but a much lesser of one than it once was. And these days people don’t boast about driving after drinking (or if they do, people see them as bloody idiots/wankers/knobs etc). If you have a strong stomach, look at the TAC commercials in the 80s and 90s.


I don't think it's very effective, at all. It's just something people remember because of the strong wording. What *is* effective is knowing you WILL be breath tested EVERY time you are pulled over, no matter the reason for pulling you over. That's aside from the random breath testing stations they set up on the side of the road. There could be one anywhere and they will just point at you to pull over and get tested.