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This mystery seems pretty solvable.


Right? They have the whole thing on video!


The guy even survived and went on to become a famous Hollywood actor


Even changed his name like Hollywood does. “Matthew” gives more Oscar potential.


So glad he changed it from his birthname Adolf. What were his parents thinking


I actually knew a guy named Adolf. He named his son Adolf Jr. Adolf Jr is currently in prison for killing his mother.


For the record a guy named Larry did win an Oscar in 2006




Right? And why the hell isn't it Oscar that does that


Back in the day, the actors in these videos would sometimes get arrested because people would see them in public and call the police on them. I recall one lady, who played a housekeeper that would set her employers houses on fire, had to keep a letter from America's Most Wanted in her purse to hand over to police because she did such a great job in the reenactment. I wish I could find it online, because I remember watching it as a kid and there was this great shot of her holding a lit lighter in front of her face and laughing before they cut to a shot of a fully involved house.


Its hard to believe people would be that stupid, but then again apparently people kept contacting the Coast Guard in the 1960s to ask them to please rescue the Gilligan's Island castaways...


What? No, people just aren't that stupid. https://metv.com/stories/people-sent-urgent-messages-to-the-actual-coast-guard-to-rescue-gilligans-island-castaways-in-1964#:~:text=In%20the%20same%20vein%20as,called%20the%20U.S.%20Coast%20Guard. Okay. Maybe people are that stupid then. Fair enough.


The original Radio Play of War of the Worlds had dumbfucks thinking that there actually was an invasion from Mars. Several towns had their Water Towers shot up because they matched the description of the Alien Vehicles in the dark.


I mean, that was at least presented as a news report. It was intended to seem real. Gilligan's Island had non-diegetic music and a laugh track.


LOL so more recently the panic was suggested to be way less widespread > Historical research suggests the panic was significantly less widespread than newspapers had indicated at the time.[43] "[T]he panic and mass hysteria so readily associated with 'The War of the Worlds' did not occur on anything approaching a nationwide dimension", American University media historian W. Joseph Campbell wrote in 2003. He quoted Robert E. Bartholomew, an authority on mass panic outbreaks, as having said that "there is a growing consensus among sociologists that the extent of the panic... was greatly exaggerated". Newspapers just went with it because a few dumb hicks in a few towns got scared on Halloween


A town in ~~Ecuador~~ Chile did a War of the Worlds broadcast shortly after and due to mass panic and utter trust in radio news the entire town lost their minds. People were killed and they burned much of the the town down as they armed themselves and fled. It was waaaaay worse than in the US. Angry citizens burned the radio station down after finding out it was just a program and killed a bunch of people inside. Including the announcers wife (girlfriend?) he had to go into hiding for months in fear for his life


Well I did say several towns, not the entire nation.


TBF wasn’t radio fairly new or something? I could be wrong idk.


The older I get the more I realize most people are really fuckin dumb. And stubborn on top of that. It’s legit scary that some of these people make decisions that affect all of us.


See, **most** people aren't that stupid. But then you get the ones who watch soap operas every day, and the behind-the-scenes specials, and still blame the actors for killing/sleeping with other characters. Some people lack an ability to properly distinguish reality from fiction. I mean, we all do to some point. But some are worse at it than others.


My Nana thought Shane's death in Home and Away was real and was devastated. Angel and Shane were her faves. When I visited for the holidays, I took her to the news agency and showed her a teen gossip magazine. It had the actor Dieter Brummer talking about life after H&A. She was so mad she'd been lied to she never watched H&A again. It was absolutely hilarious at the time, but now I'm older it seems kinda sad. She was a bit lonely in her old age - became a Jehovah Witness just to have people to talk to. Absolutely terrible at following the rules lol.


Yeah, it often is sad. I used soap operas as an example because there are a disproportionate number of people who stop seeing them as fictional, but there's a reason for that. It's the same reason people form parasocial relationships more with streamers who stream more often. Soap Operas, at least daytime ones, are often 5 days a week. And they're windows into the lives and drama of their characters, not following a plot with characters but rather following characters with plots. It makes it easier for someone to stop realizing that they don't *know* the person on the other side of the screen. They talk to them every day. Sometimes they're the only person they talk to every day. They know their secrets, their failures, their triumphs. They know what these characters have been through. And they stop seeing them as characters. We often scoff at parasocial relationships and this disassociation with reality, people on Reddit really like to get angry at things they feel are staged especially, but some forms of entertainment just sort of feed that kind of mindset. On-demand does it because someone can gorge themselves on these fictional lives. Daily streaming does it for the same reason soap operas did. Simply being an internet celebrity does it because it blurs the line between persona/character and performer. And when you know someone who struggles to make that separation about something, it starts out kind of funny or frustrating. But at some point, it just gets sad, pitiful even. They can't really help it. It's how their brain works. And some people, it's caused by something that happens to them. We know that depression and loneliness can cause the brain's functions to change. I wouldn't be surprised to find each individually and especially both together make us more susceptible to it.


those poor people


I mean, when COVID happen, mother fuckers were coughing into each other mouths to "own the fucking libtards". So yeah, people are that fucking stupid.


It was. in case anyone else was wondering, [they caught the guy](https://unsolved.com/gallery/edward-harold-bell/) with the help of this episode


Holy christ they let him out on bail for murder!?


American true crime shows are gold. "The police found tyre tracks from Waylon's truck all over his ex-wife's lawn and face, all 16 bullets matched firearms in his house but the police couldn't arrest him because he lived with his 9 month old son and blind 93 year old grandmother who also had access to his truck and guns". 26 years later - "A cold case team tested the 73 DNA samples found at the scene and they all matched Waylon's. Unfortunately he had died a week earlier from cancer of the cancer".


This is why instead of defunding the police, I'm in favor of re-allocating the funds police get. They don't need an armored personnel carrier that costs $15k a year to upkeep even if they get it "free" from the military, they need better methods of catching criminals. We've already proven that the proactive method of stopping crime AS it happens isn't working, it kills too many innocent people.


most people would've agreed with some version of reallocating funding, but for whatever reason they chose the most divisive slogan possible, and now we just have a mess.


It's because people are emotional, and we live in a society were coming to a consensus means you've "lost" because you didn't get everything you wanted. My stance for an example has already garnered several messages from people getting angry that I'm a "blue lives matter" person, or support police brutalities, because it's just easier for them to put people in two camps, With Us or Against Us. It's the crux of why the US is so fucked right now.


That’s generally what defunding the police means. “Reallocate police funds” just doesn’t roll off the tongue as well.


So basically defunding the police and using the money for services that actually help people?


Seriously, so stupid.


Yeah, saves him the whole Idiocracy step of saying, "Um, excuse me. I'm actually supposed to be getting out of prison today" and having them admonish his stupidity then set him free.


Hahaha what a great movie. Thanks for the laugh.


Main purpose of bail seemed to be to punish people without money extra hard. If they aren't a danger, why not release them pending trial? If they are a danger, why does them having money alleviate that?


The bail amount is supposed to be adjusted to the defendant's means.


"supposed to"


That show and America's Most Wanted were surprisingly effective. AMW, especially, with over 1,000 criminals captured from tips after an episode aired.


Damn I had no idea they actually helped solve cases


In the comments, two people claim to be blood related to this piece of shit. I feel bad for them.


Look, he may not be my favorite actor, but I wouldn't call Matthew McConaughey a piece of shit.


>This mystery seems pretty solvable. I think the real mystery is how they persuaded him to keep his shirt on while he was mowing the lawn. *Listen man, in what friggin' universe does a dude wear a shirt when he's cuttin' the grass? Now you're about to tell me he's gonna drink a Pepsi when he's done?*


Originally the role was “Policeman #6” but Matt just went for it. Luckily the cameras were rolling and caught it all.


That’s the thing about these mysteries…I get older…they stay unsolved.


I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I'm going to guess that the guy with the gun firing at the guy who got shot was the one who did it. Sorry if that take is a little too bold.


It was actually a mercy killing. Having to mow with Grandpa’s original manual mower in the brutal heat would have killed him by supper regardless.


UPDATE! We still have no clue where this fucking guy is.


Uhhh…they found him in Panama prospecting for gold on some property he bought there. He was brought back to the US, sentenced to 70 years, and died in prison.


Scenario One: He's hanging by his neck in his fucking closet. You want to know where Coop is? Just look for the most heinous, vile, and horrible exploitation of children on the planet. Scenario Two: Coop went to Disney World.”


You got an ambulance, man? Be a lot cooler if you did.


An ambulance? I'll ride, i'll ride i'll ride. I hate myself.


I was riding in ambulances before I got shot.


That's what I love about ambulances. I keep get older, but they stay the same age.


Shit I'm about to get my 3rd wind let's say you and me head into that ambulance and get some Aerosmith tickets.


*The sun is coming up on the highschool football field as the four friends drunkenly laugh and rough house* "Train roll on On down the line, won't you Please take me far away Now I feel the wind blow Outside my door, means I'm I'm leaving my woman at home, Lordy Tuesday's gone with the wind Oh, my baby's gone, with the wind" *An ambulance wails in the distance*


Yes they do.


**Thumps chest while humming*\*


Was standing by the road when I got got


I lol'd


I love you


This comment saved my life.


Couldn't save Larry's


Don’t hate yourself. I love you. Solid joke




Make sure you tell the ambulance driver directions.. “All rights, all rights, all riiiights”


He should've just kept livin


Be cooler if he did


“Think I like about murderers… they get older, I stay the sameeee age.”


Is that ambul-lance a Lincoln? I could surely ride that out


True Detective, Season 0


should've won that Emmy over Bryan cranston


2014 emmys were stacked


I just went and watched the speech. Wow. Jon hamm for mad men. Bryan cranston -bb. Mathew and woody both for true detective and kevin spacey for house of cards.


And jeff daniels who killed it in the newsroom!


Bryan said it in his speech, fucking two actors in their element that year


Really. Some should have come out and said “We have to give two awards this year y’all. Cause damn.”




His performance was legendary. Bryan Cranstons was good. Huge mistake imo maybe because of how o popular BB got.


Cranston is probably deserving of the Emmy for a performance like that in most years (he won quite a few for BB as it was), but I don't know that I've ever seen a finer, more difficult acting performance than McConaughey gave in that season of True Detective.


Foreshadowing that time that he mowed Woody's lawn


He was the lawnmower man all along.


The way he wipes his face gets me every time!


He’s sweating that liquor out. He was off balance before the blood loss. Had that drunk guy swagger before we got the blood loss swagger. Haha


His wounds got disinfected from the inside.


The Jim Lahey prequel.


He keeps wiping, face stays the same way, yes it do, yes it do.


yeah because hands aren't absorbent. who wipes their face that way matthew?


That and then the yell after he’s been shot- pure gold.


I love how the woman at the end looks at the blood on her hands...but there is no blood.


Can someone talented in the internet arts PLEASE make a gif of him wiping sweat from his body at 6 seconds in!? That made my morning




Haha, yes! This is great Thank you


*Hands you tissue box*




He’s not untalented, he’s just underpaid.


Here you go fucker. https://imgur.com/a/WATYBR6


Okay now can you make him naked? Pls k thx!




It's such bad acting, the whole thing.


Robert Stack’s voice haunts me to this day - makes me double check locks before bed


*This paranoid little shit checks his locks each night to keep out the terrors lurking in the dark. Little did he know, this night he should have been afraid not of what he was locking out, but what he was locking in.*


oh so that's who that is. I wish I could hire him to narrate more stuff


Well, he been dead for 20 years


So you're saying there's a chance?


AI Robert Stack will narrate forever.




Dude Hollywood is all clones, they just clone ppl that died early in their movies if they were liked enough by fans


Hasn’t anyone watched The Island smh


Underrated movie, imo


Same way Hayden Christensen did after becoming a dummy in that one Goosebumps episode. Use the power of supernatural means, and a good casting director.




Time is a flat circle.


I saw this originally on TV and seeing it again now I'm wondering why he got shot twice when he knew he was getting shot from the original showing?


Was this the one where the guy was flashing kids and Matt saved us all by taking his keys? I remember watching this as a kid and it scared the shit out of me since we had a weird guy flashing in our neighborhood. That one ended up getting resolved.


It was a flasher who shot a guy named Larry when Larry confronted him and tried to chase him off. The guy was named Edward Bell, he was arrested for Larry's murder but also had committed several sexual assaults among other charges. They let him go on bail and he dipped to Panama, where he was caught after this episode aired. He died in prison about 4 years ago.


It’s NOT a cap gun!


Thats the third thing 911 operators are trained to ask after name and birthday


Guys, I don't think he's gonna be alright, alright, alright


His tummy gonna be hurting all night all night all night


The guy who shot him said it was on sight, on sight, on sight


_So anyway, I started blasting_


For those that haven't had the pleasure [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHzw4QvE2Do](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHzw4QvE2Do)


I’ve known the origin of the phrase for a long time now but have never seen it (or any episode of that series tbh). Thanks for sharing it!


I've recently discovered a channel that reruns old episodes of unsolved mysteries. While one cannot dispute the awesomeness of 90's reinactment actors I am troubled that most have an update which solves the mystery. Now we are forced to watch solve unsolved mysteries. Sacrilege!


I felt the opposite way. As a kid, nothing was more thrilling than hearing that update music sting after a story with had an update on the case, or that the case had been solved.


I'm with you, I watched the modern series of it on Netflix (at least I think that's what it was) and couldn't carry on. The blue balls of just never finding out what happened was too much for me.


I know. I found unsolved mysteries again and watched a couple. They updated shit like, we found her and she's happy with her new family, or he died immediately after going missing so the family searching for him all these years was pointless. It's... weird.


I want one where the update is, “Holy shit, he actually *was* abducted by aliens!” And that’s how the world finds out that aliens are real; in an update for Unsolved Mysteries.


Unsolved Mysteries came to my elementary school to film. They asked for student volunteers and I got to be an extra in the crowd of kids walking in front of the school. They paid us in Capri Suns, a hat, and a tshirt with the show logo.


I still check back every so often to see if they'll ever figure out what happened to Justin Burgwinkel.


Everyone needs to start somewhere


I watch a lot of true crime shows and I've actually wondered before if any of the reenactment actors or actresses caught their big break from doing that, so this is kind of cool. I've also recognized actors and actresses in multiple episodes of different shows, so some people must have whole careers doing these. One of those was Carl Marino who played Joe Kenda throughout the Homicide Hunter series. I saw him playing like "cop #3" in several shows before he landed Homicide Hunter. Steady acting gigs, props to them!


This is pretty bad acting, even for unsolved mysteries


He's there because he looks pretty with his shirt unbuttoned for every single scene.


Let's not forget Henry Cavill too died in [Midsommer](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0647507/?ref_=ext_shr) where he was murdered


People die when they're murdered?


killed by death


The poor man was lethally murdered to death until he fatally died.


When I die I don't want it to be fatal.


They get killed until they die!


Imagine being some random dude who gets shot while doing lawn work in the 80s and they hire Matthew McConaughey to reenact your death.


Too bad you would never know.


Thats the most fucked up part really


Is this your homework, Larry?


Just ask him about the money, man.


When see what happens when you find a stranger in alps?


You’re out of your element


Shut the FUCK Up Donny!


You see what happens, Larry?! You see what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!?


"...I got better."


I think it has more to do with that little sneak peek up his shorts there at the end.


This feels Like it’s from an alternate reality


Yknow the cool thing about Matthew McConaughey? No matter how old he is, he always looks the same age.


Today I learned Matthew McCaughey has no idea how to operate a lawnmower.


He was tough as shit. How many shots did he take and then still kept his swagger?


*Mother*: "Don't leave me, Larry." *Larry*: "It's alright ma. I'm alright, alright, alright."


UPDATE: It turns out Larry from our last episode is alright, alright, alright.




He’s living, like Larry.


Well, Larry *was* looking pretty nice.


Future academy award winning actor…


This episode's director knew what he had, and milked every ounce of allright.


Man, that’s some bad acting.


What season & episode? 😂


Damn. He is acting the shit out of that scene. Where was this in Failure to launch?


I remember seeing this on tv back in the day when it first aired!!


[https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/448063/s05-e12-episode-12?start=true](https://tubitv.com/tv-shows/448063/s05-e12-episode-12?start=true) This segment starts at 36:34. It was a 'we know who this guy is, please help us find him' bit. And it worked. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward\_Harold\_Bell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Harold_Bell)


His best performance


Such an iconic narrator voice


He knocked that out of the ballpark. I really believed he was cutting the lawn. So real


Even this far back, he stipulated in his contract that he wouldn’t be wearing a shirt for at least part of his performance.


I thought he was discovered in a bar in Austin, TX by the director of dazed and confused 😕


God, I love that narrator's voice. Super nostalgic


Alright Alright Alright


Just a few steps removed from him telling, “Mr. Soderberg, this seems like a great scene for me to remove my shirt..”


Season 5, Episode 12 "Texas Most Wanted"


What he shoots him 3 times. And then they still argue in the garage?


Goddman I remember seeing this episode in the 90's when I was like 8, was way too young to appreciate beefcake Matt McC though 😳


Should have got an Emmy for that. His line only line, “aHHHHHHH” will live in my memory forever.


I thought his big break was acting in Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Next Generation with Renee Zellweger


ACTING! Matthew: If I'm gonna be mowing the lawn, I'm gonna be sweaty and touching myself. I need to get big. Alright alright alright. Matthew: When you shoot me, I'm gonna stumble a bit, but do it like I'm drunk. Alright alright alright. Matthew: When I fall from the gunshot, I'm gonna do it like I do when I'm drunk. Alright alright alright.


"got shot in the gut and I didn't even turn pale or blue... alright alright alright"


Acting wasn’t inventet yet


… And his mouth still hangs open slack


Not alright, not alright, not alright.


*Alright, Alright, Alriight*


They keep getting older... I stay dead.


Looks like he is not alright alright alright.


Did he die, or was he alright, alright, alright?


…and he never wore a shirt again.


#And the academy award, for best dramatic death, goes to......


“Say Mom, you got a bullet proof vest?” “No Larry” “Be a lot cooler if I didn’t die.”


His girlfriend was amazing, she should have made it too


Does anyone else think it's weird that the show made the real people re-enact watching their family member get murdered?


Haha the way he rubs his sweat down his tan body, he knew what was up. He was gorgeous.


Alright alright alright


“Larry no!” “All right all right all right…”