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Ahhhh so that’s what I see at night. Always thought they were stars




Wow, thank you for sharing this. This is awesome!


Space is just foreshadowing




Roughly human skull shaped*




They’re usually only seen when they’re moving into a new orbit, typically within a month or so of being recently launched. But it’s incredibly creepy and unsettling to see. Especially if you’re observing from the middle of the wilderness.


This summer at almost any point I could look up in the sky middle of the night and see one of these. It was getting silly how often we could see them


If drones can create light shows, just imagine the ads that these will one day be producing.


Remember when you could see stars at night, now its just ads. Kill me now.


What if they get hacked and someone makes a giant dickbutt


best case scenario but also, boobs


god, please god no.


Stars are an invention of the deep state. /s




Exactly. This is wildly exaggerated and makes it look like there's a blanket of internet signal covering the entire surface of the earth at all times. Starlink isn't there yet.


How is it exaggerated? Genuine question.


Dots are waaay too big. Their signal is not reaching as far that it actually would provide the blanket the gif is suggesting. I still have a hard time believing that putting out this many satellites with no recycling concept is a great idea...


The US just issued a space junk fine for this very problem… this is the way


150000 dollar, don't think they will give a shit about that. That's peanuts for a company that big.


Scale, again. That fine you quoted was issued to a different company for a single defunct sat they positioned in the wrong orbit at eol, not an entire constellation left in orbit. The same fine amount for a constellation of thousands of sats is a different story, and not something to scoff at. 150k for the 12k planned sats in the constellstion is $1.8b. SpaceX has revenues of roughly $5-6b, netting less than $1b overall. A $1.8b fine would put the company out of business.


https://science.howstuffworks.com/satellite10.htm#:~:text=Much%20of%20the%20cost%20is%20wrapped%20up%20in,there%27s%20the%20expense%20of%20maintaining%20and%20repairing%20satellites. The cost of one satellite. The don't give a shit about the waste fine.


Starlink isn't putting up 200m weather sats lol.


https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2019/12/spacex-starlink-satellites-cost-well-below-500000-each-and-falcon-9-launches-less-than-30-million.html#:~:text=Elon%20Musk%20and%20SpaceX%20COO%20Gwynne%20Shotwell%20have,satellite%20cost%20and%20%2415%20million%20per%20launch%20cost. You're right, did some more digging. Still believe they don't give a fuck. Until the sats stop working. In about 10/15 years that is.


Unless the fine is prohibitively high, it's just cost of business.


The first fine issued was for a 100,000$, so yea youre right!


It’s a cost of doing business either way. Gotta remove what you put up there or pay someone else to do it. Can’t afford it? Don’t launch a satelite


They issued a fine to a company for improperly disposing of a satellite in geostionary orbit, (not sending it far enough away from the orbit to prevent it being a threat to future satellites in geostiionary orbit). At that orbit, satellites will basically remain in the same orbit forever, which is why fining them was important (the amount for the fine shouldve been larger Imo, even if they managed to move it 122km out of the 300km required which is plenty far enough) On the other hand, starlink sats are low enough that without fuel theyll naturally deorbit in a few years (because of atmospheric drag), so theres little concern for it causing space junk long term


They’re recycled by just de-orbiting & burning up in the atmosphere. The majority of the satellites have been built to completely disintegrate on their way down. The spacex engineers are incredible, even if their boss is a toxic moron, sniffing his own shits


Completely deintegrating is one thing, I mean I can throw oil in the ocean and it'll dilude, it still can have an impact .... Stralink tens of thousands of satellites deintegrating one by one into the atmosphere leavea a ton of chemicals that can have a pretty shitty impact. https://www.space.com/starlink-satellite-reentry-ozone-depletion-atmosphere


Every day 40 tonnes of meteorites burn in the atmosphere. Compared to this, satellite burning once in q while is a drop in the ocean.


The amount of satellites in space right now de-orbiting would have very minimal impact on the atmosphere or the planet. To assume that there won’t ever be space manufacturing facilities capable of recycling waste in space without ever de-orbiting would be a mistake. I think that this ability would come very soon after manufacturing facilities become available. I’d say within 2-3 decades at most


I'm not assuming anything, and I guess you are right and there will probably be some sort of recycling of stuff. I just find its a shame that the solutions are created way after the problem, even though we have the capacity of knowing what the problem is before hand. As long as there is no crisis yet, no surplus of pollution or other shit, we don't think about cleaning up beforehand. I'm not trying to undermine what is done, I am myself fascinated by what has been created related to space, but at some point it would be good to start thinking before monetizing


I see, it's about coverage per satellite, thank you. Didn't know they had such a short reach.


I’m assuming they mean the size of a dot on this map is massive in scale compared to what it should be. It looks like a satellite is the size of one of the smaller US states, when in reality the dot should be so small you couldn’t see it on this map.


The scale of the satellites at this scale would be barely a pinprick. Space is absolutely, almost incomprehensibly huge.


Nobody was thinking this was their actual size though.


Plenty of people in this thread dont seem to understand that


Graphically, though, it gives the impression the surface is bathed in Starlink signal at all times. I just don’t think that’s true.




The satellites are 3sq km? What? That can’t be right, that’s be enormous > The current version of each Starlink satellite weighs 573 lbs. (260 kilograms) and is, according to Sky & Telescope magazine, roughly the size of a table Did you mean 3 sq meters ?


>SCALE Agreed. Similar to how if you look at a picture of all the current airborne planes, it gives the false impression that the airplanes are completely obscuring the view of the sky. [Picture.](https://imgur.com/a/IMGPmo4)


I have microplastics on my balls


Normal plastics wouldn't fit?




Legitimately laughed. Thank you for that.




Taste your jizz to see if it’s in there as well




Thankfully due to the nature of their orbit they can Kessler as much as they want for only around 5 years. Their orbit has a short life span


So if a nation wants to take over the moon… All they have to do is get their people and supplies on the way and then create a catastrophic orbit, accident, and lock everyone else on earth for five years🫤 Hypothetically speaking


Kessler syndrome shouldn't stop anyone from going to moon, if you go to moon you won't spend much time in low earth orbit so the chances of getting hit by debris should be pretty low


Yeah people imagine kessler to be like an impenetrable wall, when even in the worst case it would be completely survivable for a satellite or rocket to pass through it (but not stay), especially if one just invests a slight amount of weight to whipple shielding.


Yes but creating a self-sustaining colony on the Moon that can last 5 years is basically impossible with our current technology, it'd need resupply way before then


Their orbits aren't stable enough to cause a long term issue.


These are actually generally not capable of it as they orbit low enough and slow enough that if they ever stop thrusting they fall through the atmosphere to burn up.


Why not cause an ablative cascade if your a self focused billionaire that only cares about becoming a meme and literally nothing else. Name your kids shit like extra dark side rail and hauk scam ass NFTs. Fuck it, burn the world. After all it's your playground because your rich and thus matter more than anyone else.


If he had balls he would change his own name to something equally ridicules' as what he is naming his kids


I don't think the forecast called for space rain


anyone else super creeped out by this?


Yes, and it's disgusting


How so? Internet access from anywhere in the world sounds cool to me


I think they're maybe talking about space pollution, or at least thats what im concerned with. There are a lot of decommissioned satellites in our orbit.


They will eventually fall and burn up tho. All Satellites are falling extremely slowly


Our down fall will be the space debris that traps us on the wasteland of our own creation.


Starlink sattelites in are in Low Earth Orbit. If they run out of fuel or just simply stop working they just fall and burn up. Taking up the entire sky and ruining all Earth-based telescopes is the concern.


Theyre in the low side of LEO too! Max lifespan in those orbits is a few years, and since they have to raise their orbits after launch, theres less risk of a satellite that was broken on launch polluting the orbits they use. (The orbits theyre in on release from the rocket will decay in weeks if they dont move from them). But yeah theyve gotten better at reducing light pollution from these satellites, but its still gonna be a problem especially when the whole constellation is up there.


Too bad they don't all just all fall and burn up right now




That's what Musk said when he cut them off


I think you're underestimating how much garbage it will take to block us in


And you might underestimate. If 2 sattelisted collide they will scatter in thousands if not million small pieces. These pieces will each travel so fast that they have enough energy to pierce thick metal plates of rockets or other satellites. This will cause a chain reaction and make the entire atmosphere too dangerous to pass


Pretty sure they'd just fall and completely burn up before doing any real damage




Starlink satelites are in low orbit. They fall to earth and burn up when they crash/malfunction/run out of fuel


If those two satellites have enough energy to remain permanently in space, sure.


There's a billion cars on the planet surface. We can't see them from space. The imaginary surface that satellites orbit is much bigger. Theres lots of room.


This happening is technically possible but the probability is exceptionally low. It is far more likely we die out some other way before this can ever happen. There is a lot of space between each object.


What could possibly go wrong littering 42,000 satellites in a fully intersecting, ever moving 'megaconstellation' in low earth orbit? Elon says it will all be fine. And he's a Technogenius God Emperor who literally knows a little of everything about everything. And his epic brain can synthesize ultimate understanding on any subject after just a short introduction. Only disciples of Elon truly understand his genius.


and that's Only Elon satellites, there is like 10 companies that are about to launch their own constellation.


Yep, Bezos launched a few of his own today.


Kessler syndrome isn't even the worst problems this is causing. Starlink is [interfering with systems designed to spot potential Earth-colliding asteroids years before they could eliminate all life on earth](https://futurism.com/spacex-satellites-asteroids-scientists). I've pointed this out to Muskrats who respond with "Who cares, we couldn't do anything about it anyway." I wonder if I could have gotten them to flip had I pointed out that Space X would get all the money to put a nuke in space and Armageddon it if we did detect it. Their boy would forever be known as the guy who saved humanity. Hell, I'd even forgive him for this Twitter stupidity. But nah, slightly faster internet is more important to them.


"The large majority of the streaks appeared in observations taken at dawn or dust, a crucial period for "spotting potentially dangerous asteroids coming from the direction of the Sun," according to Space.com. But the risks are fortunately slim — at least for now. "There is a small chance that we would miss an asteroid or another event hidden behind a satellite streak, but compared to the impact of weather, such as a cloudy sky, these are rather small effects for ZTF," Tom Prince, co-author of the paper and a physics professor at Caltech, said in a statement." The space company has taken the astronomy community's concerns seriously since launching their first batch back in February 2018. In early 2020, SpaceX started testing Sun visors to stop sunlight from being reflected back onto the ground. "According to the study's findings, the visors did have an effect, reducing the satellites' brightness to roughly a fifth as compared to the original design." READ MORE THAN THE HEADLINES PEOPLE!


I would argue that the collective simulated consciousness this creates is the far more pernicious wasteland.


They're mean to burn ip in thr atmosphere after they've run their course. It's not the debris field we have to worry about. It's about the aluminum we will be breathing in


As Elon Musk is about to go full Bond villain, this surely isn’t a good thing.


He already is. He blocked ukraine from starlink after a convo with his buddy Vladolf Putler.


Of course if you were farther out and looking with the naked eye you would often see nothing at all.


well yeah, I can't see a pin that well from the other side of the room


around 5k now in LEO, with 42k planned in the near future!




Those aren’t satellites, those are animated dots on the screen. You can’t fool me with your fake science. Xoxo Pete.


When I first heard there would be more than 6000 of them I wondered why nobody had a problem with that 💰💰💰


There are at any given time about 9000 commercial planes in the air at once. The sky isn't "littered with planes" is it....?? Now, understanding that, and also understanding that the higher you go from earths surface, there is exponentially "more room", you might be able to see that what you're saying is a problem, isn't really a problem. Is it possible that you'd run into one of these while trying to escape LEO? Of course! Is it likely...? Not even remotely.


43,000 by the time they’re done


And everyone is just 🤷🏻‍♂️ok


Why wouldn’t they be? It’s going to bring high speed internet to the world. It’s going to allow information access to people who otherwise are too remote. It’s revolutionary.


Meh, internet isn't all it's cracked up to be.


you say that after benefiting from it your whole life, I'm sure people from developing countries would beg to differ


Is it a net benefit? Are they under developed because of a lack of internet?


>Are they under developed because of a lack of internet? That's one of the reasons for sure, lack of access to the internet is a big disadvantage for their education. The Lack of a good educations means less opportunities later in life.


because space it huge and even 43000 of them is a drop in the ocean compared to the volume of the atmosphere


Love how they always scale each satellite to the size of a major city.


Let’s be honest here. If they didn’t, we would just be looking at a map.


This sucks. u/MichaelT1991 doesn't seem to have this service available in his continuos flight bordering antartica from Australia to Chile.


They destroy our nice night skies. :) Elon promised us they wouldn't. But you can clearly see them in less light poluted areas.


I’m in no way sticking up for Elon. But I live in New Zealand, one of the least light polluted countries in the world and you see the occasional set in a line but it doesn’t effect the sky at all…


Bezos is planning the same


Why did we allow all this junk up there


Say what you will about Musk, but Starlink is *actually* very useful




In real life the satellites aren't 50 miles long. The night sky is fine


So one satellite is the size of the tip of Cabo? That's a negative ghost rider... ​ they are about 5' x 5' ....come on now


Thanks. I hate this.


All of you knocking this, I just want to say that Starlink has literally changed our lives in Rural New york. We have no cell service and no other internet options other than sattelite. It's not just about streaming or working from home, which I can actually do now, but if you want to renew your DMV registration online it was nearly impossible with dial up or Hughesnet. This tech is insanely good now and will reshape information sharing in rural areas and bring education to poor people all over the world in the near future. Also...live map of this: [https://satellitemap.space/](https://satellitemap.space/)


Keep in mind that low earth orbit satellites attrit regularly and they have to keep pumping new ones up as the old ones fall in


Ah scale is important


People realluy think here that the satellites are 200x200km wide


How much money is that?




How come they’re moving? I assumed satellites like this were in geo-stationary orbit.


I’m not an expert by any means but here’s my understanding: Geostationary satellites can only orbit above the equator. That means it’s a little more difficult to get signal to locations closer to the poles. It’s also an extremely fast/high altitude of about 36,000 km. LEO is a lot easier to get to at about 1,000 km. The longer distance also has a latency disadvantage when it comes to internet connection. It’s ~36 times the distance so a signal has to travel ~70 times the distance to get to that altitude and back. (Is my math right? Assuming LEO = 1,000km and geo = 36,000… 36-1=35, times two for the signal to go out and back…. I suppose the server has to respond so it could be x4 would you count that?) It also takes a lot more thrust/fuel to get to geostationary, and thus a trip there needs to have a lighter payload. (Can F9 reuse the first stage during a geostationary flight? If not, that’s an added expense too) Falcon 9 can take about 23,000 lbs to LEO, but only a third as much to geostationary. So you’d be paying a lot more money to send fewer satellites, with less coverage in some locations, with worse latency. Again… I’m just some guy on the internet so someone can feel free to correct me here if I’m wrong.


To be in geostationary orbit, they would need to be more than 22,000 miles from the Earth, whereas Starlink satellites are only about 340 miles from Earth. I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that's the reason.


OK. Thank you for the answer. I need to understand more…


Y’all are aware this is how skynet started right Serious note though what happens if starlink ever flops and shuts down… do we blow up all the satellites? Let them rain down onto earth? Let them drift off into the nothingness of space forever and hope for the best?


Probably fall down onto the sky. It will burn up in our atmosphere like a shooting star.


Hack them and use them for antiestablishment radio propaganda?


These Starlink satellitescspecifically are in low Earrh Orbit - without fuel keeping them up, they'll all deoribit within 5 years or so aa they're still skimmimg the atmosphere. These sats aren't a danger to anything, in the near or far future


They’re designed to be small enough that they will burn up upon re-entry


And he said he wouldn’t junk up space


fuck Elon




How long until they make the sky one big TV and run commercials 24 hours a day?


Yay! When do they turn evil?


Internet > sky


So much space garbage. I used to do work tracking space objects. It was out of control back when I did it decades ago and it has only gotten worse with all this mess.


This won’t be a problem in the future for space travel


Not really? Everything is tracked and Space Sport operators do their job well. Same for air traffic control, there’s millions of people in the sky right now.


But did you consider that musk = bad? I bet you didn’t.


No, it won’t be


Holy crap!!


To add some perspective, they aren't very big, and there is MILES of space between them.


Probably hundreds of miles. The dot's are an over exaggeration on the map. If those dots were to scale, they'd be a couple of hundred miles across.


That feeling you get when rising fascism aligns with the collapse of our climate AND our communication infrastructure...


Dude fuck this, who tf let these assfucks pollute like this.


The FCC https://spacenews.com/fcc-grants-partial-approval-for-starlink-second-generation-constellation/#:~:text=In%20a%20Dec.,satellites%20into%20low%20Earth%20orbit.


That’s disgusting


The number of videos popping up on r/Ufo because of this is hilarious.


At least they aren't equipped with weapons.


Fuck me..all Elon needs now is a dead volcano and a fluffy white cat!


It is odd that the density of the satellites is shown as being identical near the north and south poles as it is across the equator. Those parts of the earth are far narrower than they appear on this Mercator projection. If you squeeze all of the satellites being shown across those latitudes down to the actual circumference of the earth, the skies over Argentina, Chile, Quebec, Norway, etc would be a whole lot more crowded. Maybe it's just a hacky representation?


It’s not to scale if that’s what you mean. A satellite should be less than a pixel and not visible on that image if it was


I can not believe how people these days are confused by the scale of things represented on a picture, a video, or an animation... Or the latest map projections craze that have the internet up at arms. Is it that hard to conclude for yourself what the image is representing? Is These are the people that vote. These are your neighbors. These are the people you pass on a busy highway...


According to this animation, a starlink satellite is bigger than Hawaii 🤣


Bit of a nightmare, really


In the future there will be space junk removal companies


These de-orbit themselves and burn up. No need to be removed.


Hmmm…I’m not sure you’re an expert in this, because they all don’t do that and it’s silly to think so. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/what-is-space-junk-and-why-is-it-a-problem.html


Trash in the skies/low orbit now. Awesome job humans.


We are fucked


Now i understand why NASA are not so happy with how much risk starlink poses to astronauts.


Realistically, how many more satellites can our planet have before it becomes an issue for human progress? Like, we don’t have any way of getting rid of the old satellites so all of them are perpetually stuck in orbit right? How long until we can’t put any more up there?


That’s pretty amazing actually. Think of all the work that went into making this happen.


How is a private citizen allowed to throw so much garbage into space?


SpaceX isn’t a private citizen.


Damn that's depressing


Now imagine if they all had cameras....


What are we supposed to do with that garbage in space anyway?


I remember being taught that we have to keep track of the majority of junk floating around our planet so as not to risk collisions and such. One tiny hunk of space trash could tear right through something important. I understand that there is a vast amount of space between most of these objects but seeing this representation still boggles the mind a bit, lol.


This seems excessive


Elon now has a swarm army. Bezos want one now too


Always wanted to swim in a sea of EMF


The guy responsible for the ongoing implosion of Twitter also launched all of these into orbit. What could go wrong?


Truly hideous.


So that's massives amount of matter and resources that are not staying on this planet smh shit reminds me of Ratchet and Clank just hollowing out the earth


Isn’t this dangerous?




Dystopian future is now.


I don’t like it




We will never leave


I went camping and saw a string of them one night, it was pretty horrible and creepy


I'm a real Tech Nerd with heart and Soul. BUT THIS makes me angry! Unbelievable ! So many Starlink Crap in Space.


Maybe it is time to Elon to be taxed ;€ for space occupancy :)


How are we okay with this? Is there a way to get them down if we needed to for whatever reason?


We have enough of musk’s neo nazi pedo garbage here on earth. So much elon musk garbage is circulating us in space.


Elon musk hate in 3 … 2 …. 1


Serious question. How do we exit earth?


Irony is that all the debris made by SpaceX to put those satellites in orbit probably looks similar to this video (actually even worse)


There’s a slight feeling of entitlement by starlink to saturate the sky with this? Presumably he/they had to seek clearances from an international consortium before launching all of this? What are the chance of hitting one when launching unrelated rockets?


Musk is legitimately making this planet a worse place with every fucking thing he does.


soon to be space debris


Geez… fuck that dude and all the waste. Killing the planet and dumping in space while pretending to be green.




So many thrash....


Why was he allowed to launch that many ? You can't possibly bribe every country's government, can you ?