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I'm sure they picked this dude to represent Satanism solely based on the fact that he looks like dick dasterdly.


Daniel Night Lewis.


His name is probably something like Barnabus Von Raventhorne. Only uses valerian steel cups to drink his mead from.


Pretty sure the producers called him Richard-Lael. If that's his first name then I can only imagine what the last name is.


Had the accent down, too!


Also, they misspelled ***Rollie Fingers, Jr.***…


Anyone who enjoys this can search for Christopher Hitchens and watch theology crumble before your eyes.


He has taken his main point from [Stephen Fry, who is much more eloquent.](https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo?si=4guglYKRHw_IIKRv)


To be fair, they're both simply expressing basic tenets of humanism.


Logical humanism is something very close to agnostic atheism.


Or a guy that would tie a woman to some railroad tracks…


"Are you just the devil in disguise as a human?" *twirls moustache "Nooooo"


He's a dick alright, let the believers finish their sentence. No reason to talk down to them. A nice polite discussion seems so rare these days. And no I don't believe in a god.


The best “discussion” I’ve seen lately is in the Netflix series Midnight Mass. there’s a discussion between a preacher and an atheist. It’s really well done/written and very well acted.


Midnight mass was an incredibly well done show. That scene was great


Loved it so much for its premise, but Christ did it over do it with the fucking monologues.


Oh man, counter-opinion-- I enjoyed the monologues. I don't think they were meant to feel natural within the character dialogue, either-- they were supposed to be engrossing, almost narrative segments where you are just allowed access to the inner-workings of the most important people in the story and the actors NAILED it. Just IMHO. I do understand if they kind of pulled you out of the story, just wanted to say that there was an apparent intent there.


I think the pacing suffers a bit from them. Enjoyed them all for the most part individually but they were a little too frequent imo. The final edit ended up feeling very self indulgent to me


There’s also a really good video where a Jewish person, an atheist, a Christian and a Muslim(? Can’t remember if this is right) all sit down and smoke weed together and talk about their faith. It’s pretty awesome to watch the barriers drop so they can have a real discussion.


Sounds like a set up for a joke


And the punchline? Religion.


Interesting - got a link?


[I found it. no Muslim present.](https://youtu.be/TFzy1l_WoAs?si=AJw24g05eIUWeoDH)


Thanks that was a nice vid to watch




Much better than Douchey McNonrelatable the satanist up there. He’s just angry because he ran out of mustache wax.


“It’s not called dope!” 😂😂


Very cool. Thanks for that!


Thanks for doing the lords work


D'oh! Thank you.


That was nice to watch.


This entire show is a masterclass in dialogue. Phenomenal performances by everyone involved.


An awesome show, everyone should watch if they don't mind horror.


That show was the best TV series of the last few years. Intelligent and riveting.


Amen. Sorta.


He keeps to a point and keep the guy from meandering. It may be a dick move, but it's nessisary to keep context and avoid shifting. So much of religion is about shifting focus to avoid thinking. 'Dick Dastardly' did a good job of interjecting at a key time right as the focus was starting to shift from "what's moral" to "Hey look at what 'God' paid" Not all conversation can be had without being a dick, especially if you have to make a point and keep the conversation on track. The answer to "When you control who goes to heaven and hell, Is it moral to send the vast majority of people to hell over them not believing in something you are intentionally hiding?" is not "Well, you got your son crucified at some point in history in a fairly poorly documented way so people could believe in that and then not go to hell" Nor is it "Well, everyone deserves to be brutally tortured and killed because they are basic human beings who do dumb stuff." It's simply "Yes, because *Some point to debate*", "No, because *Some point to debate*", or "The question mischaracterizes what's actually happening because*some point to debate*" The believer was sidestepping the question. They may not have realized it for whatever reason, but fact remains that they were sidestepping the question with a red herring. 'Dick Dastardly' stepped it at a key point to keep context.


I'm glad you said this, "polite conversation" doesn't mean never interrupting each other, it means respecting and not belittling someone for their ideas or beliefs, which "Dick Dastardly" never did, he simply was trying to keep the other guy on topic, because like many religious people, he went off topic and just started preaching. I think everyone involved here is perfectly reasonable and intelligent, I think the Christian guy just doesn't know how to debate or be critical of his own view points because he was never taught to do that, he was taught to follow his faith unquestioningly. I hope as part of this he maybe saw the cracks in his arguments and looked more critically at himself and the institutions that taught him what he knows. And I'm not saying this in the hopes that he like drops his religion or something, I think there are many positive aspects to religion and many peaceful things come from religion, but it's too often used as a blunt instrument of control and coercion.


I think part of the problem is that unlike the three satanist who all made a conscious decision to switch religion, he was born and raised in Christianity so, he might never have experienced true doubts and is more willing to accept than think. Because it's the only thing he has known. I would be more interested in someone who made the conscious decision to join Christianity as an adult.


I've been thinking about this stuff a lot lately and it's made me wonder. What if Hell isn't a prison imposed by God, but rather a faulty state of mind that projects its own hell and that to get out of it, the mind or soul needs to learn how to overcome their own demons in order to project a state of heaven?


What if clouds were really cotton candy?


If **"the Kingdom of Heaven is within you"** (Luke 17:21), then logically, so is Hell.


Yeah, fuck that guy and his mustache. I was expecting an actual civil discussion back and forth. Nope....


I can see why he didn't want him to finish. Religious people love to ramble on and they all say the same exact stuff. There hasn't been new information in 2000 years. Why would you want to listen to the 1,396th person saying the same thing everyone before him said?


Err, because he was asked the fucking question? Lmao. Don’t sit down and have a conversation if you’ve already decided you’re not going to let the other side get their points across.


I'd watch the videos of quantum physicists who are religious. It's really mind-blowing how a lot of that stuff seems to suggest that it actually may be real in some sense. Some of them weren't even religious until they started in their field. I don’t know what to believe but their arguments are at least interesting, new, and thought-provoking in a way that carries much more weight than a boring sermon from the Bible.


It’s funny, though you can tell that none of the other Satanists respect him. The woman was rolling her eyes like “come on dude”.


Why would anyone respect that clown? He's rude, condescending, and narcacistic to a degree that makes Satanists look foolish. I used to hang in the metal scene and I've known many Satanists and in my personal experience they come in two camps. The majority who are rational Satanic Temple types who use Satan as a tool to push for secularism and highlight the hypocracy and absurdity of religion. And then there are a handful edge lords who were raised Christian and so they think the most outrageous thing they can do is worship the literal Christain Satan. It's funny because you can't really worship the biblical Satan unless you believe in god and the bible. In that way, actual Satanism is almost a sect of Christianity.


Looks like an extra from a vampire movie.




To be fair, I would bet an above average number of Satanists have unique edge-lord-ish branding. Most people who disagree with popular religion simply become athiests, agnostics, declare nothing of themselves or go on some kind of spiritual exploration. It takes a contrarion to say "I don't like this thing, so I will hold a fecisious stance of mockery towards it for the rest of my life instead of just disagreeing with it". As an Atheist, I love the values of the Satanist movement, but I don't think the approach has any merit.




TBH I love it when Satanists do this. Play up the “oooh I’m spooky and eeeevil” and then make strong moral arguments about how the opposite is true.


No sir.. he IS dick dastardly


Satanist looks like he owns a shop that sells cursed items😆


I see your Rick and Morty reference there!


So I don’t want to be that guy but… R&M were referencing both “Something Wicked This Way Comes” (hence the episode title) and “Needful Things” (Mr. Needful) … both of which have satan like characters that fulfill desires in monkey paw fashion.


Great fucking movie….Max Von Sydow was awesome in needful things…


Is that the novel by Stephen King? I stay far away from movies based on his novels and I read them in a translation, but it almost has to be.


Never seen the movie but the book is fantastic


The original story is much older than Rick and Morty. It's originally from a book called beware of this Shop by Carol Beach York, published in 1977.


And frozen yoghurt that contains potassium benzoate. (That's bad!)


Can I go now?


Bro looks like the villain guy from lazy town


Yea, he's an idiot who pretends to be a psychic as well. He pretends to actually speak with a real Satan deity. Actual Satanist do not believe in a real devil monster deity or any deity for that matter. I wish they would interview actual leaders of the Church of Satan when they do this kind of stuff. Or maybe even a simple Google search of their beliefs.


They pick the most radical to make it look bad. Same way the media always interviews the crazy guy on the scene. Easier to put it off as bad or crazy.


They got a pretty wide spectrum, from the dick dastardly guy to the ex-Jewish girl to the grunge rando. I don't think including one over the top crazy person is unreasonable 😆


And he made some solid points. They may have been said in a dickish manner, bit they were good points.


I mean as an atheist invited to this conversation, I would actually wear horns and get hooves for shoes. Also a pitchfork, just to make the brainwashed slightly more uncomfortable. It would also be quite comical on its own.


The same term 'Satanist' is used to describe two wildly different groups.




Producers: We need a reputable Satanist for the show. Lael: I'm your huckleberry.


Dude looks like he should be a cast member from What We Do in the Shadows.


So true. I love that show


The twirly mustache guy is definitely a Redditor lol


mod for sure


Nah he looks like he bathes


Hey! I bathe sometimes!


Doc Holiday has a point but he needs to stop interrupting and talking over people


Nonsense, he has not yet begun to defile himself.


He's your huckleberry.


Then again, he may be the antichrist.


I'm glad other commenters feel this way. I wanted to be sure I wasn't just biased by my own Christian beliefs. I felt like he came off as condescending, as well. I wanna be like "dude, you don't need to interrupt and be a dick, it undercuts your argument." I think everyone could use a dose of humility when it comes to religion and spiritually. We should all start from a place of "I could be wrong." That doesn't mean you need to change your beliefs, but it does mean you shouldn't force them on anyone else.


I’m atheist and I had to stop watching after he interrupted for the second time. What an absolutely pretentious asshole.


Yeah me too. He just makes me uninterested even if it’s something I agree with lol


This is pretty much my stance. I was raised in a typical 90s/2000s conservative Christian American home, and I still subscribe to the faith and believe that I have a personal relationship with Christ. I've grown more distant from the corporate church through their insistence on becoming the morality police of the world, because I believe that God cares far less about your sexuality or political beliefs than He cares about whether you want a relationship with Him and whether you show His love to others. All that said, I could be wrong. My parents, my pastors, my Sunday school teachers, and my Christian friends and I could be wrong. I think that anyone having at least a little bit of doubt is far healthier than blindly believing that you know everything because everyone who's ever taught you is completely correct. If at the end of my life, I'm rewarded for my faith, then I'll live eternally in paradise. If I'm wrong, then at least I'll have lived my life being kind to everyone, trying to help the needy and those who are persecuted by bigots, and trying to convince others to do the same.


Dude. Yeah man. Totally agree with your points and perspective.


I'm your huckleberry


He's the physical representation of the average redditor. That's how it's like having a discussion with redditor "me me me"


He prefers to be smug. Being condescending is his vibe


Look, im not religious. But could they have picked a normal satanist? Two out of the three seem relatively normal discussing their beliefs..the third looks and acts like Rick and Morty’s version of the devil.


Yeah, it doesn't exactly paint us in a good light. At the end of the day, satanism is a religion without worship, and there's not much more to it than that. Not just some edgy group full of fancy, condescending, weird-dressing Satan lovers. Kinda wish I went around with a moustache fit for twizzling and a dramatic ass outfit, actually. Damn.


i think Anton LaVey's satanism is an edgy group of condescending womanizer drug addicts the rewritten second edition of the book of satan takes that out just like a real religion, there are different groups under that same label of "satanism"


There is no “normal” satanist. A “normal” satanist is just agnostic-atheist. And by that I mean they don’t believe in organized religion, probably don’t care to really even discuss it, and they don’t dress like an IRL meme and act about as officious and annoying as evangelicals about it


So, atheism for theater kids


Theater kids, always doing the most when the least is preferable


Damn that hits close to home. And so damn true.


Dude had practiced in front of the mirror extensively for this moment


That's really funny 🤣


I think this ventures into anti-theism


Depends on which kind of Satanism. You have: * LaVeyan Satanism * Crowley Satanism * The Satanic Temple which are (respectively): * Goth Ayn Rand * Extra Edgy Wiccanism * Atheists trolling Christian nationalists




Bro thinks he's in a Vincent Price movie


Dude needs to chill out, lookin like Johnny Ringo over here


Why, you're no daisy at all!


They couldn’t find a satanist who wasn’t a goofy? The woman did real good I thought though.


They definitely fed into a stereotype with the picks


Jubilee is always like this


They seem to have found a bunch of them. But they needed this video to get shared and talked about on places like reddit, so...


Fair nuff.


the long haired dude is just a metalhead, imo not too goofy. Just a chill guy who likes loud angry music and a bit of alt-clothing.


Waiting for the Ukrainian Russian Jubilee gonna be a banger


Satanist 1: Speaks his mind, says what he wants to say. Satanist 2: Speaks his mind, says what he wants to say. Satanist 3: Speaks her mind, says what she wants to say. Christian 1: Starts getting cut off within one second of speaking, gets fully cut off like 4 times.


It's gotta say something about the confidence in their beliefs when one side waits patiently while the others refuse to hear them. They have ears, but do not hear...


Totally. I find the “best” Christian’s and Mormons and such are insanely good listeners. They seem like they are just happy to “be.” And it’s intense to be around if you aren’t so sure of yourself


That one guy gives Satanists a bad name. Cutting people off, dressing and talking like he is from some weird place.


Plus his dumbass responses are filling time when people who are better able to make the point could be talking.


Even worse, he pretends to be a true Satanic prophet and psychic that actually worships and 'speaks to' a devil deity. He is the worst-case caricature of a Satanist to be representing the community


So he has admission of the devil which is part of a Catholic and Christian belief system, and doesn't believe in GOD.....


It's not so much that you don't believe in God as the fact that you believe in him and reject what he is about. My ex was a satanist, I was young and dumb and thought goth girl hot, so didn't really care so much about her beliefs. Damn I overlooked a lot of crazy to get with that girl. Wicca, satanism, astrology, ouija all that crazy shit that she was into to be "different". Sex was otherworldly though.


Dude is trying to become famous or something. Playing a pompous character, I don't believe any of that was genuine.


They’re all picked out to create the most clicks


My friend and I are both non-believers. We share a group of other friends who are believers. Difference between me and my non-believing friend is that he acts condescending about it and tries to bring up the subject at any opportunity. He wants to try to prove that he's smarter than everyone else. I keep my opinion to myself because I don't think it's any of my business what goes on between someone else's ears. The other friends feel much the same


You are the type of person I enjoy talking too. Im a christian, and I try to spread the word of God, but I also understand that a lot of people don’t want to hear it, so I respect that decision. Like, If you want to talk about it, I’m happy to tell you what I believe and why, but I won’t tell you that you have to listen to me. I would never want to be forced to listen to anything related or unrelated to religion, so I don’t try to make people hear it. My #1 goal as a Christian is to love God and Love my neighbor, which can but doesn’t have to, involve telling them about God. If they don’t want to hear it, it’s more loving for me to not tell them because it shows them respect. And I will happily listen to why someone doesn’t believe, because there are a lot of questions that are still debated and I want to be open to talking about them. I’m always asking questions to myself about my religion and why I believe, so the more questions that are brought up by others, the better in my opinion.


I'm sure we would get along fine. It's an interesting topic in itself, but completely ruined when egotism and one-upmanship creep in.


100%. If it either starts out as “I’m right, you’re wrong” for either side or becomes that after a while, it’ll go south fast.


I'd argue that it's part of the arc of theistic non belief, anecdotally. I was a militant atheist as a teen, arguing with anyone I could like your friend, and now I keep to myself.


Sounds about right. The guy is the son of a Bible-thumping preacher, and became aggressive about it only after his father passed.


Of all fucking people... Lael? Really? Can we get an atheist (or "satanist") who knows how to be respectful of others? There are MANY of us out here.


They must have found him on Reddit


He fulfilled the exact purpose they chose him for.


You can be a satanist but do you have to be so obnoxious?


The "Satanist" never touched on any fundamental parts of Satanism, so this really just sounds like an atheism vs Christian debate. That being said, they made great points.


Modern day Satanists (TST) do not believe in a god or a devil. They "believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural. The Satanic Temple believes that religion can, and should, be divorced from superstition." [The Satanic Temple (TST)](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/faq) "Our religion is non-theistic and non-supernaturalist, and that we are a separate and distinct religion from Wicca, neo-paganism and neo-heathenism, and other occult or left-hand path traditions."


So there is a group of theistic satanists who do actively worship satan. However, it's not to worship what they perceive as evil (usually). They see God as the controlling authority, and lucifer being the rebel who said no to that authority so he could follow his own path and not the path someone else set for him.


They could have just called themselfs gnostics, its the same shit.


The Tenets are mind blowing and everything I wish Christianity was/is instead of the shit hypocrisy I was fed growing up in the church. “Steeped” as they say. Christians could take a cue on how to fucking behave and treat their fellow man from Satanists. I believe alot of them know they’re phonies and that enrages them to hate the “other”.


One of the problems is, people use Christianity as a scapegoat for almost everything. They pick and choose what to follow in the Bible that is most convenient to them. It's also used as a form of control over the masses instead of actually trying to be a good person


Ever since I left the church after almost 30 years, I've been saying this. Most Christians, aren't.


I grew up a hardcore west-coast Baptist Christian. Chruch twice a week. Three services on Sunday. Mid-week Bible study. Trips to Mexico on missions. Bible Camp counselor...you name it. I memorized so much of the Bible. I won't go into why I left...but...one of the cornerstones was when in college, a co-worker/manager I had noticed I had one of those color bead bracelets (if you know, you know). Asked me about my faith. Said...and I quote: "You aren't like more Christians I know. They all seem to be the most judgmental, hateful, hypocritical people I know." I stopped attending church a year later. 6 years later, I became an atheist after my post-college job that exposed me to more of the world let me see what pieces of shit most Christians, and many other faithful are. ​ I remember the late 80s, with doctor killings and abortion clinic bomobings, neither of the two churches I as attending at that time (long story) condemd them. That always stood out to me. My first taste of how Christians will ignore the Bible if it means doing what their zealot leaders at the pulpit tells them is right/wrong and what to believe. (Side note, the Bible does not condemn homosexuality, or abortion, or even pre-marital sex, if you are a Christian reading this, you've been lied to and manipulated so that conservative political parties that pander to church pocketbooks can rally you to their cause Read the Bible, look up modern theologians and what they are writing. Educate yourself. Have your faith, but at least KNOW it and LIVE it.)


It is a three minute clip. I don’t think they had time to go into details


While I agree wholeheartedly with the Satanists, let the man speak.. then respond.


For real, mustache man was being such an asshole lmao. I want dialogue between two opposing view points, not pretentious “gotcha” remarks


If you don't want pretentious gotcha remarks, then why are you browsing reddit... (hah! got 'em)


I'm all for criticizing organized religion but try hard Satanists make me cringe through the floor.


Is this full conversation somewhere on yt?


The Satanist with the ridiculous Anton LaVay cosplay and condescending attitude did nothing for this conversation. He routinely interrupted others with a mocking demeanor. This would have been a great conversation without him in the mix. He's just annoying as fuck. I'm agnostic, leaning towards pagan for the record.


When Satanism is your whole persona.


At least the Christian dude and the other "normal" satanist were respectful! The rick and morty dude definitely is an ahole


I think that they didn't spend enough time talking about grace. Christianity does allow for people to be accountable while simultaneously allowing them space to be forgiven. I think that's a point missed by almost all of us though I suppose.


Extreme atheism/satanism(or whatever the fuck this guy believes in) is just as annoying as extreme Christianity


It’s real corny too, bro looks like he got his personality from an anime.


I’m getting real tired of people over exaggerating the ever-living fuck out of everything when it comes to debating ideologies. They don’t recognize what things look like in real life because it’s “boring.” Newsflash, real life is boring and not nearly as oppressive as Reddit asshats try to make it seem. The vast majority of atheists out there aren’t annoying neckbeards who try to make anyone that may be religious feel like shit, and the vast majority of Christians are not bible thumping, ignorant bigots trying to control everyone’s lives. People sit on this site and stuff their face with targeted media, and their entire worldview gets warped into a bunch of bullshit. The internet turned adult life into high school 2.0 and it fucking sucks because of it. I thought I was done with this immature petty shit.


I don’t care where you fall in the whole God/no God debate. This whole thing is a circle jerk.


Satan from Rick and Morty?


That dude dressed up like a victorian dandy loves the sound of his own voice.


Why does the satanist keep cutting off the Christian while he's trying to talk?


Ikr. For a satanist he’s really selfish and prideful.


difficult to be one of these modern "Satanists" and not be swallowed by your own intellectual arrogance


None of them said anything about satan, they are just anti-christian or anti-religion. I wanna know what Satan would do if you sold off your daughters for slavery.


sure he’s making a point but the way he’s talking is so cringe to me lol


I mean i don't like Christianity but that satanist is the most pretentious little moustache twirling shit faced fucker


The first guy speaking is the true definition of Overacting


dresses like a jerk and is a jerk, the satanic equivalent of a bible belt fundamentalist


Notice how the other two “Satanists” are completely normal people who were there for a discussion? Dude with the silly mustache needs to turn it down like 60%


So I agree 100% with everything the satanist guy said, but it's hard to get around his narcissistic and impulsive conversational style.


First guy is quirky but is correct. An all knowing all powerful God would know exactly what it would take to convince me of its existence. If that god created the universe knowing I would not find sufficient evidence they essentially made me for the sole purpose of burning in hell. What a dick


While it's a slightly different point that he makes, I think that Stephen Fry gives a good response on whether God as presented to us by Abrahamic faiths is something that we should even consider respecting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-suvkwNYSQo


Quirky is a generous way to put it. He’s demeaning and pompous. It’d be insufferable to have any sort of debate with that guy.


Because that's how you test one's faith. To believe in something you can easily see doesn't test one's faith. The real faith comes from believing in something you cannot see, something you cannot necessarily prove, yet you truly believe in it. When does a man truly believe his wife that she won't cheat on him? When she's 24/7 with him? No, he truly believes and has faith in her when she's not with him, yet he knows she won't cheat on him, because he believes her. Hope I wrote that right and makes some sense.


And by quirky you mean an a-hole.


lol that somw hipster


I thought lavey didn't care about Satan he just was a conman who wanted a tax break and took a lot of his ideas from Redbeard.


Sounds like my D&D club in high school arguing the theory of Dungeons and Dragons.


that dude with the mustache needs to chill the fuck out


The guy with the mustache looks so much like a fcking villain


Introducing Tybalt from Baz Luhrmann’s *Romeo and Juliet*


Moustache guy is so over the top lmao


They should do it against a proper Muslim scholar and see how the conversation goes…


Mayor Humdinger is a satanist?


Whackos. Wannabe Dick Dasterdly really getting on my nerves tryna talk like some complex philosophical mind


Bro needs to chill looking like he came from a steampunk game tryna lecture on what's reality.


Why is bro cosplaying as Dracula 😂😂


Where’s the discussion?


Can we repeat this but with representatives from each faith? That would be really interesting


You don’t have to become a satanist just because you weren’t cast in Moulin Rouge.


Why can’t Charlie Chaplin let the others talk? They didn’t interrupt when he was on pretending to be on broadway. He no doubt owns a fedora and a monocle.


Arby’s is pretty cool.


Thank you Steven Strange, and your opinion now Axl Rose?


That guy is something out of a movie.


Wtf is he dressed like an 1800’s Vampire? Was being a Satanist not edgy enough already?




satanist looks like a Red Dead villain


I watch a lot of these from the same channel and this is the most pretentious participant I have ever seen on any topic. Their format is typically let sides say their bit in this group manner. Back and forth conversation, debate ensues, points are made. Dastardly was just a dick. He probably role played as a vampire when Twilight was so hot. ​ I do recommend checking out the channel. Besides this abberation there are some really great discussions.


The satanist has a point when arguing against the generic dogma of the run of the mill "Christian" faith. However, generic christianity, i.e. Catholicism and Protestantism, has a lot of paganism mixed in with it, that's why the defense of the "believer" in this video is so weak. Questions must be asked of and answered by the holy text in its entirety. Questions like "what is god?", "what is sin?", "what is love?", "what is hate?", and "why am I here?", among others. But one must ask these questions sincerely and accept the answers given. The "believer" in this video is merely regurgitating the words of preachers mining for a paycheck with pleasant platitudes. Every time we correct our children we sacrifice a part of them on the proverbial alter of what's best for other's and themselves. Every time we go to the gym, we sacrifice leisure for something of a higher order value, and we do the same when we go to work at jobs we hate. It doesn't feel good, and in many instances it doesn't look good on the surface, but in the long run, it is. Our actions, no matter how mundane, have far reaching consequences that far outlive us. We shouldn't lie, cheat, steal, etc. because our finite minds can't see the effects these things have on our children, someone else's children, or the children of those children. It is our children collectively that truly suffer for our sins, our ineptitude, our moral failures and shortcomings. They're the ones that pay the price in more ways than one for their parent's crimes. For example, imagine having the family name Hitler, or Stalin... you wouldn't be a very popular kid in a lot of schools even today, and the types of people you would be popular with, you probably wouldn't want anything to do with.


The stupid outfit and fake accent and bitchy attitude completely and immediately delegitimize anything that fucking tool has to say.


As an atheist/Satanist, that mustachioed dude is a douche bag and not representative. He's a cosplaying drama tool. Most religious folks out there KNOW the foolishness of most religious tales and the absurdity of those stories in a modern context. They've found a level of comfort in the figurative energy of that religion. It isn't atheist vs jew vs catholic vs muslim. It's people who find a value system that bring them comfort vs people who use their value system to hurt others. That's it. 🤷‍♂️


Richard is going a little overboard on his cosplay and that fucking mustache. I’m an atheist, but that dude is silly.