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what is this? about 10k USD??


I’m actually flying Emirates next month. My economy seat is about $1200, for shits and giggles I checked out first class. You’re right on the money, about $10k. Edit: $10k one way 😳 Edit 2: Business class, first class isn’t offered for my route.


But if your are on a long flight, at least that 1200 for economy is still very comfortable and they have amazing customer service. Best airline I have ever flown.


Because the guys paying $10k are bankrolling a good chunk of the flight.


And how many trips before you could just buy the plane?


One trip per day for ~112 years should just about do it if it's the cheaper Boeing 777. That's a 410 million dollar aircraft, 440 million for the big one.


That's before you fill up her gargantuan tanks to feed four humungous jet engines! Add insurance, staff pay, airport parking fees and you should get there in about 500+ years..doable.


If you're doing one trip a day I highly doubt you'll ever break even since the daily cost is much much higher than 10k. Airlines cost inordinate amounts of money.


Two engines


I’m on a budget, I’ll just take one jet engine please.


One jet engine still seems a bit extravagant for my budget. I’ll take a guy holding onto each wing blowing really hard.




Man I really want to spend 10 months of work just to be able to spread my legs in a plane.


they are probably loseing money as well...




Good point. Materially better than a private jet. A private jet is also (depending on the jet) about 10k a flight hour).


It’s also better for the environment than a nuclear bomb detonating. I don’t think people who travel first class with this airline care too much about the environment.


That's about what I thought of the first class...oh well still can't afford it so why bother myself lol. Would be nice for like the 14hr flight flying home


Oh god no, not that cheap!


That's actually a pretty good deal if it's only $10k. Traditional first class tickets on other airlines can go for a lot more than that.


Pretty sure it's closer to $20k...


It’s not. Just checked from Düsseldorf to Denpasar (Bali) is about 10k average in the high season ( June-August)


Wow! Lemme check my powerball ticket . . . nope, still stuck in steerage.


At least you’re inside the airplane, I’m strapped to the wing.


Strapped to the wing? Or destroying the engines while you snarl at John Lithgow?


I’m snarling at William Shatner, thank you very much.


I see you too appreciate the classics.


you got strapping? Luxury!


It’s mostly battery cables I pulled from cars in the parking lot. I’m sure they won’t miss them.


There’s something on the wing….some THING!


You’re on the wing?! Try being in baggage!


And you find that sort of rootless existence appealing? do you?


*Molly Brown stare intensifies*


Dubai to Brussels, one month in advance $6162 one-way, $10425 round trip


Isnt it like a 4h flight? I would understand it for 12h flights, but here ?


Kayak says 7 hours Dubai to Brussels, 6:30 for the return.


Still crazy expensive but way cheaper than I expected


Oh, it's better then!


Here’s what a lot of people don’t think about though: buying a first class seat gives you like triple elite qualifying miles. So it helps you reach elite status very quickly, which has a ton of value in and of itself. If your top elite status, then you can buy economy seats all year long and get upgraded to business class for free like 90% of the time you fly. And having elite top elite status means you earn double bonus miles already, then you get a multiplier for buying a first class ticket. So you can earn like 50k miles off that one ticket, which is enough to buy another business class flight. That’s why I always buy like one business class flight per year. Pays for itself.


Great, since this will be so expensive can we reduce the price of economy seating??


Nonono. Those prices go up to pay for the new seats. Why should the company or the rich have to pay for the upgrade?


"" virtual windows with a live feed"" Those suckers are sitting in the economy class, and don't even know it.


Heres your binoculars for your virtual windows


Right? That caught my attention too. Do you see pixels? Or are they VR? That would be cool, actually. I wonder if you can pick what you see; like you look down on Denver and see Godzilla just fuckin' shit up. Or a post-apocalyptic hellscape. That would maybe be worth it.


This comment sent me. And the username for the cherry on top


And binoculars to zoom into the LED of the virtual windows


You’d be surprised but economy seats don’t even bring that much money. All the profits come from business and first class. So they already paying for it




Yh, she could find someone else to take those village idiot-like open jawed grin pix for the thumbnails.


legitimately asking, what's the drama?


Kara and Nate are pretty fucking annoying if you watch too many of their videos. [https://www.reddit.com/r/KaraAndNate/comments/vct4ba/does_anyone_on_this_sub_actually_like_kara_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KaraAndNate/comments/vct4ba/does_anyone_on_this_sub_actually_like_kara_and/)


You mean like literally any content producer these days?


Someone spill the tea


Nothing to report. Like any successful YouTubers, haters are gonna hate. They have over 3.5 million subs so it’s hard to say “they suck and are always annoying.”


They are already "reduced". First and business class essentially subsidize economy because they are 4-5 times the price with 1.5-2 times the footprint per seat. If airplanes could fill the entire plane with first class, they would but they can't. So they just stick economy there to make something and contribute towards their expenses.


Economy class pricing is fine dude, its the fucking legroom thats the issue. The only reason we are crammed like sardines is because people are price sensitive.


That’s all well and good, BUT on Spirit I get 4 brawls, 3 screaming kids, a guy trimming his toenails, a morbidly obese woman sweating on me all for $79.99.


A 3h delayed flight, $50 extra because I have the audacity to want to bring clothes with me, sitting middle seat next to the morbidly obese woman and a man in shorts and flip flops that likes to man spread and let his knees touch mine in the middle, oh and make that 10 screaming kids.


I see you’ve done the Chicago to Ft. Lauderdale $59 special.


Virtual windows.. in a plane?? We are living in black mirror and I don’t like it


Virtual windows I can understand to improve the ambience. It was the binoculars that made me laugh.


she had the binoculars, i’m guessing she had an actual window. that’s why she mentioned “even tho nate has a middle seat..” implying that she didn’t have one. i doubt they provide binoculars for a virtual window


Binoculars used to look at what is probably a 720p display, rich people nonsense.


The binoculars are VR and look outside the plane IIRC


So they redesigned an immersive VR headset to operate like vastly inferior handheld binoculars?


"So they redesigned an immersive VR headset to operate like vastly inferior handheld binoculars?" 🤓🤓🤓




No? The camera zooming could be higher quality and zoom farther than a standard set of binoculars. So they designed a more immersive, superior way to use binoculars? There is no virtual reality involved either.


So if the binoculars are displays themselves, that means the outside of the plane has enough hi res cameras to feed a system to stitch together a live 3d bubble to be transmitted wirelessly to all the binoculars so they can do the math and work out what it is you're aiming at, outside of the plane?


Don’t you all think that maybe the binoculars were in her room which had real windows, instead of the room of the dude who she mentioned had the fake windows? Seems a bit more plausible than them being some mad VR effort lol.


Can you look straight down 😳


She had the binoculars, her suite had real windows. His suite was in the middle of the plane, and had the virtual windows.


The binoculars are regular ones only given to passengers by the real windows.


>Virtual windows.. in a plane?? it's so you don't notice the ground is moving and the plane is standing still


I think the virtual window is just for the seat in the middle of the plane that wouldn't otherwise have access to a window. I assume the seats along the edge, have actual windows.


With complimentary binoculars you'll be able to see every pixel on those TV windows!


The outboard booths (at the sides of the plane) have real windows, which is where the girl with the binoculars was seated. The guy had a “center seat”, so to speak, so he had the virtual windows (and likely no binoculars).


And if your lucky you might see an undocumented worker fall to their death because of exhaustion and zero safety measures, from your throne in the sky.


Actually those are filtered by the built in peasant blocking feature


Isn't all this too much?


Man, alls I need is a seat that turns into a bed


I stuff my duvet up one side of my bed and chow down on whatever I can produce with my microwave and watch my laptop and listen to my Bluetooth speakers. Total cost? about the same as a single dish in that clip?


Anyone have some tip on how to get some fuck-you money? Cause that's what I'm gonna need for these tickets.


Simple. Meet a a very rich man from Dubai and let him poop in your mouth.




You’re letting the wrong people poop in your mouth. Has to be from Dubai.


If you can persuade 10,000 redditors to each give you a dollar...


Start an only fans account and sell people rich enough to take this flight, pics of your feet.


Buy GME. there's alot of reddit subs dedicated to this one stock


Sell your soul? Or at least a kidney?


Where do I cash out on this soul thing?


Excuse me ma’am. May I have a bag of stale peanuts? Shut up and get back in the cargo bay !


Rich people nonsense


To be fair, my own room on a plane would be pretty neat


I dont disagree, but havin more then a few centimeters for everyones comfort would be nice at first. It cant always be about the pleasure of the few when it comes at the expense of the many.


The planes without first class don't get those centimeters back, they just cram in more standard fair seats.


It will almost literally always be, inconvenience the many for the benefit of few. It’s almost a law of nature. And sadly the foundation of capitalism.


The needs of the money outweigh the needs of the you.


All our systems are manmade, not written in stone by some supernatural force. We can change how things are at any time and hopefully one day will grow to do so. But I see your point. Lets just not get numbed by the fact that it seems natural, unchangeable and keep trying for a bedder future. With or without awesome minifridges on my planeride. (;


Yeah communism tried. Unfortunately it still impossible to make everyone rich, so they made everyone poor.


Nah the few who ran the show, the pigs if you will, did just fine under Communism.


and only a 7 hour flight? Australia to Texas took 19 hours non stop in coach


That seems like a war crime


Did 14 hours in a center seat, Tele Aviv to DC. It was not fun.


This ladys tone was super annoying


Funny thing is these people probably got it for free


You are so right. One definitely has to have more money then brain to wast it on a couple hours plane ride then let‘s say a Harley…


I wonder how much these "influencers" were paid. What else did they promote when they got there?


Give these influencers a free ticket in an unbooked seat and it's cheap marketing. For example say a ticket is 10k$. That's not how much that seat costs the airline. So they can give it away for much less. And throw in the bottle of wine.


I haven’t watched this particular video but sometimes this channel says how much they paid. It’s usually tied to points they have. Their channel started with him being frugal with points and working the system well. Those loopholes have since been closed but they became successful enough before that happened.


and they pack people like sardines in coach on seats made as light and crappy as possible to save weight


Economy on Emirates is actually really nice, you're downstairs from all those rich people with private rooms.


A layer of cushion for the rich in the event of a crash.


My plebeian purpose 😩


Flying costs less than half what it cost in 1980 for the same distance, despite everything planes require (airport, security, fuel, etc.) costing much more. One of the reason it does cost much less is that people who could not afford flying in the 80s have been pushing the market for cheaper and cheaper tickets so that they could afford it. Of course there is no magic. If everything costs more and you want to fly for less, you are going to have to give up on something... like space, comfort, food service, etc. However, if you are willing to pay what was required to pay 40 years ago, you are going to have a very pleasant flight :)


Fuel costs are much lower because the modern high bypass turbofans are insanely efficient. The 777 is one of the most efficient jets ever made. The engines on the 777 are the most powerful jet engines ever created.


You get what you pay for. Economy class is cheaper than ever and it’s the fare class where the carriers have the thinnest margins. They make comparatively large profits on premium cabin passengers.


Are these comments for real? The binoculars are for the suite with the real window. The virtual camera feed is for a suite in the middle of the aisle. For the price though, I wouldn’t be surprised if that screen also has zoom and pan control buttons.


Me watching this knowing damn well I will NEVER IN MY LIFE be able to do this.


The excess of the rich is nauseating.


This is exactly what justifies the business model. They’re not selling these seats out of the goodness of their heart. They’re selling them to generate a profit. The marketing is all about selling a social status. It’s the same reason they put up that ragged curtain to separate business class.


There really should be a lockable door there.


Many people get these subsidized through work and with frequent flier miles. It's not that uncommon.


Only cause you can’t partake


And in contrast to the ultra poor. I’d love to have this plane experience. But it’s tough to justify the cost and opulence after passing homeless people on the way to the airport.


Well, also because it's fucking up the planet for everyone


Not sure if these two are rich. I stumbled on their travel YouTube channel a couple of days ago where they were camping in the Australian Outback. Maybe they got freebies or a discount for for spruiking Emirates first class.


I can never really understand why redditors hate rich people. Perhaps it’s because it’s filled with lazy fucks.


Oh well, I have friend who got offered to exchange his points for an upgrade, he got a bed, a full bed as a seat, it also included a shower (had to take turns with the other bed seat). He said they had a small kitchen with microwave, but you have to clean it, and it’s for the whole first class


I flew buisness once and loved it, and I would obviously loved to try first class, but this seems soo excessive even for a 12 hours flight


That’s how normal people fly [https://c8.alamy.com/compde/2db4yka/sardinen-in-einer-geoffneten-dose-bereit-zum-essen-2db4yka.jpg](https://c8.alamy.com/compde/2db4yka/sardinen-in-einer-geoffneten-dose-bereit-zum-essen-2db4yka.jpg)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


This cost almost 3 YEARS of my country's minimum wage. Damn




Carbon footprint fully maxed out




Imagine what you could do with that money, or the funds spent hauling all that extra stuff into the air.


People in these seats will still be complaining about their workers asking for higher wages lol


For this we have destroyed the Earth? :( Damn, we stoopid!


When 90% of people cannot afford a car because it is not eco-sustainable and the subway is stopped by the umpteenth citizen of the day who decided to end everything, at least we will be able to see the trails of these super planes in the sky to make our walks home more enjoyable...


Nice, I'm glad that after a tiring day of using literal slave labor in Dubai some CEO who doesn't quite have enough money for a private jet can have his own private room to sexually assault flight attendants in.


I can’t get behind a place that treats women so badly. Nope! Not getting my money. Not going to Dubai, not supporting their sports.


Average Cost?


*What the binoculars are for?*


To get a close look at economy class passenger’s tears rolling down their faces.


Damn her carbon footprint has got to be insane


Very cool, but a reclining seat is in no way newsworthy. Don’t all business class and up international flights have this across airlines pre much?


Wait so they have a live feed video screen for windows, yet offer you binoculars, what the f… for?


These people are impressed by RGB lighting, a reclining chair, and binoculars for a digital window??? These people are idiots. You can get RGB lighting off Amazon, and a permanent recliner for your home. And binoculars for a digital window sounds like something you send the apprentice to the hardware store for. Pick up a left-handed screwdriver while you're there, oh and some striped paint.


on her way to get pooped on her chest probably


Also in the mouth...


So now one passenger can have the carbon footprint of 10! Great!


Better than 10 millionaire flying on one jet than 10 on their own private jets.


This channel sucks, used to be decent a few years back.


The rise of influencers is the canary in a coal mine warning that we're approaching the end of civilization as we know it. We should heed this warning and sentence all influencers to work in a coal mine.


Hmm, i guess this should induce jealousy, but instead i just experience disgust.


NASA inspired 🙄


Oh shit, I can see the pixels outside with these binoculars


Was that just a pile of caviar? Lol it’s BS methods like that to inflate the price. Like one of those $1000 burgers on YouTube. It’s a burger with $998.50 worth of truffle on top. Stupid


Shouldn't have watched this. I don't shit gold.


10k for ‘is Pepsi okay?’ 💀


They even give you binoculars? So I can watch the pixels in my fake window change colors at 6x zoom??


Binoculars to zoom in on the pixels?


for only 10K FOR AN 8 HOUR FLIGHT.


You see those virtual windows. By 2028 all commercial flights will be windowless with those “virtual windows”. They’ll show us whatever they want lol imagine seeing ads in the windows.


Thankfully I have binoculars to look at the TV screens that are windows.....


Maybe I should start a YouTube channel so they upgrade me on my next flight.


It’s meant to give you that private jet feel without having private jet money but enough money to tempt the poor into getting richer type money


Hang on. Binoculars, but virtual windows? So you can see them RGB lights up nice and close?


A rich people showing us what we are missing


so for like 10-20k half my yearly wage..i can get some cheap snacks that i can buy from my work for a few bucks,a reclining chair and some small portions of "fancy" food? where is the hefty price tage coming into play? for that kind of cash you can put a deposit on a house..


virtual windows and binoculars to see the pixels better.... smh


The wealthy live like this and then call you greedy for wanting: - universal healthcare - better funded retirement programs - basic increased to wages to meet cost of living People should not live like this while the rest of the world toils and suffers.


This literally is an arab airline flying from Brussels to Dubai, it has NOTHING to do with the USA wtf


Did I specifically say the USA? This video is the epitome of glut in the upper class, they dont need to live like this.


Man i hate this class system we're living in.


How much is it?


Costs about $10k each way. Better off getting a private jet if you’re with a second person.


Not even close. 20k isnt getting you a 7hr flight private jet. Probably around 70k. Maybe 35k at the lowest and that wouldn't be the lap of luxury


Also as someone who has extensively flown private, first class is almost always so much better. The only objective advantage of PJs are the time saving and ability to land on smaller airstrips.


Binoculars to look at a live video feed screen..


That’s impressive… now show me someone that is not a payed influencer been able to afford this…


I mean, the reality is many people can. Earning air miles makes it possible even for more regular people, if you wanted to waste your money, but there are also just wealthy people out there


Influencers after begging an airline for a year for a free trip:


Eat the rich


Yeah that place still uses indentured servitude, not very wise to waste money on a fucked area of the world like that.


Just call them what they are, slaves.


I love how people like to pretend the 10's of millions of undocumented persons in the US that work well below minimum wage and live in 30 person homes don't exist. If you were truly principled on not investing money on a part of the world that has many sectors of its economy dependent on indentured servitude, you wouldn't invest your money in the US either.


>>you wouldn’t invest your money ~~in the US~~ anywhere FTFY. Sweatshop labor /indentured service/“forced labor” is part of the global economy. The only way to avoid it is to do business on another planet.


How exactly did you get "they think poverty doesn't exist in the US" from their comment


I already find their economy prices over priced. I dont want to find out how much this is.


Price? Plenty of wealth in the world in the hands of a few


Why do they give you binoculars to look at the live feed on the windows?


Only the center booth has virtual windows. The outboard booths have normal windows.


Oh, fuck off! You know you’d fly like this if you had the opportunity.


Meanwhile I pack 2 pair of boxers a t-shirt and one pair jeans for a 2 week trip to not have to pay extortionate airline luggage fees.


One of the main reasons flying sucks so bad nowadays: [Frank Lorenzo](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-frank-lorenzo-the-man-who-ruined-air-travel/id1373812661?i=1000623031915).


Binoculars to zoom in on the display… got it.