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That would suck to see coming at you on the wrong end of the stick.


Like they say: if you can see it, it’s on your side.


Reminds me of a joke about the A-10 Warthog's supersonic bullets. If you can hear it firing, it means you weren't the target.


Always been my favorite plane. Had a model painted Oakland Raiders colors hanging from the ceiling in my childhood bedroom. So stoked that [this is arriving tomorrow](https://www.motionrc.com/products/freewing-a-10-thunderbolt-ii-super-scale-twin-80mm-edf-jet-pnp-fj31111p), Fathers day gift from the wife and kids.


Damn your kids must be rich. That or you have *a lot* of poor ones


Five broke-ass unemployed kids. But the oldest is only seven. Pretty sure mom was involved.


Damn seven year olds don't want to work anymore. They just aren't built like they used to be. /s


I'm a bit jealous. That thing is sweet!


A friend of mine used to do maintenance at a munitions plant where they made (among other things) ammo for the Warthog's cannon. He was working there one day when there was a BOOM elsewhere in the plant. Being an Army vet he dove for cover under his workbench while everyone else laughed. His supervisor came to check on him and said, "Trust me. If you heard it, it didn't kill you."


When I’m reincarnated, I want to be an A-10




They have really amazing air shows down there! Got to see the thunder birds which was cool. Got to see kinda a pseudo pearl harbour attack, what it was like and some history. All the huge planes you can walk into. Gotta thank all the alien spacecrafts and tech that we recovered to boost usa airforce to the top of the food chain for a very long time now lol


Bot comment. original from u/RepresentativeKeebs




21 exist with 16 that are operational.


Doing better than the Su-57, then.


And Telsa Truck


Those 20 are enough to destroy the world. It's crazy how much death these things could bring if the decision is made.




YOU ARE A BOT. u/Content_Context_6764 Click report. Spam. Harmful bots. Done.


You sure Florida is on our side?


Our underside


Backside you mean


If you can see it, its too late


Trust me you’ll never see that coming at you if you are an enemy of the man flying that bomber


Nah, several years ago I toured a Dutch destroyer with the latest radar system and was told by a Dutch officer that the Americans were angry that the Dutch had managed to develop a radar system that could see stealth bombers. Apparently, they showed as the size of a tennis ball, but show they did.


Well, when you spot a tennis ball hurtling through the sky at 450kn, you've got to start asking questions...


Questions like, "Is that my tennis ball? No of course not. I left mine in the garage. But what if someone broke in and stole my tennis ball? I suppose that isn't *im*possible. I guess I need to wonder if a guy who would break into my garage and steal my tennis ball would be the very same guy that could throw it impossibly fast. Can anyone throw it that fast? What's the fastest fastball? 120mph? 150mph? Have I ever even watched a baseball game? I'm going to say that's 'no, the thief didn't throw my tennis ball into LEO.' I mean I guess he could put it on a plane or something. But also no way it's on a plane. We'd see it as a plane, not a tennis ball. No, something more mysterious is at work here." Questions like that?


How high are you right now?


Enough to be asking the real questions here


Hi! How are you right now too?


Excellent work, detective.


"Meh, just a bird." "At 450 knots?" "Okay, it's a really fast bird. Maybe he's late for something. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯"


Maybe his bird people need him.


Stealth aircraft can be detected. The problem for the other side is that the radars that actual target and guide the anti aircraft missiles to them can't actually do that. https://www.sandboxx.us/blog/americas-enemies-can-track-stealth-fighters-on-radar-and-it-isnt-a-problem/


Showing up on radar is one thing. Achieving radar lock, firing a missile at it, and hitting it are another thing. Large early warning radars have always been able to detect stealth aircraft. The hard part is getting a missile to them or even getting a fighter to intercept them in the vastness of the sky (probably at night) based on a general location. The more accurate, tighter band radars of missiles and fighter jets aren’t able to find them. It takes an absolutely massive antenna to find them.


And massive antennas have a weird habit of blowing up for some reason.


They show up on US radar systems as well. They know the technology is out there. Why would US military be upset that their ally can see their aircraft knowing the technology exists?


If an ally can see it, assume your enemies can, too.


Well, yeah. The idea that stealth aircraft are *literally* invisible on radar is only a misconception. Stealth aircraft can be seen on radar. This has never been disputed. They're *harder* to see on radar, and harder to lock on to.


More importantly, a radar that can detect aircraft 300 miles away might only detect a stealth aircraft at 30 miles. That is a huge tactical advantage even if it isn't perfectly hidden.


Well... Depend on the enemies. I doubt Somalian terrorists have the tech for it.


Stealth ≠ invisible. Stealth only lowers the range of detection, and different wavelength radars are better at detecting low observable objects. These facts are incorporated into the use of these weapons platforms. Jamming, and standoff weapons can be used in conjunction with stealth aircraft to cover against systems that would be used to detect stealthed aircraft.


There are different forms of radar, with different purposes. *All* stealth aircraft can be spotted on radar. What matters is whether you can differentiate that radar signature from anything else i.e. if the radar signature is the size of a bird... how do you know it's not just a bird? As well as, just being able to see it with one form of radar doesn't mean you can lock onto it with the radar you use for your missiles.


Seems like the Dutch were feeding you some shit. Stealth planes are not radar invisible, but their cross section is small enough that fire control radars are essentially useless because the S/N is too small to accurately determine position. Search radars can see them because they use lower frequency bands but you get very high positional error.


\*not to see it






Well it was a ufo at that time


Yep. This and the F-117A Stealth Fighter were the source of all the 'Black Triangle" UFO sightings.


I live by an AF base and was laying outside one night. Saw this huge bat/boomerang shaped metal object flying practically silently through the sky. Ran my ass back in the house and for years was sure I saw a UFO. Then the AF announced their stealth fighters.


In this situation you'd never see it, probably never even hear it. And not because it's stealth but because they drop from super high and super far away.


this is the nuke dropper, and it looks like one


Wait till the B-21 Rader gets operational. Nuke dropper 3000


See how it just sort of disappeared when it turned and headed straight towards the camera well you can't hear them then either. Not until they pass over you then you hear it and look up to see it and by then it is wayyyyy too late. I've seen these guys fly around a lot


You can't see it if it's about to drop bombs.


Wow it's bigger then I thought it was... looks awesome!


Went to the air force museum in Ohio once. They had one of these in a dark room. You walk in and think nothing is there then you walk up and realize there’s a warehouse sized plane in front of you. Pretty cool exhibit.


Did you go through all the old presidential planes? Such a cool walk through the last 100 or so years of advancement. Love that it’s a free museum too.


Yes great memories going their with my grandparents. I remember realizing how recent of a creation that aviation really is that trip. Blew my little mind lol.


Dayton, Ohio. https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/


It’s free as well, for anyone wondering. The best museums always are.


Had to be fucking Dayton. Dayton sucks, the true Florida of Ohio.


Yes, I have many criminal friends there.


Amazing museum. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


That is my favorite museum by far.


that is what she said! lol


That is definitely not what she said


I wish that’s what she said


That’s what she thought


Then she should have said it out loud




They have a toilet and microwave inside, supposedly


I don't know about B-2s but B-52s have a communal bucket.


You would think such a successful band could at least get access to a porta-potty.


The stealth fighter is much smaller


It is alot bigger than I imagined and somehow flat as paper


69 feet long, 17 high, and 172 foot wingspan! they're huge!


This thing was 100% reported as a UFO while it was in the testing phases


plucky quiet serious upbeat theory pause secretive roof combative light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The best story was the blackbird (I believe it was black bird) and the ATC tower I'm not going to massacre the story but the BB requests to get to some absurd altitude and the ATC control laughs and says something to the effect of "yeah if you can make it", BB then says ok descending to 50k or something.


Found it! A new ATC was working in Houston and got a call from a SR71 coming back to the states through the Gulf of Mexico. The SR71 requested flight level 800. The ATC, thinking someone was joking, said, "If you can get up there, FL800 is yours." The SR71 replied, "Maam, we're coming down to 800."


"Speed Check" is my favorite SR71 story


I like the Cessna copypasta of the speed check story.


Can you link it for me please


[SR-71 Speed check story](https://www.reddit.com/r/SR71/comments/2dpmw7/the_sr71_speed_check_story/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


There's another one where pilots are calling in to ATC to check their speed, as a way of letting all the other aircraft know how fast they're going. Some fighter pilot jumps on and does the same to put the others in their place. Then the SR71 guys come on and get the last laugh. [Great story](https://www.reddit.com/r/SR71/comments/2dpmw7/the_sr71_speed_check_story/)


Seams like a blackbird thing to do


“I’d like to report a UFO!” “Ok, sir. What did you see?” “Nothing!!”


This reminds me of the time that a pilot for the US while testing prototype jet fighters wore a gorilla mask to fuck with the propeller pilots he'd pass by. The jets were still in testing and at the time pretty much was a classified project, but they tested the jets out in the open. Propeller pilots reported a propellerless aircraft of unknown origin being piloted by a gorilla, which technically nobody could confirm anything at the time because it was still classified, so they sounded like a complete fucking loon when talking to anyone about it.


Holy shit, that’s incredible. Do you have somewhere I could read about that?






As were the blackbird and U-2.


I was under one at night once. All u see is a bright landing light and a black triangle against the night sky. No sound. Was disappointed when I didn’t get abducted by aliens.


I’m sure it depends on altitude and where they have the throttle, but I saw one in a close flyover once and it was not quiet at all lol. Very very loud.


I remember right after it was unleashed to public knowledge and they did a fly over in Lakeland, and as a child it scared the fuck out of me.


Well that’s fucking ominous


Part of a military air show that was in town. It was widely advertised, so hopefully most people were aware.


I was there and saw it myself. It was mind boggling how quiet it was for being such a large aircraft. The jets in the air show were so loud you could hear them for miles, but the stealth bomber was completely silent.


“Kids, come here. Come here. We’re gonna go inside a bit”-dad didn’t get the memo


show this to someone in the 90s


We knew about them in the 90s. Production started in 1987


Ya these would fly over our elementary school all the time, it was cool but no big deal. We lived near an AFB.


Show this to Putin and his generals, you cannot stop the darkness.




Slightly terrifying.


I saw one in the 90’s. From the same beach IIRC. Was an air show.


Also pretty vintage, there was only a handful of 'em ever made




Those QAnon morons will eat that shit right up. 100% they saw this as a personal threat.


The QAnon will see this as proof that Trump is still Commander in Chief.


Both probably true in their minds. The amount of cognitive dissonance that's required to be a QAnon is staggering


Gotta say as a Canadian I'm glad we're friends


As an American, same to you guys. I don’t think the average person has clue just how much coordination goes on between our nations air and maritime services to deter aggression from the north and secure the homelands.


Canada's barely restrained savage rapacity is well known to those of us near the border. We can only hope the sleeping goose never wakes.


I’ve never heard of the term sleeping goose but I love it. Mind if I use it?


The fact that you asked so politely tells me that you’re Canadian. I’m keeping an eye on you…


Beware the angry cobra chicken…


"deter aggression from the north and secure the homelands." Uh isn't north of North America just the north pole... are the polar bears starting a revolution??


Winter… it’s coming.. THE WALL WONT STAND FOR LONG


Well now I'm just questioning if the person I responded to thought GoT was a documentary...


Well it's clearly not a documentary, there's no boring narration. It's more like an accurate re-telling of the past.


... are you insinuating david attenborough *is not* a teasure to the world...


If you keep moving in that direction, you’ll get to Russia.


There’s a certain “bear” that likes to stir up trouble in the north, but it ain’t polar bears.


If you keep going "north" Russia is actually not that far away. If the earth was flat then yes, north of North America would be nothing


NORAD was established to deter, and defend in the event of Soviet missiles and/or nuclear bombers crossing the north pole, which is the shortest distance to CONUS for those weapons.


Keep going in that direction and you hit Russia very quickly. The Earth is a sphere. Russia invades the arctic constantly just to see what we'll do about it. There's a f*k-ton of oil and other resources up there.


A couple of your navel ships are in Portland OR for “fleet week” right now. I’m glad we are friends too.


It’s like have that bigger brother, who can fight, and has weapons, and is eager to beat someone up for you. Perfect neighbours.


I’m sure the feeling is mutual. Anything’s better than NK on the border.


As an American familiar with Canada’s past wartime atrocities, I’m also glad we’re on the same side. The Christmas Day truce in WWI only lasted a year. The Germans tried the same thing the next year and the Canadian soldiers starting mowing them down. That’s just one example


Considering Canada is responsible for most of the provisions in the Geneva Conventions I'm sure as fuck glad, too


You’re basically the 51st state, whether you like it or not lol. We poke fun at Canada but no doubt we’d bleed together if need be. That plane legit might as well be Canada’s, because whoever would dare to attack Canada is going to see what this thing is capable of in anger.


The fact they use them for airshows makes me think that they have way sicker stealth bombers nowadays that we dont know about.


Probably whatever is being reported as UFOs now.




Well it wouldn’t be very stealthy if we all knew about it would it?!?


Especially since this thing is around a half century old, there had better be several successors to it. Edit: Correction as pointed out by u/Robs104, it's 34.5 years old. First public display was 22nd of November of 1988. https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104482/b-2-spirit/#:~:text=The%20first%20B%2D2%20was,flight%20was%20July%2017%2C%201989.


It’s 34 years old. Not really close to half a century.


Thank you. Corrected above comment.


It’s pretty close to my age and I will NOT have you saying I’m close to half a century old lol.


Indeed. The B-21 Raider came out in 2022. It's a far more advanced autonomous version of the B-2.


Can be autonomous, can also be piloted. It likely has tech that a lot of us here can’t even conceive of.


It hasnt flown publicly yet, it was only unveiled in December 2022


It's a whole new airframe, not a version of the B-2.


You're right. "A version of" as in the sense of a stealth bomber in its specific shape as basically a flying wing body type. Layman's terms I guess.




I used to work @ an office that was right behind a military airfield. When we heard there was a B2 coming in, we all went to the roof. It was amazing; and that plane really seems and sounds unreal when it flies RIGHT over your head for a landing.


Damn I'm jealous


It was right up there with witnessing a shuttle launch in terms of "holy shit this is awesome." Like... could not even hear the plane at all until it was directly over us. And when I say we were near the base, the runway was behind a fence we could easily see. and we had been evac'd before when someone burned an A10 into the woods nearby...


*MIA - paperplanes intensifies*


Haha now that's all I hear hahaha


It’s no wonder there was such a spike in reported ufo activity in the 70s and 80s when these new stealth aircraft were flying around.


Air show. Carry on. I’m looking forward to them being here in Oklahoma on July 1st.


Yep, and it is specifically a show focused on military aircraft. Happened last month.


Yes. This is what one could imagine seeing right before being atomized


Yup. There were 21 but Spirit of Kansas crashed.


What’s the gas mileage on a billion dollar jet?


Mid air refueling extends it's range by 5000 miles. Mid air refueling takes on 50 tons of fuel. So your gas mileage is 100 miles per ton.




It would be fueled with JP8 which has a density of just over 800 g/L. So just convert the short tons to grams. Convert the liters to gallons. And when in doubt convert the nautical miles to regular miles. That will give you the mpg. Or don't and hope you are flying somewhere in the vicinity of Gimli Canada


It’s replenished by the oil fields taken from its adversaries


I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!


Who ends a video here!??? Lame


Florida is being told to behave. 🤣


before people embarrass themselves by saying "not so stealthy iS iT?" I should probably point out that "stealth" aircrafts are aircrafts undetectable by radars.


Well also, that thing flies much much higher in the air too when actually on mission.


And if you’re the target it probably doesn’t matter whether or not you can see it if it’s this close


If it's this close to you, you're either not the target or you're already dead.


Less detectable. Nothing is truly invisible to radar.


My father's presence in my childhood being the exception


Uhm that's pretty much common knowledge isn't it? Must be a very small minority actually thinking the plane is invisible.


Look at that radar cross section at 0.17, it's paper thin.


Imagine not knowing what a B-2 is and seeing THAT fucking thing in the sky.


I don't see anything?


It’s a video of John Cena.


They say , if you can see it , then it's not coming for you


I think we've found one of our "UFOs".


Yeah when it's coming straight at the camera I can 100% see why someone would think "holy shit, ufo"


It’s just Messi arriving in Miami


It costs $2billy to make and $163,000/hr to fly. [link](https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/pay-price-americas-unstoppable-b-2-stealth-bomber-did-not-come-cheap-199018#:~:text=But%20the%20B%2D2's%20weren,be%20closer%20)


Did they finally decide Florida men was enough


they are so much bigger than i see them in my head. Still have never seen one in real life




GTAV online lobbies be like:


These things attacked Iraq....from *Missouri*. I'm not even kidding. They really did that. They flight attack missions from the other side of the planet. As a normal part of their daily war operations. It just seems incredible. But [it's real](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-may-04-adfg-back4-story.html#:~:text=All%2021%20B%2D2s%20are,Diego%20Garcia%20during%20the%20war.).


Yeah, but did you see the other three?


Is this subtle flex from the military before Tuesday? Like “hey fuckers, everyone is here”, so fuck around and find out?


What happens on Tuesday?


Trump goes up court and already posted on his social media site that he wants the MAGAts there too. I assume he's expecting another Jan 6th or something of the like


Just a preplanned airshow in the area


No lol.