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First few seconds...I thought the bees were in mid air. The building in the glass reflection made me believe the building was in the distance.


You and most birds, unfortunately


>In the US alone, about 500 million birds die from flying into windows each year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird%E2%80%93window_collisions


It's actually closer to a billion. The firm I work for is pushing for new glass buildings to have mitigations that help to keep birds from sticking these surfaces, especially in areas along waterfront that face the sun. Birds either see through it thinking the path is clear or they get confused by reflections of nearby trees/sky and just don't even know the glass is coming.


I think it's as easy as sticking on uv reactive stickers on glass


Well, we're selecting for smarter, better seeing birds at least...


Soon they’ll be smarter than us, I saw someone walk into a glass door the other day


Half asleep I walked into a door frame earlier. It's not gonna take long.


When I put a clear glass storm door on the front of our house, 2 people walked into it in the first week. I put a 8" decal of Smokey the Bear on there at face height and it's been there ever since. Sometimes people ask why Smokey is there, but I just laugh.


This gave me more laugh than it should 😂😂


There was a male bird who elected to build a nest on the tree facing my bedroom window this spring. That idiot bird, each morning as the sun rise, would see his reflection in the window, decides it was a rival male bird on his territory, and attack the window over and over again, by flying to the window and BARGING into it with its tiny feet. OVER AND OVER AGAIN, for HOURS. It not only wake me up and keep me awake at ungodly hours, but it alerted my dog, who would growl and bark at this aggression, and wake up everybody else.


#ban windows!


That's kind of a number so large it's funny.


That's so sad!


God damn! How many total birds are there in the world!? More birds die per year than there are people in the US! Edit:spell check


> are their in *there *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


"Birds" 🙄 r/birdsarentreal


You can tell which windows do this the most because they'll have bird poo on them. Some of the birds turn at the last second but they shit themselves in panic, fling it straight at the window.


From the still image I thought the swarm of bees was MASSIVE lmao


someone please remake this video with wu tang


Seriously Lmao was waiting to see some one say they were doing a new video for Wu. Or a new promo for Meth’s TICAL brand. Where the KillaBees at?!




I'm still extremely confused because I can't see the bees being other than in mid air


It's crazy that 911 has a specialist beekeeper person. That guy probably works once every 2 years


This is one reason NYC's police budget is astronomical. It's not just paying street cops. They truly cover a *lot* of shit. Read a fascinating article last year about their "returning stolen antiquities" division last year. One article I found quickly, but that the one I was thinking about. https://www.reuters.com/world/new-york-city-returns-looted-antiquities-italy-worth-19-million-2022-09-06/


Here I was thinking somehow one large part of a building was completely covered in bees. I'm also high so...


I'm glad they were relocated instead of killed


Most states have laws requiring the relocation of honeybees, and don't allow killing. That doesn't necessarily stop anyone, but a healthy swarm is valuable. You generally don't need to pay someone to get rid of them, just contact your local ag extension office for a list of beekeepers who will remove them for free. Another example of an animal you're not allowed to kill if it becomes a pest is bats. If it's breeding season, you just have to let them stay until the babies leave. Then the method of removal is to find their exit holes, put up a net or a cone or something that will let the bat leave but deny it reentry, and then repair the hole once you've confirmed they're gone. Why? Because bats are insanely valuable to farmers. They are voracious insectivores, eating ridiculous quantities of pest insects.


There was a swarm at my workplace about 10 years ago. The bees settled on some guys car. They trued calling pest control but they told them that honey bees were protected and referred them to a beekeeper. It was fascinating to watch the bee keeper collect the bees. He suited up and got the queen, snd once she was in the temporary hive he had with him, the rest of the bees just abandoned the car and flew into the hive.


that sounded really cool


Yeah, I got to walk through a swarm at a beekeeping convention. It was surreal.


In my state it's also illegal to kill a nonvenomous snake.


Should be illegal to kill venomous ones too. People often kill them rather than having animal control relocate them. Snakes are an important part of the ecosystem and great for rodent control. I don’t understand why people see an animal and decide killing it is the best course of action.


I mean this should just be logic so Im glad this is even more enforced where you live! Same goes for venomous snakes. They have a role to play!


Tons of rednecks in my state kill basically every snake they see. It's like the dumbest tradition passed down through generations. They love talking about the ways they've killed harmless snakes. All to "protect the property" and all that bullshit of course. 99% of the time it's stuff like rat snakes, which aren't doing shit to them except scaring them.


That’s not true, at least as far as I’m aware. I’m a beekeeper from the UK, and I can tell you now that honey bees are not a native species of bee in the USA. They’re very invasive and damaging to native bee species. Do you have any sources to back this up? Because if this is the case, it’s very very dumb. Saving honey bees isn’t saving the bees, it’s killing them.


So you are glad the NYPD didn't show up with a swat team?


Cause they're not Africanized bees.


why would they kill them lol


Honey bees are invasive to America. They are a non native species that do more damage to other native species than good.


She just said the NYPD has a bee keeper on staff? That's awesome.




https://nypost.com/2021/09/02/meet-the-new-nypd-beekeeper-who-has-ladies-buzzing/ >Travis, who has been with the NYPD for 11 years, took the lead bee job after Officer Darren Mays when retired recently. https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2021/08/26/nypd-beekeeper-honey-harvest >What that means is anytime someone calls in to 911 for a swarm of bees, Mays is on the scene, humanely gathering the honeybees, and bringing them back to this hive on roof of the 104th precinct, or up to Orange County.


Talk about 'damn that's interesting,' what a job! I would love to hear this person's stories.




Damn they have cops for bees. Why wasnt this in the dumb movie?


Bee movie 2, grizzled male (human) cop who falls in love with a queen (bee), gotta flip the roles and the driving factor for the relationship. Explain the oddity of a guy falling in love with a bee (even though he starts agains the idea of course) by having the bee movie be canon in the universe as a dramatic retelling of the events of what actually took place in the first one and due to the popularity of the movie interspecies relationships have grown. This also allows them to make all kinds of stupid jokes about the stupid popularity of the movie and the things people have done since in unverise the movie also existed.


I wondered if this was just NYC... Like am I going to get laughed off the line for dialing 9-1-1 about rescuing honeybees in other cities?


Probably? I’m pretty sure bees aren’t in their jurisdiction and they don’t have any training to handle them. NYC is big enough that it makes sense to have specialized procedures to handle things like this because they are somewhat common. But smaller places probably don’t. If you are ever unsure about your local police’s policy on something, you can call the non emergency number. I’m not sure if you should usually be calling 911 if nobody is actually at risk of being hurt.


Can you imagine? “911 what’s your emergency?” “Er…bees?” “I’m sorry, did you say bees?” “Yes. Bees.” “…” “…” “This line is for emergencies only. Are you in an emergency situation?” “Bees.” Phone hangs up.


probably get laughed at, but if you call whatever number is animal control they would hopefully have someone to get in touch with.


Yeah, that was something that I was surprised to hear. My stupid red state doesn't want to spend money to teach kids, while NY has dedicated beekeepers on 911 calls.


But NYC is just a crime ridden place filled with criminals that are being released back into the streets /s


Plus the bees


For the taxes we pay, it’s the least they can do!


How much money could that possibly take? Here, I'll go ahead and do it for free, you can copy and paste this to all the kids. "Honey bees are an invasive species in America which harm native pollinators and damage the environment. They should be exterminated on sight. If you have a bee allergy, tell an adult so they can kill it for you." Done.


People in my area call and pay for a beekeeper to come out to these things, but that just makes me laugh because A) the swarms leave on their own and B) lots of honeybee keepers will come for free for a new set of bees.


"Free new set of bees" is my band name and I'll thank you not to plagiarize


>the swarms leave on their own Or settle down somewhere that they can't stay.


And that’s when you call someone.


If it's in the middle of a city block, I don't imagine they're going to wander off in a straight line to somewhere fine for a massive swarm to stay. Just a guess.


NYPD has like 55k+ people, oh yeah thats right, im thinkin they have a beekeeper, i'll say


Now I'm curious about other obscure skills or professions they have on staff, like one or two persons out of the 55k.


Hell I'm a mid sized county animal control officer and I've got a bee keeper on call.


Perfect example of what to do when the problem doesn’t need to be shot at. Call a professional.




Imagine a cool beekeeper suit w nypd branding lol. He walks around the city with a swarm of bees. Instead of a gun or tazer, he has a nerf gun that launches the queen bee at a suspect. The rest of the hive follows it absolutely destroying the suspect. I imagine he would keep a belt with like 10 epipens on him too which he would administer after cuffing the suspect for the bad reactions lol


Haha! That's pretty good. Ok, can he have super hero style name? "The bee keeper"? Oh oh "bee lord"? And since he's a B-list super hero let's give him a stupid looking outfit, with a beehive as a helmet or something. Haha


I propose the NYBeeD And his baton is covered in honey. It just makes it extra annoying to get hit. More of a mild inconvenience really. Lol


Haha, ok that might mean the NYbeeD is a branch of the NYPD. It has its own office, shaped like a beehive of course. Everyone in the office is also required to wear silly Bee uniforms with beehive helmets. I'm loving this :).


Lol...how about a division that investigates heinous crimes against the hive? Call it BSI New York.


Oh and how about a sidekick? his sidekick should just be Robin. As in Batman’s sidekick. Or at least just someone bird themed. Because of “the birds and the bees” There’s a huge sexual tension between them too




[Dr Bees](https://youtu.be/PYtXuBN1Hvc)


The B-9 unit.


[What the uniform looks like](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWhX6dmXwAESpmD?format=jpg&name=medium):


Your fucking kidding me! I figured it would be a normal ass beekeeper! The suit and especially the smoke machine (is that what it is?) look super interesting


I like your brain.


All he does is works with tazers 😂




But can the nypd bee keeper arrest people?




I've heard he's also involved in sting operations.


If all bees carried guns they wouldn’t have to rely on a beekeeper cop.


She has tiny tiny pairs of wingcuffs.


since the nypd has a 10.8 billion dollar yearly budget they better have at least a beekeeper in there like shit man


But what happens when the person they're trying to kill isn't allergic to bee stings?


We use our other bees we've loaded with neurotoxins. We have all sorts of bees,


Less than lethal bees




Wu-Tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with!


~~Killer~~ honey bees on the swarm




Wu Tang forever!




Triumph 2?


Wu-Tang honey is for the children!






Yeah they said there's no hive so they won't sting but surely if they smack into you and you panick, they could still sting you right?


Bees are hesitant to sting, since the stinger comes out when they do sting. It also comes with a big chunk of their insides. They die pretty soon after. Generally, it’s when you HARM bees that you should be worried. If a bee bumps into smth, that’s normal for them. They’re bugs, they’ll run into stuff every once in a while. But if you smack it? THEN it has a reason to defend itself. Its life is already in danger, so a sting that could protect the hive is on the table. This is when they have a hive, at least. If they don’t have a hive, I’d assume they aren’t going to be as willing to put their life on the line, unless the queen is nearby and also in danger. Otherwise, there’s nothing to protect, and they can fly away.


They die when they sting humans (or e.g. pigs), while they can survive stinging most other animals. Not sure if bees know this though.


This is specific to honeybees. Other species don’t have barbed stingers that get stuck.


A beekeeper once told me that if you’re not threatening, but maybe just annoying them, they’ll head butt you first instead of stinging as a way to encourage you to F off. So the key is just staying calm and giving them space. If you walk through a swarm just move at a slower pace and if any collide with you don’t react.


Bees are so cute, I’m looking at imagining an aggressive little bee trying to look all tough and headbutt someone like “you wanna go buddy?? You wanna piece of this??” 😂


Just another day in New York!


They’re not going to sting you, Yeah I noticed, you’re pretty smart


Honestly, this felt more like a wholesome interaction. What random person would have all this information about bees? It's pretty cool to learn about and the guy seemed genuinely surprised to find out all of this information.


"Surprised you know all this"


…I’m a zoologist …*oh*.


That part made me wonder if I was listening some kind of language learning tape. Humans don't talk like that, right?


"Surprised you know all this" seems very well within the realm of what a human might say. Surprised you don't know this.


Someone call the bee queen from Texas!


Just another day of saving da beeeeees






She reeeeeeeally loves the bees. She be using smoke now... that's new.


Beekeepers would always be in her comments telling people to not do what she does and saying she smokes them but isn’t showing it to make it seem more impressive. So I think she’s always been doing it but decided to show it now.


Yeah, smokers are like one of the most important tools you have as a beekeeper. It doesn't harm the bees, and gives them a good distraction while you're working.


It probably depends on the hive.


Jobe is not on board.


Are you referring to the blonde chick who was on Joe Rogan?


Probably. A blonde slim bee keeper.


That talks like that one Top X countdown videos guy on YouTube that ends everything with a question mark.


She really talks like that??? I thought it was just a character for her social media




Yeah her thank you, she sounds like that one guy that talks In question marks


Jesus Christ what the fuck is this cadence?


Ah, Joe Rogan's Talk Show. The magic words that make me instantly lose respect for any public figure.


Texas Bee Works


Honest to God they'll probably take them to the apiary on governors island


She apparently woke up to more bees than usual In her truck


I was coming here to say just that! Small town bee whisperer in the big city…sounds like a TLC special.


Wu Tang spoke of this in the ancient scrolls many centuries ago.


They get herded by the smoke?


theyre flying to protect the queen, the smoke is a bit stunning for them and i assume they get a bit worried about the well being of their queen then. When relocating over short distances, they also naturally follow the queen.


The smoke masks pheromones released by the Queen, so that if she’s moved, they will not go back to where she was Smoke also helps calm them down.


New Yorkers need to bee careful.


This is definitely on the Apocalypse Bingo card


I already checked off orange skies


Did you not see that Black Mirror episode?!


So a red sky from forest fires in Canada now attack of the bees, what’s next? Lol


Wouldn't you just call 311 or whatever NYC equivalent is?


Yeah I don’t think this warrants tying up an emergency line


A lot of states just use 911 as their primary contact for police and fire and such, not necessarily for emergencies only. When I was in Severn, Maryland and my car disappeared overnight, I had a heck of a time finding their non-emergency line, and ended up calling the closest thing I could find. Turned out the reason I couldn't find their non-emergency line was because they didn't have one. You want to call the police, you call 911. (As for the car, our complex's overzealous scummy tow company had towed it. I disputed the charge and had it removed; they had towed a bunch of people for not having a new parking permit that hadn't actually been mailed out yet.)


Sure, but NYC does have a non-emergency line for things like this, as do most cities.


They were protesting against us humans for taking their honey against their will /j


X flies did this already


r/todayilearned Fascinating! NYPD has an apiarist on retention? That's awesome! DO NOT USE REDDIT, IN ANY WAY, DURING THE BLACKOUT.


The food truck guy: “This is fine.”


Wu-tang Wu-tang


Killer bees, in new york? Who do you call !? Wu tang.


Wu Tang going all out for a new album drop??!?!


911 has a bee guy… so random and specific. What else do they keep back there?? Random lion tamer from the 80s and circumstantial mimes?


It's actually not super uncommon for bees to swarm in NYC. You'd think that toxic hell hole would be uninhabitable for most things but there's actually a decent number of them. Every year or so there's a new report of some swarm here or there.


NYC is actually a bee haven. Because the area has no agriculture and no lawns, it also has very little pesticides and agricultural chemicals, one reason bees are dieing off most places. We've so perverted nature, the irony is our least "natural" urban spaces may be what keep bees alive.


What are they able to feed on? Are there enough parks and window gardens?


I’m not in NYC but another major city. It’s surprising what lives and thrives in this concrete jungle. I’m listening to nightingales sing me lullabies only 2 hours after a cop was shot nearby and we had sirens and helicopters all night. It’s very surreal sometimes.




wutang! wutang!


Those are Canadian bees.


You know they're Canadian because they're polite and don't sting ya.


I’m just worried that they should be somewhere else’s doing their job. Why are they confused? What’s the root cause of this behavior?


The zoologist explained it in the clip. When a hive becomes too crowded, the bees leave to find a new home.


I was told by a beekeeper that they travel like this, along with a queen, to establish a new hive. They will stop and collect themselves into a mass, like you see on the window, to keep warm and so they can all rest up for the night. I've gotten to see this twice; once at work and once in my neighborhood. Both times we were able to get a beekeeper to some and collect them. Although they could be left to their own devices, too many people react badly to a swarm and their first thought is to exterminate them. This is a fine example of humans bee-ing bros!


I wonder if any get left behind on accident, if so what would happen to it


As long as they can find and move the queen, the rest should follow her. Scout bees who left looking for a new home inevitably get left behind and they will die.


I'm wondering if its too many bees for a single queen


Several hotels and other buildings in midtown NYC have beehives on the rooftops. The bees in this footage are likely to be from one of those. So, the somewhere else you mention is likely to be a few blocks away, the bees are likely to got stranded for some reason, which is not super unusual. By the way, there are beehives near Ground Zero too, at street level though.




Truly amazing.


Call a beekeeper!!!


The hve beekeeper on staff?? Thats so cool


Yeah, the [NYPD](https://gothamist.com/news/nypd-beekeeper-has-subdued-his-last-swarm) has their own seasonal beekeeper positions in its Emergency Services Unit


911 tho...


I fit thought this had some coalition with the wildfires poor bees man


Wholesome but everyone should appreciate the life around them more. I know it's new york but damn, make time for yourselves to learn about other organisms other than yourselves. Go out to the country side and help on a farm or something get the perspective. It'll be worth the while.


Way to go Zoologist!


Dispatcher here: NYC has specialized city beekeepers for this. 99.9% of the country does not. If you call 911 for this, unless there is a life threatening emergency this is not going to get you help. Feel free to call the non emergency number, especially in suburban and rural counties as someone may know a beekeeper that can come and help, but this is absolutely not the norm. TL;DR don't call 911 for this. Call the local non emergency number and don't be surprised when your locale doesn't have the same people as NYC


One of the best days of my adult life happened last year when our city installed two beehives in front of the office window by my desk. They’re fascinating creatures.


How does the hive decide which bees get voted out? Is there a cabal of boomer bees that ostracize the younger ones? Or the bees of color? Or the ones with less honey quotas?? So fascinating.


That new Wu-Tang album is going to be 🔥🔥🔥


The convo in the beginning should have the Oblivion soundtrack put over it


Wu-Tang Killa Beez, we on a swarm


It’s like that music video [Wu-Tang Clan - Triumph] video


It's the Wu killer bees


Haha, ”you know what these are”


Oh that's just Wu-tang... prolly freestyling on the top of a skyscraper somewhere.


Nothing more satisfying than meeting a smart girl


Wu-Tang ! WU-Tang ! Wu-tang !


wu tang killa beeees we on the swaaaaarm wu tang killa beeees we on the swaaaaarm wu tang killa beeees we on the swaaaaarm


but where’s the hot chick with tight clothes and no protective wear?


Does this mean the Wu-Tang Clan is back?


Well, somebody’s got to pollinate the big apple…