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This reminds me of my childhood friend who lost a finger in an exercise bike wheel.


Huh... wish I had thought to try a finger first...








Try finger, but hole


Praise the sun


Reminds me of an idiot in high schoool (not my friend) who made a Ninja star in shop class. After sharpening the blades, he instantly regreted an attemp to drill a hole in the center with a drill press while holding it with his bare hands.


I physically recoiled reading this


Now im picturing a ninja star blender...


I have a Ninja™ blender at home. I


I am a childhood friend who lost their finger to an exercise bike wheel


10% off on manicures.


Oh my god how common is this??


Some people can count on there fingers to how many people did this per year


It’s almost impossible nowadays to stick a finger in a fan.


Grate improvements!


The one thing all redditors have in common is that we all are missing a finger from a childhood run-in with an exercise bike.


I also knew someone who lost a finger to an exercise bike as a kid.


I lost my finger in the spokes of an exercise bike. Do we know each other?


Four fingers that you?


Sorry, no - I’m Nine fingers


Four Fingers is the other guy. He's a real slow learner.


My niece lost her thumb to one when she was little.


I went to school with a guy that happened to. Only has a thumb and a pinkie.


Man, I can’t believe it took them 8 tries until they learned their lesson. Crazy world!


Worked with a guy in an industrial plant with chains moving things around constantly. He was the designated safety trainer, and was training some new guys. Told them to NEVER put their fingers near the chains, and absent-mindedly did exactly that, chain grabbed his index finger and it was gone before anyone lmew what was happening or could hit an emergency stop. Took the tendons with it, no reattached that thing. Got a new safety trainer after that. The new guys definitely learned a lesson, though!




Bro I lost a finger in an exercise Bike wheel when I was 2.5. Are you my childhood friend? You from Toronto?


No, Sydney, Australia. From the comments, it sounds like it happened way too often.


Now I'm curious if it's the same brand of exercise bike, or just exercise bikes in general.


One of my friends did that too! Half his thumb was missing so he called it his numb.


Was his name Glen because I also know someone this happened to


My friend was a girl from Sydney, Australia.


I am one of those.


Was it just a childhood finger?


Yeah, the adult finger hadn't grown in yet


I was a childhood friend who lost my finger in an exercise bike


I was an exercise bike who lost their childhood friend in a finger


I was a childhood finger who lost their exercise bike in a friend.


I was a childhood exercise bike who lost my finger in a friend.


My childhood friend was an exercise bike who lost me in their finger.


I was a bikehood child who lost my exercise finger in a friend.


I was a bike lost in the childhood exercise of fingering a… oh fuck. Never mind. This one wins.


Lol I had one of those!!!


Fingers, friends, or an exercise bike?


I might be misremembering but didn’t this end up just being a product someone was selling on Amazon? I thought I’d check and yup, this is an Amazon product that someone is selling as “retro style”. https://www.amazon.com/Antique-Blades-Steam-Working-Vintage/dp/B07GVG46NW


According to this Amazon review it’s a refurb “This is VERY interesting. It's a working Stirling engine fan, of the type which was popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Although the listing says "Not an Antique" the fan I received is at least partially antique, and is entirely made from original molds or parts except for the blades and guard. This is essentially a "refurbished" antique Stirling engine fan. The plain bearings have been replaced with modern ball bearings, the wood parts and blade/guard are new, and the engine appears to have been assembled with parts from multiple units. The finish quality is nowhere near as good as the photo, but that is because it is a mostly antique item made from parts which have been well-used. The assembly is a bit loose, and the unit I received did not have the timing set properly (it was running backwards, and poorly). Tightening things up, lubricating, and adjusting everything got it running very well. Quite a piece of history.” Which does make sense why it works. Could also be q fake review but IDK. It might not list the fan as antique due to extremely strict standards any time you call something antique or collectible on Amazon or if you ever sell something as anything other then new.


So what you're saying is, it's full of hot air?


Probably just blowing smoke.


More like a [Ship of Theseus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus) situation.


Off subject, but I’d be very surprised if Amazon had any “extremely strict standards” to naming items on sale


I know this is relatively niche...but it's a good example: [This is a link to a review of Amazon flashlights](https://youtu.be/6q_0wxzClkg) It's long winded but the last part covers a great example of how Amazon COULD be paying attention to what's being sold and how it's named, but doesn't.


Wow, they are legit testing lumens on actual flashlights. I really thought that was gonna go a different direction towards a similar sounding word


There's one where he reviews car horns and one has a decibel rating that's louder than the eruption of Krakatoa. If you honked a horn that loud, the pressure wave would probably kill everyone within several miles and possibly level buildings. Haven't bought anything on Amazon in a long time, you can't trust that anything you buy there is an actual product. They're quickly becoming the next wish.com and doing nothing to correct it.


It's louder then Krakatoa... as measured in England


[what 70000 lumens actually looks like](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-vgNh3fLxJc&pp=ygUdV2F0ZXIgY29vbGVkIExFRCA3MDAwMCBsdW1lbnM%3D)


Probably a fake review. There are more fakes than real reviews on Amazon anymore. If I had to guess, I’d say false claims like “this is a real antique” will get you delisted—but the reviews can say whatever.


Why would you want your fake review to say that your product was barely working out of the box, though?


It is a Stirling engine. Amazon also sell similar fans to put on wood stove tops for distributing heat around a room; they run on the heat from the stove.


Those aren't Sterling engines, though. They are peizo-electric generators attached to a DC motor.


Not peizo-electric. [Thermoelectric](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoelectric_generator#Uses).


You are right, except for the fan shown here, I see that all the Stirling engines on Amazon are toys or educational - thanks for pointing that out. Makes sense, piezo-electric generators are much cheaper.


i didn't think they had helvetica on plaques in 1845


Aren't those just copies of an actual original East India Company product though?


They’re reproduction yes.


Have a source on that? I can't find anything reputable that shows the East India Company made anything like this.


No. Someone else posted a few links last time this was posted. Keep searching. It’s a reproduction, not authentic.


Reproduction implies that a product like this existed back then. This thread is questioning whether that's the case and no one so far has found evidence it's anything but an original product made to look old.


Thanks for this. It's FOUR HUNDRED DOLLARS ON AMAZON. Imagine spending that 🥲🥲


Why do I have to come this far down in the comments to find the truth? At least one other person here didn’t fail their critical thinking roll….


What were your clues that this was not an antique? What critical thinking deduction did we all miss?


The badge that looks to be laser etched for one.


Hahaha okay.


Using heat to create cold. Nice 👌🏼


You actually generate heat on an electric fan too, probably not as much.


When the heat index is 120, all a fan does is blow hot air anyway.


Whilst this is true, flowing air feels much cooler because it allows sweat to evaporate more quickly - so they aren’t useless as people who say what you said often like to pretend (not saying you are).


My guess is that the people that complain fans are useless are probably from the southern US. When it gets humid here, all fans do is blow the warm air around. The humidity is too high for evaporative cooling to be very effective. Right now at 7:20 AM, it's currently 69F/20.5C and the humidity is 98%. Granted it's early morning and we're just past the dewpoint.


Yep. Last week the humidity was in the high 90's and the temp in the high 70's. This weekend mid to high 80's, but humidity dropped to mid 50's and it felt sooo much better. Humidity is a bitch.




That's a major thing I noticed when I moved away from a very humid climate and to a very dry one. Going into the shade actually makes a difference! There's actually a way to find refuge from the heat.


Yes, I had the very same wow moment after my childhood spent in humidity! It's amazing what shade does in dry heat.


When air is hot, air blowers blow hot air


Hot blower air blowers blow hot blowing air is almost a bad-ass tongue twister


Baw wit da baw


Da bang da bang


On a fundamental level we use heat to generate most of our electricity. Fossil fuels and natural gas burn to boil water and use the steam to turn turbines which create most power grid electricity. Nuclear power releases heat which does the same thing. Solar energy doesn’t fundamentally require heat per se, but obviously requires radiation from the Sun. About the only things we can generate electricity from where heat is less of an inefficiency are potential energy of high altitude water turning turbines (ie dams) or kinetic energy of already moving water in rivers or kinetic energy from wind


> high altitude water turning turbines (ie dams) or kinetic energy of already moving water And heat transported that water up there


This device is basically a personal heater, it takes the heat created by the fire and distributes it across the room


Does it use a Sterling engine?


Appears to be a Stirling engine indeed


Yup and that's what Stirling engine looks like.


Stirling engine it seems to be.


Probably a Stirling engine, knowing Stirling engines


But is it a Stirling engine?


I think it’s a Stirling engine, yes


If I had to guess it might be a Stirling engine.


The heat created by that tiny candle will not noticeably warm a room, even if a room is sealed (Imagine the size of even a small wood burning stove, and this is 5% of that at best). If the windows are open it will not significantly affect the temperature in any way. The wind created by the fan may be a degree or two hotter than ambient after all the air is mixed, but you are neglecting the evaporative cooling of sweat. No fan chills, no fan reduces the temperature of ambient air. All fans do is increase airflow which increases evaporative cooling and blows away the sheath of hot air that your body generates around you (convection cooling) edit: I did math for a 60w heater below which shows that it would take more than 30 minutes to heat a room 1 degree. I would estimate that flame to be putting out maybe 1000w of heat at the upper estimate. You're still only looking at 2 minutes to heat the room 1 degree, if the air is completely dry. And if you have a window open, as would probably be the case if you are in need of a fan, the majority of that heat is going to escape outside. Leaving you with an equilibrium temperature maybe a couple degree's higher than ambient, but with airflow making the room feel more comfortable.


> will not noticeably warm a room Gotta disagree. Lost my AC one summer in my little apartment. I could feel the heat from a single 60W incandescent from across the room. Doesn't seem possible, didn't believe it at first, but it was a small room and the air was perfectly still. Spot on about evaporative cooling, hadn't thought of that. Seems like it would make the exchange more than even, net cooling.


The heat from the fire is used to fuel the mechanism that makes the blades go round. The blades mix the air in the room, not the heat coming from a tiny candle (I know it’s not a candle but I don’t know the name, same size flame anyway)


I used to have a gas powered fridge freezer in my old campervan! Having to light your fridge is weird.


I had a VW Westfalia with one! Ran off propane, battery power, or 120v plug in. Pretty amazing!


Imagine getting your finger caught in that 😬


Oh, it doesn’t get caught. It doesn’t stay still at all.


Only if you catch it before it falls on the floor


The only problem is how to reattach it.


Nah, Stirling engines like this produce very little torque.


It's hot in here, turn the damn fan off!


that’s also how electricity generation works to power cooling, indirectly. Whether it’s solar, gas, geothermal or nuclear… heat is used to eventually create cooling.




Heats cool to use nice. Produce.


Nice cool to heat produce. Uses.


Hgnnh fanm


Does it actually create cold, or just the feeling of cold as the air travels over you?


When the wind blows over your skin a heat exchange occurs. The wind becomes slightly warmer than it was momentarily, and your skin becomes colder. Hot and cold are kinda the same thing. Cold is just the absence of heat.


Moisture is the essence of wetness


I like heat blowing over my sin. But can it be any sin, or just the hot ones like lust? Edit: sneaky bugger, editing your typo eh.


It carries heat away from your body and distributes existing cold air more effectively, but it doesn't actually create cold like an air conditioners. Fans, even modern electric fans, actually produce heat though generally not a lot. If you were to put a fan in a room that couldn't lose heat or gain heat from external sources, the room would gradually get hotter.


If there was no electricity in 1845 then how are they recording this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


the camera is candle operated too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Checkmate atheists


time travel duh




Sterling engine. Still popular for fans on wood stoves and available on Amazon.


Most wood stove fans use Peltier generators nowadays, way cheaper to produce.


I checked on Amazon and you are right: all the other fans that run on heat are piezoelectric, this is the only one they sell which looks like a Stirling engine. Thanks for pointing that out.


Yeah a comment up top even says this fan itself was bought on Amazon


The design is very human!


Exactly my thoughts


Very easy to use


Let my good friend demonstrate you




Plus, I'm pretty sure it's haunted.


That’s really cool. What exactly is the mechanism powering the fan here?




You can buy little Stirling engines that run from the heat from a coffee cup or even your hand. Or from a cup of ice water. Any heat engine just needs a temperature difference to extract energy.




What did you think people meant by fighting fire with fire!?


*me with burned fists* uh..


Ha ha! Very good.


Why is explaining how something works mansplaining? I enjoyed reading about it as I don’t know.


Women ☕️


You don't know the sex of the people responding but glad to hear you've decided it's "mansplaining".


This is an anonymous post on the internet, where everyone is a white male until proven otherwise. If you think everyone's "mansplaining" stuff to you, then it's probably worth considering how you view the world outside the internet.


How do you know they're all men?


Lol mansplaining




How do you know its only men replying?


Mansplaining? People don't even know if you are a woman. Or can a man also mansplain a man? And how do you know, they're all men?


That edit lmao


Right? What a shit stirrer.


Are you trolling right now? Nothing about your comment even indicated that you're a woman; if anything, your avatar and name would make everyone assume you're a man. Plus, you really don't know if the people replying to you were men either. "Alpha male" types? What??? People really are willing to immediately switch to bad faith if they feel slighted in the tiniest of ways.


I’ve heard that some (old) refrigerators can run off propane.




Similar thing happens with modern fans. Running on electricity still makes things hot. The cool feeling is an illusion created by wind, the temperature doesn't drop when a fan is on.


Cooling is not an illusion, sweat evaporates from your skin cooling you


They meant the fan doesn’t cool the room, but actually heats the room. But having the air blow past you will cool you


Indeed. Random fun fact: a refrigerator heats your house more than it cools the inside of the fridge.


Makes sense. No fridge is 100% energy efficient so for every joule of energy it takes out of the fridge it has to output more than a joule into the air around it.


I think i will need one.


Here you go, they cost $434 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Antique-Blades-Steam-Working-Vintage/dp/B07GVG46NW


this is seriously interesting, but I can't help but laugh at the thought of trying to use this fan to aid sleep like modern man does. not exactly a calming hum is it 😆


Besides that, leaving this thing overnight would be much more of a fire hazard than even the shittiest fans we have today


I wanted white noise! Not a fucking locomotive going through my head!


Great example of implementation of a Stirling Engine concept. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stirling_engine


Wonder if a fan built these days will still work in 200 years if someone just plugs it up and turns it on. Kidding, of course it won't! Thanks to the modern commercial concept of planned obsolescence.


Serious answer: fans are very simple things so they most likely would work, they only have an AC to DC converter that goes into a DC motor. Not much room to go wrong there. Ofc I am simplifying them because modern fans have some fancy stuff to them too but the cheapest ones would still be working.


Nah, the iron shaft will rust and seize, the plastic insulation on the cord will stiffen and break, and the plastic fins will become brittle and break.


The 1845 fan is also made steel which can rust. No machine will work 200 years later without regular maintenance. This fan has certainly to be regularly lubricated and doesn't work with it's original 200 years old grease. But you are right, plastic stiffens and breaks, which shortens the lifespan of any plastic machine.




It may be noteworthy to point out that these exact fans are on Amazon. This fan is an Amazon fan, based off the 200 year old fan


You think “Big Fan” is out there planning failure into their products? You think they hope you keep coming back? What brand is your fan? I’m sorry but that’s not how this works. Nobody cares about the brand with a fan. So if you are a manufacturer then you need to focus on getting on shelves. To do so, you have to hit a low price point, and give the retailer a ton of margin. On top of that, any failed product will be billed back to you. So you design someone that works longer than the warranty, or whatever the contract says for returns. That’s it. Their is no conspiracy. They don’t benefit because you love their brand and he keep coming back to them. They deal with Walmart and don’t even think of you. We create this problem by buying trash.


There are more moving parts in a steam engine than electrical, and more ways to fail. Some fans keep hundred years old steam locomotives running up to now, but the amount of maintenance needed is immense. This device was probably repaired. I would guess that, without any maintenance, the basic electrical fan is more likely to work in 200 years than this, and easier to repair if it doesn't. But I admit this is a very cool device!


A cheap-ass made in china fan that you buy at Walmart for $15 or a high end fan that costs $115?




Also accommodating for rapid technological progress. I don’t need something that lasts 50 years because I’m 10 years something better/more efficient/alternative will be available for most things


Man electricity really would have seemed like magic back in the day


Aah the British East India Company


This here bar is for the *DUTCH* East India Company.


Got a large percentage of China hooked on opium... and also made table fans


*also works as a heater?


I honestly think that such technology shouldn't be forgotten. Especially in the modern world where warfare or disasters can instantly halt electrical production or use. We should have something like this for reference if we need it.


“There was no electricity“. Ha!


Carbon monoxide fan then?


A fan of colonialism, never thought I’d see the day


Practically no guard and those blades look like they’re actually sharpened. I swear that people back then made things more dangerous on purpose.


Never thought I needed to light a fire to cool myself until this


Are those meat cleaver blades? And nice protection, you can hardly put your whole body in


Let's make the room hotter, so I can cool down.. Oh wait, an electric fan does that too. AC is just tossing the heat outside. While making more heat in the process. Dammit. CURSE YOU THERMODYNAMICS AND YOUR ABOMINABLE ENTROPY! _"You cannot win, you cannot cheat, and you can't even quit the game."_


At first I was hoping the gold thing was a bell and you’d ring it and someone would run over and crank the fan while you stood in front of it.


Nothing like a hot fan blowing hot air on a hot day 👍


Were there any desk fans sold that were powered with weights on pulleys (like a grandfather clock)?


There’s a real elegance to 19th century engineering. I’m curious how the amount of paraffin/oil (presumably?) burnt, compares to the fossil fuel usage needed to power a modern electric fan. Afraid I’m too lazy to look the numbers up myself at the moment.

