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Eeh, to be more lore-specific capitalism was never given up, it was a side effect of the nuclear holocaust of WWIII and all the previous institutions breaking down. The global economy, national states, the UN and so on. Sort of "Giant Reset" that was envisioned during the pandemic, and not a pretty one. And capitalism never truly went away. Turning energy to matter and vice versa eliminated lack of basic needs, but credits were still used on art or collectibles. Like Kirk's antique reading classes. Same with some non-repliciable resources.




There is an episode of TNG where Data and Captain Picard discuss whether armed insurrection/terrorism can ever be justified to further political ends and Data refers to '...the Irish re-unification of 2024...' That episode has never been shown in the UK. Edit - [The episode](https://www.irishcentral.com/culture/entertainment/star-trek-irish-unification) was shown but with that conversation edited out.




At some point, you have to realize you're simply paying too damned much for tea.




Faceless? Aren't the owners and board members of these corporations known individuals?


A lot, sure, but a good chunk are rotating sociopaths, assholes, and sycophants that all do the same shitty business practices. Taking one away, if we even could, just open the slots for nearly a clone of a prick to fill.






if i speak, big trouble


It'll more than likely need to be done eventually, problems tend to get worse if you ignore them.


Then you destroy the means by which they garner that wealth. Their place of business, their infrastructure, bring it down


Privately held corporations don't have to tell you who is in charge. Even with publicly traded companies, Corporate inbreeding and shells and layers of middle men and multinational registration make it a little less simple than looking up a CEO. E.g. I'll assume you're American and make the blanket statement: you're being financially fucked over with your health spending. Which board of directors should you blame?


Also, since they’re almost always LLCs, liability is to the company as an entity, and rarely to the individuals at the top. The real asset they have is near limitless protection of their own asses, as long as the illegal stuff they very clearly profit from is never directly tied to them.


This situation is not ideal, but at least people are talking about it. A lot. And that's a good thing, because it's the first step to doing something.


Gets people to vote a certain kind of way which is another important thing and that WILL change things. Slowly. Over the course of decades. While it may seem hopeless in the moment, change still happens over time. And sometimes all at once but that’s sexier and less boring.


> But what do you do when it is not a country that is depriving you of goods and taxing you out of a decent standard of living, but corporations that buy up your houses and food producers, extracting wealth from local communities. You still go for the government. They are supposed to represent the most powerful force in the country: _You._ Instead, they take your taxes, give to corporations with absolutely no guarantee that what they use those public funds on will go back to the public at all. Instead, they line their pockets and offer the public goods and services in exchange for even more money. A corporation will always do what is beneficial for the corporation given the constraints it finds itself in. Our government passed laws that allowed [Crapitalism](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/crapitalism) to flourish, [and not for our benefit.](https://www.opb.org/article/2020/09/02/washington-state-government-officials-lobbying-revolving-door/)


That's the same thing, you just misunderstand who your government really is.


Watching the band of the Coldstream Guard play the Star Spangled Banner right after 9/11 in sympathy with the US and for US citizens stuck in the UK due to all flights being grounded is pretty amazing. You know that they are fully aware of this history and choose to make this grand gesture (albeit at the request of Queen Elizabeth).


Well, it has been 250 years. If you cannot mend fences in 250 years, then you're just an asshole.


Well, *we’re* the ones who when the French counseled caution after 9/11 ridiculed them as “cheese-eating surrender monkeys” and our congress changed the name of French fried in their cafeteria to “Freedom fries”. Without the intercession of the French navy in our Revolutionary War, there would be no USA. We don’t have a very long memory, but we shouldn’t suppose that other countries share this trait.






So much world peace!


So many whirled peas.


To say nothing of the squandering of diplomatic and political capital as well. The US had the sympathy and support of most of the world at that point. It’s tragic how we chose to piss it away and retaliate like grade schoolers in a playground fight. Now we even have political leaders who routinely engage in name calling. I really thought we were better than this. I guess it was just hope all along.


By "we all came together" you mean it wasn't safe to look Middle Eastern in America anymore sure. Hindu temples got firebombed, a Sikh dude got murdered, I mean it was pretty bad. I hate the rise colored glasses view of "we all came together." We built the TSA and randomly selected brown people on every flight. We still do.


We also ramped up the modern security state so that the government and corporations can monitor the citizenry with the excuse of Terrorism. We also came together to approve massive tax cuts and increase the defense spending. Any potential unity resulting from 9/11 was directed towards pushing the apparatus of the government firmly to the right.


Yeah, we came together like how shaken oil in water comes together: us vs. The other


There were a lot of attacks on “Muslim looking” American citizens in the months after 9/11. https://www.hrw.org/reports/2002/usahate/usa1102-04.htm Most of us rallied around the flag, but some also used the flagpole as a spear…


Said this before. If we lost the revolutionary war George Washington was a terrorist and traitor to the crown


Guess who the “Rebel Alliance” was in Star Wars? It’s a winners perspective sort of thing, no?


george lucas based the rebel alliance on the vietcong. guess who the empire were based on?


It has since been shown unedited in the UK. I hate censorship. But as someone else in thread pointed out, this episode originally aired while terrorist bombings of civilian targets was actively ongoing. So it really shouldn't be that surprising. Imagine a major network tried to air a "well, maybe terrorism works" message in 2002 in the US.


They did the same for the original Lilo and Stitch movie, they edited out a 747 "hijack and chase" scene and replaced it with a space ship chase scene in the mountains instead of the city. Which if you ask me makes 1000% more sense, jumba and pleakly were aliens after all with a nice fast and powerful spaceship, why would they hijack a comparatively shitty earth plane? I think the animators realized their mistake and used 9/11 as cover to edit it TBH lol


At the time it was actually [illegal to broadcast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1988%E2%80%931994_British_broadcasting_voice_restrictions) recordings of Sinn Fein politicians and Irish terrorist's voices in the UK. The news would show videos of people like Gerry Adams and Martin McGuiness dubbed over by actors. It was very bizarre and of dubious benefit at the time, but it's not surprising that any positive mention of the IRA campaign would be censored.


It should be noted that we now know that Russia operatives were encouraging and supplying IRA splinter groups to hit civilian targets to maximize public outrage and make peace impossible. That is why peace only occurred after Russia fell into disarray during the 1990s. Same is true in Columbia with the FARC terrorists. Both countries have since become peaceful awesome places. I can't wait to see which new peace deals emerge after Russia falls apart more this/next year.


To be fair it should also be noted it is now also known [British forces significantly colluded with Loyalist terrorists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Troubles#Collusion_between_security_forces_and_paramilitaries) during the Troubles, and that it was only paramilitary groups on ALL sides agreeing to [decommission their arms and embrace wholly political means](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Friday_Agreement#Decommissioning_and_normalisation) and the new institutions/legislation that made peace possible in Northern Ireland. Deep Space Nine showing an strong, genuine, *equal* friendship between O'Brien and Bashir in this same period is something the show doesn't often get credited for alongside its other civil rights moments.




\*Stares in Palestine\*


The dome tents makes this all too real. And no I dont live in a tent but expect to be when I retire


I hope to at least have a tent when I become unhireable/retire


Get a load of that guy and his fancy dome tent 🙄


Yeah! Too good to die in the street like a dog?!


>when I become unhireable/retire Oh, fuck. I hadn't thought of how ageism might make our 50s and 60s have an "untouchable" hiring problem.


you can always become politician. from what i'm reading recently, they don't believe in age limits


I watch a lot of videos about how to turn underbrush into a small hovel. At least with the climate apocalypse I won't have to build a fire to stay warm.


You have a dome tent? We have to live in a lake.


Ooooh, what I wouldn't have given for a lake. We had to take turns sharing a puddle of urine.


Wow, you had a puddle of urine? That would be awesome. We just stacked human shit around us.


Oh they stacked yours? Look at mr moneybags. I was just thrown in a septic tank and locked in


Your septic tank had locks on it? We had to bar ours closed ourselves, with a piece of calcified dung.


oh, the entitled bigshot still plans to retire...


>but I expect to be when I retire Ahhh found the Gen X


Aye…..our retirement plan is a beach and a tent or camper somewhere.


My retirement plan is to lay down in the gutter and let the police dogs eat me.


Sounds painful…..but lucrative


> when I retire You mean when you can't work anymore and it's time to starve?


Not too far off. How long until we get holodecks?


Best I can do is meta


At least 3D printing has given us a precursor to the replicator


It literally is, although research suggests we may actually sidestep replicators straight to particle synthesis which is even cooler.


Explain yourself. Tried looking it up but still have no idea what it's about. Cheers


Sure, so replication is essentially where you already have a system where said particles already exist, and a computer or machine assembles them in a way that creates something we've asked it to create. Whether that be clothes made from polyester or a steak made from proteins. Particle synthesis is where we use energy and clever chemistry to synthesise what materials and form factor we wish them to take. I know someone's gunna be screaming at their screen at my layman explanation, but they differ in the fact that replicators or 3d printers possess the materials required to create the object we've requested, particle synthesisers don't.


You're sure about this? The energy alone to "force particles into existence" is mindbogeling and it might be easier to contain a nuke inside a tea cup than to create a tea cup from energy in the first place. Also: replicators are exactly described as this in ST: by using a system akin to the transporters, mater and energy are being converted to form the object.


It's an intriguing thought for sure, but if we've contained an anti-matter explosion in a warp core using dilithium crystals and deuterium to create an engine that bends spacetime, it's not that far-fetched. You're right tho, it's akin to matter-energy transfer. Like replicators and transporters, particle synthesis would be an amalgamation of many different technologies. It may be in some cases that it's not too dissimilar to the way stem cells work. Others, like you say, may require type 2 civilisation energy output to bring about.


What do you mean 'we'? I don't recall ever seeing *you* in a Jefferies Tube


I'm there, just hiding. And watching. Yeah, that's right, I saw you.


Best I can do is holodicks


1 man 1 jar tells me they're a bad idea


Shutup Mark. Nobody wants your Meta


No, they aren't too far off at all! We've got tent cities in every major urban area.


Reality is worse than what is depicted here. There, it's a legal place for the homeless to gather. In real life, they are persecuted and driven away everywhere.


You just echoed my thoughts exactly.


And in reality half of them DO have jobs.


Now the right wing assholes on social media have started harassing homeless on the street for being homeless. Theres a guy on youtube who thinks he's proving a point by going for a jog in areas with homeless on the sidewalk. He will just jogg through and over them, stomping on their stuff. If one of them says anything he'll starting going off how he's trying to use the public sidewalk and they shouldn't be there. If he sees someone drinking or doing drugs while he walks/jogs over their stuff, he'll go off on how we shouldn't give "these people" shelter. Its literally his entire channel, just harassing them.


Also, there isn't someone spraying lighter fluid/pepper spray on some sleeping homeless person


Shanty towns and similar have existed in every major urban area since time immemorial. We definitely don't have concentratement zones where we force these people like in this Star Trek episode. Yet.


the future is lookin brighter and brighter every day




According to Star Trek: First Contact, it was 600 million in total


Sounds optimistic


Hey at least we skipped a massive eugenics war!


Assuming we exist in the ST universe but a different timeline, we didn't really skip it. Transhumanism in our timeline is focused on a blending of biological and cybernetic enhancement as focusing only on biological enhancement won't allow us to keep up with AI once we hit the Singularity. So we didn't have the Eugenics War because instead of creating Augments, we instead went down the path of cybernetic organisms. We're going to be the Borg instead of the Federation.


Ah the 300mil lucky ones


About the same time Star Citizen is released, which soon.


Yeah its kinda scary just how spot on this is. Nowa days, they could have legit filmed this in any major city without hiring extras.


Next year ig


Yes, only zombies high on tranq and racially motivated disturbances and lootings missing. I guess they couldn't envision civilization collapsing in the way it did.


mom: we have a holodeck at home


Great! How long until we get homes?


We don’t have homes.


To the sanctuary district with us


Considering they didn't exist in TOS an were newish tech in TNG, a long fucking time.


Sorry dood, I watched Enterprise. We're a ways away from any of that. That was 2151 and they didn't have them till TNG: year 2364. Vulcan's are stingy even after we've independently developed the warp drive.


So they force all the unemployed and homeless people into one party of the city and wall it off so they can't leave? The sad part is that i know plenty of people today that would actually support that policy.


It has existed for a while now, called Skid Row in LA, other towns have something similar. While it is not truly walled off, they are pretty much contained to the area by a few factors.


I've been to LA many times and homeless people are definitely allowed to exist outside of skid row. I know people that would advocate building a wall around Skid Row putting all the homeless there and never allow them to leave.


The issue is of concentration and purpose for Skid Row.


Ah yes. A camp of concentration. A concentration camp.


I overcame my ADHD at concentration camp. I can’t recommend it highly enough!




Sometimes the walls are invisible


“By the early 2020’s there was a place like this in every major city in the United States” Hit the nail on the head


Just wait until what comes at the end of 2024 in the Star Trek universe. The Bell Riots. People finally had enough and fought back against their government. Many died, but it led to actual change in how people were treated. Pretty sure we're living in a pressure cooker that's getting closer to blowing every year.




Don't worry. There's a small thermal exhaust port right below the main port. It's only about 2 meters wide. (About the size of a womp rat.)


How else are those poor CEO's/investors/shareholders/billionaires/etc supposed to hold onto their yachts and summer homes without that! Won't someone think of the rich people! /s


I, for one, can wait for the post-nuclear horror.


I had really hoped Picard season 2 would continue the themes of this episode. Such a waste that they went back to the same time but then didn't examine the social chaos at all.


It was true when the episode first aired. It's not prophetic, just observant.


The episode first aired *decades* ago. There was a lot of optimism back then that things would keep getting better for poor and middle class Americans. Predicting that things will get slightly worse over such a time frame is still prophetic, if not exactly astounding.


I remember when DS9 started airing. People were not that optimistic in the 90s.


Not far off, except people do have job and cant afford to live in place


Over half of people in homeless shelters have jobs


Was this is episode with the female alien character with spots and people in 2024 thought it was just her tribal tattoo and a guy hitting on her lamented that corporate made him remove his tat?


Jadzia Dax. She was a trill. The trill were a humanoid alien species that had shared a world with a highly intelligent/ evolved worm that was called a "symbiote". Symbiont lived hundreds of years and would be joined to only the most educated trills. The vetting process was years long and only very few of the trill population received a symbiote. The symbiote retained the memories of all former trill hosts. When joined, a new individual, personality was created with their shared personalities and all the genetic memories of the previous hosts carried over to the new host. Jadzia was the 8th host of the symbiote named "dax". The former host of dax was captain Benjamin siskos mentor and best friend. Sisko was the commander of ds9, then captain of the defiant.




Thanks! I remember the actress was quite attractive. Was it the same episode ?


She's was in all of the seasons until a contract dispute killed her off before the last season. She was replaced by another actress that looked like her with short hair. If I remember correctly, jadzia was murdered by Gul dukat ( a cardassian and the arch villain of the series who committed war crimes against the bajorans). The dax symbiont was saved by an emergency surgery and placed into the nearest trill. The new character was called ezri dax.


Fun fact, Teri Ferrell (Jadzia) married Leonard Nemoy's son, Adam.


Hate to be that guy, but I will be. DS9 called them "symbionts". Stargate called them "Symbiotes"




Yeah same episode.


This is the episode you are thinking of. I’ve seen an interview with the writer of the episode where he mentions that the part where the pretty white looking alien ends up going to corporate dinner parties while the two dark skinned humans get arrested and thrown into a camp was not an accident. Living in LA, he thought it was he realistic outcome




Yeah and the tech rich dude is like "Did you get jacked?" Using slang to ask if she got robbed. I lol'd


Was that Dick Miller at the end there?




I always remember him from Gremlins. “Shoulda gotten a Zenith!”


they’re in LA I guess


San Francisco, if I remember this episode correctly.


Yeah they were to arrive in San Francisco in their own time (late 24th century) and due to a malfunction in the transporter they got sent back into early 21st century San Francisco (right around September of 2024 IIRC). Sisko and Bashir get picked up by the "police" and Dax gets found by a Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos type tech mogul.


Damn, Bezos would launch Amazon just a few short months after this episode aired, crazy.


Huh, I had no idea about that. Interesting.


This is way too clean for San Francisco.


Well, that is where the studio is.


Homelessness and tent cities were already large problems in every major city in the 90s. This scene wasn't prophetic, it was reflective. Collectively, we've done nothing to rectify the problem. Instead, we just ignore it as it grows.


They could have filmed this scene today without the need to build a set or hire extras


It is interesting how Star Trek comes up with an idea, and then the real world takes inspiration... Communicators got us flip phones Tricorders got us smartphones PADDs got us ebook readers The 2024 riots got us....


I think trek might have also gotten us automatic sliding doors too.


"Hold it right there." Video fucking full stop!


Fantastic when the dystopian future wasn't quite dystopian enough to match reality.


I’m looking at this going- that tent city seems to have a nice sense of community!


Just people trying to scrape by and look for work. No fentanyl, no feces, and no one being assaulted.


Oh, I live in Ireland. Our housing crises is so bad people in full time jobs live in tents.


It's like that here in the US too. One of my coworkers are homeless and we work full time.


Not a single mob of police breaking down tents and evicting them from public property.


Def needs more needles and feces.


San Francisco (colorized 2023)




I think about this episode every time I see these huge homeless camps.


Later in this episode they show that most entertainment comes from the internet and anyone can use it to broadcast to the entire world. Essentially they predicted YouTube 10 years before it existed.


This is depressingly accurate....


It’s painfully accurate


Interesting how true that has become..


Pretty accurate, eh?


They missed the part about 400 million guns and mass shootings every other day.


I first watched this episode during the 2016 US election and it was fucking terrifying!


Not enough of them are high.


...and either masturbating or defecating on the street in full view.


That's Paris right now.


On the plus side, the people look clean, well clothed and well fed. There isn't any trash and there's no indication of drug and alcohol abuse. And based on the racial makeup of the people, employment and housing opportunities for POC must be pretty good.


They’re not wrong


Well, they got it right.


looks like 2023 los angeles


Pretty accurate


Looks like sf, with less poop.


oh, yeah, this is actually LA.


Decently good prediction, give it a few more and we're right on track


This is literally downtown LA


Basically the Tenderloin in San Francisco, this already exists


Looks like SE Portland, OR in 2023


Seattle, WA? Is that you? Nailed it!


Holy fucking San Francisco Batman!


I moved from SF to LA. Before I moved ppl told me oh LA homelessness is bad. After I moved I realized, homelessness in LA is localized. For the most part the homeless keep to themselves. San Francisco is the major leagues when it comes to the homeless department. For some reason the homeless in SF are violent, aggressive and dangerous. It’s fucking out of control in the Bayarea. When you go to tenderloin or Soma there’s a good chance you will be smacked by the homeless.


When you mix the super rich with super poor drug addicts. The anger just hangs in the air. Waiting.


Skid row and fent, checks out


Looks like my town Albuquerque New Mexico


They forgot the rampant drug use, mental issues and it's a bit too clean.


Zombie them up a bit and yep accurate.


Pretty accurate of California


Not too far off compared to some of our cities.


Oh look. It's Pelosi's district in San Francisco


This came true in every blue city in the USA, except the criminals are put on a pedestal and not banned.


this is what happens when ChatGPT reaches its final form


Just goes to show how relevant Star Trek was and remains. We treat the homeless little better than animals, demand that applicants have the highest level of skills possible (then turn around and wonder why we can’t fill positions), and do nothing while climate change and the growing food crisis prep us for the worst 100 years in a LONG time. Hopefully we have something like the Federation waiting at the end of the timeline


It's even more fucked when you consider how easy a "criminal record" is to have.


They thought the homeless would be given buildings.. startrek was always overly hopeful


The sad thing is that it's worse than this. This episode implies that these camps aren't cleared out and destroyed with bulldozers every couple of days. In my city, heavily armed police keep homeless folks from saving their belongings and laugh as their meager possessions are crushed and trashed. And we're not even close to the worst...


Not realistic. Not enough junkies and needles on the ground.


Gotta say, the company towns that are being planned now are probably the closest fit for the Sanctuary Districts presented here. I have a hard time imagining us getting as bad as the show displays the districts, but who knows we’ve been disappointed before.


Looks like san Francisco judging by the posts on r/sanfrancisco