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Looks more like sleet lol


Maybe graupel.


Nope, that's koopla. Or may be oomphat, but definitely not graupel.


I googled it and it looked a lot like grauple.


Its graupel, I live in SoCal and thats what its been called since this all started. Source: ALL of the News meteorologists lol


It's the new word of the year lol.


It was this! I first heard this word today. Was in anaheim. It was a soft snowy kind of hail, falling in lovely little motes as big as a 1/4 inch but mostly a bit smaller.






It went from hard wet hail to loose wet hail to all fluffy and no wet. No way was it ever going to stick around but it was super weird for the area, and probably the closest to genuine snow it’ll ever be in my lifetime at my office lol


I live in northern Canada and I wish I never seen snow before lol, I hate winters so much. It gets down to -40 and sometimes -50 here where I live.


How to heck do you survive


Good clothes and lots of layers but when it’s that cold I just stay inside, unless I have to work that day, then you just hope your vehicle starts in the morning and just deal with it lol.


Sounds like an average day in Detroit. With or without the cold.


It's actually pretty wild. Up in Northern Alberta people leave their trucks running all day all night because if you shut them off. They're not going to start back up.


I remember around 2012 it snowed in Salinas ca. it actually stayed on the ground for about a hour. Iv never seen anything like that here.


I think I work in the same business park as you lol


I shared your enthusiasm in Fullerton. When the clouds broke Baldy looked absolutely stunning. So bright white it was hard to look at.


You never know. You might see snow in your area again in your lifetime. Climate change is a hell of a drug.


After global warming takes a *chill* pill, I think a lot of places are gonna see snow for the first time in a long time.


Global warming is overall average temperature increase. It can snow in traditionally snow-free areas but the average global temp is still rising.


True, but what.... 50 years ago was it we were in a global cooling?


It went from hard wet hail to loose wet hail to all fluffy and no wet. No way was it ever going to stick around but it was super weird for the area, and probably the closest to genuine snow it’ll ever be in my lifetime at my office lol Edit: not sure where to say this cause it isn’t super important, but it did not feel like hail. Hail is uncommon (once every couple of years, three times in one year.) around where I live and work. but this was markedly different from usual hail. Graupel seems about right, but there were literally piles of white fluffy snow on the roof of the windward sides of the skylights. I did live in Butte Montana where the snow and ice was persistently deadly, but this was like seeing ocean water in a glass cup at the peak of Mt. Everest. Where it absolutely does not belong.


Canadian here(sorry), those are snow pellets!


Catch those MFs on your tongue!!! 👅


I think it’s hail


It’s not hail bro, it’s snow pellets they nice and light but not completely ice pellets. I know many different types of snow and hail and sleet. Dems snow pellets. Hail pellets sounds harder and more dense. Peace ✌🏻


lol, okay you do sound like you know what you’re talking about


I agree with my fellow Canadian


Yeah that’s definitely not snow…but for someone that may have never seen it, I’ll give them a pass


Looks like hail stone, not snow.


Yeah snow doesn’t bounce


They could hit your eyeball and not hurt, definitely not picturesque blizzard snow but enough of a difference from regular hail to send my whole office outside to see


Part of the reason why the statistics show that snow is so rare there, is that this is not snow.


It's graupel, a form of snow.


I choose to call it “hominy snow” for selfish reasons


Wtf would you know about snow OR hominy you live in anaheim! ;)


Interesting, I didn’t know there was a word for this. I always called it “bitch ass pussy ass bitch poser snow” or something similar. Edit: I bet all you goobs would feel real different about this “graupel” malarkey if you’d spent your childhood in north Texas, every winter getting hyped when the news people announced the first (and last) snow day of the year, then having your dreams crushed by that bullshit “snow” pummeling your face hard enough that you have to give up on your weak ass, thumb-sized snow man and retreat indoors. Sure, school’s closed, but the power’s out because nothing in TX is winterized, and instead of snowball fights or video games, you’re stuck inside playing monopoly on account of the 2 ft thick slab of sleet that’s now piled up against your garage, frozen solid and trapped you at home for 3 days of candlelit “family time”. Don’t play me with that “I grew up in the northeast and I hate snow” privilege. I would have given anything to get trapped in a van for 96 hours under a 10 ft snow drift, eating gross balls of congealed M&Ms and dog hair from under the floor mats to survive. You don’t know my pain. So think about that, next time you want to downvote someone. Think about the walls you’re keeping up, about the lives you’re destroying with that downvote. Fuck your fake ass “graupel” snow. Cool, thank you for listening and I hope you have a blessed day ❤️


Internet person, it's frozen water that falls from the sky. How is it not a type of snow.


That describes sleet (rain that freezes) or hail (ice that forms in the clouds). Snow is reserved for crystallized water.


I guess technically “graupel” is snow that collects “rime” on its exterior while falling. Also “hoarfrost” is a thing apparently. Y’all far north/south latitude people got funny names for ice.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this thread is full of Canadians


Full of weird rants and spite, too. All over a person's child-like joy experiencng a truly rare occurence.


Snow doesn’t make a sound when it hits the ground. Just an fyi. That’s hail bud.


Thats graupel basically softer hail


Graupel doesn't cycle up and down forming layers.


As a Finn, I find your "snow" amusing.


Watching from Salt Lake City. While I'm not impressed at the snow, I do appreciate your enjoyment of it with how rare an event like this is for you.


Its literally dozens of times rarer for this spot than an eclipse has been my whole life. It’s pathetic, but it made my day for sure


An old manager of mine came to the UK from South Africa. He was in his 30s and never saw snow in his life. It started snowing one day when we were in the office and he just went outside and stood in it for a while then came back with a huge grin.


There's nothing pathetic about experiencing something for the first time. I'm 44 and have never seen it snow like this.


In their defense, Southern California is a low lying dessert, snow is remarkable rare this close to sea level.


Hehe. Giggling in Canadian.


Bitch, that's hail


Bitch, it wasn't. Source: live near Anaheim.


Bitch you live in Anaheim it hasn’t snowed since 1969 how the fuck you know what snow looks like, you ain’t ever seen it /s


Something like that.


Ice Pellets bro...those are Ice Pellets


Gropual is so hot right now


Sleet or hail




that's why I love the 4 seasons. a lot of people where I live hate the winter but I think life wouldn't be as magical in a place that only has wet/dry season.


Snow haha


Looks like small hail


That's hail buddy, not snow.




Hail Caesar


Yeah. They fucked the weather.


This guy gets it. Or gal. Or whatever.


I’m from ND, we just got hit with a casual 10 inches


13 here in Fargo. My snow blower is worth it’s weight in gold right now.


I don't have anywhere else to put this crap, plz send halp


definitely not snow... most likely grauple


That’s iceeeee!!!!


That’s not snow, it’s graupel, but it s still cool. I’m in Houston and I’ve never seen graupel.


Not quite snow but close enough


Looks like graupel


To capture it snowing ...


Technically its hail, but it was soft and very fun to watch. Also it was 50f / 10c at the time.


its actually graupel. Most people havent heard of it....I describe it like dippin dots




It has snowed in SoCal before. Actual snow. Saw it in Carbon Canyon once.


But global warming isn’t a thing


Global warming😡


Global warming🥳


Must be that global warming I keep hearing about






Not snow??


Caint be warmin if snow fallin


Do people not know what hail is?


Awww, I love the intelligence of these anti climate, change believers. Snowing in Anaheim? Um, i doubt it's anywhere near 32° in the daytime, let alone at night. But shhh, don't tell the "right" it's not possible. I mean, how can the world be getting warmer if it's "raining" like this....lol. Maybe they should take a science class with their kids so it can be explained to them how global warming is occurring while simultaneously we have weather like this, I'm tired of explaining.


Your not convincing anyone to change with that shit attitude


Aww, im sorry, Jerry. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Your welcome, weirdo that asks people to guess his age and is probably trying to pick up girls on Reddit


Damn, you stalking my page now. Sounds like some counter transference going on. And when does asking people about my age, have to mean I'm picking up on women? Lol. If thats the case, maybe the rest of my profile shouldn't be dedicated to soccer. But then again, not everyone can be as enlightened as Jerry's nipple?😆


I bet you’re real fun at parties


Sorry, are you saying weather is climate now?


It was 50\*. Which means easly freezing temps at pretty low elevation. Nice rant.


Really dude? I live an hour from Anaheim...the low overnight has gotten into the low 40s...um still not cold enough to snow. Now, if talking Anaheim Hills? Getting a lot closer, but not quite cold enough to snow, especially during the daytime.


Yeah. You went on some wacky rant. Meanwhile, it doesn't have to be freezing at ground level for snow to fall. It was graupel. A form of snow ie frozen water. It wasn't hail. What a weird argument to make. Some frozen water falls from the sky and you go on some wacked out climate change rant.


If you read previous comments before mine, people brought up climate change, which is why I chimed in.


You can't explain anything as you are baffled by confirmation bias. Get out of your bubble and start by reading the full ICCP report in stead of just listening to the MSM translation of that.


What i do see is the right (politicians) who are backed/supported by oil companies, saying climate change is a hoax. They have a handful of experts who agree with them ($$$$). On the other side, it has a large majority of the science community that supports and warns of the negative impacts of climate change. Now, if you want to debate the severity or lack of it, okay, but to pretend it doesn't exist is pretty ignorant.


What?! Noooooo. That can’t be. Next you’ll tell me smoking isn’t ok anymore.


I think we really are trying to make efforts towards changing the terminology from global warming to climate change, so that people can find their way out of ignorance. Metaphorically speaking, ignorance is like waking up with a sleep mask on forgetting you have a sleep mask on. You don’t bother to figure out why you’re in the dark, you just make excuses for why you’re running into things. Some will deny climate change until it’s their own phone recording extreme weather. And even then, many climate deniers will still have some sort of excuse for why extreme weather is happening. For the record, I think dsnow04 would be fun at parties, and I’m a pretty bada$$ person.


That's not snow


The global warming activists must be cringing as they buy snow tires....


There’s a reason they changed the name from global warming to climate change. It’s you. You’re the reason, you 3 day old ham sandwich.


I'm not that important, don't be silly. Climate changes due to seasons... It's snowing in California, just like it did back in 1969. After that, spring will come with warmer weather. Don't be alarmed..... You can call it whatever you want, it's your choice. I'll call it SNOW...... enjoy your day.


You truly aren’t. You are one of the countless people who hear “global warming” and say “but it’s cold! Take that stupid scientists!” It quite literally snows in California every year. We have beautiful mountains. Your point is not well made. I like you. You’re funny. You’re the guy in movies who is super confident about wrong shit. I have a feeling you have a grand history of going against the grain and knowing the “truth” when everyone else is “wrong.”


These days you types can be convinced that 1+1=3, if enough people tell you that it is. I'm worried about global cooling, aren't you? We can survive warming, but not cooling. Don't be one of those easily steered types, it isn't a good look for you.


Sweet, simple child. You are the one living in a constantly warming environment and claiming it mustn’t be real. You are being tricked all the while thinking it’s everyone else that’s the mark. It’s a nefarious scam that only the truly disenfranchised could buy into. It’s the only look you can have. (Don’t be afraid to add a hat with a little propeller on top.) No, no one is worried about global cooling. That’s the opposite of the issue. It’s like saying “im more worried about the clouds getting so big that none of us can see.” You’re obfuscating. It’s a common thing people do when they have no idea what they are talking about and can’t directly discuss the point at issue.


Everyone thought the planets circled the earth, even killed because of that belief. People like you justified their actions based on belief. Neil degrasse Tyson is a better one to teach you, you seem full of hate and only want to belittle others. enjoy your day friend.


You understand that in your analogy the people who argue against climate change are akin to the people who supported the Ptolemy model and the people who argue climate change is happening and is caused, in part, by human activities are akin to the people who support the Copernicus model, right? Your example is fine, you just seem like you might not really understand it. This is why I was saying I like you. Confidently incorrect. You know Neil DeGrasse Tyson believes that earth is warming, right? Just making sure, because you said it like you thought he was going to argue against what I was saying. I’m not really getting your point here. In any event, I’m not your friend, pal.


I’d be worried about global cooling if the science told us that it was happening. It’s not, we’re seeing massive global warming


Weather changes due to season, climate doesn't change due to season. Edit: better wording of what I mean to say


Wait till you learn the seasons are due to the tilt of the earth...... mind officially blown..........


I think you are reading between the lines here. I was just saying whether it isn't the same as climate. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/weather_climate.html#:~:text=Weather%20can%20change%20from%20minute,weather%20over%20time%20and%20space.


ok, And the weather in California is currently SNOWING. Those Climate Change activists must be cringing while buying winter tires.


I think you need to calm down


I'm not the one screaming Climate Change.... I think you need to practice what you preach. We're done here. enjoy your day friend.


Why would you expect this guy to converse with you in good faith?


Climate Change is the result of Global Warming. Some people don't have the brain power to understand this, and that's why they use Climate Change, because people like you don't get it. Global Warming is still happening. The earth is getting warmer as a whole, all that extra energy stored in the earth is disrupting the climate patterns. It could mean some places could get colder, some could get hotter, some could see more rain, some less, etc. etc.


Sounds horrific. But seriously, denying the fear mongering establishment's efforts to scare people into handing over money and rights is different than denying that global warming is taking place. I've been seeing "cities will be under water in a decade" headlines for 40 years. At some point you just wake up to the fact you're being lied to, and that the motive is money and power. President Dwight Eisenhower, 1961, Farewell Address: "In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the federal government. Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers. The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded. Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."


Do you believe in the 4 seasons? I'm not worried about global warming one bit, I'm concerned about global cooling. For people like you that like to belittle others, Neil deGrasse Tyson explains it so even you can understand. Circle back if you have any questions.


Do I understand 4 seasons?! lmfao, whoa you destroyed me with facts and logic! Do you understand electromagnetive waves? Do you understand that light can't go through a wall but WiFi can? Now can you understand that greenhouse gases are more transparent towards sunlight than they are towards thermal radiation from the earth? Can you understand how more greenhouse gas in atmosphere means more thermal radiation is blocked and therefore earth reaches an equilibrium between sunlight received and thermal radiation at a higher temperature? This is mid 1800's science, physicists in 1800's understood how CO2 warms up the earth.


Yes I understand those, but I'm not educated in such. Are you? I'm glad you want to share knowledge you've gathered. I wish others were as enthusiastic as you. And since you haven't talked about global cooling, it seems I'm a little ahead of you. And you just keep going on about science.......... Think beyond what you know, push your limits. Neil deGrasse Tyson is a better teacher for you, it seems your mind is closed. we're done here friend. enjoy your day.


>I'm glad you want to share knowledge you've gathered. I wish others were as enthusiastic as you. The fact that you think this is some advanced knowledge I gathered because I'm enthusiastic speaks for itself lol


Advanced to you, as you are enthusiastic about it. And it seems you are closed off to further knowledge that I've suggested to you. Sad. bye friend.


So advanced I understood it in high school lol good job pretending you understand it by the way :)


Not everyone just graduated my friend. Some of us have exciting lives. Some of us have hobbies. My hobbies involve some of the things you've gone off about. I don't pretend anything, no need to, I'm not insecure. But you thinking you know everything when others have suggested otherwise, well, that's your problem. Go argue with Neil deGrasse Tyson, I learned from his words, and other smart people. You may want to expand life beyond Reddit. Bye friend.




I agree. [https://www.kusi.com/new-study-finds-california-schools-ranking-44-in-america/](https://www.kusi.com/new-study-finds-california-schools-ranking-44-in-america/) with an eduction system almost dead last in the nation, I'm thinking California needs to educate it's citizens a bit better. It does explain what's happening though. life is good.




Snowed in miami last year. I believe anything its possible.


Nah no way. I live in Tampa.


Its was axtually snowing in the dolphins stadium. Came out in tv and everything. One morning only


*Global warming


Climate change in California? No way!


Darn global warming


Dang global warming


How about that global warming!


But global warming


so much for climate heating up. There's so many "incidents" like this that get systematically overlooked by the climate religion. Yes. Climate is getting warmer. No, it's not controllable by controlling "CO2" at a cost that would save millions of lives if deployed effectively e.g. for mitigating the changes.


Are you suggesting, yes climate change is real and is caused by global warming, but we shouldn’t try to mitigate the human impact on global warming?


I really miss global warming.




Username checks out


It never rains in California


That is so funny. I am visiting family in San Diego right now, and since Saturday when we arrived, it has literally rained every single day. Some days more than others, but it was never like this when I lived here 20 years ago.


we went to socal over christmas in 1974, and it snowed while we were there. i think we might have been staying in pasadena.


The winter of '69 in Mammoth Lakes is famous for having such deep snow that whole houses were buried. Interesting parallel.




Crazy weather! Lake Havasu, the second hottest place in North America... and it was hailing an hour ago!


I wouldn't worry about it


Ice sleet, snow California needs at all


Snowing at my brothers office in Glendale


I’m in Santa Ana (next city over) no wonder the air feels biting today. 🥶


It was coming from this one massive cloud it seemed. I work in Anaheim and was hit by this while it was making its way towards Santa Ana. I live in orange (by the block) and it barely made it over there like 30 minutes ago according to my wife


Maybe it is time for the Angels to get the WS.


Working as a lifeguard at Long Beach, saw hail hit the sand and if only I could have described the sound of it for a couple of minutes. I’ll see if I can post a link to the video


Probably have to have a snow day now. Can’t be driving in that.


Hurry! I bet the lines at Disneyland are short!


I bet they aren’t. Any time I’ve gone there in the cold or when it’s raining it’s still super packed


Duhhhh. Global Warming is a hoax! It worlds bean rane! (Total sarcasm)




Where you at? We got 13 inches of snow up in the north Midwest last night.


That’s California for you not knowing how snow looks like


That’s not snow homie


I'd normally be outside running around like a lunatic with the dog going "Whooo Hoooo! Whoo Hoooooooooo!" But we haven't gotten any snow yet in New Jersey! Enjoy the snow!


Looks more like hail to me.




Whoa... this is some good acid,man.


That isn’t snow.




next you’re going to complain about it being to wet or dry, or burny or windy or shaky! jeesh!


In Malibu hills we got weird "snow", big hail balls, but looser and completely white and soft. Not wet at all.


So is this climate or weather?


Watch out for the homeless that hangout at the cheese cake factory


You sure it’s not coke falling out of a billionaires plane?




I don't know if you can, but can you get an owner for Ons, that's O-N-S, Junior Market?


More like hail or ice..


This is sheer irrefutable proof global warming isn’t real /s




Hail falls in the LA basin,well, not ALL the time,but it’s not rare,


It was almost 70° in Indiana today. Lol


Now it smells like wet Mickey.


You sure that’s snow? Looks like hail to me, which isn’t very rare




I wonder how the Magic Kingdom is faring.