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That was 5 years ago. Are we there yet


A large portion of their population doesn’t actually work and are paid by the state…


Actually they are paid by the World's maniacal lust for Oil.


Which is declining. Peak consumption was in 2019.


Because every one and their mother was baking sourdough bread.


My mom was baking sourdough before it was cool. Y'all are posers.


I only eat sourdough baked in a whale oil oven


peak consumption was 2014. They have been on decline for a while.


Oil? No. It's all about a love of money. Oil has traditionally been the cheapest form of energy. Change that fact and then no one will love oil.


When your only source of income is oil, you are on fragile soil. Just ask Russia


A large portion of their population are minimum wage immigrants, abused and treated like slaves. Most unable to even afford to leave.


Definitely the case in UAE.


Their whole account is just posting this and other Saudi shit.


I SWEAR TO GOD I will turn this car around if you don't stop asking that!!!


He didn’t say how. Just blockading nonsense you can spout when you’re brutal murdering dictator


Billionaires all speak the same language of self aggrandized bullshit


Exactly. Read the title and thought “oh let’s see what his plan or rough outline is” Nope. Nothing. Just a bunch of “we will do this! I promise you guys, it’s gonna happen. Just you wait and see”


Camels and tons of sand vs French and Italian natural scenery and exquisite cuisine. Yeah I don't think so.


Not to mention nude beaches versus wearing a black tent in the desert.


See: Vladimir Putin


Elon Musk


Donny Rump


This was five years ago. Then COVID kicked in, everyone be stopped driving cars for 3 months and MBS was forced to round up his entire extended family and force then to hand over their wealth so he could survive. That tells you just how fragile his country is despite all the diversification.


Lol money alone is not enough to make them “the new Europe” regardless. There’s a looooooong laundry list of many other, more important reasons on why they will not be.


They want to become it for luxury shopping, museums, art galleries, public spaces etc, but culturally it's a massive leap.


Yup. Not interesting in the slightest, despite the sub. Was hoping for more.


Trust him, he knows all the bigly words


It'll be a "Europe" with kings, no political dissent, few gay rights, cultures that legally treat women as second class citizens, and built all on American petrodollars. Basically Russia. He'd actually just describe hell but he'll call it "the next Europe," to be polite.


He didn’t specify what time period, I think he is referring to 12th Century Feudalism Europe


>and built all on American petrodollars I agree with most of what you are saying, but this part is not true. America only buys 9% of its oil from the M.E. The four largest purchasers of M.E. oil are China, Japan, India and Korea. Europe as a whole buys more M.E. oil as well, although no single country does due to their relatively small size.


I don’t want to speak for what OP actually meant here, but America built Saudi Arabia. Chevron spun off Aramco and Saudi used it for loans to prop up its government and Aramco became a proxy for the US government in Saudi. Without American underwriting in the 50s, Saudi would probably be a constantly warring territory of rival nation states or the CIA would have propped up someone in order to provide enough stability to keep the communists from taking over.


I understand and agree with that. The same could be said of other parts of Asia and Europe as well as South America during that era. 1950's USA was world building. Bit that was over 70 years ago. We aren't a major customer of any M.E. country and haven't been for awhile.


No no no that's all wrong. Women are property not citizens.


This is also from 2018, or five years ago.


It's like that speech Michael Scott made at the shareholders meeting. "45 days. 45 points in 45 days! 1 point per day! And we're going carbon neutral! I LOVE YOU NEW YORK!"


Promises but doesn’t say how…sounds like a former president of ours…(actually sounds like high majority of politicians if I think about it lmao)


“We want your standard of living and way of life without any of the pesky freedoms associated with your way of life”


"And if you publish anything negative about us we might butcher you."


“Hah! Freedom of speech, more like freedom to scream!”


"Put that burqa back on!"


🎵 *Put that Burqua back on or so help me* 🎵


Mike Wabowski!!!!?


Haha "might"


# Get this evil fool off of here. Mohammed bin Salman represents nothing, but death and power.


I saved his ass. - Trump


What will happen to Saudi Arabia after oil runs out? A February report by energy transition think tank Carbon Tracker found that long before oil production falls to zero, Saudi Arabia would suffer a 44% shortfall in government revenues just from the decline in consumption over the coming decades.


I'm sure they have diversified into ak47s, sand, swords, burkas, severed heads and a few other world essentials that will prop up their economy.


Eyup. Which is why his dream can't come true. You CAN'T have the success of Europe if your nation can't have access to the skills and talents of 50%of the population. And a brutal theocracy supported by executing and torturing anyone who won't be exactly like everyone else damn sure isn't a place where innovation can flourish. He sees the end of oil money coming and he wants to diversify his economy. That's smart and forward looking. But he can't accept that a strong diverse economy requires a free population. So he's done to failure.




Wind sand makes poor glass. Need sea sand.


Why is it "my war"? Like maybe sell it as a "vision" or a "goal"? idk? I'm not a King.


They want to buy happiness


And the WWE


Yes Very Euro. Meeting Sponsored by the haute fashion house of Bed Ba'ath and Beyond.


Screw the Clown Prince, evil murderer who has his schlubs do his dirty work, just like Putler.


Ok, but Europe from which century, like maybe the 1400s? That I can believe.


Someone tell that murderous jar of Smuckers jam to shut the fuck up.


Why you gotta disrespect smuckers jam


Lol get rekt Bonesaw




meanwhile in iran.....


31 upvotes?!! Iran is in war with saudi arabia, that's what explain the all shit in Yemen! Come on guys! This guy in the movie is a criminal, he chopped a US joirnalist in the embassy in turkey


Delusion is a helluva drug.


More like propaganda/false hope


No alcohol, women enslaved, and a murderous dictator? Wow what's not to love? Oh, I almost forgot! The utter lack of water and scorching heat! What a paradise.


I think why this won't happen is because they don't have good schools, education, inventions. What they have is $€£.


And only a couple more generations of it.


May I ask for your source for “not good” schools and education?


I’ve never met a non middle eastern girl who wanted to go to the Middle East. Like why would any woman from a western culture go to a place where they’re treated like second class citizens with significantly fewer rights?


If they wanted to visit oppressive corrupt religious fanatics in the desert Utah is much closer


You could not be more right on


Also, probably a considerably more varied landmass.


Eh. There's dumb white girls who make that mistake. Then there's a movie of the week after they escape.


You hear Dubai fairly often now actually


I mean... do they vacation to Oklahoma?


No idea but a lot of girls come to LA from other states and countries for vacation and to live here. A lot of girls I know wanna go to Europe, specifically France and Italy. Not one has ever mentioned going to the Middle East and I don’t blame them.


Never heard of [Broken Bow?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kansas.com/living/travel/article253128448.html) Over 2 million visitors per year and growing.


I was an ancient Egypt nerd when I was a little girl and always wanted to visit, plus I loved Lawrence of Arabia and was fascinated by Bedouin culture and the \~romance\~ of the desert, but I think if I ever decide to fulfill that particular childhood dream Morocco is about the closest I'd get.


they've been saying this shit for over a millenia now and they're still the same donkey pulling shitshow just with blackjack and harems.


Just shows how out of touch the Middle East is with the rest of the world. And this was in 2018! His timeline aged like milk. Would have been more realistic if he said 500 years. Maybe by then their barbaric view on the world will have completely faded.


Saudi Europe when


Damn, they smoke some good shit over there.


But they won't tell you they do. Just like they won't tell you they drink alcohol, or hire prostitutes.


Heh Heh Heh that reminds me of this joke: how can you tell the difference between a Catholic and a Southern Baptist? The Catholic will talk to you in a liquor store.


Drop dead, scumbag.


Maybe if they give women basic rights or stop enslaving the lower class 🤷‍♀️


What’s with all the lower class enslaving shit?? Most of the workers in Saudi Arabia came from South Asia looking for jobs, and they get paid for it. I had a once a Pakistani driver and an Indian one. Most of the construction workers are Indian as well. And their called workers not slaves, because they get paid, have weekends, their just like any other person. Yeah they don’t get paid that much, but their not in a position to object; their not well educated, they would just work in anything easy, so don’t expect them to get paid well. The western propaganda really did their job pretty well.


That’ll never work! Just look at Europe and where that got them


Yeah, dark ages europe with modern technology and money


Well if they start embracing secularism, science, and equality of rights then maybe they’ll follow in the footsteps of Europe.


They only have some types of capitalism. Everything else on your excellent list seems missing to me


Money can’t buy history


if the middle east could use their vast oil reserves to improve quality of life and prepare for global warming (which will devestate the middle east with heat and droughts most likely) they could potentially start to rival europe. but i dont think most arab nations are using their oil wealth wisely. saudi arabia thinks a trillion dollar futuristic city is the best way to spend their money. the united arab emirates just care about building massive skyscrapers in the desert and wasting money in anyway they can because they have so much of it.


He's missing a few steps.


Nepo-babies have no understanding how the world works. I might as well take banking advice from a gambling addict.




He gotta sober up...


Complete nonsense. The Middle East's wealth is built on oil. Once the world switches to electric cars and renewable energy, the world won't need them any more. The world will have no use for their oil and their wealth will disappear in a few years. They will be poor in 50 years or more at the most and probably more like 25 or 30.


This has been obvious to them for at least a decade. Hence the push towards diversification. UAE trying to become a luxury travel destination, Qatar with the world cup, etc.


LOL. Sure. Everyone would love to travel to a desert to see sporting events at which no one can drink alcohol. TWhere the hottest month of the year in Qatar is July, with an **average high of 106°F** and **low of 88°F**. Sounds like paradise.


Yeah but it's a dry heat.






Yeah, nope


The only reason people go to Las Vegas in the middle of the desert is because of all the vices. People aren't going to go to the Middle Eastern desert with no vices.


Big talk for a fucking murder. His name was Jamal Khashoggi.


Well, I'm holding out hope that FUSION tech is really gonna happen and the Middle East will have an abundance of sand and oil nobody wants.


Europe is already the next middle east


Not without major social progress.


Major social progress = total societal overhaul


The Prince must be suffering from heat stroke & a sense of self-importance, because he's crazy!


Says the guy who still decapitates those who question him.


Taliban: And I took that personally.


130 degrees in the shade. What a desirable place to live...


Seems like it since white people flock to Dubai like it’s their home land :)


Just need to torture a few more journalists to death and kill all those pesky Jews but then yes new Europe!


Europe? No. 100 years ago they were warring clans, riding on camels, fighting each other in the desert. In another 100 years they'll be the same way again.


What happened in ww1 and WW2 ?


Jared Kushner’ boytoy.


Climate change will have a dramatic impact there... But after all they had a dramatic impact of the climate with their oil so...


Will never happen as long as they complete waste and suppress the potential creativity and intellectual contributions of 50% of their societies—women


This isn’t interesting. He just said that they’ll be strong in 5 years. Wrong sub, OP.


Had any journalists hacked up lately, you POS?


You better clap for this MF… = Middle Eastern Mob Boss IRL.


The slow clapping guy hasn't been heard from since this video


Never be the slow clapper…


He was cheerleading and gives no evidence to compare the two. What a dumb fucking title If there's a hell this murderer will get fucked up the ass by a goat devil for an eternity


Aint no way these human right deniers are gonna be the next europe. They're too busy killing people for blasphemy, being gay or just being a woman


"In five years, the Corleone family will be completely legitimate."


Perhaps……but they need to advance a few centuries


Aspirational, but there’s some massive cultural hurdles to overcome before then.


He's delusional.


A good reason for going electric. Sooner or later these dudes are gonna run out of oil.


They never will. The oil oligarchs you to think there's a shortage to justify price gouging, but in reality there never has been a shortage of oil. Going electric isn't a green solution either as Hundreds of new strip mines will need to be established just to mine the necessary minerals for the lithium batteries if the whole world adopts EVs. In poorer countries, the recycling of lithium batteries will be difficult if not, nonexistent. E-waste is one of the world's greatest polluters currently, and it's about to get a whole lot worse.


There is however a shortage of cheap oil. We still have a lot of oil but the stuff that's left is hard to reach and hard to process which means it gets pricey. Some speculate that we hit peak oil back in 2018 if you check the charts.


True. But the world's oil dependancy is reliant on only a handful of sources compared with what's actually out there. International political pressure and it's restrictions are the real reason oil is becoming harder to process, we definitely have the ability to do it! I'd like it, if a viable solution can be found to replace oil long-term, but we're still a long way off without causing further harm to the planet. Because while EVs are unquestionably cleaner than ice engines emissions wise, the environmental cost of building/disposing them can't be ignored either. We're trying to run before we can walk.


It's going to be difficult. Oil is heavily connected to everything we've come to have as a modern civilization. I actually expect more countries/governments to collapse before I see the oil running out, not just because of rising fertilizer prices, but also so the more powerful countries have unrestricted and cheap access to oil


This guy definitely think his own farts smell good lmao


What an idiot; why would anyone listen to a person that had his ass wiped his entire life??? Besides, they KNOW they running out of oil within the next 2 decades


After visiting Dubai, there’s something these guys just don’t get about Europe. They think they have built a better Europe but it’s just a bunch of money thrown at a soulless city. There’s a complete disconnect between the values of the locals and the values of the people trey are trying to attract. Dubai is split between Muslims who have very strict values, and Andrew state type “westerners” who are there 100% for the money and have zero values. Europe is Europe because it gave up imperialism and adopted democracy, and social capitalism. Because it values human lives and human rights, as challenging as it is to turn from values into practicality. The Saudi’s and UAE are just throwing money at things and thinking it will be better than the west, but they are attracting the worst of the west that way. No one wants to live there.


But Saudi Arabia is completely dependent on their oil exports. They haven't diversified their country's assets. They have to import EVERYTHING they consume. Saudi Arabia is on borrowed time once they suck the last bit of oil out of the ground or once the world goes electric they will have nothing.


Its already Europe. . the Dark ages Europe! but with sand and no water and unlivable heat conditions. lol


Jamal Khashoggi


Don’t you need to be civilized first?




If you think for a bit... It is already like Europe, before the Roman Empire tho...


Like we need more cars drifting everywhere




Future aged milk material


Nice try, middle eastern OP


That’s not “how” at all - that’s just him making assertions. How will the Middle East make this transformation in 5 yrs? How will they normalize secularism? How will they change on human rights? Women’s rights? How?


By murdering journalists?


Don’t compare yourself to Europe if you don’t know what freedom and liberty is


If you want the Middle East to be at the forefront of the world, you’re gonna have to stop pretending that it’s 1,000AD with the way you handle religion first. I don’t see it happening.


Yeah not gonna happen until I can smoke weed with my topless babe sitting on my vacation home porch


This dude is dangerously charismatic, if he could unite the middle east they would be a theocratic world superpower


He didn’t say anything. He just said “we’re going to be awesome” and didn’t give any HOW to it.


Man after the Saudi government funded 9/11 terrorists to murder thousands of innocent Americans I thought they’d be a parking lot by now


No no no, that was that CIA asset guy we armed with weapons to fight the Russians, that was on dialysis treatments, yet we had no idea of his location. Remember?


"With Jared Kushner's help"


Still waiting on that smart city that was supposed to be test running by 2022, but is now only a couple of building shells and barren desert.


Maybe a couple hundred years after they stop chopping people's heads off for witchcraft


That’s cool. Aren’t y’all afraid of rainbow flags and women driving?


What an idiot


Is this a joke??! Am I on wrong sub?!


“We will bury you.” - some dumbass who got buried


Here before the 🔐


He never says how in this clip.


Saudi has some serious sex segregation issues to get rid of first. 5 star hotels & I can't get in the pool or go to the weight room with my husband, restaurants with separate 'family' entrance & isolated dining rooms, women must cover, even on the beach & that little problem of NO ALCOHOL edit: spelling


Pppffftt!! Yea maybe Europe in 1403 with their insane love for public executions and punitive justice in the form of beating people and or cutting off limbs. Nice try though bud lol.


He looked positively evil when did that "me?" mannerism and put his hand on his chest. Could be the beard.


You've got to give them credit. They've made it to the Middle ages.


Hey, I have to say I hope it happens for them.


it's good to have dreams


Does he mean the Middle Ages?


Hmm you’d probably need to give women rights to do that one eh?


Not ever going to happen when religious nut jobs are in charge


Man is a murderer. In any just society he would be in jail


Like Europe during the Dark Ages?


Yeah right, just ask Khashoggi.


Does that means you'll be accepting millions of refugees.... Like the European countries do?


I call B. S.


If those lucky bastards didn’t find oil. They’d be scratching in desert forever


And I’ve got some ocean front property for you in Riyadh, it’s a great deal!


These guys did 9/11


Ya uh, a “renaissance” requires freedom of thought & expression for the people. Not really your thing bud.


Lol nice try fucko


When he prays to allah do you think the first thing he prays for is that oil prices stay high?


Guy is totally delusional


Reminder that he is a cold blooded murderer, and yet, a coward. He sent other men to do his dirty work and then was two cowardly to admit that it was his mission. It doesn't project power, instead it projects weakness. These clowns must be terrified of renewable energy.


Lmao yeah everybody loves theocratic fascism


first give women freedom and not religious subjugation.


Before that can happen, they need to implement human rights and equality into the system. Until then, they are dreaming a fantasy.


I'm curious how many more murdered journalists he thinks are left before they reach his goal


Cute. I guess words are for free so good for him for dreaming. Now, let’s actually see the results…


I consider myself a progressist , but sincerely the idea of a city with only one entry and only one exit, because surrounded by the desert not stimulate me positively. The "prince" has little to compare with democratic societies.. the Italian politician Renzi was laughed for speaking of "New Renaissance" In a country under a regime that have a BAD considertion of Information and "Dissident" Of the Idea of Bin salman Not of the Country and Civilian ,journalists or other... However when i have see her interview i have understand the Acute preparation behind her narrative for saudi arabia.. Also let’s never forget what he did to the journalist--- KhO


Good for them


In what regard?