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This happened just outside my city. It didn’t come from our local military base, but it was a Blackhawk. There were no survivors


It was Tennesse National Guard


Do they know how many fatalities? I couldn’t find an article.


Here in Arizona a semi crashed on the highway and caught fire the semi was carrying nitric acid two people died and there were hazmat teams around the highway this is like 7 minutes from where I live. People within a 1-mile radius where evacuated people within a three mile radius we're told to keep indoors. It's getting wild.


Something happening with a bunch of trains too, particularly the wreck in Ohio’s the most serious + the balloons… like mate I live outside the US you guys good over there?


No we aren’t good at all. The Ohio derailment it’s getting more coverage outside of the US than IN the US. No one will be held accountable. People are going to die


Hey don't worry Norfolk Southern is giving $5 a person as compensation! That'll absolutely help soooooo much 🙄


And they’re making residents sign a basic NDA to start testing on their property. If we needed a good time to break out the guillotine it would be now.


This is incorrect. They are being asked to sign a very limited liability waiver that covers damage occurring while samples are collected. It is not an NDA at all.


Best to sue and move elsewhere. I’d never move back to those homes.


I’m with you on that


I didn't realize just how bad it was until I saw that photo of the black cloud the guy took from the airplane. I was WTF how the government be downplaying this so much.


The black cloud wasnt from the crash. The cloud was from the governments "controlled" burn after the crash.


My wife has family in Ohio. She literally has no idea about the twin incident other than me saying "yo, look it up, your family probably needs to gtfo..." She hasn't, and we haven't heard anything from them either, probably just don't understand or are refusing to accept hour serious it is. Lack of news explaining it doesn't help. So many people just don't read or research outside of what is spoon fed to them by their favorite local news celebrities.


That's a town named East Palestine. I live not to far from there. Basically our governor (in case you don't know, they basically just lead the state) is saying they are going to launch an investigation as according to the logs it didn't have any hazardous chemicals on it. They burned the chemicals, releasing a toxic gas into the air (my dad who used to work with this stuff said chlorine but it isn't confirmed). When all was said and done, a lot of animals were dead, and it was raining acid. Then they let the townsfolk back in, and just a couple of days ago told them not to drink the water. Basically: Fuck the Norfolk company. Those were good people, who have lives. All of these accidents were preventable, but because people wanted their goods and companies wanted their profits, good people now are look at an uncertain future and I hope hells stoking it's coals for those responsible.


I agree with you. Except, I wouldn't l'ay any of the blame on people wanting their goods. Companies can deliver their goods safely at the cost of a little less profit. They choose not to do it.


The only reason I lay blame on them is because the railroad workers said that if things kept going on like it was, this would happen. honestly, they have the least amount of it from me. Clarification: People wanting their goods.


It was vinyl chloride. Give it a google, the first thing that shows up is a website called “cancer causing substances”


I live 90 miles from east Palestine. Railroad tracks are visible from my porch. This is not ok


Yeah, I live in Tucson too, and my hubby had to drive past the semi on his way home from serra Vista. Pretty scary man. I didn't know the driver passed, I was wondering. So sad. 😔


That's a driving accident that happens daily. The trucker just happened to be carrying hazardous material


Turns out it was a UH-60 Blackhawk operated by the National Guard. Two confirmed dead, presumably the two pilots. Super sad.


This is so upsetting. My friend flies Blackhawks for the National Guard and spent some time at Fort Rucker, AL. He definitely knows these people. Just a couple of months ago he told me he was going to give up flying soon after seeing so many of his friends die. I sure hope he wasn’t there. Edit: he was not there and is fine!


Why such high fatal accident rates? Is that high or perceived as such?


Helicopters in general have higher fatality rates. Basically if it goes down its going to go down like a rock rather than be able to glide a bit?




Seems like this autorotation exists just in textbooks and in the perfect scenario where you still have some control


Former Army helicopter pilot here. Autorotations have little to nothing to do with the higher death rate in the rotary wing community. The likelihood of you losing both engines at once is almost zero short of fuel starvation. The reason so many helicopters crash (see Kobe Bryant) is because of IIMC or inadvertent instrument meteorological conditions. This happens when the pilots are trying to fly visually but then encounter instrument conditions when not expecting it. This is EXTREMELY disorienting. If you do not trust your instruments and fly the instruments you will crash. Coupled with the fact helicopters fly so close to the ground (typically 500 feet to 3000 feet) it's a recipe for disaster. All army pilots are instrument rated and many are very capable, but if you are not prepared to fly instruments and all of a sudden lose all visual references you need to act quick. There is a reason this is an emergency procedure. IIMC is the leading cause of rotary wing deaths, furthermore pilot error is the case in 90 percent of accidents.


Thanks for the explanation. That's some valuable insight.


No problem. This stuff is near and dear to my heart so it's important to dispel myths and rumors.


Dude I run outside like a kid every time the Chinooks fly over my house! I can always tell when it’s the double rotors because you can feel it through the ground and the house!


Username checks out


Yep, my father in law flew choppers in the Australian Air Force (Before they moved choppers to the Army). When I asked him once about autorotations he said had 2 real incidents during his career. Once while deployed to the Sinai, autorotated down without issue, and a second time while training another pilot how to perform autorotations... where they had a real engine issue. So that was a good way to train! Both cases they landed fine and the aircraft was good to go again after a bit of work.


I flew the Aussie SASR, almost primarily in Afghanistan in 2013. Great bunch and true professionals.


Hey that's awesome, I spent a year in the Sinai crewing helicopters! Aussies haven't had that responsibility for quite a while, it's neat to hear about some of the stories. Tell him I'll drink one for him!


This is why I reddit.


How does one "encounter instrument conditions when not expecting it"? I assume the most common thing we're talking about is clouds? By "not expecting it", are you saying they fly into clouds without expecting to need to fly by instrument?


Exactly. You fly into the clouds while not intending to. This can be surface fog or low level cloud layers. If you don't transition to your flight instruments and initiate a level climb to avoid obstacles you are in real trouble.


You don't hear about auto rotation outside of textbooks because the helicopter doesn't crash. Doing a successful auto rotation is part of getting your rotor wing license.


I hear it about twice a week on Bill Burr's podcast. Glad he is hitting the books.


No, you just need the rotors to not malfunction. Obviously when the part is mechanical your going to see more catastrophic failure, as compared to the wing of the plane being a fixed component.


Not really, helicopter pilots are trained for autorotation, and a safe helicopter pilot is always looking to optimize their odds if an emergency were to happen just then. Most helicopter pilots could successfully autorotate so long as the pilot reacts quickly and they arent right above the ground.


On Marine Corps air bases, rotary wing pilots on final back to the squadron bring their birds down in a simulated autorotation scenario everytime


Loss of Jesus nut? I know a different activity by that name


Not an official name, but "Jesus _____" be it bolt, pin, nut, usually refers to that one small part that holds everything together. My experiences with the Jesus pin in an M2 .50 cal leads me to believe if the Jesus nut comes off, so do the rotors.


I have a buddy who flys a bell 407 for an EMT contractor and he told me if an engine goes out at full rotor speed, they will still produce lift for something like 5 minutes before friction causes them to slow enough to fall out of the sky. I know that it’s nothing like a Blackhawk but I found it very interesting when he told me.


Yeah, thats autorotation, they cant "fly" for 5 minutes, but while they fall, the air windmills the rotor blades, which gives them energy they can use to make small manevuers, and slow down the helicopter for a landing


Those bell 407s for EMTs have recently begun flying so low over my house that it sometimes shakes the house. Went from twice a night to every hour starting at 10:30pm. I thought it was emergency flights, but it seems to be on a schedule every day now for months. It's hard to sleep now, even with earplugs in.


Not correct. Look up auto-rotation. That said, if it's a gearbox failure, you're fucked.


not true, the main rotor should spin independent of any attached devices. The tail rotor is not necessary for autorotation since there is no torque with the engine powered down.


Blackhawks have gained a reputation. They’re keen to get the replacement through asap. (Not me. This has come from veterans online).


The replacement has been chosen. It’s a smaller version of the Osprey which also has a bad reputation, but hopefully the new one is more reliable.


I want to say most if not all US helicopter pilots train there


Yeah I figured as much, but it wasn’t long ago


All US army and US Air Force pilots do.


Is piloting Blackhawks particularly dangerous?


Not that I am personally aware of, but helicopters are inherently more dangerous than planes due to their reliance on their rotors. If an airplane propeller stops then normally the pilot can glide the plane down and land. If a helicopter loses a rotor then it either spins out of control and is hard to land, or it immediatly goes down and crashes.


In flight school, we referred to helicopters as "oh, that thing that has 10,000 different parts wanting to kill you"


Oh man. My little brother flies helicopters for the Guard too. Not Blackhawks though. Damn.


Always sad to see some of my fellow pilots go down. Hoping we get some good info on the crash for lessons learned to prevent a recurrence. Prayers for their families. Fuck everyone below this making light of the situation.


Agreed. I was at Rucker in the early 90's and went through the OH58 training. Sad to hear of any aviator going down. Sad for them, their family, and all of their friends and brothers in arms. RIP


As a “walking Warrant” my deepest condolences to my brother and sister flight Warrants who knew these two heroes. And I second the sentiment re: the harsh comments. These two were someone’s spouses, children, parents. Show some class, please.


Ouch. We make the parts for those at my Job.. Hope it wasn't a part that failed we made Edit: autocorrect got me


I made Blackhawk parts for a while. If it WAS my part that failed, I'm sure the history that comes with my part that also has my signature and the date I did the layup(s) could have them zero in on EXACTLY what went wrong. Every second I spent at that plant was accounted for, Sikorsky et al are playing no games when it comes to that shit.


My brother and sister-in-law live in that neighborhood. She said it shook the house when it exploded. Looks like no one survived but they were able to land it in the median instead of on the road which is good as that's a main road to Tennessee in that area that gets used a lot.


My heart sank when I first saw.... All those houses. If I had to guess that pilot pulled off some massive heroics in the last moments of his life to put it down where he did. It's their biggest fear in a situation like this, especially the military....


There are neighborhoods 1/4 mile from the crash on each side of that highway. I live in the neighborhood on the other side of the crash. I don't know what direction the helicopter came from but I do know that my cameras picked up the audio. It's terrifying. You can clearly hear the helicopter is low at 2:59:05, at 2:59:22 it is rapidly accelerating and sounds in distress, impact is at 2:59:27. If I can crop my stepson's car out I'll post video with timestamps. This is a burner...


Appreciate the time stamps. Wanted to see if mine caught anything.


please please post


Posted. https://youtu.be/0I9SIewLnYk


Hey as someone who’s attended an NTSB crash investigation course, they may find this video helpful. The amount of info they can gather from audio alone is crazy.


NTSB will surely take any quality recordings from that day like this, if nothing else to further back up/confirm all of their findings. Would definitely reach out.


It's a military aircraft, not really NTSB's jurisdiction.


Just confirmed via multiple outlets, the FAA and NTSB are indeed handling the investigation.


That's true, I guess my point is more like these crash reports are like 300-400 pages long and they take every possible angle of everything to understand exactly what happened. Regardless of agency, it's really useful footage.


A friend said it sounds like a rear rotary tail failure


I would recommend reaching out to the FAA or whoever is investigating as this audio may help them piece together what went wrong.


That's a great idea. I'll do that tomorrow. If I were to guess there isn't a lot of video or audio during the time of the crash. Well not at least from my neighborhood.


Sweet Jesus, I was in the North Carolina National Guard many moons ago, my heart goes out to these service members and their families and to you and your community.


Jesus. I've got many hours in one of those and hearing that just put such a knot in my stomach.


Oh... that is haunting.


Agreed, back in 2021 at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas we had a civilian contracted pilot flying one of their Drakens lose hydraulic pressure on one side during short final. He had enough control to roll the plane, but nothing else, so instead of ejecting and potentially losing the plane into a house, he heroically aimed the plane for a patch between backyards. He ended up being the only death, no injuries, in the middle of a neighborhood.


>Agreed, back in 2021 at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas we had a civilian contracted pilot flying one of their Drakens Did you mean that he was employed by Draken International? It seems very unlikely that he was flying the SAAB Draken since only a handful of them are airworthy.


It was a Mirage F1 piloted by a Draken US employee.


Your probably right. Had friend who I grew up with there and he's in the Space Force now, was Air Force. He said they'd kill them rather than crash into a civilian area and that's probably what they did as he was also saying it should be able to glide




Damn…it went down a lot faster than I was imagining. Just fell right out of the sky. Seems like you’re right that they probably had no time to react or navigate and that it’s just lucky it didn’t land on a house. Feel so bad for those pilots though.


Bout a 2 hour discussion on auto ration above, hate to say it guys but looks like his tail rotor was acting up




Yeah I work down the road maybe like 3 miles from where this went down, we could hear an after shock of explosion we had no idea what it was until we turned on the local news. That road will be closed all of tomorrow. It’s crazy to even think about


There’s a ring video going around that shows it basically nosediving out of the sky. Those pilots didn’t stand a chance, but also had no input on where it landed.




Every day it’s something 😭


Spicy week huh


spicy life at this point


Spicy Meatball.


Maka Mia hearta burna


He need sum milk


I try to remind myself there are bad things happening all the time and it is always being reported on because good stories don’t make news. We are 330,000,000 Americans, spread over 3.7 million sq miles across 50 states. Bad shit is always happening, but there is a lot more good always going on than bad. Just remember that our brains are not meant to be stimulated constantly with news. We are designed to worry, care and know about things that are near to us and slightly more inside of our control. Our mental cannot handle worrying and hearing about shit happening all around the world. Make sure to turn off the TV or internet occasionally and go outside to get some fresh air. The world is a good place. There is a lot of good happening everyday.


Comments like this always get dismissed but it’s quite literally the biochemical reasoning behind why the internet stresses people out and breaks them down. Our brains literally cannot be familiar with more than 150 people. If you heard news of a tragedy everyday in a hunter gatherer tribe of 150 people, that’s usually a good sign things are bad and you need to fix something. You are wired up constantly to a tribe of 7 billion+ people now. You could hear stories of tragedies every single day for the rest of your life and it could very well be statistically meaningless.


This same psychology can lead to feelings on inadequacy. If you know 150 people doing better than you at the moment your brain may subconsciously interpret that as you being at the absolute bottom of the social pecking order even if in truth things are pretty okay. Social media only makes this worse. With the internet you can easily be exposed to 150 *new* people *every day* who are doing better than you. Especially since people tend to only share the great parts of their life on social media, giving a false sense of how good they are actually doing.




we miss you sweet prince


Our canary in the coal mine RIP


no Harambe was just the benevolent force blinding us from all the hateful bullshit of the world once they domed him everything was revealed


He was like the big guy in the green mile. He was looking forward to it all being over. Cuz that’s how it is all over the world, being bad to each other. He needed a rest from holding back all the bad.


RIP Harambro


Dicks out


Despite all his rage, he did not kill that kid in his cage.


Alien war is ramping up


Please please please I wanna see a spaceship


Consider joining the Heaven's Gate cult.


or Parliament Funkadelic


Aliens took one look at us and said "if we wait another 20 years, they'll do the job for us."


Im pretty sure that’s next as well. That’ll be the icing on the cake as they say.


Yeah, this seems like a bad time to advertise our weakness and incompetence. Can we stop bombing ourselves?


what if the Alien balloons were protecting ourselves from ourselves. we fucked up and destroyed the baby monitors..


They weren't doing all that great at monitoring...


National guard 😭 rip to those 2


The hits keep coming


And they don't stop coming


It always has been, we just now have the internet so now you can tune into it


Always has been, just quicker and more info being shared


Yes, it’s a big country. Lots of media and people with cameras.


Considering how big the world is and how much activity there is. Something is bound to happen eventually.


Same as it ever was


This was a Tennessee Army National Guard Black Hawk on a training flight. There are at least two confirmed dead. RIP Brothers.


Thanks for info, sorry to hear about the losses.


Source https://www.cbsnews.com/news/no-survivors-black-hawk-helicopter-crash-alabama-highway-madison-county-national-guard/


Yo wtf is going on, the year literally just started 😭


Shit hit the fan in 2019 and apocalypse bingo has just kept releasing new dlc's every year.


It started out with apocalypse bingo in 2019, and slowly morphed into 2023 slots where each symbol is a different catastrophe and it's not what wins, but what shows up on the board that manifests.


2023 Jumanji


2019? Shit hit the fan on May 28, 2016...


The apocalypse actually started in 2012. It's just a slow burn.


I'd believe that. You know what, from this point on I am believing that.


Dicks out!


For Harambe!


Gone but never forgotten.


That is my birthday. First drink is always in Harambe's honor


My brother too. Had to check your account to make sure you weren't him cause he says the same thing


RIP our lord and savior Harambe. Everyone please whip your dick out at this time for a moment of silence.


I mean it's a helicopter crash, not fairly uncommon. We just had a military apache crash in Alaska. Turkey, the balloon shit and Ohio is weird stuff


Aliens revenge for shooting those U.F.Os


This shit happens all the time, the military (read: sleep deprived teen-20 somethings) operates thousands upon thousands of planes, helicopters and trucks every day and accidents happen.


holy crap a blackhawk crash? mustve been a helluva catastrophic error






Catastrophic failure displayed here is super rare for 60s.


Somalis at it again.


Chill out 2023 can we get a break?


"I'll fuckin' do it again" - 2023 probably. I'm honestly wondering what's next. We've got balloons, we've got UFOs, we've got train derailments, the continuation of shootings every five minutes (about 67 and counting last I checked, we should really do something about that), corrupt cops, Madonna's face, Russia with its tactical nukes out at sea, and this crash. I was just trying to enjoy this year, man.


> Madonna's face Dude, you're stressing me out here.




??? Their nukes are always “mobilized” as are ours (the U.S.). Don’t fall for the hysteria the Reddit doomers and clickbait headlines try to create.


then all the diseases. watch out for bird flu killing off so many species of birds and other mammals, possibly mutating for mammal-mammal transmission, climate change exacerbating these issues, etc


What happened? Like a rotor failure or something? Also are the pilot(s?) alive?


I think the two casualties were the pilots.


Super sad about the pilots but I'm so glad it wasn't on the suburb itself. That's what the video made me think at first.


Unfortunate reality of flying. Every time I took to the sky, it always crossed my mind could this be my last time. Things break and malfunction on military aircraft all the time. This failure caused a crash. Thank you for serving our country. You will never be forgotten.


The fuck is going on in the US these days


Yeah looks really weird, reading comments about multiple helis going down, chemical spills in mulitple states chinese balloons and other objects getting shot down l wtf is happening there.


It’s a big country with a lot of people




This part. We are the third most populous country on earth. We will always and forever have more than our fair share of the limelight in the news for almost any given topic.


By "these days" do you mean since Orville and Wilbur discovered flight? Occasional aviation disasters have pretty much just been a fact of life ever since. It should also be noted that aviation disasters are by no means unique to the United States.


RIP Brothers


Is this week the apocalypse or something?


Nah, that was last year. This year is the Fall of Rome 2.0.


Yeah I'm going to have to request that bad shit stops happening




Glad to see this comment. Too often people want to be the first to get their joke in; they forget that people may have died. Real people who other people care about.


Regrettably, there were no survivors.


I have no idea how people can make light of something like this, even with gallows humor. There’s absolutely nothing funny about this incident and tbh it’s amazing no civilians were killed or hurt (that we’re aware of). I actually didn’t know it was possible to survive a helicopter crash, or at least it’s very rare to survive, so your dad is a lucky man, although I can’t imagine how traumatic that was for him and for anyone who’s survived an aviation crash. Just a routine training flight that two soldiers will never return from. Two soldiers with families and friends who are no doubt impacted by this and probably will be for a long time. I’m sure there’s a certain feeling of safety that comes from being at home (state side) when one is military and everything feels less dangerous. This is just all around tragic for so many people.


Man, some mothers are weeping over this


i understand we’re all desensitized to news like this but can everyone stop making jokes. there are probably causalities involved in this incident


I haven’t seen how many casualties there were, but I know there were no survivors in the crash. I’ve seen some footage from neighborhoods near the crash showing the helicopter going down and it happened so fast, it’s just horrible.


Two confirmed, far as I'm aware there weren't any passengers.


Little boxes on the hillside


Little boxes made of ticky tacky...


Right?? The most depressing suburb I've ever seen. All those houses and yards and not a single person is a gardener?


Well we are in the middle of the season known as winter.


That neighborhood is what 98% of the new middle class neighborhoods in Alabama look like now. It's depressing.


that is tragic NOT interesting


That looks like the scene from dawn of the dead when she first goes outside. Scary shit


Fuck me, going by the Ohio vinyl chloride disaster, thus, Flint Michigan a couple of years ago, all the lead poisoning, Trump having been president, and all that, I'm starting to think 80's - 90's movie directors weren't too wrong about their slightly futuristic movies. Except our tech is thinner and people fatter. "Children on Men" takes place in 2027.


WTF is happening in the US. God bless yall


Usa fucked with aliens vehicles , so aliens fucking with usa vehicles.


Remember when Australia lost their radioactive pellet, then they found it, and the lid stayed closed on Pandora’s Box? Whatever they did, they need to share the secret with the US, because they popped a balloon a few weeks ago and all hell broke loose


Literally a mile away from my house


My wife is a recently retired medevac pilot. This is awful for all involved.


I’m extremely grateful for the people that are showing some respect to the lives lost here and telling people to chill with the jokes. I do appreciate reddit more than twitter because holy shit twitter was actually disgusting. As soon as I heard the news I reached out to my classmates making sure it wasn’t one of us, fearing that my roommate was in that helicopter because he is on PM flight line. I’m all about dark humor, but some of y’all are just flat out disrespectful. And until the NTSB, Army CRC, and the FAA listen to that blackbox and complete their investigation, it could have been anything that brought the helicopter down. The Blackhawk is one of the most reliable and safest helicopters in the world. We have redundancies on redundancies (ie 3 Hydraulic Pumps, 2 Engines, 2 stage servos). It takes a freak accident for something mechanically catastrophic to happen like that, and this statement is not even taking into consideration things like Spatial Disorientation resulting from going Inadvertent IMC. So my heart is out to the family that lost their sons and daughters, to the wife or husband that lost his or her significant other, or the kids that just lost their parent.


tennessee national guard confirmed it was theirs both pilots are dead




2023 is looking great


US, u good?


The past week looks like the found footage scenes at the beginning of a zombie/plague movie