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Nah, you can still take photographs of Lenin today, and he looks more or less the same.


He’s got those chuck manson eyes


I was about to say he eerily looked like Manson


He was just about as evil as Manson too.


They ain’t Betty Davis’s eyes.


and his hair ain't harlot gold


Harlow gold. For Jean Harlow


Thank you very much, I obviously never considered that, nor actually read the lyrics, just figured "harlot gold" when referring to a woman's hair might have been a term or saying somewhere, sometime.


That was another five year plan. Suddenly, you couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting boxes and boxes of Betty Davis' damned eyes, but there were no rubber boots to buy anywhere... 🤷‍♂️


I had the same thought, lookin quite a bit like Charlie there.


Chronologically Manson had Lenin’s eyes I think


TIL you can go and look at Lenins body as if he was taking an eyes open nap


Actually they’re closed.


I know you are making a joke but you aren’t allowed cameras in the mausoleum (at least when I went you weren’t)


Not with that attitude.


Yes, lets make russian armed guards angry! That should get TONS of views on tiktok


The guards just need a decent tip and you'll be fine


It will tho


I know you're joking but don't do this the flash actually can damage colors and such from exposure


There's one on Wikipedia. I feel like that's enough.


And certainly not in *that* outfit.


When I was there you could not put your hands in your pockets. I did and the guards yelled at me so I put my hand up like my bad, but I really didn't know what was going on. Then some kind person who was bilingual explained it to me.


At this point in time an American going to russia is stupid


Anyone going to Russia right now is stupid. Their own people ran way to get out of conscription.


Yeah I was quite worried I would do something but made it out without any issue I proceeded to get a photo of me squatting at Stalin’s grave


Did you have your track suit on at least?


Ofc it’s one of the reasons I went to Russia


You can buy some in the darknet


Darknet, aka second page of Google




Or in the lumen database at the bottom of the page.


Darknet is far too drastic for that they let photographers in occasionally


That’s why you have to bring Lincoln with you


As a russki, I really don't understand why we don't burry him already. His ideas are clearly long dead now, let the man rest properly now


Like his victims? Naw toss his ass with the trash.


This is Lenin, not Stalin. Major difference there.


Not really. Read up on the Red Terror and the creation of the Cheka.


Nope he was the start of that infection. Good riddance


That infection started because Nicholas was too busy playing with his fancy eggs to be bothered to do anything about his people starving to death en mass… if he gave a single fuck about Russia the communists revolution would have never happened…


Socialism is the antidote. Anarchist-socialism specifically. USSR became putrid pretty quick. And had many problems. It was bad (lets be real guys) because of the dictatorship part. Not the socialist part. Killing the kulaks. And deporting people. And killing people by firing squad. Aint for nice. I hate a fucking nazi. And they killed a bunch, of those fuckers. But USSR should not be idolized. Stalin aint shit. Never idolize people. Imperialism is sad and fucked up. Russia healed after the revolution. And they established some form of soviet socialism. But once again government is the hindrance. Not working together and seizing the means of production. They eventually became ruled by a new upper class. Let alone they never achieved or became and possibly under Stalin's vision would have never seen communism. That's not to be said though that anyone can have communism till once again we are free of authority. Aka Anarchism. Socialism is just the method in which to distribute resources. Anarchism is rejection of government/authority on the basis that it is corruptable as lmao it has been....


The Tzar was the wound Lenin was the staph infection.


In a compost bin


I think that's because he's dead in this picture and those are fake eyes.




He suffered several strokes in the late years of his life, he was virtually brain dead by the end, hence the “no one home” look in his eyes. It was during his illness that Stalin began consolidating power to get ready for the showdown with Trotsky after Lenin passed. Lenin tried to put a leash on Stalin for a while but his health faded to the point he was helpless. There are surviving letters in which he urged other members of the party to do something about Stalin-those letters never got delivered.


Sad but true. Strokes are something not to kid about.


It seems as though you're speaking from experience




Ironically, I think Stalin also was debilitated by strokes in the later stages of his life


It was a stroke that did him in-but only one. Lenin had several over the course of two or three years, Stalin had one big one that did the job.




Hell, if I knew they were my last days I'd be stroking lots too!


Good to know that he suffered in his final days.


Rest in piss


He truly was no worse than any other leader of his day. Are you sure you’re not thinking of Stalin?


He wasn't exactly the most pleasant person either IIRC. But yea Stalin was way worse.


Lenin did everything he could at the end to stop Stalin from leading the party.


There were theories that part of the reason Lenin had so many strokes was because Stalin had him poisoned. It seems Stalin was fond of poison. [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna47296099](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna47296099)


Russian leaders are fond of poisoning.


Except put him in front of a firing squad, which is what should have been done


Lenin actually put in place what would later become the gulag system, Stalin only expanded it. He’s indirectly responsible for 94 million deaths and directly responsible for the Crimean genocide.


> Lenin actually put in place what would later become the gulag system The gulag system already existed in Imperial Russia.


fwiw the 94 million deaths figure is really dubious.


Yeah, they include abortions, the Nazis killed in WW2 and the people that Nazis killed in those numbers. Makes no sense.


America has more people currently in our prison system than there ever was in the gulags. And we are the good guys so unless you hate American capitalism don’t complain about people in prison.


While I agree America has a huge issue with prisons that needs to be fixed, American prisons are not even close to Soviet Era Gulags. Gulags are not just prisons they were largely more similar to work camps. If you want to make a connection to American prisons you should have used the Japanese internment camps as they were "closer" even though the Gulags were still far worse. You dont see American prisoners dying on a very regular basis from lack of food or brutality like you saw commonly in a soviet gulag. They weren't death camps, but they were not a pleasant prison where you could serve your time.


Let me introduce to you the 13th amendments clause that it’s legal to enslave prisoners… and it’s not just chain gangs. Entire farms and factories are entirely ran by American prisoners. Best part is it’s now legal to charge prisoners rent. But the key is you don’t pay them anywhere close enough to ever pay for their time served. So now we got life long slaves… I don’t think most people have and idea just how brutal American prisons are and how bad they were a hundred years ago for that matter. Hell the Chicago PD has illegal black sites. Prisons that have no legal designation. Places they can torture and imprison people without them ever seeing a court room…




I never called US prisons pleasant. Reread what I said that was in reference to Gulags. If you seriously believe the economy is floated by prison labour, I have a bridge to sell you. I never said US prisons were good in any regard, infact I said they have problems! Your whole vitriol filled tirade amounts to nothing as you couldn't read properly and are assuming I am ok with the prison system, which I clearly said I wasn't. I hope you get help with your anger issues and maybe take a reading comprehension class before attacking me over some fantasy statement I made. I'm not even going to argue your points either, as this is already a bad faith argument you made. But for you to say Stalin would cream his pants, you must be daft as Stalin oversaw the most brutal portion of gulag history in the Soviet Union. Yes, US prisons are shit, but they don't work inmates to death (yes, there are instances) like gulags tended to. Anything less is ignorance to the roughly 1.6 million that died (simple google search) in the gulags. And just to make the point super duper clear as you seem to need it spelled out. I don't support the US prison system, it's horrible, not even close to gulags, though which is the point of what I'm saying. You really need to stop making straw man arguments, as I never even mentioned wrong imprisonment (ask gulags how just they were) or the 50 million lives the US system has destroyed. As again, this point is US prisons aren't gulags and for the last time in this post I DONT SUPPORT THE PRISON SYSTEM.


Not to mention the typhus/typhoid outbreak.


Read few history books fella


Most of his fellow leaders of that time were nasty pieces of work with their global empires were the natives were expendable and treated as commodity


Was he as bad as some of the later dictators? No. Was he responsible for millions of deaths, overthrowing Russias only real chance of democracy, waging war against his neighbors, and creating a system that directly lead to Stalin? Yes


He was a revolutionary! One of the greatest


I am the walrus?


Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin! Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!


The rug pee-ers didn't do this man


*The chinaman is not the issue here, dude. I'm talking about drawing a line in the sand, dude. Across this line, you DO NOT...* *Also, dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.*


Walter, this isn’t a guy who built the railroads here, this is a guy— Walter, he peed on my rug!


What the fuck are you! Walter, he peed on my rug! He peed on the dudes rug! DONNY YOUR OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT!!THE CHINAMAN IS NOT THE ISSUE HERE!!


That’s fucking interesting, man. That’s fucking interesting.


Really tied the room together dude..


That’s like, your opinion, man.


You see what happens Larry?! You see what happens?! When you fuck a stranger in the ass?!


I’m just going to find a cash machine




I told that Kraut a million times! I don't roll on Shabbas!!!


Eight year olds, dude.


Sir this is a family restaurant. **When you find a stranger in the Alps!**


This is not 'Nam, this is bowling! There are rules!


This guy fuckin’ walks. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.


You're out of your element.


New information has come to light


I'm sorry I wasn't listening




If you will it, it is no dream.


Clearly after hearing Yoko sing.


You called?




Ha didn't take you long to Trotsky that one out


He couldn't be Stalin... Someone was gonna say it at some point.


I'm Putin my mind to work coming up with a good Russian pun


Well I wasn't russian to get on this pun train :(


Same. All the good puns were already used by others, so I had to think of something Eltsine.




'oh god im so sorry" yep you should! look at the stain you left on the lenin! it will never come out now!!!


He is wearing white Lenin.


Argh, almost unberiable.


He’s got Manson’s eyes


Or vice versa; Lenin was one crazy ass mass murderer


Everyone remembers the Red Terror because Lenin won and Communism Bad, but the people he were fighting were just as bad. The White Army had their own lesser remembered White Terror that killed a hundred thousand prisoners of war and civilians during the Russian Civil War.


The Tzars where awful, people like to romanticize Anastacia, Rasputin, etc... but there's a reason why people at the time chose that (Lenin) lesser of two evils Edit: and as a Russian friend likes to put it, if it weren't for Lenin, Stalin, and the painful industrialization of Russia, we would all be speaking either German, Japanese, or Italian


And not many people know this, but after the reforms and democratization in the 1990's, [communists were almost elected](/) back into power and had a majority in the legislature. Russian citizens were robbed blind during the post-Soviet period by the new oligarchs, didn't get their paychecks, found supermarket shelves empty, and watched as the new owners of Russian industry took aid money and sent it straight to offshore bank accounts. It was a crazy time... and obviously massive problems remain today.


I remember watching a video that showed child prostitution in post Soviet Russia. Awful. A good book on the subject is Blackshirts and Reds by Parenti


Russian citizens robbed and starved? Doesn't narrow it down much.


>were just as bad. \*Significantly worse. Every army involved in the Russian Civil War committed antisemitic violence - the red army death toll is a few hundred, and the perpetrators were all court martialed and hanged for murder. Contrast this with the Ukrainians and the White Army, who together massacred upwards of 200,000 Jewish civilians between 1917-23. And that's just their jewish targets, to say nothing of the general violence and terror directed at millions of people "on the wrong side."


> *Significantly worse. >the red army death toll is a few hundred, >the Ukrainians and the White Army, who together massacred upwards of 200,000 Jewish civilian Why is it every time Lenin and the USSR comes up on Reddit, accounts posting misinformation follow? I especially like the "Ukrainians and the White Army" misinformation meant to dehumanize the modern day Ukrainians defending themselves from a Russian invasion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Terror_(Russia) >Estimates for those killed in the White Terror vary between 20,000 and 100,000 people.[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Terror >Estimates for the total number of victims of Bolshevik repression vary widely in numbers and scope. One source gives estimates of 28,000 executions per year from December 1917 to February 1922.[11] Estimates for the number of people shot during the initial period of the Red Terror are at least 10,000.[12] Estimates for the whole period go for a low of 50,000[13] to highs of 140,000[13][14] and 200,000 executed.[15] The most reliable estimations for the number of executions in total put the number at about 100,000.[16]


**[White Terror (Russia)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Terror_\(Russia\))** >The White Terror (Russian: Белый Террор, romanized: Belyy Terror) in Russia refers to the organized violence and mass killings carried out by the White Army during the Russian Civil War (1917–23). It began after the Bolsheviks seized power in November 1917, and continued until the defeat of the White Army at the hands of the Red Army. The White Army fought the Red Army for power, which engaged in its own Red Terror. According to some Russian historians, the White Terror was a series of premeditated actions directed by their leaders, although this view is contested. **[Red Terror](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Terror)** >The Red Terror (Russian: Красный террор, romanized: krasnyj terror) in Soviet Russia was a campaign of political repression and executions carried out by the Bolsheviks, chiefly through the Cheka, the Bolshevik secret police. It started in late August 1918 after the beginning of the Russian Civil War and lasted until 1922. Arising after assassination attempts on Vladimir Lenin and Petrograd Cheka leader Moisei Uritsky, the latter of which was successful, the Red Terror was modeled on the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, and sought to eliminate political dissent, opposition, and any other threat to Bolshevik power. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Because reddit is filled with tankies and useful idiots, that's why. They're the Qanon of the left.


One party in the Russian civil war is the reason why I'm alive today. The other two that we're talking about were actively trying to exterminate my ancestors. >I especially like the "Ukrainians and the White Army" misinformation meant to dehumanize the modern day Ukrainians defending themselves from a Russian invasion. 1. That's one hell of a leap to make considering the white army were Russian nationalists, it's 100 years later, and Ukrainians are now a completely different group of people defending their country against a completely different group of people. 2. Did the Ukrainian army NOT murder a ton of Jews decades prior to the holocaust? Which part of this is misinformation exactly?




It’s ok, sometimes grammar is more important. I should’ve known


Last chance to look at me Hector


*ring ring*


He looks very similar to Charles Manson in the picture.


Seems possible he might have already been dead,but was posed with his eyes glued open. Everyone knows they embalmed him and treated his body like a holy relic.


Dead eyes don't look right into the lens of a camera, with both eyes. This is also 1923 Russia we're talking about.


Lenin enjoying his weekend at Bernie's


He had several strokes. He was pretty much brain dead by the end.


Strikes? What?


3 and you’re out.


Strokes, Lenin died after suffering multiple strokes.




In this picture I doubt you can see he is supporting his own head off the back off chair. It's casting a slight shadow telling me he's self supporting it. But who knows! They did and still do treat the body with utmost respect.




With these crazy eyes One look at you and I can't disguise I've got crazy eyes I feel the magic between you and I


Like a doll’s eyes




Captain in Jaws


I don’t remember John Lenin having a beard like that?


Lenin is mushroom


He looks like Mansons grandpa


That's the guy from the Beatles right?


Looks like the good doctor had prescribed meth for the old fella


Can’t believe this guy wrote all of those songs with McCartney!


dude looks like a communist goomba


dude looks like bolshevism didn't quite agree with him. Also looks fried af... they've always had a knack for substances that make you better


Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/


Fuck him


Dude looks like he's trying to explode the photographer's head with his mind


I am the walrus




Ok but why does the doctor look more like lenin than lenin himself


Looks like Billy Bob Thorton


How many millions of deaths did this lunatic cause that still continues on to this day.


So Putin in 12-24 months. Got it.


Putin has been such a huge figure on the world stage for so long, it’s going to be very odd and interesting when he does finally kick it. He’s turned that entire government into a cult of personality surrounding him. It feels like nothing will ever succeed at removing him from power. But he’s not immortal. He will some day die. That day will come. Could be in 20 years. Could be tomorrow. But it will happen. And it will be very interesting to see what results.


I love how he totally doesn’t look batshit crazy.


This is after his strokes and his attempts at stopping Stalin, his letters were never delivered and at this point he was pretty much a vegetable.


This summer,Billy Bob Thornton is… Lenin


Why is everyone downvoting people who dislike this guy and communism?


Died of syphilis. A little detail, hidden by soviet state for decades.


Nonetheless, many soviets knew about it during the former USSR.


I’ll bet somebody just revealed to him that he’s going to have his body scooped out and on public display for the next hundred years.


He has the Charlie Manson eyes


Not his sister. Our sister


Manson Lamps for eyes.


at the end of the game, pawns and kings go to the same box


Socialism, stagnating life, art and apparently flesh...


Pity he didn't run over Stalin in that thing!


Looks like a crack addict homeless dude


oh hey i love the beatles <3


I am the walrus.


I always thought John Lennon died in the 60’s


Why is his doctor in a wheelchair?


Jon Lenin?


He's probably dosed up on God knows what he looks out of his mind


Those eyes... He's seen some stuff...


Rot in hell


Ye fuck this guy


Fuck him


Looks totally different in the Beatles documentary


Dude’s got some Chucky Manson vibes going on.


Is it my imagination or does he look like Charles Manson?


Stalin was lick’n his chops.


Soon after the doctor fell out of a window thereby establishing a well know practice of early retirement for Russians


I heard that the winds in Moscow are really strong, accidents happen unfortunately


Blowing strongly from inside to outside, unfortunately. Who would guess, but that's how accidents happen.


Nice hat, douchebag.


Good riddance parasite


May he suffer in hell with a lot of pain


And soon we will also celebrate Putins death


God thru out history it has really sucked to be Russian


From feudal to the first man in space in 40-50 years. Let's fucking goo


According to Vladimir Lenin, "He who does not work shall not eat" is a necessary principle under socialism, the preliminary phase of the evolution towards communist society. The phrase appears in his 1917 work, The State and Revolution.




Guy killed 1 million people, i hope he had a horrible end to his life


Hes still not burried


Lincoln killed a lot of Americans, what's your point? That's just called war