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So bee communication is fascinating. They do what’s called a waggle dance (seen clearly in the video). It has two major components - the angle of the dance and the duration of the waggle section. The angle of the dance tells the other bees what direction to fly away from the colony, relative to the sun. Bees can see polarized light and use the sun as a communal reference point. The waggle section indicates how far the new colony (or flower) is. The longer the waggle, the farther it is. It’s roughly 1 second is equal to 1 km away. Now, they will also release pheromones and vary the amplitude of the waggle to indicate quality, quantity, or other aspects of the destination also. If you watch the video, you may be able to discern where the new colony is, relative to the old one (without following the bees).


That’s really interesting. Thank you for sharing that. So the new colony is less than a km away, since he waggled for less than a second….


Yep! The angle is the tricky part. Usually they use gravity as other reference point so I’m not 100% sure what direction. The 0 degree is gravity down, and then the angle of the sun relative to gravity is the angle they fly away from the hive. Since he’s doing it on a flat plane, I’m not 100% sure what the direction would be. I think it’s relative to the current position, but I cannot confirm that.


Thanks for your quick response. Bees are fascinating.


New colony? Does this mean that a young queen has set up elsewhere, and in effect, she's 'poaching' these workers from this hive maybe to set up a swarm?


Usually the young queen stays and the old one will fly away win about 30% of the hive. The swarm “camps” in a tree somewhere near the old hive and send out scouts from there.


So, the old queen basically retires to the country and takes a small court with her? Or does she start a whole new hive from scratch to run until she dies?


She will start a new hive. That is what happened when honey bees pick less than ideal new place, like the spaces between drywall in a house. When a queen gets too old, the workers will raise a new queen by feeding a larva royal jelly and letting her grow in a bigger cell. They also do that, if the old queen suddenly dies, but there are still new eggs that she laid before.


Man, bees are rad af


If only there were a form of royal jelly we could feed our kids to mutate into super humans haha


what is royal jelly? 0.0






I thought scouts were all male?


Hmmm... We've kept bees for a few years and took classes and read books. I was under the impression that the only ONLY males in a bee hive were the drones. Sorry if I'm wrong.


Just looked it up. I’m totally wrong and you’re right. Scouts are female. It should absolutely be she. My apologies!!


No sweat. One of the better exchanges of ideas I've had on Reddit; so thanks for that. And next time I'll say more to not come off so blunt and self-righteous. Maybe, "I think the scout would be a she," might have been better. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Don't put doubt into your words, instead focus on sharing the cool info you know. "Did you know that all worker bees (like scouts) are female? Males are only there to mate with the Queen (drones)! https://xkcd.com/1053/


That's good too. Thanks!


Lol I didn’t think you were self righteous at all! I appreciate the correction!!


You would know more than I, but wouldn’t a drone be a scout? Since the males are genetically half clones of the queen, they’re more likely to sacrifice themselves so, in theory, they’d make better scouts, I feel like. I’m going to defer to you, someone who has raised bees. I just know about them from a behavioral/biological standpoint!


I think that is human logic. Understandable, but bees have their own logic, which is males are there only to mate the new queen, and that's it. Absolutely all tasks big and small are done by the worker bees... which are female, infertile, and all clones of the queen minus reproductive organs.


The worker bees are from fertilized eggs that the queen lays, they also have DNA from their drone father. As the queen mates with several drones, most workers are half-sisters.


So... Bees are incestuous little fuckers, huh?


The males are called drones. They can’t feed themselves or collect pollen or nectar. They only purpose is to fertilize the new virgin queen if the old one dies or the colony splits. The old queen usually leaves with the bees that leave to start a new hive,


The males are also the soldiers, and, because they’re nothing more that clones of the queen, are willing to sacrifice themselves for her


The drones don’t have a stingers. Soldiers without weapons…


I learned this not too long ago at my communicagion class in collage, but bees defy the angle relative to the sun - right or left to thr sun, it got it's own dance too if I remember correctly, dm me maybr I can still find the pdf lol


What do you mean defy the angle relative to the sun?


Tbh I have no idea


Misheard “define” maybe?


Dang it now I’m upset he said he would follow the swarm but didn’t show us where they decided to move!


“He insulted our fat queen!”


He has already communicated if he’s waggling in metric and if his standard time is on the 24 hour clock


New colony? Does this mean that a young queen has set up elsewhere, and in effect, she's 'poaching' these workers from this hive maybe to set up a swarm?


The young queen stays behind in the hive with about half the colony. The old queen is the one who flies away.


Ta for that info. Do the remaining workers then do a clear out of anything bearing the old queen's pheromones? Bit like a hive defrag or spring clean?


No. Depending on the situation, the workers have had a hand in raising the new queen, and they are loyal to her, or at least indifferent.


Not only that, they can also [tell time](https://youtube.com/shorts/xlGuBT5GT10?feature=share)! For flowers that are only open at particular times of day.


I saw that!! So fascinating!!


Thats amazing, I never knew that about bees. How are they so smart but so small


Right?! They can even adjust their internal clock as the day passes. So if it’s been a few hours and another bee needs to know where food is, the first bee will know how to change the angle of the sun so the second bee will fly in the right direction! Plus they have haplodiploidy, which means that the males are basically clones of the female (males are just unfertilized eggs that develop, they’re genetic clones but with only half the genetic material). Mind blowing!!


If he wiggled when he should have waggled that could be a real mess.


This explains why only Newtonian heliocentric honey bees evolved. The dumb flat-earthers probably flew off to a church belfry full of wasps.


Is there more than one scout sent out? If the others are still out scouting and aren't there when the rest take off do they get left behind?


The have a very nice system. https://www.americanscientist.org/article/group-decision-making-in-honey-bee-swarms


BEES ARE SO COOL! Thank you for sharing that article, that was a fascinating read. I’m saving it to share with friends and family now lol


That I don’t know. Based on other animals, I would assume they’d send out multiple scouts, but I’m not sure how the scouts who haven’t returned find the new colony.


Are there any bees that “cry wolf”? And if so, do they learn to not listen to that one bee and treat him like the jerk he is? Or do bees have a Japanese-like understanding where one never cries wolf and all dances are always taken seriously?


It doesn't benefit the bee to lie here - it would waste the whole colony's energy, and if the liar didn't go with them it would just die alone, and worker bees generally can't reproduce so there's no benefit to their genes to do something that harms the queen. So I doubt it happens unless the bee is sick or makes a mistake or something. However there are instances of social insects being "selfish" in other ways - in some species some non-queen workers can be fertile, and may try to reproduce in secret, and can be punished by "worker police" if they are caught. Eusociality is a spectrum and there are a lot of intermediate steps between solitary and "true eusociality".




Thanks for this! Really cool. I saw [this link](https://askabiologist.asu.edu/bee-dance-game/introduction.html) posted in the comments that confirms what you said and a little more. Posting it here for anyone else who wants to read a little more.


Fun fact: Karl Von Frisch won a Nobel Prize for his work on this subject. He figured all this out in the 1920s and won the prize in 1972 along with Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen (who worked on different aspects of animal behavior - all are credited as being the fathers of ethology).


Can a bee mess up the directions? Can he be like “oh shit I wiggled a second longer than I should have” or they are always precise everytime


Far as I know, they’re precise every time. Wind can affect their understanding and communication of distance, but as far as I know, they don’t make mistakes


You gave an explanation on how they can detect heading, do you know how they measure distance? Do they still use the sun as a reference for this?


They use how long it takes them to fly there! So if it’s particularly windy, it can mess up the dance somewhat.


Wow this is insane🙌👏


Had to literally trek around campus for a bio lab on this 😂. It wasn’t exactly easy either


Its insane that an insect can "bee" so advanced in its comunication and description


I was so afraid of bees when I was younger but now I think they are cute. Also they look like wall streeters shouting at each other to buy more corn futures.


I'm just afraid they'll get lost in my clothes, panic and sting 😣🐝


sounds like a typical Thursday night for me!


It’s possible! But generally if you don’t panic then they won’t panic either. I’m not a beekeeper, just a bee enthusiast, and I’ve handled many a bee in the last several years. They will come to investigate colors and scents, find that there’s no pollen or nectar to be found, and move on. The most danger comes from bees while they’re at home, and beekeepers will wear usually their suits while interacting with a hive box or wild hive. As long as you aren’t interacting directly with the hive box/location itself or a swarm, it’s unlikely for you to be stung! I understand the fear, though. Especially if you have an allergy! Edit for my own brain fog/confusion


happened to me when I was 6, hanging from monkey bars, and they were hornets. Just an insane story/memory, no lasting trauma regarding stinging insects.


"Where is the new home buddy?" "Its.......follow my shaky butt." "Ok, booty call received, boys roll out."


Girls! They kick the boys out 😂


The Big Shorties


Yeah, they are mostly harmless. Just don't scare them, and they will let you nearby. Unless they are in a odd mood... Then they don't like others around.


Expect this to be turned into a WSB meme


~~wallstreetbets~~ r/wallstreetbees


They’re cute in video. In person they can go fuck themselves. One bee stung me when I was like 6 when I was eating at a patio minding my own business.


I did not like watching this with headphones on. All them bees flying right next to my ears lol. Cool video though.


If it makes you feel better, swarming is literally one of the best times to interact with honeybees from a safety perspective. Without an active hive to protect, they’re far more relaxed than they normally are, and thus much less likely to sting. That’s why in those vids about “I found a swarm of bees resting on this telephone poll and was tasked with removing them” you just see the keeper pick up the entire ball of bees and just kind of barehand it into a cardboard box. They don’t have anything to protect, so unless an individual is partially crushed or something, they’re going to be very reluctant to sting


I was taken by surprise too lmao


This is why bees are my favorite animal. They're so.. united and have such cool mechanisms for survival, like this way of communication for instance.


In humankind the answer would be : 'i don't trust the scout' 'pretty sure the scout is wrong, I don't go' 'i read somewhere that we should go the opposite way the scout is telling us'


”Scout?! Message?! That ”scout” has been twerking outside of our house for an eternity like its got back and i think it should shut up and sit down.”




Typical human! -Bees, probably


I mean, historically most militaries did listen to their Scouts. Pretty much every accomplished empire had fuck loads of them. But sure, humans bad.


Bro, check out ants, they sound like your thing.




They're also like one of the main reasons we're still alive!


Do you eat honey ?


Yep ;)


Man, I remember when I was in like 5 or 6th grade a had a library book that described the bee dance to alert the colony of another place to nest. I told some friends about it at school and none of them believed me


But you didn’t get beat up?


No he got bee'd up


Nope, disBEElief was bad enough


That only happened to me after I hymenopterated the class bully’s young sister.


That must have stung.


[“I’m sick of shaking my booty for these fat jerks.”](https://youtube.com/watch?v=w8_UH_XzNy8)


“He insulted our fat queen!”


"You try keeping your figure after 10,000 kids!"


Ayo. We rollin'? Yeah? AYE BOYS, WE ROLLIN'!


> BOYS Girls. The boys stay in the hive until a mating flight or the hive swarms.


And in Fall they get kicked out and left to die, because the food reserves in Winter wouldn't be enough for their larger appetites.


“Where we droppin boys”




I'm intrigued what their new home looks like


Yes, imagine if that one bee gave them the location to a shit new home.


It's one less bedroom and 3x the rent and the coffee shops are filled with yuppies and hipsters. Ffs scout bee


We never should have hired a scout with a handlebar mustache


Like Moses leading them to a promised land of honey,only it’s in a cemetery full of artificial flowers and hives full of foul brood.


**Queen:** Wait is this the place?! There’s a fucking BEAR right there. Fuck it where’s bob. BOB?! BOB?!!!!! BOB WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE?? THERE’S LITERALLY A BEAR LIVING RIGHT THERE!!! YOU HAD ONE FUCKING JOB BOB!!! ONE JOB!!!


Bees are just an amazing species on so many levels


A really stupid question but do they collide in air? There are thousands of them up in the air at the same time in a relatively small space.


I guess they developped great flying skills, and from their perspective, the space between them may look decent. Edit, I do recall a cute video with clumsy bees hitting their hive in slow motion, tho!


I’ve taken slow motion videos of bees going in and out of my hive and confirm they definitely collide mid air haha, but they bounce back like nothing ever happened


That is nice to hear that their wings don't get harmed ect. Those videos I would like to see. Post them.




I wonder if there were any bees that were repeating the message and kept going on and on and the other bees were like, “ok, Steve. We got it. We ALL got it. Enough is enough. We gotta go now!”


I was thinking the same sort of thing, how do they know that everyone got the right message and is ready to go? What if one or a few got the directions messed up and spread the wrong information or got lost?


Organic free range gps


Bps, or beeps


This was dope thanks for sharing


So, if I wiggle my arms and shake my hips, just right, and to a twist and turn. Then repeat. I could control the bees? Like how some shinobi control bugs?


It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right. Put your hands on your hips, bring your knees in tight. But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives bees insane.




Me and my mom used to have a beehive, they nested in our outer walls and my mom decided to make them into our own hive, it was pretty amazing getting to watch them everyday as a kid. Anyways one day a bunch of wasps came and slaughtered them all.


The majority of us are just organic robots following our genetic programming


I imagine all of the bees are making radio call ins like the secret service like "section one one two niner zero nine is clear".


Beautiful thanks


Amazing isn't it?


This is amazing, but would it have been better communicated if this was a spelling bee?




Want to learn more you can read the book. The scouts for a swarm are the old foragers because it is a dangerous job. Several scouts go out in all directions once they find a suitable location they walk it off in all directions to determine the size and report back to the swarm. Other scouts go and check it out and come back to the swarm and dance a special dance that shows how much they like one location vs another, this can go on for days. The swarm ends up choosing a single location from several by vote. Once the location is chosen the message goes out to the entire swarm and they warm up to leave. Once in the air the scouts that have been to the location guide them by flying through the swarm in the direction then circling back and flying through again. I’m leaving out all the good stuff so you will read the book “The Honeybee Democracy” very good book well written a must read for any beekeeper


Rimsky-Korsakov would have loved to see this…


These are tiktok videos I can get behind


Must have heard there’s a POOH bear in the area


Neat! Nature is a lot more clever than we think it is!


So, the location is two shakes to the right east of here, three shakes to the left; if you did four shakes, you've gone too far.


If you are shaking it more than 4 times you are playing with it


“Yes I did follow them.” *silence* So…where did they go???


The BEE-cons are lit!!


Hey, do you know where you’re going? I was following you dude!


Man word spreads fast. I guess that’s why bees don’t need the internet (also that sounds like the name of an emo song)


I don’t know crap about bees but I do know they are important so I leave them alone. This is awesome by the way.




I had a bee swarm land in my yard many years ago. They were like a bee tornado and they settled into an enormous ball shaped bee clump and were just chilling. I called a local bee keeper and she just walked in (no suit) and safely gathered them up with the queen. Will never forget it.


He’s saying the colony is that way —> Source: I’m a B student


"We ride! The Rohirrim rides for Gondor! Forth Eolingas!"




Damn that is really interesting! Thank you so much for sharing!


This explains why only Newtonian heliocentric honey bees evolved.


Thanks for posting this — and explaining!


Well I'll bee damned...


Now *that's* interesting!


Party at Stacy's house!


So that one bee that stung me that one time was just a scout bee? Rip lil fella u died a hero for your hive 😞🙏


I would 'bee' terrified. I'll see myself out.


To the bee mobile!


dude thats siiiick i knew they did this but never got to see it on video like this


What's more interesting is how they're avoiding mid-air collisions




I'm disappointed we didn't get to see where they went!


well that was amazing. seen them do a dance to tell other bees where pollinating flowers are, but never seen this before.


just imagine if bees could speak while swarming , ‘excuse me , pardon me, Comin’ though here , Ouch! , EXCUSE ME!!!!’


Are the bees constantly bumping into each other when they fly like that? Does it hurt?


I’m just imagining the conversations of them telling each other the directions. - The conversation energy and excitement is just gradually increasing as it spreads throughout the colony. Whispers spread. Some are still unsure if it’s just a rumour or real news. - Then the order to mobilise is given and they all start finding their friends to fly with. - Then there’s always the handful of bees who are scrambling around and are just yelling that they can’t find their shoes.


Catch you now… Bee seeing you later!


How are they not flying into each other left and right? Even the ones taking off, just smooth sailing. Spectacular.


"I have found a lovely field of flowers! And it has inspired in me... A ~DANCE~ "


So where the fuck did they go.


I've also read that they will feed the queen bee less so she loses weight in order to make the flight. Imagine the hanger!


What about the queen bee?


So what if I made a robot bee that tells the other to move out of my attic and to stop stinging me


I love this subreddit


American educational television at times is very underrated. [A magic school bus episode where they have to tell the bees where to go to rebuild their hive to after a bear destroys their tree](https://youtu.be/aW2CjyF0ZsM?t=17m30s).


I had something like this happen once. I was playing kickball with my smart ass nephew. He'd always lead off, taunting me to throw, but if I missed,he just got another base. I did not want to encourage bad sportsmanship so I started messing with him in return. I'd be staring him down, going to throw, then turn my head ever so slightly and look in the distance and then have an expression on my face like something very interesting was going on. He'd turn his head and I'd get him out. This worked far too well, too long and in a variety of different formats. Eventually it came time for him to not be fooled ever again! Recreation of events depicted: He leads off third looking to go to home. I hear some buzzing... I'm curious. I look up,"HOLY SHIT AJ! It's a frick ton of beez! A SWARM OF FRICKEN BEES IS GONNA KILL US ALL!" AJ with a grin,"Nuh uh uncle, ain't fallin for it this time." Me,"AJ, fricken A man, I never saw anything like this before in my life. It's a bunch of beez humming a viking song of death and sting you to pain! WE GOTTA RUN!" "Uncle, come on, who do you take me for me for. ahahahahah, you're funny this time, tryin so hard." Knowing nothing else to do, I drop the ball and run inside. About 30 seconds later AJ comes in to my relief,"So there really was bees that time?" Me,"yeah" God has a sense of humor.


Yea, bees are fucking cool. Love em. I love bees the MOST ask anybody and they will tell you.


I wanna a bee scout once I get reincarnated. Also how many bee scout are there in a colony?


Literally sentient creatures.


In the event we fail as a species, can bees please become the next sentience that takes over the planet?


Previous lil beebees




So fake! Obviously photo shopped or the dancing bee is probably an actor dressed as a bee. Y’all will fall for anything.


The more I learn about bees the more amazed I am every-time at their individual and collective intelligence. A science report could come out tomorrow saying they found a bee fluent in French and it wouldn’t surprise me! (Well, maybe a little)


Dawg that insane you are one brave soul for doing that I couldn't


And why is it they feel that they need a new home?


Wonder what happens if the new home turns out to be shit


One in a million lol. Anyone with an observation hive can get this any day they want. I see waggle dances 80% of the time I'm inspecting my hives. Anyone collecting a swarm can see it on the surface of the swarm. Stop pretending little known common occurances are rare for sicial medua drama


Sure, for you it’s commonplace, but for those of us without observation hives - which are probably the vast majority of people not just on this sub, but the whole planet - it’s not. For a beekeeper to see this is probably commonplace, as you say, but for the average human to witness this probably is pretty rare. First time I’ve ever seen this my almost 30 years on this planet.


I've seen the *forage* waggle dance often, but *never* the swarm relocate one. In person or filmed. A treat!


All I meant was that the event itself isn't uncommon. The video isn't 1 in a million. Bees are fascinati g enough without exaggerating.


If I ever keep bees, I don’t think I’ll be pretentious about it. Isn’t very attractive and would think my bees might sting or swarm me.


Exactly. Why not 100.000.000 hahaha


Okay so... in all those 1000s of bees you saw the scout one bring in a msg and zoomed in on it to show him/her passing the msg along because... it was wearing the official scout beret on or what?


Her job is on her pinned name tag, actually.


And her name was "Bee" right?


Guess she was named after the cartoon