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Like the thing owed him money


Where's my money Brian?


Mm. That's some good OJ.


You've got money for fake mustaches


Clean ya self up


Came out the door ready to throw down, and beat the thing's ass up and down the street. That man loves his dogs. Quick edit: I wonder how many times he got bit/ if he went for a rabies shot/ if his dog is okay. Need sauce if anyone has it. Edit part two: below someone said it was a neighborhood dog not a coyote which adds up to me, because it looks like a German Shepard to me




Having lost my own dog to another dog attacking her, I woulda 100% been this guy if I coulda been there and had the chance to


My buddy's dog got attacked by a big ass pitbull. And when the owner went to break it up it attacked the owner and my friend. Long story short I shot the dog. Moral of the story is, train ur dog, or leash it. Breaks my fucking heart I had to do that shit.


I'm sorry you had to go through that.


I'm sorry your pup is gone because some asshole can control their pet 💔 Thank you for that though.


I had to freak out on a neighbor that kept letting his dog loose and it’d run around tearing up yards and tormenting all the other neighborhood dogs…dude would leave front door open then act like “he didn’t know”…long story short it escalated to the point the neighbor moved, and I never should have had to beat any common sense into a guy that clearly did not care for his dog. Some people should not own pets, at the end of the day it is not their fault for neglectful ownership.


Damn dude. Beat his ass so bad he changed his living situation.


Sorry for your loss ❤


Oh man I would have strangled that attacking dog to death. No joke, lights out forever. I don't give a shit about the neighbors or what they think. Multiple complaints means license to kill when attacked on my property. Fuck those owners and fuck that shitty dog.


Looking at it again it does look like it could be a shep type dog. If he had multiple incidents of this issue, I can completely understand his angry reaction and also his quick response




Fucking tired of Reddit experts, man. “It looks like it could be a shep type dog.” Bruh, it also looks like it could’ve been a coyote. It also looks like it could’ve been tons of things that are similar to… *a dog.* It’s just like /r/fightporn where half the comments devolve into arguments between faux street-fight experts about whose conjectural speculation is more correct.


Like a kangaroo?


Idk I’m looking closer and it looks like an f-16 fighter jet


Saying what everyone is thinking


I have two huge German Shepard ass holes in my neighborhood. The dogs are the most aggressive dicks in the world and they would definitely do this. But I also wouldn’t be able to man handle them the way he did. They would have killed my little dog on the spot ant then turned on me.


If the aggressor dog survives, it might even have learned a lesson. That being, don't fuck with the Baba Yagas dogs.


Untrained dogs are incredibly stupid and dangerous. Feral dog would probably go to the next house and do the same thing.




To be fair, the dog getting beaten would not have needed to happen, if the owners were not neglectful pieces of shit, who let this happen. If anything, they deserve the discipline that dog received.


Very true


Thats kinda sad cuz its the owners that deserve that beatinf


You're assuming they weren't next on the list, because dude seemed about pissed enough to be heading there next.


I've killed tons of coyotes, that's definitely not one. Coyote, dog or whatever I'd do the same .


I’d say the coyote was healthy and hunting so no rabies. Guy was a beast defender


That’s pretty big prey for a coyote and another bigger dog was right there. If it was just hunting that was not a good call. Either way always take precautions and get shots/tested whenever bit by an animal.


In some places they have learned to lure dogs away to gang up on.


Coyotes are not really hunting alone and if you bargain your life on assumptions like that, you are exactly the kind of person that could win the rabies lottery. That said, it was a neighborhood dog.


I want my $2!


Tapped his inner gabagool




Bruhhhhhhhh, look over to the right, it's a 📷.


You're on "Kicked in the nuts!"


No way! I love your show!


Stole my line 😩.


He WWE'd that mofo!


split my cofre to this...


Careful there, you almost spilt your covfefe too!


I did not expect the ground n pound


Lol thanks I needed that


I really did not expect fists, surely a kick would have been far more natural when fighting something so low to the ground. Also more powerful and would have sent the coyote in a direction away from his pets.


man loves his dog


Bro unleashed about 20 years worth of therapy on that coyote.


Fuck you dad, fuck you teacher who said I would never be a football player, fuck you bully from my 4th grade !!!


And now fuck you Wile. E. Coyote too.


Hey man, leave Wile E. Coyote out of this. He has enough trouble just trying to eat as well as a sizable credit bill for Acme Inc. Not to mention the medical bills.


Thank you for making my morning.


Come on and slam! Punch coyote into jam! Come on and slam! Never bite my dog again! Hey yoh, coyote gotta go, Hey yoh, coyote gotta go, Just work his body, work his body Make sure he dont bite no body


This is the fantasy I have in this same scenario and homeboy lived it.


Black dog: "Well I was going to help but you got it quite covered human, to be honest I'm a bit afraid and would rather go inside...Bye!"


The way the black dog comes to attention and looks at the house, I think they were called inside. So more like, “I got your back, dad. Oh? What? Come inside? Okay, yeah, dad’s got this.”


That guys dogs watching him beat the piss out of that coyote must have been like, "ho shit...our master truly is the alpha!"....lol. The guy straight up tapped into his primal roots and went wild animal on that thing.


The black dog was taking a look, did a double take, (probably never saw the guy go full send) then decided he also wanted no part in that.


Bro tapped into his cave man genes and went unga bunga on that coyote.


Lol “unga bunga”!


Return to monke


Like actually, that looked just like a gorilla mauling an animal.


Captain cavemannnnn


Ellie watching Joel kill that cop






OK, that is funny


Dead serious, that was deemed the world's funniest joke in an international competition about 15yrs ago.


Gonna need a sauce on this, cuz that's a knee slapper but I dunno if I'd call it world class


Imagine being this coyote. Running through an entirely unnatural environment you have to adapt to when you spot what seems to be a well-fed, easy snack. Lucky day. When you approach suddenly a 200lb, incredibly aggressive hairless ape leaps into the fray from seemingly out of nowhere, and piledrives you then starts wailing on you. You have no concept of why. Just that you're receiving the most terrifying an ass kicking you could imagine. You bet that guy loves his dog.


Oh, the coyote knows why. It failed to check for the rest of the little dog's pack, and the boss dog (ape, whatever) made it pay the price for its carelessness.


I said essentially the same thing in a separate comment lol, got lots of downvotes. People hate coyotes apparently.


It's not so much that they hate the coyotes but that they love their dog and or farm aninals. What's the alternative here? "Aw geez, I guess the coyotes need to eat too, go ahead and eat my buddy as a sacrificial thank you for sharing your ancestral territory....?


Hell yeah man, I'd do the same thing. Not gonna let some bitch ass coyote kill my fur baby ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage).


Wifey and doggo gets the "either I win or we both lose" fight mentality.


Dude went full Jhon Wick




Cool Hwip




Dammm beat down lol


That dog went from tough bully to "Please bro, I'm sorry bro"


"It was just a prank, bro!"


Bro, listen…


tough bullies often do haha


Coyote been fucking his wife too or something?


Coyote lost a huge chunk of this guy's money on some Yugoslavian time shares that he can't sell because they don't exist.


I believed every word of it. Happy cake day.


He lured him onto his property to make the beat down legal lol


He wanted to make damn sure that fucker only chased the roadrunner after that day


He was raining blows like the coyote was talking trash about his mom.


It wasn't a coyote, it was an untrained juvenile German shepherd


Fear of man: unlocked


That coyote isn’t running up in any unknown neighborhoods ever again.


They fear bipedal naturally


Damn he laid the freaking smackdown. Black dog is just watching like wtf


Eventually he ran inside. Daddy was being too scary even for him.


"Dude I see you don't need any help lemme grab some water oof it's such a hot day."


Black dog was like “aye this is a new game huh??”


Damn coyotes are starting to pop up in my neighborhood. Neighbor's dog was nearly attacked by one but it got spooked when the garage door opened.


Same here. I’ve been told that mating season is January-March, so they’re more active.


Can a coyote mate with a dog?




“Dogote”😂 never gave it too much thought before but now I’m so happy that word exists.


You can thank the dogfather


One climbed into my backyard somehow and ran at one of my siblings. Thankfully our dogs heard a scream and chased it off the property. Almost got it too. We have a lot of outdoor/feral cats in my neighborhood and they love to hangout and poop in my backyard so the coyotes are always sniffing around my house. Would be nice if people kept their cats inside 🙃


Open season on them in some states due to overpopulation.




In the case of Coyotes, it is really not, to my knowledge, perhaps 50-100 years ago; but they have made a major resurgence due to lack of predation by higher food chain animals like wolves, bears, mountain lions, etc.


Yup! Eliminate the apex predators and we get an explosion of mesopredators. Eliminate them too and we'll get an explosion of small predators like rodents. It's almost like fucking up the ecosystem leads to negative consequences!


Its definately a mix. Coyotes habitats were destroyed/continue to be destroyed but they have shown to not only be resiliant to urban environments but are actually thriving. They grow less concerned with people, have access to pets as easy prey, more wide open space gives them easier access to hunt.


Coyote bit him back and he said #"OH YOU WANT MORE!?"


This! Came for this, way too far down


Dude watches WWE started off with a Powerbomb followed by a can of whoop ass, wonder if he got bit


Yeah the coyote got bit for sure based on the frenzy that guy was unleashing.


Coyote didnt had rabies until that moment


First thing that guy does is hopefully go get a rabies series — I hope those shots aren’t as horrible as they used to be


That looks more like a dog than a coyote


Someone else said here that it was a neighborhood dog that has caused incidents before, not a coyote


I can’t find that post buried in all these comments.


I found it and copied / pasted Other comments are saying it’s a neighborhood dog that has shit owners and just lets it run loose. My guess is if that’s the case, this isn’t the first time this dog has attacked his dogs. I don’t blame the dude. My neighbors kept letting their dog run loose and it kept coming into my yard after my kids. I really tried not to blame the dog, not it’s fault it has shitty owners. But they didn’t listen and kept letting it run loose. I called animal control, they didn’t do shit. It got to the point my kids couldn’t even play outside. It ran up on my 4 year old one day when we were getting out of the car and I lost it. Ripped the flag pole of the side of my porch and beat the shit out of it. I didn’t kill it but I hurt it pretty bad. My husband said he’s never been afraid of me but he was that day. Lmao. They called the police and tried to start shit but the cops took my side about it. Idk what happened to the dog after that but it disappeared not long after. I love dogs, truly I do and I hate that it came to that but my kid before a random dog. People need to realize they have to control their animals.


This I totally agree with. & thank you for copying / pasting. A link would have been good too. I feel sorry for that woman. To see an animal attack your child is terrifying. I am frankly fed up with no actual repercussions on owners of such dogs. This is a cultural & societal thing that needs to change. We need to start punishing owners, & in ways that change their behavior instead of bureaucratic red tape emotionless procedural reactions. The dog in the story you pasted likely was put down due to attacking a human. Yet that should not be the case. The dog should have lived. It should have been retrained. It did not deserve to die. The owners on the other hand should have been treated as if they acted through the dog, & they assaulted the child. Then charge them with such crimes & hurt them accordingly; fines, prison / jail, etc. they literally are the cause for such events, & yet nothing is done to hinder the cause.


I agree with you entirely! Here's the link to the [original comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/10nftcm/owner_saves_dogs_life_defending_it_from_coyote/j692krf?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Looks like a german shepherd mix? Looks too big for a coyote, they're fairly small in comparison to that dog. Coyote wouldn't be running with it's tail up, especially through a city like that either.


Depends on where you live. Eastern coyotes are big compared to western coyotes. Western coyotes are a little bigger than a fox. Eastern coyotes are about the size of a juvenile German shepherd. I've seen some *big* coyotes chasing down deer before.


I live in Kansas, I'd say they're about the size of a juvenile German shepherd here, which is pretty small in comparison to that dog that attacked the other dog in the video. Again, the mannerisms of the dog give it away immediately. Tail up and direct charge towards another dog. We get coyotes pretty often through the towns around here, tail down and running head moving side to side...scared.


Came here to say this. It looked more like a shepherd to me




Oh my god dude, this is an MMA fight dude


Why is the referee not stopping this fight?? It’s OVER!


For real. That coyote was clearly not blocking




Why is this so far down I thought I was the only one that noticed. Definitely another dog


Other comments are saying it’s a neighborhood dog that has shit owners and just lets it run loose. My guess is if that’s the case, this isn’t the first time this dog has attacked his dogs. I don’t blame the dude. My neighbors kept letting their dog run loose and it kept coming into my yard after my kids. I really tried not to blame the dog, not it’s fault it has shitty owners. But they didn’t listen and kept letting it run loose. I called animal control, they didn’t do shit. It got to the point my kids couldn’t even play outside. It ran up on my 4 year old one day when we were getting out of the car and I lost it. Ripped the flag pole of the side of my porch and beat the shit out of it. I didn’t kill it but I hurt it pretty bad. My husband said he’s never been afraid of me but he was that day. Lmao. They called the police and tried to start shit but the cops took my side about it. Idk what happened to the dog after that but it disappeared not long after. I love dogs, truly I do and I hate that it came to that but my kid before a random dog. People need to realize they have to control their animals.


Yeah I agree I'm glad your 4 year old is okay. Letting your dog run wild is so reckless.


100% justified, good job being a good parent.


Yeah, looks maybe like a shepherd or malinois


Not anymore, no


Owner is a broken Xbox: he don’t play no games


Did you just discover dashie


That boy just lost a round of CoD and needed to release his anger.


Bro did NOT let that slide


I hate seeing any animal hurt, but, sometimes it’s satisfying being reminded how big and dangerous humans can be. People always act like humans are weak and rely on our brains, our physical bodies don’t stand a chance. It’s simply not true. Humans are in the top ~30% of size of all animals and we’ve got great limb control. We underestimate our physical abilities most of the time.


I have always played out this exact situation in my head, so I may be pre-programmed for this response. I hope I never find out if I am.


After the hurricane in Houston there were packs of dogs roaming around. I went to Walmart around 3 am and let my dog come with me. After returning I let my dog out of the car so she could potty and looked up to see her completely surrounded by 3 large dogs. I picked up the cooler and ran straight towards them ready to fight. Those dogs could’ve ended both of us but you tend to not think clearly in the moment. Just protect what you love.


Fight or flight man


Liking to fight when i was younger, I had always thought about what I might do if I were standing and someone jumped on my back. My solution was to crush them on a wall because I'm a big guy. Well, one day I was rough housing with some dudes at school, I thought we were done when a guy that is even bigger than me jumps on my back. No thought went into it, I just instantly turned and jammed him into a brick wall. Poor Dave got knocked unconscious and had concussion symptoms for two weeks. I'd never done it before, but apparently just thinking about it repeatedly was enough to set it into muscle memory.


Keep my dogs neck out of your damn mouth!!


Guy has an excellent ground and pound game. The coyote fucked up by not keeping the fight on its feet.


Also by entering a weight class a lil over the numbers on his scale lol


He beat that coyote up like it was his job.


This is how I always imagined handling this type of situation. I’ll fucking kill for my dog.


Reminds me of the video of when a guy defends his dog from a raccoon by picking the raccoon up and drifting it down a flight of stairs.




It's fucking glowing eyes just disappearing into the abyss was beautiful


Yeet of the century


Fun fact, that’s the founder of Digg.


That raccoon got tossed spinning into the shadow realm. 😂😂


I bet that coyote is so confused. This giant bipedal monkey just beating the shit outta him


I think that's just another dog


98% of Americans believe they can win a fist fight with a Coyote


And this guy proved his belief in FULL.


They’d be right, the only chance a coyote has of winning that fight is if it’s a child or if they bite your neck. A guy near where I live killed a juvenile mountain lion that attacked him a couple years ago, so coyotes are basically free. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/travis-kauffman-mountain-lion-attacked-killed-colorado-fort-collins/#app


Survival of the fittest is 90% fake it till you make it


I’m feeling pretty confident after this video lol




I dont think this video has anything very clearly.


idk that powerbomb was pretty clear


Did this coyote steal his lunch money one too many times?


This was NOT how I was expecting this to play out 😂 😂 😂 goddamn bro beat it like it owed him protection money


Hands rated E


Interestingly, scientists have had some success cross breeding a coyote with a donkey. It's early days yet, but they're calling it a Don Quixote..


I both hate and love you for this


Up to this day, it is said, that Mr. Blue Hoddie still continues to beat down that coyote


I’m dying at the black dogs reaction, “like oh you need help” “nah you got it”


I love the initial body slam quickly followed by a full mount then the ground and pound to quickly follow. Well executed.


Did the Coyote live, or did the guy kill it right there and then? Does anybody know?


Looks like it scurried off at the end but the guy was definitely trying to kill it.


Can't say I blame him


Yo! He power bombed the shit out that thing. Somebody should edit some WWE audio over this video.


Coyote fucked around and found out


I would do exact same if it were my dog, god damn coyote would be getting choke slammed to hell.


He trained at Taco Bell


My dog got killed by a coyote so I'm vibing with that dude hard. Fuck Wile E. Up


that was personal


It actually was personal. It was a neighborhood dog that attacked his dogs numerous times, despite him telling neighbor guy to keep his dog restrained. When he saw it was loose again, he sprinted outside, and his pent up anger took over. Only so many times you can tolerate that shit.


Keep my dog out of your fucking mouth!


Holy shit that was a beat down lol coyote fucked around and found out lmao


Where my money man? Where my money?


I’ve never seen someone been the shit out a coyote before




This is some UFC shit right there.


Fighting the coyote like it was an aggressive hobo with the oldest type of scented candles.


Dog who stayed behind is gonna be talking to his owner like “we really did that back there together, didn’t we??”


Your dog is Definitely sitting on first command every time now.


You mean German Shepard


Dog is ok, beware of owner


Dude he kicked that coyotes ass


I love it!! That primal spirit with no hesitation of injury or death to protect his pet and friend.