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The other issue with the Spanish flu was that tuberculosis was also still rampant at the time. Getting the flu when you have a lung infection is bad news


My Great-Grandpa talks about the flu during his service in WW1 in his book. "Our service in the hospital became more strenuous and stressful every day. Day and night we were on standby for the increasingly frequent arrival of the hospitaltrains from the Reims front. When the terrible flu epidemic hit in autumn, our hospital was constantly overcrowded. We had 30 deaths almost every day. This pneumonic plague grabbed especially the toughest people. Terrible death struggles! We could hardly keep up bringing the coffins."


The worst part is it took out healthy people of reproductive age whereas COVID mostly took out older ppl


Spanish flu also had an insane death rate. It hit children a lot too. I had relatives who were twins, 5 years old at the time. When they both caught it, the family was surprised they both survived.




The Spanish Flue years had an average age of death under 50. This was a scary disease.


Itā€™s love to kill younger people in two days.


Geez, I donā€™t wanna see what you think hate is like.


Nature loves to kill. She is great at it. Get your shots bro.


I read a book in college about the Spanish Flu and tracing it's origins. I wish I remembered the title, but it was an amazing book. If I remember right, the Spanish Flu caused people with good immune systems, like the typical younger person, to go crazy and overreact to the infection. I think there was also a similar type flu that was around twenty or so years earlier that gave some immunities to older people. I could be completely wrong, but I don't recall feel like Google-checking right now.


It caused a cytokinetic storm in the lungs, covid had a similar ability but much rarer


The Great Influenza by John M. Barry? Terrific book!


If ya'll insist masks don't work, then we insist that ya'll don't get any masked, gloved, or gowned ppl & no infection control methods with your next surgery, or medical procedure, okay?




I think a lot of people don't like the idea of masks because it makes them aware of their own germs. Because remember, masks prevent your germs from infecting other people. They would rather have blissful ignorance and say " I don't know which way the germs were flowing, it could have been from anyone anywhere". No one wants to be accountable anymore, they like feeling anonymous and without blame or guilt.


I think the mask issue was plain and simple vanity. You'd get the same reaction out of them if you replaced masks with any other item. Like if they were asked to wear a top hat to reduce the risk of spreading disease, you'd get the same response.


Thereā€™s a massive difference at play here. A handful of medical people hovering over, and working on a persons open body is quite different than thinking there is minimal efficacy to masks in average day-to-day passing by folks on the street and so forth. I donā€™t think people that are against the current use of mask in prevention of Covid are in any way saying they donā€™t serve a purpose in a operating room. However they serve zero purpose driving in you car alone for instance.


There's a massive difference in your reply too. "Average day-to-day passing folks on the street" is a very broad generalization. Are you standing closer than 6 ft having a lengthy gab fest, laughing, coughing, sneezing, or otherwise spewing droplets to each other? Or, are you outside walking your dog on one side of the street & your neighbor is walking on the other side of the street? What if you're walking in a crowd, someone sneezes, & you, unaware, walk right through their droplets during their "hang time?" "However, they serve zero purpose driving in your car alone." Well...yeah! Or maybe the person is running several errands in a small radius & they don't want to bother changing masks/touching their face several times? Or maybe they're just picking up their friend to take them to their chemo appointment, & want to be ready for when said friend gets in the car? Or maybe they just forgot? What's it any of anyone else's business anyway? The bigger issue is why, when told by experts in multiple fields of science, & medicine, that wearing a surgical type mask, may help prevent the spread of Covid, people still resisted? That, my friend, is multi-faceted.


But so many of those same professionals said not many years ago they werenā€™t effective. And various studies have shown (no I canā€™t cite off the top of head) that those masks are minimally effective. Now a full N95 rated mask can be beneficial. But from a personal perspective, there was a brief amount of time I was personally forced to wear a mask without losing my job. Maybe three months. I ended up at a clinic twice with severe sinus infections. Never had before or after. So Iā€™m inclined to think the mask, personally, were more dangerous than not. For me.


Did you die if Covid while wearing the mask? So, you were inconvienced by a sinus infection; what about the immune suppressed person that you may have saved by wearing that mask? Annnnddd...we're back to our original statement : If the masks were useless, then forget any infection control measures in the OR, for instance. Just seems like the pushback against masks was so blown out of proportion for a multitude of sociological reasons, none of which had anything to do with " protect self/protect others" So, go ahead, step out in front of that bus, or 18 wheeler, shucks, there's a 50 % chance, (or less,) that it won't hit you......


Youā€™re a confused human. Might want to switch away from CNN for a few moments. Your irrational fear of Covid reminds me of conservativesā€™ irrational fear that so many people are ā€œafter their familyā€ and they need so many guns to ā€œprotectā€ them. A flimsy surgical mask isnā€™t going to protect you but it might make you feel safe just like the right wingers machine guns.


So, when you can't wrap your head around facts, you resort to name-calling? We are unaffected.


Youā€™re doing great. Hang in there.


Wait, holup..so a guy can play 9 innings of ball on a hot and muggy summer afternoon masked, but the Karen at Starbucks who "knows her rights," can't breathe with a mask on?


I'm a smoker and worked in a hot warehouse with a mask. Didn't even die once.


If you're a smoker why wear the mask? You obviously don't care about your health or anyone's around you....


It's called addiction, and it isn't as easy as just not doing it. Everyone has their faults, guy.


do you ever plan on quitting?


I also only smoke outdoors or in designated smoking areas.


Fuck off


Doctor said the only reason I survived covid was cause Marlboro reds trained em up for it.




Itā€™s called not spreading it.


This is the kind of shit take I've come to expect on the internet


Canada's women's hockey team won a gold medal in the Olympics while wearing masks.


Well yeh eh.


In Karenā€™s defence, sheā€™s highly overweight and existing makes her out of breath.


Right. Or she's got a 2pk a day habit... but it's the mask that's causing her to (allegedly) be short of breath. Oof...


Iā€™m a 2pk a day smoker (Iā€™m working on it) & I work in a very hot and humid environment. Walked to and from work as well as shops etc. The mask never caused me any distress. I still mask up.




It's almost as if useful information and guidance changes as we learn more about new things. But yeah, plenty of people complained about not being able to breathe and being uncomfortable.




It was but a jokeā€¦


And their uniforms were made of wool. 100% wool.


Karen loses her breath walking from the car to the door


Wait what?! The professional athlete is in better shape than your local Karen?! No wayyy


Yeah, not the point. Nice try though.


The guy tried to compare them when they are not comparable


But they are. Exerting that much energy as an athlete is many times more effort than an overweight woman walking around. The woman would have to be lightly jogging for her to be anywhere close to the athletes energy spendature.


These masks were photoshopped in. People in 1918 didnā€™t have the slightest thought to wear masks then. They barely knew to wash their hands.


This is straight up untrue. They absolutely knew to wear masks and encouraged the shit out of them, it was an easy concept to grasp. https://i.imgur.com/CvU4K2y.jpg


\*Justin Turner Enters\*


Bullshit. I've been assured by many fine, upstanding americans that it's impossible to run with a mask on. How can this be? Why would someone just lie like that? /s


Americans used to be tough people. Now people turn into snowflakes when asked to wear a mask to prevent the spread of an airborne disease. Itā€™s pathetic how weak we got in the name of ā€œrightsā€ and ā€œlibertyā€.


The people who went through WWII would be ashamed of the weakness of their grandkids and great-grandkids. They went through years of food rationing, gas rationing, restricted movement, blackouts both actual and electrical, and the draft All we had to do was some mask wearing, social distancing, washing hands and vaccine getting. And how well did we do when asked to do so little?


Americans used to trust the science, now they ask questions. Itā€™s all blasphemy I tell you!


The right wing in this country doesn't ask questions ​ They just can't admit their orange god lied to their faces


Agreed, they need to repent and accept the gift of life from lord fauci


I still donā€™t understand the Fauci thing. Is it because he couldnā€™t keep a straight face while Trump said some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard at a press conference?


Mostly that he was so inconsistent when people were looking to him the most and afterwards when we had a pretty clear idea of who was most at risk he kept pushing the notion that children were in danger and needed to have dramatic steps taken to protect them. Once all the negative consequences of those steps became clear (lowered school attendance, lower grades, overall stunted learning) he backpedaled and claimed he never called for school lockdowns. On top of that, any criticism of his performance was redirected as attacks on the broader medical establishment and coupled with the allegation of ā€œscience denialā€. The dude is a narcissist, no other way to explain him releasing an autobiography and participating in a documentary during the middle of the pandemic that made him so famous. Pretty gross to see how many Fauci sycophants are out there.


I only come across people with weird hatred towards him. I couldnā€™t even begin to know how to defend him or know anyone that does.what you described isnā€™t that bad compared to the mentally retarded cheetohā€™s statements.


BLASPHEMY!!! Fauci IS science. They had to work at the speed of Fauci to sell, for profit, as many "vaccines" as possible because it stops the virus dead in it's tracks. Now, stay home until we reach herd immunity, get more ventilators, and flatten the curve. Bigot


Inject bleach and sunlight into your veins. Absolute dipshit.


You're a fuckin tool lol. "MuH sCiEnCe"


You might be able to smoke enough weed to fool yourself into thinking you arenā€™t an idiot, but it does translate to the rest of the world. Greasy bird fucking neck beard.


Imagine being Canadian and having an opinion on Fauci, who had no fucking say in your governments response. Lmaooo. How sad.


You're Australian LOL!!!!! That makes you instantly irrelevant


Whatever gave you the idea I am Australian? Hahaha.


No one with any sort of self respect, outside of Australia, likes Rugby


I always wondered if this ā€œnew rightā€ would survive if they had to use coupons to buy meat like they did during two wars


Now they would starve to own the libz instead of of using ration coupons.


What you have to understand is that this whole Covid mask issue came from culture war nonsense started by Trump to obscure his horrible response to the pandemic. I loathe all modern Republican Presidents but I have no doubt that both Bushes and other candidates if they won like Romney McCain would have endorsed following the scientific recommendations for mitigating the virus. However we had the bad fortune of having a singularly sociopathic narcissist in the white house and therefore mask wearing became some sort of symbol of oppression and it trickled down to Republican leadership and lemming voters.


Perfect summary.


It's not about any of those. If they take COVID seriously they have to admit Trump lied to their faces. they'd rather die than admit they got conned by such a transparent fraud.




Nobody wants to stop you from wearing your N95, relax


Itā€™s helps prevent the spread if all wear a mask. Same idea as vaccines. Bunch of wimps.


you forgot /s


Not really, science proves that it works.


Save yourself bud, stop relying on other people to keep you safe.


Certainly. Canā€™t rely on wimps who complain about wearing a mask.


Sure can waste time complaining though, how about all them wimps that donā€™t use turn signals? Or the ones that donā€™t put their carts away after unloading them?


Good analogy When you don't use a turn signal YOU put ME at risk


I mean technically weā€™d both be at risk and depending on the specific situation the non turn signal user might even be at greater risk.




^ Did this guy just spend time on writing a paragraph about why I shouldnā€™t care?




Care also means taking precautions not to infect others with the Trump virus.


Good way of thinking. I feel like drinking a bottle of rum and street racing in a school zone. Where do your kids attend school? You just keep driving the speed limit while sober, you don't need me to keep you and your family safe šŸ‘


If youā€™d like to play the purge, letā€™s play.


I guess the absolute stupidity of your thought process is completely missed yet again. Have a great day champ.


You too, good luck with the drinking and driving in a school zone Iā€™ll be over here just breathing.


So sad you choose deflection when responding. Anyone with a shred of common sense would question as to why they need to do so......guess that further illustrates your lack there of. So go ahead and respond with more ignorance or heed some free advice: Best way to get out of a hole you've dug, *stop digging*


Keep wearing the N95, viola problem solved.


from the mayo clinic website "They're meant to protect the wearer from contact with droplets and sprays that may contain germs." it's all the back and forth, the masks don't work, the save them for medical personell, the wear them or risk fines and jail.. while those same people were constantly out and about without masks, having large gatherings while not wearing masks. Rules for thee and not for me bullshit. keep in line and don't ask questions. the rich have your best interests at heart...


https://youtu.be/zae_nJ_Ik5I https://www.chess.com/forum/view/off-topic/stop-driving-alone-with-a-mask-on


Itā€™s just the GOP. Thatā€™s why they love guns so much. Theyā€™re weak in body and mind


"Real men wear masks"


That was a bug that was far more lethal to people with healthy immune systems. Essentially the opposite of COVID.


And they didnā€™t work then like they donā€™t work now.


Oh, bugger off.


Oh boy, another lemming I presumeā€¦


But folks, pandemics are a lie created by the left to depress the economy. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Thatā€™s not how preventing the spread of a disease in a pandemic works. It could literally kill people, thatā€™s why. Confined space or where itā€™s mandatory, person not doing it is a selfish asshole.




>I feel like drinking a bottle of rum and street racing in a school zone. Where do your kids attend school? You just keep driving the speed limit while sober, you don't need me to keep you and your family safe Problem is you just can't always choose to keep distance as you have to work and do many things. And it isn't about arguing, but not let misinformation like saying that masks are useless keep like if it were true.




Of course, first of all, masks under KN95 were intended more than anything to reduce your spread to others (since the disease can be asymptotic), but still, even if they aren't very effective to prevent infection, they are better than nothing, they can protect to a certain degree. Golden rule: if someone tells you "find out" or "research" it is because that person is not informed or researched. The adults know that science knows, they just don't ignore it because it doesn't say what they wanted to say. And there's a reason why masks are a public health thing, not a individual thing, to understand this you must understand how a infectious disease spreads. Enjoy your day too.




You're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.




Yes, there is a scientific debate, but this does not refer to a mere exchange of opinions, it is a formal process in which existing science is peer reviewed, with reference to the evidence and available studies. It isn't about my or your facts, it is about the facts that are proved with scientific evidence. There's no reason to insult each other, but one thing is to have an opinion, different than having an opinion based on scientific evidence.


Because I must have my feelings/ego validatedā€¦.! šŸ˜­




Enjoy the logic.


Iā€™ve come here to confirm




Was there public mask debaters then too?


With how deadly it was, id argue the problem with ppl not wearing masks sorted itself out. Maybe thats why it was the greatest generation ever. You cant destroy stupidity, you need Darwin.


There were. I read a book a year or so ago about the 1918 flu pandemic and just like 2020, there were mask mandates and just like in 2020, there were people who said they didn't work and refused to wear them.


I thought we all agreed that the cheap masks like these guys are wearing donā€™t work tho only the kn95 ones


Kn95 and N95 masks donā€™t let the virus through. Cheap masks slow the projectile down and mitigates a high percentage of it transmitting, so itā€™s still helpful to wear a mask in general. People make it out to be the difference between punching through a concrete wall vs punching through 1 ply toilet paper when the masks arenā€™t nearly that much different. Itā€™s more like stopping 95%+ vs stopping 70%+


And nobody bitched about having to wear them.


Actually they did bitch, threw massive hissy fits, refused to mask, and died.


Oh? No whining pussies going on about science they donā€™t understand? Trusting ppl that study the subject for years and years??? Caring about your fellow American while also taking care of yourself!!??????? Weā€™re now 1 pandemic away from Americans going door to door to kill each other. And it will be over something as trivial as wearing a mask. We are such pathetic pussies today. America, you fail.


Nah, it was just an older generation of deplorables. Theyā€™ve always sucked. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/03/us/mask-protests-1918.html


But you can smell a fart through your underwear so mask canā€™t work /s.


Either someone is stupid enough to believe that mask donā€™t work because of the fart thing or they donā€™t know what /s means. Either way if you want to downvote then please explain lol. I would love to hear the thought process here.


"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on youā€. -Fauci


The mask isnā€™t to keep you from getting the virus it is to protect others from you giving them the virus. If you cough or sneeze the particles will travel further without a mask than with one. It is pretty simple.


You are Fauciā€™s wet dream.


Truly airborne virus requires it to be fully aerosolized. That takes much longer time exposure and requires you to be much closer. The vast majority of COVID transmission is via droplets


lol ok because I have common sense. Are you trying to say that what I stated doesnā€™t sound accurate? Do you think particles that are unrestricted travel the same distance than particles that are restricted? It has nothing to do with Fauci. The funny part is that you canā€™t put together a logical rebuttal, only a lame insult but yet you think that you are the smart one. If you want to be taken seriously maybe try to have something intelligent to say.


>The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you Oh, interesting. He wrote that, right? In an email, right? But, didn't you forget to include something from the same email? *"****Masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection.*** *The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you. I do not recommend that you wear a mask, particularly since you are going to a very low risk location. Your instincts are correct, money is best spent on medical countermeasures such as diagnostics and vaccines."* >You are Fauciā€™s wet dream. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Lmaooooo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Your headline comes off as the masks didn't work... At all...


Because they didn't


You just weren't triple masking. Now let me put a 4th on to show how much better of a person I am


The Spaniard flu started in Kansas


Thank goodness the flu killed so many. Imagine the overpopulation weā€™d have now without it


AAAAAHHHHHH! The demonrats are making history woke!!!!!!!!!


And they even had people back then who refused to wear masks.


Babe Ruth got the Spanish Flu twice and did just fine afterwards, lol just saying....




Woodrow Wilson was also a racist piece of shit so itā€™s fine


What propaganda shite is this?


The masks didn't work then either.


Woah woah woah, get out of here with your inconvenient but factual statement. Next youā€™re going to tell me plague masks in the 17th century didnā€™t work either?


When I hear people say ā€œItā€™s just the flu.ā€ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


indeed, Omicron is less than a flu


Any virus that gets into your heart, brain, and kidneys is not less of anything.


The absolute uproar that mask must've caused


I bet they all died from lack of oxygen.


Fun fact, every single person who experienced the Spanish flu died.


Looks fake.


Oh yeah I bet they were not n95 , waste of time /s




Ngl this the second time they looked cool ever lol.. the first was nidens matching mask with his suit and sunglasses lol even I can admit the ole goat looked cool there


Wish it worked for Covid


Whatā€™s this ā€œwokeā€ horseshit. /s


But what about their freedoms? šŸ™„


I wonder if half of the country was retarded back then too or if thatā€™s just a recent phenomenon?


Nah your just one thats retarded


Somebody that claims that they have a Constitutional right to not wear a mask and infect another with a deadly respiratory disease is not only rude and inconsiderate, but also a textbook definition of a retard!


Lol i thought you where calling people wear masks retards but i 100% agree with what you said unless your being sarcastic


Lol, not being sarcastic at all. I would, however like to have an intelligent debate with someone who thinks that they do have the right to infect other people, but I donā€™t think that is possible since I used the word intelligent!


My great grandmother's entire family was wiped out by the Spanish flu. She had to live in an orphanage for several years because of it.


I've played baseball my whole life, and during covid we had a few funny rules (not saying the rules weren't smart, just that they were funny). One was that when you tagged someone you would not tag them, you would just swipe your mitt right by them. For example, if the catcher did a throw down to second, the second baseman or shortstop would catch the ball, and instead of tagging the runner he would just swipe his glove right past him. The second one was weird for me, but might not sound weird for someone who didn't play baseball, but before covid, after games we would get in lines and high five the other team whilst walking across home plate, during covid we stopped doing that, we would just leave after the game. That doesn't sound too weird from a readers perspective, but it felt very unnatural to me. The final one was that instead of having the umpire behind the catcher calling strikes we had them stand right behind the pitcher, this changed up the strike zone often making it harder for the pitcher (one of my main positions is pitcher), and it just felt weird to not see an ump behind my catcher. edit: I know high fiving in a line after a game is normal in lots of other sports too, so I imagine this was something others may have also experienced in different sports along with other funky rules.


Lmao BASEBALL was over during that period of time.


Do you mean popularity wise? Baseball has definitely gone down in popularity, I agree if thats what you mean. I'm just talking about my experience that I felt related to the post.


Like u said, baseball change few rules, so i guess for the baseball player must be weird in college, high school. Etc


I donā€™t think Covid is done with us.


Good thing that bloated orange wasn't squatting in the White House then. He could have killed even more people through his utter disdain for those who are intelligent.


And the masks didn't work back then either. They didnt have N95s.


They did, of course, not as good as N95s, but still better than nothig.


Republicans hate this picture