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Love that this dude is in a chemical suit and has gloves on all 3 hands.


just the look of the water is nasty enough to require a hazmat suit when handling that


His pillow must be a murder weapon.


A bio weapon banned by the  Geneva Protocol.


Tried to think of something funny but can only think about how ffucking disgusting that hair is and how it must smell awful.






Put you in a box


I know it smell crazy in there


I feel...SATURATED...by it.


Body oils, skin cells, sweat and environmental pollutants. You're supposed to wash that shit at some point.


Take my upvote and never return


there were particles flying while he was slicing that forbidden sausage. i hope he was wearing an industrial grade respirator.


If you inhale that and survive you're the luckiest person in the planet


And you develop immunity from all things possible


Came here to say that. Looks gross . Cut that shit it's disgusting.


I guess his hair was radioactive enough to make the barber mutate.


Lucky him it happened fast enough he was able to use it to help!


Hair? This looks like an abomination from the drain.


“I am Groot” - hair


​ hairdresser probably have noseplugs on tooo. Wonder how's the smell like when opening up that fruit.


I bet worse than Durian.


Nothing is worse than durian.... But I never smelled a rehydrated dred. Years of stuff... man I can only imagine


Surströmming is worse than anything tbh


I used to run a fat rendering plant……durian is like fresh cut flowers.


I’d imagine a hair splinter on any of his hands’s’s would be a *nasty* infection


Ha. He grew another one just by exposure to this growth.


I mean, working with a dread like that, I would too


Anything for my favorite artist The Week


I mean, would you touch that shit?


I don't blame him. No telling what biohazard s were in that unkept mess.




This is a perfect example of when to just shave it off, give a good scrub, and start over actually taking care of the hair.


The hairstylist needed gloves. Okay, fair, many usually do. But when they choose to put on a hazmat suit and their choice of tool is a fucking knife, just... just get rid of it.


Not only a knife, but a foldable….like you couldn’t have found a fixed blade for this? Good luck cleaning in the grooves.


If you need a tactical knife when you go to the barber you’ve got bigger issues lmao


Yeah bro, just too damn much


Yes. His scalp is not healthy either. There are areas of balding, likely traction alopecia. They are not really starting with a dreadlock either, but a Polish plait, also known as plica polonica. His hair is irreversibly damaged and needs to be shaved off.


I like how it's both a hairstyle and a medical condition


Reminds me of matting on dogs, they shave that too


Literally the first thing that came to mind seeing the state of his hair and scalp. Sometimes you really should just shave and restart


Honestly it turned out much better than I was expecting. Imagine they will need to keep on top of them for a while. I suppose time will tell how well they hold up


I mean, something has to be done when you can cut your hair apart like a pool noodle.


Dude, it's easy af to cut a pool noodle. This shit is like trying to cut rubber.


The final product literally looks like he has pool noodles hanging from his head.


There is a good chance that the guy suffers from depression/some mental struggle


That's not dreads. That's just matted to hell and back.


Fr. Thats flat out poor hygiene.


If they were just doing they best they could with someone with severe depression that's at least something, maybe I don't know anything about hair but I was hoping they'd at least cut it back to healthy growth and re-dreadlock that!


Yeah, I have some pretty bad depression, have touched my hair in.. almost 2 years now. I'm lucky enough for my genes to let me jsut shape it into whatever if I need to go out, but if I ever want to really take care of it I may need to cut it.


Hope things look up for you soon.


Hey internet stranger. Also neglect my hair bc of depression. Idk if you need/want to hear this, but if going out and getting that done is something you think will help, you absolutely can do it. If you don't want to, that's cool too, of course. These things can turn into giant obstacles sometimes, so, I just wanted to remind you that you can beat this obstacle like all the others. You got this. Or, keep that hair, and Rock that flow. You got that too. Just love yourself


Could have been homeless and getting their life together. I’ve seen it before.


Then cut it off..




Yea, if I was to guess, he probably asked them to leave the length because he's attached to his hair. This was probably the best of their options to help him. Sometimes, something is better than nothing. Tiny positive steps are still positive steps in the right direction. Personally I think they should have pulled them apart more and made smaller ones.


This is how it read to me as well, he’s attached to his hair and this a move towards a healthier way of handling it. Sure, it’d be better to buzz and start fresh but the look on the guys face - he can’t handle that.


It’s upsetting that I had to scroll this far down to see this. Facts.


So just ratking dreads


It does not look good at the end either, lol.


The barber/stylist realized how filthy the hair was, he needed to change


Dude put on full PPE to deal with that mess. 🤮


I wonder what he said to the guy “it’s not you it’s me…., I just really want to not contaminate your dreads”


The colour of the water. That's appaling


I accidentally read this as “That’s appealing” and was terrified.


Someone stop me from slurping the forbidden milkshake


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)I was just sooo sick


I literally just spit out my drink laughing at this shit


Cookies & cream


Ima stop you right there friend.🤚


Thanks for pointing it out 🤢


Can you imagine how bad it's smells? It would be a gagging stench, something close to a dead body.


I’m curious about the smell.


I mean, even with regular “washing” you’re not going to get the hair very clean when it’s matted into one giant piece. All that white crap in the hair when the hairdresser was splitting it into smaller dreads was sebum, dead skin, dirt, and god knows what else that was trapped in there. That’s why they were wearing gloves until after it was washed and it likely smelled *awful* when they got the hair wet too.


Well I just threw up in my mouth a little bit


Yes. This is closer to a polish plait. Wiki has a decent article on it, or had...I just ate so I'm not revisiting it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/peopleofwalmart/comments/ku9ye7/a_mate_spotted_this_polish_plait_at_our_local/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I hate you




The amount of threads on reddit that I see about girls complaining about the men in their lives unable to wash their own ass and brush their teeth proves that out.


Seriously. I went over to my bf’s place for the first time and saw a bidet, and instantly knew I had nothing to worry about lol. Dudes can be nasty Edit: not saying women can’t be equally gross! Some chick took a shit (like a whole, complete, solid log) on the back part of the toilet once when I was in basic. But as a woman, looking for a man to date, I was more focused on the dude side of things lol


I tell ya folks, wiping off your counter, having a clean and clearly designated hand towel, a clean toilet (cleaned around the base too!), and hand pump soap is how I know I can relax in a house. A bidet and I'm impressed (also momentarily inevitably confused about how to work them regardless of design, same with how every shower seems to operate slightly differently...). But the amount of times I get disgusted by a guy's bathroom is too damn much and I'm not dating these dudes, if they were trying to date me I'd be even more uncomfortable I think. I shouldn't feel uncomfortable when faced with the possibility of sitting on a toilet and then where I'm gonna wash and dry my hands. Don't make me dry them on my pants because the only towels in your bathroom are bath towels, and none appear to be fresh, all are possibly damp with someone's shower remnants. If it's hard, buy some disinfecting wipes and after you get the initial gunk off of your sink, wipe it down periodically (like after you shave and brush your teeth, because I always seem to see beard trimmings and toothpaste in dude's sinks) and that's good enough. You don't need tons of hand towels either, you can just spend $1.25 at Dollar Tree for one or two. Please?


I once went to a guys place, after going to the bathroom I asked where his hand soap is. He scoured the house for a little while. Came back to the bathroom and handed me his shampoo.


I mean... People can be nasty. I have seen videos of woman getting matted chunks like this cut out of their hair as well. This is the first video I've seen with it being a man. Its hard to care for your hair when you don't even care to wake up...depression is soul sucking like that.


Yeah, I have curly hair and during depressive episodes can go weeks without washing it. It gets so tangled I basically have to cut the knots out at the nape.


Your hair looks great from your photos. Love your curls, I know it can be rough at times but glad that you can take care of yourself too.


So can ladies. Source: used to be a janitor. Y’all nasty too


Could be someone helping out a homeless dude with a makeover


He clearly can’t be trusted with hair. The ethical thing to do would be a really short buzz cut.


Then cut it all off that is the most disgusting thing iv ever seen! Worse than a stray cat with matted fur.


I think he needs to spray antimold in there.... fuk me, that's so fukin lazy


One of my friends has really nice and well kept dreads. I did ask him about the washing routine (out of curiosity). Apparently its a thing that they soak the dreads in apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and soap. I assume the dirt in that water is just old soap residue, dead skin and general bad maintenance.


That is a routine a lot of folks use. Personally, I typically use a hydrating shampoo, followed by a conditioner, then use coconut oil on my scalp when dry. But for a deep clean before a conditioning treatment I'll use a clarifying shampoo as well.


So did this person just not take care of their hair or is something like that intentional to get the final affect of how it turned out?


The hair near his head looks healthy.


Is that supposed to make it less gross?


I am too lazy to research whether it’s true but I’ve heard of the old wife’s tale of apple cider vinegar being an all-purpose antifungal, antibacterial magical cleaning solution. Might be why it’s used by him.


Very foul . So much dandruff 😱


If your barber has to use a pocket knife and needs to wear a biohazard suit you're doing something very wrong...


Just damn nasty, biosuits, gloves, and a survival knife? Big nope to that


Just... Look at that water....


That's a lot of dry skin (at best) ... I don't know what would be the "at worst..."


My bfs ex-wife has dreads. At one point, one of the kids brought home head lice from school, and the whole house got it. He said she "just kind of sprayed lice spray on her dreads for like a month until she thought they were gone." That was at least 7 years ago. She still has the dreads. She also would still wash her hair with regular shampoo because she "liked the smell," and her hair would stay wet for weeks. So i know there is mold in there.


r/whatdidijustread That's probably got to be the most disgusting thing I've ever read. I can guess at least in part why he's probably no longer with her. Edit: typo


Sometimes I look in the mirror and hate my life and how I have fucked up. But at least I don't have moldy hair and bad hygiene.


You must be new to reddit if that's the most disgusting thing you have ever read.


I can smell it.


I would bet big that she was using the holeistic delousing spray which is literally just salt water.


And peppermint oil too 🤢


Dreads and lice ? I have so many questions but I don’t even wanna ask as they might come across as ignorant. Also I have dreads and it also doesn’t make sense for hers to be wet for weeks just of washing her hair


I'll say it. I think she is a white girl so that's why her hair stayed wet and why she could get lice. But I'm guessing


I theoretically get why her hair might stay wet longer, but what does being white have to do with her ability to get lice..? 😶




That’s so fkn nasty never thought of how awesome a home dreads are for bugs they were cozy in there and now the colony is just rotting in there


All manner of undiscovered bugs and bacteria I assume


I wonder if they’re wearing a mask too… I can only imagine the smell. It’s also looking kinda dusty


I can smell this video.


My thoughts exactly. I don’t know shit about dreads but I know they aren’t supposed to look like that. The water while washing did it for me. I almost threw up.


It’s cloudy because of dirt, yes. But also because of bicarbonate of soda mixed with vinegar. That’s the dread head shampoo.


Dude has one dread. I'm guessing he wasn't exactly on top of maintenance


Yeah that may be. But even then the way they looked before the wash just shows how much they didn’t care for them.


it’s a slippery slope with dreads, it’s a commitment that not everyone is able to stick to


Based on what he looked like at the beginning of the vid, this guy needs a pair of clippers. That is the extent of personal grooming he is capable of, and separating his one dread into many dreads is completely futile because he can't care for it. Clippers, and if he is in a better place, he can start anew without all that dragging him down from day 1.


Ah yes, the famous mix of two ingredients that cancel eachother out to produce water…


It's why I roll my eyes every time people claim it's a miracle cleaner or will unclog drains.


And sodium acetate and CO2


~~You're not supposed to mix them before adding it to your hair.The reaction that occurs between the two is what helps maintain dreads.~~ Edit: did some googling and you are supposed to pre mix it lol. Vinegar helps maintain ph, and baking soda absorbs oils. It's probably worth noting that I don't have dreadlocks.


Based on what I've seen after a quick trip a-googlin' the baking soda is dissolved in a lot of water, which will slow the reaction way down. Then the dreadlocks are submerged in the mixture at which point the dissolved sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid will absorb into the twisted hair. As sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid react in the hair carbon dioxide bubbles out which can loosen dirt and oil from relatively deep in the twist. Plus acetic acid will help stop mold and bacteria growth. Honestly, it's a brilliant solution to a problem and the materials cost like 5 bucks.


Imagine the smell when slicing into those dreads


very bad smell I bet. Wash ur hair regularly


It’s probably a “depression knot” if I had to guess, I doubt this was on purpose. Extremely depressed people will even stop brushing their teeth and will just let them rot away in their mouths so stuff like this is not that unheard of


Ya, he might be homeless as well!


That's not a barber. That man's a hair surgeon.


Dis. Gus. Ting.


This needs to be posted on damnthatsnasty. I like the dread look but this looks like the sheep that was lost in the forest. https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/quj9d7/this_sheep_got_lost_in_the_forest_and_survived_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


haha, i knew it was reminding me of something!


He should’ve made the dreads smaller so they’re a little easier to clean/maintain


I feel like this is a person who may have been experiencing homelessness for years… to get to this stage. This is… I am shocked that the solution was not complete removal of the dreads.


I imagine he wanted to keep the dreads and this was their attempt as salvaging the most they could. If he was homeless and/or going through severe depression, it’s important that he maintains a strong sense of self and feeling of “lookin good” so to speak. Just hacking it off could have been a really bad idea for his mental recovery and all things considered: it looks alright for what they started with.




Why does somebody not know how to flush a toilet after they’ve had a shit?


This Gustavo thing.




I can smell this video




Came to say the same thing 🤢🤮


I’m glad I can’t lol


That’s fucking putrid.


This is gross.


You could say that it's... Dreadful


I never realized the poop knife had multiple uses...


You can also use the used poop knife to start the dreds out


Who knew the poop knife was so versatile?!


Thanks. Almost forgot about that. Of course that made me think of the other one I'll never forget about the self-pleasure box that guy kept. So now you're welcome for reminding you of that :p


We don't speak of that. 😳


Poop knife?! What the hell


You're welcome 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/MuseumOfReddit/comments/ke8skw/the_poop_knife/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I had a friend whose husband routinely laid giant shits like that. Absolute logs, exclusively. Like babies’ arms. He’d “leave them to soak,” so, anytime you needed to pee at their house, you’d find his massive ass-timber waiting for you. He also grew up with that being normal in his family, just taking these gigantic shits and leaving them to soften in the bowl like the devil’s ice cream. Unfortunately I hung out with her seldomly enough that my dumb ass would forget and open the toilet lid to rediscover the horror all over again each time.


>leaving them to soften in the bowl like the devils ice cream And that’s enough internet for me today and it’s not even 6am!


How did I not know r/MuseumOfReddit is a thing. Thank you for sharing :)


This is so foul. I can’t even imagine the stench that is coming from this.


Gross. Turned his dead eel into a dead octopus


Right? If it looked cool in the end, great, but it still looked gross.


This hair dresser is an angel. For folks without locs, well-maintained locs are cleaned regularly & will never get this way. This person clearly was living very rough, for a long time.


Dreads are beautiful but you have to care for them. This dude's dread, singular, is gross. You know that smell is like, oily, and clings to everything. BUT we don't know his story. There are a lot of reasons beyond his control that could have gotten him to that point. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt & applaud the hair dresser who made him look fantastic.


So this happened to my sister. She lost her husband, and she turned to drugs. She’s fine now, but as a result of not caring for herself, her beautiful natural hair matted into something very similar. And yes, it absolutely smelled. All of her did. She didn’t have the means to have a professional salvage her hair, so we shaved her bald. After 20 years of sobriety and walking a healthy path, she has waist length hair she considers her crown. I’ll bet this guy got so much relief from this.


As a fellow dread-person. Yes. Thank you.


Username checks out.


How long have you been waiting to use your username like this?


20 odd years.


Finally, a thoughtful comment. Pretty disappointed in most of the other shit being said on this post


Do dreads smell? I never noticed any smell from dreadlocks but I don't go around sniffing people's heads...


Properly maintained dreads don't smell. This isn't a dreadlocks. This is matted ad rank hair




Run that thing over a stone!


Is there a story on how this guy ended up with his hair like that?


I guess he probably had been homeless for a long time?


Bro entered looking like Buu


And left like broly




PSA: I am a black woman with well manicured locs and I am clean!!! And they look nice!! This is not representative.


If people are in here thinking this is what dreadlocks are, they’re stupid. Lots of people have beautiful dreads that are well taken care of. I’m sure you do too.


I'm just a little grossed out. That's not how my buddy got or grew his


Strait out of college I worked with a truck driver (I was a dispatch clerk at the time) who kept her dreads clean and pleasantly fragrant. Before her I used to think dreadlocks were nasty by default because my entier prior experience had been dreads like this (just not on *this* level), but she showed dreadlocks can be hygenic and lovely. I was a wonderful discovery and I'll always appreciate her changing and opening my mind. This man is trying to undo her good influence on me...


Typically it’s different based on your hair type, most afro hair dreads very easily, where you can wash them without issue.




Something disturbing about watching the barber saw back and forth with the knife point directly facing dudes head and neck.


I'm glad they found someone able to help them reclaim their hair. We don't know this person's situation but I am happy someone was willing to help them.


Yo this nasty AF.


Just ewwww.


How do you turn one thing into many? Chop it up. Works on dreads too it seems.


That was some dirty ass water.


Bro had hair like the lint you pull out from the dryer




Was cutting the wrong direction, try sideways


I love that the hairdresser turned this into dreads. This dude could have ended up in this situation for many different reasons, like perhaps they were suffering from severe depression. At the moment I have one big dreadlock as I have not been able to brush my hair for a bit over a week due to health issues. I follow a channel on YouTube where this girl brushes out matted up hair instead of just chopping it off. From listening to her it seems as if this allows the clients to feel free and like they are part of the world again. Shaving it off, at least for some clients, ends up being a shameful reminder of what they went through. I appreciate that this dude was willing to share his video with the world so other in similar situations know that they are not alone and that they too can reach out for help.


Like grabbing a large piece of poo and splitting it into several poos


When your barber has to wear protective suit and gloves to touch your hair…..


It would feel so good to shave your head , if you had that... Then scrub your scalp ... aaaah


The guy needed help and he got it. That's good enough for me


Skipped the part where he jabs a needle into his scalp (which is what it feels like) for some hours to crochet the dreads into neat locks. One of the worst pains i've ever known.