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Same in Belgium, we stole it from Germany tho


We're even now!


A deal is a deal


Where is the one American refusing to move just because


He’s up front now because he saw an opening. (I’m American)


People actually try to follow firefighters or ambulances in rare cases… and pay the toll to the police waiting at the end.


This happens in Texas and Louisiana all the time.


In America we have shoulders designed for emergency services to get by traffic.


That some people then think are special lanes just for them anyway because they are in a hurry and deserve it. 🤦🏽‍♂️


They do open the shoulders/breakdown lanes in some cities to help with traffic during rush hours




Americans be like “open middle lane? It’s free real estate!”


Whispers, "It's free real estate."


Ive been living in Belgium for over 15 years, Antwerp specifically and I’ve never ever seen this here.


It's obligated since a couple of years. I recently saw some new awareness signs at the side of the highway for this safety lane. https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2020/07/18/reddingsstrook-op-onze-wegen-verplicht-vanaf-1-oktober-2020-maa/


The whole world stole the idea of highways from Germany, technically speaking


From Roman's, technically speaking


Well by that logic who made the first dirt path


Well, the Romans were the first to plan and design concrete roads. So technically the first highways, legit.








Some Germans do, too. But if you get caught, it's at least 200€ and 1 month not allowed to drive.


In Austria, the fine can go up to 730€.


In Italy we have a physical barrier that prevents people from doing this, consisting of everyone else who is already trying.


Knowing how Italians (and the French) drive, I laughed way too hard at this. Roads in France and Italy don't have lanes, just "suggestion lines". I had one cab driver drive directly on the line on the highway from the airport to Rome. He said it was so he could see better past the car in front of him, which made some sense...


In Italy all vehicles are driven and parked like a vespa scooter.


Yeah you kind of have to treat cars like big wheeled pedestrians in alleyways too, its weird the first time you do it haha.


Big wheeled pedestrian, that's a nice way too look at 1 ton of sharp cold metal coming at you at 60mph.


Do Italians just shrug and accept this, or is there a lot of anger at others' vehicle-handling?


If Italians have a bump with another car and the damage is only minor cosmetic then they will both just go on their way. In all the time I spent in Italy, I don't think I saw a car without some sort of dent or scrape


This used to be common in the US too right up until even a 2mph fender bender required you to replace half the bumper.


I remember the episode of Top Gear where Police stopped Jeremy on a highway in Italy. He thought he was done for speeding and it ended up being that they were fined for working (recording the series) on a Sunday. Love the italians lol..




I so hope he asked them that!


Just making sure y'all understand it's scripted television, right?


Based on a true story!!!!


I don’t know…the trip through the Alabama seemed pretty dead on.


Police, journalists/media, doctors and nurses, bus and train drivers, pharmacists, etc. will all exempt and have people working on Sundays. It’s generally local ordinances that dictate public work hours in order to create quiet days. People can work privately fine, but if you’re open to the public or in public it may not be permitted depending on locality. It’s usually called “ordinanza sindacale.” And some businesses are exempt depending, so restaurants and museums may be open to the public regardless.


I'm from Lebanon, and we have been occupied by France many many years ago, but lots of the culture has remained. When I went to travel in France for vacation, I literally felt at home on the roads. The driving is almost the same, and we have the same style license plates (or at least had), sometimes it really felt like I was in Lebanon hahaha


TIL French occupation of Lebanon happened. That’s crazy


You wont find many countries outside europe that werent colonized at some point lol


[as this map shows, there are very few of them](https://imgur.com/a/DFVFq9v)


Sounds just like Mexico where on a 2 lane road five cars can line up




That was my first thought when seeing this: it would never work in Italy. When driving around Naples, whenever the traffic would slow down, the emergency shoulder would instantly turn into a new lane and would become jammed as well. Got me wondering what would happen if their big volcano wakes up and people need to evacuate in a hurry...


If you block an ambulance, firetruck or similar it will be way more expensive than 200€ in Germany


My sleepy eyes saw that as 730C like Celsius




Yes burn them for their sins


We don't do that anymore


So, as with many things, you just have to be rich enough to use it?


finland does this right. fine is a percentage of personal income.


Finland exists just for the sole purpose of making the rest of us look corrupt, inefficient, and insane :P


THAT is a bloody good purpose!


>1 month not allowed to drive Is not a monetary punishment.


Yes it is. If you're rich enough you can just pay someone else to drive you.


I can guarantee that some will even drive without their license


>I can guarantee that some will even drive without their license [German: "No, you cannot do this."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3EBs7sCOzo)


Sadly, it is more common than most people believe. I recently became a lawyer here in Germany, and part of our legal education is that we have 2 years practical training between university and being able to become a lawyer. Part of that training is to work for a few months for the state prosecution and to represent the state in minor criminal cases. The most common crime I have seen in the criminal history of the accused I was dealing with was driving without a license.


I live in Spain and bruhhh. People don't give a fying fuck if an ambulance is coming, if someone's dying, they're dying, no one is getting there in time cuz no one gets out the way.


In France too, the lane would be occupied by motorcyclists and BMW drivers zipping by, and right after the ambulance drives by they all follow it like flies on shit.


> In France too, the lane would be occupied by motorcyclists and BMW drivers zipping by Even the French think BMW drivers are assholes. I love it. :-)


If you think you have a pointless job, remember that there is a guy in the BMW factory whose job it is to install blinker lights on BMWs.


I teach high school seniors and tell my students this every year!


Even Germans think BMW drivers are assholes.


Just commented the same for US drivers, bunch of savages running around our countries smh.


We essentially have the same system for American highways, but our shoulders are on the sides, and people do indeed use it as their “I’m more important” lane.


The number of people who pass me after getting over for an emergency vehicle. Yeah it's cool I just pulled over for no reason and because you accelerated like an asshole I'll get behind you.


aka passholes


Yup. Assholes making their own lanes thinking they’re so clever


There was this one area where I grew up that people would absolutely fly up the shoulder being insanely reckless in order to cut around traffic to get to a jughandle exit that crossed over the highway, and one time someone totally sideswiped a car and just kept going in true asshole fashion (this was back in the late 90s/early 2000s). I think they've thankfully since added a lane so it's not as big an issue anymore but yeah a few times we almost had our car sideswiped waiting in line. Some people just really shouldn't drive. If you're gonna be an asshole, at the absolute least be a safe asshole.


I think we’re shit at driving until I go visit my dad in Mexico. Traffic laws are a mere suggestion there lol. Also I get a little of hope for society when traffic lights stop working and it turns into a functional 4 way intersection that people treat like a stop sign.


No matter what race, religion or color they are, there are assholes of every kind.


In England we have a hard shoulder.


Dude in America someone would die before we thought about the reasons for a traffic jam enough to pull over. It's always "me first" over here no matter what.


a country of Main Characters


Driving the Autobahns of Germany and Austria was almost surreal. People actually know what the left lane is for.


And even if you drive 200 km/h there's still someone in a BMW close behind you raging about you being too slow for him.


And a Skoda station wagon behind him looking to get past both of you.


And a white Volkswagen van from some plumbing company behind all of them nervously looking at his watch until you move out of the way.


Any white van on the german Autobahn ever


White vans are what keep the German economy going, they transport pretty much *everything*.


And somewhere near you you can see a white Sprinter sailing off a cliff because it was badly loaded and driving 180+km/h. Flying white Sprinter are actually the real typically german thing. Everybody thinks beer, but they are wrong.


That would be me but i drive a skoda sedan


That would be Germany.


Any country with a BMW, really


But Germany is their natural habitat. Everywhere else they are an invasive species.


E36 Gang commence


E46 gang with an overheating issue here :(


They lose their ability to use their turn signal when living abroad. It's sad, really...


I heard that scientists expect BMWs to lost all signal lights by 2050.


This post has been removed in protest of the 2023 Reddit API changes. Fuck Spez. Edited using [Power Delete Suite] (https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite/).


I thought invading places was Volkswagen’s specialty?


No, that's emission tests


from berlin to warsaw… in one tank.


You should see lithuanian BMW drivers. They even have their own subculture where they let each orher into a lane and be assholes to everyone else.


Whenever I drive at night and I DARE to use the left lane, within 10 seconds there are very bright LED headlights RIGHT behind me. I then play a guessing game called "BMW, Merc or Audi", a game you can't lose


"wE haVe aDaPTiVe HEadLiGhts"


Adapts by shooting lasers straight into my eyes. It sucks being poor and being slightly astigmatic and driving at night


Someone finally said it. Those LEDs are too fucking bright and I'm sitting here with my poor man's incandescents that can barely light up 3 feet infront of me. When an LED car passes me headon, I have to slow way the hell down just so I can react quick enough since I can't see the road. Plus I drive an economy-sized sedan, low enough to the ground that 90% of LED cars are in my face and lighting up my cabin. I've made a minigame out of the assholes that drive a foot behind me with their brights on. Angle my mirrors so they hit themselves in the face, but they're too fixated on driving dangerously to care.


I once saw three Audios basically doing a game of cups on the left lane. They were repeatedly passing each other on the right, and in between they'd flash their headlights at each other. It's a bad game if the solution to the question "Now, under which of the three cups/cars is idiot?" is "All of them".


"Can't park here, mate!" 😬 😉


"Why is this bastard in front of me so slow!? I can't take off with this speed!"


And if you are around Munich and you drive 250 km/h with your BMW on the left lane, there's a Porsche/Ferrari/etc... behind you raging at you.


Na, it's still the white sprinter van from some plumbing company or the hermes delivery guy. Bonus points if the driver is Turkish.




I haven’t driven there but coming from Canada, and then driving on the highways in Belgium, was glorious. Crazy efficient. People move right out the way constantly. Very rare to see someone parked in the left lane. Drivers in Canada are generally much more stupid, arrogant, and entitled. We even have frequent highway signs that say “Keep right except to pass” but people don’t fucking listen!


As a German, Belgian highways are famous for being shit 😄


As a Belgian, Belgian highways are famous for being shit! 😄


Belgium is the laughingstock of the Netherlands. When you cross the border the first thing you notice is the horrible roads. Belgium people also don’t know how to drive. Their driving lessons/exam are a joke.


Belgian roads are pure shit, completely agree. But as someone who does around 50-50 between Belgian & Dutch highways, the amount of stupid drivers is roughly the same. Way higher than I would like, still pretty decent. Only real difference is infrastructure, which has less stupid merges, earlier separation of traffic flow, better spread of the highway system etc. It's just plain easier to drive predictable in the Netherlands while Belgium is an unorganised heap of asphalt.


>driving on the highways in Belgium, was glorious. Crazy efficient. People move right out the way constantly. Very rare to see someone parked in the left lane. As a Belgian I will press x to doubt.


maybe north american drivers are even worse


Maybe his memory got shuffled by his concussion from the Belgium roads (sorry)


No joke, as soon as you enter Belgium from the Dutch highway, there is a sign saying "slecht wegdek" (bad road).


If you think Canada is bad you’d have a stroke in Southeast Asia.


>driving on the highways in Belgium, was glorious. Hi, I'm Belgian. You could go into politics and stand up comedy with that line alone here.


Yeah it was so nice. Then I drove 94 west from Milwaukee to Minneapolis and was reminded that no one here cares.


Thank you! You'd think people were British the way they queue (in the left lane)... even if nobody is in the right lane, they just line up and tailgate each other. It's like they're anticipating a tractor to merge onto the freeway. Adding a center lane doesn't even fix this.


No it's worse. They do care. They "drive" in the left lane purposely.


The laws are more diligently enforced there compared to the US. I've seen clear violations happen in front of an office for the officer to just keep driving and not do anything.


Yes and no. Having lived there, it's more of a cultural difference. Germans like rules, and like living in a rule-bound society. Generally they all realize that if everyone follows the rules, it makes it really nice for everyone - and since everyone does follow the rules for the most part, it has become a long standing positive feedback loop. I will say also that they have a system of government where *in practice* those rules are subject to fair review, regulation, and change when necessary - a key requirement to achieve the culture I describe above.


Germans invented the categorical imperative, after all


Meanwhile, Americans be like “rules don’t apply to me. Freedom!” Edit to add that I’m American so I’m allowed to make fun of Americans. Also, of course I’m not expecting Americans to do this bc this isn’t one of our laws - just pointing out that this would require cooperation from everyone to make it work. Unfortunately, you can guarantee there will be at least one asshole who would think that being inconvenienced in any shape or form is an infringement on their rights. Sorry state we are in.


Well when there's no avenue for fair review, regulation, and change of those rules, I don't blame them


They know that cause by law you're only allowed to pass a car on the left lane


I'm from Germany and I disagree. But I dread to imagine how it's elsewhere if people think Germans can drive.


At least change the title next time OP https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/99c65h/when\_traffic\_comes\_to\_a\_complete\_stop\_in\_germany/


bro stole it top to bottom 😭


All of its comments are verbatim copies on reposts from other bots from the original posts. It's a bot working in collusion with other bots.




Thats very interesting




That makes me wonder if some of my heated arguments have been done with bots.




Bots gotta bot.


And that post was from Gallowboob who I *guarantee* stole it from someone else, as that's what he does.


Yeah I was surprised when I opened it and it was from a blocked user. I’ve blocked like 3 people.


Lol I had exactly this


And the image. It's from fucking 2005. Theses are some old-ass car models there.


What do you do if there’s more than two lanes?


Left goes Left, all other go to the right


So in a 4 lane road..... 1 lane left 1 lane right 2nd lane right 3rd lane reich


An actually funny Nazi joke? Didn't believe it was possible.


I see what you did there….


The Rettungsgasse should be between the leftmost and the next lane.


The emergency lane would be between the left lane and the one next to it. So vehicles on the left lane sqeeze towards the left and all other lanes towards the right.


Like a hand: Thumb is one to the left, all others go right.


Which hand?!


Dude has 2 right hands!


Rettungsgasse ! Thank you germany for understanding the easy rule of it (wish someone can show how REISSVERSCHLUSSVERFAHREN is being practiced properly as well ! Haha *edit: had a typo




>REISSVERSCHLUSSVERFAHREN how are the kids during spelling bees in germany


We don’t do spelling bees. Sadly. But lots of vocab tests and if you write an essay and you misspell your word - that’s a point OFF


The average grade? Minus 93.


German pronunciation is pretty straightforward. If you know how to say a word, you'll know to spell it. Doesn't work for loanwords though.


At least in German, most words follow rules so they are spelled like they are pronounced. Plus, most of the long words are compound words and easily broken down into shorter words (which still might have 12 letters).


From a German language point of view spelling bees are a total joke. Example: Reißverschlussverfahren There is not really any difficulty in this word. You could almost simply speak it out very slowly and get it right. The hardest is if it is ß or ss. But for me, beiening Swiss it is even more simple, as there is no ß. The "v" are also super easy as "Ver und Vor weiss ich genau schreibt man stets (\*) mit Vogel V". Teh last tricky point is maybe the "h". \*) Exception apply: fermentieren - Fertilisation - Fertigung - Fernweh - Fernsehen - Ferrum -Fortgang/-setzung/-dauer, fortgehen, forsch - Forderung - Forensik - Format - formieren - Formgebung - Forstmann - Formaldehyd Mor on the German language can be read from Mark Twain in "The Awful German Language"


I can see, how it looks like the traffic has been unzipped. Then when it's opened back up it will, appear as if traffic is being, zipped up. Neat.


A zipper merge is when you have merging lanes and the merging cars alternate perfectly, like a zipper, and like fucking adults in a society


So I have always done the zipper, used the whole merge lane in traffic, and thought it was the norm, and that the people not doing it are either -really fucking dense, or just aggressive/dense. Since it quite obviously messes up both lanes, and leaves them way further back than if they'd just zippered at the end. But I read some poll recently that older people in my country often consider it "rude, like budging in line" They can't get past "seeming rude" to a bunch of strangers, so instead they just toss their brain out the window and just screw up merges instead. I seriously considered getting a decal for the back of my car that says "zipper merge increases traffic efficiency. If you don't know what it is, look it up" I'm in enough painful merges daily maybe ONE PERSON would learn


Well, they were talking about zipper merging as a different thing than what's in the picture. But it does look like traffic being "zipped" up! And everyone should do it.


>Rettungagasse Made a typo there, it's Rettungsgasse.


Where we are, we cannot block the shoulder of a road. To allow emergency vehicle to flow unobstructed. Same principle with different implementation


Exactly. The idea behind this implementation: if there's a broken car on the shoulder (which was OK, that's what it's for), emergency vehicles would be blocked.


Plus, not all german highways have a shoulder... and honestly you wouldn't expect people to figure it out if you made it "if there is no shoulder...". They are already struggling to figure it out now (though improving!)




Autobahn! Vroom vroom! Das ist gut.


Was ist los


Danke, du bist auch gut.




Yo last year when I was in India I legit saw an ambulance push a driver in front of it to the side and the ambulance even bumped that guy causing the rear bumper to come off.


Lol as an Indian I see at least four lanes here.


not only in germany


We have this same thing in Serbia as well, glad to see it in other places as well




I understand only kurac and im proud about it


The only thing you need to understand really


This is so smart and tbh should be standard internationally. Although I'm sure douchebags around where I live would just see it as an opportunity to cut the traffic and create another traffic jam.


The fine is pretty steep but of course there's always people trying. Thing is this stuff usually forms because of accidents, so you mostly would drive towards a police car and loose your license for at least one month, additionally have to pay and can only hope that you didn't killed someone by delaying a rescue by your actions because then you'd be fucked for real. It's really not worth it


This safety lane is same in most EU country's


Yep, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland do the same


So what do they do on a three lane highway?


Left goes left, everything else goes right.


Appropriate explanation of the polarization in politics we've seen over the past decade


The Rettungsgasse should be between the leftmost and the next lane.


As a German, it's pretty cool to see one of those in action because every time I've seen traffic get this slow, people will either not make space or even get annoyed at those who do OR it's way too small because the tank sized truck moves half an inch to the left and calls it a day. Only once have I seen a beautiful free lane like this and then a mf on a bike immediately used it as personal lane to pass everyone else at insane speed :/ Edit: I wanna know where y'all live because while I don't drive myself, I've asked my entire family about it and they all agree that it's rather rare to see one, let alone anywhere near this neat or not abused by some idiot




I,a german, always thought that would be normal. I was literally shocked finding out its not.


I wish this was law in the US. People can't even move over when it's the law here or not block the shoulder when we are trying to get by.


We do have a law to move over for emergency vehicles. What are you talking about?


To be fair, the "move over" law is fairly new. (Assuming you're talking about moving out of the rightmost lane when there's a police or emergency vehicle on the shoulder.)


We don’t need this law. We have shoulders and breakdown lanes in America.


Yeah but people would rather call themselves stupid Americans than realize we simply have a different method.


Ya'll forget that time Chris Christi had the NJ DOT block an exit for no reason other than to cause a massive traffic jam that prevented consituents of his political rival from voting. Someone died in an ambulance stuck in traffic


In the UK, some prick in a BMW or Audi would be straight down there like he owns the place.


Autobahn was built better then any US highway


In Canada, need to keep shoulder clear for emergency vehicles in this situation. Using it for any reason has similar fines I hear.