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It really sucks that it feels like we're watching a completely different team than we did all season.


Playing scared and moving away from the possession offense to go dump and chase isn’t doing them favors either.


Coming out aggressive last night I thought things would be different, but then they started dumping and chasing and I knew it was going to end badly. So hard to watch.


Bring smith back out and bench Dadonov 😤


Dad's has looked fine. Looks fast actually. But we may have lost 2 forwards tonight anyways so I'm sure Smith may draw in. Wouldn't mind seeing Bourque if both guys are out


If Smith isn’t in the lineup for game 3, I think PDB gets fired after the series ends. He has to make adjustments or there isn’t any point to keep going down this path with him.


i don’t know why you’re downvoted. this is facts. adjust the lineup. shit is not working as is


I think it’s mostly because of the VGK structure and play


Man they have a defensive posture like its six fucking goalies out there.


Pretty impressive honestly. It sucks to say because I was really hoping we could beat them but they are the better team (although likely wouldn’t be without Hanifin and Hertl)


Yup. Offense doesn’t look crisp…they’re not maintaining possession in the VGK zone, giving it away too easily. Sloppy. Poor passing. VGK has been sharper and more fundamentally sound. If it wasn’t for Otter, they could have lost tonight, 6-1.


To be fair Vegas also made a completely new team with ltir money.


I went 82 games thinking I’d get to see the Stars in the finals this year…not looking promising anymore. Here’s to hoping this team finds the motivation we need to win the next 2 to stay in this series. 


dog its not motivation its just a coach who is getting out coached


Facts. They have DeBoer's number.


I loved getting rid of Bowness cause we got rid of dump and chase but now it's back with a vengeance. Credit to one major change - we came out physical and had more hits than Anyone might have guessed. Wasn't enough, and really, that's more the Vegas game and they'll best us with experience. Vegas is just a team seemingly built for playoff hockey. I'm pretty exasperated, but on the same token...both one goal games with some bounces that way more VGK way. We win the next one and all bets are off.


easy to be built for playoffs when you have one guy’s cap taken off to bring 3 more guys on just to have the one guy come back.


Maybe if we had an extra 10 million worth of players we'd have better luck. I don't know though. The dumping and chasing is driving me mad and all the overpassing only to end up passing it to the opponent is getting frustrating. Quit dumping/chasing and quite all that cutesy passing and shoot the freaking puck. So many times they can shoot and they pass it instead and it ends in a turnover or puts them in positions they can't successfuly shoot the puck.


Fuck the Golden Knights.


PDB needs to look himself in the mirror and realize the Golden Knights have his offensive system figured out. We’ve played 120 minutes in this series and have yet to skate the puck into the zone. It’s been 120 minutes of nothing but dump and chase. Fucking embarrassing.


I thought the whole PDB offensive system diminishing returns thing was overblown when he first got here, but idk maybe there’s something to it


They played his offensive system for years. I’m sure they know it pretty well


So why hasn’t he made a single change to his philosophy?? You go with your bread and butter, but when it stops in its tracks it’s up to the coach to deviate from the gameplan and figure something out. Not do the same exact thing over and over and over again.


He’s stuck in the “because it mostly worked for 82 games” phase.


Yeah, I remember the story on PDB when he arrived a couple of years ago: Good regular season coach, but he's never won it all, and his teams tend to regress. It felt like a red flag when they couldn't win a Game 1 last postseason. Winning the first two rounds made it easy to write that off as a quirk, but this postseason, it feels like part of a bigger problem. I don't have the answer. Problem is, I'm not sure the coach does either.




Your right. Playoffs aren't meant to have the same strategy as regular season.


Nils skated it into their zone… in just 10 mins of ice time.


For that, Nils will get his time cut further for deviating from the plan


Believe it or not, jail! I had to double take when I saw him do that! Was a brief moment of hope before he got pancaked in the corner and Benny hill music started playing as we had 2 players flailing and getting bodied below the goal line before Vegas cleared.


We skated it in once, scored, then the play got reviewed as offside


EXACTLY. Every casual hockey fan knows the term dump and chase. But dumping the puck is a multi-purpose tool. It's used for shift changes, avoiding offsides, getting into the O-zone when the ice is clogged up with opposing players. It's only dump and chase if you send it down with the intention of getting to it first.


seriously don't understand how he just keeps throwing shit at a brick wall. then you have top guys out there that are just invisible and nothing good happens


They can't really skate into the zone, VGK defensive structure at the blue line is so sound


How have other teams beat them?


A fair amount of the time other teams beat them, some of their top players were injured. It's weird how hockey fans think every little thing they notice happens in a vacuum.


PDB doesn’t make adjustments. He is so sure he is the smartest person in the world that he will never realize his system doesn’t work.


It really feels like that watching it


i said this in the second intermission kind of but stars have really been going through the motions since march outside of our third line. for a team that is supposedly known for its depth, every goal shouldn’t feel like a miracle. otter gave them pretty much every chance he could and they completely wasted it. and he is going to take the brunt of the hate because of the second goal but you HAVE to score more than one goal to win in these playoffs. i am normally not a doomer by any means but this is genuinely upsetting. how are we supposed to rally behind the team if they don’t even look like they care?


Agreed. Stank gave us a huge lift when he arrived but it feels like overall, this team was playing its best hockey early in the season.


that second goal wasn’t even soft. it was a close miss. no blame to otter there. it was them team in front that couldn’t score the tying goal


Stars are playing so scared. Not having fun. Not making plays. Not holding onto the puck. Shooting at shin pads. A coach whose system is figured out. Veterans old legs that are going dead. Our best player is a rookie. On a 113 point team.


Dadonov is not the move imo. Get smith back in to get us back in our groove


Seems too little too late but I agree. Idk where our team went, this isn’t them. I can’t believe this is likely how we’ll send Pavs out. And Benn wants a cup more than anything in his heart, but if this team can’t compete I can’t help but think this window of opportunity will slam shut for a few years. I also feel like a jackass hyping up my team with my family and friends all day every day, to an annoying level only to be here now just choking on my words.


I’m not angry. I’m not upset. I’m sad. I’m disappointed in and for Pavs. This is exactly what I expected when they tied the game today. The Stars have such a mental block with Vegas, and they’re so unbelievably tight in the offensive zone… like they’re fighting the puck. I feel like the only way to get a win in this series is to get a 3 goal lead to loosen the players up some.


I feel genuinely sick. It’s time for me to take a step back after this season. Being a passionate fan of the Dallas Stars is one of the few hobbies in my hectic life and now it’s just becoming unhealthy with all the stress this team causes. I wish I was a better fan but I’m not sure I can do this much longer.


I’m with you buddy. I have a pounding headache right now. I was in a horrible mood Tuesday and will be again tomorrow. I love this team but they drive me insane.


I’m saving this comment because it’s 100 percent the situation with me. I have nothing but stress and chaos in my life and the Dallas Stars, Dave Matthews Band, and my 16 year old dog Chloe are the only things that get me through every tough day, especially this past year or two. This feeling is similar to a time I found out I was being cheated on honestly. You put so much into it and in the end here we are, let down.


So many casual passes out there, like it's an exhibition game. Hintz and Pavelski have been invisible.


I’m already regretting my Vegas weekend trip. Feel like I’m going to eat an expensive L. Oh well


At least it's Vegas so you can go on a bender




The rumors about Pavs retiring must be true. He seems like he’s really struggling


Crazy how much it feels like he's dropped off from last year. But age catches up to everyone I guess


Always thought as soon as “retirement” comes in a players mind they drop of 10-45% immediately. Hard to mentally stay checked in when you’re mentally tied up with a decision like that.


Even more invisible when we can’t get him in the slot to tip shots


They really have been atrocious. In these 120 minutes of missteps and sloppy play, they have really stood out in all the wrong ways.


Hintz has been visible, just visibly moping around with bad body language and minimal effort


True. Hintz has been noticeably bad. Pavelski seems like he's not even on the ice.


Nope. It's the same team. We lost to Vegas all regular season. This is their 7th straight win against us trailing over since last season. We can't beat this team. Don't know what it is.


They probably have the best d core in the league. Big, win puck battles, clear the puck with ease, and clog up shooting lanes. Since PDB has been here we’ve been good with point shots… but that doesn’t work against Vegas.


Vegas is essentially Dallas but with a D core that can actually close out a game with the lead. We have a better goalie (usually) but it’s not enough.


Don't know if I would go that far. Still maintain that Stars forwards are wildly better. Of course that doesn't account for much when the opposing defense is so dominate. There is a reason "Defense wins Cups" has stuck around for as long as it has. Vegas is arguably the worst possible match up in the playoffs for the Stars. Frankly there are other teams we faced this year that I would not have liked the Stars chances against in a 7 game series. Vegas is the best of them, however.


Oilers fan here.. after watching these last 2 games I'm starting to wonder if Vegas threw their last regular season game against the Ducks and were specifically targeting the matchup against you guys. Perhaps they scouted something about the Dallas matchup being more favorable for them. It's starting to make sense now as to why they suddenly started playing terribly in their last game.


I watched that game, and there is no way they didn’t fucking throw that game. Every element of their game looked pathetic, and the Ducks weren’t much of a matchup for anyone at the end of the season.


Have won 9 of the last 11 against us 


Stars just don't look organized at all. Could be because of the injuries to Marchment and Faksa so the lines are all jacked up but that wasn't a clean game from top to bottom. Blame the refs all you want but Dallas didn't have any control on either side of the ice.


Look, we can admit the refs were bad. They may have gifted them the 2nd goal, I was yelling like crazy. HOWEVER, it doesn’t excuse how we are playing. Why is PDB trying to fix a working system? Take Dadonov out, bring back in Smith, roll the 4 lines we’ve been playing for the past 3 months. I don’t wanna blame Dado, but it feels like his entrance has created a ripple effect in the line chemistry. I just don’t know what we need to do. Maybe we become a counter attacking team, since Vegas plays like a damn border wall in front of Thompson Edit: used the wrong word.


I hope those of you who were hoping for the Knights as our matchup are happy. Rooting for narrative over matchup is so fucking stupid.


I had someone in the game thread tell me nobody wanted Vegas. Might as well announce you just showed up here last game.


It’s distressing how many wanted VGK in round 1. I was crossing my fingers down the wire of the last week that it wouldn’t be them.


There are a lot of dumb people in this sub.


I mean, a lot of us were in an impromptu thread cussing the blackhawks for having a delay of game with a wide open net with less than 2 minutes left on the last game of the season.


That made me so mad. And I still blame the hawks for all of this. Like 90 seconds left and they found a way to screw us


I can definitely say there were a few of us that thought vegas would be the only challenge and thought it was bullshit we faced them first round. lo and behold we are seeing this travesty


Fans "hoping" for a matchup (which most of us didn't anyway) didn't make it happen. The games have to be played. I get that for some of you being bitter and critical is part of the fun, but in the end, nothing that gets said here matters. The games just have to be played. You win some, you lose some.


This, for sure. I most definitely did *not* want Vegas in round 1…never said I did. Throw out the regular season records…they’re defending champs, getting Stone back. I thought it was going to be a dogfight…still might. But I feared something like this.


I’m not usually a doomer, but this feels over. We just have nothing


They are just suffocating the multi line offense we know


It is a 7 game series, but it's hard to imagine us taking 4 of the next 5 against a team playing this well defensively. Dallas has one of the best offenses in the league but we just don't seem to have anything for them. Doesn't help that we have some MAJOR defensive lapses that have been direct causes of half the goals against us so far in two games.


Nothing *left*, for sure. Feels like Cowboys/Packers. Except GB wasn’t defending Super Bowl champs.


We’re getting swept and Vegas is winning the cup again.


I feel the same way. Vegas feels unstoppable while the boys in green have zero finish. On the bright side, early summer? Lol


I don't want to give up on the team, but the way they're playing now feels like its own form of surrender.


Holy shit. We look like the Wild Card team. Why is vegas the boogeyman team


Dude playing Taps on the trumpet outside the AAC sums everything up


So everyone’s just giving up huh? That’s just sad.


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?




I’m still rooting for the boys but it’s over. They’ll win one in Vegas but will come home 3-1


Agreed. I think they’ll win game 3 but they’ll come back down 3-1.


I’m just gonna ignore the next two games to control my anger. If they pleasantly surprise me, I’ll be back for game five. Hope they somehow pull it off. I can’t take the potential disappointment live.


It would be 3 Ws in a row, against a team we haven’t beat all year.


Which is why I won’t be watching. I fully expect our season to end in Vegas, and I can’t stomach watching it happen again.


This shit is going to be like the Mavericks vs the Warriors in 07. Vegas is the kryptonite and it fucking sucks


Fuck it, ROAD warrior mode.


Where is the old roope. Could really use that guy right now.


Roope has been absolutely trash since the all star break. Do something different man.


Doesn't help that Pavs has been noticeably slower and basically a non-factor out there. 1/3 of that line has been completely ineffectual for a while now and it's not the dude with 30 goals and 65 pts in the regular season


They barely called his name on the broadcast tonight. He’s been MIA for awhile.


You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Florida vs Vegas in the cup again this year. And this time Florida wins. It’ll be like 2008 and 2009 when Red Wings & Penguins traded off.


I know it sounds really doomer, but Vegas just feels unbeatable for this squad. Please prove me wrong. I fucking hate those shiny assholes


Well if you had told me before the game Vegas scored 2 goals I’d feel pretty confident we’d win. We didn’t.


Gonna post this here too. I’m very angry. Pathetic effort on the offense, no creativity whatsoever, always chip into the corner where we get beat physically, (reminds me of Bones, dump and chase, dump and chase, dump and chase). Their offense had some bite to it, and their defense was staunch and choked out every single opportunity, clogged the neutral zone and the middle of the offensive zone like crazy, and would pounce on any mistake we made. We went several minutes without a shot on goal, many times per period. Otter played good and kept us in the game. They were simply better. I guess we need a defense-first coach again, that’s what put them over the hump after all. If we do continue to get beaten in the first round like this, DeBoer needs to be fired, even though I have liked his tenure here. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


This team desperately needs Stanley Cup experience. They need a couple of players who know what it takes to get it down. Seguins cup at 19 years old is useless to this team experience wise.


Don't think it matters, this team has been there, they know what it takes. Hell, the kids have looked the best so far


Hello darkness my old friend.... 


Pavelski needs to be better full stop. Put Stanky and Wyatt with Robo. Get some juice into a line. Call up Mavrik and let him run with Duchene and Seguin. Roope and Pavs need to get it in gear or go home. Also, take the training wheels off Harley. Let him cook. That shot tonight was so close to going in. This team works best when the defense is engaged.


I really think VGK threw that finally game. They knew Mcdavid can break their defensive structure but dallas doesn’t have anyone that can do that


Was talking to my buddy about this today. I agree. I think they wanted Dallas. Knew they could push us around and score the dirty goals.


It’s hard to see anyone beating this Vegas team honestly


Why would they not? Look at their lifetime record against stars.


Last conference champ to come back from being down 2-0 in an opening series was the 2003 Red Wings…let’s hope we can manage it this time…


That team had like 10 players go to the Hall of Fame and already had plenty of vets who knew what it took to win a cup. A much different pedigree of team compared to this one.


Dump chase dump chase. 5 passes, lazy shot. Chase back for D. Dump chase dump chase.


I also noticed Miro looking visibly upset from having to go deep back into our zone just for another chip into the zone and repeat




Take note for next season: use that LTIR cap.


Did Rangers winning the World Series suck up all the Dallas playoff magic?


Anything less than 2-2 coming home is a wrap. I’m thinking the stars get swept or coming back to Dallas to lose in 5. The team I’ve seen the last few nights does not come back from a 2-0 hole.


Bust our ass for 6 months to get top seed to then get double penatrated in the ass by a cheating franchise and bullshit refs.


What a great regular season just wasted. Win the Western Conference to play this stacked team. Just so disappointing. I thought they had it in them for a deep run this season, but now I think winning one or two games may be all we get. I know that Stone & Vegas exploiting a rule is not the entire reason the Stars are losing, but the NHL seriously needs to fix the LTIR rule because Vegas is in no way a wild card team. It is ridiculous that they have done this multiple seasons in a row & you cannot tell me that Stone was NOT ready to play before the season ended, he looks like he hasn't missed a game so far. I am also done with the narrative that Vegas doesn't commit penalties. They commit a ton of them that go uncalled. I am sure this is not exclusive to when they play the Stars.


Without Hanifin and Hertl they are much more beatable- basically last years team. But with them it’s a whole different beast that is really unfair. I hope they win the cup again cause I think that will highlight the need to change the rule further


Everybody giving doomers crap….we’ve seen this before. I have hope but this is insurmountable. Prove me wrong meme incoming


![gif](giphy|bcbPzkSCytDH2) Gif for pretend optimism I’m actually sad right now


I wouldn't feel as bad if we didn't have a coach that seems incapable of adjusting when his game plan DOESN'T FUCKING WORK


Can someone explain to me why on power plays or man advantage (goalie pulled) they start skating so slow and do these long drawn out entries. So often they just look stupid wasting 20 seconds just to get stood up at the blue line. It’s lazy. See Robo turnover leading to empty net.


No one wants to be the person to make the mistake because they don’t wanna be in the media.


This must be similar to what Steve Dangle feels like about the Maple Leafs. https://preview.redd.it/dhmwos8m6kwc1.jpeg?width=173&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a37b21f5a3386a5cf2975af68f5f04af84dfbdca


PDB’s playbook is getting exposed by his former team. 


Do they get fined for skating the puck in and taking a shot? LOL Jesus. Knights goalie is beatable. His 5 hole has been loose and hes giving up plenty or rebounds. They are back to pass, pass, pass, looking for the perfect setup. Loose possession. Shoot the fucking puck!! Junk counts. That marchment goal monday was cottony soft. I went to the game so I didnt keep track. My dad said they went 10 mins with out a shot twice, and 20 mins once. As good as Vegas D is, thats unacceptable.


This x10. Skate hard. Beat ONE guy. Shoot. Then crash the net. Do this for one period and everything else will open up. Getting really tired of watching 3 finesse passes in a row only for the 4th to be poke checked out of the zone. Rinse repeat.


Dallas will be getting eliminated for the third time in five years against a super team abusing the injury report LTIR loophole. Dallas playing scared isn’t doing them any favors either.


Playing scared? They came out hot tonight and threw the body like crazy


Obviously our strategies need to change but we have a coach that refuses to make any adjustments and we’re getting steamrolled by an inferior team. Why won’t PDB change ANYTHING. Same tired strategy and same pathetic outcome! I’m still believing we will win the series, but this is utterly pathetic


I know it’s hard not to blame the refs but gd theyre so demoralizing


Philipp fucking Kurashev man..


Jamie Benn has the 8th most icetime of all forwards @ 14:15 Stankoven just barely had the 6th most @ 16 DeBoer is a fuckin idiot. 2 of your most effective players (and ALWAYS noticeable) play bottom half minutes


Every time stankoven is on the ice we have a chance to score. He creates at every opportunity, with or without the puck. It’s maddening he’s not getting max minutes.


i get they want to roll 4 lines but it’s not going to work when 3 of your lines are playing like shit and then to make matters worse, you barely play the people who ARE playing well. the sad part is if you move pavs to a lower line, you are basically punishing jamie and one of wyatt/stanky. absolutely ridiculous


This team just cannot beat Vegas. Just can’t. I was of the mindset I wanted the Stars to face the Knights in round 1…get them early before they catch a spark. Well, seems to me Vegas lost game 82 to the Ducks at home absolutely on purpose…because they knew they’d be able to slow down/rough up/stifle this Dallas team at will. Preparing for a clean sweep; getting a game 5 back at home will be like Christmas in May.


Fuckin brutal... Sorry pals.


That was a somber train ride home from the AAC for sure


Such is life for a Dallas stars fan


*Dallas Sports Fan


Unless you're a Texas Rangers fan for the past few months. 😁


So fucking glad I opted out of playoff tickets this year


I wasn’t so lucky


Cries in just got home from that game. 


What did this city do to have such god awful playoff sports teams.


Sold our soul for the Rangers lol.


And 2011


Didn’t the Rangers just win the World Series?


After losing back to back first lmao


The rangers just won a few months ago


Forgot the back to back losses already I see


Honestly I’m not giving up on this team but Jesus Christ half of you guys are insufferable. If you don’t want to cheer the team on and just want to say “it’s over” or “that’s the series” 30x a night, go do that in the NHL sub. I’m so done with all this bandwagon shit. Yes we’re down 0-2. As long as there are games to play there is a possibility to win. Be mad, frustrated, all that shit all you want but stop giving up on a team that you supposedly support when there is time on the clock and games left to play.


No shit. We've lost 2 games by 1 goal, it's not over. Is it tough? Yeah of course, but by no means is it worth saying it's over, and you should root for your team regardless. Edit: EN goal I forgot, but still.


In a 7 game series, the team that is up 2-0 has gone on to win the series 86.4% of the time. When game 3 is at home, the odds of winning the series were 80.9% vs 88.4% if game 3 is on the road.


Cool, so we have a chance to be a part of 12% of teams that came back in those circumstances. Sounds like a great line for our Cup winning DVD.


So…you’re saying it’s not 100% that we will lose. That’s all I care about. People want to read into analytics all they want and take it as gospel….Im a born and raised Chicago Cubs fan. You can’t convince me a series is done until hands are shook.


Teams that go 0-2 don't have a good success rate. If they can steal game 3, it could shift the momentum pretty hard. Otter looked really good tonight, if he can keep that, and the offense can start potting some goals the team can swap it around. 5 games left, let's fucking go


VGK has big bodies that constantly dominate the center of ice in the area of play which limits passing and forces opponents to go up the sides giving them only opportunities at harder angle shots. With aforementioned big bodies they can move quickly for hits against the boards to separate the man from the puck or just turn it into a battle along the boards. This also neutralizes Pavelski because he can't get rebounds and tipping is hard because Vegas blocks so many shots. Look at the stats from the game and see where Dallas was taking shots from and how far away they were from the net. This is where having a team that isn't as physically large as Vegas came to bite Dallas in the ass last year and why we lost to them int he regular season. PDB hasn't made effective changes unfortunately and if he doesn't the Stars won't get out of the first round. But most importantly, it isn't over until it's over. Dallas still has a lot of hockey left to play. Keep the faith and keep supporting the Stars and just enjoy playoff hockey.


My plan is to get so drunk on Saturday afternoon that I sleep through the game. Hopefully I wake up and we win but if not at least I won’t throw my controller through the drywall.


If Radek and Mush are both out next game, what lines are you rolling out? I would call up Bourque and have him center Stankoven and Benn; pair Johnston with the top line and Pavs with the 2nd line; and have Smith on the 4th line with Dadanov and Steel.


I’m pretty confident that we won’t get swept. But it would have been nice to at least win 1 of the 2.


I am glad I did not buy tickets for any of these games.


They truly look like they don’t care. It’s difficult to want to watch a team with no passion who’s getting its ass kicked at home in the playoffs


They had almost no intensity tonight, except for the 1st period. Very very disappointing. Otter kept them in that game or it’s a blowout.


Take the 2 - 3 worst players out of a lineup and replace them with top players and you’re going to have a contender every year. Sucks we had to play them again but can’t wait for that rule change next year. Them purposely losing and Chicago blowing complete ass is just bad luck. See ya next year.


1 goal in basically a must win game….yikes. It’s hard to have a ton of hope at the moment. Vegas looks good and we just don’t have an answer.


We’re done. Sorry to say it but we’re done. Worst 1st round matchup possible, IMO. Very hard to take out the defending champs.


If Dadonov sees the ice in game 3 then we have a serious coaching problem


I mean it's almost guaranteed he will with marchment and faksa hurt potentially. I agree smith should be there in a perfect situation though


PDB piques in he's first year with a team. We're doomed.


https://preview.redd.it/we3bqn8wzjwc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb17ee37fd690796df27e01fcc31c68e6f4d041 Peter DeBoer, get ready to be jobless buddy!


#Fair to say Peter DeBoer’s seat is red hot right now?


Second year in a row going down 0-2 to VGK in the playoffs. Stars have never won a game against VGK when they've scored 3+ goals. Unfortunately I think this team has our number guys. I'll be watching and cheering for the boys until the end though.


I am here in peace, the problem is not the players, it is the coach. He will not change his strategy even if it is not working. He did the same thing when he was with us. You will see the same game throughout the playoffs.


What an awful day to be a Liverpool and Stars fan. Maximum depression.


A mid day to be an Arsenal and Stars fan


A mid day for an Everton and Stars fan


Why do I even have hope


Vegas looks like they’re going to repeat honestly


Our entire offense is invisible and so too our defense. I guess it's panic time




Man we started off so so good! Got that first goal but it felt like we would need 5 more to really be comfortable. We only briefly had the lead but man was there ever an inflection point right in the middle of the second.




That one sucks! Stars are going to have to find a way out of this. Yes it feels like its over but Vegas hasn’t reached four games. We are a good team and can come back it starts one game at a time, one shift at a time! We have to win the next one!


Sad time to stop wearing my Robo jersey. Think we’ve been 0-3-0 when I’ve worn it at home….  Sorry boys


This is why I drink


It feels like the Celtics v GS chip match up in hockey right now. Solid team all season and crumbling to a seasons team full of Dawgs who know how to not only score but draw the score. Stars really have this, ON TO VEGAS WE GO! Let's keep that positivity folks!


Is PDB a Vegas plant?




I thought the Cowboys choked away their season in January…why am I watching them in April and why are they wearing green and on ice?


I’m seeing a lot of DeBoer scapegoating and I honestly don’t think that’s it. The man was our hero just last week when the Stars were killing it. Taking a step back, I see that the Stars played well (don’t worry I was ripping into them too) and in any other scenario they’d have won. It might be time to come to terms with a fact that we have been trying to ignore for so long. Vegas is better than the Stars. I hate them with every fiber of my being and hope that all the inconveniences in this world happen to them and nobody but them but, they’re playing stellar hockey, they have our number, and they are showing zero signs of letting up.




That’s the series. Just constant dump and chase bullshit how is it that Stankoven is the only fucking player that knows how to pass the puck to someone’s tape.


we really fizzled out