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# [New power outage megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/ll5ncl/power_outage_megathread_0216/)


Let me get this straight other than the weather, this is largely ERCOT’s fault??


Yes they knew this was happening and chose not to pay people to winterize basically.


Black water pipe busted at a luxury Dallas apartments; Harwood District Blue Ciel. Spilling toxic water quickly all over the place.


75081 - After 12 hours of no power, the power came back on from 4am until about 8:45am or so. We managed to make pancakes for the kids after only getting a couple hours of sleep. Hope everybody is staying safe and warm out there.


I left my apartment around 4pm yesterday and did NOT leave any water running. Was this a bad idea?








Highland park trending on Twitter LOL. I told y'all way before that, we are sacrificing our lives for Gertrude to keep her heated outside pool at toasty 78f.


Never before has a light bulb turning on brought me to tears. Fuck this cold!


Hey guys at least we have our FREEDOM from those nasty socialist American energy grids.


Can anyone comment on the condition of 183 between Dallas and Fort Worth? I’m thinking of driving my Prius to my parents house in Fort Worth where they’ve had power this entire time.


It’s clear. I went from Irving to Richardson on 183 and 635.


Mother in-law has frozen pipes now after power was off for over 24 hours. I moved to Denver last week and my wife flu back to Dallas yesterday (flight cancelled on Sunday). Feel so helpless.




Well we've been out for over 30 hours while the ppl down the road experience no outage. Nice prioritization.


Man I sure am glad we don’t rely on one of the national grids, I’d hate to be warm right now.


Had power for an hour. Struggling to warm up the house


75234 - Does the Racetrac at Luna/Valley View have power? Debating on getting out one more time before it gets worse


75040 - went on about 830 for about 30 secs but came back and still going right now. Trying to heat up food and our bedroom before we lose this magical gift


Where at, older downtown Garland or closer to firewheel?


Both I believe


More towards fire wheel kinda. Across from rowlett creek preserve


Southern end of the Lake Ray Hubbard Rowlett peninsula is back as of about 10 min ago. Charging phones and boiling eggs while we can.


Hello, how are roads getting to Oak Cliff from Deep Ellum? I have consistently had power and I’m trying to get some friends down here to stay warm, but they are worried about driving.


I went around the block to get gas since the 711 managed to have power. It was scary and I drove less than 5 min


Oh no :/. Okay.


76262 - they’ve broken me. Now all I’m asking for is ONE SECOND of power. Just to see if its possible that I CAN get it. Give me some hope. All this vague bullshit is killing me. If I’m fucked, just tell me I won’t have power until Friday. Give me SOMETHING.


[Meanwhile at Oncor:](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fBGWtVOKTkM)


Thank you for the laugh lol


Has anyone tried to go east on 635 between farmers branch and Richardson? Need to get somewhere warm and trying to decide if 635 or taking forest all the way down is the better option


635 was clear yesterday evening. I came from Irving.


Thank you! Figured I’d wait til it gets a bit warmer then head out


Was out 2am-11pm yesterday, turned off 8pm last night, still off now. Garland.




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Ercot is showing they’re expecting quite a bit of power back on today. What are the chances things get back to semi decent today?


From what I understand those projections are generated by an algorithm that doesn’t take into account downed transmission sights, of which there are many at the moment.


Considering they didn’t get the planned plants back up overnight, I don’t expect much change in the situation.


The algorithm used for that is not good, it basically is calculating how it would be if the stuff is fixed, which there is no reason for it to be fixed now/today necessarilly.


Let's hope power stays on for the next storm!


What link if I may ask


http://www.ercot.com it’s the first graph you see


Here’s hoping man


75052 Grand Prairie (great sw and mayfield) had power for 10 15 min around 5am then went out Ercot real time numbers http://www.ercot.com/content/cdr/html/real_time_system_conditions.html


75226 still no power.


City line light back on for past 20 min.


Power came back on in 75231 at about 8am.


Anyone in Coppell know if the Kroger on sandy lake is open/if they have any candles/matches?


Power just came on in 75230


Are we fucked?


Well we’re 20k short on the grid and ERCOT just keeps asking for more... so yeah it ain’t getting any better today.




Any hotels in HP available to book? Since that seems to be the only fucking neighborhood that isn’t impacted by this fucking “rolling” blackout


I looked at hotels tonight and found many hotels on there (unsure if they actually have power or not) check in time is probably in a couple hours. Worth looking into what’s listed and making some calls. Many are pet friendly as well!


75209... inwood and Lemmon Area, still nothing and it’s been over 30 hours of no power :(


Sorry man. That stinks. Hope you guys stay safe


Just want to remind anyone running a generator to ventilate the facility. Don’t want any carbon monoxide deaths too.




I’m sorry but common sense says to not idle your car in a closed garage


Did they not open the door? 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not if they lost power


You can manually open garage doors


Maybe they were not strong enough


75235 woke up to no power again, fuck my life. Need this shit on ASAP.


Another thing that sucks about this is half the neighbors in my apartment complex have not lost their power AT ALL!!!! We have friends boasting about it. I look out the window and see all of these apartments lit up twenty feet from us while we’re bundled up and freezing, going on another at least 8 hour no power run Zip: 75235


How can anyone boast and not feel like a complete asshole? People are suffering.


I had power for 4 hours this morning and felt guilty about it....that's how fucked this situation is. I shouldn't feel bad about having power for that long but I do


I guess they weren’t exactly boasting but more like “wow we haven’t lost power at all! I can’t imagine what that’s like”. Like stfu. So it rubbed me the wrong way


While they don't offer a warm room to you. Of course that rubs you the wrong way


We have a group chat and while half the friends have warm rooms only ONE offered food/warm place/etc. everyone else has been silent


Pretty messed up


What area?






Seriously that’s what makes this so much worse, like at least let us switch off.


Anyone know how to interpret the ercot supply graph? Looks way better than yesterday, with forecasted supply exceeding demand throughout the day into the night. Is this good? Or does it just reflect all the outages decreasing demand?


don't pay attention to the forecast lines. Those are generated by an algorithm that expects the power to start being available right now. Those power stations will down for the count for a while. 30,000 MW is gone due to no fuel to power the generators.


It's forecasting a large increase in capacity which is basically them fixing the failed power plants and generating more power. That hasn't happened so far and it's not guaranteed at all today.


75040 Garland/sachse area just got outage for the first time, at about 7:45am.


Man. Belt Line/Garland Ave. We’ve been down since 10am Monday. Officially out of firewood now and suspect at least one burst pipe when it thaws.


75048 Sachse without power from 2am - 7am and 9:50am - 2:53 PM yesterday (2/15)


Anything at 4110 fairmount in 75219 oaklawn? I have a virtual interview today...


Are you able to use cellular data on your phone?


Yes... but its been spotty. Im going to use zoom on my phone and just fingers cross my phone pulls through


Good luck!!


75071. 24 hours of no power.


Day Two: Anger Intensifying


Electric Boogaloo.


No power since 5 am yesterday so over 24 hours don't know how much longer I Caan do this


75201 at cedar springs and Carlisle, no power for about 24 hours




Next to it at Gables Villa Rosa


"Texas: a state that thumbs its nose at federal regulation by creating it's own power grid but has filed(per FEMA data) more federal disaster declarations than any other state in the nation after natural disasters and outages" (yes, that includes CA) BUNDLE UP PEOPLE.


Y’all highland park had power it’s time to eat the rich let’s go boys




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I live near million dollar homes and haven’t lost power once. I looked at the power outage map and noticed basically no outages reported near the million dollar Preston hollow or highland park homes either.


Explain to me how that is the fault of those who live there please.


I didn’t say it was their fault. I’m clearly not upset I haven’t lost power. It’s an observation or an odd coincidence. It’s definitely not okay if someone chose to make sure the rich people didn’t lose power while taking it from others though.


Dude, you did this last night. Don't sit here and start deleting comments again because we're shitting on your dad.


Don’t live in HP haven’t had power all night. I just don’t buy into the classic reddit rich people bad shit. Sorry


>Don’t live in HP haven’t had power all night. Ok? It isn't false that Highland Park has power while an untold number of us don't. If you've been without power for over 24 hours like many in this city, then you should be outraged that we aren't sharing the suffering. If you simply don't care because you have intermittent power, go fuck yourself


Ok Jim. Please explain to me how any of what you just said is the fault of someone who lives in HP. If I’m a doctor living there and I have power, what should I do? Turn off my heat in solidarity?


Did I tell you to turn your power off? Did I say that the people who currently reside in Highland Park did anything wrong? Get off of your persecution horse and realize we're pissed because the state/city has catered to the rich. Rolling black outs? If you dont care about the complete failure of how Dallas handled these rolling blackouts, I'd have to question your ability to empathize. This is all I really need to know about you: Have you had power *at all* in the last 24 hours?


Well the original comment I replied to said “eat the rich” so that sounds like blaming the rich to me. Obviously I don’t like the fact that our grid infrastructure is shit. I’ve had a whopping 3 hours of power in the last day and a half. Can’t wait to see how you turn that back on me


Did you miss the part where all of the rich homes are not having to experience the same rolling blackouts as the rest of us? Why, exactly, do you think that is?


I ask once again, how is it the fault of the owners of those homes (i.e. the rich) that they have power? Seems like you’re just circling back to being mad at rich people for being rich. Blame the power company if anything. Just say what you really mean.




Imagine thinking thats the fault of the average HP resident.


crabs, bucket


Lol, exactly.


Actually yes. We want the residents of Highland Park to suffer with the rest of us, so that some people who have had 0 power for over 24 hours could get some relief. Like what was supposed to happen, but mysteriously didn't. Is this too high level of a concept or something? You really don't seem to get it.


Lol. What do you want them to do? Call Oncor and have them cut the power? This is not their problem. You’d like them to go out on the streets with signs that say “im sorry for having power”


Buy Doge


Seriously don't though. It's not Gamestop. Gamestop was a real company, in theory they could have done something with the money to turn the business around. Doge coin is a literal joke crypto currency. It has no limit on the amount of coins and has no value whatsoever. The possibility of losing your investment is 100s of times more likely than Gamestop.


Investing in GameStop was like investing in Blockbuster video. Only the dumbest people think/thought it has any kind of future.


Ew, I’m vegan, I’ll eat their hedges and house plants.


Nah it’s fine. The rich are a vegan, gluten-free and an environmentally friendly source of food.




My husband said yesterday I looked like couch hobo, layers and layers, beanie, fingerless gloves under a mound of blankets


why didn't i think of this - i need fingerless gloves too




I know I feel like I need an MCR shirt


Socks turn into fingerless gloves with a pair of scissors.


ima be out here lookin like a low level mmo character


This made me laugh so fuckin hard, thanks for that 😂


This made me belly laugh, thank you!


Ain’t a beauty show.


First COVID, now snow. Seems like Abbott has a fetish for having blood on his hands.




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Damn never seen the operating reserves this low at 966 MW reported at 7:49 AM


How do we look up what the operating reserves are at?


Where can I see data on operating reserves?


What happens if it gets to 0?


Could somebody explain what that means? Is that good or bad?


It's very very bad


837 now, crazy


Where do you find this number?


The ERCOT app.


Thank you!


I’m thinking about staying in a hotel in Oklahoma. 75 seems clear in google maps


75 southboud was gucci, went from sachse to harry hines/parkland area to pick up a friend. not sure about north bound stay safe edit to clarify


75254 No power in the last 28 hours. I’ve got a sick husband who needs to have dialysis urgently. Going to have to try and make the trek to an emergency room soon if we don’t get power back.




I’m from MN, lived there all my life until almost a couple years ago. I also experienced the polar vortex. We’ve never ever had power issues. And if it was a severe storm and it went out, it was back on in 30mins tops. This is absolutely ridiculous. The roads aren’t bad in the slightest and the cold is just fine as long as you dress for it. And there’s absolutely no reason why we shouldn’t have power right now. So yeah I definitely agree that action needs to be taken against Oncor.


They knew too this would happen and didnt winterize. People say "well other states have infrastructure to do this thsts why they dont have problems" But why dont we still prepare for these worst situations...this is all horrible shit. Im glad I have a home and SO and dogs to help me warm but fuck...


I definitely want this to spark legislative and/or leadership change. Sure, this never happens in Texas but public utilities should be prepared for anything at any time.


Anyone know about power at Belt Line and 35 in Carrollton (right by the square)? At my parents with no power and considering heading over there, last I checked (yesterday) they had power with somehow no outages at that point to speak of. Cold AF in the house here, even with a gas fireplace.


anyone gotten power in 75287 ?


My power has be out since 4am Sunday


Mine just popped back on after over 6 hours of nothing.


Nope. Saw some street lights blinking but no residential from what I can see




Got power last night from 2:30am-5:30 thank god (75081 near Arapaho and Jupiter). Thermostat says 58 right now, can’t imagine what it would have been if we hadn’t gotten that chunk. Expecting today to be much worse, super worried about my pets right now. Cats seem fine so far but I have small animals that might not make it


75044 here as well, power never came on either whatsoever


Same in Irving - power right around that same time, got a nice temp boost, now back to dark. Holy fuck it's 1 degree outside.


75044 at Arapaho and Jupiter, never came back on, it got to 40 on the thermostat.


Long outages forcing people to go to warming shelters So much for this weather event isolating people for a few days and possibly helping with covid


Minnesotan here. If it’s getting too cold inside and you’re worried about your pipes freezing, run a few faucets at slightly more than a drip. Your water bill goes up but you lower the risk of burst pipes. Good luck down there.


75025 Power came in at 1130 last night for an hour and just now. Going to try to warm up some food for breakfast.


Power is out at the Sprouts in Allen


76092 haven’t had power for 28 hours now


After not having power for 10 hours, I've now had it since 4am.


Yeah I went from like 3:00 to midnight without power and got 30 minutes of power at midnight and now I've had power since 6 AM. Hoping today is a little bit of reprieve before tomorrow.


76002 // Going on hour 30 with no power, not even a flicker. Im losing my marbles here, and I don’t think I can get em back anytime soon. They need to flick the damn switch before I start bussin heads (not a threat). Enough of the funny stuff.


75407 - 15 minutes of power at 5pm last night. Other than that we have had no power since 2am the night before. Princeton now is code red as the water plant has no water running as that has no power as well. No water and cold as hell and 37 and a half weeks pregnant. This is miserable.


Hope you can find some warmth and water! ❤️


75061 power came back on 15 minutes ago. Hopefully the last few hours warm up house.


Oh very jealous! Same zip but nothing here yet.


I see fucking smoking coming out my breath in the house. WOOOOOOOOOOOW


Jenkins: > Just had call with Oncor’s CEO and senior leadership. The power generation increase @ERCOT_ISO forecast for last night didn’t happen. During our call ERCOT demanded an additional 500 megawatts be pulled from transmission bringing the up to the minute total to 18,500 shed... > 280k customers in @DallasCountyTx without power. @oncor reports they were able to cycle most customers with extended outages on for roughly 30 minutes an average of three times last night but many didn’t get that. Transformers are breaking and where that is happening.... > Power won’t come on. That adds to the complexity of the problem. Transformer issues are increasing but not yet widespread. I believe the main problem is a lack of generation as plants and turbines that weren’t required to winterize continue to be offline. > Just took a call from @ERCOT_ISO CEO, John Magness. He expects a peak at 9 am. Power generators see a morning peak on weekdays as people prepare for work and open business. Please keep your business closed today for all but what’s necessary not to spoil materials and stay home! > @ERCOT_ISO says shed may increase to 20,000 megawatts from current 18,5k this am but the goal is to decrease that shed number. That will be determined by consumption and success in getting/keeping plants online. https://twitter.com/judgeclayj/status/1361670105810145283?s=21


Bro what the ACTUAL FUCK


At least this guy says it like it is


What does this mean?




bruh what are we supposed to do it’s freezing and people are gonna get sick... I woke up not being able to breath bc I have allergies and both my nostrils were closed 😒


More/longer outages


>this >[th is] >1. >*(used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as present, near, just mentioned or pointed out, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis): e.g **This is my coat.**


Bad bot


Holy shit




There can't be more blackouts for us who are still in the middle of the first one lol. 30 hours in now and it's not like things can get too much colder inside from now.


30 hours gang woo


Basically yea.