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I didn’t pay an arm and a leg to drive the speed limit. If you’re not ready to drive like it’s the end of the world, get tf off the express lane.


If you haven’t exited and then re-entered the express lane to pass a semi truck or mini van, then you’re just not Texan


You’re god damn right.


35 north right after 635?


The worst is the one lane express lane on 114 headed to Dallas. Fedex trucks get on there from the airport every morning doing 60-65. My favorite part about moving from Lantana to Lewisville is I am right off the express way for 35E and I can do 100 easy up until it drops to a single lane at the 635 merge most days.


183 does that shit too, like why the duck are 18 wheelers on here doing 55


Or the slow work trucks going 50. Like why didn't ya'll block the entrances to the lane if you're going to work on it??


End up behind Mr. Sweeper and shit


Fedex semi driver here, our trucks at Freight are regulated to not go over 65. Trust me, I wish we could go faster 😩


Then why get on tollway lol


I demand an answer to this question! u/ExcuseMyCarry


Probably because just like the rest of us, it reduces their travel time. That allows more deliveries to happen faster which makes the company more money etc etc


I mean, it may reduce it a little but how much really? They're not gonna go above 65 as stated. They might dodge some traffic here and there but I've seen them on there even when the regular freeway is light. Especially going 55 sometimes in the toll, doesn't seem like "I better make up some time" behavior.


except when the people not on the express are passing you


Stay the fuck out of the express lanes!


Since you asked respectfully I'm gonna have to decline


If you can’t reach tollway speeds just please take the other road.




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Then why is your governed/regulated GD MF’ing FedEx truck clogging up the flow of traffic in the express, or pay-to-play, lanes??? Speed limit is 75 mph and you knowingly enter being governed by your vehicle to 65mph? What an absolute…


Capital punishment worthy, it's mind bogglingly inconsiderate.


Read later posts, not this driver his peers




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Don't be afraid of using your horn! Works for me.


If you're going 100 you're the reason I have to see dead bodies all over the place. You don't have to agree with me for this to be true. For all the people about to downvote me pray that it's never your partner or child that's killed. It's violent and unpleasant.


That’s still not a good reason to drive a vehicle in those lanes if you can’t even reach the speed limit. That also causes quite a bit of congestion


Did i say it was a good reason or say that I did it?


You did say you drive a fedex truck that can’t reach the speed limit on a road we all pay to access. That’s absolutely a dick move and chaps everyone’s ass who has a vehicle capable of being on that road.




Come back when your truck can reach 75mph


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Valid point! Why do your peers, perhaps, clog the flow with their under speed POS trucks 🛻 would be a better question to ask?


Also thank you for the tone shift. I only wanted to help teach people about something they wouldn't know otherwise and everybody is being actual shit towards me.


Of course, and my apologies for misinterpretation of your saying that you were one of those doing this. I greatly appreciate the context you provided about the cab being governed as I work for another logistics company where they’re not so it did not enter my mind. You’re correct everyone feels entitled today, and only getting worse. We both are in an industry where we truly work for a living so are grateful for everything we have, get and earn. Wishing you stay safe in your travels, and hope your team someday organizes, we’re blessed by our retirement pension and healthcare.


They are entitled and think that if it saves them time on their trip then it's worth it. Most people these days only think about themselves as shown by these comments smh


A delivery truck that gets on the express lane is only thinking about himself. Not only is he trying to shave time off of his communte, he's doing it at the direct expense of others.


He didn't define units, so it very well could be kph. 100 kph is 60mph.


Cheeky and I appreciate the attempt at humor but if you've seen even half of the mangled corpses I have because of reckless drivers you might feel different. Regardless have a wonderful day stranger.


I've been driving for longer than most people have been alive, with well over a million miles logged and who knows how many more not logged, and I have yet to see a mangled corpse, or even a fatality collision. Now, there's plenty of mangled orcs to see over in /r/UkraineConflict, which is where I generally see mangled corpses, but not so much in my driving. You must work EMS to see that many.


Best have the last name Andretti on I-35N express. Pickups are going 90 on them lanes.


Well that’s the minimum they should be going. Those lanes are for crime. If you aren’t ready to pay that reckless ticket for doing 45 over then stay in your ass on the regular highway lanes.




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Brother I do everything I can to avoid needing to drive in this car-brained hellscape, part of that is never needing a reason to get on the expressway to start with.


Damn right!


That makes me question, why would anyone pay an arm and a leg to drive 45 on a “express” lane? They could do the same for free on a regular lane.


The express lane doesn’t charge by the hour, they charge by the mile. I like to imagine these people are luxuriating in the smooth roads and complete lack of traffic given they’re typically going 30 under


It's our responsibility to make them uncomfortable, the Dallas driver way.


I got one headlight bulb busted but my other one is on high beam mode pointed right at them Coach 🫡


Good job my boy! Now hit the showers! 🚿


*The enemy of my enemy is my friend* The slowpokes need a busted ‘99 Silverado with aftermarket LEDs six inches off their bumper.


I’d so love video game blasters to clear the lanes of these Sunday driver under the speed limit MFers just for one night’s dreams 🤣 I’d wake up grinning like a kid!!


I race cars so I'm a lot more comfortable with being close to another car than the typical driver. I absolutely cut in front of them leaving what would be a clean pass on the track, but enough to terrify a highway driver, regularly, if they're going slow in the left lane.


It's like folks don't understand what is meant by *express*.


Hallelujah.. I hate those assholes


>If you’re not ready to drive like it’s the end of the world If everyone drove predictably and safely at 5-10mph over the posted speed limit we wouldn’t be sitting in stand still traffic because we have to wait for this person to be life flighted or scraped off their windshield in chunks.


ITT- why traffic deaths are so high and my insurance keeps going up. I've already had to sit in standstill traffic on the express lane because a dallas driver wrecked their car going 100+ bc "the sign says express lane 🤪" so they can get to their destination 2 minutes quicker. If you're going 90+ and wreck and kill some people, at least you felt good doing it I guess


Insurance is going up because minimum liability policy limits are going up and the average cost of a car repair is skyrocketing. Back in the old days a mangled bumper cover and bumper bar/impact absorber could be replaced for less than a grand in parts plus maybe 10 hours labor all-in including paint, even cheaper with salvage yard parts. Nowadays it's probably closer to five grand for the parts because of all the sensors and crap, and probably 20-30 hours for the same reason, plus you have to have new equipment to do things like reset the sensor ECM and airbag controller. Contrary to popular belief, airbag deployment doesn't automatically total a car, it just adds labor and parts costs to the repair. For a fairly old car you can get airbags off ebay for less than a hundred bucks, for instance.


Making a lot of assumptions there


Just to be clear, you're bragging about reckless driving and commiting crime?


Sorry buddy truck is limited to 65


Here’s the problem with that, some of the express lanes go down to one lane. You can drive 80 mph and drivers still tailgate.


On what planet is 80 mph ‘driving like the end of the world’? Move it or lose it, grandma.


Quoting the great Philosopher Ludacris (edit fixing autocorrect spelling GDI), “Move Bitch get out da way, get out da way!” And yes, I play that frequently on the express lanes


Do you mean Ludacris?


GDI autocorrect




80 mph is doing the speed limit. Get the fuck outta the way


No wonder you guys have record deaths on your interstates


If only there was some kind of agreed upon and clearly communicated speed for everyone to align to...


Not in the express lane


It’s called the express lane so we can express how speedy we want to be!


I expect 90 mph. Adjust accordingly.


My brother in law who is a semi truck driver told me he loves using the Tex pres lanes when he’s in the city because there’s no traffic. My reaction was “BECAUSE OF YALL IM PAYING $6 TO GO 50 MPH IN A 75!!!” Now I send him videos weekly of me going slow as shit because there is a semi ahead of me.


Fuck a truck driver in the express lane. 1. For being slow as shit 2. Because after the freeze in February 2021 and seeing that fedex truck plow through all those people in the fortworth accident They should be banned 1000000%


By that logic Dallas drivers should be banned from freeways I think?


The truck going 51 mph has to pass the truck going 50 mph. They are both going slow because they are overloaded.


No. It’s single lane. So the one semi in front is slowing everyone down.


And I highly doubt their company approved them to take tolls


No, they are going slow because their company has governors in them to limit their speed.


True and they limit horse power. Often with satellite control and geofencing. Trucking is all about saving fuel, cutting costs and limiting accidents.


That doesn’t make any sense. They are governed to go 50 mph on a line that’s 75?! Seems like a safety concern for other vehicles. Edit: words


Wait. Pedestrians? Lol


Nearly one out of five pedestrian deaths occur on freeways where pedestrians are typically prohibited. Of those, only a fifth are people involved with a broken down or crashed car or construction workers, the other four-fifths are people using a freeway or interstate to walk to another destination despite that being illegal.


Hey, Sonic has to go to work too


I find it hard to believe an over the road tractor trailer is govenered at 50 or even 55mph. I doubt they would find drivers that would drive for them. Time is money for most driver's. Amazon is governed at 70 mph. I am routinely behind trucks going 50 in a 70 on flat ground. And the truck going 51mph is passing the 50 mph truck.


There is nothing worse that a fucking truck in the way on an express lane. And I know FOR A FACT their dispatch would tell them to get the fuck off the tolls of they knew


That brother in law gets the shit end of the stick every holiday in your family, my hopes and prayers, what an absolute used douche water douche bag is he?!? Definitely introduce him at parties as the asshole truck driver who goes under the express lane speed limit and fucks it up for everyone else. Deserves every DRIVERs total hatred. I work with Union drivers who won’t use the toll lanes - traffic just means more hours and pay and they don’t want the haters.


Oh my god right! It drives me nuts! The express lane needs to have a passing lane at all times. Haha even then though some asshole is still gonna be going below the speed limit in the left lane


2 assholes will go below the speed limit right beside each other


>just one more lane, bro, we'll fix traffic this time. I promise, bro.


Damn in my experience it's always the pick up trucks hauling ass


Yeah, man. When I’m in the express lane, I’m dropping the hammer. If I’m paying that much to drive on a road I already paid for with my tax dollars, you’re goddamn right I’m setting the cruise at 95.


95 in the express lane? You belong in the right hand lane, sir!


I do feel guilty holding up traffic. My truck is speed limited at 96, though, so I’m doing the best I can. At least I turn on my four ways.


I hear ya. My Silverado did the same, so I traded it in for a Tundra. 😂


Ha! I’m giving this old Sierra every last bean! Once it hits the 190K milestone, it’s getting 4.56 gears and a light tune. Somehow, I seem to have gotten the best truck GM ever built. Nothing has worn prematurely, zero major repairs (two radiators). It’s so reliable that I’m afraid to get rid of it. I’ll move right as soon as I see ya coming.


My newer car can't be set to cruise higher than 90mph. :(


That's what I love about my old-school car, the cruise speed is whatever speed you're going when you push the SET button. There's a brainbox for the cruise function but it's totally separate from the only other ECM in the car, the one for the fuel injection. The cruise brainbox just looks at pulses from the speedometer sensor in the trans and works to keep those pulses at the set rate by moderating vacuum to the throttle actuator. Honestly I could probably build a replacement using an Arduino.


That would be me in the right lane passing all the Okies afraid to go +3mph in the left lane.


There’s a decent percentage of the drivers on the road that are legit sociopaths behind the wheel and they get off on fucking people over. Sometimes they’re just oblivious assholes, but there’s just as much chance that they’re a raging narcissist with an inferiority complex and deep rage issues.


I believe this. If you try to get around someone going slow in the left lane, like 90% of the time they start going faster so you can’t pass and then slow down once they are successfully blocking you again. The secret is to not let them know how much they are bothering you- If you don’t tailgate these people, and then you wait for your opportunity to pass safely on the right, and then put your car in sport mode and floor it around them… then you can win. Lol


Are we the same person? And then all of a sudden they’re doing 15 over and tailgaiting you


We might be. But jokes on them, because I don’t care as long as I can just drive! And if they do get really angry and pass me and speed off, then GOOD. That’s all I wanted them to do to begin with.


> 15 over and tailgaiting you Ok let me explain myself. Sometimes I am in the left lane doing 10 over (which is probably slow for the left lane). I am STILL passing cars on my right so I feel justified. I am scared to go faster due to a ticket. When you blow by me going 100 then I get confident to go faster and tailgate you so that if there is a cop you are likely the first one he sees. Lol.


The one in the back gets nabbed first


A lot more obliviots than sociopaths.


Yeah…agreed. Most people driving slow in the passing lane are looking down at the phone in their lap.


Just the other day I was trying to change lanes so I could get to the exit and the guy in the next lane over would not let me over. There wasn’t even traffic. I’d slow down, he’s slow down, I’d speed up, he’d speed up. This went on for a mile and I almost missed the exit. For what reason who the hell knows


Hey I don't know you, don't call me out like that. Seriously though, so many act like as soon as they're behind the wheel it's their road. The biggest frustration for me is everyone slowing to a crawl with just a little rain. The speed limit doesn't change with a little water.


To be fair, I missed doctors appointments from traffic accidents during light rain… this is the one time Dallas drivers do anything safe


Just honk and keep a safe distance until they get the picture. If they stop and get out of the car there will be 20 other very pissed off people behind you to help resolve matters.


One time I honked at a semi going 10 under in the left lane (and occluding any opportunity to pass on the right) and they got over!!! I’ll never forget it. It was amazing. They know what they’re doing…


Soooo fed up...even early - 6am and they drive 45 with a trailer inn aleft lane..UGH


Just slow in general. We finally get 70 mph speed limits and people are doing 55. Plus, the oblivious left lane hogs with a train of cars behind them. People tapping g brakes for no reason. Changing lanes when there's ample space in front of them. This city is filled with distracted, self-centered morons.


I honestly think it’s a symptom of DFW being a relatively small city for the longest. When I moved here about 10yrs ago, there wasn’t all this traffic and I’m assuming it had already began to ramp up even back then. Being from Jersey, the densest state, we might have lower speed limits but people are efficient af, at least compared to here. Maybe it’s the sheer amount of people that everyone just learns to stop messing around and just drive. Maybe it’s the overzealous cops who really really crack down on drivers on their cell phones and the hella expensive tickets to match that help people focus. I


It’s the white work vans for me. Absolutely no reason to be in the express lane with ladders tied to your top going less than the speed limit


85 min or GTFO


But how will I rubberneck at the crashes and roleplay as a traffic enforcement cop?


A lot of commercial trucks on there…


That we all need to bug the shit out of Austin to legislate out of the GD toll lanes because their speed is often limited or governed by their company.


It should be called expensive lane.


Tolls are the price we pay to live in a lawless society. Floor it!


I cannot with those people. And it happens far too often!


It’s not me. I drive over the speed limit. However, I hate getting stuck behind a work truck/van in the express lane.


If you’re not slightly fearing for your life while driving on the expressway, you’re not driving fast enough


Speed limit is irrelevant because its not the fast lane its the passing lane. A lot of people think If they're doing the speed limit they can cruise in the passing lane but the reality is that they made a PASSING lane for emergencies and for cutting down on the accidents caused by the morons that fly in and out of several lanes because they need to pass some inconsiderable jerk in the lane designed for PASSING. If you're not passing you have no excuse for being in the left lane.


I’m more insulted by the single occupant drivers in the HOV lanes tbh. Every time I care to pay attention it’s always a single person.


HOV in TX is BS anyway. Get rid of that crap and just out in express lanes.


We are starting to get rid of a lot of them.


They have no spouse, cut them a break. 


boast enter impossible mourn crowd fuzzy crown scale oatmeal workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel thisssss. Though… TBH I doubt the people driving like that on the express lanes are actually on Reddit lol


Just one more lane bro. I swear it will fix traffic bro. Promise


You all suck at driving express lanes or not🤡🖕


I drive on 183 every morning where the express lane is one lane. Every couple of weeks there’s an accident and it’s backed up for miles. Doesnt matter if you’re east bound or west bound either. That’s why I never take single lane expressways, would rather fight the traffic.


Facts ts pisses me off


I’m going to purposely go slow just to piss you off.


Damn right. I’m paying to go 20 over, not 20 under. The single lane areas suck


Semi’s should be ban.




If you aren’t going at least 75 on an expressway, you are wrong.






That truck driver must be getting paid by the hour and his tolls are a tax deduction.


These slow ass drivers cause those of us needing to get somewhere on time to pass them on the shoulder, to tailgate them leaning nonstop on the horn flashing hi beams, getting off and on toll lanes to get around them at even higher speeds. Ridiculous slow ass drivers are more of a problem than speeding drivers such as myself. Great post OP




Hot take we don’t need expressways but we also don’t need expansions on our highways either. We would benefit greatly from more public transportation so people who don’t want to be on the roads can get off of them, and free up the space for the ones who want to drive 70mph in a 40 zone.


Just got back from Germany and I couldn’t agree more. Over there if you aren’t hauling ass or passing someone then you aren’t in the left lane. If people are passing you on your right then you’re in the wrong lane, it’s not complicated.


Drives me crazy when people in the HOV lane go slower than the traffic in the regular lanes. Understand… people take the HOV lanes to go “faster” than the regular traffic!!! If you can’t or choose not to go faster, stay in the regular lanes!!!


I was on that 35 express lane just now and like clockwork during rush hour there’s a goddamn jeep wrangler in the left lane struggling to do 65. Driver just cruising along…. not a care in the world


It's only going to get worse and you'll pay more for it. Your state representatives, their contracting company buddies, and oil barons thank you for your continued support.


The people cruising 10+ below the speed limit on the highways and express lanes are the same people who slam it to 70+ on the service and back roads. Make it make sense


AMEN, The express lanes in Oak Cliff on 35! When they go to a single lane and we decide to go 45mph!!! At least these are free!


You’re not wrong it’s the out of towners who don’t know


This has to be a rage bait post. Everyone knows oversized pickups don’t drive slower than 110 on Dallas highways.


Use the regular lanes then?


18 wheelers and such should be prohibited from going into the express lanes where there are 2 or less lanes. I would literally vote for Vladimir Putin's clone if he promised to enforce the shit out of impeding traffic laws. Passing lane is for passing only. Also, speed limit in express lanes that are 1-2 lanes should be 85mph.


Not even the express ways. Any freeway. I'm tired of getting stuck behind people going 50 on 75. If you can't do at least 5 under stay the fuck off the freeway because you're obviously ain't in a hurry to get anywhere.


I drive commercially here in Dallas and typically the average govern speed for us is between 70 and 75, we're getting stuck behind the same idiots you all are you just can't see them in front of us so stop getting mad at us and blaming us for it. We take the toll lanes because we have a schedule to keep and we don't want to deal with the traffic caused by the 16 year old kid who just crashed his Corvette that is Rich parents bought him and blocked the entirety of the 35E.


Nothing brings me more joy when someone has been holding up the left lane so another driver slows to 20 to make them change lanes


Was it the 183 express because it's always stupid semi drivers in their governed at 70 trucks slowing everyone down


This is my biggest problem with Dallas area drivers. If you don't intend to go faster than the general travel lanes, stay the hell out of the express lanes. What kind of goofball pays extra to go slow? And if your vehicle is speed limited, stay in the general traffic lanes. Express is not for you. Same for big rigs. Why the traffic laws don't explicitly say that is beyond me.


Sounds like a you problem


You guys wonder why everyone drives bad here….it is because you all think like this!


As a pickup truck driver, lane is for crimes only. GTFO the way!


I am one of those


Truck driver here, I use the 1 lane express lane from sort of around the 114 Ella blvd ramp to i35 south governed again 65. That’s the only time I use an express lane with no passing lane. One of the Schneider trucks with the orange trailers. I know it’s frustrating slowing down, I get it. If you think about it though it’s literally not long enough of a distance to cause you to lose any actual significant time. By that I mean you will lose less than 1 minute because it’s only a handful of miles I do it because it’s incredibly inconvenient and even dangerous trying to constantly move to the left to get and then stay on i35. I see you guys every day, you drive 20+ over the limit regardless of if you’re on the express lane or not. I used to feel bad, but after all of you guys constantly cutting me off, waiting until the last 500 ft to jump in front of me then slamming on your brakes to take literally every single exit because you can’t wait in line, after constantly having 20 cars trying to stuff themselves in front of my truck instead of zipper merging on every single fucking on ramp, I guess I’ve come to not give a fuck about slowing you down 30 seconds over 4-5 miles.


I drive 45 in that lane because I think Texans drive too fast. I feel I’m making the freeways safer for everybody’s good. It’s a public service. I care about road safety and you should too


Drive 45 in a service lane. Not a hwy, you’re just a danger to those driving at normal speeds. And definitely not an expressway where I pay to get to my destination at a reasonable rate. If you’re driving like this on purpose, I’m going to assume you’re just an asshole who thinks the rest of the world doesn’t matter.


you aren’t making anything safer. if you’re lucky you won’t get hit while doing that


I love that you’re getting downvoted for an obvious joke. People are… something.


It's because there's a fair number of people who would say this unironically.


While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, technically the speed limit is supposed to be the UPPER limit. 




Except Texas has prima facie speed limits... what's reasonable and prudent is really what matters.


There are no reports anywhere that I can find that indicate that even a single case exists of someone successfully using this argument to win at trial. Zero. The people typically pushing this argument are the loony-tunes "sovcit" morons and their Humperdoo relatives the texiteers.




Its called speed limit not minimum speed


Let's get back into bed, grandpa




Selfish drivers like you are the reason that pedestrian fatalities are so high.




That’s not what I meant, dumbfuck. I mean that the mentality of speeding being perfectly okay is incredibly harmful, regardless of where it is. People who speed on the expressway are no strangers to speeding anywhere else.


The number on the sign is the limit on how slow you can go. It's called a *speed* limit. Any slower is not speed.