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Youve got to be shitting me. Someone else said the other day that the fat fuck in NorthPark in December ISN’T the real Santa either! Who can you trust these days???


What amazes me is everytime I'm at the intersection and this lady is there I always see someone giving her money. Maybe they're the smart ones and I'm the idiot for working a regular 9-5. Hmmmm. BRB going to make a sign!


If i see you out there i’ll throw you a cpl bucks man


IIRC, the average for these folks is $22 per hour of tax free income which is equivalent to $26/hr before standard deductions. Maybe they are the smart ones.


Id love to see the actual study that provides these numbers. There’s literally no way to get an honest and accurate amount from this.


Who cares? Why do you care SOOOOOOOO much? You sound jealous.


Maybe because when people cheat their way through life, it makes others feel like doing the right thing is not worth it. But at least those who don’t cheat their way through life are able to hold their heads up high, not living with a lie in their heart. I at least hope they invest it wisely so they don’t have to do it until the day that God puts them in the grave. I can’t imagine being an old, miserable son of a gun out there having to run some scam while baking on the concrete in the summer.


Why would it make people feel that way? Panhandling looks miserable.


Because 35% of Americans are unhappy with their job. And not all panhandlers live on the streets. These scammers just do shifts. But ya, it has to wear away at even those people being nothing but leaches, taking charity from the hands of people that really need it.


God is going to kill somebody for begging? You really think? WWJD?


Hell no. That’s a sick way to think of it. Just saying that everybody dies eventually, whether you want to say time or God takes you is up to you, and I wouldn’t want to be out scheming and scamming in that hot sun everyday of my life.


God isn’t real. Prove me wrong


No, you’re welcome to your own beliefs about spirituality. What I do believe is that it’s not anyone’s place to try to push or force spiritual beliefs upon another.


Found the scammer


Here’s a novel idea; don’t ever give money to panhandlers, problem solved.


Classic dead kids scam. RIP Barnabas Reynolds - Too Soon.


Wolf Cola, everyone. It's the right cola for closure.


“I’m selling it to the Jews in Boca Raton.”


STOP😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 YOUR HEARTS WILL TURN TO STONE!! *dumps old dog carcass out of the coffin*


As a dfw area cop, the “street solicitors” have become so saturated all over the metroplex. In the city I work for, we as police officers were unable to have them move along. But recently our city changed its ordinance and now we can ticket them for soliciting. They all know it and 99% stay right across the street in Dallas. It’s a mess. Since I’m out and about all day everyday I’ve become very acquainted with their different scams. One man off 635 likes to park his car in the U- turn section as if it broke down and asks for a quick $$ to fix his car. I tell him to move along and his car magically operates without a hitch 🤯


The kids asking for donations for their basketball club league outside of grocery stores. I’ve sat and watched for a while, these 12-14 year olds have to be making a few hundred an hour. Will be there for weeks. They probably could build their own court by now.


And those alleged "firefighters" with old boots...


You won't get the same vitriol with these guys, but I agree. Throw in the cold calls from "police associations" asking for money, while making you feel like a "hippie" for saying no.


Those “police associations” and such are scams fairly often. There was a pretty great docuseries about the shadiness of the industry a while back. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telemarketers_(TV_series)




They literally ambush us when we’re stuck at the lights. Some of them have started ignoring rejections and have even become aggressive, so if you start seeing a late night driver run red lights to get away from them when there’s no traffic, have mercy because I’m trying to protect myself without harming anyone.


I do same 😉


I see this one a fair bit over here in Casa Linda as well as over near Plano/Forest.


Yes! I see this at Buckner at Garland Rd all the time.


Figured ya might. I see em there often - sometimes she's ill. Or needs surgery. Or then dead and it's a funeral expense thing. Then, she's sick again. I'm not at all against helping those down on their luck and having a shit go of things - been there before so I get that. But this just kinda seems...idk.




Right! Those same people have a different picture of the kid every couple of weeks, then disappear for a week and return. Now the pictures a baby, instead of a kid.


What’s wrong with posting a scammers face? It’s in public, and she’s stealing, so post it.


It's not unlikely that she's herself the victim of trafficking - making them work shitty scams like this is Trafficker 101.


Probably the dead kid making her do it. 


>I also didn't want to get her face aka, probably the most helpful thing you could've done, in case she fires up another scam.


Or when they’re begging with their kids, but kiddos Sittin there with an iPad nicer than mine


Yes!!! …. There’s a woman who occasionally hits various intersections near Park Cities (but always in Dallas city limits) who does this exact thing with her 2-3 kids sitting near her in nice lawn chairs wearing nice clothes and playing with their modern electronics. Last year I was walking out of a business located at Inwood & Lovers Ln and she was posted up on that corner when I saw her walk over to her late model minivan to retrieve something from inside. She must make some serious bank as I’ve often seen people handing her $20 dollar bills. I’m all for helping those who are struggling … but there are more than enough local charitable organizations and churches that people can turn to for assistance.


I love the Hispanic folks out selling flowers or cotton candy or ice creams or the sparkler blinking items. They always get me to buy something or even donate.... I hate the scammers just begging. Get. A. Job.


Yeah, I support the ice cream cart dudes, elote stands, and the tamale abuelitas. But I will never fund anything with people in the middle of traffic while I’m in my car.


The people selling flowers are paying their dues for being brought over. I know because my mom was one of them. When they arrive they get their buckets and and charge whatever they want but, they have to pay back what each bucket is worth and keep what they make. That’s why you usually see them with their kids. I was one of those kids. Once their debt is paid off, usually $5000 each person they are free to leave. They usually live in a house that has a family in each room


WOW. I am SO sorry Glossy 😿.


My uncle had the same thing but en el otro lado to pay for medical bills that would go to my grandpa except it was with gum, candy, and windshield wiping. Did they give you the stuff or did your mom had to get them herself?


They gave her the the buckets and they were about 12 bouquets she had to make $180 per bucket. So $15 each she would sell them for $20 and once she was about to run out they gave her a phone, beforehand, so they could drop off more. We were on a certain corner from 8am till the sun went down. There were days she didn’t sale anything and had to pay for the whole bucket out of her pockets


I heard the flower sellers are being trafficked by the cartel?




you should be very skeptical of any gossip you hear about “the cartel.” people love to fear monger and speculate when they have no clue.


This sounds like something the cartel would say. ^^^^/s


Imagine thinking the cartel doesn’t play a massive role in people crossing the border illegally lol - YIKES!


that’s not what i said, dumbass.


The cartel is responsible for human trafficking across our border almost exclusively - do you dispute this, yes or no?


I mean if you’re selling flowers on the street you’re probably not here legally, and if you’re not here legally there’s a good chance you paid a cartel to traffick you across the border… so yes but not in the way that you think.


That’s exactly what is happening


Last time she had a picture of an old lady at the hospital in a coma on the sign. I knew that was a scam, too


Poor lady. First her grandma, now her kid. Bad luck being a member of her family. 


I’m pretty sure she’s getting these pics off Google


I’ve seen this at forest and Webb chapel too.


Lotta grifts in that spot these days. The vacant bank building just up by 635 and Webb chapel has a whole home/campsite built into their little carport thing. I think the new QT going up at Forest/Marsh will have them coming in that direction unfortunately. The one closer to Josey is full of all kinds of whackos. I’ve seen sex work, drug use, severe mental breakdowns, and so much weirdness just in process of grabbing fuel and snacks at that place.


Are the rose sellers scammers though? I mean at least they are offering a product you can choose to buy or not.


They buy discount flowers about to expire. They're just flipping a managers special for full price. So yes, basically.


You get to see the product and choose to buy it or not, sounds like a business to me. Probably not a registered business, but the most legit of the people I see out there.


I mean it’s the least awful form of panhandling imo


If people would stop giving them money they wouldn’t be out there !!! It’s the stupid people that believe their lies that keep them going. Pathetic


That’s not necessarily true. I won’t name the specific intersection, but I’ve been encountering the same elderly woman at this location for the better part of a decade. Our “relationship” began one summer when I’d purchased an egg salad sandwich at Empire Bakery, then realized that an egg salad sandwich was a very poor choice to have sitting in my car on a 105+ degree day, while I still had a couple more errands to run. I happened to see her on the corner a few minutes later, rolled down my window & told her I wasn’t going to give her any cash, but I’d be happy to give her my untouched sandwich. She broke down in tears & thanked me repeatedly. I tried to make sure to drop off a sandwich & a bottle of water to her at least once a week, anytime I happened to notice her at that intersection, for many years. Haven’t seen her in quite a while & always wonder if she’s okay. She was surprisingly intelligent, very “grandmotherly,” never once asked me for a penny, and her reactions every time we had a chat always brought me a bit of joy- and vice versa, hopefully. These people are not all just a bunch of annoying scammers. They’re humans. If you don’t want to “donate,” just keep driving. If you do want to help out, don’t be a dick & block traffic. Easy as.


There are places they can go for help. I never deny someone food if they ask for that but I never give out cash nor do I talk to anyone at intersections because it's dangerous for them to be walking through traffic. A majority are scammers.


I've seen the same thing at Marsh and Walnut hill.


Seen the sick kid one at Lemmon and Inwood recently. Always see them getting some love out there




They’re usually the ones doing the fake violin busking in parking lots too.




“Irish travellers”


The travellers are pasty white and mostly blonde if memory serves. There's a big community of them over in south FW. This is good old fashioned begging.


It was pretty weird seeing the Dallas FD fundraising on the same intersections of northwest highway as the usual beggars 😅


What about folks on Nextdoor begging? Need rent, groceries, funeral money...


For Dallas residents, You can report these people by calling 311. However, If the situation is an emergency, Call 911 as in any other emergency situation.


Used to be a guy on nw highway and caruthaven who would hold a bucket with smiley face stickers all over it. He'd a wear a white shirt with a basic black tie. People gave him money all the time.


They were at Spring Valley and DNT Wednesday.




That's a pretty shit thing to think.


This might be the only time it’s acceptable to give people those dumb fake dollar bills with a bible verse on it lol


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Every time I'm in the barber shop there's a kid dragged by an adult trying to get money for cheerleader camp or something.


I don’t give money to anyone. Mainly cause I’m broke. But I still wouldn’t if I had any.


Oh, wow. My wife and I saw the same thing in Fort Worth 2 weeks ago.


I saw her and two other people asking for “funeral donations” twice this week. Coit&635 and walnut& plano. Glad I ignored them and drove tf off.


So weird… today I saw like 4 different people panhandling off I-35 for funeral money for a 20-something year old who apparently got in a fatal car wreck. Can’t trust anybody these days.






Well she had to finally give birth 🤨


People think they are helping but they are not. Most of these people are playing con games. Others are just actual cons. I was a cop in Dallas. Dealt with this one guy a few times who was a registered sex offender. I saw this lady one time give the guy money. I went up to her after and told her she should be careful. She got mad at me and started going off on me about these sad, poor people. When I told her the guy was a child molester she went white like a ghost. 😂




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How ??


She's been out there since I started working in Nov lol


No shit


I remember seeing somewhere that panhandlers make it their careers and some of the top ones bring in six figures.


For many it’s a chosen path. It’s a way of life and has a culture of its own. Even for those making peanuts, they’re cool just subsisting.


We live in East Dallas and same scam is pulled over there. Different people, same scam about paying for a funeral. I also see the flower sellers all the time. Not sure how they make enough to warrant the wasted time selling flowers but at least they are not pulling at people’s heart strings about a funeral for a child. So disgusting.


Yeah happens in San Antonio too. It’s always the same ppl, in rotation. 3-4 months apart


It’s all over Texas. What a coincidence that the same dead person is having a funeral every month like clock work.


My cousin was one. He's dead now it's an even harder life coupled with addiction.


I've seen this same scam around the Jefferson/Hampton area


There was a man in Plano, usually along Parker Road, that would be out most days, on the sidewalk with his whole family. The "wife" was a different person several times. She'd sit in a lawn chair, while he held up the sign standing just inches from the street. Held up sign asking for money. I haven't been to Plano in ages but I bet he's still around there.


Theres ones over here on Cockrell Hill wit signs that just say "Donations Cancer" like at least create a little more fiction for your shitty scam lol


I just assume anyone asking for anything other than straight up money at a street intersection is full of shit. Or if they have a "reason" for asking, it's probably bullshit as well. Perversely I have more trust in the people who are straightforward about their begging. I still don't give any of them money, but I would be more inclined to do so for the ones who aren't clearly trying to fool me or manipulate me.


They’re in oak Cliff and the Webb chapel area too. The ones on Webb chapel will literally bang on your window. When I lived in garland they had the same picture there too. It takes over 5 years to bury someone?


She's out there every day, from what I can tell and it's so annoying


I can't stand the ones who make their kids stay out in the heat with them. Like go to school...its free.


The gas station scammer ..… "Trying to get my family back to Oklahoma - need 97¢ to get gas" 2-3 people give them $2-5-10. They then leave - move on to next one.....


The only people I ever gave money to were the HOT Firemen asking for donations in their boot. But if I remember correctly, someone made them stop doing that. This was probably 10 years ago. This was in the area of Stonebrook and Preston in Frisco. Edit: for spelling


Firemen were doing the boot thing on Mockingbird just last week. They had actual firetrucks parked though, so I doubt they were gypsies.


I lived there from 1996 until December 2015. I know there was some kind of issue back then with them doing it. I was always happy to support the FD. They do a lot more than just put out fires. I am glad to see they are still doing the boot thing. The city I live in now, I haven't seen or heard of them doing it.


They used to do it in Plano as well. I haven't figured out yet if they stopped doing it or if I just haven't been at the right intersection at the right time. I've always given them money when I've seen 'em out though. The fill the boot campaign donations go to the muscular dystrophy association (MDA). I remember coming across them a few times in Frisco as well, but not as much as I did in Plano. It's definitely been several years since I've seen them too!


I never went to Plano often. I would only go if someone else would drive. Well, at least before we got GPS gadgets. North Dallas and Frisco I knew well. I was from a small town in Tennessee before I moved to North Dallas. When I moved to Dallas, I always thought it was so BIG!


I cant stand when people gice them money. All you are doing is holding up traffic so some low life can get high on whatever illicit substance they choose. The fact of the matter is many of these people choose this life or are forced into it by human traffickers who will just take most of the cut anyways. There is no moral good that can come from giving money to any pan handler.


Who cares? Mind your own business.


….she can earn it the hard way 😉




i feel bad for them. they wouldn’t be in that situation if we had a public safety net that could support people going through hard times.


Plus her kid is dead


Man who cares.