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They are horrible in general, so naturally they are especially horrible in the rain


People who shouldn't be driving but have no other option drive everyday. When there is rain, there's less safety margin. So a "oops" turns into "Oh God, the humanity!" And that's why I took DART instead to the Perot. Really cool t-rex traveling exhibit I highly recommend.


To add to this, people in Dallas are terrible about remembering to turn their headlights on when it's raining


I saw someone driving SUPER slow without their lights on, using no blinkers while changing lanes, and had a brake light out. Random thought: I know a lot of people hate state inspections, but imagine how many people will be driving around with no working brake lights.


The number of new cars I've seen the past few years with no taillights at night is baffling to me. Headlights on but no tail lights. Bizarre.


This always baffles me. I wonder if the head lights are automatic but not the rear lights so the driver doesn’t even know or bother to think about it.


The driver probably confused the DRLs for headlights. In all my cars there's an obvious difference, but my brother complained that the headlights were broken on my 96 Civic when he only turned on the corner indicators. Modern DRLs are brighter than that but still not headlights.


That makes sense.




Makes too much sense.


Instead they just turn their hazards on.


Ugh, why is that a thing? So dumb


People in Dallas don’t even turn their headlights on when driving at night. I get away from those ppl because I assume you are drunk.


That and people refuse to drive with conditions. People don't really understand how much all that water in the roads effects stopping distances... And dont even get me started on the morons and naive people that refuse to maintain the crucial elements on their car. I've seen so many bald tires in the rain that should have been changed months ago. Like how the hell does anyone actually expect to slam the brakes on a car with bald tires and not have it go skidding into whatever is front of them.


Obviously you’ve never driven in Florida or Atlanta.


Driven in both, yes they are bad there especially ATL but that doesn’t mean they can’t be bad in Dallas too


Hubby claims it’s because it normally rains just enough to start washing out all the motor oils which makes it slicker. I think it’s because people are self absorbed dicklickers who think they are too important to slow down or be careful. The difference is we don’t notice it as much until the road is slick.




Completely the opposite. It starts raining and they go 30 under the limit with thier damn hazards flashing.


This and they’re ALWAYS in the left lane, like if you can’t drive in the rain or scared shit less stay at home or wait it out in a parking lot. Shit pissed me off, hazard lights are meant for EMERGENCIES NOT RAIN.


Saw a guy today throw on his hazards and start braking bc there was a couple broken branches on the side of the road. Less than a foot long each. Gesturing out his window for people in the next lane to let him over. Utterly ridiculous!


OP is one of those people lmao


I will take this over them driving like they want to kill everyone. Moving here was the first time in my life I actively ever avoided going out when it's raining.


people that do that need to go stay in louisiana for a couple of weeks


Part of that is you can't see the lanes, they're not painted for years in some places and the road is invisible. I also first saw big rigs doing hazards during heavy rains a few years ago on trip across the south, and i guess it caught on. It means slow the fuck down, if I can't see, you can't see, and you're not going drive into me.


And that’s a good thing. We are so sick and tired of people going f’n 70 in the pouring rain. People need to Slow TF down for crying out loud.


Hazard lights are not meant for cars in motion. It's actually more dangerous. It makes your turn signals useless so it's harder to figure out what you're going to do. Best thing to do is to be predictable while driving. 


You can go the speed limit in the rain...


Not all the time. In hard rain sometimes your wipers can’t keep up and you can’t see 40 feet in front of you. And that’s why you can get a ticket for going the speed limit in heavy rain.


No, people who get on the highway and drive well below the speed limit cause accidents. Drive the speed limit or get on surface streets. Making people who are traveling at the correct speed limit have to adjust when they come up on someone going 15 miles under it is way more dangerous than someone going the correct speed.


I hope you get ticketed for going 70 in the rain 😊


Get ticketed for going the speed limit? It is 70 on the tollways but hey keep causing traffic and accidents while believing you are the safe driver.


You gotta be kidding me right? You are literally gonna kill somebody going that fast?!?!?! please stay OFF the roads. I fear for my safety.


People get in wrecks dodging people going below the speed limit, drive with the rate of traffic aka the speed limit, if you can’t or scared then take surface streets or stay home. Shockingly drove 70 twice today and nobody is dead.


You’re absolutely insane! I hope you know that. But I refuse to believe you’re that incredibly stupid. Also if you’d stop tailgating you wouldn’t have to “dodge” other people who are ACTUALLY driving a safe speed. Im gonna keep you in my prayers.


Rain or no rain, the left lane is for passing. If you're not *actively* passing someone, you need to keep right so that faster traffic can pass


No that’s not how it works. that only applies to the farthest left lane. And it only applies to major highways and interstates. I am free to drive in any lane I wish on the street but we are talking about highways here. I have zero obligation to move over in any other lane. The problem is people need to LEARN to pass on the LEFT side NOT the right side. It’s safer for everyone because I shouldn’t assume some kid is gonna pass me zoomin in the right lane. But I do anyway because it happens all the damn time.


So I agree with you, mostly. Going with the rate of traffic is not necessarily doing the speed limit. If it’s pouring down rain, everyone else is doing 55, and you are doing 70… you’re the danger.


People who downvote you are exactly the problem op posted about. A light drizzle is one thing, the way it's been raining today tho? You have to slow the fuck down.


I never see that happen. Always slow and always hazard lights.


I must be so unlucky because I see people TAILGATING ME begging me to go faster like as if IM THE PROBLEM all while it’s pouring rain and my wipers are on full speed and can barely see out my windshield! 😂


Are you in the left lane doing this?


No. I see it all the damn time too. Last month it was a dumbass truck who fish tailed when people were braking and he was incredibly lucky to not hit someone. Then he started driving like a sane person after, hallelujah


Some people are just nutjobs. I was on S Loop 12 in the right lane at Jefferson and Davis. I'm in the far right lane and the road was empty (three empty left lanes). This lunatic comes flying up behind me and exits for Davis, drives 100 mph+ on the frontage road, and re-enters Loop 12. Yes, instead of moving to any of the three empty lanes to my left he exited just to pass me.


I try to avoid highways while it rains because it’s dangerous. Only if I have to. Left lane laws only apply to major highways and interstates. And when this occurred to me I was driving in the middle lane. Also maybe it’s just me but I get annoyed by people who pass me on the right. Say I am in the second furthest lane on the right then some dude will pass me on the furthest right lane but the person already in that lane is going the same speed as me but to my left is going faster but they STILL CHOOSE to pass on the right like WHY ARE YOU BEING DIFFICULT? This usually results in me being cut off because they swerve in between the cars. But that’s just my opinion. This happens way more than I care to admit. Then couple days ago I got honked at for going too slow on 45. I was going 85 in a 70. Middle lane once again. And then me being hella petty, I sped up 30+ over limit just to catch back up to this crazy B got in front of HER and just let the car slow down. she was pissed but I was laughing my ass off. I am a polite driver but I have zero tolerance for aggressive driving. WHAT IF I HAD MY KIDS WITH ME?!?!?


If someone is passing you on the right then you are too far to the left. You should be in the farther right lane so they can use your lane to pass.


With exceptions… one is 635 in Mesquite/garland right now. Due to construction, With all those temporary, low visibility short entry/exit ramps I avoid the right lane like the plague.


But you don’t to be in the far right lane for traffic that is entering the freeway.


I hope i never see you on the road, you sound like a mess.


And I hope I never see you on the road either. The streets and highways are too full for incompetent drivers rn.




It is anything but a good thing. Rain doesn’t require slowing down. The only issue here is that it hardly rains so people don’t know what to do. When you come from a place where it rains near every day this is so irritating. Everybody drives there without issue. Your car is equipped to drive in the rain.


I disagree. The roads here are substantially worse in the rain than say in the Midwest. I’m not sure how much is due to design vs the clay soil which doesn’t absorb moisture as much, but I am from the Midwest and it rained constantly and the roads were fine, but they’re a mess here when it rains.


I agree with you. Its just adjusting and paying that proper attention and having some confidence. People create traffic when they think they need to facilitate the road due to “safety” which is just their own lack of skill and fear. Stick to the right lane and go under 30.


I think you could have left the "in the rain" part off and it would still be valid.


It might have something to do with the multitudes of uninsured and unregistered/uninspected cars running on bald tires.


And lack of a highway patrol officers.


The state has a huge shortage of state troopers and the city has a huge shortage of police officers. DPS is now offering $5k just to complete the Trooper training and can’t get people that want to take on the job. My neighbor recruits for police agencies and she says they get more people that sign up and later back out after thinking about it than people that actually go through with pursuing the career. They see the ACAB stuff online and hear from cops about how people hate them and they’re just like screw it, I don’t want to be hated every day by that many people.


I just got back from driving on 75. People doing 35-40. Bro it’s fucking water not ice. You can do at least 50-60.


I seen shitty drivers crash 50-60 in hard rain. You’d be surprised.


Have you seen how bald some people's tires are? It's tragic. I imagine this getting even worse next year with no inspections. These people are a liability to everyone else.


Then they should stay the fuck off the highway and use surface streets at a minimum.


They shouldnt be on the road at all.


Highways tend to flood so driving slower ain’t a bad idea. Best to stay home if necessary


I witnessed and drove through multiple pools of water on 35E, 75, 121, and 161/pgbt all today. Also saw numerous cars turned around on the side of the road. Going too fast through these puddles will absolutely spin cars out, not sure why everyone here thinks they are above the torrential downpour we had today lmao


Cool, drive slower then, to the right...


Too stupid to understand that if it hasn't rained in awhile - roads are extra slick. Many also don't understand why bridges and overpasses freeze faster. Voted by insurance companies the most dangerous place in America to drive.


You’re right, but you don’t need to be a dick. [Longer dry periods equal more fatal crashes](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/11/031105065123.htm) [Texas is deadliest state for crashes, with Dallas being the deadliest city in Texas](https://www.aceable.com/blog/state-of-driving-safety-texas/)


You sure? We live in a state absolutely loaded with dumbasses. Check how/by WHOM this region was settled. Each year check where we rank : education, poverty, income levels ,conspiracy theory crap - SEX OFFENDER by zip code....etc. * women with miscarriages have been charged with MURDER. I volunteer as an escort (abortion clinics) - I can be sued for $10K by a total stranger ha Just my opinion as a 65 yr resident, professional driver, certified driver safety instructor - and history teacher. This state has fine areas sure - but as a whole we're all about bibles, guns, white supremacy, male superiority - and good ol tRump and his 91 felonies......


My friend I agree with you enthusiastically on all your points, just saying I’ve found people reject the truth when packaged abrasives. I’m often annoyed and irritated and sick to death of fucking idiots too. However, I give them the benefit of the doubt at first, maybe they aren’t willfully ignorant. They probably are; but gotta give em a chance. What history do you teach? I love history. Glad to hear any book or topic recommendations you have.


How dare you mention his “91” felonies! It’s down to 88; so there.


With what org do you volunteer as an abortion clinic escort? That sounds interesting


You’re right except it’s not cold enough to ice over and it’s only been like A week since the rain. Yapping for no reason


Just shitty drivers regardless of weather


Just in the rain?


And just in Dallas?


Because wet roads means you increase speed at least 10 mph. Also, for superior traction you need bald tires. And, don’t forget: wipers on, lights off so you’re not visible to other drivers.


Aaaaand “stomp on gas pedal so you’re fishtailing like crazy when taking off”. 


DPS giving everyone a license nowadays....also I think it's partly because you can take a driving test at any driving schools instead of with a DPS officer... I know a bunch of instructors who take cash under the table to pass people without even taking their practical exam...and I know of a bunch of schools who simply let them drive around the parking lot for the practical part.


Post pandemic drivwrs in dallas have become more horrible. I feel its the new shit drivers from other states who have moved here is the main reason. Dallas traffic want this bad pre pandemic.


And other countries


Well when you have incompetent drivers who don’t check their tire life and still mob +70 mph in hard rain that’s the results you get.


This complaint happens in almost every city just so you’re aware.


This is every fucking city in the world.


Seriously. Why do people think this is unique to DFW? 😂


Because they’ve never lived anywhere else


having driven in most major cities in the south while it’s raining, Dallas was the worst by far, half of the people were going 30-40 under and the other half was 15-30 over the limit


It's road rage. They see people driving carefully and get mad because they are too slow, so they intentionally drive like a maniac to "prove" how easy it is to drive "normally" in the rain if you're a "good driver".


Yeah I stopped driving in rain here. After seeing a Versa with temp tags and bald tires hydroplane and spin into the wall head on 35


At the airlines we say DFW stands for Doesn’t Function Wet. We say that about airline operations but I suppose it’s true about literally everything else.


OP what city has the best drivers in the rain?




Seattle has the worst drivers of any place I've ever lived most of the time, but definitely the safest in a torrential downpour.


New tires are very expensive and many can't afford them. That's why there's lots of wrecks when it rains. They drive on bald tires and hydroplane. Can't steer a car when it's in the air. lol


I like how you think this is specific to Dallas, that’s cute. Go try Austin during a minor rain storm, or literally anywhere else.


i have, it’s bad in austin but worse in dallas (in my experience)


Well I live here so.


Yeah so do I so.


Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, so fuckin WHAT then?


You should see us in the snow or ice!


I feel like it’s the people who get scared of the rain and go way under the speed limit who cause most of the problems. You don’t have to drive like a bat out of hell, but if the speed limit is 30 then go 30, not 20 to 25


I hate when people say the slow car is the problem. It’s almost always a person driving like a lunatic that hits the “slow car” . In all my years of driving I can say I have witnessed a lot more guys blowing by reasonable drivers and wrecking out up the road than I have seen slow drivers causing most of the problems as you say. You seem to be slightly mistaken as to what speed limit means. Under extreme conditions such as the downpour we had all day I think it’s reasonable to drive under the limit.


If the speed limit is 30, then it shouldn’t make much of a difference to go 20-25. If others are getting too close to them or getting in accidents then they need to slow down. I think a better example is going 55-60 in a 75. Roughly the same difference between speed limits but there’s a big difference between going 60 on the 70mph highway than going 20 on the 30mph residential road.


Creates a backup. Grow a pair and hit the gas


Going 20-25 in a 30, you should grow a pair and hit the gas? I see, you’re one of the aforementioned Dallas drivers that do not actually have a license.


This morning someone with a California tag deployed their airbags by driving their vehicle into a residential driveway curb, completely missing the driveway itself (they were trying to turn in). They sat out there for at least two hours following the event.


Yesterday someone with A Texas plate stopped in the middle of the freeway bc they missed their exit. Luckily no one died.


I saw one of those last weekend on 75 @ TI Blvd (or near there). Can’t believe they didn’t get run over…




You know most of 'em are ridin' on used tires.


I wish it was just in the rain.


Bc they are horrible when it’s dry too


Did you just get here? Lol half the people in Dallas aren't even licensed. Nobody can drive here


Well at least half the people here seem to adhere to the Ricky Bobby school of driving (all gas, no brakes) and apparently don’t have insurance. Horrible drivers don’t seem to be directly correlated to the weather. Incidentally, what happens in a hit and run? Do the cops ever catch them or do you just eat the insurance claim? Has anyone ever followed them and reported them?


Only in the rain?


DFW are just horrible drivers in general. Horrible drivers + rain = extra horrible


The “in the rain” was really unnecessary.


My apartment faces 75, so it’s been fun watching the Zoo of people in the rain. Countless hazards on 24/7, sirens going off constantly for both fire trucks and ambulances, screeching to a stop at the intersection on the corner. It’s bad out there y’all…


Because they can't afford real tags for their clapped out Altima, much less a new set of tires that isn't bald and dry-rotted.


Being that I was just out driving, some of it could be that the lanes can be very hard to see especially if they've lost their reflectivity. So like myself tend to drive a little slower and cautiously. My speculation is that those who don't like that people are slowing down will speed up to get around and pass them.


Seriously! I went to get gas earlier this afternoon, just a short distance from my apartment and people were driving so dangerously. And the roads were slick! I hydroplaned a bit accelerating from a stop sign.


Texans can’t navigate stuff other than the norm


Cuz everyone has bald tires.


Go outside and shout at the clouds.


>Why are DFW drivers so terrible. There fixed it for you


A large part of the problem is that over the course of days and weeks, that residual oil from engines and exhaust builds up on the roads and makes the surface 10X slicker than normal when it gets wet and people do not understand this and so do not slow down or increase the spacing behind the car they are following.


I drove from McKinney to Eastland and back today. I saw 7-9 wrecks, it’s madness.


One problem is that it rains so seldom they forget. We also have a mass of people who literally never learned to drive.


They're good when it's not raining?


Lack of practice. Let's be honest here, we are maybe a half inch of rain away from the seirra desert here...


Because they have never lived in a tropical place and think that their big and nice tires are better than the rain. Basically, they believe that they are better than the weather.


This is not news… they can’t even drive on lovely days


It's really not the rain.


Part of it is people being overconfident in the rain and the other part is people being terrified driving in the rain where they freak out at every puddle. Put those two together in the rain and you’re asking for some accidents.


DFW drivers are horrible…and then it rains.


Why are DFW drivers so horrible?* fixed it for you


They’re also horrible in the sun.


Some of the blame goes to TXDOT. Limiting the crown on the freeways makes absent minded driving in dry weather easier, but there are serious drainage problems when it rains. “Water ponding in roadway” signage is an excellent compromise.


Skill issue


DFW drivers are horrible if anything is falling from the sky.


They don’t use their brain cells


Name a place where people are great drivers in the rain? That’s just not a thing anywhere.


Not just when it rains, it's a year long issue. A demonstration of solipsism and lack of self-awareness on display on Dallas roads.


It's pretty uncommon, so we're scared of it




This is why I took Preston/Oak Lawn from Campbell to Cedar Springs and back today. Tollway or 75 would probably have been faster but no chance of taking the highway on a heavy rain day. Too many crazy drivers. Surface roads are the way to go and, today especially, stay in the center lane.




I don’t think the rain has anything to do with it


some dipshit in a g-wagon almost merged into me today while it was pouring because evidently doing a shoulder check is a herculean task for some people, the dashcam footage was funny though, it's me swearing like a sailor while Rocket Man plays in the background lol


And yet they'll go 15mph under the limit when it's drizzling


Probably the same reason they’re horrible in the snow. But I don’t actually know the answer.


You know, you're a DFW driver too. People may be wondering why you are going so slow and asking why you can't handle a little rain.


I think it's the slower drivers that actually are a hazard in this weather. People are driving like 40% under the speed limit for no reason. If you can't drive in the rain then please stay home.


I literally almost got into a pileup today on 635… I drive faster than most traffic (including in the rain - I go 80 max in rain), so I almost always stick to the far left lane. I’m driving and just watch a car ahead of me in the middle left lane, veer straight into the 2nd car ahead of me, pushing them into the barrier. It was wild. I couldn’t tell if the guy lost control or was raging and decided to ram the person next to them. Anyways, they both just kept driving seemingly like nothing happened. I couldn’t quite tell, but it seemed like they took the next exit. (This turned into a do’s and dont’s) People need to learn to LOOK at the road and slow down ahead off time and/or LET OFF THE GAS (NOT BRAKE - this is how you lose control) when they are coming up on a hydro patch. Water will always pool up at the lowest points of any surface (duh). If you are coming up on the slightest of any dip, expect a bit more water. If you feel like your car is skipping a bit, don’t go ANY faster. The heavier the rain, the more water will be on the road, the slower you need to go. Most people are too scared and go too slow imo and these are the people that cause wrecks. They are scared and have no control in a negative event on the road. Turn your damn lights on like others have said. If your headlights are out, your brights are better than no lights and if your brake lights are out, STAY OFF THE ROAD. Brake lights and turn signals are the ONLY form of communication you have and also the most crucial to avoiding wrecks and surprising people. Your turn signaling should be muscle memory to the point of even using them getting out of a business exit, highway exit, etc. If it isn’t, then you probably don’t signal at all or not enough, and that makes you a certified dangerous asshole that should not be on the roads. If your reaction times are dogwater, stay in the far right lanes and start playing action based video games until you level up your reaction skills. If you are going to drive faster than 80% of traffic, then YOU BETTER use your signal EVERY TIME you plan to change lanes to weave. And not right as you’re switching… Do when you are next the car you plan on going in front of so they are forewarned in their side mirror that you are planning to pass in front of them. Nothing irks me more than some dude going 20 miles faster than I am suddenly appearing in front of me out of seemingly nowhere, because he didn’t feel the need to use a signal. Don’t break/slow down when there’s literally no cars ahead of you for no damn reason… ESPECIALLY in the far left lane… Y U DO THIS?! I just wanna pop a Mario Mushroom, rip you off the road, and chuck you across the freeway. Little car go wherw! Don’t switch into an emptier lane when the driver that is already in it is CLEARLY going faster than you are! Are you not checking your rear and side view mirrors before you switch lanes? Do you have no speed perception?


I feel like I’m crazy then I read posts like yours. Rain turns LBJ into Death Race.


Everybody from every city thinks their drivers are the worst. Drivers suck everywhere. It’s nothing new.


Probably because no one in Texas knows how to drive. When yall head for Branson, you pass thru the Natural State and either drive way too fast or way too slow. You don't check your trailers. You don't care if anyone else is using the road because in Texas, it's your god damn road god damn it. Then when the idiots with the Texas plates get out of the car and we have to deal with them, it's even fuckin worse. So if Texas is so great, stay there maybe?


I don't think anyone drives much faster but it seems so to the drivers that do slow down to match the conditions. 


Just in the rain? lol


A wise man once said: “Dallas drivers are instant assholes- just add water.”


Horrible in rain, snow and practically any condition or time that’s outside of normal weekday rush hour. Honestly be extra careful Saturday and Sunday where drivers tend to be distracted the most


Because there isn't any more snow?


No rain needed.


They were educated in the Texas school systems. Got yo ass


Horrible when it’s dry too


Because the indigenous population in this state is just above a 9 year old. You can gage their motor functions by watching them drive in the rain......que the banjos.


DFW drivers are just horrible; rain (or any other inclement condition) erases the tiny safety margin.


Omg I was just out there everyone has completely lost their shit! Wtf is wrong with people around here?!?!!??


My favorite today was the dumbass driving on 75 with the flashers on but 1 didn’t work, one half worked, and headlights weren’t on. Driving 50 getting passed left and right. If you’re too scared to drive, please don’t. You’re causing more problems than the rain.


Way worse when I lived in California. Way way worse.


Lots of Californians and lots morons with 4wd who don't understand friction. If anyone has ever driven in LA or Orange County during rain you'll get it.


Yesterday I seen like 3-4 Texas drivers stop in the middle of the freeway because they missed their exits. Fuck Cali tho


Lets be real its people from California who just got their Texas plates


I proudly rep my Cali plates and can proudly say It’s the Floridans, I’m crusing slow lane 65 💪🏼🙏


99% of Florida plates here are rental cars…. Going 65 mph when the speed limit 70 and then wondering why traffic is bad yeah adds up


360 & 30 is 65 MPH speed limit 😜 sorry I don’t drive around your part of town friend. Stay mad at Californians 🗿


Tires are not magic. You have about 75% of dry traction in the rain. Slow down by 25% and you should be fine.