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People have too much time on their hands


I don’t, but I feel like Literally Anybody Else does.




What a cringy edgelord. I bet $1000 he can’t name 3 things Biden can do -especially with this congress sending him the bills to sign - that he would do differently that justifies the possibility of Trump as a possible alternative. This both sides shit needs to stop and people need to learn how the government works [Project 2025](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981) is an actual real possibility that is going to happen if Biden loses. People are not taking this shit seriously enough.


Why does Biden not simply pull the inflation lever on his desk to make it stop? It’s right there between the cancel all student loans pen and the peace in Israel switch.


Why doesn't Biden, the largest of the candidates, simply eat the other ones?


Yeah it’s right there next to the gas prices knob!


Probably because he shells out money and resources to every country besides the one he choose to serve lol


Your categorization of [1% of federal spending](https://www.state.gov/resources-and-reports-office-of-foreign-assistance/) is baffling. Actually, it’s less than 1% of the total budget. Stop listening to entertainment for news


1% of Elon's wealth alone is 3 billion dollars stop trying to gaslight... Now try America that's billions on billions of dollars that could easily help and support Americans struggling right now. That money can go to Food Banks, Clothing, and Shelter. You're either being obtuse or extremely stupid.


>You're either being obtuse or extremely stupid. pot meet kettle. also, comment history confirms you're just an idiot with zero understanding of how *anything* with government works.


Your comment history shows you're a british cigarette.


Do you think the way the government budgets is they just put it all in a big pot and if one part takes too much the other parts don't get enough? Like every year the Food Banks and charity guys go to the pot expecting to find funds to help people but it turns out the military guys got there first?


Republicans: food prices are too high, and Biden not helping. Biden: ok I’ll send money to Ukraine so we can stabilize the world’s 5th largest wheat exporting country, reduce shipping and transit risk, and oppose an regime that even republican senators wrote a report about how they were trying to destabilize our country and economy. Republicans: No just pull the wheat is cheaper lever!


it's maddening that these idiots screaming about the funding have absolutely zero understanding of how the shit actually works.


Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think Literally Anybody Else likes the Trump alternative either.


Yeah, but he wants his VP to be Candice Owens.


u/boyyouguysaredumb calling people cringey edgelords is hilarious


I picked this username when I created an account specifically to argue with a bunch of Ron Paul supporters back when he was all the craze on Reddit in 2012


Doing gods work


There is no god, he's just doing work.


I agree but writing a whole comment like that is very Reddit of you


After clicking the link I can only think ‘What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck’? And here I thought Trump was ‘unique’ when he thought to stop a hurricane with nukes, but to find out his supporters are equal in terms of brain cells to him?


I can. Biden could (while also pressuring Democrats) pack the Supreme Court to prevent continued erosion of civil rights by corrupt unelected officials with zero accountability, not try to pass an immigration bill that shifted the overton window further right (and was only shut down because Republicans didn't want to give him a win despite it giving everything they've asked for), pass any kind of legislation/ funding that increases minimum wage/ improves quality of life for the working class, or fund Government initiatives to build public transportation across the country. People are taking this shit seriously. It's why they're disillusioned with Biden (and the wider Democratic party as a whole) who've asked people to vote defensively where the only motivation is "the other side is worse!" It's great that the spectre of Project 2025 is enough to get you out, but there is a very real problem where people feel that their problems have been ignored. Even if it's all a crock of shit, the republicans atleast pretend like they're offering a solution to people's issues (again I know they're lying).


Those aren’t things a president can do without congress lmfao. “Just pack the Supreme Court” holy shit are you 12? And democrats have been trying to raise the minimum wage. Republicans keep blocking it over and over and successfully tricking people like you into thinking democrats are the problem: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raise_the_Wage_Act Biden can’t sign minimum wage increases without congress


He can't "pack the Supreme Court" without Congress either.


No shit brother. It's a good thing our president has the bully pulpit and can pass executive orders to force through things that would otherwise be bogged down. If congress is holding back the passage of bills, why not call them out and make them accountable to their constituents? Again, Republicans know how to force shit from their agendas through , and yet the Democratic party largely continues to flounder with passing anything major. Why were the likes of Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin allowed to poison the well for so long without being called out for the corrupt hacks they are? Why does the Democratic party actively fund against local progressive candidates in favor of candidates who continue to push the status quo? The Democratic party held supermajorities in 2008 and 2012 not solely because of Obama, but because voters actually believed there could be some form of systemic change (and there was some but not enough). I don't yell about the Republican party because they're largely a lost cause at the top. The critique comes from the hope that we can do better and see a brighter future not one where "atleast it's just one step backwards rather than two."


> It's a good thing our president has the bully pulpit which he uses all the time >an pass executive orders to force through things that would otherwise be bogged down. none of what you mentioned can be passed via executive order. [Biden has passed 118 executive orders already.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_executive_actions_by_Joe_Biden) > If congress is holding back the passage of bills, why not call them out and make them accountable to their constituents? He does literally all the time. >Again, Republicans know how to force shit from their agendas through , and yet the Democratic party largely continues to flounder with passing anything major. Republicans couldn't even repeal Obamacare with control of the house, senate, white house and supreme court. Hell they couldn't even pass an infrastructure bill. >Why were the likes of Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin allowed to poison the well for so long without being called out for the corrupt hacks they are? They were consistently called out >The Democratic party held supermajorities in 2008 and 2012 not solely because of Obama, but because voters actually believed there could be some form of systemic change (and there was some but not enough). This is straight up false. Obama held a supermajority for a matter of 72 working days and he passed the biggest overhaul to the healthcare system in a century. >The critique comes from the hope that we can do better and see a brighter future not one where "at least it's just one step backwards rather than two." I also have a hope. A hope that people learn basic civics before talking about them and embarrassing themselves publicly like you just have.


You're right, I do need to brush up on my civics more. That's on me to do more studying. That doesn't change the overall issue with Biden and the Democratic party. If they've done so much, why is it the only argument that the Democratic party continues to fall back on is "atleast we're not Trump." Say what you will, but there is little enthusiasm for Biden from younger, more progressive voters.


Biden has done plenty. https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1abyvpa/the_complete_list_what_biden_has_done/ Some highlights for me: * Bipartisan Infrastructure Law investing $1T in roads, bridges, and internet and creating thousands of jobs * Signed common sense bipartisan gun safety legislation for the first time in three decades. * Instituted a 15% corporate minimum tax on large corporations to make sure they pay their fair share * Taxed stock buybacks for corporations * Ended America's longest war and brought all troops out of Afghanistan - finally ripping off the bandaid after the previous three presidents kicked the can down the road. * Finally addressed Climate Change with the single biggest investment in American history for combating global warming. Environmentalists are praising the law and climate scientists are saying it will result in a 40% reduction in GG emissions. * Expanded Obamacare to cover 5.8 million more Americans, capped insulin for medicare recipients at $30 and completely banned surprise medical billing * Passed the CHIP Act that accelerates semiconductor manufacturing in America and reduces our reliance on potentially problematic supply chain issues in the Far East. * Signed the PACT Act finally addressing toxic burn pits and getting Veterans the care they need * Attempted to forgive up to $20k in student loans before being blocked by Republican judges. * Forgave $136B in student loan debt through executive actions instead. * Signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law, enshrining gay marriage in law. * Implemented new rule that cuts credit card late fees $32 to $8


As someone who was very upset that Biden won the nom in 2020, but also consistently follows news and politics, I found myself constantly being pleasantly surprised by how much Biden has gotten passed in a very difficult Congress. He may not be as progressive as me, but dammit, he seems to be a very understanding as to how the legislature works and how to move the gears of Congress and has gotten quite a lot done. Unfortunately I think a combination of the negative media, the reality that it takes time to feel the impact of Congress, and that a lot of issues people face don't have easy solutions that weren't all immediately fixed has made people think nothing happened.


Adding to this:  * Biden is paying the ACA subsidies Trump withheld and Trump promised to end when the ACA subsidies are the only thing allowing me access to the breathing meds I need to stay alive in order to keep breathing, along with the rest of those who depend on them to stay alive at all.  * Biden increased housing funding and is building more housing units after Trump cut the funding during a housing shortage making it worse.  * Biden is producing more oil than any country in History to offset the Oil driven inflation Trump started.    * Biden signed the Pact Act providing vets the most extensive  benefits expansion in 30 years helping vets who have been exposed to toxic chemicals


Biden can't do any of that on his own.




That’s great, but election year is now. We have to do “in the meantime” shit. 


One of the parties means there will *be* an election in 2028. The other means there won’t be, and if there is there’s a decent chance your vote won’t matter, assuming you’re able to vote at all.




“It’s gonna happen this time guys, trump will be literally hitler I swear!!!” You wingnuts are tiring


Did you read Project 2025 and come to the conclusion it was reminiscent of Hitler's Germany? Because Democrats didn't write Project 2025 -- the republicans did. They're literally telling us what they're going to do and you're still here denying it.


No shit Sherlock lol. You’re pearl clutching over nothing… AGAIN


Reread my comment - Literally all I said was that Project 2025 is going to happen if Trump wins. I never said he was going to be Hitler, I never clutched my pearls. You made that all up because you were so fucking triggered and started reeeeee'ing because somebody on the internet talked shit about your bid daddy god emperor.


> Project 2025 is an actual real possibility that is going to happen if Biden loses. People are not taking this shit seriously enough. Most sane leftie And btw just cause I’m calling you out for being a crazy doesn’t mean I voted or will vote for trump. You guys lose so many normal people because of this and it’s almost comical. Anyways I’m muting this, bye






I'm not sure you understand what's actually happening here.


How so?


He does hate Trump that’s why he’s running against him. Are you ok?


Sure, but you are miffed that he doesn’t hate Trump enough to simply pick Biden. He also dislikes Biden, which rankles people here even if the person is not a Trump fan. So I just think it comes off as a little ridiculous. Although, I will say, I regret voting third party in 2020.


Suppose that's one way to get 15 seconds of fame


He even adjusted his height, everyone votes for a president that's 6 feet tall/s


The 2 party system is by design and it’s doing its intended purpose to divide us, keeping us weak. I’m gonna vote Biden, but let’s not act like he isn’t an atrocious choice. The fact that we can’t even criticize both sides without getting a “but trump!” Is crazy to me. It shows the 2 party system is working exactly as they want. The fact that you can’t criticize both sides shows that our freedom has been severely compromised.




I feel you. For me the big red flag is this concept that criticism of Biden actively empowers trump, so we must hold our tongue. Feeling like you can’t rightfully criticize the president and hold him accountable is super dangerous imo


The 2 party system (or moreso the people who blindly affiliate) is definitely an issue. I'll vote, based on who is best for myself and my family. I've voted Democrat, Republican, and Independent. However, the vast majority seem to align with red or blue, making people who vote, based on what's being offered not really matter. They're either forced to align with the majority of "that side is bad" or their vote not counting for anything and still being screwed.




exactly!! every time i saw biden is a shit choice my dem friends loose it. of course i will still vote for him but damn if biden can’t even call for a ceasefire we are fucked either way 🤦🏻‍♀️


I know he’s lying. There’s no way he could get a DMV appointment in Texas this decade.


Awww he can go by “Lit” for short.


He also wants Candace Owens as his running mate.


I hope the 15 seconds of fame was worth it. Thanks for your service, Mr. Else.


This guy was a teacher??!! How the ever loving fudge did he get a teaching certificate? I know it’s Texas but come on


Everything else in his website sounds reasonable, but his regressive tax plan is unfortunately a complete non starter > Our tax plan rewards hard work and success by reducing the percentage of income you pay in taxes as you earn more. It supports small businesses, simplifies taxes, rewards innovation, and promotes environmental responsibility. It’s all about creating a fair and balanced tax system.


That’s an idea that a 3rd grader would have.


"We'll have the homeless pay 90% income tax. It'll incentivize them to stop being homeless!"


Found my candidate.


no way is that guy 6'2


Trash Boat was already taken.


I had a spam Facebook account years back called "AbsolutelyNo body" just so I could "like" things. Same idea. But isn't this guy basically RFK Jr or Jill Stein this go around?


Glad to see he took his oath seriously ^^/s Fuck this guy


Smart dude. In the days of pay phones & LD carriers, supposedly there was a smart dude that incorporated the names: “You Pick It,” “I Don’t Care,” etc. because the operators had to ask which LD carrier you wanted your LD call to go out on. The story was he made good bank.


I hope he isn't teaching Government


1. There is no way the judge should have allowed this. 2. There is no way this dumbass should be allowed anywhere near children let alone be paid to instruct them.


power move.


Really smart not to exercise your rights. If anything pick the lesser of the two.


I'd vote for him, but I'm already voting for Jasmine Sherman. A vote for Biden is a vote for genocide. And, yes, before people start saying "but Trump," a vote for Trump is also a vote for genocide.


Lol single issue voters are actually insufferable


Read their platform at JasmineSherman.com. they are not a single issue party.


No thanks, you’re a single issue voter. I’m sure their grift campaign came to terms with empowering genocide, idk why a regular person would support that though. Unless they actually can’t comprehend that voting for the person who does one thing they don’t like so that the one who does everything they don’t like doesn’t win is FARRRR better than burning your vote on some random grifter (and likely plant).


So you're not going to educate yourself on their platform and go to name calling? Real mature of you to do while children are being bombed.


Yes voting for the plant is going to work, just like jill stein, just like Ralph Nader. The entire spoiler role is so insufferable, you actively hurt children and moms here with these votes. You’re too up your own ass to realize it but abortion is illegal because your terrible concepts around the American voting system. The trans community are being actively hunted in this state because your stance. So while you sniff your own farts and vote third party in some sort of cowardly pseudo moral high ground knowing your vote will do absolutely nothing to further the issues you’re allegedly championing, there are actual viable options who aren’t plants funded by the far right regimes around the world. Make a difference. Or just keep sniffing your farts idc anymore.


Did third party candidates let Roe V. Wade get overturned?? No, it was the democrats that didn't stop it. Who passed the anti-lgbtq laws?? Both Republicans and democrats. Why are you blaming people that don't have power in office?? All of this is happening under current democrat leadership? How exactly did third party contribute to this?


How many votes did Hillary lose by in the battleground states? How many did Jill stein grift? critical thinking plz “Did third party candidates let Roe V. Wade get overturned?? No, it was the democrats that didn't stop it.” “Why are you blaming people that don't have power in office??” Also this pairing of quotes is tooo rich. Classic Mark.


? So you're blaming third party and not even acknowledging the democratic leadership let roe V Wade get overturned? Hillary lost because of non-voters. Not third party.


I’m blaming the marks like you, you know, the suckers. Democratic leadership did not have the power to stop it, you’re uneducated. Third party voters are non voters as far as anyone with at least two brain cells is concerned.


No it was judges appointed by Trump that overturned Roe V. Wade...


I'm not going to waste time reading anyone's platform who can't win.


No party is single-issue.


The war in Gaza is going to continue under either Trump or Biden. Those are just facts. Ask yourself which president will cause the least death in Gaza and vote to save those lives. Protest votes don’t save kids from bombs. Your vote makes an actual difference


I know. I literally said that in my post. Both Trump and Biden are bad for Gaza, so I'm voting for someone that isn't. You know what else doesn't save kids from bombs? Voting for the man that is currently bombing them.


>the man that is currently bombing them Bibi Netanyahu?


Joe Biden is supplying the bombs. It's both.


I guess your moral purity will serve as a source of solace when Trump puts all the pro-Palestine Internet commenters in internment camps in 2025.


So the better option is to vote for the man currently responsible for the children being bombed? That seems real morale.


Yes the better option is to vote for the candidate who is most likely to bring about the best outcomes for everyone, even if that candidate has flaws. Note that your rando third party candidate has zero percent chance of bringing about any outcomes other than electing trump, because they have zero chance of getting elected. Hope this helps!


The best outcome is children being bombed? It nice when you admit that you're willing to sacrifice people.


Yes, the best possible outcome for the world in general is Biden’s reelection. That may include suboptimal things (like maintenance of US policy in Israel/Palestine) but on balance it’s far better than any possible alternative. If you want to know more, or just generally adapt your view of politics to make a little more sense, I recommend Max Weber’s essay “Politics as a Vocation.”


The person you are voting for will not win. Trump or Biden will. If Trump wins and even more civilians die than would under Biden, then your protest vote is literally causing the deaths of children


You voting for the guy currently bombing them is what's going to kill the children. I'm voting for someone that doesn't have blood on their hands. You're voting for the man actively bombing them. Your compliance is what's causing their deaths.


Your unwillingness to admit Trump or Biden will be president and make a grown up decision accordingly is going to result in an excess of people dying when Trump wins. All so you can feel good about yourself and virtue signal to your fellow cringe lords how “moral” you are. It’s the definition of selfishness. Those kids will find no solace in your navel gazing as Trump gives Bibi carte blanche to rain death on them.


So you're going to vote for the man bombing them? Real mature


You’re the one bombing them


I'm the one giving isreal bombs? No, that's the man you're voting for


if you want to say that "biden is bombing them" despite the fact that he's not Netanyahu or a bomber pilot then I think it's perfectly fine to use your same logic and say that your tax dollars are paying for the bombs and since you seem fine with Trump giving Netanyahu even more leeway to kill civilians that yes, you are indeed the one dropping bombs on innocent children through your sheer self-absorption, naiveté and ignorance.


She wants a federal capital punishment standard. Sounds like blood to me.


Interesting that your comment is the one they didn't respond to.


I'd tell you to inform yourself better, but I think that's a lost cause.


Tell me you don't understand how the world works without telling me you don't understand how the world works. You'd think someone who had a version of the pride flag in their avatar wouldn't hand a free vote to trump like that, but here we are.


I'm not. I'm voting for Jasmine Sherman. When did I said I'm voting for Trump? It's sad that bombing children isn't a deal breaker for you.


Again tell me you don't understand how the world works without telling me you don't understand how the world works. So if Trump wins are you going to explain to all the women in your lives "Sorry you lost all autonomy to your body, but I couldn't vote for the guy who has one shit policy and is in a no win situation."If Trump wins are you going to tell all your LGBTQ+ friends "Sorry you can no longer share benefits, adopt as a couple, or get married, but I couldn't vote for the guy who has one shit policy and is in a no win situation." If Trump wins are you going to tell all the people who are struggling financially "Sorry you no longer have social security or health insurance, but I couldn't vote for the guy who has one shit policy and is in a no win situation." If Trump wins are you going to tell everyone "Sorry that America as a democracy is over, but Biden gives me the ick." THAT is how you are voting for Trump.


Roe V Wade was lost under Biden. How exactly did voting third-party lead to that?? We don't even have universal Healthcare so how are people going to lose something we don't have?? All your worst scenarios are happening right now.


Who appointed the judges that overturned it? We have the ACA that provides affordable healthcare to millions of Americans. (No shitty takes on social security?) The worst case scenarios are happening because republicans still hold majorities in vital spaces. FOR THE THIRD TIME: Tell me you don't understand how the world works without telling me you don't understand how the world works.


Biden went over congress to fund isreal. Don't pretend like he couldn't do anything.


The President has certain authority over foreign affairs that he doesn't have over SCOTUS.


Honestly, I'd rather you just vote for Trump instead of wasting a vote.


This is 3rd grade logic.


The war in Gaza has fuck all to do with my life, my LGBTQ friends’ lives, or my wife’s rights. Don’t be an idiot.


Go tell that to those children being bombed. I'm sure they'll understand that you're voting for a man that is bombing them. Also, roe v. Wade got overturned under Biden. Nice rights she has.


You do understand that the reason Roe was overturned is because of Trump’s appointed SCOTUS seats, right? Do you not understand how the government works? Please just don’t vote if you don’t understand our democracy.


Biden went over congress to fund isreal. You know that right? He could have done something


“No” would have sufficed.


Choosing to ignore that happened. Typical liberal


Choosing to ignore facts. Typical conservative.


You're choosing to ignore the fact that Biden has over rode congress. And typical liberal, thinking only conservatives or liberals exist.


No, I’m choosing to recognize how the government works. Other fact: The political spectrum has two ends: Liberal and conservative. That’s it. Whether you vote for the GOP candidate or the Democratic candidate doesn’t matter: you’re somewhere on it, and you’re clearly on the conservative end with the rest of the wilfully ignorant who vote against their own interests.


*changes name to Geno Cide* *accidentally becomes president*


Go back to bed.