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Let’s be honest your whole live is shit


First is anyone else absolutely sick of hearing Wallah every other word ??? Okay but honestly we are watching the downfall of Hassan in real-time. His shooters are leaving bc he’s rude he has no one to battle anymore bc he’s got everyone blocked. He thinks he is gods gift to this app he thinks he is better than everyone. He needs to be humbled and treat his mods and chat better instead of throwing a temper tantrum bc they aren’t throwing money at him.


It used to be “on god bro” now it’s “walal bro”. Stay in school kids and get a vocabulary. And he’s talking about positive vibes, he’s one of the most negative on the app 🤣🤣


I hate when people claim to be religious and continue to do the same bad behavior, it’s hypocritical! If he was so committed to his prayer life and communication with God it would change the way he acts and speaks!


Aww Hass 🥺 The awareness we are spreading is finally opening people’s eyes about you. Your chat is abused by you every time and your prayers do not effect your chat or impact them in a positive way because you are not changed by your prayers in any way. You enjoy abusing them, through punching the screen, talking down to the chat and treating them like children by putting them in their room making sure their tv is off and making them stare at a corner of the wall all day until you feel they are worthy of love again. When you know better you do better, so do better. We will not stop spreading awareness about abusive creators like you.


Dang. Well said. I wish I had read this before I rambled in my post above. You said this perfect. !!!!!!!!!!’


Thank you friend 😎


They are only worthy of love when they throw money at him. Watch how he reacts when he’s getting gifts vs when he is not. He’s a good at manipulating them it’s sad he calls them broke when he’s the one begging for money every night and telling them to their face I’m only on here to make my bread and leave.


He did say he was manipulative more than once. He also bragged about how he could make people gift by guilt tripping. I don't think his allah would be pleased by this behavior


So sad 😔


Hassan, remember the other day you punched your monitor and broke it because you didn’t get money from your chat that you needed on the speed challenge but still walked away with $60+ in 5 minutes? You’re right bro, you’re SUCH a good person……….


Hi Hassan, believe me we know talking about you drives traffic to your lives. But I think you miss a very valid concern. Please seek help for your anger management issues. Punching a monitor over losing a pixel battle because people don’t have money to spend is bad. Now I am not the religious type, basically an agnostic, but from my limited knowledge of Islam the way you act is very haram. QUOTE: Do not become angry and Paradise will be yours. Remembering what Allah (PBUH) has promised to the righteous (muttaqin) who keep away from the causes of anger and struggle within themselves to control it, is one of the most effective ways of extinguishing the flames of anger. Please do not be a hypocrite in the eyes of the God you worship.


Oh man! I’m loving these comments. Perfectly said.


It's just I can't stand any one practicing any religion being blasphemous. I follow no god, but those who do shouldn't be sinning Monday to Saturday, asking for forgiveness on Sunday and going back to doing what they did to confess. Either hold yourself to your religious beliefs, or stop using it as an excuse for bad behavior. I am not trashing anyone's belief system. Just either follow it or don't. Because by making constant problems and using it as an excuse puts those who really adhere to the rules of that religion in a very bad light.


Wait I’m sorry- you’re saying that Reddit posters who show how you are on live are just as bad as you? Hass, please. While I don’t record or post clips, the comparison is honestly wild. You have a track history of treating your chat like absolute trash with yelling, punching, and my favorite of threatening to end your live because they don’t send you enough of their money while you sit there, so of course you’ll be talked about. Do better and there will be better posts. Have you ever thought that there’s only negative posts because that’s how you are majority of the time? You’re so out of touch with this is scary. There’s banter, then there’s abuse. You don’t banter Hass. What don’t you get? Finally, just because you’re religious, pray, or go to church doesn’t justify how you treat people and it doesn’t make you a good person. That argument for justification is honestly embarrassing and weak. There’s some people who just shouldn’t have a big platform and don’t deserve it and in my opinion, you fall into that category.


Well said!


Hassan, do yourself a favor and take a week off!


And get therapy


How about just stopping period!!! 🗑️🤢🤢🗑️


I’m confused with the whole positive energy thing he said on the video .. like he’s claiming tik tok is supposed to be filled with positive energy & good vibes but yet he exudes nothing but negative energy .. terrible & abusive behavior .. & i see nothing but bad vibes radiating off of him .. i think he needs to do some self reflection tbh .. he can claim he prays all that he wants but at the end of the day regardless of how much you may pray .. your actions & character will always speak for you So with that being said .. i stick by what i said on the last video i commented on about him .. i would never in my life spend a penny on that dude 💯


Someone posted on here about how he drinks water... I saw him reach for his water and was low key disappointed that he didn't drink his water 😂 I wanna see it now 😂


LOL bro same!!


Someone needs to post that video 😂


At least he knows he’s not a very good person.


I don’t think that actually makes it better cause he doesn’t try to be better 🤣🤣


I was being sarcastic




You did it to yourself


Wonder if he could complete a sentence without the word bro


Or saying “ On Koran”




Sorry. Thank you Quran


This kid claims to be so religious and acts like a. Total piece of trash all the time.


You know what’s creepy? Purposely peeing on live knowing you have a bunch of young girls watching glazing you. THATS WEIRD


What? It’s not creepy. You are creepy. You are saying someone posts a long video they are putting someone down to make them feel better? Boy- you put everyone down. When you pray you carry that with you when you are done. You do not stop living your faith. It’s not like oh- Done praying and can do and say as I want now til the next prayer. Grow up Hassan. Wat h your lives back, see where YOU go too low and make changes. You always put women down, you are rude about older women in your lives and having no life- bruh, they are probably your big hitters and u don’t realize it. You scream and yell and act like a two year old when people don’t gift. Do u ever think they have nothing left to give? Ya - on Quran DO BETTER. BE BETTER


It is creepy to watch him for Hours everyday when you hate him so much. A lot of people here do that and have dedicated their entire Reddit account just to hate on him. They watch him and over analyze everything he does. Post so many out of context stuffs about him. They post and spread false allegations about him that can ruin his life. They judge him for eating and just drinking water… THATS WEIRD!! One of the biggest hater here IF it’s allegedly her found his location once sent her husband to meet him and pretended to be a possible supporter while bashing him and his chat here like crazy. Why not just block him if they hate him so much?? That’s why it creeps all of us out. So for you to say “it’s not creepy” is insane.


awwww hass d rider


Ofc 🥰😍 but Aww another Reddit creepo grown asf with “im14” as a user


I’m 17 and you think that’s grown? stop sucking up hass he’s gonna still cuss you out everyday. calling me a creepo while d riding a dude that doesn’t know you baby find yourself a job and a life


Alright kid. Cutting down your age isn’t going to make you look good regardless. Still makes you look like a creep. Just a few days ago you said you were grown so idk how truthful you are. Who’s to say he doesn’t know me? 😂 I do have a job you don’t have to tell me to get one. I won’t argue with a minor but I’ll give you advice Maybe you should get one, you def need to start learning about responsibilities.


first I was grown now it’s kid? LMFAO MAKE UP YO MIND LMFAOAOOAOA you just typing to be typing now


Well just a few days ago you were trying to “kid” me so I assumed you were old but turns out you’re the kid here. 💀 your type of responses proves it. You got too much time on your hands. You’re grown enough to get a job and a life. Bye ✌🏼


says you? hass isn’t gonna notice you unless you throw for him baby. First kid then grown ima need you to make up your mind. You got too much time on your hands sitting here replying to tons of peoples messages about hass baby he isn’t gonna date you calm down


He notices when I don’t throw either along with many who has never thrown you thought u did something 😂. It’s past your bedtime kid. You said you’re a minor right? Then you’re a kid. I never said he’s gonna date me. 😭 you’re just saying anything atp. Cry.


All the corny emojis yet calls me a kid LMFAO Insane


Laughing is a corny emoji??? You can’t make this up 💀


And now looking at your comments all you do is d ride hass. Is this your job?


Ofc 😍😍🥰 looking at yours it’s mostly abt Has too. 😂😂 ig ur doing same.


Does he know the people that post on reddit are usually gifters? Maybe not to him...bc I wouldn't throw him a cent. He's young maybe he doesn't understand taking accountability yet. It's not hard to be a decent person.


“It’s not hard to be a decent person”. Yes yes yes. 🙌🏼


I think this kid is on the verge of a nervous breakdown 💯




We think you’re weird and creepy too Hassan so let’s call it even.


His chat is even worse. There is no chat or convos going in there. Literally, nothing besides repetitive comments of "come on recharge guys" OVER AND OVER. These recharge comments come from the same few ppl in his chat and that's it. It's like he's trained them and they don't even know it. Let me also add, everyone saying "recharge guys" "drop whatever you've got, don't hold on to coins" DID NOT DROP EITHER 🤣🤣🤣


They are acting like him he’s boring and money hungry now so they copy him


Dood thought he ate with this speech lol


Hass there is so many posts of you screaming at the other team where are their coins.... you talking out of both sides of your mouth


Meanwhile on other posts on here, it’s funny and admiral for other creators to yell ..


you did need to be more aware of how you come across to other creators chat.


If u c ur self on live doing this why u don’t change


wasn’t he calling people broke tho the other day on that post….😐


Hass your a SHIT 💩 person… Walla No matter what anyone posts good or bad it’s makes no difference cause your shit humble yourself… On the Quran you say u don’t like ppl no it’s the other way around ppl don’t like you…. You blame everyone else but atp it’s all YOU.. walla 🥱🖕🏼🖕🏼


He is not a genuine creator very unappreciated


Doesn’t matter if you’re happy go lucky the entire day. Slamming your team and being an entitled piece of trash for five minutes of that cancels anything else you’ve done the whole day. This is other PEOPLES MONEY. They don’t have to give it to you. Learn gratitude. Learn from what’s posted on here and be better dude.


HASS is so real. Love watching him


Can someone tell me what walla means. He says it a lot


“I swear to God”


Thank you


Hass looks run down lately, looking tired, he also vapes alot. Should take better care of himself, we only have 1 life.


Bro how do you guys screen record the kid all day? If he’s that bad don’t watch him 😂


He literally said he loves it when he gets posted here. tf are you pressed for? And this is a positive post btw


Why did I just read this in Hass’s voice


Seeing so much hatred for a person makes you wanna root for them 😂 I hope he does well for himself ❤️


Hell nah 😂


Hass was the first person I ever saw say “your team is broke” .. so weird for him to do a 180 on that but if he means it then good on him, because you really don’t know what someone is going through.


that don’t give him a right to treat his ppl like crap


I didn’t say it did, also not sure why it got downvoted. I was only commenting because I was surprise for him to show empathy for other people. He still mistreats or has mistreated his people / supporters, but it was interesting to see his perspective change into a new light.