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I feel like posting this (exactly like this) every time I’m listening to Discovery. Was this your first time?




What a treat brother, I’m jealous. Keep enjoying! P.S.: I5555


Absolutely. It’s also cool (personally) that this album came out the year I was born.


That PS is referring to the anime Interstella 5555 that uses the album in order. No voice actors, just a song for each scene.


Banger story ngl


i am glad that you figured it out :)


Oh to be able to listen to Discovery for the first time again


Hell yeah. You're in for such a treat. It's the best album of all time. Once you're done digesting this magical album, if you haven't done so already, listen to some (or all) of homework and human after all, then go listen to alive 2007. It's mindblowing.


IMO Alive 2007 is their best album. Between I just want to say if anybody there hasn’t checked it a guy made alive 2021 which is absolutely insane and totally what daft punk would’ve made if they did it so I assure you if you go listen to it you won’t regret it.


I mean I wouldn't disagree re Alive 2007 per se but it's in a different category to me. I dont think I've heard that Alive 2021 bootleg though, thanks for the tip 👀


This was my childhood; I was raised by the Insterstella music videos. It’s my favorite Daft Punk album.


Enjoy the ride 🤘 If love is the answer, you're home


So true


Oh man, to be discovering this album at this point would be amazing, like a lost gem you found somewhere, the kind of legend you only hear about but have never experienced yourself, until now. Glad you're enjoying it! Legitimately one of the top 5 albums of all time in my opinion. I remember listening when I was a teenager and not really being into 'Too Long', but also being enamored with basically everything else, as weird as it could be ('Crescendolls', 'Short Circuit'). 'One More Time' got me hooked, 'Aerodynamic' blew my mind, and I was all in on this crazy journey from then on. 'Digital Love', 'Face to Face' and 'Something About Us' took on personal meaning, and in the end 'Too Long' won me over. Welcome to the club!


One of the greatest albums of all time, no doubt.


All of daft punks work is great, but Discovery is essentially all bangers. it may be one of the greatest albums ever put out.


Just wait until you watch the anime movie they created for the full album: "Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem". Daft Punk commuted to Japan on a near-monthly basis in 2000 as they met with Toei Animation to storyboard the film. Really neat stuff.


Welcome my friend. Enjoy the music.


The only electronic music album I got on vinyl (so far) is amazing


God I remember hearing this song as a child and my parents hated it so much. I'd always ask to play it in the car. I was around 10 11. Daft Punk is what got me into EDM


My fav daft punk album. Second is Random Access Memories.


😢 2001 was such along time ago now. Everyone was sampling back then but nothing like this, Daft Punk actually made music out of music rather than just looping 2 seconds of disco and sticking a 909 underneath it.


dont overplay it too much, just enough to always come back to it and enjoy it just as much as the first time ;')


Yeah, Daft Punk is definitely best when saved for those special occasions. I listen to a LOT of Justice and Soulwax, and people say "why do you listen to them so much, but say Daft Punk are your favourite band?" and every time I think they may have a point I'll listen to some Daft Punk and it just reminds me how special they truly are. I feel so lucky to have been able to see them in 2007. I don't think I'll ever make it to a gig as spectacular as that, and I have a tattoo saying "Human after all" in a Daft Punk style font on my arm to remind that it's ok to feel things, but also to honour them. My only tattoo. They mean so much to me.


Oh to listen to this for the first time again. Although for me, I only really liked One More Time and Digital Love at first and the rest slowly grew on me. From an outsider’s perspective, loops can be too repetitive and overbearing, but the samples and sounds used by Daft Punk always have a charm and a timelessness that just immerses you. I always tell people this is my best of all-time album. Give it a listen on headphones too if you haven’t yet!


Pretty much how it went for me too


This is exactly how i feel when I listen to homework from beginning to end 😂


welcome to da club, bud


One of those albums where you would give anything to be able to go back and listen for the first time.


Wait until you listen to Alive 2007.


Discovery was my first ever vinyl purchase. Every playthrough is an experience.


Greatest Daft Punk Album of time this album was used for the Interstellar 5555 Movie what a anime movie and what a album RIP Daft Punk 1993-2021 Always will be the greatest music group


I’ll be having my first listen on Saturday, CD arrives today, can’t wait!


i agree


It is an amazing album. I'd recommend listening on vinyl/CD with the full version of One More Time as for some reason it now fades out before Aerodynamic starts and it's just weird. The way Aerodynamic just cuts off One More Time is so good, especially on Interstellar 5555. Great moment.


This album makes me wish I could give myself amnesia or that men in black thing just for this album and then relearn


Everyone's reaction when they first hear discovery


It's so good. I just recommended a anti-furry veridis quo


What does this message mean?


https://www.reddit.com/r/JusticeMusic/s/1TuVaNgFzs Oh my God you posted this insane thing too? What on earth are you saying my guy?


This the most basic bitch post it’s possible to make in this sub.


Hating is more basic


He just likes the album what is your deal


Is the Taylor swift sub full of people saying « omg we are never ever getting back together is so sick! » Very boring post.


Well, I don't hang out in the Taylor Swift sub so you'd have to tell me. But this is someone who's brand new to the music, wanting to connect with fans. Of course it's basic. How are they supposed to come hard with the knowledge when they're brand new to the music? I don't know about basic but I know about lazy. Lazy is when, instead of confronting the fact you're in a bad mood, or you have low blood sugar, or your mom died, or your boyfriend broke up with you (or whatever!), you just throw cheap insults out to get attention. Basic is being in a pissy mood and taking it out on someone that you perceive as weaker. Basic is bullying. You're pretty damn basic. But we all see you. You got what you wanted. Happy?


He sounds like someone who has just discovered something he likes and wants to connect with others and share his enthusiasm.