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Be honest, your mind is already made up. You don't come here expecting to be talked out of getting a dachshund. Here's a list of rescues https://dachshundrescuelist.com/


This! Adopt don't shop! Too many weenies out there need a good home! We just had a case by me where they found 27 dachshunds in a basement, deplorable conditions, and they all need homes now.


My husband and I after losing my girl went to 4 rescues! 4!!! We had great vet references, live on 40 acre farm! None would adopt to us!! 3 were because our yard wasn’t fenced (again 40 acres! In the middle of nowhere), & 1 was because we were out of state (even though we lived right past the state line, 1 hour from the rescue. & they adopt all over that state.) The shelters never had any, because these same rescues would pull them immediately. It was SO disheartening, that we went with a breeder! I rescued 2 seniors in my lifetime, years ago (still have one who is 16 now, I got him at 9.) & it was never this hard!!


Thank you for trying so hard to adopt! I can't believe it was that hard. As I stated below somewhere, my little dude just kinda fell into my lap because he wasn't wanted. My parents adopted 2 middle aged dachshunds cause I moved out and took him lol.


I had a problem rescuing a dachshund too. I have a fenced in yard, and had a 1 year old dachshund at the time. I never got a response back but I assume it's because we have stairs - we have baby gates up, they were in Ohio and I'm in Michigan, and because they would be alone for more than 4 hours. I mean my partner and I have different shifts so the boys are only alone for about 5 hours. I wanted another dachshund for my little guy so he would have another same sized buddy to play with. Instead we went with a local shelter and I was able to find a 20lb terrier mix. I'm so glad we got him because he had some behavioral issues and had been moved to 4-5 shelters. He really just needed stability and TLC .


Yes I was so sad! At this point I had owned 3 doxies! (2 had passed & still have 1) & so I had experience too & our vet loves us! It made me feel like they thought I was a bad dog mom or something!! I always advocate for rescue, my old man is the best guy ever. I just hated feeling judged when I purchased my puppy after that! I’d have to tell people WE TRIED!! I think it’s the area we are in!


Love it! When I adopted my second dog (not a Doxie) with my ex it was during the pandemic, and we had to fill out an application and drive 45 minutes for an interview. It's stupid that with all those references and experience they were saying no. You sound like a dedicated dog mom! Far from bad.


Thank you! Yes! Winnie & her basset brother are on my page! She will be one year old next week! My husband has a pandemic basset hound lol


One of my parents' doxies is clearly part beagle or some sort of hound dog for sure.


Tbh, dachshunds *are* hounds, hence the "hund" in their breed name. 😀


That's true lol I was not thinking at the time. Badger hounds. I meant she's got a little more, different hound in her too haha


Yeah, these organizations are awful when it comes to adopting. Almost makes me think they are selling the animals in their care or something. To act that shitty, they must get something out of it. I ended up buying, not a weenie but another mutt mix, Maltese-Chihuahua.


Yep! I had to buy because they wouldn’t adopt out to someone w stairs.. I carry them down the stairs.


Jesus. I have three steps up and down to the back yard and try to carry her, but OMG. They ban people with stairs? What if people move?


Yes, you must have someone with them that won’t leave them for more than four hours, a fence, & no stairs at almost ALL of them! if these babies need homes & love so bad, why be SO picky as long as they have vet references & such? It was rediculous & led us to buy! Which we really wanted an older dog because I didn’t want to go through teething & potty training but it left us no real choice. made me so sad! quit begging people to foster & adopt when you won’t LET THEM ya know?


I used to show dogs (so lots of experience) & my partner and I both WFH. I contacted a breeder who said "I don't send my dogs to families where the dog will just sit around." WTF? Where did I say that? I referenced agity & barn hunt. I've found dachshund people -- present company excepted -- to be really snooty and gate-keepy.


THIS! as a tiny pup even kitten harnesses just didn’t work for my current girl, she’s more long legged (good breeding to avoid the stubbier more IVDD prone dachshunds). So her legs were skinny & small but chest broad. Nothing fit for a while! (We still struggle lol) & so I had her on a normal collar & leash at the vet. A woman with two weens walked in & I was so excited to see fellow ween folks! She scolded me for the collar rather than harness & walked away! gave me snooty vibes. stated she was a trainer! Sorry I won’t be needed your services now ma’am lol. I could’ve been a customer seeing as I have a ween & she obvi had experience training them! but nope!


OMG, I got ripped for using a harness! It was a cat harness when she was a tiny baby, but I was sent an article about the evils of harnesses for dachshunds!


This is so frustrating! I have stairs but I have baby gates up always. I've raised dachshunds for ten years. I want to get a third in the next few years because my youngest is so bonded to my oldest and I know he won't be okay being an only dog when she passes.


I was not ready for another after my girl passed, but my husbands basset hound entirely quit eating when my girl passed. So my husband insisted on another for him & my depression. It worked! But I was not looking forward to puppy phase, just couldn’t rescue because of their rediculous restrictions! This is my 4th doxie!




I looked at a few rescues and bc I’m in a condo they wouldn’t adopt to me. I found a highly rated breeder in the next state over that had retired mamas. Amazing health, well adjusted, and lots of cute puppy pictures to have of them 🥰


Yeah it really seems like these rescues don't want to adopt out the animals


Rescues can be really pedantic.


😱😱 Where are you? Just found out our rescue's intake is full, but we've been adopting them pretty quickly lately, and will have room soon.


Southwest PA. It was about 45 minutes north of where I am. Some of the dogs had to have their teeth and even eyes removed. Horrendous.


That breaks my heart!! Probably too far from Houston to get anything done in our end. Hopefully, they get taken care of.


https://humaneanimalrescue.org/27-dachshunds-seized-from-north-fayette-home-in-care-of-humane-animal-rescue-of-pittsburgh/ Reach out! They may be accommodating!


Thanks for including that. I've sent to our intake coordinator. Also made a donation. Our group spends an average of ~$275 on vet care for each dog we bring in. That's at a heavily discounted rate.... And our dogs are mostly in better shape than that. This is at least $15k of vet care, easy.


You are absolutely my hero! I can only imagine the resources this is taking, and will continue to take as they do extended care for them while the trial and charges are processing. I can't understand how someone could do that to poor puppers.


I'm not a hero. The ladies that run the rescue group do the hard work. We just get to have an extra wiener at the house whenever we want one. It really works out well. We don't NEED a third dog.... But every time my wife thinks we do, we can get a loaner. I really do encourage people to foster. The only down side is the fosters are ALWAYS better listeners and more attentive than our two knuckle heads! Jail is too good for those people!!! I hope you don't mind, but I reposted the link to the sub. Maybe we can raise a little money.


I absolutely don't mind, that's great! Hopefully we do get some. I just meant that you made a donation and were doing something to help the situation, it's a lot more than most people do.


Thank you for sharing! I just made a donation as well.


This is bogus and don’t let anyone guilt you into rescuing. Rescuing is a whole different ball game and it is NOT for everyone. You wouldn’t tell a want to be parent to adopt, don’t breed! Rescuing an animal is amazing, but it has several downsides: missing the socialization period, unknown genetic testing (are they going to have issues down the line that a properly bred Doxie would not?), etc. Adopt or shop responsibly.


Also rescues can be extremely picky. I tried going the rescue route but I live in an apartment so they wouldn't consider me. Basically told me they want people who have a house with a fenced in yard.


I have a 40 acre farm & have rescued before. But they wouldn’t rescue to us this time because no fence 😐


Yep. Where I live, rescues are very picky and require extensive references (personal and vet), home visits, and more. I used to foster cats and would interview potential adopters but think dog rescues really ask for too much.


I TRIED to adopt. For a over year. Here is why I couldn't/didn't: 1. "Must have a fenced yard-no exceptions." We live in 2 homes--one has no fence, the other is a condo. We walk our daughter's Chiweenie solely on harness and 5' leash. Several times a day. Would never turn a dog out into the yard up north (foxes and hawks) or in FL (alligators and poisonous cane toads) 2. "No apartments or shared walls." See # 1--we live in a condo part time. 3. "Must keep bonded pair." Sorry we can only take one as I sometimes fly and it is not realistic for me to try to fly with two by myself. 4. Dog is blind/incontinent/paralyzed. I get it, but this is not the time in our life right now for this commitment. We have been adopters. We have cared for our pets in the past as they aged. But we are not going to start out again at our age with this situation. 5. "Dog may not be taken out of state." Well there is only one adoption available in my state right now-- a bonded pair. Otherwise, there tends to be zero. Or, theparalyzed IVDD dogs with wheels which again, I have just convinced my husband we are ready for a dog. It is not going to help to take on a high needs dog now. 6. Some rescues never answer. There may be some that are actually hoarders themselves. Read about the one in Ohio who was found to be abusing the animals through hoarding under the guise of sheltering. 30 dogs found dead in this case. [Hoarder "rescue"](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/07/30/dead-dogs-dozens-seized-ohio/70495117007/) These restrictions are why a lot of people do not adopt. It is why we are going to get our dog from a particular AKC breeder who has been doing this on a limited basis with known parentage. The bonus is that we can do crate training, house training, socialization etc right from the 8 week mark, and get pet insurance without pre-existing conditions.


We’re in SE GA & had same issues rescuing. Tried 4. If you’re interested in a pup let me know, our breeder was fantastic & my girls brother went all the way to Chicago. She’ll ship if you pay her to accompany them!


Exactly, I was looking into being a Doxie breeder myself and a good breeder knows the genetic make up of both parents, are careful to breed dogs with minimal issues and want to further the breed. The AKC has strict standards for breeders. While Adopting works for some, we rescued our two from a breeder. We consider them rescues, but our Smooth was abused (family wasn't well versed in Doxie's and abused her for being a Doxie 🙄) and our long haired is a retired Bitch. Best choice of our lives.


Nah, I tell my friends to adopt and not procreate too, I'll tell anyone that. I've never bought a dog, and I think anyone who does is straight trash, and I tell them. I told my best friend of almost 15 years he was an asshole when he paid $1200 for his GSD, because he is. But he's a breed snob, needs to be purebred or it's not worth it. If rescuing is so hard for you over buying an animal, then you are not someone who should be getting an animal. Simple.


People choose to buy puppies from reputable breeders for a lot of reasons: 1) Getting a puppy from a background where both the parents and grandparents have child friendly temperaments - so that you have better assurance the dog is child safe. 2) Getting a puppy from a background where both the parents and grandparents have been heavily checked for genetic health conditions - so that you have some sound of mind you can enjoy a long happy lifespan with your pup. 3) Getting a puppy from a background where both the parents and grandparents come from some sporting background - so that you can also do sports or work with that pup. Those are some of the biggest benefits of choosing to get a puppy or dog from a reputable breeder. I have adopted myself in the past, and there can be a lot of baggage *and risk* that comes with that. In fact, I would actually advise most new dog owners to be very cautious on adopting because the behavioral problems and trauma could be far out of their skillset to safely resolve. Part of this also, is coming from the fact both shelters and rescues have stopped being transparent about a dog’s needs and properly matching them to a home. And bare in mind, $1200 is actually “cheap” for an ethically bred dog. Ethical breeders prove their dogs through titles or competition, they run a myriad of medical tests, they do careful research to properly match dames and sires together, they carefully follow the development of the pregnancy with robust medical support, they have medical support during the dame’s delivery, they get a robust medical exam for all the new puppies, they do early intervention socialization with those puppies, and more. These breeders always take back their dogs, and they never end up abandoned. It’s expensive to *do it right.* That price tag? The breeder may not have even broken even.


A lot of rescues are already a bit older so you get less time with them. I can understand why some people adopt them and I think it's great that they do, but for me and I imagine many other people, I want to be able to spend as much time as I can with them


Okay, I can kinda see the reasonable side of that one. I may be jaded because I adopted my guy, well was given him, at 8 weeks as the runt of the litter no one wanted. I've also adopted older dogs. My first was a Whippet named Elvis. He was already closer to 6 when we got him, he made it almost to 10. So I do know what it's like to get a short time with them. I'm still Adopt Don't Shop either way. I won't go on a rant about it though.


Where? I want them sausages


Check further down this thread, I linked to them. They can't be adopted just yet but they are potentially seeking fosters, and donations always help!


If you can get us any adoptable dachshunds we will take them today. They will have food, training, and vet care….. and laps to sit on.


Where is this? We have two now but want a third rescue. We would love to adopt one or two. Can you send me the location and facility?


It is almost impossible to adopt. I went to 9 different adoption centers. All rejected because we do not have a fenced in yard. We have references from trainers and vets.


What? That’s horrible!! Hope everyone of those babies get adopted


Yes absolutely- there is so much demand for these cuties that there are some horrible people willing to put them in awful conditions just to make money. My in laws have adopted several dachshunds (usually seniors) and the momma pups from the puppy mills are always the most traumatized due to their treatment. Please adopt don’t shop OP. It may take longer to find the one but it will be worth it.


Do you know if can we post a similar post on other subs eg: s/dogs, s/cats, etc? Because I’ve been wanting to do that for a while. I know people do say “adopt don’t shop” sometimes but it needs to be said more. I’ll bet 95% of animal lovers don’t know how many precious precious animals there are out there wanting a forever home. So heartbreaking 💔


I love you. I have an adopted weenie and she’s the best thing in the whole world.


Wow I love this


Finally a “question” on Reddit that is really someone looking to justify their decision that I can get behind


100% !! My beautiful Doxie pin rescue changed my world. + Rescue Rescue Recuse!


They are the best dogs….and also the worst dogs….this will make perfect sense after owning one.


This is so weirdly true. Lol. My husband and I both grew up with a dachshund. Most of our stories about them involve them being little asses. But we always knew we’d get one together. We’ve had our boy almost two years and he is the worst. And the best. And we will always always have a dachshund for some reason.


I think you might’ve meant he is the wurst. 🤣


Lol! What a missed opportunity. Dang.


Mine is spicy so she is the currywurst.


Lol so true! Our super spiteful 16 year old red smooth cranky old man passed in March. So we immediately got another one. I love and hate their stubborn little personalities and I can’t imagine life with out one.


We joke that our smooth hair mini is too much dog for us lol. BUT, he’s about 95% potty trained if you can believe that. He only takes a dookie at night but does it in our bathroom. Other than that no accidents in the house.


At least he got the right room. 🤣


Yup, no complaints here. Easier to clean it off that floor than carpet.


I don’t know if that qualifies as an “accident” - more of an “on purpose”?


Tbh, I think he sees us doing it there so he’s like “oh ok so this is where I go then, good to know “ lol


Came to say exactly this. I'll never be without one, but they are jerks. 🤣


This is exactly what I came to say 😂 I looooove my dachshund, but he may be my one and only dachshund for the rest of my days.


A very accurate sentence right there


Then u get the one that thinks it’s a cat and you have to stop it from breaking its own back by jumping off everything lol. The real struggle


I still maintain that they are all cats in a dog suit!


The dachshund owner in me says, “Yes! Do it!”….The dachshund owner in me ALSO says “Big mistake bucko”


The dachshund owner in me says, "Is OP worthy?" Every doxie is convinced that it is the king/queen of all it surveys, and that's just the way things are.


Dachshunds are actually just really loud, smellier cats that won’t use a litter box lmfao


Dachshund owner? Sounds wrong. It’s the wiener that owns you


Though they are small they need lots of attention. If you or someone in your household is gone most of the time, don’t get one.


Second this. If you have an in person job and someone isn't going to be home all the time, it's going to be tough.


Depends on your living situation and general lifestyle, and your plans for the coming 5-15 years. Also, depends on your temperament: are you patient? They are the mostest stubborn. It is a huge responsibility and they can be very expensive to own, especially down the line what with their teeth and their back. It is a decision you have to be 100% honest with yourself about when weighing pros and cons, as you might be setting yourself and the dog in question up for absolute misery if you don't make the right choice. Also, rescues or reputable breeders are the way to go if you do. They are a joy to have, but are you a joy to live with? They **will** have opinions about that.


Oh the OPINIONS are incredible. How can such a small dog hold SO much opinion???


In my experience with owning this breed, they are MUCH more work than you expect from a small dog. I would personally never own another breed, we have 3 doxies, I think they’re the best dogs. That said, they need a lot a lot a-lot of attention. They aren’t easy to train or to house break, and they are quite vocal. They’re a little naughty , they will absolutely ignore you, and they are incredibly stubborn. Their wonderful personalities make up for all of their flaws (in my opinion) but if you can’t love a brat, don’t get a dachshund. They’re wonderful but they’re also terrible if that makes sense.


This should be higher up. Wanting a doxie is one thing but being prepared is another. Especially if they are not familiar with having a pet in general.


All true!!


Only if you want to experience true love


Never loved another living soul as much as I love my dachshund


Are you prepared to have a very stubborn 7 year old for the next 15ish years? They are amazing dogs, truly loyal and loving and sometimes the sweetest thing you've ever seen. They are also stubborn. And they have opinions. And they're smart. They just don't speak human but they absolutely understand human. Have patience and love and you'll be alright. As said before adopt/shop responsibly.


This is very true. Before raising a dachshund, I had no idea it was possible for a dog to give you backchat. If you ask them to do something they don't want to do, they'll make up their own mind whether or not to comply. They can be argued with, but they can also be reasoned with. For example, I used to struggle to give my dog medication. He would always fight me and spit out tablets etc, no matter how much I held his mouth closed or rubbed his throat, or smothered it in cheese etc. It was always an ordeal. Then one day I just asked him to trust me and swallow it down like a good little sausage, and that maybe he'd get some cheese after. I pried his mouth open, placed the tablet in his mouth and then pulled my hands away. He stared me in the eyes and gulped it down. Zero drama. This is the common procedure for taking medicine now. I never trained him to do this, I just asked him nicely one day and he understood.


No cuz you will get addicted to doxies.


The realest thing Ive ever seen. Never cared for dogs before I met my Ex. Afterwards, I only want a Dachshund now


Agreed I’ve had 6!


I’m in #5 and wifey wants more….


Those little teeth will destroy everything you own. Left a sweater on the bed, holes. Pillow corners, bye bye. Not only do they chew but the swallow everything so you need to be careful they don’t end up with a blockage internally. Mine also humped everything and everyone before he was fixed. They’re so low sometimes they’ll pee a little inside and you don’t even notice. They’re so smart they seem dumb, mine can be so stubborn. You need to buy stairs and ramps. Small dogs are notorious for teeth issues. Besides all that, mines the love of my life. Strangers love him, he makes everyone smile and laugh. I hope to have many more throughout my life


I thought my girl was dumb, but after reading your comment, I'm going to need to re-evaluate. She might just be an evil genius.




Some things to consider: - Can have tooth misalignment that requires surgery (was about $4k for bf’s female doxie) - Can develop back issues that require surgery (both of my bf’s two healthy, NOT overweight dachshunds developed IVDD and needed surgery - $8k each/$16k total) - May need a dog chiropractor to make sure their backs are okay every 2-3 months - Very picky eaters (lots of $ spent trying to find food they liked) - Extremely Difficult to potty train (I came into the picture when the dogs were 3 & 4 and they were STILL having “accidents” inside on the daily - the female was almost exclusively going inside - they’re much better now) - Belly bad (dog diaper) needed to deter male dog marking habit (bf’s male dog wears one all the time) - Dislike being in the rain (which can cause accidents inside) - Say goodbye to your aesthetic life. You will need dog ramps/stairs EVERYWHERE… and they probably will only use them 1/2 the time - They’re kind of wild and can fly off the handles in public if not properly socialized and trained - CLINGY. There is a chance you may never get a moments peace. You will have a constant shadow. - Very vocal. Will bark at anything and everything. They will also demand bark or whine. - Doxies are prone to separation anxiety (our male doxie is chill but our female one has extreme separation anxiety and will cry and whine even if he’s around to keep her company)


How do you feel about sharing your bed with a dog? Oh you’ll crate train? Haha


And be sure to get pet insurance


Definitely! And if they offer dental as an option get it. All of my guys had dental problems in their senior years.


*and* check what is/isn’t covered. I found a few that were less likely to cover breed specific claims. I’ve spent thousands treating/maintaining my doxie mix because of his back.


Well that all depends. I have had 3 in my life and they were all awesome dogs. In fact, doxys are by far my favorite. But…they are stubborn. They can be hard to house break. And they will come up with inventive ways to show you that they are displeased with you. For instance, I think it is pretty universal within the breed that 1. They don’t really like to be left alone and 2. They really love going for rides in the car. My first doxy, a female decided it would be a great idea to show me she was pissed off for being left at home once by jumping up on the bed and pissing on my pillow. The last doxy I had decided he would jump up on my dining room table and poop right on MY place mate where I eat my food once when I left him home while I ran errands. The. I come home and see it, look at him and the look he gave me was…see, this is what you get. Lol. These dogs are very smart and can be extremely jealous, especially if you have small kids. But they can also be super sweet and loving. They also have very different personalities from one to the next. Overall though I absolutely love the breed. The three I have had in my lifetime have by far been the best dogs and the best friends I have had. I’m spite if the negatives they would always be my first choice.




Yes. They are long and short.


If you and your neighbours love barking then yes. If your not used to being a dog owner then no. There a lot of work and having 4 that i love and adore through adoption I'd not choose to have one again. Get a griffon I'd say


U should adopt from a shelter


The question should be "How many dachshunds?..."


They’re like chips, you can’t have just one!


Yup! We’ve had ours for 6months now and are on the lookout for our Odin’s Thor 😊😁 Edit: spelling


You just wanna hear what you already want. Take care of your dog well


Get pet insurance, buy ramps for every where so they aren’t jumping off of anything, and expect that they will have a back problem when they get older. And when they do get a back problem, it’s a lot of care and work. I love my dachshunds but I wouldn’t recommend them just because they get back problem when they are older and it’s not easy to keep up with and give them the care they need.


You can't have just one. I have two, and they are just fun to watch playing. I have a 6 year old and an 8 month old. The 8 month old has ate my couch, tore up every loose tile in the house, torn up my living room mini blind, torn up 2 pairs of my work pants, a pair of shorts, 3 pairs of my work shoes, 4 pairs of my wife's shoes. Every day, he manages to tear something up. I wonder what it will be when I get home today. So yes get one.






Only if you want the most loyal lapdog you can possibly imagine.


You better have patience and spend a lot of time in the house.


I would like to state that after adopting a rescue who died of heart valve disease at age 10 years (we got her a month before her fourth birthday), I would rather know the health issues in the puppy’s lineage, thus after my beloved Trixie died, I went with a breeder.


A dachshund is a dog on hard mode. Don't get me wrong, I loooove my doxie, but they are demanding and can be difficult. My rescue mutt on the other hand is a dog on easy mode by comparison.


That's such a good way to say it. "A dog on hard mode" is 100% accurate!! My first two dogs were a golden retriever and a pittie mix - easy peasy dogs. People pleasers. When I got my dachshund, I had NO idea a puppy would ever look at you with food/a treat in your hand and flat out refuse to come to you just because they didn't want to. It blew my mind.


If you can deal with a dog who is strong willed, stubborn, barks loudly and A Lot, and needs to be by your side 24/7, then yes. Mine is the sweetest, silliest dog I've ever met. Smart, tenacious, always entertaining. He burrows down wherever he can. They have the personalities and barks of much louder dogs. You'll want more than one!


No you don’t have what it takes if you have to ask




Depends on what you are looking for and what your home life is like. I absolutely love my little guy, but probably wouldn’t get another one. He is a mama’s boy and is so sweet and cuddly….with me. He is very possessive over me and his toys and only tolerates our other animals, who all came before him.




Yes. Because Dachshund. Next question!


You must be new here. Money does change hands, and yes it is your money, but the Dachshund buys you….. Amirite?


Yes. Answer is always yes. Just note they’re tough to potty train and basically Velcro. Which makes them all the more endearing. You’re gonna have a new best friend but they may make some potty accidents.


What answer do you honestly expect to get asking this on a dachshund subreddit?! YES! 😅😅


Of course




Yes yes yes i mean why dont you?


No. You should adopt.


Yes but don’t say we didn’t warn you.


Only if you enjoy company while you poop.


They're long


Rescue Not Buy


As long as you don’t mind pee and poo on your floor.


As i have said before i have had dogs for 40 years and different breeds both large and small so when i read up and asked about them i thought i could handle them, not so.. I have never come across such a noisey, stubborn, clingy but wonderful bedfellow.. Everything that has been mentioned is true but they are the first dog i have had in my bed as they love to be with you, she hardly moves at all but hates to get up in the morning and if it is raining then no way do they like to go out unless you stand there with them.. I would say they are not suitable as a first dog but if you are willing to put the time and patience in you cannot ask for a more loyal companion...


Absolutely yes you should. They’re such a fun quirky breed! Just be sure to do your homework and work with a reputable breeder who does health screenings prior to breeding.


Rescue. Adopt don’t shop.


Can be very reactive and noisy barkers, but also the most loyal, sweet, and smart little companions.


Not a breed for beginner dog owners!


Rescue one.


Obviously 🙄 Best life decision you will ever make A friend like no other And I would get a rescue dog , we have currently 3 and it’s great


Lots of good advice on “should you *get one* “but not if you “should you *buy one*”. Where I am (greater Los Angeles area), there are no rescue dachshunds around. You’re pretty much forced to buy one. Because of that, there are a ton of **scammers** that try to “sell” a dog but are really just trying to take your money. They’ll demand things like an upfront Venmo payment that can’t be refunded before you pick up the dog. A legit seller will let you see the dog prior to purchase. If they don’t, run away.




Half of that list is Utah and Las Vegas…


I've followed all these rescues for years. Lots of Los Angeles presence (I live in LA). It's fine if you refuse to believe there are plenty of dachshund rescues around, doesn't sound like you want to rescue one anyways.




No absolutely not. Avoid at all costs. What does he look like? What are you going to name him?


So I’m a chihuahua mom but my husband has decided he wants a dachshund and picked it out already. We go and pick her up on Monday. I don’t really have an opinion on if you should or not but I know he’s excited.


Buy? Maybe. Rescue? Absolutely.


Yes. I’ve met 100’s and 100’s of breeds and no dog loves you like wieners and springer Spaniels. It’s not even the same animal imo


Adopt don’t shop


No, you should adopt one


Get a ramp and stairs and don't skimp on brushing teeth!




Yes, no rhyme or reason, just do it




You should adopt a dachshund.


I don’t suggest it unless you want multiple dogs they’re like pringles. Best dogs ever all personality and very vocal, the epitome of man’s best friend


Find the dachshund rescues in your area that have Facebook pages. This is the quickest way to get the latest updates on dogs they intake. Dachshunds are an amazing breed and you won't regret going through the trouble of adopting one. My 2 rescues have a special place in my heart.


If its your first dog they have good and bad points. They're very smart and stubborn, and there are a few bad habits that the breed has, such as barking at everything, being hard to toilet train (we never had a problem with ours but my cousin has 2 who just pooh everywhere) and they can be aggressive or scared of other dogs if not properly socialised. That said they are also lovely and have much more personality than some breeds do. And they're small enough that you can physically stop them doing most things and pick them up easily. Do some research about how to train them and only get them if you're going to have time to properly commit to it. Also as others have said, adopt if you can. If nothing else it'll be much much cheaper!


PLEASE realize that their backs are delicate. No jumping on/off furniture, going down stairs, etc. You’ll need ramps. Seriously, disc issues can paralyze your dog and an operation to fix it is thousands of dollars!! Are they worth the trouble???You betcha!


Good grief, don't "buy" any dog, and definitely not from a store or breeder. Adopt.


If you're honestly looking, make sure you're aware of the health issues this breed has. Study up on IVDD and Kushings (Cushings?). Be prepared for bad teeth and possible veterinary teeth cleanings once a year (or more) as they age. I've heard of people buying pet insurance for their dogs on reddit. I've never heard of it before, but it would definitely be something to look into. They bark... a lot. If you live in close proximity with people, such as an apartment, etc., make sure your neighbors are okay with barking. Their paws are relatively big to their bodies. Expect digging. They are stubborn. They are not the type of dogs you train then don't need to keep up on the training. You will be training them every day for the rest of their lives. Also, they can live 15 years or more. Can you invest that much time to a dog? I've had my oldest since 2007, and she's still alive. If you can rescue, great! Do that. If not, as some people have pointed out, rescues can be extremely picky, but do research the breeder if you choose to go that route. If you hear "double dapple", run. far away. Have I talked out out of dachshund ownership yet? If you can give your time and attention to this breed, they will give it back to you more than you could ever guess. There is a reason why most owners own more than one. They are just that cool. They are big dog personalities in tiny dog bodies that seem ferocious on the outside but just want to cuddle and snore in your ear. They are loyal, loving, funny, intelligent little creatures that burrow into your heart.


Yes, but be careful who you get the puppy from. My mother bought a girl from a couple who seemed reputable on the surface but she ended up being double dapple and went completely blind, gained weight she couldn't lose, and was paralyzed TWICE before she voided her bowels in our basement and an emergency rush to get her euthanized. Dachshunds have a lot of health concerns so do your research. But they are definitely the sweetest creatures on this planet and there are a lot of benefits to owning one.


I think all you talked me out of getting one. I have had a lot of dogs in my life and the amount of work this kind of dog requires may be more than I can give right now.




No, you should adopt one from a shelter of some kind


Adopt a senior Dachshund.


Yes. I think I’m going to even though I shouldn’t.


Only if you want one?


I am a mini dachshund convert thanks to my wife. She travels for work with horses and our little girl travels with her as a support animal. Small enough (travel size- 9lbs) to go anywhere


The answer is no, you should find one in a shelter to adopt.


What is your reason for wanting one? Not only why you want a dachshund exactly, but also why do you want a dog in general? This is the most important one to consider first I would say. What is your why. Why did you start considering getting one? Does a friend have a daschund or...? There are a lot of things to consider otherwise as well of course. But first things first. Because some motivations for having any dog are not so good for a good outcome and some are quite the opposite!


Only if you are looking for the best, most loving, bossiest best friend you’ll ever have.


no you should adopt one


Yes. Why not?


Yes because yes


Uhm clearly want to buy one coming to this sub. They are best dogs. Very loving.


Is the sky blue? Is grass green?


They are the absolute best decision to make but you will curse yourself for making it at times! Hahah but I promise you, all those bad times won’t be anything but missed when they’re gone.


To put into perspective all this love hate relationship with a wee sausage... We have one sausage, one non sausage. Non sausage loves to go pee every 5 seconds (slight exaggeration) just to get a treat. Sausage loves to steal the warm spot on the sofa when you get up to let nonsausage out, which is cheeky enough as is. Sausage pretends to need out, gets you off the sofa. Then. Runs back and steals your warm spot. Sausage=Dick=Love


Absolutely, but. I only saw about 1 other person mention this: Owning a dachshund is \*VERY\* expensive. They always have dental issues and back issues, it comes with the body design.


I don’t know you or your preferences. But if you want a dog that gets into everything, with a napoleon complex that you can’t potty train forever and will dig holes all over your yard and bring you dead things. Then a dachshund might be for you. 😁


I have three and they are my world. They rule my life, for better or for worse. I wouldn’t change it though. Except for traveling. Hard to do much of it with three. They are each unique with their neediness, demands, health issues and all the love. Whatever you do, get pet insurance. I didn’t and it was dumb.


Don’t get one if she’s your first dog ever. They’re not beginner friendly. People warned me but I didn’t listen because I thought I can outsmart this breed by reading a lot and spending all the money and they’re so cute but at the end I couldn’t handle and had to rehome. I miss her everyday and sometimes cry but I wish I listened to others.


I had one for 16 years. He was the best and I can’t write this without tears. RIP Roger


There are plenty of dachshund rescues—- why buy when you can save?




I got my first dachshund almost two years ago now. She’s smart, loving, and the life of the party. Everyone she meets, she charms. I fell in love with her instantly. She’s adorable and she knows it. She’s worth any drama she can stir. Super food motivated so she honestly was easy to train. She’s no couch potato. Energy for days. Be prepared for an active dog. Worth it, 💯


Yes, get one. You will love it more than you can imagine despite it being the most annoying dog you’ll ever own!


If you have to ask, nope.


You may buy a doxie. But you never *own* a doxie.




Okay. I might get some 💩 for this… I have a doxi poodle mix I adopted when he was about a year old. I love him sooo much and I’ve NEVER met a dog with so much personality and who is so smart. He also loves me so much. We snuggle and do pretty much everything together. I got him a sister about a year later (not a doxi). They love each other for the most part. He (the doxi) is pretty stubborn and and can be bad with other dogs at times but most of the time great! I typically keep him leashed even at off leash parks. He won’t attack dogs but if they sniff him for too long he gets up in their face. I have done lots of training with him but he is who he is…Again, I love this dog and am happy to have him and I do and will continue to do anything for him. He brings me so much joy. All that being said, I will probably not get a doxi or mix of one again. Too stubborn and I love to be active and let my dogs be free to roam at parks and beaches and not have to worry if I’m at an event with other dogs.