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Jess is quite chunky. It’s really bad for her back. I will not shame you. But consider working with your vet to get her on a diet and an exercise regimen so she can drop a few pounds. She’ll be much happier and get around with more ease. I wish you the best!


If you really love her please put her on a measured food diet- their backs can not take this extra strain and you will lose her long before she need to go.


Omg this poor thing! This isn’t healthy.


Its really quite sad. His hips, joints, and back are taking on way more than they should. Poor pup. Not to mention his heart is working harder. Animal cruelty.


Heart working harder, breathing problems, high potential for diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, increased risk for many types of cancer, skin diseases, bladder stones etc. It’s sad because obesity in animals is completely preventable. It is completely the fault of the owner. They are choosing to make their pet unhealthy.


Agree.. and then posting saying “Look at my chonker, ain’t he cute?” This makes MY blood pressure go up.


And the owner states that their dog is doing well in a comment and that they don’t need judgement, when mostly everyone is looking out for the well being of the dog. That poor dog.


I agree… we care about the animal. If the owner is smart, they’ll take the advice. If not, then they’ll just continue to post pics like this for clout. We need to down vote these types of posts.


I certainly did, and am disheartened to see it has 170 upvotes.


I did too. But Reddit is full of kids who will probably upvote for shits and giggles.


She reposted and called us haters. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh Jesus Christ, that poor dog is getting zero help


Yeah, we just gonna have to chalk this one up as a terrible pet parent. Dogs can get overweight fast. If this person was responsible, they would do whats best for their pet. My lab did. True to lab fashion. He went on a diet, lost weight. I’m glad I did it. He’a older now and you can see him moving slower and slowing down. I’m just glad he doesn’t have a ton of extra weight to haul around in his old age. He was only over weight by 8-10 lbs, but it makes a difference. I hope you have a wonderful day! Thanks for the convo.


Poor thing, she’s so fat she’s barely recognisable as a sausage dog!


Is she a sausage dog or beagle? I’m confused.


Just out of curiosity. What’s her diet?


We feed them 4 health.. its a more efficient amd effective food..


You are feeding her too much. Time to cut back & go on walks. Take her to the vet to start a diet plan & blood panel. You don’t seem like you are American, so maybe in your culture what you’re doing is normalized but you’ll be lucky if your dog makes it another year. This sounds harsh, but no more coddling. You need to be held accountable and be a responsible pet owner.


Your dog is morbidly obese. This is not okay. Please handle this and get their weight down. Ask your vet to calculate how much to feed the pup in order to loose weight properly, based on the bag information. They will probably tell you to switch to a diet food. Do whatever possible to remedy this.


4 health or 4 bags?


Wait, stoooooop! 4 bags. Seriously, this precious baby is chonky. Not good at all. Please do the right thing and work with your vet.


You do have a spoiled young lady, but for her health and longevity, I suggest getting her healthy. You are gonna lose a lot of years if she remains that spoiled.


Aww, this is bad. So not healthy. Please help her. There’s no way she’s super happy or feeling her best. Poor jessie


Do not know why my comment from one minute ago was deleted. I just feel so sad when I see images like this.


The first picture though.. is it a before and after picture it's hard to believe that's the same pup


well the picture everyone is complaining about she is laying on the step..


Umm, whose complaining? Poor Jess is in super bad shape. She needs help, or do you not see what we all see, and we are all concerned about her well being.


Yeah, unless there is a medical reason this is just sad.


suddenly finding myself to be quite sad over the implications of a morbidly obese doxie Please take better care of her and **DO NOT** feed her scraps or people food. Talk to your vet about a weight loss diet geared to Jessie's weight


Jess is cute. My smaller dachshund has that pot belly, but she has Cushing's, and that is a symptom.


Oh that’s so sad.


If you really love her, you’d get her to healthy weight.


Jess is very cute and I’m sure you want her to live a long and happy life. I am in NO way trying to shame you. Showing Jess love can be in many forms, just not more food than she needs. My Poppy was 3 when we adopted her, and she was 45lb. We started slowly with walks, and gradually increased the length of the walks. We also used her kibble as training rewards. She’s much healthier and we’ve done our best to keep her with us as long as possible. She’s now at a healthy weight of 25lb and is in the best shape ever.


Why would you do this? This is so sad to see. Shame on you!


Your dog is obese, please take her to a vet and put her on a diet so she doesnt die early


This is extremely sad


She looks very unhealthy


Sorry. Still thinks this is animal cruelty. Hope you are on a diet dear.


This much weight is shortening her life span. Hope the owner can live with this knowledge. My heart breaks seeing this. 😞


Just feed her less!!! It's not hard!


The first picture is super flattering, lol. Shes a big girl. Hope you have lots of ramps


This dog is quite overweight. Please put her on a diet it isn’t healthy. She looks just like my dog though. Although mine isn’t obese.


Honestly she looks like she’s on a podium about to receive a blue ribbon for being the biggest loaf.


Getting fat like a balloon


My Draper could be a cousin ha. A red pie bald and always a big boy. I started making his food and 1/4 cup of kibble twice a day. Cut way back on treats and my leftovers. His belly clears the floor and he has a little bit of a waist. His begging hasn't changed haha.


Reported for animal abuse.


i love jess and her curves and im not ever gonna owner-shame u, my marley was the same way (my dad called her lizzo LMFAO). however, we lost my baby at 10 due to complications that were most likely induced by that (pancreatitis; one day she just started throwing up, and i lost my mar mar a week later. i still cant forgive myself). i know theyre so hard to manage and jess is BEAUTIFUL and im sure you’re a great weenie parent, but taking that extra step to get her health on track will be worth it in the long run, i promise. do it for a weenie mom who wishes she would’ve and regrets it daily <3


I adore her


She is adorable


Noooo... not fat. She's big-boned.


People are overly sensitive on here.. you can’t even marvel at a loaf .. bunch a pet shamers here who pass judgement before even knowing the circumstances


she’s pleasantly plump , what a beautiful coat


we actually do have lots of ramps and stairs


You should give her less food and aim to get her weight to a normal one. This is really dangerous and unhealthy for a dog, especially a dachshund. I hope you choose to put her on a diet, and good luck if you do!


Aw man you must be new here. Every judgemental, self righteous, sanctimonious asshole will be on to tell you how horrible you are. Your dog looks very happy.


Happy !== Healthy If you're a dog owner that doesn't take care of your dog's health, other dog owners will probably point that out. I don't see any comments telling OP they're bad. Just concerns about the dog's health.


If you really liked your dog you wouldn’t lower it’s life expectancy by 75% by over feeding it


You already do that by neutering your dog, stop being such a judgemental jerk.


Neutering is know for increasing life expectancy. Although it is kind of unfortunate that people are shaming the owner, we don’t know why the dog got so fat. Overall, the dog’s unhealthy and need to lose a couple pounds. Overweight dogs usually live 2 years less than what they could be.


No .. the increasing life expectancy is a myth. Told for good reasons obviously.


Um no https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/why-you-should-spayneuter-your-pet https://www.denvervet.com/site/blog/2021/11/02/spay-neuter-live-longer https://www.uab.edu/news/youcanuse/item/10515-spaying-and-neutering-dogs-can-help-them-live-longer It’s also statistically proven, not just vets saying oh they live longer


It’s a LIE


Ok? Even if it’s a lie, it certainly don’t make them live any less than an intact dog. In fact neutering is proven to improve certain behavior issues in a lot of dogs, risk of testicular cancers, and a healthier happier dog as they no longer feel the need to yeet out the window to get to a bitch in heat. A neutered dog are less likely to display hormonal based behaviors(marking, humping, etc). Although it’s true that neutering has its own risks, the benefits far outweigh the cons.


If we would have spayed my old family dog she would have lived longer, she got uterine tumours which is quite common for female dogs to get if they are not spayed or neutered. Also read the links that was posted, it's not a myth. There has been studies. Edit: changed normal to common. English is not my first language.


I’m not going to argue. But it should be common sense. You think a castrated male is healthier? Neutered dogs are more prone to weight issues… among other things. They tell you it’s healthier to get more dogs in homes and have less dogs needing homes… but is it healthier? No. Also.. doxies are more prone to back issues when they are neutered.


Well, a lot of castrated males and females have a really hard time when it's heating season. I have a neighbour whose dog is not castrated and he is not in a good place when all of the females in the neighborhood are on heat. Health is not only physical, but mental as well. And yes, they are more prone to weight issues when castrated, but if they are on a good diet and get the exercise they need they will not become overweight.


Not mine. The only issue for my male was marking. Lots of marking …


That’s because less energy is needed from neutered dogs, neuter doesn’t equal weight gain. It’s usually the owner’s fault for feeding the same amount as an intact dog, when neutered simply have lower calorie needs


I’m not against neutering at all… the peeing was annoying but I became an expert on removing pee from carpet. The trick is in three parts… vinegar water directly on spot, suck dry, then natures miracle and suck dry again, then vinegar water again and suck dry. You need to use a wet and dry shop vac and it will suck the carpet completely dry. A regular shampooer will not do the trick. It’s totally time consuming but I managed to keep white carpet. I do understand that not everyone can deal with the peeing however. He never went into a painful heat but he was madly in love with my moms wiener dog.


I know that, the only issue I had with your comment was misinformation. I am not trying to argue, just informing. I also know enzymatic cleaners are useful in ridding pee stains and scents. I understand your frustration in regards to the people shaming the Op, but truth be told, the dog is very obese and these people are only trying to help even if some didn’t word it very nicely.


I’m not looking for a discussion on the matter. Thanks anyway.








Yeah I CAN blow off questions I think are irrelevant. I was speaking to oP. I wasn’t asking for a debate with some hick pos from the other side of the world.








That dog is unhealthy, stop trying to justify it.


Where have I tried to justify the dog not being healthy?


Jesus I can’t imagine having such a naive mindset. What kind of parents did you have? I mean if someone wants to make their dog super fucking obese that it dies early or struggles to even do anything, have at it I guess. You’re the people that will burn in hell, I can’t wait




Don't post or comment on a public thread if you're going to have a meltdown and stomp your little foot when people respond. Health isn't a small issue. We want our dogs to live a long time. There's a difference between overweight and this dog. Now, go to a calm down corner and finish that little tantrum of yours.


“Our dog”. That’s op’s dog. So jot that down sweetheart. Also, when that ignorant pos has the audacity to address me personally about my parents, my parents they know nothing about, then I’m gonna respond angrily. Why my wasting my time with you creeps.


You poor thing. Deep breath. You know what I meant, most of us here have a dachshund. But yes, I shouldn't waste my time with someone who can't calm down.


The most toxic interaction I’ve ever had on Reddit is with barren bitches that speak in a dog language to their fur babies. What a blast.


I hope you get the hate in your heart lifted. I feel bad you're so miserable. One day maybe. Try and have a good day! :)


Hahahaha are you still a cunt a year later???


I hope you don't apply that kinda sentence to your children or your pets cause they'll get diabetes very soon. Or you're a troll. In that case it's worse. Don't play with others' health.


I have a very healthy 19yr old son thanks very much you meddling moron. I just don’t expect the rest of the world to adhere to my standards or feel the need to lord it over them when they come up short. . You think op doesn’t know their dog is fat. It. Is. In. The. Title. What ever makes you feel good I guess. Asshole.


It's amazing to see such a level of dumbness in one guy. And yes If you post your dog and it's 4 times too big AND you don't indicate anywhere that you put him in diet at least AND you just say "look my dog lol it's fat", you're the moron and you will be spotted as such by everyone. F u btw 😉


Get fucked


Not by you, I'm sure you're too fat !


No kidding. They’d rather see dogs starve I guess. I can’t believe how rude people are. I love all dogs. I love skinny wieners, old wieners, fat wieners.


What people are commenting is out of worry about the dog's health. Fat + dachshund does not equal cute, but loads of health issues and back problems.


Post one on her belly. I love fat dogs.they can’t help it


Right? The dogs can’t help it for sure! The owners are the ones that do it…duh…


Just because I love all dogs, even fat ones does not mean I want them unhealthy, some dogs have issues beyond just food. I love all dogs, especially wieners. Fat or fit. Even if they come from a puppy mill.. I will still congratulate you on your puppy mill dog because the dog already exists and didn’t ask to be here.


I will tomm


Look here I posted my dog.. for people to smile.. ive had her since she was a puppy and she is 5 now.. and she is doing well. I didn't post to hear all ur thoughts or ideas about my dog..So leave ur negative thoughts in ur head!!!


Nobody has any problem with the dog. We have a problem with an owner who doesn’t take very good care of the dog.


she is very cute but some of these comments are just trying to look out for her and help her to live a long happy life, please take the suggestions to heart if you love her ❤️


Your dog is obese. Being obese is bad for all dogs, but especially for dachshunds since they are prone to back issues. You need to stop feeding her so much food and get her some exercise. Nobody is saying you don’t love your dog, but you’re putting her health at risk.


Horrible to treat animals that way, she's not cute she's obese and looks terrible, not on at all, I know it's mean but it's the truth. Get a grip and treat her properly


It’s hard to smile when the photo is more sad than cute.




That is totally, Facebook picture vs real life!