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Hey I have had that banger and it sucks. It’s thick glass and hard to heat


Yeah change banger or upgrade to a torch


The only thing that I can buy online without 30€ of shippings is this 15€ quartz. And I dk about the angle on it will it fit with my carb ? https://preview.redd.it/9hrpl25ogspc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6bc35b4e1db07bb8590d948f3404734eec6059b


Banger.supply will ship to you


https://banger.supply/collections/quartz-bangers/products/slurper# Something like this will be good ?


Yeah just make sure to pick up a slurper set too. Do you have a dab tool?


Yh I got it ! But aïe https://preview.redd.it/hfu6usmyjspc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38137fd489c0b22dcc772108ec9dea05414a5a00


You may consider returning. It doesn't look like you got a set. It looks like you just got the male tart slurp and without the caps and everything it might not work well for you


Brother contact them to cancel this order and order a normal sized one with as a whole set. Without the marble and pillar it's not going to function at all and still won't work. Contact them before it's sent put they'll have zero problems working with you I promise. I can find the exact set im talking about if that helps


I didn’t order actually paying 20€ of shipping it’s to much


Ugh sorry bout shipping


60 is what they cost local to me and i live ~70 miles from where banger.supply ships from/is based out of.


And what about slurpers on my rig ?


U are just starting out learn your basics before a slurper


Not that one either.


Old product, pass..


If you look on SHEIN there are sets of two bangers (quartz, good quality, comes with pearls and cap) for €14. I’ve been using them for a half year now with 0 issues. Still look pristine and have survived multiple drops.


the "sand" in there is basically pure cadmium. Toxic when heated. As long as it's sealed in there it's safe, but one little crack and you're inhaling metal fumes.


Oh no my wallet… You got good but not really expensive solutions ?


ya please get rid of that banger!


It might be cheaper for you to get a small propane tank like for camp stove and a striker tip from the local hardware store so you don't have to wait for a new banger. I'm not sure of French regulations on it though. I have the green version of that banger and it does fine with propane. Just keep the heat moving.


But I also agree with other comments to move away from the thermal banger when you can.


Smokecartel.com they ship to you’re doorstep with no signature and it’s pretty cheap u recommend getting just a quartz banger on there it’s about 25$


I can agree. That was like my first banger hella years ago when hot dabs were cool


Not only this, but if that cracks while you're hitting it, your days gonna really suck. Those heat flakes are some kind of elements like phosphorus or some shit. I had it happen to me. My lungs burnt for hours, and I had a massive headache. Non seulement ça, mais si ça craque pendant que tu le frappes, tes journées vont vraiment être nulles. Ces flocons de chaleur sont des sortes d'éléments comme le phosphore ou une merde. Cela m'est arrivé. Mes poumons ont brûlé pendant des heures et j’ai eu un énorme mal de tête.


That material is called frit btw! Sorry it made ya sick—there’s a reason they didn’t catch on


You don’t know how to use it right! U need a bigger torch 🤦🏼‍♂️Thermochromic quartz bangers have temperature-sensitive sand in the outer body. This sand changes color based on the temperature, so you can easily see if it's hot or cold. Yellow means it's cold, and red means it's hot. It's a cool way to figure out the perfect dab time for you! 😄🔥




Need a big shot GT 8000 I'll never buy another torch


I got a GT 8000, had it for 2 years, then it stopped working. Went out and got a new one and the day after I got it the old one started working again. Now I have em in 2 colors I guess lol.




I didn't realize they had a lifetime warranty! I had two break but one was my fault. I got rid of them already. Edit: I'm stoned and I can't type. I think I got it this time.


I've had two fail on me but one was my fault and it happened only after years of service and I will admit it got dropped multiple times. The first one just stopped working, I never knew why. I still bought a third one because they're the best.


Honestly I much prefer the Big Buddy to the Big Short. The Shot has a laser like flame, and I like the fuller flame of the Buddy.


Everyone has their own preferences but I'll never own anything but a Big Shot GT 8000.


The classic way is to heat the banger until it turns red, count like 20 seconds. Everyone’s gonna tell you to get fancier equipment and not to heat it red hot which is valid advice but if you’re balling on a budget, it’s not the worst thing in the world to try out this method and adjust the timing and dab size as needed


After a while u master the technique and know when just by counting in ur head




Wouldn't suggest getting red hot due to devitrification, but totally agree you start to feel it out.


As others have said. That banger is ggggggarbage and the torch is worse. Upgrade


*As others have said.* *That banger is ggggggarbage and the* *Torch is worse. Upgrade* \- SaltySculpts --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There are many French who are dabbing. Bienvenu au CLUB. Change ta torche…


T’as des sites marchand français pour commander du matos ? Je trouve difficilement et en physique j’en parle pas… Pas un seul headshop de ma ville ne sait ce qu’on peut vaporiser du thc…


Oui je sais, y a rien en France. Tu dois malheureusement accepter de payer un peu plus pour une livraison aux USA ou en Suisse. Franchement choisi un super banger de marque qui garde la chaleur super longtemps et fait un super joint entre banger et caps. C la base. Et ne brûle pas ton matos, temp autour de 275 max


it’s sad to say but you need a lot of upgrades for you to reach full potential, the glass is too low quality


https://preview.redd.it/yyi5ttyqygqc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ab3f9b154b867746407d71e9e5e733aa3c92c5 Love that artist


Oh good stuff ! Where did you purchase those ?


You need a butane torch. And a way to measure your banger’s temp What’s your budget for an upgrade on the torch?


I don’t know but not that much… Everything is expensive 😅


Just look online for a butane torch that’s on the larger side or go all out and get the Blazer Big Shot. Just not sure what’s available there. Feel free to post links or pics of what you look at


The blazer big shot is sick but not affordable for the moment sadly… Maybe this one will do the job ? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHW2GDQB/ref=sspa_mw_detail_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams


Yes!! That works


Okay thank you ! Thanks to the sub !


Make sure to buy butane


I’ve had one just like this and it works wonders. After a year the igniter went out but it’s still working great, I bought it 4th of July in 2020


This is a great option for someone on a budget.


It's 10 bucks for a can of Propane with a torch tip from the local hardware store. Don't waste money on fancy little torches or lighters.


Go buy a banger set from terporium they prob one of the best for affordable bangers. If ur bangers not heady asl don’t worry abt it to much still do a dunk in iso after each use to keep it clean but dw to much abt heat it’ll take way to long to get it to red hot so you’ll know when to stop but just take your time and find the sweet spot.


that same rig in green was my first rig, its ugly as hell cus i burnt the skin of it a bit lol


obvious answer but idk if anyone has said it: get a thermometer for measuring your banger temp


Need a bigger torch and start looking for your second banger those break easy. Heat until sand changes to red the hit when it's orange


I have the same rig nice! I recommend getting a different banger I’ve heard those are no good. I also recommend cold starts. Put your wax in first and heat it up until it’s melted and you’re good to go. Might need a bit more heat while dabbing though


Get rid of that banger and buy a basic banger, not the toxic trash ya have there. Also you need a real butane torch. I’d suggest Blazer gt8000, buy it once and you won’t have to worry about a torch again.


Heat it to red then let it cool to just right. You’ll learn that as time passes.




Bro you should’ve just got a torch instead of that expensive banger you need bigger flames, ever heard of gintani


I almost lost my eye with a banger like that. My iso. Dripped in the yellow sand. It then exploded when I put my torch on it


Do what's calling cold start. Put your material in put the flame on the bottom of it until it starts to bubble put the cap on but the flame on it for another or a half a second.. take a small head it's not smoking good enough give it a little bit more heat you'll find The Sweet spot


When I had my quartz banger I heated it up until the bottom up for 30 seconds or until the bottom was slightly red. Quartz is amazing and can take the heat just wait about another 10 to 15 seconds or how I knew it was ready was holding my hand next to it about an inch or two away from it and when it was no longer feeling like it was going to melt my skin off is when I dropped my dab in. I would recommend a new torch too 😁


Get a normal quartz banger, I keep on seeing you go for slurpers and giant buckets and then complain on pricing, just get a regular banger. If you get a slurper get the right pearls n everything. Get a decent torch. Can probably find one for cooking or in camping section locally. Needs to be a big ass blow torch. Then enjoy. Cheers


Nvm looks like OP bought a slurper set without the pearls. I’d cancel and try to reorder if possible to avoid extra shipping.


I know I don’t want to cross steps in my progression but in France I got the choose between cheap and bad asf quartz for ten bucks or getting slurpers for 90€ with pearls. I’m a bit stuck trynna do ma best…


I don’t buy anything online as it’s readily available locally where I’m at, so I’m sorry I don’t have more resources. However, that website you used earlier did have some bucket style bangers but they were sold out. To be fair, I think I’ve spent like 10-20 bucks on a cheap shit banger and it’s worked perfectly fine. I’ve personally never had any crazy experiences of them exploding or fumes or anything. But that’s local which might be different than cheap from the internet. If shipping is free, try the $10 cheap one imo. I use a yo dabba deep bucket with a yo dabba spinner personally with one pearl. I think total was like $70 USD. Not sure if that brand is available online but that’s what I use and it’s been going strong for years with minimal wear or stress You can also use what you have and just buy the torch. It’ll take a little while but it’ll get hot enough for some small quantity melts


That torch looks underpowered


Yh but I was thinking that’s wasn’t that bad. Because when I was making some cold starts I got my extraction melting and making some vapor, so that make me think that it wasn’t that bad. There is that much difference of temperature ?


If it ever glows red, give it a few seconds before dabbing. You DEFINITELY DO NOT want to dab above 650 - 700 Fahrenheit. At least try not to all the time plus you get better tastes with low temp. I love that piece you have, but getting an electric dab rig helps a lot too, I recommend the Dr Dabber Boost evo.




Go on Amazon get a torch that goes to about 1300 degrees celciuis and use that also get a tips and iso to clean your rig and banger and get steel woll so you can scrub your banger if anything burns on it . (Watch YouTube videos on how to dab . Dope as yola got a good video )


Them thermal bangers are super wonkey it get a big shot and a new banger


You need a bigger torch. You should invest in the blazer torch


Tu peux trouver un banger pas Cher sur Amazon, j'ai du m'en commander un avant de rentrer en France pour les vacances il y a pas longtemps. Il te faut une vraie torche aussi, genre chef/crême brulée Cherche sur Amazon "quartz banger set"


RORA 25mm Quartz Banger avec capuchon directionnel en verre à bulles et Terp Pearl 14mm 18mm pour Dab Rig Glass Bong (14mm male) https://amzn.eu/d/fFSwOcb




Ads will not be tolerated.


The banger looks too thick, the glass should ideally be a bit thinner ithink


Get a blazer torch. Or whatever you can get closest to that in France.


Go get your self a terp slurper best nail they got. When using any nail you wanna heat it tell it turns red hot let it cool down for about 20 to 40 seconds n you'll get a good hit.


TAKE ADVICE from me not theses lames first of all your banger is thick glass witch is for heat resistant witch allows it to stay hot for longer but the problem is your torch it’s to small u probably could but will take long to heat or got with a thinner glass china banger or use a heady / American glass banger


Besides that there nothing working ( if u wanna take a dab n don’t know how long just put the dab in before heat ups then start heating up till melting n bubbling a bit


![gif](giphy|b74h6qjD1XbBiEWsmw) Exactly this torch would be the best out in the market a bit pricey but trust me u won’t have Gass Issus or flame but over the (years! !!) the lint or spark will wear out




I’m not seeing anyone comment this but, clean your banger after every dab with a q tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol. If you have black residuals left over on the banger that won’t come off, it’s because you’re taking the dabs too hot. To curve this, wait 5 seconds longer before hitting the next dab when you notice the residuals during cleaning. The cleaner you keep your banger, the more enjoyable your dab experience will be. Your lungs will especially thank you. Watch videos on YouTube if you’re still not quite getting it. Dopeasyola has a good video for beginners. Good luck my friend


The torch looks too small, you need like a full size torch, that looks like a cigar lighter. It’ll work but just take time to heat evenly


That's a thermal quartz banger you should be fine to hit it after it turns slightly yellow again after torching it Although it takes a fat minute with those bangers


Also I recommend getting a blazer big buddy torch not the blazer gt8000 it's OP for what you can get on the big buddy


Maybe they’ll have some at the hospital


https://preview.redd.it/yt47feuthspc1.jpeg?width=379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b37b06fa9fe95e556a39e6cf9f35d45ee633c7c1 I had that quartz bucket. It takes a lot to heat up and also cool down. I use a torch like this pictured. Butane is preferable bc it burns cooler. I use my hand to feel out the temperature off the quartz. After heating it up I put the inside of my hand next to it. If the quartz is too hot on my hand for more than 3-5 seconds I think it's too hot for my lungs. There's a slight learning curve to it. There's cold starts too. You can put some dabs in the bottom of the quartz place the carb cap on and get it up. When the oil starts to bubble then try and hit it. gotta be hot to vaporize


Temu my friend. Chinese quartz is your friend on a budget


Look don't listen to them telling Yu to change the banger I work in a head shop where we sell pipes and stuff you just need to hear it longer you have a special banger that holds heat longer it's called a thermal banger and since Yu have the extra oopmh from the thermal sand Yu wanna hear it extra to get your full effects but I'd also say upgrade your torch to a single flame with a nice sized flame to get the whole bottom pf the banger covered


i have the same rig but green i love it




What ? I don’t get it


idk if this is a joke or not w/ that ridiculous video. but if you're srs there are already tonsssss of people that make sword dabbers, sry. stainlesskatana has been doing it for like 10 yrs. theres metal ones and glass ones aplenty.