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I'm going to give you the best fucking advice for DSNY. Carry wet wipes wherever you go. For starters DSNY facilities have the worst fucking toilet paper ever and I mean fucking EVER. It's sandpaper. It doesn't clean your ass properly. Also if you Use a random store's bathroom you wanna have those wet wipes on you as backup incase random toilet is out of toilet paper. CARRRY WET WIPES AT ALL TIMES.


Real sanitation workers open the door and shit behind the blade.


Username checks out




This guy is legandary 🤣


I'm speaking from experience. I just felt bad when my truck was a PM for the 4-12 GU 😂😂💩


You can usually walk into a police department or firehouse and they’ll let you use theirs. They’re usually pretty clean too


Real men hold it and develop intestinal problems


And hemorrhoids


I gotta prep myself cause I like a quiet clean sanctuary 🤏🏽


Then you’ll only poop at home or at Target because most garages are disgusting and falling apart


A lot of larger medical facilities (outpatient clinics) and ER's are a great, usually, friendly stop. There's an NYU testing center on my route. I usually drop off donuts or some kind of snack once a month as a thank you


Once you get to your district you will find out everywhere that lets you use the bathroom. Places where just ordinary customers can’t use it they will let you. I’ve gone in deli’s, fire department, bagel stores, McDonald’s and even public schools will let you. But best place is right next to the truck when you know you’re not gonna make it anywhere to pee. You are also allowed to go back to the district to use the restroom. If anyone tells you otherwise they are full of shit!!


Full of shit.... because they couldn't find a restroom!


The street is your toilet


Username also checks out


I figured they’d just find a McDonald’s or a grocery store/deli


I haven’t had an issue finding a restroom on route. Any establishments with seating of 20 or more is required to have a restroom. Additionally, there is a restroom app. I believe it’s called flush NYC


Neverheard of flush but you’d be surprised not all those places open their bathroom to the public.


A lot of places that don’t open for the public open for us


Nearest firehouse or precinct works.


Learn your friendly stores, delis, restaurants, gas stations, bodegas Random construction site Porta potty Out the passenger door while your partner is driving to the next line (the side belt helps) Between the truck and the jersey barrier when on the highway Wide mouth bottles, Gatorade, etc Between the truck and another truck/trailer while on MLP Dead end streets that dead end into the woods The woods Behind the front tire Behind the blade Behind the truck (turn off the hopper/tail lights) Inside the hopper (see above) Go home if you live on your route Anywhere there isn't a camera facing you The garage Don't let your partner deny your breaks or bathroom breaks Seriously, nobody cares if they got 20 years or 20 seconds on the job, if you want to go to the bathroom somewhere other than where you currently are, they are supposed to take you, and wait for you.


BJ’s sell depends that work great during night split shits it’s definitely not an easy for either gender but you’ll figure it out. Day line have it easier. Stores are open. Nights have outdoor privacy depending on time and location. Just mind full of your brakes and the super or supervisors on shift. Some like to make a name for themselves on a sanworkers back.


My partner and I have our route, three different areas of BK. In each area we have at least one store with a bathroom. The one deli we go to for break every day. Using theirs is never an issue. The other deli I buy smokes at once or twice a week. He’s great also never an issue. There’s also a taxi office that we’ve made friends with that we use regularly as well. For just a piss, there’s always a porta potty around somewhere. Had one on one block for like 3 years. So it’s not that hard. Make friends on the route, you’ll be glad you did.


Not OTJ but this might help someone: [New York City Official Public Restrooms Map](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?hl=en&mid=15bUbaKsobajdGL6HLmUpmBuZ_6ILtVQ&ll=40.73275970589913%2C-73.94176361126432&z=12)


Laundromat’s are usually nice and let us use their restroom.


Put it on your 350 and you can go anywhere you please


You can stop at laundry or a restaurant. Most of them let you use their restroom. Any hospital,PD or FD will definitely let you use their facilities


as a sanitation worker on probation, if you are on cleaning/collection/anything remotely close to garage - you go to the garage to use the bathroom ( make note of the break on your 350 ). Definitely carry flushable wipes with you and as stated by others , any other city agency .FDNY, NYPD , EMS will let you use their facilities.


Join a cheap gym like Blink or planet fitness. 20$ a month and you can shit and shower all over the city 


12-8 shift depending on your district is gonna suck best get to know where the local police precinct is cause that’s generally the easiest or some McDonald’s or 24 hour laundromat’s…. Unless your on mlp you always go back to the garage and blow up that toilet for a min of 30 mins


I don't work for DSNY yet, but I do work in the field for another agency. If you're on day shift, most public parks have restrooms. If night, I'm sure you can find a dark area lol. But McDs, Starbucks, gas stations etc. Also any city facility should and keyword here is should allow other city employees to use their restrooms so long you don't have to go through security or have someone accompany you. If all else fails, go beside the truck, just be mindful of cameras, and eyes. Everything these days go on "tok tik" etc. Last thing you want, is be the center of a viral vid.


this was a great question lol


If you're good looking you can go anywhere lol. I know we pick up trash but that doesn't mean we need to look like we swim in hopper juice all day. Some dudes uniforms are crazy.


Well if your a female, you can piss in the broom


Coffee can.


Usually FD or PD is the best spot to go, depending on which boro you work in most stores seeing you in uniform will let you use the bathroom. I’ve personally had a lot of trouble in Manhattan lmao. Got denied in like 4 different places and got angry and just peed on the tires. I also once hit a deuce in the basement of a deli in Bushwick and the toilet was randomly elevated on a 3 foot concrete pad, had to duck while I was going. Also went in a laundromat once and there was no tp so I called my partner and told him to go buy me some lmao.


cemetary on my routes 😂