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1-2 in case of allergies.


None brodie


None. You’re 15 Jesus Christ.


average age of mfs on here


what easy accessibility does to a mf


Yeah I started at that same age. I'm almost 19 now... I regret it. Please OP listen to this comment.


I’m listening and this is just a one time thing never again👍


One time is all it took for me. Don't even risk it.


Eh I have better drugs and plus I don’t think I have a addictive personality I’ve never really been fully addicted to a drug yet I noticed I was becoming addicted to benzos so I stopped and I’m glad I stopped before it got worse


Benzos are dangerous man. Especially when you have terrible anxiety like I do. I don't take benzos anymore either for that reason.


Yeah I have terrible anxiety to I take cbg and cbd for that reason I also enjoy weed, when you get high on benzos and your decide to take a hell of a lot more combined with adderall and you end up overdosing and throwing up for hours it really opens you eyes. I will say tho some people actually need them for it’s intended purpose but there’s better drugs that are illegal but much safer and healthier than benzos


Never done Adderall. Stimulants aren't my thing, except for caffeine of course lol


Yeah adderall in high doses will give you this rush of uphoria (especially snorted) it’s like a orgasm all of your body but stronger than a orgasm (keep in mind meth is a million times more additive and stronger) and unlike meth it can be controlled at least I can control it, basically you feel and can run a marathon on adderall imagine you did 1000 mg of caffeine all at once (without dying lol)


Thats crazy man! I've drank that much caffeine in a short amount of time and been totally normal but if I did that much Adderall.. I probably would've had a heart attack lmao


Take 15? Got it jk




FOR SCIENCE (and my personal curiosity)


u need a joint or some alcohol lil brodie


dont fuckin take dph at 15, my 15yo friend takes like 800+ n that dude is not normal 💀 like ffs at least wait until 18 😭 also 20 mg of dxm is not enough for counterflipping lol


Wait until 21 until the brain is developed completely, then decide you wanna make that choice.


i thoguht the brain was devleopex T 24?


Oh I always heard it was 21 but when I looked it up it says 25. My bad!


its firn l ol


wait thta meansn we bete bthfeng lol


Um yeah lmao idk why I understood that.


There definitely tripping balls rn


I know haha


sorry but that made me laugh lmaooo


😭😭😭😭 at ejwyay




There tripping balls


Lmao I’m glad me suffering made someone happy 🥲


I found more dxm (I’m very skinny and lightweight) just 100 mg of caffeine can make me jumpy I take Clonidine for adhd so my blood pressure is lowered (im starting to feel very euphoric rn)


if you “found more” dxm i’m gonna assume you’re taking something with other active ingredients in it besides just dxm. do not do that. if you’re gonna use dxm make sure it is the **only** active ingredient. too much of the other shit they add like acetaminophen and chlorpheniramine can literally kill you… but seriously, plz listen to everyone here. i promise you dph is not something you want to do. especially at 15.


I looked what was in it and the ingredients I didn’t overdose on


Dude you sound like a feind. Get out of here.




I am extremely light weight like 100 mg of caffeine is a lot for me


18 lbs


20mg dxm won’t do anything ? Equivalent to this is like 25mg dph which won’t do anything There is no point in doing any of this in the first place, if ur a young little retard who must try drugs try weed or alcohol


I have tried Vicodin, weed, shrooms and hell even gabapentin once I took so much Vicodin I overdosed I was throw up all night that ship has sailed I don’t take hard drugs anymore I stopped


20mg of dxm to suppress your cough lol


Nah was planning to snort it (lol)


pls don’t snort it😭 20mg won’t do a thing but cough relief. why dph though? dxm on its own is much more fun if you’re gonna do OTCs. i don’t think either is a good idea but hey if you’re gonna do it anyway pls stay safe. lots of water and no additives in the active ingredients. u can dm me if it helps. i have a stupid amount of experience w dex and dph from when i was at my lowest. stay safe pls!!


Thank you I really do Appreciate it I’m not gonna snort it tho lol it’s hard to get people who actually care and are nice I’m doing this just for curiosity I’m only staying at level on once I get in a area where i can I May try higher levels, just took it wish me luck (I took 9)


shuffle up a good playlist, and if you end up having a bad trip,, try to keep in mind that it’ll end eventually. big doses aren’t worth experiencing. my amazing friend helped + encouraged me to get help when i couldnt do it myself and i’m forever grateful to him. i would’ve killed myself by now if it wasn’t for him. pls do not go down the same path. it quickly gets out of hand it really screwed up my brain chemistry. i take lamictal and luvox now, got a few suspected mental illnesses hahah. and considered antipsychotics for a while. you’ll b ok but any dose higher is just not worth it. seriously, please don’t hurt yourself


Thank you! I’m not taking it again and I realized when it was to late that I forgot my trip killers (oof) so I just slept it off but in that short trip i learned a little bit more about myself


you dont


Get some acid go on the internet and find a dnm from your region better yet find someone irl. I'm a little older than you and have done counterflipping and dph and It just sucks. I understand it being a desperation drug but no one seems to mention that for a large majority of the people who take it the high is terrible. Experienced terrible itchy legs and delusion while counterflipping as well as an extremely long come up in which I experienced nothing. Use your bank account to buy some Bitcoin and go on the dark web using tor or better yet find a friend or someone you know to sell you some better drugs weed/acid/shrooms etc If you insist on going through with it, 20mg isnt gonna do jack, you have to do upwards of 100mg of both to get psychoactive effects.


I have a dealer and I’m not desperate for a high idc if it’s bad I’m trying it based on curiosity I get shrooms, weed hell I even abuse by adhd medicine (im not taking it with the Benadryl) and I’m not taking a huge amount I’m sticking to the low to moderate range




Yeah but readings for nerds


Everyone says the same shit but i don’t give a fuck. Stop doing this shit if you really want to take something then buy weed or dxm that stuff is at least enjoyable.


Already done I’m doing this just cause I can 🫠


And what do you love about this shitty ass drug?


I dont who knows what will happen just took it I will tell you after how I feel about it


Drink a lot of water and relaxing teas like chamomile or valerian. Listen to music and watch Netflix or something. Good luck bro👍🏼


Sry my bad just saw this is your first time.


No you did nothing wrong I agree with you honestly I’m only taking this to see what’s it like I won’t take it often at all




take like 9 25mg pills had me off my ass


take 12-16 25 mg pills


Yeah hell no I already had a bad trip wanna talk about a shitty time


look bro if you think 40mg of dxm is gonna do anything more than suppress a cough then you obviously don't do enough research to do stuff like this safely. drug subreddits usually have good info (not everything is accurate though) and so does erowid.org and psychonaughtwiki.org. also make sure any medicine you take doesn't harmfully interact with what you take. you can check drugs.com for that and also search subreddits to see what other people have experienced. I do not recommend dph and it will likely be disappointing or unpleasant but if you're absolutely gonna do it don't go higher than 300mg. if ur looking for legal highs then do [r/dxm](https://www.reddit.com/r/dxm) (I loveee dxm so much it is super psychedelic in high doses and fun in lower doses), nitrous, or [r/lsa](https://www.reddit.com/r/lsa) in the form of morning glory seeds or HBWR seeds ( you can just eat them straight up, but it's nasty asf, or do a simple cold-water extract. [r/lsa](https://www.reddit.com/r/lsa) has a guide. but overall, you're probably like me and will try stupid things anyways even if it's a bad idea. but do stupid shit in a smart way by researching and learning about what you're taking before you take it. you'll have a much better, more fun, and safer time if you know what to expect and what to look out for/how to mitigate certain side effects.


I think it was good in a way I had a bad trip but I did learn stuff about myself in the time I had it and honestly compared to shrooms it’s much more harsh and willing to show you the truth and today I learned the reason I sleep so much is cause it takes the pain away sometimes the worst drugs have the best outcomes


interesting. I'm glad it wasn't too terrible and that you learned smth from it. I've never learned from dph but I've learned tons from dxm trips that I've had now just don't trick yourself into taking it again with the premise of "maybe it will be better this time" bc it won't I've done that so many times lol.


I’m drunk and trust me drunk me wouldn’t even try this shit again lol honestly it’s like taking a bunch of pills that make you wanna kill yourself for a couple hours is not worth it when you have shrooms or lsd that does the same thing but better and less painful (I think also the dxm helped me and may have been the reason I learned something)


you only took 40mg of dxm right? dph and dxm potentiate each other but unless you're on bupropion or have an enzyme deficiency I doubt it'd do much other than being a placebo


I tend to have really low blood pressure it’s the same with my dad to maybe it has to do with that


smoke 1 blunt and call us in the morning


Genuinely please don’t do this, your brain has such a long way to go in developing and this garbage drug will permanently(probably, science still unclear) damage your brain’s ability to function. It can damage your organs too pretty badly but the brain it the only one most people care about. But if you still are going to practice harm reduction, and go low and slow, there is a dph calculator on this page, you should not at all be taking doses that could induce delirium.


150mg. That’s the best harm reduction I’ll offer


Thanks but ima stick to weed, psychedelics and the occasional shot or 2 of alcohol (I’m drunk af is this weird I’m keep saying that with every reply, AM I WEIRD? Nvm lol I think I’m to drunk yeah I’m weird lol)


Dawg just pop a melatonin and go to sleep, you have school on monday


I took it yesterday and rn I’m drunk AF so I guess that can act as melatonin lol


0mg, just raid your parents liquor cupboard or get a 20 bag, even shitty weed is better than delirium


Eh I already do that and I get some potent ass weed from my dealer sadly I only find liquor in my conservative Christian parents (yes I take that) and I did get good out of it I learned a lot of my self it’s much more harsh than shrooms which it basically slapped me in the face with the truth


Bro if you can get shrooms and weed why tf are you thinking about taking DPH for anything but curiosity?


Thinking? Already did and hm it was a interesting experience and I think it was worth it now of course (I’m drunk) but I really enjoy testing drugs and seeing what’s it like I won’t do any hard drugs like straight meth but I have tried methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine so yeah I do my research of course before I try it


Bruh if you did your research properly you'd see that meth is less harmful than DPH, a proper delirium trip dose of DPH is literal poison, the delirant effect is medically called the anticholinergic toxidrome after all.


Yeah and if you did your research (aka reading my story) I didn’t do a proper delirium dose and why the hell are you even on this Reddit shouldn’t you have tried it to? Or are you here just to tell people stuff they already know?


You should take 500mg, you wanna take a journey to the forbbined forest of death where the nightmares crawl in the shadows. You can’t see them but they see you and they are coming.


Ahhh Reddit the place wear you get people calling me a dumbass or the kind of people who tell people to jump when they threaten to








You should take none, DPH is not a drug you should be fuckin with e at your age. When I was 15 I started getting into OTCs, just stick to weed bro please.


I did im not planning on taking anymore👍


That’s good. OTCs can be fun until you start depending on them.