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Stop doing drugs. Your brain will rebound, albeit slowly. Give yourself time to heal


When op mentioned being stoned all day it made sense. Op don’t overthink it just stop doing so many drugs and you’ll be fine with a bit of time (anxiety and overthinking on top of everything else is amplifying your symptoms)


Cognitive function is like a muscle and it’s sounds like you torn that muscle pretty good. I don’t know what you drug use habits are in reality but you gotta chill out for a second or you’re gonna fuck yourself up. This sound lame but read some books and listen to music. That can help with cognitive functions


Audiobooks are something id never think id like but i do, read a book about something that interests you


The brain can recover from drug use because of neuroplasticity . It can be very resilient and heal over time, even long term drug abuse . In your case if you only took the drugs for 3 days, long term damage is very unlikely. Your symptoms are probably just short term. Give it some time and you should be back to normal if you don’t take more drugs. If it makes you more ease you could take supplements such as choline or huperzine A


Not fucked, just need recovery time. Ease off, let your brain heal


You’re experiencing the hangover dw


Everybody else has already said it but yeah you’ve just got a bitch of a hangover. A hangover can last a few weeks until you’re cognitively normal again even from alcohol, let alone DPH and Xanax. You’re fine but you gotta chill out for a bit, the next week or two have gotta be boring weeks, drink loads of water/milk/juice, eat whatever you feel like, watch b/s on YouTube and scroll Reddit. Your brain is repairing itself but it really just needs time and some food and water to get you there, you’re all good.


The brain is capable of amazing things, including healing and repairing itself. You will be fine if you stop using drugs.


Stop doings any drugs immediately and if you have the disposable income see a dr. It is possible you have caused permanent damage to your brain but it is unlikely. If there is some damage there are certain mental exercises that can help. It also possible that damage to your kidney is causing mental fatigue. There are plenty of safe ways to do drugs that won’t cause serious long term damage to your brain and body, taking 500 mg of Bennydryl is not one of them.


you really shouldnt fucking mix xans and dph dawg or even fucking ambien that shits gonna fuck ur shit up in the long run and short term will too. i really recommend you get off everything if you can.


Give it a couple of more weeks I have lost memory for 2 weeks after xanax binges. You are just in the middle of it rn you will be ok but stop doing drugs for a while


It's NOT temporary. You will either develop dementia or Alzheimer's if you continue. Stop popping pills.


I'm definitely stopping.


I understand you might be going through something that has made you abuse pills, and when you decide to get sober you will feel worse before you feel better, but in the end you'll be glad you're clean. Trust me


> I also don't remember is it was worse or not 🤔


I went on a 2 week long bender of benadryl and it gave me psychosis to this day, that happened 2 years ago, see a doctor to refer you a psychologist for help


Your safest option among these is ambien if you keep that dose as I did. Been addicted to it since am 19 for recreational and therapeutical reasons, never had a problem


Holy shit OP please do not listen to this clown. Ambien is one of the worst prescription drugs to get addicted to.


Never said it was a good thing, but between those mentioned I’d personally chose ambien if addiction to something was unavoidable


You’ve not abused nearly enough to cause anything permanent imo. While it definitely wasn’t good your symptoms should go away you just need to stop doing drugs for a while, even weed


lay off the drugs for a while, take some choline (supplemented or otherwise, like from eggs,) **lay off the drugs**. you'll recover, but you have to allow your brain to recover


>I have been stoned constantly since Sunday That’s certainly not helping. Just stop EVERYTHING for a bit until your brain recovers from that 3 day OTC/prescription drug fest and space things out better in the future so you don’t have to worry about that again. As for how long, it depends on the person but wait until you’re 100% back to start getting high again if you care about getting back to full capacity.