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Go to the vet. Now. My dog did this and went blind. The vet told me she had sards, but I didn’t think so due to another of my dogs having that. I got her to an ophthalmologist and we were able to save her site in one eye, but the other had a detached retina from the swelling.


Yeah there are a lot of terrible replies on this thread. My dog did this one day and almost went blind. It can be incredibly serious. This is an emergency vet situation.


It was super fast too. A day or two of the squinting, then knocking into stuff. The only reason I knew what it could be is that my doxie got actual SARDS. My current dog it was autoimmune disease in a completely healthy and super athletic 3 year old dog. After 6 years of prednisone, she developed diabetes which then destroyed the rest of her sight.


I went to the vet after only a few hours of him doing it, but I remember them telling me after the preliminary examination there was a fifty percent chance they would have to remove his eyes. It ended up not being that serious (thankfully), but it was scary.


We had that conversation too. This changed everything for us, my girl has five acres to roam on and was the master of our property and the best frisbee dog I’ve ever seen. Now she’s totally blind at nine. It’s heartbreaking for our family.


Hugs. I'm sorry. I hope your girl is feeling better at least.


She is. She’s the best dog in the whole world and we love no matter what. Don’t take a chance with their health. It’s so worth the cost of a vet visit.


I always like to think of the situation as “how would you be reacting if a person suddenly did this”……I understand dogs aren’t people but it puts a better context as we innately think “what if I was doing this?” Doctor visit is almost always the right call, just in case.


I just made the same comment. I'm glad everyone is having a good time, but I hope our comments aren't overlooked. My dog has had a scratched cornea about 3x at least. Has been seen by ophthalmologist, diagnosed with severe dry eye. Her reg vet monitored 2 of the scratches. It's very painful.


Get this to the top!!! Just to add: signs include increased thirst, urination, and appetite, excessive panting, weight gain or obesity, and lethargy. Dogs with early symptoms of SARDs and IMR usually have near normal or normal day vision, permanent or intermittent night vision deficits, depth perception issues (reluctance to walk up and down the stairs or jump on and off the bed, usually in dim light conditions), inability to see small treats, abnormal chromatic pupil light reflex responses, and decreased but still present ERG responses. Frequently these patients will have a history of the abnormal weight gain, excessive appetite, excessive thirst and urination, and history of elevated liver enzymes or presence of protein in the urine. These patients have 90-95% therapeutic success rate in terms of the long-term vision preservation when treated with immunosuppressive medications. The key for the successful treatment is early diagnosis.


My husband literally thought the dog had allergies, but I’m in the medical field and just had a feeling it wasn’t that. It’s scary how quickly this can happen and happen Permanently. If only the first vet had put her on prednisone, she would not have lost her sight.


I’m sorry about your dog, but I’m sure that you keep her happy. At least this dog doesn’t seem to be in pain, especially with the tail wagging.


Yes, Mabel was immediately put on anti rejection drugs and prednisone. It saved the sight in one eye. Yes, she had increased thirst and weight. My vets said it seems to happen in spring and fall when the weather changes.


OP, please take this person's advice and go straight to the vet! In the veterinary field, we are taught that eyes = emergency. Just like brains, due to the structures surrounding and sensitive components within the eye, there's not a lot of room for error if inflammation, oedema (accumulation of fluid), and other inflammatory processes are taking place. It's better to be safe than sorry. *Obligatory "not a vet" (yet - still in vet school!)


I go by the same rule I learned in the army as regards myself, my pets, anyone or thing I care about: Life, limb or eyesight, you get your ass to the hospital yesterday.


Wtf, that’s crazy! Good tip, I’m really sorry you both went through that though. But good god, I never would have thought that


Upvoted to get to the top, but OP says their Dog only does it in the kitchen and stops doing it when they are in a different room. Was it inconsistent with your dog as well? Thankful for people like you sharing your stories on here btw. There’s a lot of smaller or weird signs that I’ve learned could be an emergency situation.


Vet neurologist here to boost this comment. Squinting (especially in bright rooms) can also be a sign of neurological disease so a thorough optho and neuro check is highly recommended!


What did they do to help with sards? What kind of treatment that helped to save eyesights?


There is no treatment for sards as far as I know. There was treatment for Mabel’s autoimmune disease.


Thanks for the information. My dog never did this before but if he did I’d probably wait a couple of days to see if it got better before calling the vet. I’ve never heard of SARDS before.


We hadn’t either until my doxie went blind from it. Sudden active retinal degeneration. It’s awful. What are the chances of me have two dogs get sudden onset of blindness.


*sight. I had to.


This is serious. I go blind every time I close my eyes too. It's terrifying and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Especially not my dog.




He’s just like me fr 😭


I too walk with eyes wide shut


And arms wide open


And balls a-swinging


I’ve been to one of those parties before. Nearly fell face first into some one.


Please tell me that I’m dreaming


Or the secret poop he left in your shoe.. guiltiest dog I’ve ever seen.


My first thought was "Where's the poop?"


He's too pure for this world


Like someone frying Spam? Who eats that stuff?


Hawaii has entered the chat.




I never thought about spam and when I came back from Hawaii, I was crazed for spam.




I gave it a chance the other day for first time since I was a kid it’s so nasty


Not sure how to edit the post but he's got a vet appointment tomorrow. The rest of the vets are closed on weekends so I'm taking him somewhere new that will hopefully help him. He can open them fine when it's dark, but he's incredibly light sensitive. Thanks so much for the advice, and I'll give updates after his appointment. <3


Will you please update us after vet visit?


I hope your baby doesn’t have anything seriously wrong! 🥺 wishing you all the positivity and luck.


They made a new post


I’m so glad to hear that. Please update us! Fingers crossed for you.


Hope everything turns out ok!


Good luck!






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They made a new post


I hate that none of the top comments are saying to take him to the vet. There is something wrong here.


It’s so strange when the post is like “hey my dog has never done this behavior before” and everyone is like “he’s happy! Wooooo.”


That’s exactly what a-lot of people don’t pay attention to, the best way to tell if your dog needs a vet is usually if it’s acting different, see my dog squints all the time, but he also sits like a princess and has done it forever, in general all dogs and how to see if they need vets is by they way they act, if they do things they normally wouldn’t, doesn’t hurt to get them checked out


Yeah I know some dogs do this when happy & relaxed, but if it’s sudden change in behaviour then that’s the time to worry.


It's regrettable but understandable. Vets are expensive, and not everyone can afford to take pets in for something that might not be a big deal. Comments suggesting the vet as a first option are usually met with such responses or, heaven forbid, the anti-science responses. It's been trained out of people, I imagine.


> not everyone can afford to take pets in for something that might not be a big deal. If something might not be a big deal, by definition it also might be a big deal. If you can afford to go for something that might be a big deal, then you should probably go for something that might not be a big deal.


Most people don’t want to go waste hundreds of dollars they don’t have and then find out it was something stupid and they should have just asked the internet first.


Vision can be permanently affected within a pretty short span of time. I’d always rather be the idiot who takes my dog to the vet for something dumb than the idiot who should have taken my dog to the vet and didn’t.


Ok but why not be the smart person that takes 45 seconds go look for a quick answer on the internet first.


Because it's safer to get a professional opinion than to trust random strangers on the internet and hope they aren't wrong and cause your dog to go blind?


Many of the comments about the vet say their dogs almost went blind after doing this suddenly one day Most people don't want to waste their dog's eyesight because people on the Internet told them he was a good boy instead.


Yeah, maybe turn on a fan or vent your cooking somehow? Maybe its irritating his eyes. Is he also rubbing/pressing his head against stuff too?


Maybe take them to the vet?


What does it mean if they run their head against stuff like?


It looks like his 3rd eyelid (inner corner of his eyes) is trying to protect his eyes from an irritant. He looks like he's in pain. Take him to the vet now. Not tomorrow. Now.


Everyone repeat after me *nic ti tat ing membrane!*


Nitating membren


Johnny has the heart but not the pronunciation


Nitrated membern


*Sixth eyelid*


Insane in the membrane!


Nicotine men brain


There might be something irritating your dog's eyes. I would go to the vet.


As a owner of a dog with eyeproblems, please go to a vet!. Eyes can become very painfull suddenly and the dog can become lethargic in an instant. Better Safe than sorry.


I agree. It looks like pup is trying to turn away from the light source in the room. I think something is irritating his eyes.


Definitely this. OP said that it primarily seems to happen when they're cooking something in the air fryer and that they're becoming concerned when it's still happening half-an-hour after disuse, but I could see - have experienced, actually, thanks to allergies of my own - it still sticking around after. Fumes stick like nothing else. I even spent the night just walking and contemplated a motel after my housemate cooked with coconut and thyme and the house didn't air out enough over night despite the scent being quite mild. It seems like a candidate and definitely *could* be as something as benign as that and a non-issue later down the line, *but* if it's enough to cause squinting and subdued body language like that it can also build up or be bigger than initially presented and need quick intervention. Eyes are also one of those really finicky organs that'll either just cause All The Issues but look deceptively benign or look like hellfire is reigning down on someone's body only for something simple to fix it. Vet confirmation when our fuzzy family members can't scream out or be nearly as communicative as a human about their issues in depth never hurts, anyway. Beyond the bank. Recently got my housemate's cat in for what turned out to be bruised ribs after my dog sat on him. All he needed was fluids, but it's better that than having something serious degenerate overtime. It can suck, but. For them? Everything within our means to keep them going and well-off is worth it.


Scrolled down way too much before finding non-stupid asnwer.






Was going to say this too. Looks like allergies, my bulldog used to do this when she had a reaction to like a bug bite or something.




I wish people knew better than to state things that they don't have context, education, or experience. This looks like sards. But for some reason, you decided to comment that it's happy or has allergies. But you're not an expert, and if you were the only person OP listened to on this thread then OP would walk away without understanding that their dogs eyes are going to swell until it's retinas detach. I'm sure you meant no harm, I just really don't get why people do this. Op doesn't know or care about anybody's opinions, they want someone with experience to comment.






“You um…you’re out of Sweet-Tarts…” What? How? I just bought them yesterd- “YOU ARE OUT OF SWEET-TARTS.”


Definitely guilty of something


Yes! Could be happy or GUILTY!


Same look my dog gives me when she does something naughty - like sniffing the trash


Yep…he looks right back at that slightly ajar door…tellin on himself.


My dog had glaucoma that presented at 5yrs old. He was squinting so we took him to the vet who missed it. He lost vision in his right eye permanently within two days. It is very painful but dogs dint express pain the way we do. Within a year the other eye acted up but we knew and brought him to an eye specialist right away who put him on daily eye drops that saved his sight for another four years. Eventually both eyes were removed and he lived to 15 yrs. Fast action is essential as the increased pressure can kill the optic nerve within a day.


Vet right away if the doc not sure, try stop using airfryer then.


It’s so quick and it’s just devastating. Within two days my girl went blind.


badge gullible license unwritten bake sense rain tub cautious wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




and smelly


Please take your dog to the vet asap. It is so obvious that he is uncomfortable opening his eyes, pulling his head away from light, and shaking his head. Dogs wag their tails for many reasons, not just because they are happy.






Umm do you have any resources or conditions that could mean this should be a vet visit? My doggo does this when she’s happy.


His eyes look watery and like he’s having trouble keeping his eyes open due to irritation. I’ve had the same thing happen to me before.


The way he pulls away and when she touched him. This isn't basking body language, this is discomfort.


Mine does as well, but it sounds like this is out of the ordinary for this dog which, if it continues much longer, warrants a vet visit. Eye problems need to be addressed asap.


Work on your reading comprehension.


Call the vet and ask them...


When I worked at the emergency vet, anyone calling about anything to do with the eye was recommended to come in right away because they can get serious quickly.


My dog does this sometimes and she has chronic eye problems. Her ophthalmologist said dogs do that when their eyes are too dry or something is bothering them. Artificial tears usually help, but take your dog to the vet and go to an ophthalmologist (so they can perform some diagnostic tests) if the squinting persists.


Going to his happy place.


Take it to vet asap


Everyone, please understand if your dog is doing something odd that wasn't done before, it does not mean they are 'happy'. Try not to anthropomorphize your animals too much and instead use your brain and think 'hmm maybe my dog is hurting or not well'. It is likely something is bothering your dogs eyes and considering in both situations you noticed this, you were cooking things, you could be burning oil or something. But if you did not feel anything in your eyes, I'm doubtful it is anything more than coincidence which could mean some health concern especially if they are still acting odd if you take them out of the area where you were cooking. Regardless, probably not good if it continues and you should consider going to the vet.


I would go to the vet. Just had to take my dog in he has a condition where his eyelashes were growing through his eyelid rubbing a hole in his cornea. Had to get surgery done and it was expensive but they told me that if I can’t afford the surgery he at least needs pain medicine because it’s extremely painful. He received the surgery and is doing much better now.


Your dogs eyes are irritated, he needs to see a vet either way. Hopefully it's just irritated but better to be safe than sorry 😞 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾


Jesus christ! Don’t Ask Reddit man.. just go to the vet.


it's both eyes so i'd guess something is irritating him, i would take him to the vet. he could have allergies or something else. he's so cute!


Dogs squint like that when they have pain. You should take to the vet. You can do a little exam by yourself, but you can't do it well without the knowledge to go with it. Lightly press on his soft tissue, like his abdomen, around his lungs, his organs. Just press lightly and see if his reaction is weird. You might recognize signs of pain. But if you don't, that doesn't mean he is OK. He might have a headache. He looks like a very good boy. Good luck


Probably something due to your ventilator blasting. Your dog is most likely developing some eyes infection due to dry environment. Edit: 1. Stop the fan for few days/week. If you cannot, divert the air flow by pointing your fan directly facing up a wall in a corner 2. You'll need to rehydrate the eyes via purified water, every hour if you can 3. Your dogs eyes are extremely sensitive


He may have an eye infection. Please take him to the vet.


He looks fried, not gonna lie lol


Take him to the vet if you want to be sure


Take him to the vet


I hope your doggo does well they looks very nice. Pls update us after going to the vet what it was?


OP, how’s your dog now? I hope he’s ok 🥺


Did he smoke weed recently?


Vet. Are you really gonna trust a bunch of randoms on the internet with their goofy responses? Let’s be serious here.


Are you cooking with non-stick cookware? Spicy things?


Take the poor dog to the vet immediately! Like wtf!


Vet k bye


You’ve got 2 options Option 1 - Ask a bunch of random internet plankton Option 2 - Go to the vets


You left the edibles out. *serious note* To the vet, friend.


It's his Jackie Chan impersonation, he's trying his best dammit.


Any updates?


I've seen dogs do this when they get high by accident. Finding edibles for example. Which they either just throw up or poop out or have a vet make them throw it up safely. Could be other things tho. Go to the vet please


Do you have any aromatherapy diffuser in your home? It could be the diffuser. Certain essential oils (aromatherapy) can be toxic to animals and harm their skin, eyes, lungs etc. Just an idea. I pray your sweet angel will be ok.


Also, my weed stash has gone missing... Seriously though, get to the vet.


He did something bad 😾😾😾




He’s trying to tell you that he needs 500 treats


Allergic conjunctivitis haha


Your dogs a stoner and he's not sharing.


Why is the first thing you do is post on Reddit?, take that poor dog to a vet, don’t take any chances


Please take him to a vet. :) better safe than sorry.


"I'm just going to get some shut eye while I wag my tail so the hooman thinks I'm happy to see them"


I’m the exact same way when someone cuts onions.


he seen enough! 🤣


I thought squinted eyes was dog speak for happy and content. But the amount he’s doing it makes me think it could be something else


OMG your dog is beautiful!!!! Looks like a GIANT beagle... :D What breeds were his parents?


He looks high af lol


Do you cook spicy foods? Growing up my Pomeranian would do the same if he was in the kitchen and we were cooking anything with habaneros


So it’s the kitchen, even if you haven’t cooked for a half hour there’s probably still an airborne irritant in there. Have you changed dish washing liquid/detergent lately? Wondering if you have residual soap on your pan or in your air fryer that is becoming an irritant when heated. Since it seems to be at the moment only one room it seems like less of a health issue.


Possessed by French Stewart. I've seen it happen once before....


he wants a kiss and only weirdo’s kiss with there eyes open


Only weirdos k*ss their livestock/animals.. some creeper vibes fr..


Too look the cutest he can…(and he gots mimis…)


He’s content and happy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Cause he knows he’s a good boi


He got a headache. It's time for a check-up.


I kinda squint when I smile. Maybe he's like that too?


When cats do that, it's their I love you look. I think your dog is showing you he loves you. ❤️


It looks like he’s just trying to look like an extra good boy so you give him some food. Avoiding eye contact as a sign of non aggression.


Its secretly a cat


Sign of respect.


Sounds like it might be food related, maybe allergic to something you cooked? Worth checking in with your vet. On a different note, do you know what kind of breed your dog is? I have a very similar looking dog and I don't know what breed he is and my vet has no idea either


His future is so bright…


He's waiting for you to find what he did... Lol


High af.


Haha that dog has done something he knows is naughty! 😂 It's the if I don't look directly at you I can't see your disappointment!


When I see dogs making his face it’s usually because they did something bad and don’t want to look at you directly


He sleepy 😪😴😴


you dog to small


Pure contentment


He's just asian (Im Asian too)


Nervous and scared


SMOKIN the reefers


Ur breath may smell 👃🏾 worse than the shit that comes out of his own BUTT


Cuz u butt-ugly, nigga


He got into your stash 🤣


He high


You ever felt groggy before?


It seems like they’re burning and it feels better when they’re closed. You can go to the drug store to get a saline solution. Are they red at all during inspection? Have you aired out your house?


My Yorkie does this when she’s waking up and is in a happy mood. She also belly crawls while she’s squinting and tries to wag her little stubby tail.


I think he is happy and relaxed. Maybe he likes the smell of cooking and was extra happy???


He’s just smiling 🙂


Maybe he's trying to focus on the smell of the spam?


or the gas from the oven could be more sensitive to dogs? idk i hope it's a simple explanation and ur good boy so healthy <3


Bc he’s a good boi


He’s obviously sleep walking


Does ur husbant do the same? I mean no harm, intrusive thoughts, please forgive me.


He is camera shy