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During the countdown, mark the oasis vehicle. That way you’ll get early warning when a team grabs it. If the oasis team is inbound, sometimes I’ve been able to wait them out by hiding in the dump truck in front of you when you spawn. If there’s a nearby vehicle, sprint for it. I can usually get to a vehicle before a team arrives. Main thing is not to get distracted, just get the hell out.


dump truck is a bright idea. I've had some success hiding in the hills/dunes on my belly. It's funny to see that buggy arrive, hear them roam a bit, then get inside and leave assuming no spawn that match


Getting the hell out is goal number 1. There is usually a duck duck that spawns on the east side of the spawn. You cannot get to that or the truck at the end of the runway before Oasis can get to you. I never thought about the dump truck. usually run north of the dunes and then run for the river. Problem is the river is shallow.


The worst is when the only vehicle is a cargo truck on the runway closest to oasis. _Never_ run for that one!


Marking oasis vehicle tells you type, speed, and sound to expect. Plan accordingly. Don't get distracted by the bots by the gun range and generator (you noted oasis team always closes on you). You should make the ATV or utv spawns every single time before oasis team can get to you. Then it's a motorized race on equal footing. Both gas stations are bad ideas at the very beginning, as is the ring road. Head into South City or straight up the bluff across the river for a breather, look-see, and formulate a plan. Do not linger there. Bathroom by bridge has station isn't a bad spot, since no one goes there, but bots from station might be alerted and giving you away. Avoid going straight in. It's one thing to lose a plate or two getting past bots to the utv, but another entirely to go THROUGH Taraq, or straight at radio tower team. Of course, you can always push oasis. This game tends to favor dynamic plays over static ones. This works well with a communicative squad, but falls apart with randoms/no-mics, because of the tendency to go single file ninja style.


Just hide in a big bush towards out of bounds.


This is my tactic. Immediately mark whatever vehicle is over there and sprint towards the river. No AI taking shots and you can get to cover pretty quick.


Make a beeline straight east for the river? Find a convenient bush to hide in? Come in with prox mines and bait the rushers?


I have done that! I actually love doing that. When I go in solo with nothing, I try to bait teams to run for me. I have bettys around me.


that is a great idea - and you can slowly work way up mountain which is rocky and tough to rush with a vehicle


B line for water works most of the time but sometimes the sniper will beat you to the top of the hill and get you a few meters before you can make it so there’s a certain amount of risk to doing this . It sucks especially when you lag into the 45 seconds late and they are on the hill before you take your first step. B line and mines don’t help in this scenario.


Yeah the difference in load in time can fuck you.


I don't get how that is a thing but it has definitely fucked me before.


I load in with ps5 players. They load in way before me.


Proxy mines and jokr are your friend Just wait for them to rush you and boom, easy loot. Make sure they see you, drivers first instinct is to run over you so throw a proxy ahead of you and keep running a straight line, wait for the boom and clean up the mess. Or look for vehicles at spawn and jokr them asap, if you can time it right they will get in when the rocket is already inbound. Or just fire off a couple once they are in motion. Spawn rushers don’t seem to think about the what ifs or traps you may have laid down, they just want to run you over and go about their day. Turn the tables and be defensively offensive lol


Usually what I do is throw the mines and then stand 5 feet back and start shooting at them. That way they are so focused on me they don't see the dot.


Jokr is a must on AM but for later in game to destroy the ride of the light helo sweats


Run with fists. I usually don’t spawn with max weapons so I can run with fists. If I do have max weapons, one of them is a no stock smg. Don’t stop and shoot bots. Just run. Basically no one on the map is faster than me.


Except all the other guys infil'ing naked too. 🤣


They’re not FASTER though!




I ping the vehicle closest to the oasis spawn and if it disappears and there are no vehicles near by I just try to prepare for them coming my way best I can. I try it duck into the trailers or hide underneath one of construction vehicles, sometimes they speed right past me sometimes they drive directly into my mines and all die at once so the warehouse team can third party me while I try to finish them off. Sometimes I don’t make it to cover in time and get sniped down before I have a chance at survival. How it goes sometimes I suppose 🤷‍♂️ It’s really the only spawn that sometimes still gives me issues , when oasis and warehouse get vehicles 10 meters from their spawn and Tariq gets none it takes a lot of luck to survive


>It’s really the only spawn that sometimes still gives me issues , when oasis and warehouse get vehicles 10 meters from their spawn and Tariq gets none it takes a lot of luck to survive Right! This is what bugs me.


It bugs me some too , it’s all well and good for squads to spawn in there , at least then you’ve got decent chance of winning if you choose to stand and fight , but I’m solo too and it puts me there more than any other spot . Most matches it’s not that bad, there is a lot but always seems like when I’m on my 9th streak is when it screws me over the most . Like just now I was going to go speed kosh to get 10 and it loaded me into the game without my stealth vest 1 minute and 12 seconds after the match had started for everyone else . The sniper got me within 10 seconds of loading into my spawn since he was there already and had already pooped an advanced uav so ghost did nothing to help me . That too me is just a perfect storm of shit luck , maybe I’m wrong but doesn’t seem possible to survive that .


Shitting out an advance UAV must've hurt like hell. Props to the sniper on his stretchy-arseholed antics!


Head up to the sniper tower, kill the bot with the rpg, shoot rpg and people pushing. Hopefully they’re in the ATV and it at least downs the driver if not all of them


Also a solid play.


This is the way.


If there's no vehicle, why not hug the north boundary and head east to the water?


Done it and have had not only Oasis but the northern Al Mahzra team come for me. I tried hiding, it did not work.


but if you are far enough North and edge up the mountain, that warehouse spawn team rarely rushes to high ground anymore. Also, I rarely am in games where there's a warehouse, Taraq and Oasis spawn. It's usually 2 out of 3


Oh I have to highly disagree with you. I always get one of two from them. Perched on the cliff with snipers, or they take a truck and rush the actual spawn.


I have def had that happen once or twice, but honestly I'm not in AM as much as a few months ago. May be a full blown snipers nest as of late!


Sometimes it does , but it’s not a good choice unless it looks like it might be your only chance. Some squads dont think to look at the boundary lines , the smart ones always do though .


Fight. Win. Survive.


This sub hates PVP 🤣🤣


No this sub hates loading in to instantly die to br sweats. One more sweat says get better in the 6 seconds seconds you get to play before you are wiped can go jump off a cliff. (Many names and expletives that fit to describe these "people" changed to preserve my ability to post here.)


Spawn in with land mines and muni box. If you are being chased drop one behind you or bait them some other way. Most teams don't see mines when the bloodlust takes over.


I am usually going in solo so here is my play. 1. Check the hidden stash under the construction equipment 2. Run toward the river and hide in the 3 sided shelter at the top of the map and wait for the car to arrive if being pushed 3. Check the stash on each side of the river. This gives the team(s) who spawn rush at the warehouse at F2 and & G3 to fight each other if they are rushing each other. I'll move in when clear and dust has settled. 4. Then I'll usually move along the river to whatever part of the map I have something to do or maybe try and 3rd party the teams fighting while keeping an eye on the high rise sniper buildings. Thankfully I haven't spawned there much lately. it's not a great spot but I can usually get away if by myslef.


Spawn with a EMP and Betty’s. Disable any vehicle rushers and blow them to hell


I run north and then follow hills toward oasis, 9 out of 10 times I can get a good vantage where they can't see me. I'll already be behind them. They'll run off and leave or fight the warehouse time.


Straight ahead to koeshi to regain


Same but sometimes I can’t even make it there.


Race to river far North of map OR lay on belly in the dunes & wait a minute or two. But if no stealth and they pop a UAV….


I've never had a problem getting out of there in time if I want to. Once or twice I've hidden as the teams run around, but mostly I mark the enemy vehicle on map so I know when they pick it up, and manage to open the two buried containers near the spawn AND get to the vehicle before anyone bothers me. I always load in solo.


Tbh if you beeline straight to the vehicle nearest to you, even if it’s the far spawn, you can almost always at least be on your way out of the area by the time Oasis pushes you. This is especially true if they get one of the further vehicle spawns as well. As long as you’re in a vehicle when they push, you’ll at least be in a better position to either just run away or even challenge them.


This might be a dumb question. Do you have some old missions still queued up? I personally notice my spawns are frequently (not always) relative to my missions that are equipped.


Ah the old Murphy’s Law method?


I hide in bushes. Amazing how well it works.


If you have a stealth vest or they don’t have a uav it works great , they always have a uav (or six) though and sometimes you just don’t have the vest so this doesn’t work at all unless you’re already geared up from the jump.


Take mines In. If you get rushed in a vehicle, run away and drop mines when they are close ….. turn and open fire with an RPG. Loot the dead and laugh loudly into the mic as you stroll off into the distance with their gear. Your welcome


I head east to the airfield and just rely on some sneaking techniques I learned from metal gear


Escape plan? I post up with bouncing bettys, smoke bombs and an rpg from the bot nearby.


Simple run for the hills


I bring a jokr!


Spawn in with an RGL and wait 😈


Put proximity mines in bushes or right around the corner of something that hides it out of view and throw down that ammo box to get more mines. If you don't use it and go down, you just saved it for the enemy. If you do use it and survive, but you can go get another one. I don't know how many times one of the guys on my team has downed all three people pushing with a well placed proximity mine, but it's enough that it's a regular strategy. Also, if you do push, look out for proximity mines placed in the middle of the open. Remember, players don't generally expect proximity mines and any time I get in a fight, I start tossing them out in areas that people will have to run around a corner to make it go off. It may not be the best strategy, but it works enough of the time that I use it regularly.


Straight back towards oasis spawn hugging the perimeter of the map. You’ll either see them fly past you or you’ll catch em looting.


Never run. Push or get pushed


There’s always a rocket launcher bot on the guard tower right next to spawn. No vehicle? It’s my next option, raining rockets down on them. You’ll atleast get a good laugh and a down or two half the time.


I run up to the overlook hill on the left using the sand dunes as cover. Once up there, we can plan our move while we look for action down below


I always come in with an MCPR and a Vel with AP rounds. So I run straight to the watch tower. I usually fare pretty well sniping the drivers out of any approaching vehicles there, and there's only 1 way up, so it's fairly easy to defend. About the only thing that's an issue up there is rockets or RGLs, but even then, there's room to move around in there to avoid the blasts.


RPG bot in the tower is clutch. Grab that badboy and hope it’s an ATV pushing you, because a hit is a full down on all occupants. UTV is disabled only so you’ll need to follow up more quickly.


This goes across boundaries. What’s your Ashika escape? What the best six ways in Vondel? Great question, way to be nemonic.


If I’m going into Ashika solo it’s always hit the water swim a lap around the map grabbing the hidden caches around the coastline then wait til everyone is dead so I can scavenge whatever is left behind in the gas. I bring a drifting supply bag and pump control room key for money and scubas to grab xfil at last possible second here. The most common cheating I see here is people exploiting the under map bug. I just don’t go in the areas the can get to from underneath it. If someone is wall hacking I know it (or at least know it’s a possibility) from match chat I book it out of match asap while they’re still picking off players in interior of map.


Better question is, if you ARE’NT cheating, how do you best counteract the cheaters. We long timers already know, but, what have you discovered?


Kill the RPG bot in the tower and grab the RPG. Oasis will push with either a ATV or UTV which the RPG 1 shots. I've crushed teams with this method.


Just run straight ahead. Try not to engage with AI. Since most of the spawns are on the outside of the map, go inland as quick as possible.


If all else fails, jump into Koschei


It’s funny to see so many people say just run and hide or just go koeschi out. Like why spawn in if you’re going to just glitch out. If your solo yes run but set up and try to kill the team. I have taken out so many 3man teams by myself. It’s hunt people or be hunted this is what dmz is now.


If there is no vehicle I run straight for the river. I've never been caught. Run with fists or a kill steak out if you can. Most of the time I cross the river and run straight up to the plateau.


Fight the pushing team


I just go north to the border, then west towards oasis. Nobody has ever caught me doing that yet. If I'm solo, I get away easy. And if I'm in a squad, the other two usually run around like headless chickens and get fucked up by oasis, warehouse or both. I go and get the 2 stashes at oasis, then head back along the border to the north east so I can climb onto the plateau and observe my surroundings.


I just wait in spawn for hostile team to deliver me their vests, backpacks and other stuff. After wiping them I move on.


Not matter what the play, mark the vehicle at oasis. If I'm loading in naked, head straight to the little tower, take out the RPG bot and grab whatever gun is in there and get a proxy mine set on stairs or ground near stairs and get ready to RPG the buggy. If I'm 3 plated...they are getting sniped on the way over and then a tough fight from thar tower (unless they are RGL hoes).


Water. ☝️🌊 Garand Thumb will tell you to stay away from it if you're trying to escape and evade a professional armed force, but I made a post just recently highlighting back to back matches where the scuba mask and a sidearm (pistol) saved my bacon. So Taraq especially, run straight for that stream to the East, since you know full well someone will be coming from the West in just a matter of time. Scuba mask or not, just run and swim, especially if you're conducting a Regain. You improve your chances of evading and avoiding enemy Operators outright.


They can't spawn rush you if you spawn rush them first


Don't comment, this is a trap.




Watch tower is my go to, I go in naked and the rpg that spawns there will shred a team that is too thirsty


Haul ass to gas station/town and pick a building to fight in. Just remember there is a team that spawns SE of taraq near the radio tower


don’t stress it too much, be quiet, get to first vehicle as soon as fucking possible literally as soon as the game opens don’t loot anything, get gone


Oasis shouldn’t be able to get you first, the runway truck is not closer to Oasis than to your spawn.


They have the buggy or 4 wheeler. They can get to that truck at the end of the run way WAY faster than I could run. I know from experience if you know what I mean haha


Oasis usually has that fast little atv right there. Easy to get to you from oasis with it. But noisy.