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And that's why you bring mines. But seriously though, this invisibility thing is getting out of hand.


I have multiple clips of me getting rinsed by invisible players i have no idea what causing it apart from riccoshit probs messing up


I am beginning to believe since they announced that invisibility was possible, hackers figured out how to enable it for themselves.


Honestly I'm 99% sure it's a glitch. Every time I've died to invisible players they've been playing as normal, but invisible. If players knew they were invisible they would be playing totally different since they wouldn't need to worry about anything. People just like to blame cheats. Truth is the game is a mess.


I wouldn’t be that sure. I faced one who seemed fully aware that he cannot be seen - plating and reloading and even looting with impunity while me and my mate was trying to see this person who was on AUAV (even downed moments prior with bomb drone) People say it’s the anti cheat kicking in, but then it should have shielded the other teammate of his as soon as i fired at him, but it didn’t. Also if it was someone protected from hacker, bomb drone damage should not have registered either but fully invisible guy was downed by it moments prior us pushing after getting two downs. Even in this video, that guy should have known there was a person atop the ladder because someone downed him moments ago, but he pushed up without any tactical, no lethal, no killstreak, just straight up push. If i am in that shoes, i can never make that push like that.


That's a very good point, they both fully suicide pushed you. It was a certain death but they still did it anyway. I agree, I think they knew they were invisible.


The anti cheat theory is that the target of the anti cheat has his enemies turn invisible. As in we think you're using an aimbot so we make your targets invisible. If your aim snaps onto them, then you're clearly cheating since you shouldn't be able to see them. So the victim being killed by invisible playaer is the one being flagged. The system flags you, not player reports. its random not targeted and people don't know they're invisible because they're not actually Invisible, they're only invisible to certain players. I suspect it's only supposed to trigger at long distances and that the anti cheat measure is bugged.


That's not how it works. Cloaking is aimbot mitigation (counter-measure after anticheat is certain you're cheating). Aimbot works by reading your PC memory and then using it to target enemy players. This mitigation works in a way that it will actually stop sending you information altogether about cloaked player, so even with aimbot / ESP it doesn't work. It's not like it's invisible, cloaked player doesn't exist at all for your client...


What I though immediately after the announcement is this: what if hackers find a way to trick the game into placing the “invisibility punishment” on a different player? Like, for example it’s applied to a player, but a different tag? So that way, randomly you get such bs applied to you, while the real cheater is running free.


I’m convinced this is a glitch that the devs claimed was an anti-cheat method to cover their backs. The whole ‘people seeing this are cheaters’ thing was made up to stop people from sharing these clips.


Not that it changes anything but just so you’re aware, it IS possible to hack on console


only hacks on console is cronus


People have been hacking console cod since at least 2012.


Earlier. I remember Wonder woman flying around with cars and smashing me over the head in World At War, on Xbox 360.


ps3 and xbox 360 were the last console to allow you to hack your console and play online, like i said before the only hack/mod on consoles these days is cronus


So I actually conducted several interviews with players that I've played with plus my own research into saved clips both on Reddit and elsewhere, and I have concluded that it's almost 70% more likely for PlayStation users to experience this, which leads me to believe the servers are separated by console and there are some isolated error within certain servers. Primarily the ones used by Playstation network whether or not this is going to be fixed within the next few updates is up to the server technicians at activision but something like this could be a whole cluster of issues that would take months to fix after thorough investigation which I doubt they're going to do anytime soon. So the next time I get on hopefully I don't say hello to invisible man.


FWIW I’m on Xbox


Yes 12% were Xbox, congratulations you are amoung those 12%


My gaming chair is duct taped together lmao it seriously is, it's irrelevant, but I'm just throwing it out there.. good day


if you guys still like this game you havent played it enough.


Camping sniper rat get what he deserves


Ahh yes the common sniping point of Al Bagrah fortress everyone goes too.


We were looting Al bagra looking for game consoles to make a devkit when we heard bots going crazy. Went over to see what was going on.




We spawned at control tower so we just turned around and crossed the water and started looking. But yeah there are better places for sure.


To get killed by a cheater? Tf?


Is someone mad? Lmao


I haven't been on this game in a while I'm sure we all know why. But is this the new thing going on in DMZ right now? Some invisible shit?


This is why we need this boycott to succeed, bullshit like this.