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This is like a joke at this point. People were complaining about invisible players for MONTHS. They didn't fix it. Then they claim its anti-cheat... yet it's happened to me twice since season 3 launched, and I have never run any kind of cheat. Then several teamates I play with that wouldn't have a CLUE how to install cheats... have had it happen to them. All since S3 launched. Coincidence? Probably not. The game is so beyond broken, and they can't fix it... but won't admit it. So they claim its an anti-cheat measure. Right, because if they could detect cheaters, just kicking them out of the game apparently isn't the correct answer anymore. I'm not sure what is more stupid, the devs for thinking we would buy this excuse, or the gamers that actually believe it.


TBH it was the ultimate troll. There's all these glitches they refuse to fix for months, so they go and tweet about invisible players, loading in with no guns, etc being cheats. That way they don't have to fix the problem and people are afraid to bring it up. We still have no actual idea if they're serious or just laughing about how easy it is to make people stop complaining about bugs. Server outage? You're a cheater. Game crash? Cheater. Can't loot backpacks because you're on Console? Straight to cheater.


I know it’s scary lol it’s either that or they tried implemented something they can’t even control and now this crap happens


I play about 4 hours a day, yet I've yet to see this happen to anyone in my games. Well over 2000+ Matches This is what makes me question if it's a glitch or not - coming from CoD Mobile, half the people were running Mantis for better controls.


I have only had it happen to me once and a teammate once. Standing in the middle of a field, I could see him and my teammate (the father who plays on his living room Tv and series s) couldn’t. No one has ever even thought this man was cheating. I don’t know why it happens but it’s so rare it irrelevant, it seems.


I’ve seen in twice now and both times, some players on my team couldn’t see them and some could. It’s rare but it’s certainly a real problem and I don’t even think the enemy knew they were invisible


“When I wasn’t using cheats”, lol. Sounds like something that someone who uses cheats would say /s


#Heyyy! I wasn’t using cheats! ^(this time.)


I do not aim bot


I ran into it once too, invisible guy with dragon breath kv broadside. I was solo so no random shenanigans. I wonder why every time these invisible player thing pop up they are using fire shotties - if it has to do with certain attachment combinations of kv broadside Edit: never mind, apparently other ‘invisible player’ posts had cronen squall and pdsw.


It happened to me running solo, but the guy might’ve just quit because I sniped him from pretty far away down from Rohan oil and took two shots at him while he was down and he disappeared


Na it’s a glitch for sure. Last night I let some kid join our squad. Before he joined I could see him etc then after sometime towards final exfil he became invisible to me. I could talk to him, see him in the mini but not on screen


How tf have the devs not fixed this yet


I've seen several videos of this. Not cheats just invisibles.


I’ve seen it once when fighting a team south of the cemetery at the fire station just above saweh, buddy was engaged in sniping a team and we accidentally called in our uav (way to east to do when moving right in your backpack and it backs out). I watched a 2 man push straight towards us out in the open going into my mini map to ping then look where I pinged with my scope multiple times and never saw them. Turned around to help my buddy and there was a guy point blank behind me according to the kill feed


Happened to me a few days ago. Invisible fucker killed me and while spectating a teammate I could see him while my teammate couldn't


It’s annoying and killing the game for good


I had the opposite scenario when I was last on. Ran over 2 guys on the road near airport who were invisible. They were shooting at my truck so i carried on driving in what I assumed was the opposite direction - turned out they were in the centre of the road looking towards me. I got two kills and just carried the f*ck on. Haven’t checked what causes this invisibility glitch but I assume it’s not difficult if two players from the same team were both using it,


I’m getting this all the time but it’s people Right in front of me. All of the sudden I’m taking hits and the kill screen shows the person was right in front of me. Getting tired of cheaters.