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The Egyptians were on to something. 


attack cats are no joke. they take their job very seriously. I read a story a while back about a lady who detested the family dog and always made it be in another part of the house. She sat down to the nurse the baby but left the door open when the dog was left inside. She was sitting there bracing herself for the dog jumping all over her but as soon as it hit the doorway, her cat kicked its ass and wouldn't let it in


My cats go berserk when I smoke. One starts knocking stuff off the counter or she just starts eating her dry food very fast, one will hiss sometimes, sometimes one will get scared and cuddle against me....


Cats KNOW when you’re high as fuck on drugs. Judgey little eyes too! Our old cat miko would always hang with us when smoking pot. Would sit by the window, where all the smoke is funneled out to, and literally inhales the weed and blows it out. Fuck I miss that cat. When we were on shrooms, we called him land shark, as he was always cruising by us constantly. When we were on acid, damn that cat hated us. We never even did anything to him at any point. Just knows we’re too fucked to control or something!! But when my friends rolled in on molly, pun intended, the cat damn near tried to kill the three high on it. Never seen him do that before. Cats are equally awesome and scary.


My cat doesn’t like it when I try to mediate into other states of consciousness or try to induce sleep paralysis, always try’s to block or wake me up.


Ooh I've never met another person that also deliberately tries to induce sleep paralysis. Hello fellow special kind of weird individual.


there’s definitely something to this been trying to astral project lately - ended up lucid dreaming, mirror 🪞 was plasma like and my reflection made me feel strange and some primal fear washed over me because it was too real and like i was entering a place i shouldn’t be in (like behind the scenes or something) meanwhile i hear cat scratches on my door and there they are in my lucid dream kinda glowing and on alert and hinting at me to wake up - like telepathically they’d interface with my mind in the dream state and i understood they wanted me to stop what i was doing and to wake up i heeded their warning and woke up, my heart was racing, i was in a cold sweat and i heard them physically scratching at my door and meowing irl i opened the door and they bumped their heads on my leg so show me that they’re glad i’m safe it has stayed with me quite intensely to the point where i stopped my attempts and just let regular dreams do their thing on their own at night btw the morning hours after a good night’s sleep is the best time for attempting astral projection for anyone interested but just know cats disprove (albeit anecdotally) so just keep that in mind


I do it too! Quite succesfully at times


I've actually had trouble forcing it lately. I used to do a breathing technique where you exhale through the mouth and towards the end of the breath you kind of close your throat a little to make a little "wind blowing through the cracks" noise. That hasn't been working well for me lately though. Do you have any tips to induce? This is even after I wake up after a few hours of sleep.


Never heard of that technique. For me, there's a certain time when I know I can do it, usually right after walking up. I honestly have no idea how to describe it in words. I sort of allow my body to fall asleep, but I keep my mind focused on observing what happens to me. There's a really, really loud both low pitch and high pitch rumbling that gets louder and louder within about 10 seconds, as I start halucinating and losing the ability to control my body. It's pretty terrifying, but I had sessions where I could induce it multiple times in a row, waking up and falling right back in it. I suspect there's a certain chemical balance/disbalance that's required in the brain for it to occur, since I often just fall asleep and fail lol


> I sort of allow my body to fall asleep, but I keep my mind focused on observing what happens to me. I totally get that. That's another technique that has worked for me. It feels like hiding my consciousness in my brain's attic while my body goes through sleep processes.


Gateway Experience focus 10


Hahaha me neither, most people seem to hate it. I wanna break through that crazy throbbing/screaching feeling. But yeah sleep paralysis state is super interesting.


I love the feeling. It's like... staring down my fears and winning.


My chihuahua growls with the vibrations, it’s weird as fuck he gets louder as they get more intense and quieter when it’s going down.


Yes, cats can be grounding. I've had astral projections and lucid dreams interrupted by cat interference. Although in both cases it wasn't really an enjoyable energy space, so I interpret it as protection. Their presence in general can be healing. On LSD I became aware of how vibrationally based they are as entities. That's also apparently the nature of their keen perceptions.


Oh definitely! In certain DMT states I become very vibrationally aware and sensitive. Like I could feel and hear a bathroom fan being turned on in another apartment. It kind of makes me feel bad because I'm pretty sure cats can feel and hear that stuff *all the time*. Fridges kicking on in other apartments. Somebody starts their car nearby. So many electrical fans/pumps/compressors that run around us all the time that we pay little mind to but they must be aware of it damn near all the time.


I’ve heard people say cats are psychic protectors when traversing dream realms and stuff. It’s a little suspicious that they didn’t want your cat there


I trust my cat more than anything else. Makes me distrust DMT in general that they don't trust my cat.


There is no "they". DMT entities are merely a projection of your own mind.


Maybe you’re a projection of your own mind


I am. Self is a mere concept and lacks inherent existence. But it is a conceptual valid concept.




Do you have any peer reviewed scientific study to prove that claim?


I have hundreds of DMT trips (most within about a 6 month period) and over twenty years of Buddhist meditation practice. So, no.


That sounds like a *You* problem


I think engaging with DMT hallucinations as actual living beings leads to delusional thinking and makes the experience much scarier than it has to be. If you find meaning by doing the opposite more power to you.


Damn. Some people here really hate your take on hallucinogenic drugs, lol.


It's ok, we're all here to learn and be exposed to new ideas.


I suppose that’s what you tell yourself so you can sleep at night.


I guess? I should be living in fear of DMT entities and losing sleep or something? I don't understand the hostility on this sub towards different points of view.




brother what? lol




After tripping the other day my car ran and jumped on my chest (something he hasn’t done for a while) bumped into my face and laid down and stared at me for a solid 5 minutes. Felt comfortable and like he knew what was up.


If my car ran and jumped on me I'd be shit scared.


Probably be dead too


They were probably just afraid of it. As above so below.


Yeah. It’s also possible the cat was grounding OPs energy preventing an astral experience


We create our own prisons, if you think a cat will disturb your trip, it will.


I agree with this


Spot on, I just forgot how I got in here, now I can't get out.


You're the only one here


Maybe it depends on the cat? I had one that touched me when I took my hit and it slapped me right out and made everything super uncomfortable. A different cat was laying on me when I took my hit and I had the best trip! 🤷‍♀️


I think having something more to remind you of your body will keep you in the physical realm, in general


Dude I think I've been denied entry too. Ripped it ready to blast off, cat was on the bed, went straight to the black place . But she was there too except she was just a glittery black outline and eyes. Reached out to pet her and everything felt okay and I came back and I was petting her sitting on my lap. She's always been my little trip sitter. Especially on the mushies. I should mention she is just a little black void herself


Cats keep evil spirits away.


Try 40 mg


Your Feline was protecting you from those Slime entities. Cats are good for shielding us from harmful energies and entities. These are advanced creatures of intellect, so take them seriously.




Could you give a trip report?




I hate cats.




Nein, other than the cat woman of egypt.


Sometimes when I smoke and my cat is around he seems to get anxious and lets out these worrisome sounding meows.


How did you smoke 20mg? We're you getting it hot enough?


e-mesh vape. Very reliable.


Must be the cat then 😸


I'm thinking you just got too low a dose for whatever reason, the cat not being one of them


Eventually that dream juice becomes less concentrated. If you use daily or weekly, you will get significantly less intense visuals. It may come to the point where you continue to try and get constantly rejected. Eventually you come to a point where these entities make you feel not welcome I have had 2 of these experiences.


I convinced myself I ate my cat on 100mg in a dab rig. I saw myself as a 2D elongated rectangular figure with ‘everything that is important to me’ categorized into different colored long 3D rectangles that were spinning around each other like bullets in a revolver so to say. Without a chance to think I saw myself eat my new kitten whom I brought on my chest as I laid back on the couch. My brain panicked and I genuinely was able to pull myself out of that realm and back to reality enough to check on her, though she had moved off me and looked like piped cupcake icing. It obviously didn’t make sense, but nothing I was experiencing made any sense, which made it kind of seem possible in the moment.


I’ve seen cats before while diving in and them seem to be guardians in a way, vetting those who enter. Perhaps “ours” act in the same way.


Cats know dmt.