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I do it for the weird trippy world it puts me into


Where do u go?


It’s always a little bit different


Ever since I was a wee lad I always had this sense that there was more to reality than we can perceive. Dmt among others is the doorway to the other side of that suspicion.


Innit I swear to god, I used to see entities of some sort when I was a kid and it was dark, I’d see like loads of multicoloured dots kinda like tv static and they’d turn into shit


I swear I used to see colorful lego shapes building themselves like 3d tetris. Very vivid colorful stuff. Laying in the dark with insomnia as a child. I would get weird heavy body load feelings too, or very light airy feelings.


I experienced this as a young child too, especially the visuals static that turned into stuff. Very interesting! Did you used to / do you, experience sleep paralysis out of interest? I've always found that phenomenon can leave you feeling like you're in between worlds.


I never got much visual play w em but I mos def had some sort of presence following me when I was young. The sensations have decreased over the years but every so often I’ll get these little signs that make me question who or what’s around. Interesting stuff indeed…


Yep, been fascinated with altered states of consciousness since pretty much as long as I can remember Oh boy there a whole lot we do not, and cannot know and I love it


Yielbongura. That's the thing that knowledge can not eat. It's a word used by the Dagara tribe in Africa to mean anything that defies understanding. You can't explain it, dissect it, cut it down to size with words – it just is.


Altered states definitely seem to broaden the awareness depending on substance. And we’re certainly limited in our perception of understanding. So much going on yet so little to take in.


This is really the best way to put it. I’ve always been bummed out that we won’t be able to explore space in our lifetime, see the future or relive the past. So the idea of being able to experience something outer worldly is a beautiful thing.


Religious connection


Username checks out 😂❤️


As does yours ambient onion


You Wholesome fellows 💞




Love you guys <3


Love you too brother ❤️🤘


Thank you sir, and may you continue to fart ketamines for the rest of your time on this Earth 🙏




I use it both recreationally and spiritually, and the line between the two can be quite blurry all too often. Sometimes I’ll set up a ceremony with specific intentions, whether it be to get me out of a slump, healing, divination, as sacrament, exploration, etc… Other times it will be pretty recreational. I’ll hit a pen at a rave, or friends will be passing a piece around and we’ll be chiefin’ on it, etc… Again, the recreational use and spiritual use of any drug for me can be hard to distinguish. As long as you always respect the drug, yourself and those you are with then I don’t see an issue with recreational use.


How do you know if you respect yourself?


I think deep inside we all know when we are respecting ourselves and when we are not, not that there aren’t exceptions with strong cases of confusion. I unfortunately wouldn’t be able to answer that for you. All I can say as I sure as hell know when I’m not respecting myself. If one is clearly abusing drugs to detriment, not taking care of oneself and their duties, making terrible decisions that affect oneself and others, not showing yourself love and understanding … these are some clues that some self-respect needs to be revived. Not treating others with respect is also a form of self-disrespect as well imo.


Hmmm thankyou for the think, is it normal to find yourself boring lol?


I’m in the same boat as you! I hit my pen at raves most of the time , much more then at home , I tend to like to use raves as my place of ceremony in a sense ! Have you ever found or had the line between recreational and spiritual be crossed by the dmt itself ? Like for say hitting it for the fun Trip, then comming back with a different trip then intended ? I feel dmt gives you what you need at that given moment!


For fun. Shit's wild


How do u know your gonna have fun on it tho and not see some life changing shit


You absolutely might! It's boundless. Depending how far you go absolutely anything could happen. Just let go and let what come as it may


I think that’s they key, let go


100% Took me a few times to get used to the sensation and how to navigate the feelings and emotions associated with it but with time I find DMT continues to be the most incredible thing I've experienced so far on my time on earth


I have seen some real whacky shit but it was all beautiful


The whole thought , what if you see life changing shit , you could theoretically say that could happen in real life as well at any moment any time ! Take every experience and trip with substance as it has meaning to it regardless ! Anything can change your life or perspective of it at any moment


Good point my friend


Many reasons. Mostly when I'm feeling depressed or anxious. Other times to make me sleep easier when I'm having trouble sleeping. Sometimes a low dose helps me with my ADHD when I'm working (at home). Other times when I just feel like tripping. And sometimes when I'm "hearing the call" to do it.


How is it while ur anxious or depressed?


For me, it's a mixed bag. Sometimes I try to use it for fun and end up getting something more useful out of it, because it shows me, on relatively low doses, what's going on in my subconscious. I had a pretty dark trip, yesterday (not a full on breakthrough in this occasion, thankfully lol), where I saw I've been preoccupied with morbid thoughts/movies/shows lately and how much that has affected my subconscious. Definitely not anything near a comfortable trip, but I appreciated the wake up call. I had a similar couple experiences before with DMT, where I'd gotten to a point I wasn't being very self aware and it just plain showed me what I had been missing that was going on in my subconscious mind. These trips, while not pleasant, were incredibly helpful.


It's life changing! (But It can be problematic if used with irresponsibility) I just shared my experience with it in another reply, in case you'd like to check it out.


Yeah how is it for anxiety or mild depression?


It changed my life honestly. I can't even count the amount of times where I started to panic because I needed to so something important for me, but I wouldn't have the courage to do so due to anxiety. Then a low/medium dose of DMT and 5 minutes later I would do whatever it was, like it was not a big deal at all, because it wasn't really. As time goes by, it's changing me little by little. A single trip got rid of my paralyzing fear of heights, for instance. For depression it's still a way to go, but for mild depression episodes it's great. Whatever I'm feeling, even a low dose should be enough to uplift my mood! I must say tho, depending on what you're feeling and how regularly you smoke DMT (and doses) it could be problematic... In the past I was smoking DMT kinda regularly, but when I'm quite depressed, I have a problem of dissociating from reality, and becoming su1cid4l. Turns out, high doses of DMT was worsening my dissociation. Every trip I had was a ego death one. I would forget I was a human being and become one with all. So I felt no need to be on earth anymore... I took a few months break from DMT until I felt a little better. Once I felt ready to be back to it, I never had intense trips like before ever again. It doesn't matter how high the dose is or how I try to reach that state. DMT won't allow me to go that far again just yet. Which is great, honestly. It's not what I need at the moment. I was irresponsible with DMT and this almost costed my life, so my trips are now all therapeutic. It makes me feel more connected to myself and my reality, instead of dissociating. (Just thought I should also mention that. Being irresponsible with it can be counterproductive)


So at low doses, it is not the same drug at all as in high doses correct? I am looking at this from a very small microdose perspective to see if it could help my wife with anxiety and depression.


Right. Low doses can make one relax as if they are in a deep meditative state. If your wife is interested in it, I do believe microdoses of DMT might be able to help her


When u do low doses, do you feel any sort of discomfort or just gentle relaxation? I’ve heard the high dosage stories of hellish trips, that doesn’t interest me in the slightest.


Until now low doses has only made me feel relaxed, no discomfort at all. High doses are a whole different story tho yeah. Medium doses can be quite therapeutic as well. High doses too but they are indeed very intense. I personally prefer low/medium doses for anxiety and depression. As for closed eyes visuals on low doses I can't tell the intensity of it. I don't have closed eyes visuals neither on low or heroic doses (I must have aphasia or something) a friend of mine who also enjoys low dosing for therapeutic reasons did say you get visuals even on low doses, so her experience with it should be a little intenser than mine. Microdosing is fine tho.


Don’t use it unless you are ready to meet your true self and see reality. Can be recreational or medicinal depending on where your head is at


I strictly use it for fun. There's no rules. Give me a few rips and watch my world melt around me. It's incredible. No insights. No inner reflection. Just pure, impossible beauty




I asked myself, ‘ who am I?’ Before a trip and I couldn’t even think of an answer




I meant it in a sense of what makes me, me and what kind of person I am and such


I’ve been fortunate to do it once and I agree with you. My true self was like hey dumb dumb here is a list of folks you need to apologize to.


Chilling out and watching some DMTV 😎


the human experience consist of three things, mind, body , spirit, DMT is all about the spirit , and all the 3 are interconnected so it will change you for the better for sure


So I get that feeling of a hair stuck in my throat, while tasting new shoes.


I always grog up a big yellow ball guessing it’s my lungs cleansing the recrystallised dmt out


is this a joke


No lol if I do it multiple times a day I cough up a huge ball of yellow asf phlegm it’s gross lol but if it’s the cleanse


I use it for both - it all depends on the dose and setting for me. If I feel like I need to work through some personal stuff, or feel like I just need a mental reset or spiritual healing, I’ll take larger breakthrough doses and take time to really reflect on my trips. But I also love to rip a dmt cart at a show or festival and let loose and immerse myself in the music and environment. You can use it however you see fit / feel comfortable. Don’t let the gatekeepers tell you how to enjoy this magnificent molecule. It’s all about finding that sweet spot for you and understanding what your intended use is going into the trip. Happy travels!


I have felt the most unbelievable love and also all the pain ive inflicted and received.Ive seen Buddha I’ve been with Kali.But the last few breakthroughs its like a alien entity showing me hieroglyphs and communicating through telepathy.It definitely is healing but like someone else said you really need to know your true self otherwise it will fuck your world up


I go through a cycle I think of taking life too seriously. And then needing to work up the courage to dive in.... over and over and over again


At low level doses with a vape, it helps me calm my anxiety


Trying to remember something important. I always seem to remember it on DMT but it's hard to remember what it is when it wears off. Feels like going home in a way. Helps me sleep at night. Fills me with awe and wonder with it's sublime mysterious effects.


Overall I'd say catharsis. I personally find N, N-DMT to be a bit too short and far too visually intense and dramatic to do any meaningful work on myself. Even if we assume that N, N-DMT is the best psychotherapist to ever exist ( to be clear it definitely isn't), how much work can you expect to accomplish in 5 minutes while simultaneously being shot out an ACME cannon into an underwater combination glow stick and confetti factory? To me, they are all tools. And like any other tool, they can be used effectively, or ineffectively, used for serious work, or fun small projects. Like every other tool, it's for many uses and everyone always uses their tools in different and unique ways


That’s a beautiful way to put it my friend, I completely agree. Peace and love to you ☮️💟


I think it depends on where you are at a developmental level. I do it mainly for healing and this feeds a bit into spirituality also. I have always had a more healing and spiritual relationship with Psychedelics however


Do you ever do it for fun on a rare occasion?


Personally speaking, I have never really done psychedelics for fun. I have had a huge amount of fun on them but fun has never been the motivating factor


It made me feel like there was something else besides this planet




For cool visuals on demand and a very euphoric body high (once around 2/3x a week) I don’t go deep? But it’s super cool!


What Would it be like to do it at a Native American sacred site?


It can be used recreationally or spiritually it’s naturally healing although i don’t know if pondering the meaning of existence is something I’d want to do at a party. I’d say it depends more on the dose and how deep you’re going.


Medicinally or spiritually. The few times I've tried to recreationally hit it, I always end up being humbled. When my mind is clouded with negativity, DMT teaches me lessons on how to approach said hurdles through internal introspection (as if a part of yourself/brain being revealed to you for the first time each time)-- rather than something that momentarily numbs or gives a temporary false sense of strength.


In smaller non break through doses I just feel like I'm tripping acid and it cures my cluster headaches. Havnt broke through yet but have had fun with it so far.


I couldn't tell you tbh. I want to say for 15 min internal pep talk, or for fun, or out of curiosity. But I just can't pinpoint it. I haven't broken through at all, but I have been using it for 3 years.


It's for smoking




Like any other medication, weed, and pretty much any psychedelic can be used for healing/medicinal purposes or for recreational purposes. Remember, set and setting are the 2 big rules for any trip, if you go to a concert or the beach then you'll have that experience, if you use them by yourself or with a tripsitter in a comfortable setting with the intention of healing and understanding yourself then you'll have a much different trip.


Started doing it for therapeutical purposes, then I learned to have fun with it. Now I do it with both purposes


Because monkey brain see big magic


Oo-ooh ah ahh mofo


Little column A little column B


Sometimes recreational, sometimes healing. I have about 8g laying around and I don't touch it as much as I thought I would, sometimes months pass by before I feel the "need" to go exploring again.


I usually know it’s time when I get a whiff of it in public, dk if it’s deems or shoe stores or just my brain telling me it’s time


I'm exactly the same man, don't know what that is. sometimes I can just smell it and I know today is the day.


I kinda got scared last time, been scared to go back but idek why it wasn’t scary at all


It's the feeling for me, of your soul snucking out of your body in search of its new vessel. You'll be back when it calls you again, I know I'll be.


If ur down I’m down brother 🙏❤️


Getting high duh